О родившихся в Яунелгавe( Фридрихштадт)  в 1847 г.
Births in Jaunjelgava( Friedrichstadt) in 1847.
Jaunjelgava( Friedrichstadt) in 1847.

from this site
Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

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All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Friedrichstadt. The Heiman's Synagogue on Riga st 62, constructed in 1883, reconstructed in 1920
and the Old House of Prayer, on 
Riga st 62, constructed in 1833, reconstructed in 1920.
Source" The Latvia synagogues and Rabbis"

This link contains the birth records for 1847.
The records are in German.
Rabbi Lipman Sholem Friedman.


Place Year reg Date of birth Date of circumcision
Given name
given name
of the father
Father's place
of registration

Surname in cyrillic Mother's
given  name
Mother's place
of registration


18 1 Friedrichstadt 1847 29/12/1846 - KAHN КАН
Rochel- Rissa Mozes Samuel -
not stated
not stated - Mera
not stated not stated -
1 Friedrichstadt 1841 22/12/1846 29/12/1846 RUMEL РУМЕЛ
Jossel Vulf Mozes
not stated
not stated - Shava- Bluma
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE
2 Friedrichstadt 1847 23/12/1846 30/12/1846 WASSERMAN ВАССЕРМАН
Izrael Abraham Izrael
not stated
not stated - Feiga
not stated not stated -
2 Friedrichstadt 1847 4/01/1847 - BRINKHAHN БРИНКГАН
Eida Behr Tzalle
not stated
not stated - Khaya
not stated not stated -
3 Friedrichstadt 1847 16/01/1847 23/01/1847 KAZZEN(?) - Bentzion- Ruven Elias Vulf
not stated
not stated - Miriam
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
3 Friedrichstadt 1847 25/01/1847 - KAHN КАН
Lea Shmuel Itzik -
not stated
not stated - Jekuva(?)
not stated not stated -
4 Friedrichstadt 1847 24/01/1847 31/01/1847 SAMUEL ЗАМУЕЛ
Samuel David Hirsh -
not stated
not stated - Mera
not stated not stated Preide FELDHUHN, Vulf LEVENBERG -
19 5 Friedrichstadt 1841 28/01/1847 4/02/1847 RUMAL( RUMEL?) РУМЕЛ Levin- Noah Khatzkiel Jerukhim
not stated
not stated - Hinda
not stated not stated Khaim KREUTZBURG, Vulf LEVENBERG, Vulf  LERMAN
4 Friedrichstadt 1847 8/02/1847 - GETZIL ГЕЦИЛ
Shora- Freida Leib not stated -
not stated - Bassa
not stated not stated -
6 Friedrichstadt 1847 5/02/1847 12/02/1847 LEIBOVICH ЛЕЙБОВИЧ
Hirsh Pinches Jekhiel
not stated
not stated - Nekhama
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE -
5 Friedrichstadt 1847 27/02/1847 - KATZ КАЦ
Gitta Itzik Markus
not stated
not stated - Dreisa
not stated not stated -
7 Friedrichstadt 1847 20/02/1847 27/02/1847 WASSERMAN ВАССЕРМАН Elias- Ahron( twin) Izrael Benjamin -
not stated
not stated - Glika
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE -
8 Friedrichstadt 1847 20/02/1847 27/02/1847 WASSERMAN ВАССЕРМАН Mozes( twin) Izrael Benjamin -
not stated
not stated - Glika
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE -
9 Friedrichstadt 1841 16/02/1847 23/02/1847 REINHETZ РЕЙНГЕЦ
Shmuel- Hirsh Nakhman Hessel
not stated
not stated - Basheva
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE -
10 Friedrichstadt 1847 17/02/1847 24/02/1847 LEVIN ЛЕВИН
Mozes Peilet not stated -
not stated
not stated - Beila
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE -
6 Friedrichstadt 1847 17/03/1847 - not stated - Lea Jankel Markus
not stated
not stated - Fruma
not stated not stated -
11 Friedrichstadt 1847 29/03/1847 5/04/1847 ROZENTAHL РОЗЕНФЕЛД
Hinda Shlome Hosias
not stated
not stated - Jenta
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, David KAHN -
7 Friedrichstadt 1847 12/04/1847 - not stated - Hana- Sisla Borukh Behr
not stated
not stated - Khaya
not stated not stated -
12 Friedrichstadt 1847 12/04/1847 20/04/1847 LEISTUNG ЛЕЙСТУНГ
Mozer- Jerusiel Nochum Hirsh -
not stated
not stated - Dveira
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
8 Friedrichstadt 1841 2/05/1847 - KAHN КАН
Shora- Bassa Izrael Itzik Merchant
not stated
not stated - Tauba
not stated not stated -
9 Friedrichstadt 1847 5/05/1847 - WASSERMAN ВАССЕРМАН Matla- Fradel Abraham Izrael -
not stated
not stated - Shora
not stated not stated -
10 Friedrichstadt 1847 8/05/1847 - GUTMAN ГУТМАН
Sheina Jossel Izrael -
not stated
not stated - Slatta
not stated not stated -
20 13 Friedrichstadt 1847 3/05/1847 10/05/1847 GOTLIEB ГОТЛИБ
Savel Abraham Khaim -
not stated
not stated - Henna
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
14 Friedrichstadt 1847 13/05/1847 20/05/1847 LEVENBERG ЛЕВЕНБЕРГ Khaim- David Elie Hirsh
not stated
not stated - Braina
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE, David KAHN -
15 Friedrichstadt 1847 14/05/1847 21/05/1847 not stated -
Abram- Itzik Ezriel Gershon -
not stated
not stated - Reiza
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
16 Friedrichstadt 1841 20/05/1847 27/05/1847 not stated -
Hertz Meier Abraham -
not stated - Khaya
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, David KAHN -
17 Friedrichstadt 1847 23/05/1847 30/05/1847 KAHN КАН
Hessel- Avigder Vulf Mozes
not stated
not stated - Reiza
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE -
11 Friedrichstadt 1847 3/06/1847 - not stated -
Khaya- Elka Khaim Elias -
not stated
not stated - Hinda
not stated not stated -
12 Friedrichstadt 1847 4/06/1847 - ROZENTAHL РОЗЕНТАЛ
Roche Zalman not stated -
not stated
not stated - Slava
not stated not stated -
13 Friedrichstadt 1847 17/06/1847 - SHOENBERGER ШЕНБЕРГЕР Riva Levin Itzik
not stated
not stated - Beila
not stated not stated -
18 Friedrichstadt 1847 2/06/1847 9/06/1847 SHTERN ШТЕРН
Mendel Benjamin- David Markus Merchant
not stated
not stated - Eida
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
19 Friedrichstadt 1841 10/06/1847 17/06/1847 FELDHUHN ФЕЛДГУН
Jossel Ezriel Levin
not stated
not stated - Shora
not stated not stated Preide FELDHUHN
20 Friedrichstadt 1847 12/06/1847 19/06/1847 Rabbi FRIEDMAN Рабби ФРИДМАН
Jekhiel Lipman not stated Rabbi
not stated
not stated - Khana
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
14 Friedrichstadt 1847 14/06/1847 - ABRAMOVICH ЙБРАМОВИЧ
Taube Peisakh David -
not stated
not stated - Keila
not stated not stated -
21 Friedrichstadt 1847 25/06/1847 2/07/1847 SHOENBERGER ШЕНБЕРГЕР
Pinches( twin) Simon Abram -
not stated
not stated - Jente
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
22 Friedrichstadt 1847 25/01/1847 2/07/1847 SHOENBERGER ШЕНБЕРГЕР Abram( twin) Simon Abram
not stated
not stated - Jente
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
15 Friedrichstadt 1847 6/07/1847 - LEVENBERG ЛЕВЕНБЕРГ
Shore- Jokheved Vulf not stated -
not stated
not stated - Sheina
not stated not stated -
21 23 Friedrichstadt 1841 7/07/1847 14/07/1847 not stated -
Khaim Fishel Mozes -
not stated
not stated - Khaya
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE -
24 Friedrichstadt 1847 12/07/1847 19/07/1847 SAMUEL ЗАМУЕЛ
Levin Rafel Hirsh -
not stated - Elka
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
16 Friedrichstadt 1847 1/08/1847 - HAUSMAN ГАУСМАН
Itta Leizer Jossel
not stated - Feiga
not stated Tukkum -
25 Friedrichstadt 1847 25/07/1847 1/08/1847 not stated -
Itzik Shabsa not stated -
not stated
not stated - Sheina
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE, David KAHN -
26 Friedrichstadt 1847 1/08/1847 8/08/1847 RUMEL РУМЕЛ
Jossel- Lipman Sholem Khatzkiel
not stated
not stated - Malka
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE -
17 Friedrichstadt 1847 9/08/1847 - LEVINSOHN ЛЕВИНСОН
Jacha Ahron Levin
not stated
not stated - Sheina- Khana
not stated not stated -
18 Friedrichstadt 1841 16/08/1847 - SHOENBERGER ШЕНБЕРГЕР Hana- Raikha Elias Vulf -
not stated
not stated - Feiga
not stated not stated -
27 Friedrichstadt 1847 12/08/1847 19/08/1847 FELDHUHN ФЕДГУН
Abram Aron Hirsh -
not stated
not stated - Sheina
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
19 Friedrichstadt 1847 19/08/1847 - not stated -
Zelda Khaim Abram -
not stated
not stated - Khaya
not stated not stated -
20 Friedrichstadt 1847 6/09/1847 - ROZENTAHL РОЗЕНТАЛ
Eida- Miriam Markus Hirsh
not stated
not stated - Pessa
not stated not stated -
28 Friedrichstadt 1847 4/09/1847 11/09/1847 not stated -
Urje- Pinkhes Eizak Pinkhes -
not stated
not stated - Rokha
not stated not stated Zalman WASSERMAN -
21 Friedrichstadt 1847 15/09/1847 - not stated -
Shava- Raicha Abram Itzik -
not stated
not stated - Mariasha
not stated not stated -
29 Friedrichstadt 1841 13/09/1847 20/09/1847 SHERMAN ШЕРМАН
Jankel Elias - -
not stated
not stated - Mariasha
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG,  David KAHN -
30 Friedrichstadt 1847 18/09/1847 25/09/1847 KATZ КАЦ
Hirsh Aron Mozes -
not stated
not stated - Hanna
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Zalman WASSERMAN -
22 22 Friedrichstadt 1847 27/09/1847 - KAHN КАН
Riva- Ester Elias Itzik
not stated
not stated - Gaila
not stated not stated -
23 Friedrichstadt 1847 28/09/1847 - HERTZBERG ГЕРЦБЕРГ
Dora Lazer Levin -
not stated
not stated - Liebe
not stated not stated -
24 Friedrichstadt 1847 30/09/1847 - not stated - Shora- Tauba Lazer Elias
not stated
not stated - Musha
not stated not stated -
25 Friedrichstadt 1847 30/09/1847 - not stated - Lea Levin not stated -
not stated
not stated - Sheina- Reiza
not stated not stated -
26 Friedrichstadt 1841 1/10/1847 - MORGEN МОРГЕН
Gele Aron Behr -
not stated
not stated - Freida
not stated not stated -
27 Friedrichstadt 1847 1/11/1847 - not stated -
Braina Hirsh Vulf -
not stated - Rocha- Lea
not stated not stated -
28 Friedrichstadt 1847 1/11/1847 - not stated -
Shora Vulf Abram -
not stated
not stated - Dveira
not stated not stated -
31 Friedrichstadt 1847 1/11/1847 8/11/1847 not stated -
Shmuel- Mozes Leizer Itzik
not stated
not stated - Tzisa
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Zalman WASSERMAN -
32 Friedrichstadt 1847 13/11/1847 20/11/1847 KAHN КАН
Khaikel Khatzkiel Abraham
not stated
not stated - Gita- Vikhna
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE -
29 Friedrichstadt 1847 22/11/1847 - KATZEV КАЦЕВ
Liebe Markus Khaim
not stated
not stated - Rokha- Beila
not stated not stated -
33 Friedrichstadt 1841 15/11/1847 22/11/1847 not stated -
Meier Itzik Hillel Tailor
not stated
not stated - Tzira
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE -
34 Friedrichstadt 1847 22/11/1847 29/11/1847 RUMEL РУМЕЛ
Lazer Sholem Jerukhim -
not stated - Hinda
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Zalman WASSERMAN -
30 Friedrichstadt 1847 13/12/1847 - WEIDE ВЕЙДЕ
Elka- Malka Khatzkiel Ahron -
not stated
not stated - Gissa
not stated not stated -
31 Friedrichstadt 1847 14/12/1847 - not stated -
Jenta Jossel Vulf -
not stated
not stated - Etta
not stated not stated -
23 32 Friedrichstadt 1847 13/12/1847 - SHEZIN ШЕЗИН
Khaya Levin Markus -
not stated
not stated - Zlata
not stated not stated -
33 Friedrichstadt 1841 13/12/1847 - LEVENSOHN ЛЕВЕНСОН
Jacha Lipman Levin -
not stated
not stated - Mina
not stated not stated -
34 Friedrichstadt 1847 15/12/1847 - not stated -
Gissa Shabsa Idel
not stated
not stated - Lea
not stated not stated -
35 Friedrichstadt 1847 16/12/1847 - A...GOVITZ? -
Liebe- Riva Abram Itzik- Aron
not stated
not stated - Mera
not stated not stated -
36 Friedrichstadt 1847 18/12/1847 - not stated - Tamara Noah Elias
not stated - Jenta
not stated not stated -
37 Friedrichstadt 1847 19/12/1847 - LEVIN or patronymic ЛЕВИН
Gitel Hertz not stated -
not stated
not stated - Hanna- Dveira
not stated not stated -
35 Friedrichstadt 1841 17/12/1847 24/12/1847 GUTMAN ГУТМАН
Hillel- Hirsh Levin Hillel
not stated
not stated - Nessa
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG, Behr JOFFE -
36 Friedrichstadt 1847 13/12/1847 20/12/1847 not stated -
Vulf Peisekh Markus
not stated - Rachel
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
37 Friedrichstadt 1847 15/12/1847 22/12/1847 not stated -
Markus Vulf Markus
not stated
not stated - Rachel
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
38 Friedrichstadt 1847 16/12/1847 23/12/1847 not stated -
Abram Feivush Abram
not stated
not stated - Riva
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
39 Friedrichstadt 1847 18/12/1847 25/12/1847 not stated -
Markus Levin Markus -
not stated
not stated - Liebe
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -
40 Friedrichstadt 1841 18/12/1847 25/12/1847 not stated -
Itzik- Levin Vulf not stated -
not stated
not stated - Ester- Malka
not stated not stated Vulf LEVENBERG -

All the records

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