О родившихся в Айзпуте( Газенпот)  в 1876, 1877 г.
Births in Aizpute( Gazenpot, Hasenpoth) in 1876, 1877.
Aizpute( Gazenpot, Hasenpoth) en 1876, 1877.

from this site
Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

To find a name,press CtrlF Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

A street in Hasenpot

Rabbi: Itzik, son of Volf Aronovich. Died on May 22, 1876 at the age of 62. Succeeded by Rabbi A. I. Geller.


Place Year reg Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname in cyrillic
Given name
given name
of the father

Father's place
of registration

given  name
Mother's place
of registration


5 1 Hasenpoth 1876 3/01/1876 10/01/1876 FRIEDMAN ФРИДМАН
Nokhum Bernard not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU* Also Jakob BLUMENAU
1 Hasenpoth 1876 9/01/1876 - GOLDINGER ГОЛДИНГЕР
Khana Josel not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Paya
not stated not stated - -
2 Hasenpoth 1876 9/01/1876 - SHLOSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ
Gita Josel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Basha
not stated not stated - -
3 Hasenpoth 1876 16/01/1876 - KAHN КАН
Riva Mane not stated not stated Neustadt
not stated Basha
not stated not stated - -
4 Hasenpoth 1876 16/01/1876 - FALKENHOF ФАЛКЕНГАУФ
Rokhel Aizik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
2 Hasenpoth 1876 17/01/1876 24/01/1876 MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Ruven Fedor not stated not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
3 Hasenpoth 1876 19/01/1876 26/01/1876 LEVINSOHN ЛЕВИНСОН
Movsha- Daniel Shloma not stated not stated not stated
not stated Nekhama
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
6 4 Hasenpoth 1876 15/02/1876 22/02/1876 BEIER БЕЙЕР
Itzik- Zusman Aizik- Behr not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
7 5 Hasenpoth 1876 5/03/1876 12/03/1876 MATZ МАЦ
Hirsh- Judel Khone not stated not stated Shavel
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
6 Hasenpoth 1876 10/03/1876 17/03/1876 HERTZENBERG ГЕРЦЕНБЕРГ
Gavriel Hirsh not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
7 Hasenpoth 1876 20/03/1876 27/03/1876 AZAROV АЗАРОВ
Ekhiel Akiva not stated Merchant not stated
not stated not stated
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
8 Hasenpoth 1876 27/03/1876 3/04/1876 MENDELSOHN МЕНДЕЛСОН
Movsha- Itzik Peretz not stated not stated Yasven(?)
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
8 5 Hasenpoth 1876 5/04/1876 - FOS ФОСС
Khaya- Sora Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Golda
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1876 6/04/1876 - DAMJE ДАМIЕ
Roza Movsha Eliash not stated Varna
not stated Khaya- Rivka
not stated not stated - -
7 Hasenpoth 1876 8/04/1876 - FOS ФОС
Khaya- Lea Aizik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Etel
not stated not stated - -
9 Hasenpoth 1876 10/04/1876 17/04/1876 GORDON ГОРДОН
Khluna(?) Urje not stated not stated not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
8 Hasenpoth 1876 15/04/1876 - HIRSHHORN ГИРШГОРН
Miriam Itzik Geshel Cabman not stated
not stated Basha
not stated not stated - -
9 Hasenpoth 1876 29/04/1876 - ROLOV РОЛОВ
Sora- Bluma Volf not stated not stated not stated
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated - -
9 10 Hasenpoth 1876 1/05/1876 - PENTE ПЕНТЕ
Zelda Lipman not stated Soldier not stated
not stated Khaya- Ida
not stated not stated - -
11 Hasenpoth 1876 21/05/1876 - FRIEDBERG ФРИДБЕРГ
Mariasha Nokhum not stated not stated Brishotovsk(?)
not stated Lea
not stated not stated - -
10 12 Hasenpoth 1876 2/06/1876 - BERZONSKI БЕРЗОНСКИ
Ita- Basheva Abram Sheftel
not stated not stated
not stated Asna- Gita
not stated Okmian - -
13 Hasenpoth 1876 12/06/1876 - SHUMACHER ШУМАХЕР
Sheina Judel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sora
not stated Uzvent - -
10 Hasenpoth 1876 13/06/1876 20/06/1876 RUBENSOHN РУБЕНШТЕЙН
Rubin- Ekhezkiel Abe not stated not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
11 Hasenpoth 1876 16/06/1876 23/06/1876 SHILLING ШИЛЛИНГ
Pesakh- Hirsh Yankel not stated Tailor
not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
11 12 Hasenpoth 1876 4/07/1876 11/07/1876 LEVINSHTEIN ЛЕВИНШТЕЙН
Itzkhok Arja Izrael not stated not stated
not stated Khana
not stated Goldingen Yankel BLUMENAU -
14 Hasenpoth 1876 19/07/1876 - LEVIN ЛЕВИН
Malka David Judel Cabman Salant
not stated Tzipa
not stated not stated - -
15 Hasenpoth 1876 22/07/1876 - YAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН
Sora- Fruma Daniel Judel
Shoemaker not stated
not stated Roza
not stated not stated - -
13 Hasenpoth 1876 19/07/1876 26/07/1876 BEHR БЕР
Josif Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated Pikum Yankel BLUMENAU -
12 14 Hasenpoth 1876 4/08/1876 11/08/1876 BRANDT БРАНД
Movsha Lazer/ Leizer not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Minna
not stated Tukkum Yankel BLUMENAU -
15 Hasenpoth 1876 6/08/1876 13/08/1876 GERBER ГЕРБЕР
Naftali- Hertz Mendel not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated Lea
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
16 Hasenpoth 1876 7/08/1876 14/08/1876 HEIMAN ХЕЙМАН
Judel- Leib Khaim not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Tzipa
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
16 Hasenpoth 1876 14/08/1876 - MINDEL МИНДЕЛ
Rokhel Zundel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Golda
not stated not stated - -
17 Hasenpoth 1876 14/08/1876 - JOSSELSOHN JОССЕЛСОН Lea Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Fruma
not stated not stated - -
18 Hasenpoth 1876 21/08/1876 - BLUM БЛЮМ
Eida Naftali not stated Shoemaker
not stated
not stated Masha
not stated not stated - -
17 Hasenpoth 1876 1/08/1876 31/08/1876 HIRSHMAN ГИРШМАН
Naftali- Hertz Movsha not stated not stated not stated
not stated Dvora
not stated Piltene Yankel BLUMENAU -
13 18 Hasenpoth 1876 26/08/1876 3/09/1876 BLUMBERG БЛУМБЕРГ
Gavriel- Shloma Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Tauba
not stated Tukkum Yankel BLUMENAU -
14 19 Hasenpoth 1876 2/09/1876 10/09/1876 MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Jekhiel- Mikhel Meier not stated Cabman
not stated Khana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
19 Hasenpoth 1876 25/09/1876 - TEVELOV ТЕВЕЛОВ
Freida- Reikhel Movsha not stated not stated not stated
not stated Mina
not stated not stated - -
15 20 Hasenpoth 1876 1/10/1876 8/10/1876 KAHN КАН
Tuvje Zavel not stated Tailor not stated
not stated Sheina
not stated Telsh Yankel BLUMENAU -
20 Hasenpoth 1876 7/10/1876 - MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН Fruma- Dveira Shimen not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
21 Hasenpoth 1876 9/10/1876 16/10/1876 SHLOSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ
Khaim- Nosen Kalman not stated not stated not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
22 Hasenpoth 1876 10/10/1876 17/10/1876 RUSS РУСС
Ovsei- Hirsh Peisakh- Nisen not stated not stated not stated
not stated Nekhama
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
16 21 Hasenpoth 1876 6/11/1876 not stated
Sheina- Braina* Abram- Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated - Died on 12/11/1876
22 Hasenpoth 1876 7/11/1876 - LICHTENSHTEIN ЛИХТЕНШТЕЙН
Rala Hirsh Shmuel not stated not stated
not stated Khana
not stated Piltene - -
23 Hasenpoth 1876 9/11/1876 - NATHANSOHN НАТЕНСОН
Rala Josel- Leib not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Ester
not stated not stated - -
24 Hasenpoth 1876 11/11/1876 - EIDELBERG ЕЙДЕЛБЕРГ
Rala Shmuel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Elka
not stated not stated - -
23 Hasenpoth 1876 28/11/1876 5/12/1876 ABRAMOVICH АБРАМОВИЧ
Movsha Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated
not stated D...?
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
24 Hasenpoth 1876 29/11/1876 6/12/1876 APPELBAUM АППЕЛБАУМ
Behr David not stated not stated not stated
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
25 Hasenpoth 1876 29/11/1876 - KHVADAN ХВАДАН
Asna Aizik not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Gitel
not stated not stated - -
17 26 Hasenpoth 1876 29/11/1876 - SHEKSNER(?) ШЕКСНЕР
Rakhel- Lea Izrael not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sora
not stated Pikuln? - -
18 27 Hasenpoth 1876 12/12/1876 - MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Ita Meier not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - -
28 Hasenpoth 1876 15/12/1876 - KORB КОРБ
Tzipa Abram- Aba not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sora
not stated Plungian - -
29 Hasenpoth 1876 16/12/1876 - TZERN ЦЕРН
Sheina Jakob not stated not stated not stated
not stated Mina
not stated not stated - -
30 Hasenpoth 1876 17/12/1876 - KOENIGFEST КЕНИГФЕСТ
Fruma- Roza Abram not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated - -
25 Hasenpoth 1876 19/12/1876 26/12/1876 NATHANSOHN НАТЕНСОН
Josel* Shlomo- Urje not stated not stated not stated
not stated Lina
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU Died of  convulsions on 10/01/1877.
26 Hasenpoth 1876 12/12/1876 19/12/1876 BERNHARD БЕРНГАРД
Tuvje Izrael- Leizer not stated Tailor not stated
not stated Yenta
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
27 Hasenpoth 1876 11/12/1876 27/12/1876 BERNITZ БЕРНИЦ
Movsha Itzkhok not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Rasha
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
31 Hasenpoth 1876 28/12/1876 - BOREKHSOHN БОРЕХСОН
Sora Borekh not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Rebekka
not stated not stated - -
19 - Hasenpoth 1876 10/11/1876 not stated
Khaim- Hirsh Elias- Behr not stated not stated not stated
not stated
not stated not stated Yankel VEINBERG, Sholem FRIEDLENDER -

5 1 Hasenpoth 1877 10/01/1877 - VEINSHTEIN ВЕЙНШТЕЙН
Rokhel Itzik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sheina
not stated Janishki - -
1 Hasenpoth 1877 28/01/1877 4/02/1877 GOLDBERG ГОЛДБЕРГ
Hirsh Leib- Lipman not stated not stated not stated
not stated Basha
not stated Goldingen Yankel BLUMENAU -
6 2 Hasenpoth 1877 4/02/1877 11/02/1877 LEVIUS ЛЕВЮС
Itzik- Volf Movsha- Shmuel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Basheva
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
3 Hasenpoth 1877 5/02/1877 12/02/1877 KAZAK КАЗАК
Meier Mikhel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
2 Hasenpoth 1877 10/02/1877 -
Khaya- Lea Leivi not stated not stated not stated
not stated Keila
not stated not stated - -
4 Hasenpoth 1877 13/02/1877 21/02/1877 ZAMUEL( SAMUEL) ЗАМУЕЛ
Leib- Shmuel Notel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Dobra
not stated Mitava Yankel BLUMENAU -
5 Hasenpoth 1877 13/02/1877 21/02/1877 BRANDT БРАНД
Movsha* Shimen Movsha
not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated Tukkum Yankel BLUMENAU Died on 10/12/1877.
7 3 Hasenpoth 1877 3/03/1877 - KONRAD КОНРАД
Fruma Osher not stated not stated not stated
not stated Gitel
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1877 13/03/1877 20/03/1877 KAHN КАН
Nokhum Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
7 Hasenpoth 1877 13/03/1877 20/03/1877 SHLOSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ
Nokhum Khaikel not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
8 Hasenpoth 1877 14/03/1877 21/03/1877 TREMBE ТРЕМБЕ
Elias Hertz not stated not stated not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
4 Hasenpoth 1877 25/03/1877 - SHPRINTZER ШПРИЦЕР
Reiza Markus not stated Tailor not stated
not stated Mina
not stated not stated - -
5 Hasenpoth 1877 28/03/1877 - MANGELDORF МАНГЕЛДОРФ
Sheina Kalman not stated not stated not stated
not stated Asna
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1877 29/03/1877 - GELHAR ГЕЛГАР
Keila Aizik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated - -
8 9 Hasenpoth 1877 2/04/1877 9/04/1877 TZERN ЦЕРН
Josif Nison not stated not stated not stated
not stated Frada
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
7 Hasenpoth 1877 15/04/1877 - KLEIN КЛЕЙН
Goda Itzik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Dveira
not stated not stated - -
8 Hasenpoth 1877 24/04/1877 - BERMAN БЕРМАН
Elka Hirsh- Meier not stated not stated Vindava
not stated Khaya or Khana
not stated not stated - -
10 Hasenpoth 1877 16/04/1877 23/04/1877 MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Abram Idel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rebeka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
11 Hasenpoth 1877 15/04/1877 22/04/1877 GAAZ ГААЗ
Leib* Zeba not stated not stated not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU Died of respiratory disease on 21/05/1877
10 12 Hasenpoth 1877 5/05/1877 13/05/1877 GITELSOHN ГИТЕЛСОН
Josel Shabel- Sheftel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Masha
not stated Mitava Yankel BLUMENAU -
9 Hasenpoth 1877 12/05/1877 - ULMAN УЛМАН
Shora Shlomo not stated not stated not stated
not stated Basa
not stated not stated - -
13 Hasenpoth 1877 22/05/1877 30/05/1877 BRENER БРЕНЕР
Abram- Movsha Hirsh not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated not stated not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
11 14 Hasenpoth 1877 1/06/1877 8/06/1877 MALER МАЛЕР
Leib Shmuel- Markus not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya- Golda
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
15 Hasenpoth 1877 4/06/1877 12/06/1877 NOVOSELSKI НОВОСЕЛСКИ
Moisey- Jossel Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Henna
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
10 Hasenpoth 1877 15/06/1877 - MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Fruma Theodore Meier
not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
11 Hasenpoth 1877 22/06/1877 - ABRAM( or patronymic) АБРАМ
Shora- Tzivia Shloma not stated not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
12 12 Hasenpoth 1877 25/07/1877 - YAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН
Sora- Rivka Efroim not stated Shoemaker
not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
13 13 Hasenpoth 1877 5/08/1877 - NATHANSOHN НАТЕНСОН
Beila( twin) Josif not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sheina- Elka
not stated not stated - -
- Hasenpoth 1877 5/08/1877 -
NATHANSOHN НАТЕНСОН Dveira( twin) Josif not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sheina- Elka not stated not stated -
16 Hasenpoth 1877 7/08/1877 15/08/1877 AZAROV АЗАРОВ
Shimon Itzik- Josel not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Mariana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
17 Hasenpoth 1877 14/08/1877 22/08/1877 MATZ МАЦ
Itzik Khaim not stated not stated not stated
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
14 Hasenpoth 1877 17/08/1877 - MINDEL МИНДЕЛ
Fruma- Rivka Itzik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
15 Hasenpoth 1877 18/08/1877 - SHTEIN ШТЕЙН
Pera Meier not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rasha
not stated not stated - -
18 Hasenpoth 1877 20/08/1877 4/09/1877 ZINEIMAN( TZINEMAN) ЦИНЕЙМАН
David Shmuel not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated Khasa
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
14 16 Hasenpoth 1877 5/09/1877 - YAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН
Reiza Eizer not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - -
17 Hasenpoth 1877 18/09/1877 - SHTEIN ШТЕЙН
Khaya Hirsh not stated not stated not stated
not stated Dveira
not stated not stated - -
15 18 Hasenpoth 1877 1/10/1877 - NATHANSOHN НАТЕНСОН Gitel Leib Shimen
not stated not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - -
19 Hasenpoth 1877 8/10/1877 - HIRSHHORN ГИРШГОРЕН
Fruma- Lea Noakh not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated - -
20 Hasenpoth 1877 10/10/1877 - GRINFELD ГРИНФЕЛД
Liba Josif not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
19 Hasenpoth 1877 10/10/1877 17/10/1877 BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ
Jakob Hirsh not stated not stated Jerusalem
not stated Dvoshe
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
20 Hasenpoth 1877 26/10/1877 2/11/1877 SHLAVEIT ШЛАВЕЙТ
Efroim* Markus- Hirsh not stated not stated Drubian...?
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU Died of respiratory disease on 30/10/1877.
16 21 Hasenpoth 1877 1/11/1877 - ROLOV РОЛОВ
Pesa Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
21 Hasenpoth 1877 8/11/1877 16/11/1877 FRIEDBERG ФРИДБЕРГ
Elias- Tzalel Khaim not stated not stated not stated
not stated Tzipa
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
22 Hasenpoth 1877 16/11/1877 - EDELBERG ЕДЕЛБЕРГ
Itzik- Daniel Sholum not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
22 Hasenpoth 1877 13/11/1877 19/11/1877 BEITLER БЕЙТЛЕР
Itzik- Daniel Abram- Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
17 23 Hasenpoth 1877 10/12/1877 - KHIRK ХИРК
Zlata Markus not stated not stated not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - -
23 Hasenpoth 1877 8/12/1877 16/12/1877 JOSEFAHRT JОЗЕФАРТ
Tubias Nokhum not stated not stated not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
24 Hasenpoth 1877 8/12/1877 16/12/1877 GURVICH ГУРВИЧ
Khatzkiel Abram- Zelik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khinka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
25 Hasenpoth 1877 9/12/1877 17/12/1877 FOGEL ФОГЕЛ
not stated Zelik not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 1 Hasenpoth 1877 25/06/1877 not stated GAAZE ГААЗ
Hirsh* Vulf not stated not stated not stated
not stated Shprintza
not stated not stated not stated Registered on 22/04/1893. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROK.
2 Hasenpoth 1877 25/11/1877 not stated SHAKHER ШАХЕР
Elias- Behr* Aizik- Markus not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sheina- Gruna
not stated Goldingen Kalman SHLOSBERG Registered on 25/04/1893. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROK.
20 - Hasenpoth 1877 ?/02/1877 20/02/1877 VAKS ВАКС
Aron* Behr Izrael
not stated
not stated not stated - Registered on 10/06/1898. Rabbi: Hirsh NUROK.
21 - Hasenpoth 1877 8/01/1877 not stated GIFF or GISS ГИФФ or ГИСС
Julius- Moses Markus not stated not stated not stated
not stated Lina
not stated not stated Samuel MILLNER Registered on 30/03/1921. Rabbi SHITZ.

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