О родившихся в Риге в 1858 г.
Births in Riga in 1858.
Naissances a Riga en 1858.

from this site Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin
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All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Riga. Alexander Boulevard( now Brivibas iela) and the view of the Kazan Cathedral
Ригa .Александровский бульвар - вид Казанского собора
Rabbi : Dr.Abraham Neumann (director of the first Jewish school in Riga)
Page Record


Place Year Date of birth Date of circumcision Surname Surname
Given name Father's name Father's patronymic Occupation  of the father
Father's place
of registration
Surname in cyrillic Mother's
first name
Mother's place
of registration
5 1 Riga 1858 9/01/1858 16/1858
АВЕРБАХ Hirsh Movsha* Not stated but Leib
Soldier Riga
Not stated, but TONNE
ТОННЕ Rokhel Hirsh
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus Marriage record. Movsha AVERBACH died on 2/02/1859 of intestines disease at the age of 36
1 Riga 1858 26/01/1858 -
КРИГЕР Sora- Lea Shliomo Abel
Tailor Kovno gub
БЕР Liba- Rokhel Jankel
not stated - -
6 2 Riga 1858 4/02/1858 11/02/1858 BALTRUSHANSKI
БАЛТРУШАНСКИЙ Josif- Shevak Movsha Josel
Soldier Riga
Not stated - Menukha Shevakh
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus and Nokhum- David  RAPOPORT from Szaschnek -
3 Riga 1858 7/02/1858 -
МЕРКЛИН Raina Abram Markus
Tailor Riga
Not stated, but MICHLIN МИХЛИН Sora Josel
not stated - Marriage record
4 Riga 1858 18/02/1858 -
ШАЙДА Beila Mikhel Meier
Soldier Riga
РОЗЕНБАУМ Tzina Not stated
not stated - -
3 Riga 1858 26/02/1858 5/03/1858 SHICHMAN
ШИХМАН Benjamin Meier Zalman Soldier Riga
Not stated, but BERGMAN БЕРГМАН Khaya Benjamin
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
5 Riga 1858 27/02/1858 -
БЕРКОВИЧ Khiena* Movsha Movsha
Not stated Riga
not stated - Khiena BERKOVICH died on 15/08/1858 of cholera at the age of 1 1/2.
7 6 Riga 1858 27/02/1858 /1858
БЕРКОВИЧ Rivka- Keila Feivish Judel Not stated Jurburg
Not stated - Feiga Movsha
not stated - -
7 Riga 1858 5/03/1858 -
ШАВЛОВ Rivka Volf* Not stated Attendant at the synagogue Riga
Not stated - Rokhel Abram
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus Volf SHAVLOV died of breast inflammation at the age of 32 on 29/11/1859
8 Riga 1858 10/03/1858 -
ЯКОБСОН Lina/ Eida( Adelaide) Isak/ Juli Josif Watch- maker Riga
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
4 Riga 1858 12/03/1858 14/1858
КИМХИ Samuil David Zalkel Not stated Staraya Zagore
not stated Mikhel BERKOVICH from Riga
8 5 Riga 1858 19/03/1858 26/03/1858 BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Hirsh Nison Nokhim Not stated Riga
JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Bertha/ Beila Not stated not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus and Abel AUSESHKI from Vitebsk -
6 Riga 1858 22/03/1858 29/03/1858 AKS
АКС Jerukhim- Fishel Abel Jerukhim Soldier Riga
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus and Abel AUSESHKI from Vitebsk -
7 Riga 1858 27/03/1858 3/04/1858 OSTANOVICH
ОСТАНОВИЧ Jakov- Moisey* Eliash Abram Soldier Riga
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus and Abel AUSESHKI from Vitebsk Jakov- Moisey OSTANOVICH died of croup at the age of 1 on 12/05/1859
9 9 Riga 1858 27/03/1858 -
ГАЛАНТЕРНИК Feiga- Lea Movsha- Mendel Leibovich Soldier Orshi
not stated - -
10 Riga 1858 31/03/1858 -
БЕРКОВИЧ Sheina Alexander Not stated Son of a trader Riga
Not stated, but KUMING КУМИНГ Tauba Noakh
not stated - -
11 Riga 1858 19/03/1858 -
ФРАНК Esther Itzko Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Basia Vulf
not stated - -
12 Riga 1858 31/03/1858 -
ФЕЙТ Lea- Basia Abram Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Khaya Genekh
not stated - -
10 8 Riga 1858 7/04/1858 14/04/1858 ROLNITZKI
РОЛЬНИЦКИЙ Hirsh Mosik Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Beila Hirsh
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
11 13 Riga 1858 10/04/1858 -
БРЕЙТМАН Tzipora* Borukh Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Khava Jankel
not stated -
Tzipora BREITMAN died at the age of 3 weeks on 3/05/1858
9 Riga 1858 12/04/1858 19/04/1858 FREIMAN*
ФРЕЙМАН Jonas Hirsh Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated, but FAINSHTEIN ФАЙНШТЕЙН Rokhel- Rivka Itzik
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus Marriage record
10 Riga 1858 161/04/1858 23/04/1858
ШЕР Avraham- Samuil Hirsh- Bentzel Not stated Tailor Shavli
SHNE ШНЕ Paulina/ Pessa Not stated
not stated Kalman Berkovich from Riga
11 Riga 1858 6/04/1858 23/04/1858 SHRAG
ШРАГ Itzko Shmuil Itzik Tailor Riga
Not stated - Basia Jankel
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
12 Riga 1858 - - VULF
ВУЛФ Mordukh Movsha- Leib Not stated Ritual slaughterer Riga
Not stated - Dina Tzemakh
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus and Abel LUSISHKIN from Vitebsk -
12 14 Riga 1858 30/04/1858 -
КЕЙЛЬМАН Johana/ Hanna, later named Olga*
Philip/ Faivush Neakh Medecine doctor Riga
KRETSHMAN КРЕЧМАН Henrietta: Hode Not stated, but Bentzion
not stated - Marriage record. Olga was baptised into the Reformed church of Riga.
15 Riga 1858 6/05/1858 -
КИРШБАУМ Sheina- Khaya Abel- Bentzel Not stated Tinsmith Riga
not stated -
13 Riga 1858 12/05/1858 19/05/1858 SHEINBLUM
ШЕЙНБЛУМ Movsha- Leib Josel Not stated Soldier Riga
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
14 Riga 1858 12/05/1858 19/05/1858 JOFFE
ИОФФЕ Isai- Bentzel Leizer Shaya Soldier Riga
Not stated - Rokhel- Lea Bentzel
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus and Abel LUSISHKIN from Vitebsk -
15 Riga 1858 13/05/1858 20/05/1858 ECHT
ЕХТ Asher- Jakov Itzko Not stated Regiment and music student Riga
Not stated - Rivka Itzik
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus and Abel LUSISHKIN from Vitebsk -
13 16 Riga 1858 14/05/1858 21/05/1858 ITZKOVSKI
ИЦКОВСКИЙ Josif Jankel Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Malka Hirsh
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
16 Riga 1858 16/05/1858 -
ШНЕЙДЕМАН Rasha- Jenta Jankel Izrael Tailor Riga
Not stated - Sora Movsha
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
17 Riga 1858 18/05/1858 25/05/1858 PRESS
ПРЕСС Isak- Zusman* Josel Itzik Soldier Riga
Not stated - Riva Movsha
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus Isak- Zusman died on 26/07/1858 of exhaustion
18 Riga 1858 19/05/1858 26/05/1858 ARONSHTAM*
АРОНШТЕЙН Wilhem/ Volf Shoppe/ Shabsel Not stated Not stated Riga
SHTILBERG/ SHTILBER ШТИЛЬБЕРГ Ernestine/ Esther Not stated
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
17 Riga 1858 22/05/1858 -
БЛАНКЕНШТЕЙН Sarah- Esther Abram Aron Not stated Riga
Not stated - Pessa Hirsh
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
19 Riga 1858 25/05/1858 1/06/1858 URFIKEL
УРФИКЕЛ Samuil Jankel Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Sora Leib
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
13 20 Riga 1858 8/06/1858 15/06/1858 SHWARTZ
ШВАРЦ Hirsh Itzko Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Khaya Jankel
not stated Abel LUSISHKIN from Vitebsk -
21 Riga 1858 9/06/1858 16/06/1858 ARONSBERG
АРОНСБЕРГ Levin/ Arja Leizer Khaim Umbrella maker Riga
Not stated - Dora/ Dvora Efraim not stated Kalman BERKOVICH from Riga
22 Riga 1858 13/06/1858 20/06/1858 BISHKUN
БИШКУН Benjamin- Alexander* Judel Not stated Barber at the army Riga
Not stated - Miriam Alexander not stated David LIVSHITZ from Sventzian, Kovno gub Benjamin- Alexander BISHKUN died of meningitis at the age of 3 weeks on 4/07/1858.
23 Riga 1858 13/06/1858 20/06/1858 ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Hirsh- Volf Kusel Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Beila Volf
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
24 Riga 1858 15/06/1858 22/06/1858 KACHAN( KAGAN?)
КАХАН Movsha- Samuil Josel Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Rivka Zalman not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus and Abel LUSISHKIN from Vitebsk -
14 25 Riga 1858 16/06/1858 23/06/1858 KORB
КОРБ Nekhemia- Vulf Shebsel Not stated Retired soldier Riga
Not stated  - Shifra David
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
26 Riga 1858 17/06/1858 24/06/1858 BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Hirsh- Zelik Peisakh- Movsha Not stated Son of a trader Riga
KUMING - Elka Not stated not stated Abel LUSISHKIN from Vitebsk -
18 Riga 1858 29/03/1858 reg on 24/06 GUTMAN
ГУТМАН Ester- Golda Itzko Not stated Soldier and music student Riga
Not stated - Paula David
not stated - -
27 Riga 1858 17/06/1858 24/06/1858 EIDELBERG
ЕЙДЕЛЬБЕРГ Abel Itzko Movsha Not stated Mitava
LEVINSHTEIN ЛЕВИНШТЕЙН Malka- Nekhama Not stated not stated Abel LUSISHKIN from Vitebsk -
19 Riga 1858 20/06/1858 - FIRST
ФИРСТ Miriam- Lea Movsha Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Sora Not stated not stated - -
15 28 Riga 1858 20/06/1858 27/06/1858 ITZKOVSKI
ИЦКОВСКИЙ Salomon Markus Not stated Soldier and tailor Riga
Not stated - Hoda Daniel
not stated Abel LUSISHKIN from Vitebsk -
20 Riga 1858 2/07/1858 - SHACHNOVICH
ШАХНОВИЧ Khaya- Frida Abram- Leib Not stated Retired soldier Riga
GAKEL ГАКЕЛ Shifra Mordukh
not stated - -
21 Riga 1858 12/07/1858 - SHLOKER*
ШЛОКЕР Tzerna Markus Izrael Not stated Riga
Not stated - Rivka Osher not stated _ Marriage record
29 Riga 1858 12/07/1858 19/07/1858 DANILER
ДАНИЛЕР The twin Smuel Osher Gilel Tailor Zagore
Not stated - Rivka Osher
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
30 Riga 1858 12/07/1858 19/07/1858 DANILER ДАНИЛЕР The twin Benjamin- Fedor Osher Gilel Tailor Zagore
Not stated - Frada Not stated not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
31 Riga 1858 17/07/1858 24/07/1858 GOLDBLATT ГОЛДБЛАТ Nachman Abram Jankel Hat maker Riga
SHPRINGFELD/ SPRINGFELD ШПРИНГФЕЛД Frada Not stated not stated Kalman BERKOVICH from Riga and David LIVSHITZ from Sventziani -
32 Riga 1858 23/07/1858 30/07/1858 GRUBBE/ GRUBE
ГРУББЕ Leib- Gershon Itzko Levin Soldier and musician Riga
Not stated - Hinda Gershon
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
16 33 Riga 1858 27/07/1858 3/08/1858 BEHR
БЕР Salomon Movsha- Mairim Berko Not stated Riga
GORDON ГОРДОН Tauba Not stated not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
34 Riga 1858 8/08/1858 15/08/1858 RUBINSHTEIN
РУБИНШТЕЙН Simon- Leib Leizer Rafael Soldier Riga
Not stated - Sora Leizer
not stated N. D RAPOPORT from Tshashnik
35 Riga 1858 9/08/1858 16/08/1858 FLEISHER*
ФЛЕЙШЕР Markus- Aron Jankel Judel Not stated Friedrichstadt
GOLDBLATT ГОЛДБЛАТ Pessa- Rivka Not stated, but Jankel not stated Kalman BERKOVICH from Riga Marriage record
36 Riga 1858 20/08/1858 27/08/1858 Rabbi dr NEIMAN/ NEUMAN
Робби и Др НЕЙМАН Gothelf Avraham Isak Rabbi, doctor and philosopher Gerolhausen, Bavaria GETSH/ GETZ ГЕЧ Minna/ Miriam Not stated not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus and RAPOPORT -
22 Riga 1858 20/08/1858 - SLOBOVICH
СЛОБОВИЧ Mariana/ Miriam Eliash Shliomo Tailor Likum
Not stated - Rokhla Mordukh
not stated -
17 37 Riga 1858 24/08/1858 31/08/1858 KATZENOVICH
КАЦЕНОВИЧ Abram- Mendel* Itzik Not stated Retired soldier Riga
Not stated - Rokhel Mendel
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus Abram- Mendel KATZENOVICH died on 1/09/1858
38 Riga 1858 26/08/1858 2/09/1858 JAKUBSOHN/ JAKOBSOHN
ЯКУБСОН Benjamin Itzik Khatzkiel Not stated Tukum
Not stated - Rokhel Benjamin
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
39 Riga 1858 5/09/1858 12/09/1858 SHTREICHER
ШТРЕЙХЕР Jakov Shevel Abram Not stated Bauska
Not stated - Gissa Shlemo
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
23 Riga 1858 6/09/1858 - EVER
ЕВЕР Rakhel- Lea Judel Daniel Not stated Likum
Not stated - Bluma Abram
not stated - -
40 Riga 1858 10/09/1858 17/09/1858 VOISHLITZ
ВОЙШЛИЦ Salomon- Volf Khaim Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Rokhel Movsha
not stated Abel LUSISHKIN from Vitebsk -
41 Riga 1858 17/09/1858 24/09/1858 LEVINSOHN*
ЛЕВИНСОН Naftali- Leizer( aged 22) Matus Rubin Not stated Mitava
SHLOSSBERG - Tamara( aged 19) Not stated, but Khatzkiel- Borukh not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus Marriage record
24 Riga 1858 19/09/1858 - GOLENDER/ HOLENDER
ГОЛЕНДЕР Esther- Dvora Leib Mordukh Soldier Riga
Not stated - Shifra Leib
not stated -
18 42 Riga 1858 21/09/1858 28/09/1858 OZERNIKOV
ОЗЕРНИКОВ Izrael- Borukh Jankel Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Tema Ovsei
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus and N. D RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
43 Riga 1858 22/09/1858 29/09/1858 REBOVSKI
РЫБОВСКИЙ Jerukhim- Fishel Abram Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Rivka Berko
not stated Kalman BERKOVICH from Riga -
44 Riga 1858 30/09/1858 7/10/1858 VULF
ВУЛФ Josif David Hirsh Tinsmith Riga
Not stated - Khaya- Feiga Abram
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
25 Riga 1858 4/10/1858 - BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Genny/ Sheina Peisakh- Mordukh Movsha Not stated Riga
Not stated - Sora- Noima Movsha
not stated - -
26 Riga 1858 3/10/1858 - ZAKS
ЗАКС Gitel Aron Judel Soldier Riga
Not stated - Braina Alexander
not stated - -
27 Riga 1858 4/10/1858 - ROKMACHER
РОКМАХЕР Reiza Leizer Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Liba Leizer
not stated - -
19 28 Riga 1858 8/10/1858 - LUBITSH
ЛЮБИИЧ Glika Isak Shliomo Soldier Riga
Not stated - Tzipora Zundel
not stated - -
45 Riga 1858 11/10/1858 18/10/1858 KULMAN*
КУЛЬМАН Izrael- Faivish Abram- Isak( aged 29) Faivish Soldier Riga
Not stated but BACHART or BOCHART БАХАРТ Shifra( aged 18) The late Izrael
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
46 Riga 1858 14/10/1858 21/10/1858 BALSOHN
БАЛСОН Isak Jankel Not stated Barber in the army Riga
Not stated - Khaya- Rivka Abram
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
47 Riga 1858 17/10/1858 24/10/1858 FELDMAN
ФЕЛДМАН Aron Josif Leizer Son of a trader Riga
Not stated - Adassa Aron
not stated Kalman BERKOVICH from Riga -
48 Riga 1858 21/10/1858 28/10/1858 SHEINESOHN
ШЕЙНЕСОН Ovsei- Kushel- Salomon* Isai- Behr Not stated Ritual slaughterer Riga
Not stated - Hinda Movsha
not stated Hirsh KUPITZ, from Kupishki, Kovno gub and Judel LIVSHITZ from Utziany, Kovno gub
Ovsei, also Samuel  SHEINESOHN died of diarrhea on 7/08/1859
29 Riga 1858 22/10/1858 - PENKINSKI/ PINKINSKI*
ПЕНКИНСКИЙ Sheina* David( aged 29) Not stated Soldier Riga
JAKUBSOHN/ JAKOBSOHN ЯКУБСОН Glika( aged 24) Not stated, but Shabsa
not stated - Marriage record.   Sheina PENKINSKI died on 20/03/1859 of infection
49 Riga 1858 24/10/1858 31/10/1858 RADUZHINSKI/ RADUSHINSKI*
РАДУЖИНСКИЙ Movsha Khaim Movsha Soldier Riga
Not stated, but SHENBERG ШЕНБЕРГ Miriam Leib
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus Marriage record( Radazhinski)
20 30 Riga 1858 26/10/1858 - GRINBERG
ГРИНБЕРГ Ode( Hode)* Hirsh Movsha Soldier Riga
Not stated - Eta Leizer
not stated - Hode GRINBERG died of exhaustion on 7/03/1859
31 Riga 1858 29/10/1858 - BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Bluma- Hena Behr- Movsha Not stated Ritual slaughterer Riga
Not stated - Shterna Meier
not stated - -
50 Riga 1858 30/10/1858 6/11/1858 SHMULER
ШМУЛЕР Samuil Shmerel Judel Tailor Birzhi
Not stated - Elka Mones
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
51 Riga 1858 5/11/1858 12/11/1858 RUBINSHTEIN
РУБИНШТЕЙН Benjamin- Mordukh Elya Mordukh Not stated Mitava
SHLOSSBERG Khaya- Pessa Not stated
not stated N. D RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
32 Riga 1858 8/11/1858 - ZILBERG
ЗИЛЬБЕРГ Zelda Shmuil Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Ita David
not stated - -
33 Riga 1858 13/11/1858 - HIRSHSOHN
ГИРШСОН Roza Volf Abram Bookbinder Janishek, Kovno gub
Not stated - Elka Shlemo
not stated - -
34 Riga 1858 /1811/1858 - FRISHLENDER
ФРИШЛЕНДЕР Regina/ Reikhel Salomon Itzik Tailor Riga
Not stated - Fanny/ Fruma Judel
not stated - -
21 35 Riga 1858 22/11/1858 /- SHPRINGFELD
ШПРИНГФЕЛД Elka- Hita Mikhail- Khaim Not stated Tailor Riga
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
52 Riga 1858 25/11/1858 2/12/1858 AIZENBERG( EISENBERG)
АЙЗЕНБЕРГ Ozer( Osher) Juda- Idel Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Eta Movsha
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
53 Riga 1858 24/10/1858 26/11/1858 NEIMAN/ NEUMAN
НЕЙМАН Lazar Tubias ( Tobias) Not stated Soldier Riga
KASSELHEIM КАССЕЛЬГЕЙМ The unmarried woman Johana/ Hena) Kalman
Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
36 Riga 1858 5/12/1858 - GOLDBERG
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ Sora- Roza Aizik Jankel Soldier Riga
Not stated - Freida Movsha
not stated - -
37 Riga 1858 10/112/1858 - NOSELEVICH
НОСЕЛЕВИЧ Sora Meier Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Khaya Abram
not stated - -
38 Riga 1858 16/12/1858 - KRETZER
КРЕЦЕР Mariana Hirsh Lazar Not stated Mitava
Not stated, but BURENSHTEIN/ BURSHTEIN БУРЕНШТЕЙН Lina/ Khana- Lea Mairin
not stated - -
22 54 Riga 1858 17/12/1858 24/01/1858 GRINBERG
ГРИНБЕРГ Mark- Jonas Ovsei Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Khaya David
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
39 Riga 1858 18/12/1858 - MEIEROVICH
МЕЙЕЕРОВИЧ Nekhama- Liba Abram- Abel Not stated Not stated Bauska
Not stated - Fruma- Feiga Mordukh
not stated - -
55 Riga 1858 14/12/1858 26/12/1858 GOLDSHMIDT
ГОЛЬДШМИТ Hirsh Helman/ Khaim Aron Tinsmith Riga
Not stated - Rivka Itzik
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
56 Riga 1858 21/12/1858 28/12/1858 SARVATER
САРВАТЕР Hilel- Moisey Sholom Arja Soldier Riga
Not stated - Khana Hilel
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
57 Riga 1858 21/12/1858 28/12/1858 ABRAMOVICH*
АБРАМОВИЧ Jakov- Ilya Shmuil( aged 39) Not stated, but Abram Soldier and drummer Riga
Not stated, but IZAK ИЗАК Pessa- Freida( aged 18) Ovsei( Hosias in the birth record)
not stated N. D RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
40 Riga 1858 25/12/1858 - SHEBSHELEVICH
ШЕБШЕЛЕВИЧ Sheina- Brokha Hirsh Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Miriam Berko
not stated - -
23 58 Riga 1858 10/12/1858 25/12/1858 MORGEN
МОРГЕН Sholom Judel- Mendel Berko Soldier Riga
Not stated - Beila Josel
not stated Zalman RIVKIND from Byeshankovichy, Vitebsk gub. Belarus -
41 Riga 1858 23/12/1858 - SLEDZEVICH
СЛЕДЗЕВИЧ Hena- Rakhel Vulf Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Eta Volf
not stated
59 Riga 1858 25/11/1858 3/12/1858 SHALKOVSKI
ШАЛКОВСКИЙ Max/ Efroim Alexander Not stated 2d guild trader Riga
not stated Unknown( They didn't come)
42 Riga 1858 13/11/1858 reg: /01/1859 LEVINSOHN
ЛЕВИНСОН Rivka Simen Not stated Not stated Riga
SHEINESOHN ШЕЙНЕСОН Sheina Not stated not stated - -
24 43 Riga 1858 6/10/1858 reg: /12/1858 GRONOS
ГРОНОС Shifra Khaim Not stated Soldier Riga
Not stated - Rokha Simen
not stated - -