О родившихся  в Сабиле( Цабель) в 1882, 1883 г.
Births in Sabile( Yiddish: Schabeln, German: Zabeln) in 1882, 1883.
Sabile( Yiddish: Schabeln, German: Zabeln) en 1882, 1883.

from this site
Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

To find a name,press CtrlF Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Sabile lanscapes in about 1930


Rabbis: Z. A. Hirshovich and  Hirsh, the son of  Abram Ralba( Tzvi Rolbe), Rabbi in Sabile from 1864 to 1900.
The officiant Meier, the son of  Zusel Meierovich died at the age of 76 on April 10, 1883. His widow, Khana died on 23/12/1889 at the age of  74.
The officiant Hirsh, the son of Zundel Plen died at the age of 65 of breast inflammation on October 8, 1883.


Place Year reg Date of birth Date
 of circumcision
Given name
given name
of the father
Father's place
of registration

Surname in cyrillic Mother's
given  name
Mother's place
of registration


5 1 Zabeln 1882 19/01/1882 - RUBINSHTEIN РУБИНШТЕЙН
Nekhama Joseph Khone
not stated Grobina
not stated - Sheina- Jakha
not stated not stated - -
1 Zabeln 1882 22/01/1882 29/01/1882 GERBER ГЕРБЕР
Abram Mendel Meier
not stated not stated not stated - Leiba
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
2 Zabeln 1882 29/01/1882 28/02/1882 FEITELBERG ФЕЙТЕЛБЕРГ
Hirsh- Abram Jakob not stated not stated Miltene
not stated - Peisa
not stated not stated not stated
6 3 Zabeln 1882 6/02/1882 13/02/1882 PERLMAN ПЕРЛМАН
Shakhno Benjamin not stated not stated Piltene
not stated - Shora- Lea
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
4 Zabeln 1882 10/02/1882 17/02/1882 PRES ПРЕС
Behr Bentzion not stated
not stated not stated not stated - Tzerna
not stated not stated Hirsh, the son of  Zundel PLEN
5 Zabeln 1882 13/02/1882 20/02/1882 GOLDMAN ГОЛДМАН
Zalkind Itze not stated not stated not stated not stated - Pesa
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
2 Zabeln 1882 23/02/1882 -
Shifra Meier not stated not stated not stated not stated - Rokha- Ester
not stated not stated -
7 6 Zabeln 1882 2/03/1882 9/03/1882 KAHN КАН
Mozes Izrael not stated not stated Piltene not stated - Reiza
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
7 Zabeln 1882 4/03/1882 11/03/1882 HIRSHFELD ГИРШФЕЛД
Khone- Behr Jose not stated Shoemaker Tukkum not stated - Eta
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
8 Zabeln 1882 12/03/1882 19/03/1882 GUNE( GUNO) ГУНЕ
Zusman Hirsh not stated not stated not stated not stated - Rokhe
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
9 Zabeln 1882 14/03/1882 21/03/1882 KREMER КРЕМЕР
Mozes- Hillel Efraim Shmuel not stated Goldingen not stated - Khana
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
10 Zabeln 1882 25/03/1882 1/04/1882 GOLDMAN ГОЛДМАН
Kopel- Mendel Jakob not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Rokha
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
8 11 Zabeln 1882 26/03/1882 2/04/1882 KLEMPNER КЛЕМПНЕР
Meier* Lobesh not stated not stated not stated not stated - Etta
not stated not stated Hertz GRINSHTEIN
Meier KLEMPNER died of fever on 15/06/1882.
12 Zabeln 1882 6/04/1882 13/04/1882 GEIMAN ГЕЙМАН
Jakob- Erukhem* Shaya not stated not stated not stated not stated - Dvora
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH Jakob Erukhem GEIMAN died on 17/01/1883.
13 Zabeln 1882 15/04/1882 22/04/1882 HIRSHFELD ГИРШФЕЛД
Khone- Shmuel Jakob not stated not stated not stated not stated - Shprintza
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
9 14 Zabeln 1882 23/04/1882 30/04/1882 not stated -
Jakob- Hosias Mozes not stated not stated Lithuania not stated - Shora
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
15 Zabeln 1882 24/04/1882 1/05/1882 VEINER ВЕЙНЕР
Mones* Mordkhe not stated Shoemaker not stated not stated - Shora
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH Mones, also Movsha VEINER died on 11/02/1884.
10 16 Zabeln 1882 6/05/1882 13/05/1882 GOLDBERG ГОЛДБЕРГ
David Itze not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Khana
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
17 Zabeln 1882 7/05/1882 14/05/1882 KAHN КАН
Mordkhe Note not stated not stated not stated not stated - Gite
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
18 Zabeln 1882 10/05/1882 17/05/1882 GLAZER ГЛАЗЕР
Izrael Shmuel not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Rokhe- Basha
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
19 Zabeln 1882 18/05/1882 25/05/1882 SHTEINBERG ШТЕЙНБЕРГ
Joseph Urje not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Tauba
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
3 Zabeln 1882 25/05/1882 - BALTUS or BALTUN -
Nekha Behr not stated not stated not stated not stated - Libe
not stated not stated -
11 20 Zabeln 1882 4/06/1882 11/06/1882 LEVI ЛЕВИ
Gershon Khaim Aron not stated not stated not stated - Khana
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
21 Zabeln 1882 6/06/1882 13/06/1882 LEVENTAHL ЛЕВЕНТАЛ
Mozes- Mordkhe Ruven Volf not stated Goldingen not stated - Rokha
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
22 Zabeln 1882 8/06/1882 15/06/1882 ROSTOVSKI РОСТОВСКИ
Benjamin- Izrael* Izrael not stated not stated not stated not stated - Eta
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH Benjamin ROSTOVSKI died of throat disease on 22/03/1884.
23 Zabeln 1882 12/06/1882 19/06/1882 GUNE ГУНЕ
Simon Urje not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Mikhla
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
24 Zabeln 1882 26/06/1882 3/07/1882 DAVIDOV ДАВИДОВ
Mordkhe* Joseph not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Basha
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH Mordkhe- Note in the death records) died of throat disease on  26/11/1882.
12 25 Zabeln 1882 23/07/1882 30/07/1882 HOSIASOHN ГОЗЯСОН
Vulf Osher Mozes not stated Goldingen not stated - Ita
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
26 Zabeln 1882 28/07/1882 4/08/1882 ZUTNER ЗУТНЕР
Zuse Jakob Leib not stated not stated not stated - Lea
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
13 4 Zabeln 1882 5/08/1882 - MARIENTAHL МАРИЕНТАЛ
Rokha- Dina Aron not stated not stated Grobina not stated - Mera
not stated not stated -
27 Zabeln 1882 5/08/1882 12/08/1882 SHUMACHER ШУМАХЕР
Osher Hessel not stated not stated - not stated - Fruma
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
28 Zabeln 1882 26/08/1882 2/09/1882 VEINBERG ВЕЙНБЕРГ
Shmuel- Shakhno Mozes not stated not stated Piltene not stated - Riva
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
5 Zabeln 1882 26/08/1882 - HOFMAN ГОФМАН
Lea Idel not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Rokha
not stated not stated -
14 29 Zabeln 1882 28/08/1882 4/09/1882 LIEBERMAN ЛИБЕРМАН
Sholem Shmuel not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Rokha
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
15 30 Zabeln 1882 10/09/1882 17/09/1882 GORDON ГОРДОН
Daviel Ruven not stated Retired soldier not stated not stated - Pera- Riva
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
31 Zabeln 1882 18/09/1882 25/09/1882 KABILER КАБИЛЕР
Izrael Jakob not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Liba
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
6 Zabeln 1882 20/09/1882 - LEVENTAHL ЛЕВЕНТАЛ
Hanna Khone not stated Shopkeeper Goldingen not stated - Roza*
not stated not stated -
Roza LEVENTAHL died of throat disease on 10/12/1884 at the age of 30.
16 32 Zabeln 1882 31/10/1882 7/11/1882 DREYER ДРЕЙЕР
Meier Simon not stated Tailor Piltene not stated - Hena
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
17 7 Zabeln 1882 6/11/1882 - MAHLER MАЛЕР
Rokha Bentze not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Sheina
not stated not stated -
33 Zabeln 1882 10/11/1882 17/11/1882 KAHN КАН
Mordkhe- Josse Abram Elya not stated not stated not stated - Riva
not stated not stated Hirsh, the son of Zundel PLEN
8 Zabeln 1882 12/11/1882 - KAHN КАН
Khaya Joseph not stated not stated not stated not stated - Basheva
not stated not stated -
34 Zabeln 1882 13/11/1882 20/11/1882 TAHLBERG ТАЛБЕРГ
Aron David not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Lea
not stated not stated Hirsh, the son of Zundel PLEN -
18 35 Zabeln 1882 2/12/1882 9/12/1882 KIMMEL КИММЕЛ
Nokhum- Elya Mates not stated not stated not stated not stated - Roza
not stated not stated Meier,  the son of Zusel MEIEROVICH -
9 Zabeln 1882 3/12/1882 - HIRSHBERG ГИРШБЕРГ
Simkha Joseph not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Shora
not stated not stated -
10 Zabeln 1882 21/12/1882 - HOSIASOHN ГОЗЯСОН Gitel Abram not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Eta*
not stated not stated -
Eta HOSIASOHN died of  fever on 31/05/1889 at the age of 32.

5 1 Zabeln 1883 5/01/1883 - HIRSHFELD ГИРШФЕЛД
Shora Eizik not stated not stated not stated not stated - Khaya
not stated not stated -
1 Zabeln 1883 9/01/1883 16/01/1883 VEINBERG ВЕЙНБЕРГ
Zundel* Izrael not stated not stated not stated not stated - Khaya
not stated not stated Meier Zusel MEIEROVICH Zundel VEINBERG died on 26/11/1883.
2 Zabeln 1883 19/01/1883 26/01/1883 LEVENTAHL ЛЕВЕНТАЛ
Leib- Meier* Elya Shoemaker not stated not stated not stated - Dina
not stated not stated Meier Zusel MEIEROVICH Leib- Meier LEVENTAHL died of asphyxia on 27/01/1884.
2 Zabeln 1883 28/01/1883 - KABILER КАБИЛЕР
Hana- Riva* Itzik not stated not stated not stated not stated - Bassa
not stated not stated -
Hana- Riva KABILER died of asphyxia on 20/08/1883.
6 3 Zabeln 1883 6/02/1883 - GOLDBERG ГОЛДБЕРГ
Henna Efraim not stated not stated not stated not stated - Rokhel
not stated not stated -
4 Zabeln 1883 7/02/1883 - TZINGLER ЦИНГЛЕР
Khaya* David not stated not stated not stated not stated - Mera
not stated not stated -
Khaya TZINGLER died of throat disease on 2/04/1884.
5 Zabeln 1883 7/02/1883 - DANIN ДАНИН
Riva Mozes not stated not stated not stated not stated - Mala- Eta
not stated not stated -
3 Zabeln 1883 10/02/1883 17/02/1883 BLUMENAU БЛУМЕНАУ
Abram- Mote Mozes not stated not stated not stated not stated - Gita
not stated not stated Meier Zusel MEIEROVICH -
4 Zabeln 1883 20/02/1883 Died
Unnamed( twin) Mozes Meier not stated not stated not stated - Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
6 Zabeln 1883 20/02/1883 Died GALANT ГАЛАНТ Unnamed( twin) Mozes Meier not stated not stated not stated - Rokhel
not stated not stated -
7 5 Zabeln 1883 2/03/1883 9/03/1883 ZALTZMAN ЗАЛЦМАН
Aron Karpel not stated not stated not stated not stated - Guta
not stated not stated
6 Zabeln 1883 11/03/1883 18/03/1883 JAKOBI ЯКОБИ
Hosias- Zalman Simon not stated not stated not stated not stated - Breina
not stated not stated
7 Zabeln 1883 12/03/1883 19/03/1883 MIRVIS МИРВИС
Hirsh- Abram Mendel Eizel not stated not stated not stated - Khaya
not stated not stated
7 Zabeln 1883 27/03/1883 - KABILER КАБИЛЕР
Khaya- Shora Shaya not stated not stated not stated not stated - Miriam
not stated not stated -
8 Zabeln 1883 30/03/1883 6/04/1883 DAVIDOVICH ДАВИДОВИЧ
Zalman- Itzik Shneier not stated not stated not stated not stated - Gita- Riva
not stated not stated Hirsh, the son of Zundel PLEN
8 8 Zabeln 1883 5/05/1883 - PERLMAN ПЕРЛМАН
Elka Aron not stated not stated not stated not stated - Dvora
not stated not stated -
9 Zabeln 1883 9/05/1883 16/05/1883 SHUMACHER ШУМАХЕР
Meier- Jossel Hirsh Zundel not stated not stated not stated - Lea
not stated not stated Hirsh, the son of Zundel PLEN -
10 Zabeln 1883 9/05/1883 16/05/1883 KATAN КАТАН
Mordkhe- Izrael Naftali not stated not stated not stated not stated - Rokhel
not stated not stated Hirsh, the son of Zundel PLEN -
9 9 Zabeln 1883 4/06/1883 - LENHOF ЛЕНГОФ
Malka Zelig not stated not stated not stated not stated - Shora- Lea
not stated not stated -
10 Zabeln 1883 15/06/1883 - LEVI ЛЕВИ
Zlata Feivush not stated not stated not stated not stated - Eta
not stated not stated -
11 Zabeln 1883 15/06/1883 22/06/1883 GABBE ГАББЕ
Todrus Abram not stated not stated not stated not stated - Rokhel
not stated not stated Hirsh, the son of Zundel PLEN -
11 Zabeln 1883 17/06/1883 - KAHN КАН
Khana- Lea Ruven not stated not stated not stated not stated - Dvora
not stated not stated -
12 Zabeln 1883 26/06/1883 3/07/1883 GAMPER( HAMPER) ГАМПЕР
Sheiel(?) Izrael Moshe not stated not stated not stated - Jenta
not stated not stated Hirsh, the son of Zundel PLEN -
10 13 Zabeln 1883 4/07/1883 11/07/1883 SHTEINBERG ШТЕЙНБЕРГ
Mikhel Vulf not stated not stated not stated not stated - Khaya
not stated not stated Vulf GLAZER
14 Zabeln 1883 4/07/1883 11/07/1883 ADLER АДЛЕР
Leib- Zalkind Aron not stated not stated not stated not stated - Pessa
not stated not stated Vulf GLAZER -
12 Zabeln 1883 10/07/1883 - GOLDBERG ГОЛДБЕРГ
Dvora Zalman not stated not stated not stated not stated - Rokhel
not stated not stated -
15 Zabeln 1883 12/07/1883 19/07/1883 THEODOR ТЕОДОР
Abram Bentze not stated not stated not stated not stated - Gissa
not stated not stated Vulf GLAZER -
13 Zabeln 1883 12/07/1883 - RUBENSOHN РУБЕНСОН
Riva Joseph Khone not stated not stated not stated - Rokhel
not stated not stated -
11 16 Zabeln 1883 21/07/1883 28/07/1883 BLUMENAU БЛУМЕНАУ
Nokhum- Meier Shimkha not stated not stated not stated not stated - Riva
not stated not stated Vulf GLAZER -
14 Zabeln 1883 22/07/1883 - KLEIN КЛЕЙН
Gitel Shmuel Mote not stated not stated not stated - Eta
not stated not stated -
17 Zabeln 1883 24/07/1883 31/07/1883 KLEMPNER КЛЕМПНЕР
Abraham- Itze Lobesh not stated not stated not stated not stated - Eta
not stated not stated Vulf GLAZER -
12 18 Zabeln 1883 20/08/1883 27/08/1883 KATAN КАТАН
Judel Meier not stated not stated not stated not stated - Ester
not stated not stated Todres SHASHER
15 Zabeln 1883 11/09/1883 - HIRSHFELD ГИРШФЕЛД
Khana Judel not stated not stated not stated not stated - Liba
not stated not stated -
16 Zabeln 1883 13/09/1883 - JOSELOVICH ИОСЕЛОВИЧ
Lea Behr Hirsh not stated not stated not stated - Heza
not stated not stated -
19 Zabeln 1883 20/09/1883 27/09/1883 PRES ПРЕС
Isaak Bentzion not stated not stated not stated not stated - Tzeza
not stated not stated Leizer VULFAHRT
14 20 Zabeln 1883 30/09/1883 7/10/1883 GLAZER ГЛАЗЕР
Zalman- Bendet Hirsh not stated not stated not stated not stated - Tauba
not stated not stated Leizer VULFAHRT -
15 21 Zabeln 1883 8/10/1883 15/10/1883 ROLOV РОЛОВ
Hirsh- Abram David not stated not stated not stated not stated - Shora
not stated not stated Leizer VULFAHRT -
16 22 Zabeln 1883 30/11/1883 7/12/1883 GLAZER ГЛАЗЕР
Shneier- Auzer* Meier not stated not stated not stated not stated - Sheina- Rokhel
not stated not stated Volf  GLAZER
Shneier- Auzer GLAZER was single in 1941. Killed. Source
17 17 Zabeln 1883 24/12/1883 - MEYEROVICH МЕЙЕРОВИЧ
Shora- Gita Eizik not stated not stated not stated not stated - Hinda
not stated not stated -
18 Zabeln 1883 30/12/1883 - GOLDMAN ГОЛДМАН
Rasha Itzik not stated not stated not stated not stated - Pesha
not stated not stated -

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