О родившихся  в Тукумсе в 1896 г.
Births in Tukums in 1896.
a Tukums en 1896.

from this site
Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin.email me

To find a name,press CtrlF Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Rabbi: Eliezer Lichtenshtein( the son of Rabbi  Mordekhai Lichtenshtein) Rabbi in Tukums from 1848 to April 6, 1896. After his death, his son Rabbi Zvi- Hirsh Lichtenshtein ascended to the seat of the Rabbinate.
Synagogue Warden: Samuel Veinberg
Treasurer: Josif Levenberg and David Klatzov
Scholar: Josel Kramer


Place Year reg Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname in cyrillic
Given name
given name
of the father

Father's place
of registration
given  name
Mother's place
of registration


6 1 Tukkum
1896 1/01/1896 - SHTROM ШТРОМ Rokhel- Hinda Efraim Mozes Craftman not stated
not stated Shora- Gita
not stated not stated - -
1 Tukkum
1896 10/01/1896 17/01/1896 BLUMENTAHL БЛЮМЕНТАЛ David Izrael Judel Huckster not stated
not stated Rebeka
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
2 Tukkum
1896 13/01/1896 20/01/1896 LENGEFER ЛЕНГЕФЕР Aron- Gilel Meier Mozes not stated Goldingen
not stated Khaya- Roza
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
2 Tukkum
1896 20/01/1896 - KRAMER КРАМЕР Feiga- Mera Leizer Tzemakh not stated not stated
not stated Hena- Shora
not stated not stated - -
3 Tukkum
1896 12/01/1896 19/01/1896 IMMERMAN ИММЕРМАН Benjamin Itzik Abram Seller of small items not stated
not stated Gruna
not stated not stated G. L. VULFAHRT -
4 Tukkum
1896 19/01/1896 26/01/1896 YAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН David Yankel* Hirsh not stated Bauska
not stated Basheva
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN On 15/01/1888, Yankel YAKOBSOHN( age 24) married to Basheva( age 20), daughter of Ruven ZUSMAN.
7 3 Tukkum
1896 31/01/1896 Died BLUMENTAHL БЛЮМЕНТАЛ Unnamed* Shaya Nekhemie not stated not stated
not stated Tzira
not stated not stated - Died at the age of 1 day of asphyxia.
4 Tukkum
1896 3/02/1896 - ARENSBURG АРЕНСБУРГ Bluma- Rokhel Mikhel- Faivel Osher- Mordkhe Shop- assistant Bauska
not stated Basa
not stated not stated - -
5 Tukkum
1896 5/02/1896 - DAVIDOVICH ДАВИДОВИЧ Khaya- Shora Shlome Khatzkiel not stated Kelme
not stated Basha
not stated not stated - -
5 Tukkum
1896 30/01/1896 16/02/1896 LANE ЛАНЕ Hirsh- Mozes Jossel Zelig Teacher Klikol
not stated Shora
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
8 6 Tukkum
1896 23/02/1896 - BOTЕ БОТЕ Hinda- Lea Hirsh Abram Craftman not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
6 Tukkum
1896 18/02/1896 25/02/1896 VEINBERG ВЕЙНБЕРГ Abram- Behr Jakob Getzel Huckster not stated
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
7 Tukkum
1896 20/02/1896 27/02/1896 LICHTENSHTEIN ЛИХТЕНШТЕЙН Khaim- Shmuel Markus Jossel not stated not stated
not stated Mina
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
8 Tukkum
1896 24/02/1896 2/03/1896 GOLTZMAN ГОЛЬЦМАН Eliezer- Itzik Jossel Hirsh Huckster not stated
not stated Rokhel- Rebeka
not stated not stated G. L. VULFAHRT -
9 Tukkum
1896 29/02/1896 7/03/1896 NEIBURG/ NEUBURG НЕЙБУРГ Jakob- Itzik Vulf Hirsh not stated not stated
not stated Gita
not stated not stated J. LEVENBERG -
9 7 Tukkum
1896 11/03/1896 - KLEINMAN КЛЕЙНМАН Khana Movsha Bene Craftman Popelian
not stated Hena- Basha
not stated not stated - -
8 Tukkum
1896 15/03/1896 - LAKS ЛАКС Roza- Lizha Sholom- Leizer Khatzkiel Craftman Taurogen
not stated Bluma- Beila
not stated not stated - -
10 Tukkum
1896 21/03/1896 28/03/1896 DANNENBERG ДАННЕНБЕРГ Benjamin Behr Itzik Craftman not stated
not stated Dvora
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
11 Tukkum
1896 12/04/1896 19/04/1896 NIBURG НИБУРГ Behr Mozes Simon not stated not stated
not stated Eida- Lea
not stated not stated B. SAVIN -
10 9 Tukkum
1896 20/04/1896 - DANNENBERG ДАННЕНБЕРГ Shora Behr Benjamin Craftman not stated
not stated Tzipa
not stated not stated - -
12 Tukkum
1896 14/04/1896 21/04/1896 HIRSHHORN ГИРШГОРЕН Elias- Leib Jossel Elias Shop- assistant Hasenpoth
not stated Guta
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
10 Tukkum
1896 27/04/1896 - BRANDT БРАНТ Rebeka Elias Mozes Butcher
not stated
not stated Feiga- Lea
not stated not stated - -
11 Tukkum
1896 17/04/1896 - ZELDOV ЗЕЛЬДОВ Sora- Rebeka( twin) Ovsei Meier Shop- assistant Vilkomir
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated - -
13 Tukkum
1896 17/04/1896 30/04/1896 ZELDOV ЗЕЛЬДОВ Bentzion( twin) Ovsei Meier Shop- assistant Vilkomir
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
12 Tukkum
1896 30/01/1896 - FLEISHER ФЛЕЙШЕР Paya Pesakh Joel Butcher not stated
not stated Dvora
not stated not stated - -
11 13 Tukkum
1896 30/04/1896 - EIKHHOLTZ ЭЙХГОЛЬЦ Khaya Hirsh- Abram Izrael not stated not stated
not stated Keina
not stated not stated - -
14 Tukkum
1896 24/04/1896 1/05/1896 VEINREICH ВЕЙНРЕЙХ Elie- Aron Mozes Leizer Butcher not stated
not stated Minna
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
15 Tukkum
1896 23/02/1896 2/05/1896 BOTE БОТЕ David Hirsh Abram Craftman not stated
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
14 Tukkum
1896 7/05/1896 - DANNENBERG ДАННЕНБЕРГ Khiena Khaim Itzik Bookbinder not stated
not stated Hena- Rasha
not stated not stated - -
12 16 Tukkum
1896 8/05/1896 Died bef circ. ENGELBERG ЭНГЕЛЬБЕРГ Unnamed* Elias Vulf Butcher Piltene
not stated Khana
not stated not stated - Died at the age of 6 days.
15 Tukkum
1896 9/05/1896 - ZEEBERG ЗЕЕБЕРГ Risa- Rasa Shlome Mozes Butcher not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated - -
16 Tukkum
1896 11/05/1896 - LURJE ЛУРIЕ Khana Leib Nisen Shop- assistant Vindava
not stated Feiga
not stated not stated - -
17 Tukkum
1896 19/05/1896 - HERTZBERG ГЕРЦБЕРГ Malka Zorakh Leizer Huckster not stated
not stated Tzivia
not stated not stated - -
17 Tukkum
1896 13/05/1896 20/05/1896 KOPENHAGEN КОПЕНГАГЕН David Gershon* Itzik Merchant Goldingen
not stated Zhenni
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN Gershon KOPENHAGEN was born on 14/01/1857. He was a trader and married to Sheina, born on 5/12/1865. Fled from Tukums in 1941.
18 Tukkum
1896 23/05/1896 - BAR БАР Kreina Itzik Mordkhel Huckster Veger
not stated Bruna
not stated not stated - -
13 19 Tukkum
1896 25/05/1896 - WITT ВИТТ Hena Abram Hirsh Huckster not stated
not stated Lesa
not stated not stated - -
20 Tukkum
1896 4/06/1896 - REZNIK РЕЗНИК Rebeka Hirsh- Aron Leib not stated Ligum
not stated Asna
not stated not stated - -
18 Tukkum
1896 2/06/1896 9/06/1896 FRIEDBERG ФРИДБЕРГ Itzik Vulf Elie Huckster not stated
not stated Khana
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
21 Tukkum
1896 9/06/1896 - DURBACH ДУРБАХ Peida Mozes Khatzkiel Craftman not stated
not stated Keila
not stated not stated - -
19 Tukkum
1896 12/05/1896 12/06/1896 IDELSOHN ИДЕЛЬСОН Ruven( twin)* Vigder Shimen not stated Laizov
not stated Raitza
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN Ruven IDELSOHN was a trader, timber- sorter and married. Arrested, central prison in 1941.
20 Tukkum
1896 12/05/1896 12/06/1896 IDELSOHN ИДЕЛЬСОН Benjamin( twin) Vigder Shimen not stated Laizov
not stated Raitza
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
14 21 Tukkum
1896 29/05/1896 14/06/1896 GOLDBERG ГОЛЬДБЕРГ Izrael- Abram Bentze Izrael Huckster Vindava
not stated Shora- Elka
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
22 Tukkum
1896 16/06/1896 - LEVI ЛЕВИ Mera- Roza Shaya Bentze not stated Mitava
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
23 Tukkum
1896 17/06/1896 - DATTEL ДАТТЕЛ Eta- Lea Mozes Aron Huckster not stated
not stated Keila- Frida
not stated not stated - -
24 Tukkum
1896 19/06/1896 - ZIMSOHN ЗИМСОН Rivka- Yenta Shlome Itzik Craftman not stated
not stated Frida
not stated not stated - -
25 Tukkum
1896 20/06/1896 - BLUMENTAHL БЛЮМЕНТАЛ Sheina Abram David Craftman not stated
not stated Basha- Gruna
not stated not stated - -
22 Tukkum
1896 15/06/1896 22/06/1896 FRIED ФРИД Meier- Leib Vulf Hirsh Huckster Ligum
not stated Tzipa- Hinda
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
15 26 Tukkum
1896 25/06/1896 - LENHOF ЛЕНГОФ Khasa Jossel Mozes Craftman Goldingen
not stated Mariasha
not stated not stated - -
27 Tukkum
1896 2/07/1896 - KRON КРОН Hena Aron Hirsh Craftman not stated
not stated Rokhel- Lea
not stated not stated - -
28 Tukkum
1896 5/07/1896 - FLEISHER ФЛЕЙШЕР Rassa Shlomo- Nosen Joel Seller of small items not stated
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
29 Tukkum
1896 18/07/1896 - ROZENBERG РОЗЕНБЕРГ Liba- Braina Mozes Leib Huckster Mitava
not stated Khiena
not stated not stated - -
23 Tukkum
1896 13/07/1896 20/07/1896 DAVIDSOHN ДАВИДСОН Benjamin Simon Aron Craftman Hasenpot
not stated Bassa
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
16 30 Tukkum
1896 26/07/1896 Stillborn SHAKINOVSKI ШАКИНОВСКИЙ Unnamed Khaim Ovsei Craftman Okmian
not stated Rokhel- Dvora
not stated not stated - -
24 Tukkum
1896 23/07/1896 30/07/1896 FELDMAN ФЕЛЬДМАН David- Khaim Zauel Abram Craftman not stated
not stated Jehudis
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
25 Tukkum
1896 23/07/1896 30/07/1896 VEINBERG ВЕЙНБЕРГ Leizer- Itzik Abram Shaya not stated not stated
not stated Gita
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
26 Tukkum
1896 25/07/1896 1/08/1896 BRASJE БРАСIЕ Josif Levi David Butcher Veger
not stated Shlova- Ita
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
31 Tukkum
1896 3/08/1896 - FRIEDLENDER ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Jakha Yankel Hirsh Craftman Goldingen
not stated Khaya- Shora
not stated not stated - -
17 27 Tukkum
1896 25/06/1896 10/08/1896 LENHOF ЛЕНГОФ Mozes- Vulf Jossel Mozes Craftman Goldingen
not stated Mariasha
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
28 Tukkum
1896 29/07/1896 7/08/1896 GOLDMAN ГОЛЬДМАН Elkhonon Hirsh Mozes Seller of small items not stated
not stated Sheina- Khasa
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
29 Tukkum
1896 5/08/1896 12/08/1896 PERETZMAN ПЕРЕЦМАН Shmere Yankel Vulf Craftman Klikol
not stated Nekhemie
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
30 Tukkum
1896 10/08/1896 17/08/1896 GAMZU ГАМЗУ Isaak- Meier Gesel- Brakhia Itzik Craftman Plungian
not stated Feiga- Freida
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
31 Tukkum
1896 13/08/1896 20/08/1896 FELDMAN ФЕЛЬДМАН Mozes Khaim Shmuel not stated not stated
not stated Bassa
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
32 Tukkum
1896 14/08/1896 21/08/1896 SHENFELD ШЕНФЕЛЬД Lazer- Mozes Itzik Abel Merchant not stated
not stated Tauba
not stated not stated M. BAGE -
18 33 Tukkum
1896 17/08/1896 24/08/1896 VEINBERG ВЕЙНБЕРГ Nokhum Abram Behr Craftman not stated
not stated Lea*
Shaya not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN Lea VEINBERG died on 2/12/1896 in childbirth at the age of 39.
32 Tukkum
1896 31/08/1896 - BLUMENFELD БЛУМЕНФЕЛЬД Tzipa Faive Itzik Craftman not stated
not stated Khana- Rokha
not stated not stated - -
34 Tukkum
1896 1/09/1896 8/09/1896 VEINBERG ВЕЙНБЕРГ Shmuel- Khaim Markus Shmuel not stated Piltene
not stated Shora
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
35 Tukkum
1896 12/09/1896 19/09/1896 PERLMAN ПЕРЛЬМАН Alexander Khone David Dentist Piltene
not stated Mina
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
33 Tukkum
1896 19/09/1896 - YAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Mariasha Izrael Yankel Seller of small items not stated
not stated Bassa
not stated not stated - -
19 36 Tukkum
1896 28/08/1896 4/09/1896 HERTZBACH ГЕРЦБАХ Hirsh Elias Borukh not stated Mitava
not stated Mariasha
not stated not stated D. RAZUMNE -
34 Tukkum
1896 24/09/1896 - GURVICH ГУРВИЧ Basha Movsha Srol Cabman Illok
not stated Roza
not stated not stated - -
35 Tukkum
1896 26/09/1896 - BLOCH БЛОХ Bedana- Tauba Judel Nekhem Craftman Ponevezh
not stated Khana- Khaya
not stated not stated - -
36 Tukkum
1896 29/09/1896 - LEIBSOHN ЛЕЙБСОН Lea Abram Itzik not stated Grobina
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
37 Tukkum
1896 7/04/1896 14/04/1896 VALDSHTEIN ВАЛДШТЕЙН Nakhman Khaim Hirsh Craftman Jakobstadt
not stated Khaya- Gita
not stated not stated E. M. RUBINSHTEIN -
20 38 Tukkum
1896 11/06/1896 18/06/1896 MARKUZE МАРКУЗЕ Markus- Tuvje Jossel M. Craftman Uzvent
not stated Dvora
not stated not stated E. M. RUBINSHTEIN -
39 Tukkum
1896 12/08/1896 19/01/1896 LEIBSOHN ЛЕЙБСОН Sholem Hirsh Yankel Merchant Klikol
not stated Liba
not stated not stated D. RAZUMNE -
37 Tukkum
1896 7/10/1896 - MANESH МАННЕС Roza Bentze Hirsh Ritual slaughterer not stated
not stated Rokhel- Lea
not stated not stated - -
40 Tukkum
1896 16/10/1896 23/10/1896 HIRSHSOHN- DANTZIGER ГИРШСОН- ДАНЦИГЕР Alfred Lipman Aron not stated not stated
not stated Rachel
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
22 38 Tukkum
1896 24/10/1896 - FABIAN ФАБIАН Sheina Jossel David Shop- assistant Hasenpot
not stated Pera
not stated not stated - -
39 Tukkum
1896 24/10/1896 - FRIEDLENDER ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Shora Vulf Mozes Seller of small items Vindava
not stated Mina
not stated not stated - -
41 Tukkum
1896 21/10/1896 28/10/1896 BERNER БЕРНЕР Shimen Jankel Peilet Craftman not stated
not stated Shora
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
40 Tukkum
1896 1/11/1896 - KAGAN КАГАН Khaya- Sheva Khaim Jossel Huckster Veger
not stated Sheina
not stated not stated - -
23 42 Tukkum
1896 27/10/1896 3/11/1896 FLEISHER ФЛЕЙШЕР Ozer Samuel Leizer Butcher not stated
not stated Dvora
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
43 Tukkum
1896 1/11/1896 8/11/1896 LERENMAN ЛЕРЕНМАН Movsha Yankel- Behr Leib Melamed Siad
not stated Fruma
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
41 Tukkum
1896 10/11/1896 - FRIEDMAN ФРИДМАН Sheina- Rokhel Itzik Mordkhel Craftman Okmian
not stated Frada- Lea
not stated not stated - -
44 Tukkum
1896 5/11/1896 12/11/1896 HAMBURGER ГАМБУРГЕР Kiva- Nekhemie Meier Shmuel Craftman not stated
not stated Pera
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
24 45 Tukkum
1896 7/11/1896 14/11/1896 SHTROM ШТРОМ Khaim- Jakob Behr Vulf Craftman not stated
not stated Shifra- Lea
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
42 Tukkum
1896 16/11/1896 - PERLMAN ПЕРЛЬМАН Raina Ozer Aron Cabman not stated
not stated Rokhel- Malka
not stated not stated - -
43 Tukkum
1896 17/11/1896 - VEINBERG ВЕЙНБЕРГ Pesa Sholem- Getzel Efraim not stated not stated
not stated Kende
not stated not stated - -
46 Tukkum
1896 18/11/1896 25/11/1896 BEKER БЕКЕР Leib- Aron Itzik Leib Craftman Ligum
not stated Khiena- Liba
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
44 Tukkum
1896 28/11/1896 - TAUB ТАУБ Khava Khaim- Izrael Khatzkiel Craftman not stated
not stated Shimkha
not stated not stated - -
25 47 Tukkum
1896 25/11/1896 2/12/1896 BERMAN БЕРМАН Khaikel Izrael Behr Craftman Vindava
not stated Basheva
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
48 Tukkum
1896 29/11/1896 6/12/1896 ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Aron- Khaim Izrael Aron Huckster not stated
not stated Fruma
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
49 Tukkum
1896 30/11/1896 7/12/1896 FLEISHER ФЛЕЙШЕР Tuvje Hirsh- Abram Nosen Butcher not stated
not stated Hena- Rokhel
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
45 Tukkum
1896 12/12/1896 - GORN ГОРН Lea- Mina Itzik Markus Craftman not stated
not stated Rokhel- Basha
not stated not stated - -
46 Tukkum
1896 16/12/1896 - MOZIAS МОЗIАС Rokhel- Freida Leizer Vulf Huckster not stated
not stated Rebeka- Lea
not stated not stated - -
47 Tukkum
1896 18/12/1896 - TZESMAN ЦЕСМАН Lea- Rokhel Itzik Zorakh Huckster not stated
not stated Tiska
not stated not stated - -
26 50 Tukkum
1896 18/12/1896 25/12/1896 SHTEIN ШТЕЙН Faivel Jakob Markus Huckster not stated
not stated Lea
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -
48 Tukkum
1896 26/12/1896 - ROT РОТ Tauba- Feiga Lazer Abram Merchant Mitava
not stated Khaya
not stated not stated - -
51 Tukkum
1896 21/12/1896 28/12/1896 DANIN ДАНИН Aron- Mozes Gutman Zelik Seller of small items not stated
not stated Freida
not stated not stated Ja. YAKOBSOHN -

All the records

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