О родившихся в Айзпуте( Газенпот)  в 1867, 1868 г.
Births in Aizpute( Gazenpot, Hasenpoth) in 1867, 1868.
Aizpute( Gazenpot, Hasenpoth) en 1867, 1868.

from this site
Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

To find a name,press CtrlF Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Rabbi: Itzik Aronovich.


Place Year reg Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname in cyrillic
Given name
given name
of the father

Father's place
of registration

given  name
Mother's place
of registration


4 1 Hasenpoth 1867 1/01/1867 8/01/1867 KAZAK КАЗАК
Nokhum- David Mikhel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
2 Hasenpoth 1867 5/01/1867 12/01/1867 KOENIGFEST КЕНИГСБЕРГ
Mikhel Mikhel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
1 Hasenpoth 1867 14/01/1867 - NATHANSOHN НАТЕНСОН
Dina Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Gita
not stated not stated - -
2 Hasenpoth 1867 15/01/1867 - ROLOV РОЛОВ
Mina Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
5 3 Hasenpoth 1867 27/01/1867 - KIRSHTEIN КИРШТЕЙН
Nakham Behr not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
4 Hasenpoth 1867 29/01/1867 - GAZ ГАЗ
Liba Zeba not stated not stated not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated - -
6 5 Hasenpoth 1867 1/02/1867 - FRIEDMAN ФРИДМАН
Shulka Ruvel not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated - -
3 Hasenpoth 1867 10/02/1867 17/02/1867 SHER ШЕР
Josel Ruvel not stated Tailor not stated
not stated Mariasha
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
4 Hasenpoth 1867 12/02/1867 19/02/1867 KAHN КАН
Behr Moritz not stated not stated not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
6 Hasenpoth 1867 22/02/1867 - GERZONI ГЕРЗОНИ
Beila Gershon not stated not stated not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated - -
7 7 Hasenpoth 1867 3/03/1867 - SHTEMBER ШТЕМБЕР Shima( twin) Vulf not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sora
not stated not stated - -
5 Hasenpoth 1867 3/03/1867 not stated
Yankel- Leib- Bentzel( twin) Vulf not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sora
not stated not stated - -
8 Hasenpoth 1867 3/03/1867 - not stated -
Ester Levi not stated Soldier
not stated
not stated Keila
not stated not stated - -
9 Hasenpoth 1867 10/03/1867 - BRANDT БРАНД
Fruma- Rivka Leizer not stated not stated Tukkum
not stated Minna
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1867 10/03/1867 not stated BERNER БЕРНЕР
Genekh Leizer not stated Tailor not stated
not stated Etel
not stated not stated - -
10 Hasenpoth 1867 16/03/1867 - GUNAU( GUNO) ГУНАУ
Lea Movsha not stated not stated not stated
not stated Dvaura
not stated not stated - -
8 7 Hasenpoth 1867 17/03/1867 24/03/1867 KIRSHNER КИРШНЕР
Tudrus( Todres) Aizik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Pela
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
8 Hasenpoth 1867 17/03/1867 24/03/1867 FOS ФОС
Hesel- Movsha Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Golda
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
11 Hasenpoth 1867 17/03/1867 - NATHANSOHN НАТЕНШОН
Sora- Rokhel Josel not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated Rita
not stated not stated - -
9 Hasenpoth 1867 21/03/1867 28/03/1867 FOS ФОС Mendel Aizik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Eta
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
10 Hasenpoth 1867 23/03/1867 30/03/1867 not stated -
Shmerel Shmuel- Yankel not stated Soldier
not stated
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
9 11 Hasenpoth 1867 5/04/1867 12/04/1867 TZERN ЦЕРН
Leizer Yankel not stated not stated Salant
not stated Mina
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
12 Hasenpoth 1867 7/04/1867 - WAGENDORF ВАГЕНДОРФ
Zlata Josel not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Braina
not stated not stated - -
13 Hasenpoth 1867 7/04/1867 - not stated -
Rakhel not stated not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated not stated not stated - -
12 Hasenpoth 1867 1/04/1867 18/04/1867 BERNITZ БЕНИЦ
Shoel- Markus Abram not stated Merchant
not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
13 Hasenpoth 1867 14/04/1867 21/04/1867 NOVOSELSKI НОВОСЕЛСКИ
Abram not stated not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Elka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
14 Hasenpoth 1867 19/04/1867 - MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Dina Tevja not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
10 15 Hasenpoth 1867 26/04/1867 - BEIER БЕЙЕР
Khaya- Sora Aizik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated - -
11 14 Hasenpoth 1867 1/05/1867 8/05/1867 ARENSHTAM АРЕНШТАМ
Shabsa Leib not stated not stated Grobina
not stated Golda
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
15 Hasenpoth 1867 15/05/1867 23/05/1867 HIRSHBERG ГИРШБЕРГ
Shmerlon Izrael not stated not stated not stated
not stated Gita
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
16 Hasenpoth 1867 29/05/1867 - MULER МУЛЕР
Mera- Khaya Hirsh not stated not stated not stated
not stated Gita
not stated not stated - -
12 17 Hasenpoth 1867 7/06/1867 - LAUBE ЛАУБЕ
Shulka Shaya not stated not stated not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated - -
16 Hasenpoth 1867 7/06/1867 14/06/1867 JOSEFAHRT JОЗЕФАРТ
Note Izael not stated not stated not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 Hasenpoth 1867 22/06/1867 - NATHANSOHN НАТЕНШОН
Khaya Jekhiel- Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Ester
not stated not stated - -
17 Hasenpoth 1867 22/06/1867 29/06/1867 MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛШОН
Josel Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated Nekhama
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
13 19 Hasenpoth 1867 9/07/1867 - BERNITZ БЕРНИЦ
Khana Itzik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rakhel
not stated not stated - -
20 Hasenpoth 1867 28/07/1867 - FOS ФОС
Gitel- Bluma Shlaum Aizik not stated not stated
not stated Menukha
not stated not stated - -
14 21 Hasenpoth 1867 6/08/1867 - ZIV ЗИВ
Sheva- Lea Abram not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated not stated not stated - -
22 Hasenpoth 1867 6/08/1867 - TREMBE ТРЕМБЕ
Lea Shlaume not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - -
18 Hasenpoth 1867 6/08/1867 12/08/1867 TZERN ЦЕРН
Sholem Nisen not stated Ritual slaughterer
not stated
not stated Shima
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
19 Hasenpoth 1867 7/08/1867 14/08/1867 GUTKIN ГУТКИН
Bentzel Movsha not stated Tailor not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
20 Hasenpoth 1867 16/08/1867 23/08/1867 BLUMENAU БЛУМНО
Meier Elkhe not stated Teacher not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
15 21 Hasenpoth 1867 1/09/1867 8/09/1867 LEVI ЛЕВИ
Markus David not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
23 Hasenpoth 1867 7/09/1867 - BUDEL БУДЕЛ
Dvaura Tuvja not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
22 Hasenpoth 1867 8/09/1867 not stated MENDELSOHN МЕНДЕЛШОН
Lipa- Hertz Mendel not stated Merchant Goldingen
not stated Lea
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
23 Hasenpoth 1867 14/09/1867 21/09/1867 HIRSHHORN ГИРШГОРЕН
Leib- Yankel Itzik not stated Cabman
not stated
not stated Basha
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
16 24 Hasenpoth 1867 1/10/1867 not stated FALKENHOF ФАЛКЕНГОФ
Zkharia Aizik not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
24 Hasenpoth 1867 2/10/1867 - SHEV ШЕВ
Ester Movsha not stated Teacher Piltene
not stated Sheva
not stated not stated - -
25 Hasenpoth 1867 9/10/1867 16/10/1867 LEVI ЛЕВИ
Hirsh- Shmuel Itzik not stated Merchant
not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
26 Hasenpoth 1867 21/10/1867 28/10/1867 AZOROV АЖАРОВ
Movsha Itzik Josel
not stated not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
17 25 Hasenpoth 1867 18/11/1867 - DANTZIGER ДАНЦИГЕР
Liba Judel not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated - -
27 Hasenpoth 1867 16/11/1867 23/11/1867 MINDEL МИНДЕЛ
Hirsh- Leib Itzik not stated not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 26 Hasenpoth 1867 2/12/1867 - ELICH ЕЛИХ
Gitel Nekhemie not stated Tailor
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated - -
27 Hasenpoth 1867 13/12/1867 - VEINBERG ВЕЙНБЕРГ
Dvaura Shlume not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated - -
19 - Hasenpoth 1867 28/06/1867 - GURVICH
Hinda Gilel not stated not stated Illok
not stated Khanna
not stated not stated - -
The 1868 records are very difficult to decipher. Faded handwriting.
4 1 Hasenpoth 1868 2/01/1868 9/01/1868 GRINFELD(?) ГРИНФЕЛД
Hirsh Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
1 Hasenpoth 1868 2/01/1868 - GITELSOHN ГИТЕЛСОН
Pesa Behr not stated not stated not stated
not stated Gala
not stated not stated - -
2 Hasenpoth 1868 5/01/1868 12/01/1868 DAVIDSOHN ДАВИДСОН
Leib David not stated not stated not stated
not stated Risa
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
2 Hasenpoth 1868 5/01/1868 - PENTE ПЕНТЕ
Miriam Abram Movsha Cabman
not stated
not stated Gisa
not stated not stated - -
3 Hasenpoth 1868 6/01/1868 - MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Basheva Tuvja Idel not stated not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - -
5 3 Hasenpoth 1868 7/01/1868 14/01/1868 faded handwriting -
Josel- Leib Mikhel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Dobra
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
4 Hasenpoth 1868 7/01/1868 14/01/1868 JOSEFAHRT JОЗЕФАРТ Abram- Aizik Nokhem not stated Cabman not stated
not stated not stated not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
5 Hasenpoth 1868 9/01/1868 16/01/1868 GEL...? faded handwriting ГЕЛ...?
David Itzik not stated Merchant not stated
not stated faded handwriting
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
6 Hasenpoth 1868 14/01/1868 21/01/1868 JOSEFAHRT JОЗЕФАРТ Itzik Shlomo not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated faded handwriting not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
7 Hasenpoth 1868 17/01/1868 24/01/1868 SHILING ШИЛИНГ
Eliash Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated faded handwriting not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
6 4 Hasenpoth 1868 1/02/1868 - BLUM БЛУМ
Mariasha Hertz not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated Basha
not stated not stated - -
5 Hasenpoth 1868 8/02/1868 - ROLOV РОЛОВ
Shima Volf not stated Ritual slaughterer not stated
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated - -
6 Hasenpoth 1868 1/02/1868 - TZIPERT ЦИПЕРТ
Shprinta Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated Etel
not stated not stated - -
8 Hasenpoth 1868 11/02/1868 18/02/1868 FOS ФОС
not stated Movsha not stated Ritual slaughterer not stated
not stated Ita
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
7 Hasenpoth 1868 17/02/1868 - HIRSHMAN ГИРШМАН
Khaya Leizer not stated not stated not stated
not stated Dobra
not stated not stated - -
7 8 Hasenpoth 1868 19/02/1868 - HIRSHMAN ГИРШМАН Sena Shmul not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated Sora
not stated not stated - -
9 Hasenpoth 1868 19/02/1868 26/02/1868 HERTZBERG ГЕРЦБЕРГ
Joel- Hirsh Eliash not stated Merchant
not stated
not stated Dora
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
10 Hasenpoth 1868 24/02/1868 3/03/1868 BERNHART БЕРНГАРТ
Meier David not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
8 9 Hasenpoth 1868 7/03/1868 - PERELSOHN ПЕРЕЛСОН
Dora Itzik not stated Tailor not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
10 Hasenpoth 1868 11/03/1868 - GUNO ГУНО
Sheina Gershon Behr Cabman not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
11 Hasenpoth 1868 15/03/1868 - SHER ШЕР
faded handwriting Izrael not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated - -
11 Hasenpoth 1868 13/0331868 20/01/1868 VEINBERG ВЕЙНБЕРГ
faded handwriting Yankel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
12 Hasenpoth 1868 15/03/1868 not stated
Movsha Eliash not stated Cabman not stated
not stated faded handwriting not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
9 13 Hasenpoth 1868 17/03/1868 24/03/1868 HISHFELD ГИРШФЕЛД
Faivel Itzik not stated Ritual slaughterer
not stated
not stated Tzila
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
12 Hasenpoth 1868 22/03/1868 - MANEFELD(?) МАНЕФЕЛД
Lea Movsha not stated Cabman
not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
14 Hasenpoth 1868 13/03/1868 30/03/1868 faded handwriting -
Iser Izrael not stated not stated Grobina
not stated Sora
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
15 Hasenpoth 1868 23/03/1868 30/03/1868 ARONOVICH(?) АРОНОВИЧ
Hirsh- Yankel faded handwriting not stated not stated Varna
not stated faded handwriting not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
13 Hasenpoth 1868 24/03/1868 - F...?faded handwriting Ф...?
Beila Joseph...? not stated Cabman
not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
10 16 Hasenpoth 1868 2/04/1868 9/04/1868 AZAROV АЗАРОВ
Gesel Akiva not stated not stated not stated
not stated may be Fanny
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
14 Hasenpoth 1868 10/04/1868 - faded handwriting -
Dobra- Mikhla faded handwriting not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sora
not stated not stated - -
15 Hasenpoth 1868 17/04/1868 - TAUBE ТАУБЕ
Pesa Iser not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated not stated not stated not stated - -
17 Hasenpoth 1868 7/04/1868 15/04/1868 BERNITZ БЕРНИЦ
Hirsh David not stated Cabman
not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 Hasenpoth 1868 14/04/1868 2/05/1868 ...?LUR faded handwriting ...?ЛУР
not stated faded handwriting not stated Shoemaker not stated
not stated Gita
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
11 16 Hasenpoth 1868 19/04/1868 - FRIEDLENDER ФРИДЛЕНДЕР
Khana- Sora faded handwriting not stated not stated not stated
not stated Ester
not stated not stated - -
19 Hasenpoth 1868 20/04/1868 27/04/1868 DAVIDSOHN ДАВИДСОН
Markus faded handwriting not stated not stated not stated
not stated Sora
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
17 Hasenpoth 1868 26/04/1868 - KAR....?faded handwriting КАР...?
Khaya- Sora Meier not stated not stated not stated
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated - -
12 18 Hasenpoth 1868 20/05/1868 - BLUMER БЛЮМЕР
Miriam Mordkhai not stated Tailor not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated - -
20 Hasenpoth 1868 21/05/1868 28/05/1868 HIRSHHORN ГИРГОРЕН
Osher Naum not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
19 Hasenpoth 1868 20/05/1868 - LEVINSHTEIN ЛЕЙВИНШТЕЙН
Rivka Shlaume not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Nekhama
not stated not stated - -
13 21 Hasenpoth 1868 2/06/1868 9/06/1868 FRIEDMAN ФРИДМАН
Shimon Behr not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Roza
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
20 Hasenpoth 1868 24/06/1868 - BEIER БЕЙЕР
Hena- Rokhel Mikhel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated - -
21 Hasenpoth 1868 25/06/1868 - RUBINSOHN РУБИНСОН
Khaya Hirsh Leib
Cabman not stated
not stated not stated not stated not stated - -
16 22 Hasenpoth 1868 5/09/1868 - TZIPERT ЦИПЕРТ
Mina- Tzipora faded handwriting not stated not stated Grobina
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
23 Hasenpoth 1868 7/09/1868 - KIRSHTEIN КИРШТЕЙН
Irla Leib not stated Tailor not stated
not stated Rakhel
not stated not stated - -
24 Hasenpoth 1868 11/09/1868 - faded handwriting -
Beila Gesel not stated not stated not stated
not stated faded handwriting not stated not stated - -
22 Hasenpoth 1868 11/09/1868 18/09/1868 MIKHELSOHN МИХЕЛСОН
Ikhpel- Mikhel* Tuvje not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU In 1902 he changed his name to Mikhel- Theodore.
25 Hasenpoth 1868 12/01/1868 - LIN(?)faded handwriting ЛИН(?)
Bluma Abram not stated Cabman
not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated - -
17 23 Hasenpoth 1868 23/09/1868 30/09/1868 ARAMSOHN(?) (?) Mane- Leib David not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khasa
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
18 24 Hasenpoth 1868 5/10/1868 12/10/1868 MANGELDORF МАНГЕЛДОРФ
Markus Nokhum not stated not stated not stated
not stated Gode
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
25 Hasenpoth 1868 10/10/1868 18/10/1868 GERZONI ГЕРЖОНИ
Itzik Gershon not stated not stated not stated
not stated Mariana
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
26 Hasenpoth 1868 19/10/1868 - KAHN КАН
Hena Moritz not stated Merchant not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated - -
26 Hasenpoth 1868 20/10/1868 27/10/1868 KAZAK КАЗАК
Peisakh Mikhel not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
27 Hasenpoth 1868 31/10/1868 - DANNEMAN ДАННЕМАН
Feiga Efraim not stated not stated not stated
not stated Fruma
not stated not stated - -
19 27 Hasenpoth 1868 2/11/1868 9/11/1868 ARONSOHN АРЕНШОН
Ruvin- Shlaume Abram not stated Merchant Piltene
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
28 Hasenpoth 1868 2/11/1868 - TZEREN ЦЕРЕН
Pesa Nison not stated Ritual slaughterer not stated
not stated Shima
not stated not stated - -
29 Hasenpoth 1868 16/11/1868 - NATHANSOHN НАТЕНШОН
Sora Josel- Leib not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated not stated not stated - -
28 Hasenpoth 1868 17/11/1868 24/11/1868 GAZ ГАЗ
Abram Sholem not stated Tailor
not stated
not stated Rala
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
30 Hasenpoth 1868 24/11/1868 - ARENSHTAM АРЕНШТАМ
Khana Leib not stated not stated Grobina
not stated Golda
not stated not stated - -
20 29 Hasenpoth 1868 1/12/1868 8/12/1868 BEIER БЕЙЕР
Rosel(?) Aizik David Cabman
not stated
not stated Hena
not stated not stated  Yankel BLUMENAU -
30 Hasenpoth 1868 2/121868 9/12/1868 NOVOSILSKI НОВОСИЛСКИ
Shimel Joel Leib
not stated not stated
not stated Elka
not stated not stated  Yankel BLUMENAU -
31 Hasenpoth 1868 4/12/1868 11/12/1868 SHLOSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ
Nosel Josel not stated not stated not stated
not stated Beta(?)
not stated not stated  Yankel BLUMENAU -
31 Hasenpoth 1868 6/12/1868 - KRIEGER КРИГЕР
Milka Hirsh not stated not stated not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated - -
32 Hasenpoth 1868 8/12/1868 15/12/1868 GAZ ГАЗ
Abram Vulf not stated not stated not stated
not stated Shprintza
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
21 32 Hasenpoth 1868 15/12/1868 - KRAMER КРАМЕР
Dora Leib not stated Cabman not stated
not stated Roza
not stated not stated - -
33 Hasenpoth 1868 22/12/1868 29/12/1868 HEIMANSOHN ГЕЙМАНСОН
Hertz Itzik not stated not stated Goldingen
not stated Rivka
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
34 Hasenpoth 1868 22/12/1868 29/12/1868 BERNHARD БЕРЕНГАРД
Abram Izrael Leizer Tailor not stated
not stated Etel
not stated not stated Yankel BLUMENAU -
22 Hasenpoth 1868 16/04/1868 not stated
Zalman- Shender Elias not stated not stated not stated
not stated not stated
not stated not stated not stated Registered  on 2/04/1895. Rabbi's assistant: G. A. NUROK. Witnesses: Markus BLUDEL, Itzik, son of  L. AZAROV.

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