О родившихся в Айзпуте( Газенпот)  в 1869, 1870 г.
Births in Aizpute( Gazenpot, Hasenpoth) in 1869, 1870.
Aizpute( Gazenpot, Hasenpoth) en 1869, 1870.

from this site
Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

To find a name,press CtrlF Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Hasenpoth, near Libau. Post street

Rabbi: Itzik Aronovich.
Officiant: the ritual- slaughterer Yankel, the son of Judel Blumenau


Place Year reg Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname in cyrillic
Given name
given name
of the father

Father's place
of registration

given  name
Mother's place
of registration


4 1 Hasenpoth 1869 14/01/1869 12/02/1869 ITZIKSOHN ИЦИКСОН
Itzik- Meier Kushel not stated Soldier
not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
5 2 Hasenpoth 1869 2/02/1869 9/02/1869 SHER ШЕР
Shluim Itzik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
3 Hasenpoth 1869 2/02/1869 9/02/1869 FOGEL ФОГЕЛ
Mikhel Joel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Gela
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
1 Hasenpoth 1869 8/02/1869 - SHLOSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ
Rivka Kalman not stated not stated not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated - -
4 Hasenpoth 1869 5/02/1869 12/02/1869 LEVINSHTER ЛЕВИНШТЕР
Faivush Hertz not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Mathilda
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
5 Hasenpoth 1869 6/02/1869 13/02/1869 NATHANSOHN НАТЕНСОН
Izrael Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Gitel
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
6 6 Hasenpoth 1869 13/02/1869 21/02/1869 B...? faded handwriting Б...?
Hirsh Movsha not stated Soldier
not stated
not stated Zlata
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
7 7 Hasenpoth 1869 1/03/1869 8/03/1869 MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Kalman Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Nekhama
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
8 Hasenpoth 1869 5/03/1869 12/03/1869 PERLMAN ПЕРЛМАН
Judel David not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
9 Hasenpoth 1869 15/03/1869 22/03/1869 GUNO ГУНО
Efroim Guno not stated not stated not stated
not stated Eida
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
10 Hasenpoth 1869 16/03/1869 23/03/1869 BLUM БЛЮМ
Joel Eliash not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
2 Hasenpoth 1869 18/03/1869 - SHEIN ШЕЙН
Lesa- Rivka Judel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Etel
not stated not stated - -
8 3 Hasenpoth 1869 29/03/1869 -
Khaya Aizik not stated Tailor
not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated - -
9 11 Hasenpoth 1869 1/04/1869 8/04/1869 SHTEIN ШТЕЙН
Daniel Meier not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
12 Hasenpoth 1869 5/04/1869 12/04/1869 ARONSOHN АРЕНСОН
Shilum Itzik not stated not stated Piltene
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
13 Hasenpoth 1869 8/04/1869 16/04/1869 LEIBOSH ЛЕЙБОШ
Joel- ? Movsha not stated not stated Piltene
not stated Sheva
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
4 Hasenpoth 1869 17/04/1869 - ROLOV РОЛОВ
Shima Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
10 14 Hasenpoth 1869 1/05/1869 ?/05/1869 FOS ФОС
Movsha Levi not stated not stated not stated
not stated Keila(?)
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
5 Hasenpoth 1869 15/05/1869 - HIRSHFELD(?) ГИРШФЕЛД
Sheina Josel not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1869 24/05/1869 - BERNHARD БЕРЕНГАРД
Khana David not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
7 Hasenpoth 1869 25/05/1869 - HIRSHHORN ГИРШГОРН
Mina Itzik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated - -
11 8 Hasenpoth 1869 24/06/1869 - TZEREN ЦЕРЕН
Khaya Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Mina
not stated not stated - -
9 Hasenpoth 1869 28/06/1869 - ROLOV РОЛОВ
Dora Mendel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Bluma
not stated not stated - -
12 15 Hasenpoth 1869 4/07/1869 11/07/1869 AZAROV
Leib Itzik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
10 Hasenpoth 1869 10/07/1869 - FOS ФОС
Khana- Rivka Itzik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Mnukha
not stated not stated - -
16 Hasenpoth 1869 11/07/1869 18/07/1869 HIRSHBERG ГИРШБЕРГ
Hirsh Izak not stated not stated not stated
not stated Gita
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
11 Hasenpoth 1869 14/07/1869 - BLUM БЛЮМ
Dora( twin) Bene not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
12 Hasenpoth 1869 14/07/1869 - BLUM БЛЮМ
Mina( twin) Bene not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
13 17 Hasenpoth 1869 22/07/1869 29/07/1869 LEVINSHTEIN ЛЕВИНШТЕЙН
Khaim- Abram Joel not stated Shoemaker
not stated Dora
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 Hasenpoth 1869 27/07/1869 3/08/1869 not stated -
not stated not stated not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
14 19 Hasenpoth 1869 3/08/1869 11/08/1869 RAPEPORT РАПЕПОРТ
faded handwriting Leib not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Hana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
20 Hasenpoth 1869 8/08/1869 15/08/1869 LEVI ЛЕВИ
Aron David not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
13 Hasenpoth 1869 17/08/1869 - FALKOV or FALKENHOF ФАЛКОВ/ ФАЛКЕНГОФ
Khasa Izak not stated Merchant
not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
21 Hasenpoth 1869 24/08/1869 31/08/1869 BRANDT БРАНД
Peisakh Leizer not stated not stated Tukkum
not stated Minna
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
15 22 Hasenpoth 1869 4/09/1869 11/09/1869 AIZENSHTEIN(?) АЙЗЕНШТЕЙН(?)
Khaim- Leib Zelik Hirsh
not stated Goldingen
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
14 Hasenpoth 1869 27/09/1869 -
Lea Behr not stated Tailor not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
23 Hasenpoth 1869 27/09/1869 4/10/1869 BERNSHTEIN БЕРНШТЕЙН Abram- Itzik Eli not stated not stated Bauska
not stated Etel
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
16 15 Hasenpoth 1869 10/10/1869 - TREMBE ТРЕМБЕ
Etel Shlume not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - -
16 Hasenpoth 1869 18/10/1869 - DANNEMAN ДАННЕМАН
Neshke Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Fruma
not stated not stated - -
17 Hasenpoth 1869 18/10/1869 - GERZONI ГЕРЗОНИ
Khana Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Elka
not stated not stated - -
17 18 Hasenpoth 1869 20/11/1869 - GRINFELD ГРИНФЕЛД
Dvaura Leib not stated Butcher not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
24 Hasenpoth 1869 20/11/1869 30/11/1869 FRIEDLENDER ФРИДЛЕНДЕР
Borikh- Leib Mane not stated not stated Piltene
not stated Ester
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
25 Hasenpoth 1869 23/11/1869 30/11/1869 LAUBE ЛАУБЕ
Sholem Shaya not stated not stated not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 26 Hasenpoth 1869 1/12/1869 8/12/1869 FRIEDLENDER ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Osher- Shmuel Shimel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
19 Hasenpoth 1869 10/12/1869 - ROLOV РОЛОВ
Lea Vole not stated Butcher
not stated
not stated Taube
not stated not stated - -
20 Hasenpoth 1869 12/12/1869 - FOGEL ФАУГЕЛ
Tauba Shlaume not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated - -
19 27 Hasenpoth 1869 5/01/1869 ?/01/1869 LEVI ЛЕВИ
Jakob Aron not stated not stated not stated
not stated Libava -

4 1 Hasenpoth 1870 1/01/1870 - HERTZFELD ГЕРЦФЕЛД
Sarah- Rauza David not stated Merchant
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated - -
2 Hasenpoth 1870 5/01/1870 - LEVINSHTEIN ЛЕВИНШТЕЙН
Roza Shmul not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated not stated not stated - -
1 Hasenpoth 1870 5/01/1870 12/01/1870 FOS ФОС
Hirsh- Shmuel Aizik not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
3 Hasenpoth 1870 15/01/1870 - ?OVSOHN ?ОВСОН
Mina Abram not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated Tzerna
not stated not stated - -
2 Hasenpoth 1870 19/01/1870 26/01/1870 PENTE ПЕНТЕ
Bentzel- Behr Abram Movsha
Cabman not stated
not stated Gita
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
5 3 Hasenpoth 1870 8/02/1870 15/02/1870 DAVIDSOHN ДАВИДСОН
Leib- Markus Aharon not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sora
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
4 Hasenpoth 1870 22/02/1870 1/03/1870 MANEFELD МАНЕФЕЛД
Noson- Nota Khaim not stated Cabman
not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
7 5 Hasenpoth 1870 1/03/1870 8/03/1870 LEVINSHTERN ЛЕВИНШТЕРН
Itzik Hertz not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Mathilda
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
4 Hasenpoth 1870 5/03/1870 - TZEREN ЦЕРЕН
Hinda Nison not stated Butcher not stated
not stated Shima
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1870 7/03/1870 - MINDEL МИНДЕЛ
Mina Itzik not stated Butcher not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
8 7 Hasenpoth 1870 8/04/1870 - SHER ШЕР
Rokhel Ruvel not stated Tailor
not stated
not stated Mariasha(?)
not stated not stated - -
8 Hasenpoth 1870 not stated
- not stated
Sora not stated not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated not stated not stated - -
9 Hasenpoth 1870 15/04/1870 - BLUM БЛЮМ
Rivka Hertz not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated Basha
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1870 15/04/1870 22/04/1870 SHLOSBERG СЛОСБЕРГ
Behr Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
10 Hasenpoth 1870 23/04/1870 - FOS ФОС
not stated Abram not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Golda
not stated not stated - -
7 Hasenpoth 1870 24/04/1870 30/04/1870 MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
not stated Idel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
9 11 Hasenpoth 1870 7/05/1870 - GILE( GALE) ГИЛЕ
Dora Gilel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
8 Hasenpoth 1870 7/05/1870 14/05/1870 ULMAN УЛМАН
Leizer Leib not stated Butcher not stated
not stated Dora
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
9 Hasenpoth 1870 9/05/1870 16/05/1870 BERNITZ БЕРНИЦ
Nokhem Mikhel Behr Cabman not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
10 Hasenpoth 1870 10/05/1870 17/05/1870 KIRSHNER КИРШНЕР
Behr Aizik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Pela
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
12 Hasenpoth 1870 11/05/1870 - ERLICH ЕРЛИХ
Sora- Rivka Nekhem not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated - -
10 11 Hasenpoth 1870 20/05/1870 27/05/1870 DANTZIGER ДАНЦИГЕР
Hertz- Lipman Ludwig not stated Merchant Goldingen
not stated Lea
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
12 Hasenpoth 1870 28/05/1870 4/06/1870 BERNITZ БЕРНИЦ
Shmuel Itzik not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Rashel
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
13 Hasenpoth 1870 22/05/1870 5/06/1870 MANGELDORF МАНГЕЛДОРФ
Yankel Nokhem not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hantze
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
11 14 Hasenpoth 1870 1/06/1870 8/06/1870 HIRSHHORN ГИРШГОРЕН
Shlaum Itzik Geshel
not stated
not stated Basha
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
15 Hasenpoth 1870 1/06/1870 8/06/1870 GILE( GALE) ГИЛЕ( ГАЛЕ) Leib Behr not stated not stated Libau
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
16 Hasenpoth 1870 3/06/1870 10/06/1870 LEVI ЛЕВИ
Josel Itzik not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
17 Hasenpoth 1870 8/06/1870 15/06/1870 BLUMENTAHL БЛЮМЕНТАЛ
Movsha- Josel Zorakh not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sora
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
13 Hasenpoth 1870 28/06/1870 - SHTEIN ШТЕЙН
Khaya Meier not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rasel
not stated not stated - -
12 14 Hasenpoth 1870 20/06/1870 - MILNER МИЛЬНЕР
Sora- Tzivia Sholem not stated Soldier
not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated - -
18 Hasenpoth 1870 22/06/1870 29/06/1870 GAZ ГАЗ
Markus Vulf not stated not stated not stated
not stated Shprintza
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
13 19 Hasenpoth 1870 9/07/1870 16/07/1870 DAMJE ДАМЕ
Ezriel- Hirsh Movsha Elya
not stated not stated
not stated Khana- Rivka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
15 Hasenpoth 1870 11/07/1870 - ITZIGSOHN ИЦИГСОН
Feiga- Gita Kushel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated - -
20 Hasenpoth 1870 23/07/1870 30/07/1870 ARONOVICH АРОНОВИЧ
Zalman- Sender Movsha not stated not stated Varna
not stated Keila
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
21 Hasenpoth 1870 23/07/1870 30/07/1870 BLUMBERG БЛЮМБЕРГ
Izrael Auzer not stated not stated Piltene
not stated Gita
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
16 Hasenpoth 1870 24/07/1870 - VEINBERG ВЕЙНБЕРГ
Gita Shlaum not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated - -
13 22 Hasenpoth 1870 1/08/1870 8/08/1870 BERNHARD БЕРЕНГАРД
Borukh Izrael not stated not stated not stated
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
17 Hasenpoth 1870 2/08/1870 - NATHANSOHN НАТЕНСОН
Neshke Joel Leib
not stated not stated
not stated Ester
not stated not stated - -
23 Hasenpoth 1870 18/08/1870 25/08/1870 SHTEMBER ШТЕМБЕР
Bentzel- Yankel- Leib Volf not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sora
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
24 Hasenpoth 1870 22/08/1870 29/08/1870 LEVI ЛЕВИ
not stated David not stated not stated Mitava
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 Hasenpoth 1870 27/08/1870 - MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Dobra Tuvja not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
14 25 Hasenpoth 1870 1/09/1870 8/09/1870 GELHAR ГЕЛГАР
Shmuel Izak not stated Merchant
not stated
not stated Mariana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
15 19 Hasenpoth 1870 5/10/1870 - BERENSHTEIN БЕРЕНШТЕЙН
Khaya- Miriam Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Ester
not stated not stated - -
20 Hasenpoth 1870 14/10/1870 - BEIER БЕЙЕР
Rokhel- Rivka Aizik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated - -
21 Hasenpoth 1870 15/10/1870 - RUVELSOHN РУВЕЛСОН
Gita- Mina Abel not stated House- painter not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
26 Hasenpoth 1870 16/10/1870 23/10/1870 HERTZENBERG ГЕРЦЕНБЕРГ
Gavriel Eliash not stated not stated not stated
not stated Dora
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
27 Hasenpoth 1870 17/10/1870 24/10/1870 TZIPERT ЦИПЕРТ
Sholem Tzalel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
16 22 Hasenpoth 1870 29/11/1870 - GRINFELD ГРИНФЕЛД
Roza Josel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
17 23 Hasenpoth 1870 4/12/1870 - VLUMNO( BLUMENAU) ВЛЮМНО
Lea- Gitel Eliash not stated not stated Tukkum
not stated Jona
not stated not stated - -
24 Hasenpoth 1870 11/12/1870 - GRINFELD ГРИНФЕЛД
Sheina Itzik not stated Butcher not stated
not stated Sora
not stated not stated - -
28 Hasenpoth 1870 18/12/1870 25/12/1870 KAHN КАН
Shmerel Moritz not stated Merchant
not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
29 Hasenpoth 1870 21/12/1870 28/12/1870 BRANDT БРАНД
Markus Leizer not stated not stated not stated
not stated Mina
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 - Hasenpoth 1870 23/09/1870 not stated
Khaim Abram Zelig
not stated Illok
not stated Khinka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU Registered on 14/10/1893.Rabbi Hirsh NUROK. Officiants: Leib KRAMER and Yankel- Leib VEITLER.

All the records

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