О родившихся  в Тукумсе в 1895 г.
Births in Tukums in 1895.
a Tukums en 1895.

from this site
Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

To find a name,press CtrlF Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Tukums. A. Artums. 1936

Rabbi: Eliezer Lichtenshtein( the son of Rabbi  Mordekhai Lichtenshtein) Rabbi in Tukums from 1848 to 1896.
Synagogue Warden: Samuel Veinberg
Treasurer: D. Klatzov and S. Shumacher
Scholar: Josel Kramer


Place Year reg Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname in cyrillic
Given name
given name
of the father

Father's place
of registration

given  name
Mother's place
of registration


5 1 Tukkum
1895 1/01/1895 - HAMBURGER ГАМБУРГЕР
Basha- Roza Meier Samuel Craftman not stated
not stated Pera
not stated not stated - -
2 Tukkum
1895 1/01/1895 - LERENMAN ЛЕРЕНМАН Mera Yankel- Behr Leib Melamed Siad
not stated Fruma
not stated not stated - -
1 Tukkum
1895 27/12/1894 3/01/1895 PERLMAN ПЕРЛЬМАН Rafael- Itzik Ozer Aron not stated not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated M. BAGE -
3 Tukkum
1895 4/01/1895 - BAUMAN БАУМАН Tamara Abram Kasriel Craftman not stated
not stated Khana- Lea*
not stated not stated - Khana- Lea was born in 1870 to Behr- Simon MITAUSKI in Tukums. Widow and Killed in 1941
4 Tukkum
1895 5/01/1895 - ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Paya Izrael Aron Huckster not stated
not stated Fruma
not stated not stated - -
5 Tukkum
1895 7/01/1895 - ABELSOHN АБЕЛЬСОН Roza- Lipa Behr Shimel Craftman not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - -
2 Tukkum
1895 2/01/1895 9/01/1895 FLEISHER ФЛЕЙШЕР Jossel Yankel Shlome Butcher not stated
not stated Dvora- Rebeka*
not stated not stated B. SAVIN Dvora- Rebeka was born BAUMAN on 28/08/1871. Widow and Killed in 1941
6 6 Tukkum
1895 9/01/1895 - GRANDBERG ГРАНБЕРГ Feiga- Freida Levin Shimen Craftman not stated
not stated Rokhel- Yenta
not stated not stated - -
7 Tukkum
1895 11/01/1895 - DIRBACH ДИРБАХ Mina Mozes Khatzkiel Craftman not stated
not stated Keila
not stated not stated - -
8 Tukkum
1895 11/01/1895 - GOLTZMAN ГОЛЬЦМАН Liba Ozer- Meier Hirsh not stated not stated
not stated Roza
not stated not stated - -
3 Tukkum
1895 15/01/1895 22/01/1895 HERTZBERG ГЕРЦБЕРГ Abram- Arje Mikhel Abram Huckster not stated
not stated Eta
not stated not stated B. SAVIN -
4 Tukkum
1895 16/01/1895 23/01/1895 GOLDMAN ГОЛЬДМАН Volf- Shimen Hirsh Mozes Seller of small items not stated
not stated Khasa
not stated not stated B. SAVIN -
9 Tukkum
1895 31/01/1895 - VEINREICH ВЕЙНРЕЙХ Hena( twin) Leizer Abram not stated not stated
not stated Liba
not stated not stated - -
10 Tukkum
1895 31/01/1895 - VEINREICH ВЕЙНРЕЙХ Basha( twin) Leizer Abram not stated not stated
not stated Liba
not stated not stated - -
7 11 Tukkum
1895 31/01/1895 - LEIBSOHN ЛЕЙБСОН Mina- Roza Abram Itzik not stated Grobina
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
5 Tukkum
1895 31/01/1895 Stillborn KANTER КАНТЕР Unnamed Abe Yankel not stated Datnov
not stated Feiga- Lea
not stated not stated - -
12 Tukkum
1895 6/08/1894 - KALMANSOHN КАЛМАНСОН Yenta Bentzel Vulf Seller of small items Goldingen
not stated Tamara
not stated not stated - -
8 13 Tukkum
1895 1/02/1895 - HIRSHHORN ГИРШГОРЕН Pera- Rauze Khaim Eliash Huckster Gazenpot
not stated Dvora
not stated not stated - -
14 Tukkum
1895 5/02/1895 - BLUMENTAHL БЛУМЕНТАЛ Anna Moritz- Mendel Itzik not stated not stated
not stated Mathilda
not stated not stated - -
15 Tukkum
1895 7/02/1895 - FELDMAN ФЕЛДЬМАН Shora Khaim Osher Butcher not stated
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated - -
16 Tukkum
1895 13/02/1895 - ROZENBERG РОЗЕНБЕРГ Dobra Alexander Leib Huckster Mitava
not stated Rebeka
not stated not stated - -
6 Tukkum
1895 15/01/1895 14/02/1895 MOZESHTAM МОЗЕШТАМ Shimen- Jakob( twin) Gelman Shmuel Craftman Jakobstadt
not stated Ester- Liba
not stated not stated B. SAVIN -
7 Tukkum
1895 15/01/1895 14/02/1895 MOZESHTAM МОЗЕШТАМ Benjamin- David( twin) Gelman Shmuel Craftman Jakobstadt
not stated Ester- Liba
not stated not stated B. SAVIN -
8 Tukkum
1895 7/02/1895 14/02/1895 MANDELKORN МАНДЕЛКОРН Abe- Shabsa Yankel Abram Craftman not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated B. SAVIN -
9 9 Tukkum
1895 5/02/1895 14/02/1895 BLUMENAU БЛУМЕНАУ Shaya Jossel- Yankel Shaya Butcher Goldingen
not stated Shora
not stated not stated B. SAVIN -
17 Tukkum
1895 15/02/1895 - KLEINMAN КЛЕЙНМАН Lea Movsha Bene Craftman Popelian
not stated Hena- Bassa
not stated not stated - -
18 Tukkum
1895 18/02/1895 - BERNER БЕРНЕР Sheina- Tzipa Yankel- Peilesh Shimen Craftman not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - -
10 Tukkum
1895 11/02/1895 19/02/1895 PERLMAN ПЕРЛЬМАН Benjamin- Elias Samuel Zelik Craftman Piltene
not stated Khaya- Freida
not stated not stated V. GLAZER -
11 Tukkum
1895 14/02/1895 21/02/1895 GOLTZMAN ГОЛЦМАН Abram- Hertz Jossel Hirsh Seller of small items not stated
not stated Rokhel- Rebeka
not stated not stated J. A. VULFHART -
12 Tukkum
1895 /02/1895 24/02/1895 HERTZBACH ГЕРЦБАХ Shimen Eliash Boruk not stated Mitava
not stated Mariasha
not stated not stated E. M. RUBINSHTEIN -
10 19 Tukkum
1895 27/02/1895 - HERTZBERG ГЕРЦБЕРГ Khaya Helman Vulf not stated not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
20 Tukkum
1895 28/02/1895 - DANIN ДАНИН Rokhel Gutman Zelig Seller of small items not stated
not stated Freida
not stated not stated - -
21 Tukkum
1895 7/03/1895 - BRENNER БРЕННЕР Dvora- Jakha Bentze Behr Craftman not stated
not stated Ester
not stated not stated - -
22 Tukkum
1895 7/03/1895 - KLESHTNER КЛЕШТНЕР Edwige Isidore not stated Doctor not stated
not stated Eta
not stated not stated - -
11 13 Tukkum
1895 22/02/1895 8/03/1895 YAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Hirsh- Leib Yankel Jossel Seller of small items not stated
not stated Roza
not stated not stated V. GLAZER -
23 Tukkum
1895 12/03/1895 - ROZENBERG РОЗЕНБЕРГ Liba Hirsh Leib Huckster Mitava
not stated Raitza
not stated not stated - -
14 Tukkum
1895 8/03/1895 15/03/1895 PARADISGARTEN ПАРАДИЗГАРТЕН Itzik- Zalman Abram Arje Huckster not stated
not stated Rokhel- Lea
not stated not stated V. GLAZER -
15 Tukkum
1895 12/03/1895 19/03/1895 SHTROM ШТРОМ Levi Behr Vulf Craftman not stated
not stated Shifra
not stated not stated V. GLAZER -
16 Tukkum
1895 14/03/1895 21/03/1895 SHTEINBERG ШТЕЙНБЕРГ Benjamin- David Shabsa Abram Craftman Gazenpot
not stated Feiga- Bassa
not stated not stated V. GLAZER -
24 Tukkum
1895 27/03/1895 - BERNSHTAM БЕРНШТАМ Khana- Beila Levin Behr Huckster not stated
not stated Shora- Rebeka
not stated not stated - -
12 25 Tukkum
1895 1/04/1895 - HERTZBERG ГЕРЦБЕРГ Pesa- Lea Dane David Craftman Bauska
not stated Shora- Mera
not stated not stated - -
26 Tukkum
1895 8/04/1895 - TAUBE ТАУБ Mina Khaim- Izrael Khatzkiel Craftman not stated
not stated Simkha
not stated not stated - -
17 Tukkum
1895 18/03/1895 9/04/1895 YAKOBOVICH ЯКОБОВИЧ Jakob Khaim Samuel not stated Mitava
not stated Elka
not stated not stated M. BAGE -
27 Tukkum
1895 9/04/1895 - SHAFER ШАФЕР Hena- Khaya Shmuel David Craftman Novo- Zhagora
not stated Shifra
not stated not stated - -
18 Tukkum
1895 10/04/1895 17/04/1895 MANNESH МАННЕШ Hirsh Bentze Hirsh Ritual slaughterer not stated
not stated Rokhel- Lea
not stated not stated M. BAGE -
28 Tukkum
1895 22/04/1895 - BERG БЕРГ Khana Daniel Itzik Craftman not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - -
29 Tukkum
1895 22/04/1895 - VULFSOHN ВУЛФСОН Nekhama Mozes Vulf Merchant Friedrichstadt
not stated Ita
not stated not stated - -
30 Tukkum
1895 24/04/1895 - NURIK НУРИК Rokhel- Lea Izak Fabian Huckster Goldingen
not stated Rasa
not stated not stated - -
13 19 Tukkum
1895 22/04/1895 29/04/1895 ROZENBERG РОЗЕНБЕРГ Jakob- Jossel Khatzkiel Leib Huckster Mitava
not stated Tzira
not stated not stated V. GLAZER -
20 Tukkum
1895 22/04/1895 29/04/1895 DIMANT ДИМАНТ Hirsh- Zundel Vigder Zelig Craftman Laizov
not stated Shora- Dvora
not stated not stated E. M. RUBINSHTEIN -
21 Tukkum
1895 29/04/1895 6/05/1895 DANNENBERG ДАННЕНБЕРГ Abram- Elias Leib Itzik Craftman not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated V. GLAZER -
22 Tukkum
1895 8/05/1895 15/05/1895 BLUMENSHTOK БЛУМЕНШТОК Jakob- Elias Mendel Vulf Butcher not stated
not stated Bassa
not stated not stated B. SAVIN -
23 Tukkum
1895 19/05/1895 26/05/1895 KURZANSKI КУРЗАНСКИЙ Behr- Leib/ Boris Mikhel Tzemakh Craftman Podbreze
not stated Eida
not stated not stated J. L. VULFAHRT -
14 31 Tukkum
1895 28/05/1895 - GEIMAN ГЕЙМАН Guta- Fruma( twin) Elias- Abram Leib Huckster Goldingen
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - -
32 Tukkum
1895 28/05/1895 - GEIMAN ГЕЙМАН Dobra( twin) Elias- Abram Leib Huckster Goldingen
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - -
24 Tukkum
1895 28/05/1895 4/06/1895 BAUMAN БАУМАН Noakh- Jakob Leizer Noakh Butcher not stated
not stated Khava
not stated not stated B. SAVIN -
33 Tukkum
1895 19/06/1895 - HIRSHSOHN- DANTZIGER ГИРШОН- ДАНЦИГЕР Henrietta Lipman Aron not stated not stated
not stated Rakhel
not stated not stated - -
34 Tukkum
1895 24/06/1895 - NEUHAUS НЕЙГАУС Salomon Abraham V. Doctor not stated
not stated Minna
not stated not stated - -
15 35 Tukkum
1895 2/07/1895 - IZRAELOVICH ИЗРАЕЛОВИЧ Milla Yankel Abram Merchant not stated
not stated Ester
not stated not stated - -
36 Tukkum
1895 6/07/1895 - KRAVICH/ KRAVITZ КРАВИЧ Shora Movsha Srol not stated Kurshan
not stated Khaya- Minna
not stated not stated - -
25 Tukkum
1895 2/07/1895 9/07/1895 BEKER/ BEKKER БЕКЕР Jakob Sholom Hirsh not stated Pikele
not stated Emma
not stated not stated G. MINESHER(?) -
26 Tukkum
1895 8/07/1895 15/07/1895 ARONSOHN АРОНСОН Hirsh- Mendel Benjamin Aron Huckster not stated
not stated Mera
not stated not stated M. TAIKH -
37 Tukkum
1895 8/07/1895 - IZAKOVICH ИЗАКОВИЧ Miriam Salomon Abram not stated Friedrichstadt
not stated Dina- Gita
not stated not stated - -
38 Tukkum
1895 18/07/1895 - FLEISHER ФЛЕЙШЕР Roza Hirsh- Abram Nosen Butcher not stated
not stated Rokhel- Hena
not stated not stated - -
39 Tukkum
1895 19/07/1895 - PARADISGARTEN ПАРАДИЗГАРТЕН Rebeka- Lea Rafael Mozes Craftman not stated
not stated Shora- Beila
not stated not stated - -
16 27 Tukkum
1895 13/07/1895 20/07/1895 VEINREICH ВЕЙНРЕЙХ Abram Itzik Jossel not stated not stated
not stated Beila
not stated not stated M. TAIKH -
28 Tukkum
1895 16/07/1895 23/07/1895 ENGELBERG ЭНГЕЛЬБЕРГ Khaim Itzik- Behr Jossel Seller of small items Piltene
not stated Tzipa
not stated not stated G. L. VULFAHRT -
29 Tukkum
1895 26/07/1895 Stillborn
ENGELBERG ЭНГЕЛЬБЕРГ Unnamed Shlome Vulf Butcher Piltene
not stated Tzipa
not stated not stated - -
30 Tukkum
1895 1/08/1895 8/08/1895 BRAND БРАНД Abram- Feive Beiland Mozes not stated not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated M. TAIKH -
40 Tukkum
1895 11/08/1895 - PERLMAN ПЕРЛЬМАН Tauba Leib Behr Merchant not stated
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated - -
17 31 Tukkum
1895 9/08/1895 16/08/1895 FRIEDLENDER ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Lazer Vulf Mozes Seller of small items Vindava
not stated Mina
not stated not stated E. M. RUBINSHTEIN -
41 Tukkum
1895 17/08/1895 - VULFSOHN ВУЛФСОН Guta Abram Mikhel Seller of small items Mitava
not stated Pesha- Mera
not stated not stated - -
32 Tukkum
1895 3/08/1895 18/08/1895 NEY НЕЙ Mozes Elias Srol Craftman Bauska
not stated Khasa
not stated not stated M. TAIKH -
42 Tukkum
1895 22/08/1895 - SHTRAUKH ШТРАУХ Frida Leib Joel Craftman not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - -
43 Tukkum
1895 23/08/1895 - SHUMACHER ШУМАХЕР Shora Aron Levin Huckster Goldingen
not stated Hena- Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
33 Tukkum
1895 18/08/1895 25/08/1895 LEVI ЛЕВИ Bentze- Mendel Markus Bentze Seller of small items Mitava
not stated Rokhel- Lea
not stated not stated B. SAVIN -
44 Tukkum
1895 28/08/1895 - LIBENTAHL ЛИБЕНТАЛ Fruma Behr Aron Huckster not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
19 34 Tukkum
1895 24/08/1895 31/08/1895 KRAFT КРАФТ Lipman Izrael Bentze Craftman Mitava
not stated Shula- Rokhel
not stated not stated M. TAIKH -
35 Tukkum
1895 7/09/1895 14/09/1895 VEINREICH ВЕЙНРЕЙХ Elias- Aron Yankel Elya Butcher not stated
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated M. TAIKH -
36 Tukkum
1895 16/09/1895 23/09/1895 VULFSOHN ВУЛФСОН Lovush David Mozes Craftman Piltene
not stated Tzipa- Rokhel
not stated not stated M. TAIKH -
45 Tukkum
1895 25/09/1895 - STEKIN СТЕКИН Tauba Salomon Judel- Mendel not stated Novo- Zhagora
not stated Ita
not stated not stated - -
20 37 Tukkum
1895 21/09/1895 28/09/1895 GRELNBLAT(?) ГРЕЛНБЛАТ(?) Izrael- Khone Shaya Movsha Craftman Popelian
not stated Ita- Bluma
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
38 Tukkum
1895 2/10/1895 25/10/1895 SHAPIRO ШАПИРО Ozer Mikhel Getzel Cabman Veger
not stated Shprintza
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
39 Tukkum
1895 25/09/1895 4/10/1895 GLAZ ГЛАЗ Leiba Zelig Benjamin Huckster Kurshan
not stated Tzira
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
40 Tukkum
1895 27/09/1895 4/10/1895 FUHR ФУР Hirsh Abram- Movsha Beines Craftman Ligum
not stated Khana- Lea
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
21 41 Tukkum
1895 29/09/1895 6/10/1895 ENGELBERG ЭНГЕЛЬБЕРГ Volf Salomon- Mozes Elias Butcher Piltene
not stated Beila- Rebeka
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
46 Tukkum
1895 9/10/1895 - KALMANSOHN КАЛМАНСОН Tzira Bentze- Vulf Gesel Seller of small items Goldingen
not stated Tamara
not stated not stated - -
47 Tukkum
1895 21/10/1895 - HAMBURGER ГАМБУРГЕР Bune Itzik Kive Huckster not stated
not stated Shora- Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
48 Tukkum
1895 22/11/1895 - SHNAIDER ШНАЙДЕР Bluma- Malka Itzik- Elias Zelig Craftman Ligum
not stated Feiga- Basa
not stated not stated - -
42 Tukkum
1895 15/11/1895 23/11/1895 DREYER ДРЕЙЕР Shmuel- Abram Iser Shmuel Seller of small items Piltene
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
22 43 Tukkum
1895 4/11/1895 24/11/1895 BAUMAN БАУМАН Noakh David Judel Butcher not stated
not stated Basheva
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
49 Tukkum
1895 26/11/1895 - MARTINSOHN МАРТИНСОН Tauba- Lea Noah- Naftali Lazer Craftman Mitava
not stated Pesa
not stated not stated - -
50 Tukkum
1895 1/12/1895 - LICHTENSHTEIN ЛИХТЕНШТЕЙН Rebeka Abram Josel Craftman not stated
not stated Ita
not stated not stated - -
51 Tukkum
1895 6/12/1895 - KRAMER КРАМЕР Minna Josel Hirsh Merchant not stated
not stated Roza
not stated not stated - -
23 52 Tukkum
1895 15/12/1895 - GINTZBURG ГИНЦБУРГ Beila- Tzivia Izrael Nekhemie Craftman Pokroi
not stated Eta- Vita
not stated not stated - -
44 Tukkum
1895 19/12/1895 26/12/1895 ZUSMAN ЗУСМАН Faive Bentze Ruven Huckster not stated
not stated Bluma
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
45 Tukkum
1895 19/12/1895 26/12/1895 LENHOF ЛЕНГОФ Izak- Meier Markus Meier Huckster Goldingen
not stated Simkha- Nekhama
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
46 Tukkum
1895 20/11/1895 26/12/1895 VAGENHEIM ВАГЕНГЕЙМ Joshua- Behr Movsha- Yankel Rafael Huckster Novo- Zhagora
not stated Shora- Mera
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -

All the records

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