О родившихся  в Тукумсе в 1897 г.
Births in Tukums in 1897.
a Tukums en 1897.

from this site
Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

To find a name,press CtrlF Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Birth record of Lazer- Lipman, son of David Lichtenshtein

Rabbi: Zvi- Hirsh Lichtenshtein 
Synagogue Warden: Samuel Veinberg
Treasurer: David Klatzov


Place Year reg Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname in cyrillic
Given name
given name
of the father

Father's place
of registration
given  name
Mother's place
of registration


6 1 Tukkum
1897 1/01/1897 8/01/1897 LICHTENSHTEIN ЛИХТЕНШТЕЙН Lazer- Lipman David Lazer Trader not stated
not stated Fanny
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
2 Tukkum
1897 2/01/1897 9/01/1897 ROZENBERG РОЗЕНБЕРГ Khone- Mozes Khatzkiel Leib not stated Mitava
not stated Tzira
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
1 Tukkum
1897 14/01/1897 - FLEISHER ФЛЕЙШЕР Khaya- Basha* Yankel Shlomo Butcher not stated
not stated Dvora- Rebeka
not stated not stated - Khaya- Basha FLEISHER was unmarried in 1941 and fled
3 Tukkum
1897 15/01/1897 22/01/1897 ARONSOHN АРОНСОН Leizer Benjamin Aron Huckster not stated
not stated Mera
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
2 Tukkum
1897 25/01/1897 - LAZEROV ЛАЗЕРОВ Tzesna- Beila Jossel Movsha Huckster not stated
not stated Rokhel
not stated not stated - -
3 Tukkum
1897 11/12/1896 - ORKIN ОРКИН Khaya- Reiza Izrael Aron/ Adolf Craftman Zhagora
not stated Khaya- Ita
not stated not stated - -
7 4 Tukkum
1897 2/02/1897 - BLUMENTAHL БЛУМЕНТАЛ Rokhel- Roza Abram Shmuel Craftman Goldingen
not stated Ester- Feiga
not stated not stated - -
4 Tukkum
1897 2/02/1897 9/02/1897 BRENNER БРЕННЕР Behr- Jakob Bentze Behr Craftman not stated
not stated Ester
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
5 Tukkum
1897 9/02/1897 - SHTRAUKH ШТРАУХ Rebeka Leib Joel Craftman not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - -
5 Tukkum
1897 3/02/1897 10/02/1897 IZRAELOVICH ИЗРАЭЛОВИЧ Gary* Jakob Abram Merchant not stated
not stated Ester
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN Gary/ Harry was a trader and married to Helena, born on 2/02/1906 to Hirsh- Herman LIBERTAHL in Tukums. Both killed in July 1941.
6 Tukkum
1897 11/02/1897 18/02/1897 HIRSHFELD ГИРШФЕЛД Nokhem Leib Nokhem Butcher Grobina
not stated Braina
not stated not stated E. M. RUBINSHTEIN -
6 Tukkum
1897 22/02/1897 - ARONSHTAM АРОНШТАМ Sheva Samuel- Salomon Abram Craftman Grobina
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
8 7 Tukkum
1897 26/02/1897 5/03/1897 LEVI ЛЕВИ Meier* Markus Bentze Trader Mitava
not stated Rokhel- Lea
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN Died on 22/01/1898 of meningitis.
7 Tukkum
1897 6/03/1897 - ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Khaya- Lea Itzik- Behr Hirsh Huckster not stated
not stated Basheva
not stated not stated - -
8 Tukkum
1897 3/03/1897 10/03/1897 GERSHON ГЕРСОН Mozes- Leib Osher Leme/ Leonard Merchant not stated
not stated Dvora/ Dora
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
9 Tukkum
1897 5/03/1897 12/03/1897 LENGEFER ЛЕНГЕФЕР Khatzkiel Meier Mozes Butcher Goldingen
not stated Roza- Khaya
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
8 Tukkum
1897 25/03/1897 - MATISOHN МАТИСОН Khana- Rebeka Noakh Abram Huckster Friedrichstadt
not stated Fruma- Feiga
not stated not stated - -
9 9 Tukkum
1897 7/04/1897 - SHEINKER ШЕЙНКЕР Mindel Khaim- Bune Leib Huckster Birzhi
not stated Freida
not stated not stated - -
10 Tukkum
1897 7/04/1897 - DANNENBERG ДАННЕНБЕРГ Jakha Khaim Yankel Butcher not stated
not stated Khaya- Dvora
not stated not stated - -
10 Tukkum
1897 1/04/1897 8/04/1897 GEIMAN ГЕЙМАН Hirsh Mozes- Abram Leib Huckster Goldingen
not stated Rebeka
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
11 Tukkum
1897 21/04/1897 - TZIGLER ЦИГЛЕР Shora Leizer Yankel not stated not stated
not stated Beila/ Betty
not stated not stated - -
10 12 Tukkum
1897 14/05/1897 - YAKOBOVICH ЯКОБОВИЦ Tzipa- Raikha Heiman Samuel Merchant Mitava
not stated Elka
not stated not stated - -
11 Tukkum
1897 8/05/1897 15/05/1897 DANNENBERG ДАННЕНБЕРГ Meier- Yankel Shmerel Yankel Butcher not stated
not stated Rebeka- Shora
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
12 Tukkum
1897 10/05/1897 17/05/1897 GOLTZMAN ГОЛЦМАН Mozes- Kopel Meier Hirsh Trader not stated
not stated Roza
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
13 Tukkum
1897 15/05/1897 22/05/1897 ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Abe- Eliash Behr Leib Trader not stated
not stated Eta- Basa
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
14 Tukkum
1897 17/05/1897 24/05/1897 SHAPIRO ШАПИРО Leib Mikhel- Getzel Leizer Cabman not stated
not stated Shprintza
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
11 13 Tukkum
1897 26/05/1897 - FLEISHER ФЛЕЙШЕР Feiga Aron- Leib Shlomo Butcher Tukkum
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
14 Tukkum
1897 30/03/1897 - SHATZ ШАЦ Nesa Jakob not stated Merchant Goldingen
not stated Hena- Lea
not stated not stated - -
15 Tukkum
1897 17/04/1897 - VULFSOHN ВУЛЬФСОН Tauba Mozes not stated Merchant Friedrichstadt
not stated Ita
not stated not stated - -
16 Tukkum
1897 1/06/1897 - ZUSMAN ЗУСМАН Simkha- Lea Bentze Ruven Trader not stated
not stated Bluma
not stated not stated - -
15 Tukkum
1897 26/05/1897 2/06/1897 LEIBGOLD ЛЕЙБГОЛД Behr- Vulf Jossel Yankel Trader not stated
not stated Khana- Lea
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
17 Tukkum
1897 5/06/1897 - ROZENFELD РОЗЕНФЕЛЬД Basa Mendel Isak Trader Kurshan
not stated Meri
not stated not stated - -
12 16 Tukkum
1897 15/05/1897 6/06/1897 SHTEINBERG ШТЕЙНБЕРГ Sarja Shabsa Abram Craftman Hasenpoth
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
17 Tukkum
1897 10/06/1897 17/06/1897 SHTENDER СТЕНДЕР Herbert Mendel Faive not stated not stated
not stated Pesa
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
18 Tukkum
1897 18/06/1897 - LEVI ЛЕВИ Eida- Liba Jossel Getzel Merchant not stated
not stated Mera
not stated not stated - -
18 Tukkum
1897 11/06/1897 18/06/1897 KALMANSOHN КАЛЬМАНСОН Abram Vulf- Bentzion Jossel Seller of small items Goldingen
not stated Tamara
not stated not stated V. GLAZER -
19 Tukkum
1897 22/06/1897 - KLEIN КЛЕЙН Khana- Elka Markus Abram Trader Piltene
not stated Keila
not stated not stated - -
13 19 Tukkum
1897 19/07/1897 26/07/1897 MANDELKORN МАНДЕЛЬКОРН Hirsh Yankel Abram Craftman not stated
not stated Nekhama- Rokhel
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
14 20 Tukkum
1897 3/07/1897 10/07/1897 VITENBERG ВИТЕНБЕРГ Moisey Berko- Jakob Shmuel not stated Polotz
not stated Zisa
not stated not stated M. BAGE -
21 Tukkum
1897 4/07/1897 11/07/1897 KLEMPNER КЛЕМПНЕР Emile Isidore not stated Doctor not stated
not stated Ella
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
22 Tukkum
1897 5/07/1897 12/07/1897 PERLMAN ПЕРЛЬМАН Zelig- Itzik Samuel Zelig Trader Piltene
not stated Khaya- Freida
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
20 Tukkum
1897 12/07/1897 - BERNSHTEIN БЕРНШТЕЙН Bassa Levin Behr Trader not stated
not stated Sarah- Rebeka
not stated not stated - -
23 Tukkum
1897 7/07/1897 14/07/1897 ZHIV ЖИВ Izrael- Leib* Khaim- Note Leib Gardener
not stated Khana
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN Died on 24/08/1897 of convulsions
15 21 Tukkum
1897 22/07/1897 - JERUKHMANOV JЕРУХМАНОВ Auguste Aron Mozes Merchant Merchant
not stated Yeta
not stated not stated - -
24 Tukkum
1897 17/07/1897 24/07/1897 FELDBLAT ФЕЛЬДМАН Leizer Khaim Osher Butcher Butcher
not stated Hinda
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
22 Tukkum
1897 24/07/1897 - BAUMAN БАУМАН Feiga Lazer- Markus Noakh Butcher Butcher
not stated Khava
not stated not stated - -
25 Tukkum
1897 19/07/1897 26/07/1897 EICHHOLTZ ЭХГОЛЬЦ Yankel- Jossel* Hirsh- Abram Izrael Trader Trader
not stated Klara
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN Died on 25/08/1897 of weakness
23 Tukkum
1897 14/07/1897 - KRAVITZ КРАВИЦ Basheva Movsha not stated not stated not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
17 26 Tukkum
1897 2/08/1897 9/08/1897 DANNEMAN ДАННЕМАН Benjamin Naftali not stated Shop- assistant Hasenpoth
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated J. NEUBURG -
24 Tukkum
1897 2/08/1897 - IZAKOVICH ИЗАКОВИЧ Pera Salomon Abram Seller of small items Friedrichstadt
not stated Dina- Gita
not stated not stated - -
25 Tukkum
1897 6/08/1897 - KREMER КРЕМЕР Tzipa Zelig Bentzel Craftman Siad
not stated Bluma
not stated not stated - -
26 Tukkum
1897 7/08/1897 - KORB КОРБ Sheina- Beila Meier Sheftel Craftman Plungian
not stated Rebeka
not stated not stated - -
27 Tukkum
1897 10/08/1897 - KANT КАНТ Meitze- Malka Khaim Daniel Trader not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - -
18 27 Tukkum
1897 10/08/1897 17/08/1897 BERENDT БЕРЕНДТ Erukhim Shaya Erukhim Trader not stated
not stated Olga
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
28 Tukkum
1897 17/08/1897 - BAUMAN БАУМАН Sheina- Rebeka* Abram Kasriel Craftman not stated
not stated Khana- Lea
not stated not stated - Died on 9/10/1898 of  stomach and intestines disease
29 Tukkum
1897 20/08/1897 - DANNENBERG ДАННЕНБЕРГ Eida Behr Benjamin Craftman not stated
not stated Tzipa
not stated not stated - -
28 Tukkum
1897 17/08/1897 24/08/1897 BLUMENTAHL БЛЮМЕНТАЛ Herman Moritz Mendel Merchant not stated
not stated Mathilda
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
30 Tukkum
1897 25/08/1897 - SHNAIDER ШНАЙДЕР Rokhel- Dobra Itzik- Yankel Zelig Craftman Ligum
not stated Feiga- Bassa
not stated not stated - -
20 31 Tukkum
1897 1/09/1897 - BERMAN БЕРМАН Dane Jossel Yankel Trader Tukkum
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - -
29 Tukkum
1897 29/08/1897 5/09/1897 VULFSOHN ВУЛЬФСОН Mikhel Abram Mikhel Seller of small items Mitava
not stated Pessa- Mera
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
32 Tukkum
1897 10/09/1897 - LEVI ЛЕВИ Khana- Malka Shaya Bentzion Trader Mitava
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
30 Tukkum
1897 10/09/1897 17/09/1897 YAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Izrael Yankel Hirsh Seller of small items Bauska
not stated Basheva
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
31 Tukkum
1897 13/09/1897 20/09/1897 SHUMACHER ШУМАХЕР Joshua Aron Leib Trader Goldingen
not stated Hena- Rokhel
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
21 32 Tukkum
1897 13/09/1897 20/09/1897 ROZENBERG РОЗЕНБЕРГ Jakob- Itzik Mozes Leib Trader Mitava
not stated Khiena
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
33 Tukkum
1897 14/09/1897 21/09/1897 FELDMAN ФЕЛЬДМАН Jakob Khaim Shmuel Craftman Tukkum
not stated Bassa
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
33 Tukkum
1897 25/09/1897 - BLUMENSHTOK БЛУМЕНШТОК Menukha Mendel Vulf Craftman Tuukum
not stated Bassa
not stated not stated - -
34 Tukkum
1897 23/09/1897 30/09/1897 GELLER ГЕЛЛЕР David Hirsh David Craftman Telsh
not stated Miriam
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
34 Tukkum
1897 30/09/1897 - LEPEL ЛЕПЕЛ Khaya- Lea Genekh Galbraikh Melamed Vitebsk
not stated Bassa- Pera
not stated not stated - -
22 35 Tukkum
1897 3/10/1897 - LENGEFER ЛЕНГЕФЕР Freida- Rebeka Ruven Leib Trader Goldingen
not stated Sheina- Hena
not stated not stated - -
36 Tukkum
1897 10/10/1897 - ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Freida- Raina Izrael Hirsh Craftman Tukkum
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - -
37 Tukkum
1897 13/10/1897 - ABELSOHN АБЕЛЬСОН Keila Behr Shimen Craftman Veger
not stated Sarah
not stated not stated - -
38 Tukkum
1897 22/10/1897 - YAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Malka Izrael Yankel Seller of small items Tukkum
not stated not stated
not stated not stated - -
35 Tukkum
1897 20/10/1897 27/10/1897 KLEIN КЛЕЙН Shabsa- Eizer Yankel not stated Butcher not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated David RAZUMNI -
24 36 Tukkum
1897 27/10/1897 3/11/1897 DATTEL ДАТТЕЛ Shimon- Hirsh Abram Shmuel Trader not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
39 Tukkum
1897 10/11/1897 - HERTZBERG ГЕРЦБЕРГ Tauba- Nessa Helman Vulf Seller of small items not stated
not stated Rokha
not stated not stated - -
37 Tukkum
1897 12/11/1897 19/11/1897 ZELDOV ЗЕЛЬДОВ Salomon Ovsei Meier Typograph Vilkomir
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
38 Tukkum
1897 14/11/1897 21/11/1897 NURIK НУРИК Shlome- Hirsh Izak Fabian Trader Goldingen
not stated Rasha
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
40 Tukkum
1897 21/11/1897 - NIBURG НИБУРГ Hinda- Rokha* Levin Nakhman Craftman not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated - Died on 25/09/1901 of scarlatina.
25 39 Azuppen
1897 22/11/1897 29/11/1897 SHTAM ШТАМ Mozes- Aron Behr Shlome Seller of small items not stated
not stated Golda
not stated not stated V. GLAZER -
26 40 Tukkum
1897 28/11/1897 5/12/1897 DURBACH ДУРБАХ Benjamin Mozes Khatzkiel Craftman not stated
not stated Keila- Shula
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
41 Tukkum
1897 9/12/1897 - GOLDBERG ГОЛЬДБЕРГ Mira Bentze Izrael Craftman Vindava
not stated Shora- Elka
not stated not stated - -
42 Tukkum
1897 16/12/1897 - VEINBERG ВЕЙГБЕРГ Lea Abram Shaya Son of a merchant not stated
not stated Gita- Rebeka
not stated not stated - -
41 Tukkum
1897 13/10/1897 28/12/1897 ABELSOHN АБЕЛЬСОН Tzemakh Behr Shimel Trader Veger
not stated Shora
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
27 42 Tukkum
1897 10/11/1897 17/11/1897 VALDSHTEIN ВАЛЬДШТЕЙН Efraim Khaim Hirsh Craftman Jakobstadt
not stated Khaya- Gita
not stated not stated Elya RUBINSHTEIN -

All the records

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