О родившихся  в Либаве/ Лиепая в 1857 г.
Births in Libava/ Libau/ Liepaja in 1857.
Naissances a 
Libava/ Libau/ Liepaja en 1857.

from this site
Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

To find a name,press CtrlF Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)



Place Year reg Date of birth Date of circumcision SurnamexxxxxxxxxxxxXXxXXx Given namexxxxxxxxxxx
given name
Occupation    of the       fatherXxxXXXxXXX Mother's
given  name
Father's place
of registrationxx
OfficiantxXXXXXXXXXX Comments

4 1 Libava
1857 6/01/1857 13/01/1857 FIRST Yakob Elias not stated Petty bourgeois MIKHALSOHN
not stated Libava S. LEVITAN
1 Libava
1857 13/01/1857 - ZELIGSOHN Betty Elias not stated Tailor FRILENDER Ester
not stated Tukum -
2 Libava
1857 24/01/1857 31/01/1857 unknown Bendet unknown unknown not stated SHLUB
not stated Libava S. LEVITAN
6 3 Libava
1857 3/02/1857 10/02/1857 FEINSHTEIN Khatzkiel Itzik not stated Merchant BRENNER Sheva
not stated Grobina Zalman LEVITAN
2 Libava
1857 6/02/1857 - MENDELSOHN Shora Zalman not stated not stated LIBERMAN Henna
not stated Libava -
3 Libava
1857 7/02/1857 - FRIDMAN Khinka Markus not stated 2d guild merchant GOLDBERG
A merchant Grobina -
4 Libava
1857 7/02/1857 - GIBERT Shora Gershon not stated not stated MEIZEL Mina
not stated Libava -
7 4 Libava
1857 16/02/1857 23/01/1857 GIRMASOHN(?) Zorakh- Mendel Benjamin not stated Coachman NAI...? Esna
not stated Libava Salomon D. . LEVITAN
5 Libava
1857 22/02/1857 1/03/1857 BAER Genokh Yosel not stated not stated PERL Etil
not stated Piltene Salomon D. . LEVITAN
5 Libava
1857 28/02/1857 - MAU Khatshe Hirsh not stated Shoemaker LEEV Feiga
not stated Libava -
8 6 Libava
1857 2/03/1857 - EFRAIMSOHN Gitel Markus not stated Shoemaker BERNHARD
not stated Libava -
7 Libava
1857 6/03/1857 - GILLELSOHN Shora Hosias not stated Petty bourgeois FIRST Keila
not stated Libava -
8 Libava
1857 9/03/1857 - FRIDBERG Ita Vilf not stated Petty bourgeois BRENNER Khaya
not stated Gazenpot -
9 Libava
1857 17/03/1857 - MAU Miriam Abram маллер ? not stated DANTZIGER Gita
not stated Libava -
10 Libava
1857 18/03/1857 - GLIK Gita Yosel not stated not stated EFRAIMSOHN Rahel
not stated Letzkov -
11 Libava
1857 19/03/1857 - unknown Hinda unknown unknown not stated not stated Hanna
not stated Libava -
9 6 Libava
1857 4/04/1857 11/04/1857 RIKHTER Abram Noakh not stated Шупожник? Hatter? FALKSOHN Rella
not stated Libava Zalman LEVITAN
7 Libava
1857 5/04/1857 12/04/1857 TOKKEL Hirsh Faivish not stated Soldier GOTTLIEB Yenta
not stated Libava Zalman LEVITAN
8 Libava
1857 10/04/1857 17/04/1857 Unknown Bendei unknown unknown
unknown not stated Hana
Aron Libava Zalman LEVITAN
12 Libava
1857 24/04/1857 - BALZAM Yudas Leiba not stated Retired soldier KAHN Khinka
not stated Libava -
10 9 Libava
1857 5/05/1857 12/05/1857 RAPOPORT Zhelig (Zelig) Uri not stated Merchant BRENNER Lea
not stated Libava Z. LEVITAN
13 Libava
1857 15/05/1857 - GOLDINGER Rahel Alexander not stated Petty bourgeois VULFSOHN Henna
not stated Libava -
14 Libava
1857 27/05/1857 - HIRSHMAN or KLEMPNER Rebeka Yossel not stated not stated EIKHVALD Khinka
not stated Libava -
10 Libava
1857 30/05/1857 not stated Unknown illegitimate son unknown unknown not stated VAKS Mina
not stated Libava Z. LEVITAN
11 11 Libava
1857 /06/1857 not stated BLUMBERG not stated Benjamin not stated Ritual slaughterer YAKOBSOHN Pesa
not stated Libava Z. LEVITAN
15 Libava
1857 /06/1857 -
YAKOBSOHN Hanna Yakob not stated Merchant GERTZFELD Massa
a merchant Tukum -
12 Libava
1857 19/06/1857 26/06/1857 SHTUSSER Hirsh Abram not stated Coachman not stated not stated not stated Libava Z. LEVITAN
13 Libava
1857 27/06/1857 4/07/1857 LEVINSHTEIN Mendel Zorakh not stated Tailor HIRSHVALD
not stated Libava Z. LEVITAN
13 16 Libava
1857 1/07/1857 - LEVITAN Zelda (twins) Zalman not stated Ritual slaughterer GRINBLAT Sarah
not stated Libava -
14 Libava
1857 1/07/1857 not stated LEVITAN Meier (twins) Zalman not stated Ritual slaughterer GRINBLAT Sarah
not stated Libava Z. LEVITAN
15 Libava
1857 6/07/1857 not stated GERTZFELD Yuddel Filip not stated Merchant not stated Emma
not stated Libava Z. LEVITAN
17 Libava
1857 14/07/1857 - MIKHALOVICH Ester Elias not stated not stated GINTZBURG
not stated Gazenpot -
18 Libava
1857 14/07/1857 - SHUMACHER Mina Yankel not stated not stated MENDELSOHN Bina
not stated Libava -
14 16 Libava
1857 3/08/1857 /01/1857 ZALMANSOHN David Yakov not stated not stated FRIDMAN Mina
not stated Libava Zalman LEVITAN
19 Libava
1857 5/08/1857 - GUTMAN Malka Meier not stated not stated KRETZER Ettil
not stated Polangen - Mother from Mitova
20 Libava
1857 7/08/1857 - YAFFE Gitel Elya not stated not stated RUKEIZER Khaya
not stated Libava -
17 Libava
1857 13/08/1857 20/08/1857 LEVINSOHN Yosel- Tzodik  David not stated not stated FEITELBERG Braina
not stated Libava Zalman LEVITAN
21 Libava
1857 13/08/1857 - LEVINSHTEIN Dissa Meier not stated not stated BERNHARD Ralle
not stated Libava -
22 Libava
1857 26/08/1857 - FRIDMAN Rahel Leiba not stated not stated GORDON Giter
not stated Libava -
23 Libava
1857 31/08/1857 - GERTZBERG Sheina Yossel not stated not stated EDDELSOHN Dina
not stated Libava -
15 18 Libava
1857 31/08/1857 not stated BERMAN David Nathan not stated Маллер? TALBURER Paulina
not stated Libava Z. LEVITAN
16 19 Libava
1857 8/09/1857 15/08/1857 GERTZBERG Mozes Behr not stated not stated GEIMANSOHN Gitel
not stated Libava Z. LEVITAN
17 20 Libava
1857 9/10/1857 16/10/1857 TRAUGUT Leiba Salomon not stated Цашевник ? BERNSHTEIN Zhena
not stated Libava S. LEVITAN
21 Libava
1857 18/10/1857 not stated BRENER Unnamed (deceased) Yoel not stated Petty bourgeois HIRSHSOHN Rahel
not stated Libava S. LEVITAN
24 Libava
1857 27/10/1857 - ZAMELSOHN Khaya Samuel not stated Tailor RUKEIZER Lote
not stated Libava -
18 22 Libava
1857 8/10/1857 15/10/1857 SHEFTELOVICH Aron (see comments) Yakov not stated Tailor VELOBER Freida
not stated Novgorod S. LEVITAN Death 23/9/1941, Liepaja
25 Libava
1857 17/10/1857 - FIRST Mina- Shora Izrael not stated not stated GILLESOHN Nina
not stated Libava -
26 Libava
1857 22/10/1857 - HIRSHSOHN Hinda Tzodek not stated not stated LEEV Paulina
not stated Libava -
23 Libava
1857 23/10/1857 not stated PREIS Yosef Yankel not stated not stated GERTZBERG Rebeka
not stated Libava S. LEVITAN
24 Libava
1857 25/10/1857 not stated SHAY (?) Ruben Lazer not stated not stated GERTZBERG Rivka
not stated Libava S. LEVITAN
19 27 Libava
1857 2/11/1857 - BERNHARD Nera Elias Yankel
not stated LEHNHOF Pesa
not stated Libava -
25 Libava
1857 6/11/1857 13/11/1857 GOLDBERG Behr Mendel not stated not stated LEVINSHTEIN Fanny
not stated Libava S. LEVITAN
28 Libava
1857 12/11/1857 - GEIMANSOHN Hanna Hirsh not stated not stated OLDENBURG Eta
not stated Libava -
20 26 Libava
1857 1/12/1857 8/12/1857 LEVI Behr Hirsh not stated not stated VARAHSOHN (?) Shora
not stated Libava S. LEVITAN
29 Libava
1857 3/12/1857 - LEIBOVICH Rahel Abram not stated Coachman SHTUSSER Masha
not stated Libava -
27 Libava
1857 14/12/1857 21/12/1857 DINER Leizer- Meier Abram not stated Soldier VAKSMAN Hana
not stated Poland S. LEVITAN
30 Libava
1857 19/12/1857 - FALK Raina Izak not stated Merchant DAVIDOV Rahel
not stated Libava -
28 Libava
1857 20/12/1857 not stated EKOZ or EKOZA Leiba Shaya not stated Soldier GUTMAN Ester
not stated Libava S. LEVITAN
21 29 Libava
1857 21/12/1857 not stated SHTA Hosias Yankel not stated Butcher SITIRN
not stated Libava S. LEVITAN
31 Libava
1857 22/12/1857 - BERNER Feiga Behr not stated Tailor not stated Hana
not stated Libava -
32 Libava
1857 25/12/1857 - Unknown Feiga unknown unknown not stated BERNER Hana
not stated Libava -


All the records

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