О родившихся в Айзпуте( Газенпот)  в 1878, 1879 г.
Births in Aizpute( Gazenpot, Hasenpoth) in 1878, 1879.
Aizpute( Gazenpot, Hasenpoth) en 1878, 1879.

from this site
Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

To find a name,press CtrlF Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)


Rabbi: Abram I. Geller.


Place Year reg Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname in cyrillic
Given name
given name
of the father

Father's place
of registration

given  name
Mother's place
of registration


5 1 Hasenpoth 1878 1/01/1878 - FREIDBERG( FRIEDBERG) ФРЕЙДБЕРГ
Beila Humpel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated - -
2 Hasenpoth 1878 11/01/1878 - SHNITKE ШНИТКЕ
Dveira Markus not stated not stated not stated
not stated Fruma- Gitel
not stated not stated - -
3 Hasenpoth 1878 14/01/1878 - YAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН
Muska Daniel not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated Reiza
not stated not stated - -
1 Hasenpoth 1878 8/01/1878 16/01/1878 FOGEL ФОГЕЛ
Mozes Shloma not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
2 Hasenpoth 1878 22/01/1878 29/01/1878 BERNITZ БЕРНИЦ
Mozes Adolf not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
6 3 Hasenpoth 1878 19/02/1878 26/02/1878 KREMER КРЕМЕР
Juda- Borukh Khaim not stated not stated Shkud
not stated Tzerna
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
4 Hasenpoth 1878 20/02/1878 - BERNITZ БЕРНИЦ
Roza Bernard not stated not stated not stated
not stated Ida
not stated not stated - -
4 Hasenpoth 1878 13/02/1878 20/02/1878 BUCHMAN БУХМАН
Jeshua Jacob not stated not stated not stated
not stated Eida
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
5 Hasenpoth 1878 14/02/1878 21/02/1878 BLUM БЛУМ
Markus Hertz not stated not stated not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
7 6 Hasenpoth 1878 7/03/1878 14/03/1878 record in Hebrew -
Hirsh- Josif record in Hebrew not stated not stated not stated
not stated record in Hebrew
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
5 Hasenpoth 1878 22/03/1878 - KOENIGFEST КЕНИГСБЕРГ
Khaya Jakob not stated Merchant
not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1878 23/03/1878 - SHNITKE ШНИТКЕ
Lea- Dveira Shmuel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated - -
7 Hasenpoth 1878 18/03/1878 25/03/1878 GLAZER ГЛАЗЕР
Abram Josif not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
8 8 Hasenpoth 1878 1/04/1878 8/04/1878 MOVSHA МОВША
Izrael- Juda* Itzhok- Eliash not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated Khasa
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU Died on 28/01/1879
7 Hasenpoth 1878 6/04/1878 - ZUSMANOVICH ЗУСМАНОВИЧ
Khaya Zussel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
8 Hasenpoth 1878 8/04/1878 - GOLDBERG ГОЛДБЕРГ
Keila Khaim not stated not stated not stated not stated Hena
not stated not stated - -
9 Hasenpoth 1878 11/04/1878 19/04/1878 MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Nosen- Notel* Meier not stated Cabman Libava not stated Khana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU Died on 23/05/1879
9 Hasenpoth 1878 30/04/1878 - PEVSNER ПЕВСНЕР
Shora- Rivka Leon not stated not stated
not stated Mina
not stated not stated - -
10 Hasenpoth 1878 30/04/1878 7/05/1878 PEVSNER ПЕВСНЕР Nosen- Jerimiel Leon not stated not stated Moghilev
not stated Mina
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
9 10 Hasenpoth 1878 14/05/1878 - ZIV ЗИВ
Rivka* Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Maraisha
not stated not stated - Died on 3/09/1878
11 Hasenpoth 1878 15/05/1878 - DUKHAN( DUCHAN) ДУХАН
Khana- Yenta* Meier not stated not stated Telsh
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - Died on 17/01/1879
11 Hasenpoth 1878 14/05/1878 22/05/1878 MAN МАН
Josef Mendel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Basha
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
12 Hasenpoth 1878 24/05/1878 - GILELSOHN ГИЛЕЛСОН
Sheina Hillel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
10 13 Hasenpoth 1878 5/06/1878 - GOLDBERG ГОЛДБЕРГ
Shora* Lipman not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated Basha
not stated not stated - Died of cough on 27/12/1878
14 Hasenpoth 1878 8/06/1878 - GAAZE ГААЗ
Khaya Zeba not stated not stated not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated - -
15 Hasenpoth 1878 12/06/1878 - ZALMANSOHN ЗЕЛМАНСОН
Dina Shloma not stated not stated Mitava
not stated Pesa
not stated not stated - -
16 Hasenpoth 1878 18/06/1878 - FALKENHOF ФАЛКЕНГОФ
Hena Aizik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rebeka
not stated not stated - -
12 Hasenpoth 1878 16/06/1878 22/06/1878 SHLOSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ
Markus Josif not stated not stated not stated
not stated Betty
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
11 13 Hasenpoth 1878 10/07/1878 17/07/1878 KLEIN КЛЕЙН
Juda- Leib Itzkhok not stated not stated not stated
not stated Dveira
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
17 Hasenpoth 1878 16/07/1878 - MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН Bluma Idel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rebeka
not stated not stated - -
12 18 Hasenpoth 1878 18/08/1878 - NATHANSOHN НАТАНСОН
Hena Julius not stated Merchant
not stated
not stated Ester
not stated not stated - Died of cough on 2/11/1878
13 14 Hasenpoth 1878 1/09/1878 8/09/1878 PENTEL ПЕНТЕЛ
Hirsh Lipa not stated not stated not stated
not stated Eida
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
19 Hasenpoth 1878 18/09/1878 - KOENIGFEST КЕНИГФЕСТ
Tzipa Adolf not stated not stated not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated - -
15 Hasenpoth 1878 19/09/1878 26/09/1878 EIDELBERG ЕЙДЕЛБЕРГ
Feve Sholum not stated not stated not stated
not stated Emma
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
20 Hasenpoth 1878 20/09/1878 - MARK МАРК
Keila Leizer not stated not stated Khvadan
not stated Gitel
not stated not stated - -
16 Hasenpoth 1878 27/09/1878 not stated FOGEL ФОГЕЛ
Shleimo Shimon not stated not stated not stated
not stated Breina
not stated not stated -
21 Hasenpoth 1878 27/09/1878 - BRANDT БРАНД
Rivka Shimen not stated not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
14 22 Hasenpoth 1878 18/10/1878 - KORB КОРБ
Ester- Dina Abram not stated not stated Plungian
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - -
23 Hasenpoth 1878 22/10/1878 - MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Rivka* Simon not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - Died of cough on 28/10/1878
24 Hasenpoth 1878 28/10/1878 - LEVINSOHN ЛЕВИНСОН
Basha David not stated not stated not stated
not stated Tzipa
not stated not stated - -
15 25 Hasenpoth 1878 16/11/1878 - RUSS РУСС
Henna- Rokhel Peisakh- Nisen not stated not stated not stated
not stated Nekhama
not stated not stated - -
26 Hasenpoth 1878 17/11/1878 - KRAMER КРАМЕР
Ester- Malka* Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Roza
not stated not stated - Died of cough on 17/12/1878
27 Hasenpoth 1878 18/11/1878 - BERMAN БЕРМАН
Gitel Itzik- Meier not stated not stated not stated
not stated Malka
not stated not stated - -
28 Hasenpoth 1878 25/11/1878 - FRIEDBERG ФРИДБЕРГ
Fruma Khai not stated not stated not stated
not stated Tzipa
not stated not stated - -
29 Hasenpoth 1878 26/11/1878 - DANEMAN ДАНЕМАН
Tzeza* Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Fruma
not stated not stated - Died on 29/07/1879
16 30 Hasenpoth 1878 2/12/1878 - TZERN ЦЕРН
Lea Nisen not stated not stated not stated
not stated Nisen
not stated not stated - -
31 Hasenpoth 1878 3/12/1878 - YAKOBSOHN
Feiga Eizer not stated not stated Tukkum
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - -
17 Hasenpoth 1878 16/12/1878 not stated
Abram- Hirsh Zundel not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
32 Hasenpoth 1878 20/12/1878 - NATHANSOHN
Rokhel Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - -
33 Hasenpoth 1878 29/12/1878 - SHILING
Shora- Beila Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -

5 1 Hasenpoth 1879 13/01/1879 21/01/1879 MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Mikhel Meier not stated not stated not stated
not stated Joshna
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
2 Hasenpoth 1879 20/01/1879 27/01/1879 FRIEDLENDER ФРИДЛЕНДЕР
Arje Itzik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
1 Hasenpoth 1879 26/01/1879 - RUBINSOHN РУБИНСОН
Hena- Rivka Abel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
6 2 Hasenpoth 1879 15/01/1879 - SHLAVEIT( SHLAVET) ШЛАВЕЙТ
Lea* Markus not stated not stated not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated - Died on 3/01/1881
3 Hasenpoth 1879 10/01/1879 17/01/1879 MATZ МАЦ
Sholum Heinrick not stated not stated not stated
not stated Tauba(?)
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
4 Hasenpoth 1879 10/01/1879 17/01/1879 BERNHARD БЕРНГАРД
Khone Izroel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Jeta
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
7 3 Hasenpoth 1879 2/03/1879 - MANGELDORF МАНГЕЛДОРФ Henna Kalman not stated not stated not stated
not stated Asna
not stated not stated - -
4 Hasenpoth 1879 8/03/1879 - APELBAUM АПЕЛБАУМ
Sheina David not stated not stated not stated
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated - -
5 Hasenpoth 1879 21/03/1879 - ROLNIK РОЛНИК
Rivka Kalman not stated not stated not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1879 26/03/1879 - VEINSHTEIN ВЕЙНШТЕЙН
Liba Itzik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated - -
8 7 Hasenpoth 1879 4/04/1879 - GURVICH ГУРВИЧ
Sheina- Eta Abram- Zelik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khinka
not stated not stated - -
8 Hasenpoth 1879 15/04/1879 - MANGELDORF МАНГЕЛДОРФ
Feiga Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Liba
not stated not stated - -
5 Hasenpoth 1879 15/04/1879 23/04/1879 KATZ КАЦ
Hirsh Zanvel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
9 Hasenpoth 1879 24/04/1879 - DAMJE ДАМЬЕ
Tauba Mozes- Elias not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1879 17/04/1879 24/04/1879 ERBSHTEIN ЕРБШТЕЙН
Volf Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Yente
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
10 Hasenpoth 1879 27/04/1879 - ZIV ЗИВ
Sheina Hirsh not stated not stated not stated
not stated Dveira
not stated not stated - -
9 11 Hasenpoth 1879 19/05/1879 - TEVELOV ТЕВЕЛОВ
Basha- Tzipa Movsha not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hena- Mina
not stated not stated - -
12 Hasenpoth 1879 19/05/1879 - Rabbi GELLER ГЕЛЛЕР
Freida Abram not stated Rabbi not stated
not stated Brokha
not stated not stated - -
13 Hasenpoth 1879 20/05/1879 - FRIEDBERG ФРИДБЕРГ
Freida Markus not stated not stated not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated - -
14 Hasenpoth 1879 22/05/1879 - SHTEIN ШТЕЙН
Rokhel Meier not stated not stated not stated
not stated Masha
not stated not stated - -
7 Hasenpoth 1879 25/05/1879 1/06/1879 VILK ВИЛК
Feive- Markus Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khana- Tzipa
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
8 Hasenpoth 1879 28/05/1879 4/06/1879 SHNITKE ШНИТКЕ
Khatzkiel Markus not stated not stated not stated
not stated Fruma- Gita
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
10 9 Hasenpoth 1879 3/06/1879 10/06/1879 FOS ФОС
Josel- Zusman Aizik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Eta- Khinka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
10 Hasenpoth 1879 5/06/1879 12/06/1879 BERNBERG БЕРНБЕРГ
Abram- Leib Mozes not stated Shoemaker
not stated
not stated Zlata
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
11 Hasenpoth 1879 5/06/1879 12/06/1879 BERNITZ БЕРНИЦ
Sholum Adolf not stated not stated not stated
not stated Johana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
12 Hasenpoth 1879 8/06/1879 15/06/1879 JOZEFAHRT JОЗЕФАРТ
Movsha Nokhum not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
13 Hasenpoth 1879 10/06/1879 17/06/1879 AZAROV АЗАРОВ
Hirsh Itzik- Josel not stated Merchant
not stated
not stated Marianka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
11 14 Hasenpoth 1879 1/07/1879 8/07/1879 BERNITZ БЕРНИЦ
Shloma Isaak not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rasha
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
15 Hasenpoth 1879 7/07/1879 - KRAMER КРАМЕР
Liba* Eliash not stated not stated not stated
not stated Dveira
not stated not stated - Died on 29/07/1879
12 15 Hasenpoth 1879 1/08/1879 8/08/1879 KAHN КАН
Movsha Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
13 16 Hasenpoth 1879 2/09/1879 9/09/1879 LUTRIN ЛУТРИН
Hirsh- Volf Shmerel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
17 Hasenpoth 1879 7/09/1879 14/09/1879 SHLOSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ
Nosen Khaikel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka- Lea
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 Hasenpoth 1879 13/09/1879 20/09/1879 ZELIKOVICH ЗЕЛЕКОВИЧ
Itzkhok Joel Shmerel
not stated Siad
not stated Khana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
19 Hasenpoth 1879 15/09/1879 22/09/1879 KAZAK КАЗАК
Lipman- Meier* Mikhel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU Died on 26/04/1880
16 Hasenpoth 1879 21/09/1879 - FOGEL ФОГЕЛ
Tauba Shloma not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
14 20 Hasenpoth 1879 21/10/1879 28/10/1879 JOSELSOHN JОСЕЛСОН
Itzkhok- Volf Leib not stated not stated Janishki
not stated Fruma
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
21 Hasenpoth 1879 20/10/1879 27/10/1879 BLUM БЛУМ
Zorakh Mozes- Aron not stated not stated not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
15 17 Hasenpoth 1879 2/11/1879 -
Mariasha Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
22 Hasenpoth 1879 1/11/1879 8/11/1879 TZERN ЦЕРН
Naftali Jekov( Jakob) not stated not stated not stated
not stated Mina
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
23 Hasenpoth 1879 7/11/1879 14/11/1879 BORUKHSOHN БОРУХОВИЧ
Volf Borukh not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rebekka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
24 Hasenpoth 1879 11/11/1879 18/11/1879 FERFER ФЕРФЕР
Volf David not stated not stated not stated
not stated Braina
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
25 Hasenpoth 1879 14/11/1879 21/11/1879 MINDEL МИНДЕЛ
Abram Itzkhok not stated not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
26 Hasenpoth 1879 14/11/1879 21/11/1879 BLUM БЛУМ
Movsha Hertz not stated not stated not stated
not stated Basha
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
16 27 Hasenpoth 1879 23/11/1879 30/11/1879 NOVOSELSKI НОВОШИЛСКИ
Mozes Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
28 Hasenpoth 1879 24/11/1879 1/12/1879 REICHKIND РЕЙХКИНД
Mozes- Hirsh Zundel- Shmerel not stated not stated Shkud
not stated Roza
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
17 29 Hasenpoth 1879 5/12/1879 12/12/1879 MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Josef Shimon not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 Hasenpoth 1879 12/12/1879 - KONRAD КОНРАД
Rokhel Osher not stated not stated not stated
not stated Gitel
not stated not stated - -
30 Hasenpoth 1879 15/12/1879 22/12/1879 KOENIGFEST КЕНИГФЕСТ
Markus Yakob not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
31 Hasenpoth 1879 24/12/1879 31/12/1879 FOGEL ФОГЕЛ
Nosen- Note Markus not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
32 Hasenpoth 1879 27/12/1879 3/01/1879 GORDON ГОРДОН
Jakob Urje not stated not stated not stated
not stated Shora- Feiga
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 - Dzirgen
1879 20/06/1879 not stated
Abram- Meier Aron Shliomo
not stated not stated
not stated Oliada
not stated not stated Karl ROZENTAHL, Krisha NAUMAN Registered on 31/01/1895. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROK
19 - Hasenpoth 1879 9/06/1879 - MANGELDORF
Feiga Nakhman not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated - Registered on 24/01/1897. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROK
20 - Hasenpoth 1879 19/03/1879 - ZAKS
Malka Behr Izrael
Merchant not stated
not stated Fruma- Eida
not stated not stated - Registered on 14/06/1898. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROK
21 Hasenpoth 1879 1/12/1879 14/12/1879 SAMUEL
Shlomo ? not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated Behr SHATTENSHTEIN, Shmuel BUB Registered on 19/07/1920. Rabbi: SHITZ

All the records

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