О родившихся в Айзпуте( Газенпот)  в 1886, 1887 г.
Births in Aizpute( Gazenpot, Hasenpoth) in 1886, 1887.
Aizpute( Gazenpot, Hasenpoth) en 1886, 1887.

from this site
Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

To find a name,press CtrlF Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Peddlers in Russia

Rabbi: Hirsh A. Nurock.
Wardens of the synagogue: Itzik Lovitz and J. Gelhar


Place Year reg Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname in cyrillic
Given name
given name
of the father

Father's place
of registration

given  name
Mother's place
of registration


4 1 Hasenpoth 1886 2/01/1886 - GORDON ГОРДОН
Shora Abram not stated Shoemaker
not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
2 Hasenpoth 1886 16/01/1886 - SHPRINTZER ШРИНЦЕР
Sheina- Khaya Mordkhe not stated Tailor
not stated
not stated Mina
not stated not stated - -
1 Hasenpoth 1886 19/01/1886 26/01/1886 DUCHAN ДУХАН
Abram Shmaia not stated Cabman Telsh
not stated Shora
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
5 2 Hasenpoth 1886 1/02/1886 8/02/1886 GAVERT ГАВЕРТ
Abram- Khaim Zelik not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Khava
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
3 Hasenpoth 1886 4/02/1886 11/02/1886 LEVIUS ЛЕВЮС
Benjamin- Vulf Fishel not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
3 Hasenpoth 1886 21/02/1886 -
Sheina Abram not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Devorah
not stated not stated - -
6 4 Hasenpoth 1886 14/03/1886 - EIDELBERG ЕДЕЛБЕРГ
Gitel Sholem not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Elka
not stated not stated - -
4 Hasenpoth 1886 10/03/1886 17/03/1886 MARKUZE МАРКУЗЕ
Vulf Mordkhe not stated Peddler Goldingen
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
5 Hasenpoth 1886 24/03/1886 31/03/1886 TZIPERT ЦИПЕРТ
Bnetzel Abram not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Masha
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
7 6 Hasenpoth 1886 1/03/1886 25/03/1886 KAGAN КАГАН
Khaim Manne not stated Peddler Neustadt
not stated Basha
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
7 Hasenpoth 1886 4/03/1886 23/03/1886 HIRSHBERG ГИРШБЕРГ
Jakov Nison not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
8 8 Hasenpoth 1886 5/05/1886 12/05/1886 ZIV ЗИВ
Tuvje Hirsh not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Devorah
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
5 Hasenpoth 1886 16/05/1886 - SHTEIN ШТЕЙН
Lea Mier not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Masha
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1886 30/05/1886 - GAZ( GAAZ, HAASE) ГАЗ
Rala Itzik not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - -
9 Hasenpoth 1886 24/05/1886 31/05/1886 SHIMKHOVICH ШИМХОВИЧ
Bentzel Jakov not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
9 7 Hasenpoth 1886 1/06/1886 - GUREVICH ГУРЕВИЧ
Malka- Lea Vulf not stated Cabman Illok
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated - -
8 Hasenpoth 1886 4/06/1886 - RUVENSOHN( RUBINSOHN) РУВЕНСОН
Shora Abe not stated Craftman not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
10 Hasenpoth 1886 12/06/1886 19/06/1886 ZALKIND ЗАЛКИНД
Shlome- Zalkind Jakov not stated Peddler Mitava
not stated Etel
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
10 9 Hasenpoth 1886 3/07/1886 - SHTEMBER ШТЕМБЕР
Jokheved Leib not stated Tailor not stated
not stated Keila- Nekhama
not stated not stated - -
10 Hasenpoth 1886 3/07/1886 - BOMBE БОМБЕ
Rivka Benjamin not stated Craftman Tukkum
not stated Malka
not stated not stated - -
11 Hasenpoth 1886 4/07/1886 - JOFFE JОФЕ Zlata Aron not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rokhel- Lea
not stated not stated - -
11 11 Hasenpoth 1886 6/07/1886 29/07/1886 DANEMAN ДАНЕМАН
Behr- Jakob Shimon not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Pera
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
12 Hasenpoth 1886 17/07/1886 - BEITLER БЕЙТЛЕР
Eta- Reiza Jakob- Leib not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Rasha
not stated not stated - -
12 Hasenpoth 1886 23/07/1886 30/07/1886 NOVOSILSKI НОВОШИЛШКИ
Shlome Abram not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
12 13 Hasenpoth 1886 23/07/1886 1/08/1886 GOLDINGER ГОЛДИНГЕР
Jakov* Abram not stated Butcher not stated
not stated Liba
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH In 1941 Jakov GOLDINGER was a trader and married to Masha, born on 18/11/1890 to Simon HIRSHMAN in Hasenpoth. Both killed.
13 Hasenpoth 1886 16/08/1886 - RAIBSHTEIN РАЙБШТЕЙН
Basheva Abram not stated Teacher Venzelgol
not stated Rakhel
not stated not stated - -
14 Hasenpoth 1886 15/08/1886 22/08/1886 BRINKMAN БРИНКМАН
Itzik David not stated Craftman Mitava
not stated Rakhel
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
13 14 Hasenpoth 1886 1/09/1886 - KAGAN КАГАН
Dina Jakov not stated Peddler Neustadt
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
15 Hasenpoth 1886 5/09/1886 12/09/1886 ROLOV РОЛОВ
Jakov- Leib Mendel not stated Butcher not stated
not stated Mnukha
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
16 Hasenpoth 1886 7/09/1886 14/09/1886 SHTILBACH ШТИЛБАХ
Shmerel Izrael not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Zlata
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
17 Hasenpoth 1886 9/09/1886 16/09/1886 MATZ МАЦ
Jakob Elkhonon not stated Craftman Shavli
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
14 15 Hasenpoth 1886 20/09/1886 - LIPSHITZ ЛИПШИЦ
Mira David- Hirsh not stated Shoemaker
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated - -
15 16 Hasenpoth 1886 1/10/1886 - BERGER БЕРГЕР
Reizel Itzik not stated Cabman Grobina
not stated Devorah
not stated not stated - -
17 Hasenpoth 1886 1/10/1886 - KOENIGFEST КЕНИГФЕСТ
Hinda Abram not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated - -
18 Hasenpoth 1886 6/10/1886 13/10/1886 MANEFELD МАНЕФЕЛД
Mordkhe Juda not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated Liba
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
19 Hasenpoth 1886 8/10/1886 15/10/1886 GAZ( GAAZE, HAASE) ГАЗ
Sholem- Itzkhok Shabsa not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
16 18 Hasenpoth 1886 15/10/1886 - BEITLER БЕЙТЛЕР Shimkha Jossel not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated - -
20 Hasenpoth 1886 23/10/1886 30/10/1886 GEIMAN ГЕЙМАН
Hirsh- Elie Judel- Leib not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
17 21 Hasenpoth 1886 8/11/1886 15/11/1886 BERENBERG БЕРЕНБЕРГ
Itzik Movsha not stated Shoemaker Goldingen
not stated Zlata
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
22 Hasenpoth 1886 9/11/1886 16/11/1886 EIDELBERG ЕДЕЛБЕРГ
Volf Urje not stated Butcher not stated
not stated Mira
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
19 Hasenpoth 1886 19/11/1886 - MARK МАРК
Lea Leizer not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Gitel
not stated not stated - -
20 Hasenpoth 1886 20/11/1886 - MINDEL МИНДЕЛ
Neshka Zundel not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Golda
not stated not stated - -
23 Hasenpoth 1886 20/11/1886 27/11/1886 APFELBAUM АПЕЛБАУМ
Jakov Hirsh not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
18 24 Hasenpoth 1886 25/11/1886 2/12/1886 JOSSEL JОССЕЛ Vulf- Jude Mikhel not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
21 Hasenpoth 1886 18/12/1886 - LEVI ЛЕВИ
Shora- Elka Ezriel not stated Cabman
not stated
not stated Tzipa
not stated not stated - -
25 Hasenpoth 1886 14/12/1886 21/12/1886 FOGEL ФОГЕЛ
Jude- Leib Mordkhe not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
26 Hasenpoth 1886 16/12/1886 23/12/1886 PENTEL ПЕНТЕЛ
Joshua- Jossel Meier not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Mira
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
19 27 Hasenpoth 1886 17/12/1886 24/12/1886 KORPAS КОРПАС
Jakob- Gershen Faivush not stated Peddler Polangen
not stated Roza
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
28 Hasenpoth 1886 24/12/1886 31/12/1886 GUNO( GUNAU) ГУНАУ
Leib Ruven not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Fruma- Rebekka
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
20 - Hasenpoth 1886 26/08/1886 -
Rivka* Mendel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated - Registered on 17/10/1895. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROCK.
21 - Hasenpoth 1886 12/02/1886 -
Feiga* Josel- Behr Izrael
not stated
not stated not stated - Registered on 12/06/1898. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROCK. Witnesses: Hirsh SHEV and Aron BASSES.

4 1 Hasenpoth 1887 31/12/1886 7/01/1887 BERZ БЕРЗ
Jossel- Zundel Zalman not stated Peddler Slavin
not stated Reiza
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
2 Hasenpoth 1887 10/01/1887 17/01/1887 DRUBJAN ДРУБЬАН
Anshel Mordkhe not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Shora- Rivka
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
1 Hasenpoth 1887 18/01/1887 - HERTZMAN ГЕРЦМАН
Matla* Jossel not stated Teacher Kroz
not stated Tzipa- Khana
not stated not stated - Matla HERZMAN married to Jossel FOS. In 1941, she was a widow. Survived.
5 3 Hasenpoth 1887 15/01/1887 22/01/1887 VULFSOHN ВУЛФСОН
Faitel Zundel not stated Peddler
not stated Eta
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
6 2 Hasenpoth 1887 3/02/1887 - ZAKOV ЗАКОВ
Tauba Mates not stated Tailor not stated
not stated not stated - -
4 Hasenpoth 1887 3/02/1887 10/02/1887 BURNSHTEIN БУРНШТЕЙН
Juda- Leib Pesakh not stated Peddler Polangen
not stated Golda
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
3 Hasenpoth 1887 11/02/1887 - MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Beila Shimen not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
4 Hasenpoth 1887 22/02/1887 - FOS ФОС
Khana Shmuel not stated Butcher not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated - -
7 5 Hasenpoth 1887 12/03/1887 - BRANDENBURG БРАНДЕНБУРГ
Nekhama- Lea Mordkhe not stated Peddler Goldingen
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
5 Hasenpoth 1887 16/03/1887 23/03/1887 HIRSHHORN ГИРШГОРН
Faivush Jokhenen not stated Peddler Bauska
not stated Marianna
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
8 6 Hasenpoth 1887 17/04/1887 -
Basha Movsha- Shimen not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
9 7 Hasenpoth 1887 7/05/1887 - BEKER БЕКЕР
Ester Eizer not stated Craftman Ligem
not stated Eida
not stated not stated - -
8 Hasenpoth 1887 15/05/1887 - GUREVICH ГУРЕВИЧ
Malka Volf not stated Peddler Illok
not stated Fruma
not stated not stated - -
9 Hasenpoth 1887 19/05/1887 - GENTISH( GENTUSH) ГЕНТИШ
Rivka Yankel- Leib not stated Craftman Siad
not stated Hena
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1887 12/05/1887 19/05/1887 BERNITZ БЕРНИЦ
Meier Abram- Behr not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Deborah
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
10 7 Hasenpoth 1887 31/05/1887 7/06/1887 YAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН
Izrael-? Abe not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Doba
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
8 Hasenpoth 1887 1/06/1887 8/06/1887 DAMJE ДАМЬЕ
Aron-? Movsha- Elya not stated Merchant
not stated Khana
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
9 Hasenpoth 1887 23/06/1887 not stated
Hirsh Movsha not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya- Keila
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
11 9 Hasenpoth 1887 27/06/1887 4/07/1887 GOLDBERG ГОЛДБЕРГ
David Leopold not stated Peddler Piltene
not stated Betty
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
10 Hasenpoth 1887 10/07/1887 - MARKUZE МАРКУЗЕ
Tauba Mordkhe not stated Peddler Goldingen
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
10 Hasenpoth 1887 4/07/1887 11/07/1887 PERLMAN ПЕРЛМАН
Nokhum- Leib Joshua not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
12 11 Hasenpoth 1887 18/07/1887 - ROSTOVSKI РОСТОВСКИ
Feiga Volf not stated Melamed Klikol
not stated Deborah
not stated not stated - -
11 Hasenpoth 1887 17/07/1887 24/07/1887 KOZAK КОЗАК
Elie Shimen not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Freida
not stated not stated M. Leib GRINBERG -
12 Hasenpoth 1887 27/07/1887 - FRIEDBERG ФРИДБЕРГ
Tzipa* Gumepel not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated - Tzipa had at least one sister Judith, born in 1889 and one brother, Elkhonon, born in 1891.
13 13 Hasenpoth 1887 4/08/1887 - KONRAD КОНРАД
Tauba Osher not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Gitel
not stated not stated - -
12 Hasenpoth 1887 4/08/1887 11/08/1887 SHUR ШУР
Itzik Leib not stated Craftman not stated
not stated Menukha
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
14 Hasenpoth 1887 13/08/1887 - NOVITZKI НОВИЦКИ
Etel* Abram not stated Craftman not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - Etel had at least one brother, Markus, born in 1884 in Tukkum. Upper- maker in 1941. Killed.
13 Hasenpoth 1887 13/08/1887 20/08/1887 SHAFER ШАФЕР
Leib Hirsh- Bentzion not stated Shoemaker Birzhi
not stated Tauba- Zisna
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
14 14 Hasenpoth 1887 23/08/1887 30/08/1887 PENTEL ПЕНТЕЛ
Izrael Lipa not stated Peddler
not stated
not stated Khana- Eida
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
16 15 Hasenpoth 1887 4/11/1887 11/11/1887 BERGER БЕРГЕР
Lipman* Behr not stated Cabman
not stated Beila
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH Lipman BERGER  was a trader and married to Rokha- Feiga/ Fanny, born to Aron and Anna JOSEPHOVICH on 31/08/ 1900 in Libau. Killed.
17 15 Hasenpoth 1887 3/12/1887 - SHTEIN ШТЕЙН
Rokhel Hirsh not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Dvora
not stated not stated - -
16 Hasenpoth 1887 26/11/1887 3/12/1887 URDANG УРДАНГ
Volf Shmuel not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
17 Hasenpoth 1887 4/12/1887 11/12/1887 GORDON ГОРДОН
Lapidas Abram not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated M. L. MIKHELOVICH -
16 Hasenpoth 1887 20/12/1887 - TREMBE ТРЕМБЕ
Elka Efraim not stated Peddler not stated
not stated Eida
not stated not stated - -
18 - Hasenpoth 1887 23/06/1887 not stated
Hirsh* Movsha not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya- Keila
not stated not stated - Registered on 23/04/1893. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROCK. Witnesses: Mausha- Leib MIKHELOVICH and Shabsa GAMZE.
19 - Hasenpoth 1887 3/07/1887 - JOSEFAHRT JОЗЕФАРТ
Leib* Yankel not stated Shoemaker
not stated
not stated Gita
not stated not stated Aron HIRSHOVICH Registered on 26/04/1893. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROCK. Witnesses: YAKOBSOHN
20 - Hasenpoth 1887 18/03/1887 - YAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН
Abe* Markus not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - Registered on 19/05/1890. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROCK. Witnesses: Nokhum NOVOSILSKI and Shlaum BEINBERG
21 - Hasenpoth 1887 28/10/1887 -
Khaya- Mala* Pisel- Nachman not stated not stated not stated
not stated Doris
not stated not stated - Registered on 18/04/1891. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROCK. Witnesses: Idel ZAKS and BEKMAN
- Hasenpoth 1887 9/01/1887 not stated RABINOVICH РАБИНОВИЧ
Abram- Hirsh Movsha not stated not stated not stated
not stated Gnessa
not stated not stated - Registered on 25/05/1921. Rabbi: SHITZ. Witnesses: V. DUCHIN and R. GLUKMAN

All the records

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