О родившихся  в Якобштате / Екабпилсе в 1878 г.
Births in Jakobstadt/ Jekabpils  in 1878.
Naissances a 
Jakobstadt/ Jekabpils en 1878.

from this site Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

To find a name,press CtrlF Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Translation from German.

Place Year reg Date of birth Date of circumcision Surname
Given name
Father's given name Father's patronymic Mother's surname Mother's given  name Mother's patronymic Father's place
of registrationxxxxxx
Guberniaxxxxxx Officiant

5 1 Jakobstadt
1878 2/01/1878 9/01/1878 GARFINKEL Moses- Volf David Motel not stated Braina
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Genokh YAKOBSOHN, Efraim LEIBOVICH
2 Jakobstadt
1878 2/01/1878 9/01/1878 LANDMAN Moses Shmuel Volf not stated Golda not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Shauel LEIBOVICH, Yuda- Leib YAKOBOVICH, Nokhum- Ber EIDELS
1 Jakobstadt
1878 /01/1878 - BRAND Rokha Gelman Shmuel not stated Sora- Tamara not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
2 Jakobstadt
1878 /01/1878 - GELBART Zelda Benze Itzik not stated Khaya not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
3 Jakobstadt
1878 /01/1878 - ABRAMSOHN Pera Itzik Abram not stated Yenta not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
3 Jakobstadt
1878 30/01/1878 6/02/1878 ERSCHLER Tzalel- Faivish Efraim Tzalel not stated Feiga not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
6 4 Jakobstadt
1878 2/02/1878 -
ROTBART Lea Moses Shmuel not stated Thirza
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
5 Jakobstadt
1878 4/02/1878 - GELBART Ella- Bassa Leib Moses not stated Freida
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
4 Jakobstadt
1878 23/02/1878 2/03/1878 GOLDBLAT Kalman Benjamin- Shlomo Hirsh not stated Sora- Hinda
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Yakov SHAPIRO, Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
not stated Jakobstadt
1878 24/02/1878 -
VASSERMAN not stated Bentzion ? del not stated Lipa
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
6 Jakobstadt
1878 25/02/1878 - BINDER not stated Gilel Hirsh not stated hidden
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
7 7 Jakobstadt
1878 25/02/1878 - KAPELOVICH Sora Salomon Ber not stated Rokhe- Bassa
not stated Dunaburg Vitebsk -
8 Jakobstadt
1878 25/02/1878 -
MATLIN Mina- Roda Ber Lipman not stated Rokha- Mera
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
9 Jakobstadt
1878 25/02/1878 -
ZENTNEROVICH Khana Meer not stated not stated Khasa
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
9 10 Jakobstadt
1878 1/03/1878 - YAKOBSOHN Rivka Shepsel Shmuel not stated Tzipa
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
5 Jakobstadt
1878 1/03/1878 8/03/1878 DORFMAN Aron- Leib Moses Leib not stated Dvora
not stated Birson ? Yakov SHAPIRO, Genokh YAKOBSOHN, Yuda- Leib YAKOBOVICH
6 Jakobstadt
1878 3/03/1878 10/03/1878 VINREK (?) Efraim Slomon- Gertz Khone not stated Bassa
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Yakov SHAPIRO,Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Yuda- Leib YAKOBOVICH
7 Jakobstadt
1878 4/03/1878 11/03/1878 ROTBART Eliash- Yakov David Lipman not stated Sora
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Yakov SHAPIRO,Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Yuda- Leib YAKOBOVICH
8 Jakobstadt
1878 13/03/1878 20/03/1878 ROTBART Shlomo Khaim Hirsh not stated Feiga
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Yakov SHAPIRO,Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Yuda- Leib YAKOBOVICH
9 Jakobstadt
1878 24/03/1878 31/03/1878 ZENTNEROVICH Hirsh- Ber ? Yosel not stated Guta
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Yakov SHAPIRO,Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Yuda- Leib YAKOBOVICH
11 Jakobstadt
1878 26/03/1878 - SINABERG Ester Itzik Motes not stated hidden
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
10 10 Jakobstadt
1878 27/03/1878 3/04/1878 BINDER Izrael- Ber Leib Hirsh not stated Khaya
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Yakov SHAPIRO,Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
12 Jakobstadt
1878 30/03/1878 -
KLASS Feiga Ber Aron not stated Rokha- Liba
not stated Rosiskis Kovno -
11 11 Jakobstadt
1878 6/04/1878 13/04/1878 SHUMACHER Hirsh- Khatzkiel Shmerel Moses not stated Sora
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Yakov SHAPIRO,Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
12 Jakobstadt
1878 8/04/1878 15/04/1878 MOIKEL Ber- leib Yankel Moses not stated Brokha
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Yuda- Leib YAKOBOVICH, Efraim LEIBOVICH
13 Jakobstadt
1878 9/04/1878 16/04/1878 LEVINOVICH Leizer- Mendel Ber Itzik not stated Rokha- Reiza
not stated Frierichstadt Kurland Yakov SHAPIRO,Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
14 Jakobstadt
1878 10/04/1878 - VEIDE not stated Fishel Tankhum not stated Eida
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
15 Jakobstadt
1878 10/04/1878 - VEIDE not stated Fishel Tankhum not stated Eida not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
16 Jakobstadt
1878 22/04/1878 29/04/1878 SHAPIRO David Abe David not stated Malka
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Genokh YAKOBSOHN, Efraim LEIBOVICH
17 Jakobstadt
1878 22/04/1878 29/04/1878 ? may be BENZIN Khaim- leib Borukh- Hirsh Yankel not stated Ester
not stated Schaulen ? Rabbi Nakhman- Idel MARGOLIS, Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
18 Jakobstadt
1878 23/04/1878 hidden
hidden Simon- David Gutel(?) Izrail not stated hidden
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS... hidden
13 15 Jakobstadt
1878 2/05/1878 -
BERGER Etta Beir- Leib Noah not stated Riva
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
19 Jakobstadt
1878 4/05/1878 11/05/1878 BRILOVICH Zusse- Idel Leib Yoke(?) not stated Feiga
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Genokh YAKOBSOHN
20 Jakobstadt
1878 5/05/1878 12/05/1878 GRINGUT(GRINHUT) Mendel Motel- Ber Moses not stated Hinda- Reiza
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
16 Jakobstadt
1878 7/05/1878 - SHUS Feiga Khaim- Idel Shmuel not stated Gitel
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
17 Jakobstadt
1878 9/05/1878 - YANKELSOHN Zelda Yankel Aron not stated Dvora- Ester
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
18 Jakobstadt
1878 11/05/1878 - ASHEGADEN(?) Gruna Yankel- Leib Yosel not stated Dvora
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
19 Jakobstadt
1878 14/05/1878 - ROZENBERG Beila Peretz Idel not stated not stated
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
14 20 Jakobstadt
1878 17/05/1878 - MALER Khena Shmuel Gertz not stated Pera
not stated Kreutzburg Kurland -
- Jakobstadt
1878 17/05/1878 - GRINBLAT not stated Nokhum Simen not stated ?- Khana
not stated Panedeln Kovno -
21 Jakobstadt
1878 31/05/1878 7/06/1878 FLAKSMAN Nakhman- Elie Abram Meier not stated Rasha
not stated Rokiskis Kovno Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
21 Jakobstadt
1878 31/05/1878 - FISHMAN Lea- Buna Zemakh Yankel not stated Sora- Riva
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
15 22 Jakobstadt
1878 10/06/1878 17/06/1878 LURJE Elya Iser- Ber Khaikel not stated Khana
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Yakov SHAPIRO
23 Jakobstadt
1878 16/06/1878 23/06/1878 GUN(?) Asser(?) Sholom Aron not stated Sora
Novo- Aleksandrovsk
Kovna Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
24 Jakobstadt
1878 27/06/1878 4/07/1878 GOLDES (?) Yakov Bentzion Abram not stated Lea
not stated Shadau ? Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
25 Jakobstadt
1878 -
BLEKHMAN not stated Meer- Khone Nosen not stated Beila
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
16 26 Jakobstadt
1878 2/07/1878 9/07/1878 LAPIDES Volf Shlomo Shmuel not stated Khaya
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
22 Jakobstadt
1878 20/07/1878 -
RAPOPORT Khaya- Pessa Leib Salomon not stated Tauba
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
27 Jakobstadt
1878 30/07/1878 6/08/1878 MEYERSOHN Benjamin Yakob- Moses Abram not stated Pauline
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Genokh YAKOBSOHN, Nokhum- Ber EIDELS
17 23 Jakobstadt
1878 12/08/1878 -
GEHN Rosa Ruben Abram- Itzik not stated Hinda
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
28 Jakobstadt
1878 15/08/1878 22/08/1878 BLEKHMAN Ber Slaomon Moses not stated Eida- Fradel
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Genokh YAKOBSOHN
24 Jakobstadt
1878 19/08/1878 -
MIKHELOVICH Shora Hosias Yudel not stated Lea
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
29 Jakobstadt
1878 21/01/1878 28/08/1878 MOIKEL Asser Itzik Yoel not stated Tauba
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
18 - Jakobstadt
1878 25/09/1878 -
POTOSHIN not stated Shmuel Borukh not stated Elka
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
25 Jakobstadt
1878 3/10/1878 -
BLEKHMAN Khaya- Rokha Elya- Shmerel Movsha not stated Keila
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
30 Jakobstadt
1878 10/10/1878 17/01/1878 KATSHERGINSKI Itzik- Gershon Yuda- Leib Izrail not stated Mina- Lea
not stated Kreutzburg Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Genokh YAKOBSOHN, Efraim LEIBOVICH
19 26 Jakobstadt
1878 11/10/1878 -
MARKUSHEVICH Dina Abram- Itzik Ber not stated Khaya
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
31 Jakobstadt
1878 13/10/1878 20/10/1878 MIKHELSOHN Meer- Yakov Benjamin Faivish not stated Khana- Liba
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Yuda- Leib YAKOBOVICH, Efraim LEIBOVICH
27 Jakobstadt
1878 14/10/1878 -
KOBLENTZ Riva Faivish Nokhum not stated Henushe
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
32 Jakobstadt
1878 14/10/1878 21/10/1878 YOELSOHN Ber Rafael Markus not stated Tzila
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Rabbi Nakhman- Idel MARGOLIS, Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
20 28 Jakobstadt
1878 1/11/1878 -
BARKAN Shora- Gita Yosel- Gertz Markus not stated Dvora
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
33 Jakobstadt
1878 2/11/1878 9/11/1878 YOELSOHN Nekhemia- Leib Hirsh Markus not stated Fanny or Yenni
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
34 Jakobstadt
1878 9/11/1878 16/11/1878 SHMUSHKOVICH Hirsh Peisse (Peisakh) Itzik not stated Riva
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Shaul LEIBOVICH, Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
35 Jakobstadt
1878 19/11/1878 26/11/1878 BLEKHMAN Elya Abram Moses not stated Mikhla
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Rabbi Nakhman- Idel MARGOLIS, Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
29 Jakobstadt
1878 22/11/1878 -
YAKOBSOHN Leib Yosel Yonte not stated Miriam
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
21 30 Jakobstadt
1878 1/12/1878 -
BRAND Rivka Markus Yokhanan not stated Dvora-Lea
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland -
31 Jakobstadt
1878 2/12/1878 -
LAIKER (?) Rosa Vulf- Yakov Model
not stated Nessa
not stated Polotz Minsk -
36 Jakobstadt
1878 4/12/1878 11/12/1878 GOLDBLAT Abram- Markus Leib Hirsh not stated Nekhama- gita
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Yuda- Leib YAKOBOVICH, Efraim LEIBOVICH
37 Jakobstadt
1878 25/12/1878 1/01/1879 GRINGUT(GRINHUT) Efraim ? Hirsh not stated Ester- Lea
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
38 Jakobstadt
1878 25/12/1878 1/12/1879 GRINGUT(GRINHUT) Menakhem ? Hirsh not stated Ester- Lea not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
39 Jakobstadt
1878 29/12/1878 5/12/1879 BRAND Shmuel- Efraim Meer Zelik not stated Khana- Sora
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH
40 Jakobstadt
1878 31/12/1878 7/12/1878 YOELSOHN Itzik Feivish Izroel not stated Rosa
not stated Jakobstadt Kurland Rabbi Nakhman- Idel MARGOLIS, Nokhum- Ber EIDELS, Efraim LEIBOVICH


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