О родившихся в Рига в 1870г.
Births in Riga in 1870.
Naissances a Riga de

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All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

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List of names. Inhabitants of Riga from 1854 to 1909.

Rabbi : Dr.Abraham Neumann (director of the first Jewish school in Riga). He was born in Geroldshausen, Germany in 1809 and died in St Petersburg in 1875. His wife Mina, born Getz died on 22/01/1860 at the age of  45.
The records are in German.
Page Record


Year Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname Surname
Given name Father's name Father's patronymic Occupation  of the father
Father's place
of registration
Surname in cyrillic Mother's
first name
Mother's place
of registration
4 1
Riga 1870 1/01/1870 - BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Feiga Hirsh not stated not stated Riga MARKOVITZ МАРКОВИЦ Marianna not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 1/01/1870 - LEVINSKI
ЛЕВИНСКИЙ Khiena Samarius not stated Soldier not stated KURTZ КУРЦ Beila not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 2/01/1870 - BERNSHTAM
БЕРНШТЕЙН Rebecca Israel not stated not stated Riga REDLER РЕДЛЕР Bassa- Eida not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 4/01/1870 - JANKOVICH
ЯНКОВИЧ Keila Abraham- Isak not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Sarah- Khassa Ahron not stated - -
Riga 1870 4/01/1870 not stated MARKUS
МАРКУС Lipman- Markus Hirsh not stated not stated not stated Not stated - Zelda- Sarah Lipman not stated Salomon RAPOPORT from Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) -
Riga 1870 4/01/1870 not stated GOTTLIEB
ГОТЛИБ Eduard- Israel Samuel- Zalman not stated Son of a trader Mitau STEINBER СТЕЙНБЕР Etta not stated not stated Aron Jakobsohn from Bauska -
Riga 1870 5/01/1870 not stated KRETZER
КРЕЦЕР Faibush- Kusiel Meier not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) GEIMAN/ HEIMAN ГЕЙМАН Hode not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
5 4
Riga 1870 16/01/1870 /01/1870 LEVENSOHN
ЛЕВЕНСОН Simon Mozes not stated not stated Riga FELDMAN ФЕЛЬДМАН Pessa not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 16/01/1870 - BROHIN
БРОХИН Rachel Khaikel not stated Soldier not stated Not stated Kune Isak not stated - -
Riga 1870 17/01/1870 - HUSIM/ HUSIN
ХУСИН Nechema- Rebecca Hirsh not stated not stated Drissa Not stated Khaya- Sarah David not stated - -
Riga 1870 17/01/1870 not stated FURMAN
ФУРМАН Jakov Josias not stated not stated Vobolnik( Vabalninkas, Lithuania) SHAPIRO ШАПИРО Khana- Sarah not stated not stated Salomon RAPOPORT from Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) -
Riga 1870 19/01/1870 not stated KORPIANOV
КОРПЯНОВ Meier Hirsh not stated not stated Janevitz NACHMANSOHN НАХМАНСОН Sarah- Kreina not stated not stated Salomon RAPOPORT from Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) -
Riga 1870 19/01/1870 not stated SHLOMOVICH
ШЛОМОВИЧ Mozes Samuel not stated not stated Kelme, Lithuania Not stated - Bassa Leib not stated Salomon RAPOPORT from Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) -
Riga 1870 20/01/1870 - BECKER
БЕКЕР Unnamed( stillborn) Boruch not stated not stated Shmilian( Smolyany, Belarus) Not stated - Elka Khaikel not stated - -
6 8
Riga 1870 10/01/1870 - GLAZER
ГЛАЗЕР Nochum not stated not stated not stated Kovno Not stated - Rachel Tzalel not stated - -
Riga 1870 12/01/1870 not stated GOLDBERG
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ Simon- Markus not stated not stated not stated Kronkishik( may be Grinkiškis, Lithuania) Not stated - Tamara Mozes not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 16/01/1870 not stated ARONSHTAM
АРОНШТАМ Joseph not stated not stated not stated Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) Not stated - Feiga Abraham not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 17/01/1870 - WASSERMAN
ВАССЕРМАН Vulf not stated not stated not stated Friedrichstadt HERR ГЕР Etta not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 17/01/1870 not stated BEHRMAN
БЕРМАН Khaim- Joseph not stated not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rosa Israel not stated Salomon RAPOPORT from Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) -
Riga 1870 18/01/1870 - WEINER
ВЕЙНЕР Ruben not stated not stated Soldier not stated LOPATOVKOV ЛОПАТОКОВ Hoda not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 20/01/1870 not stated RADUSOVSKI РАДУСОВСКИЙ The twin Henoch Khaim not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Miriam Leib not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 20/01/1870 not stated RADUSOVSKI РАДУСОВСКИЙ Unnamed( twin) Khaim not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Miriam Leib not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
7 11
Riga 1870 21/01/1870 - RIVLIN
РИВЛИН Khana Hillel- Samarius not stated not stated Riga ALEXANDROVICH АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧ Rachel not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 21/01/1870 MEIERSHTEIN
МЕЙЕРШТЕЙН Esther Isak not stated not stated Riga ARONSOHN АРОНСОН Khassa- Lea not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 23/01/1870 - SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Dina Ahron not stated not stated Piltene, Latvia JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Beila not stated not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 24/01/1870 - VIGDEROVICH
ВИГДЕРОВИЧ Unnamed( stillborn) Salomon not stated not stated Kros( Kražiai, Lithuania) Not stated - Rosa not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 24/01/1870 - RAPEPORT/
РАПОПОРТ Khaya Salomon not stated not stated Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) Not stated - Bassa Nechemia not stated - -
Riga 1870 24/01/1870 not stated HIRSHOVICH
ГИРШОВИЧ Abraham- Snavel Mozes- Ekiva not stated not stated Pokroi( Pakruojis, Lithuania) GLAZER/ GLASER ГЛАЗЕР Rose not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 24/01/1870 not stated SHOLOMOV
ШОЛОМОВ Markus- Aizik Mozes not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Miriam Isak not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 24/01/1870 not stated IZKAКSOHN
ИЦАКСОН Boruch- Markus Isak not stated not stated Mitau FROMHOLD ФРОМГОЛД Freida not stated not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
8 17
Riga 1870 25/01/1870 not stated OGUS
ОГУС Simon Jakov not stated not stated Podbereze( Paberže, Lithuania)
Not stated - Gita Simon not stated Salomon RAPOPORT from Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) -
Riga 1870 26/01/1870 - LIEBERMAN
ЛИБЕРМАН Rebecca Matis not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) SALPORT ЗАЛПОРТ Feiga- Rachel not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 26/01/1870 not stated HOCHMAN
ГОХМАН Smauel- Zanvil Michel not stated not stated Pokroi( Pakruojis, Lithuania) FELDMAN ФЕЛДМАН Pera not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 27/01/1870 not stated JOCHL(?)
- Hosias Hirsh- Lazer not stated not stated Rogovo(  Raguva, Lithuania) Not stated - Eva Lazer not stated Hosias RAZBE from Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) -
Riga 1870 28/01/1870 - SANDER
САНДЕР Unnamed( stillborn) Mozes- Markus not stated not stated Tukkum KRETZER КРЕЦЕР Sarah not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 28/01/1870 - SHARFSHTEIN
ШАРФШТЕЙН Tauba Abraham not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Malka Mozes not stated - -
Riga 1870 29/01/1870 - KASLOVSKI
КАСЛОВСКИЙ Lea Peisakh not stated not stated Kovno( Kaunas, Lithuania) Not stated - Rebecca Khaim not stated - -
Riga 1870 29/01/1870 not stated FISHER
ФИШЕР Zalman- Vulf Hirsh not stated not stated Druja Not stated - Bluma Faibush not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 31/01/1870 not stated BRISKER
БРИСКЕР Khaim Elias not stated not stated Ligum( Lygumai, Lithuania) Not stated - Lieba Mozes not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
9 22
Riga 1870 31/01/1870 not stated BLOCH
БЛОХ Mozes not stated not stated not stated Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) Not stated - Anna- Tzipa Leib not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 31/01/1870 - ARONSOHN
АРОНСОН Mozes- David not stated not stated not stated Bauska SHPRINGENFELD ШПРИНГЕНФЕЛД Keila not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 1/02/1870 - SHLOMOVITZ
ШЛОМОВИЧ Hirsh not stated not stated not stated Bauska LURJE ЛУРЬЕ Feiga not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 1/02/1870 - JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Benjamin not stated not stated not stated Piltene COHN/ KAHN КАН Itta not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 2/02/1870 - HAIMOVICH
ХАЙМОВИЧ Mozes not stated not stated Soldier Riga Not stated - Traina Victor not stated - -
Riga 1870 2/02/1870 not stated LANES
ЛАНЕС Jacob not stated not stated not stated Klikol( Klykoliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Rebecca Shabsa not stated Mozes SHLOMOVITZ from Klikol( Klykoliai, Lithuania) -
10 25
Riga 1870 2/02/1870 - KRAMER
КРАМЕР Itta- Lea Meier not stated Under officer not stated Not stated - Sarah Joseph not stated - -
Riga 1870 6/02/1870 not stated MILLER
МИЛЛЕР Lazer Salomon not stated not stated Vobolnik( Vabalninkas, Lithuania) Not stated - Itta Khaim not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 6/02/1870 not stated BLUMBERG
БЛУМБЕРГ David- Simon Aizik not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Deborah Israel not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 8/02/1870 not stated GOLDSHMIDT
ГОЛЬДШМИДТ Vulf- Gutman Samuel not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Malka Leib not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 9/02/1870 not stated SHAPIRO
ШАПИРО Unnamed. Stillborn Isak not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Ewa Mozes not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 10/02/1870 not stated SHLOCKER
ШЛОКЕР Gute Merkel not stated not stated Riga SHLOCKER ШЛОКЕР Jenta not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 11/02/1870 - LIEN(?)
- The twin Abraham- Isak Behr not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rebecca Vulf not stated -
Riga 1870 11/02/1870 not stated LIEN(?)
- Unnamed( stillborn twin) Behr not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rebecca Vulf not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 11/01/1870 - BAHN
БАН Vulf Faibush not stated not stated Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) Not stated - Khaya- Beila Nathan not stated - -
11 26
Riga 1870 12/02/1870 - SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Beila- Hanna Isak not stated Soldier Kupishki( Kupiškis, Lithuania) Not stated - Miriam Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1870 14/02/1870 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Jeruchem- Faibush Nathan- Leib not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Rose Samuel not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya and Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 14/02/1870 not stated COHN/ KAHN
КАН Isak- Zalkind Leib- Mozes not stated not stated Kreslava Not stated - Dina Tzemach not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya and Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 14/02/1870 - SHLIFSHTEIN
ШЛИФШТЕЙН Anna- Etta Ahron not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Malka Leib not stated - -
Riga 1870 5/12/1869 16/02/1870
БЕРКОВИЧ Noach Shepe not stated Trader Riga FRIEDMAN ФРИДМАН Rebecca not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 16/02/1870 not stated KANTER
КАНТЕР Lazer Vulf not stated not stated Riga LAZERSOHN ЛАЗЕРСОН Khaya not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 17/02/1870 not stated VULFSOHN
ВУЛФСОН Sanwil Mozes not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Risha Nachman not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 18/02/1870 not stated JONTOV
ИОНТОВ Tzaduk Benjamin not stated Painter Shadow( Seda, Lithuania) Not stated - Glicka Joseph not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
12 28
Riga 1870 19/02/1870 - FRIED
ФРИД Sheina Behr not stated not stated Shadow( Seda, Lithuania) Not stated - Anna Hirsh not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 19/02/1870 - SHENMAN
ШЕНМАН Golda Abraham not stated Soldier not stated
JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Jocha- Bassa not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 19/02/1870 - LICHTMAN
ЛИХТМАН The triplet Judith Jakob not stated Soldier not stated RIEGERMAN РИГЕРМАН Khaya not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 19/02/1870 - LICHTMAN ЛИХТМАН The triplet Rebbeca* Jakob not stated Soldier not stated RIEGERMAN РИГЕРМАН Khaya not stated not stated - Rebecca LICHTMAN died on 5/07/1870 
Riga 1870 19/02/1870 - LICHTMAN ЛИХТМАН The stillborn triplet Jakob not stated Soldier not stated RIEGERMAN РИГЕРМАН Khaya not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 24/02/1870 not stated SALMONOVICH
САЛМАНОВИЧ Zalman Jakob- Leib not stated not stated New Zhagore(  Žagarė, Lithuania) CHWAT ХВАТ Etta not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 24/02/1870 not stated ZISKIND
ЗИСКИНД Alexander David not stated not stated Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) Not stated - Tauba Abraham not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 25/02/1870 not stated GRIN
ГРИН Stillborn twins Jakov not stated not stated Linkovo BLUM БЛУМ Sheina not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 25/02/1870 not stated GRIN
ГРИН Stillborn twins Jakov not stated not stated Linkovo BLUM БЛУМ Sheina not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 25/02/1870 - WANG
ВАНГ Ida Pinkhus not stated not stated Varshawa( Poland)
Not stated - Liba- Froma Samuel not stated - -
Riga 1870 27/02/1870 - STENDER
СТЕНДЕР Sarah- Rebecca Jakob not stated not stated Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) Not stated - Beila Shabsa not stated - -
13 35
Riga 1870 28/02/1870 - NATHAN
НАТАН Rebecca Ahron not stated Soldier Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) Not stated - Lea Leib not stated - -
Riga 1870 1/03/1870 not stated TEMKE
ТЕМКЕ Nachman- Judel Behr not stated not stated Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) Not stated - Liba Volf not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 2/03/1870 not stated LEVI
ЛЕВИ David- Meier Elias not stated not stated Rogovo(  Raguva, Lithuania) Not stated - Pera Hillel not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 3/03/1870 not stated ELIAS
ЕЛЯС Abraham- Jakob Kasriel- Jude not stated not stated Shavli( Šiauliai, Lithuania) LEVI ЛЕВИ Beila not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 5/03/1870 not stated RUDAISKI РУДАЙСКИЙ David- Jakob Joseph not stated not stated Kretingen( Kretinga, Lithuania) Not stated - Pessa Abraham not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik and Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 8/03/1870 not stated PEPKIN ПЕПКИН Elias Shabsa not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rochel Eliokum not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 8/03/1870 - SHEIN ШЕЙН Esther Vulf not stated not stated Shmilian( Smolyany, Belarus) MEIERSOHN МЕЙЕРСОН Deborah Benjamin- Zalman not stated -- -
Riga 1870 9/03/1870 - MEIERSOHN
МЕЙЕРСОН Khassa- Badana Salomon not stated not stated Vitebsk Not stated - Elka Joseph not stated -
14 45
Riga 1870 12/03/1870 not stated FIRSEL
ФИРСЕЛ Hirsh- Lazer Jakob not stated not stated Tukkum Not stated - Sarah Hirsh not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 18/03/1870 not stated GLAZER
ГЛАЗЕР Samuel- Vulf Salman- Ahron not stated not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Perla- Rebecca Hirsh not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 21/03/1870 - KAUFMAN
КАУФМАН Tzippa Lazer not stated not stated Klikol( Klykoliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Menucha Salkind not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 21/03/1870 not stated EPSHTEIN
ЕПШЕЙН Elya- Mendel Leib not stated not stated Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) Not stated - Gita Susman not stated - -
Riga 1870 22/03/1870 not stated SHRAM
ШРАМ David Isak not stated not stated Ligum( Lygumai, Lithuania) SHPRINGENFELD ШПРИНГЕНФЕЛД Rachel- Braina not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT and Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 22/03/1870 not stated RUSHTEIN
РУТШТЕЙН Elias Leib not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Esther- Rachel Hosias not stated Zalman RAPOPORT and Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 26/03/1870 - KULMAN
КУЛМАН Rebecca Abraham not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Shifra Israel not stated - -
Riga 1870 26/03/1870 not stated JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Benjamin- Khaim Samuel- Hersh not stated Soldier not stated KAUFE КАУФЕ Hinda- Rachel not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 27/03/1870 - KOBLENTZ
КОБЛЕНЦ Miriam- Liebe Simon- Behr not stated not stated Kreutzburg JOFFE ИОФФЕ Rachel not stated not stated - -
15 51
Riga 1870 31/03/1870 not stated WINER/ WIENER
ВИНЕР Esriel- Jakov Michel not stated not stated Vobolnik( Vabalninkas, Lithuania) Not stated  - Musha Leib not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 31/03/1870 - VARSHAVSKI
ВАРШАВСКИЙ Basha Samuel- Zelik not stated not stated Dunaburg TIGER ТИГЕР Rishe not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 31/03/1870 - BORKUN( may be
БОРКУН Zippa Meier- Leib not stated not stated Riga LEVI ЛЕВИ Khana not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 1/04/1870 not stated ZELIKSOHN
ЗЕЛИКСОН Jaune Falk not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Khana Jaune not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 1/04/1870 not stated GRINBERG
ГРИНБЕРГ Ahron- Lazer Jekhiel not stated not stated Dunaburg Not stated - Mariasha Behr not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 2/04/1870 - LURJE
ЛУРЬЕ Sarah Sholom not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) SHLOSSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ Khaya not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
16 54
Riga 1870 2/04/1870 not stated
ФЕЙНБЕРГ Behr- Zusman Hosias not stated not stated Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) Not stated - Deborah Hertz not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 2/04/1870 not stated HAIET
ХАЕТ Abram- Boris Jesai not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Lea Borukh not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 5/04/1870 not stated MARKER
МАРКЕР Hosias- Joseph Abraham not stated not stated Friedrichstadt Not stated - Liebe Jakov not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 7/04/1870 not stated KRAMER
КРАМЕР Mozes Meier not stated not stated Posvol( Pasvalys, Lithuania) Not stated - Rachel- Roza Hirsh not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 9/04/1870 not stated SEGAL
СЕГАЛ Behr Leib not stated not stated Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) Not stated - Krendel Jakov not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik and Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 9/04/1870 not stated MENDELSOHN
МЕНДЕЛЬСОН Peisakh Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Feiga- Basha Peisakh not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1870 10/04/1870 not stated SHIMES
ШИМЕС Unnamed. Stillborn Ahron not stated not stated Shmilian( Smolyany, Belarus) Not stated - Khana Israel not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1870 13/04/1870 not stated MARTINSOHN
МАРТИНСОН Abram- Jakov Henoch- Markus not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Lea Khaim not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
17 62
Riga 1870 14/04/1870 not stated SIW/ ZHIV
ЖИВ Abe Jechiel not stated not stated Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) Not stated - Khaya- Sarah Samuel not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 14/04/1870 - IDELSOHN
ИДЕЛЬСОН Khaya Ahron not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Pessa- Freude Isak not stated - -
Riga 1870 17/04/1870 - SHLOMOV
ШЛОМОВ Deborah Kasriel not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Gita Jakov not stated - -
Riga 1870 17/04/1870 not stated EICHENSHTAM
ЕЙХЕНШТАМ Joseph Israel- Behr not stated not stated Posvol( Pasvalys, Lithuania) Not stated - Feiga Kalman not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 19/04/1870 - SEDERS
СЕДЕРС Rebecca Meier not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rachel- Beila Gershon not stated - -
Riga 1870 21/04/1870 - SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Mindel Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated STUTZER/
- Rachel- Lea not stated - -
Riga 1870 21/04/1870 - KARASIK
КАРАСИК Frome- Lea Zalman not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rashke- Rosa Markus not stated - -
Riga 1870 21/04/1870 - SHACHNOVICH
ШАХНОВИЧ Unnamed. Stillborn Sholom not stated not stated Hasenpoth( Aizpute, Latvia) Not stated - Basha Leib not stated - -
18 64
Riga 1870 21/04/1870 not stated SHOTNIKOV
ШОТНИКОВ Samuel- Michel Mozes not stated Painter Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Khana Samuel not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 23/04/1870 not stated RESHAL
РЕШАЛ Meier Leib not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Khaya- Beila Mozes not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 23/04/1870 not stated BALSHER
БАЛШЕР Abraham Leib- Isak not stated not stated Pokroi( Pakruojis, Lithuania) Not stated - Miriam Shrage not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 24/04/1870 not stated SONIK
СОНИК Joseph Vulf not stated not stated Luknik( Luokė, Lithuania) Not stated - Khaya Vulf not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 25/04/1870 - TUMPOVSKI
ТУМПОВСКИЙ Hirsh Feiga not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Sarah Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1870 25/04/1870 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Isak Leib not stated Soldier not stated JANKELEVICH - Shima not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 28/04/1870 not stated ASNES/ AINES
АСНЕС/ АЙНЕС Leib Abraham not stated not stated Rosieny( Raseiniai, Lithuania) Not stated - Keila Juda not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rosieny -
Riga 1870 30/04/1870 - JOFFE
ИОФФЕ Unnamed. Stillborn Simon not stated not stated Saumlen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Golde Khaim not stated - -
19 52
Riga 1870 30/04/1870 - SHNADOVICH
ШНАДОВИЧ Khana Meier not stated Soldier not stated KRIEGER - Sarah not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 1/05/1870 - MOZES
МОЗЕС Esther Zalman- Ahron not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Bassa Mozes not stated - -
Riga 1870 1/05/1870 - GOTTLIEB
ГОТЛИБ Khana- Miriam akob not stated not stated Mitau SHAVLOV - Mirla not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 2/05/1870 not stated BOTELIE(?)
- Unnamed. Stillborn Mozes not stated not stated Veshna Not stated - Sarah Bentzion not stated - -
Riga 1870 3/05/1870 - SALMONSOHN
САЛМОНСОН Deborah Lazer not stated not stated Goldingen( Kuldiga, Latvia) KLEMPNER - Sarah not stated not stated - -
20 71
Riga 1870 3/05/1870 not stated BEHRMAN
БЕРМАН Ahron Markus not stated not stated Libau MICHELSOHN МИХЕЛЬСОН Roza not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 5/05/1870 not stated KASSEL
КАССЕЛ Joseph- Abram- Hirsh Mendel not stated not stated Riga COHN/ KAHN КАН Khana- Esther not stated not stated Mozes- Hirsh BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1870 5/05/1870 not stated MOZES
МОЗЕС Leib Nochum not stated not stated Sassmacken( Valdemarpils, Latvia) Not stated - Zissa Meier not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 8/05/1870 not stated PAPIRIN
ПАПИРИН David- Tevel- Leib Jesaie not stated not stated  Shklow, Belarus JAVION(?) - Roza not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik and Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 13/05/1870 not stated KANTER
КАНТЕР Leib Elias not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Sheina Efraim not stated Salmon RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 29/04/1870 13/05/1870 ROZENBERG
РОЗЕНБЕРГ Abram- Leib Zorach not stated not stated Bauska Not stated - Itta Leib not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 14/05/1870 not stated PRESS
ПРЕСС Meier- Michel Joseph not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rebecca Mozes not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
2 56
Riga 1870 15/05/1870 - SHABZINSKI
ШАБЗИНСКИЙ Sarah Jakov not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Itta Samuel not stated - -
Riga 1870 15/05/1870 not stated ZUSMAN
ЗУСМАН Samuel- Isak Khaim not stated not stated Basagolen Not stated - Khiena Samuel not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 18/05/1870 not stated HILLERSOHN
ГИЛЕРСОН Mendel Isak not stated not stated Ushatz( Ushachy, Belarus) RIVKIND РИВКИНД Mina not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik and Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 19/05/1870 not stated GINTZBURG
ГИНЦБУРГ Borukh- Sholom Zelik not stated not stated Norke/ Korke Not stated - Zlata Jakov not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 19/05/1870 - MARKLAVSKI
МАРКЛАВСКИЙ Sarah- Elka David not stated not stated Rosieny( Raseiniai, Lithuania) Not stated - ? Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1870 22/05/1870 not stated ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Mozes Samuel not stated not stated Plungian( Plungė, Lithuania) Not stated - Bassa Nathan not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 23/05/1870 not stated RUBIN
РУБИН Simon Khaim- Leib not stated Soldier not stated LEVIN ЛЕВИН Feiga not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 24/05/1870 not stated MORGEN
МОРГЕН Ruben Mendel not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Beila Joseph not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
22 84
Riga 1870 25/05/1870 not stated RUBOVSKI
РУБОВСКИЙ Salomon Abraham- Meier not stated Soldier not stated
Not stated - Rebecca David not stated Zalman RAPOPORT and Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 28/05/1870 not stated ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Israel Ezechiel not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Tzipa Leib not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 28/05/1870 not stated KATZ
КАЦ Zusman Simon not stated not stated Pokroi( Pakruojis, Lithuania) Not stated - Rachel Zusman not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 28/05/1870 not stated BEHR
БЕР Khaim- Samuel Isak not stated not stated Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) Not stated - Shifra Abraham not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 29/05/1870 - FIRST
ФИРСТ Khaya- Tzipa Mozes not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Sarah Jakov not stated - -
Riga 1870 30/05/1870 not stated FURMAN
ФУРМАН Unnamed. Stillborn Peisakh not stated not stated Vobolnik( Vabalninkas, Lithuania) LEVI or 1st name ЛЕВИ Sarah not stated not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 30/05/1870 not stated PEREGOVICH
ПЕРЕГОВИЧ Mozes- Leib Rafael not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Rebecca Aizik not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
23 90
Riga 1870 31/05/1870 not stated TAUROGEN
ТАУРОГЕН Jakov Joseph not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Lea Fabien not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 3/05/1870 not stated KAHN
КАН Lipman Ahron not stated not stated Shad( Seda, Lithuania) FRIEDLENDER ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Gita not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rosieny -
Riga 1870 1/06/1870 not stated KARLIN
КАРЛИН Mendel Ezekiel not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Hinda Markus not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik and Isak MINSKER from Kreutzburg -
Riga 1870 2/06/1870 not stated MARKUS
МАРКУС Unnamed. Stillborn Mozes not stated Trader Mitau JOELSOHN ИОЕЛЬСОН Anna not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik and Isak MINSKER from Kreutzburg -
Riga 1870 3/06/1870 not stated KLAVANSKI
КЛАВАНСКИЙ Isak- Joseph Markus not stated not stated Pokroi( Pakruojis, Lithuania) Not stated - Beila Joseph not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
24 59
Riga 1870 3/06/1870 - HURVITZ/
ГУРВИЧ Neschka Behr not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Miriam Elias not stated - -
Riga 1870 7/06/1870 - MIGDENISHIK
МИГДЕНИШИК Freude Khaim not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Revecca Israel not stated - -
Riga 1870 7/06/1870 not stated BORDOVITZ
БОРДОВИЧ Leib Meier not stated not stated Trok( Trakai, Lithuania) Not stated - Khaya Samuel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 5/06/1870 - SHAPIRO
ШАПИРО Etta Abraham- Sholom not stated not stated Janishki( Joniškis, Lithuania) Not stated - Rebecca Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1870 6/06/1870 not stated NOCHUMSOHN
НОХУМСОН Samuel- Elias Samson not stated not stated Mitau KAHN КАН Rosa not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 6/06/1870 not stated KANTER
КАНТЕР Noah Jakov not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Lea Israel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 7/06/1870 - SHLOCKER
ШЛОКЕР Jente Markus not stated not stated Riga HACKEL ГАКЕЛ Bluma not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 8/06/1870 - SHMUCKLER
ШМУКЛЕР Khaya Mozes not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Freuda Jesai not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
25 98
Riga 1870 9/06/1870 /01/1870 KANTER
КАНТЕР Idel- Zalman Meier not stated not stated New Zhagore(  Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Pessa Sholom not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 9/06/1870 /01/1870 JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Behr Izrael not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Deborah Lazer not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) and Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 13/06/1870 - NOTARIUS
НОТАРЮС Rebecca Sholom not stated not stated Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) HIRSHBERG ГИРШБЕРГ Malka not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 14/06/1870 not stated REIMAN
РЕЙМАН Samuel- Borukh Ruben not stated not stated Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) VULFSOHN ВУЛЬФСОН Tzipora not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 16/06/1870 not stated BORUCHOVICH
БОРУРОВИЧ Jakov- Mozes Isak not stated not stated Bauska Not stated - Rachel- Lea Jakov not stated Mozes- Hirsh BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1870 16/06/1870 - DIMAN, may be
ДИМАНТ Elka/ Emilie Mozes not stated not stated Minsk STERN СТЕРН Anna not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 17/06/1870 not stated KOLTUN
КОЛТУН Mozes Hosias not stated Soldier not stated
KURTZ КУРЦ Pessa not stated not stated Isak MINSKER from Kreutzburg -
Riga 1870 18/06/1870 not stated MUSCHAT
МУШАТ Bentzion Sholom- Meier not stated not stated New Zhagore(  Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Sheina- Esther Nechemia not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
26 66
Riga 1870 21/06/1870 - LEVENSOHN
ЛЕВЕНСОН Esther Josias not stated Watchmaker Riga Not stated - Tzipora Markus not stated - -
Riga 1870 21/06/1870 - LEHAK 
ЛЕХАК Lieba Simkha not stated not stated Shmilian Not stated - Khaya- Miriam Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1870 21/06/1870 - MARTINSOHN
МАРТИНСОН Jenta Jankel not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Sarah Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1870 22/06/1870 not stated SHRAGE
ШРАГЕ Unnamed. Stillborn Abraham not stated not stated Kretingen Not stated - Anna Elias not stated - -
Riga 1870 22/06/1870 not stated GRINTUCH
ГРИНТУХ Samuel Mozes not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Sarah Abraham not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 23/06/1870 - LEVENSOHN
ЛЕВЕНСОН Sheina- Rebecca Isak not stated Soldier not stated SHEINESOHN ШЕЙНЕСОН Mina Michel not stated -
Riga 1870 23/06/1870 not stated LEVENSHTEIN
ЛЕВЕНШТЕЙН Jesae- Behr Ahron- Hessel not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Rachel- Rasha - not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) and Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 25/06/1870 - ROMBERG
РОМБЕРГ Nechama Noah not stated not stated Vilna Not stated - Tzipa Sholom not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
27 71
Riga 1870 25/06/1870 - JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Unnamed. Stillborn Ruben not stated not stated New Zhagore(  Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Hana Hirsh not stated - -
Riga 1870 25/06/1870 - WIRUBIL
ВИРУБИЛ Sarah Salomon not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rosa Falk not stated - -
Riga 1870 26/06/1870 not stated FRIEDLENDER
ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Mendel Mozes not stated not stated Bobruisk, Belarus
MAKUS МАКУС Miriam not stated not stated Hillel SIK from Rosieny -
Riga 1870 26/06/1870 not stated KAHN
КАН Faibush Michel not stated Trader Riga Not stated - Sheina Mozes not stated Hillel SIK from Rosieny -
Riga 1870 28/06/1870 - STENDER
СТЕНДЕР Musha- Khaya Joseph- Mozes not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Rashke Mozes not stated - -
Riga 1870 29/06/1870 - HAIET
ХАЕТ Eida Peisakh not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Miriam Menachem not stated - -
Riga 1870 30/06/1870 not stated BERKOV
БЕРКОВ Khaim- Behr Kopel not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Gita Joseph not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
28 110
Riga 1870 4/07/1870 not stated ZIMKIN
ЗИМКИН Moze Jakov not stated not stated Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) Not stated - Jetta Abraham not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 5/07/1870 not stated EIZENSOHN
ЕЙЗЕНСОН Jekiel Abram not stated not stated Keidan( Kėdainiai, Lithuania) Not stated - Khiena Juda not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) and Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 6/07/1870 not stated KATZEN
КАЦЕН Abe- Gabriel Jantov not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Khana- Tirtza Joseph not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 6/07/1870 not stated MELAMED
МЕЛАМЕД Aizik- Hirsh Salomon not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Lea Aizik not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 7/07/1870 not stated RITOV
РИТОВ Meier Idel not stated Glazier New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Gute Bentzion not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 11/07/1870 not stated AROLOVITZ
АРОЛОВИЧ Ahron- Abraham Zalman not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rachel- Lea Khaim not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 14/07/1870 - SEGAL
СЕГАЛ Khaya- Zelda Mozes- Borukh not stated not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Fromr- Tauba Kasriel not stated - -
Riga 1870 15/07/1870 - HOLASHVER(?)
- Chisse- Rebecca Samuel not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Khana Joseph not stated - -
29 77
Riga 1870 17/07/1870 - SIDLOV
СИДЛОВ Anna- Deborah Mendel not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Khana- Pessa Leib not stated - -
Riga 1870 17/07/1870 - HAIET
ХАЕТ Khaya- Feiga David not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) LEVIN ЛЕВИН Khana not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 18/07/1870 not stated SHENBLUM
ШЕНБЛУМ Jakob Joseph not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Khaya Mozes not stated Salomon RAPOPORT from Tsashnik -
Riga 1870 18/07/1870 not stated SEGAL
СЕГАЛ Meier- Nissen Abraham not stated not stated Plungian( Plungé, Lithuania) LEVIN ЛЕВИН Sarah not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 19/07/1870 - BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Etta Izrael not stated not stated Riga JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Khana- Beila not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 20/07/1870 not stated BEHR
БЕР Jesae Laser not stated not stated Kupishki Not stated - Khaya Kasriel not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 20/07/1870 - KROL
КРОЛ Rasha- Mera Abraham- Salomon not stated not stated Shad( Seda, Lithuania) Not stated - Etta Benjamin not stated - -
Riga 1870 20/07/1870 - GORDON
ГОРДОН Lea Markus not stated not stated Ligum( Lygumai, Lithuania) Not stated - Gite Leib not stated - -
30 119
Riga 1870 23/07/1870 not stated LIDSKI
ЛИДСКИЙ Mozes- David Kiva- Jakob not stated Soldier not stated GLICKMAN ГЛИКМАН Khaya- Sarah not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT and Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 25/07/1870 not stated MANSHEVICH
МАНШЕВИЧ Mozes- Lazer Bentzion not stated not stated Bauska BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Jacha not stated not stated Ahron RAPOPORT from Bauska -
Riga 1870 27/07/1870 not stated GORBADSKI
ГОРБАДСКИЙ David Aizik not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Hinda- Pessa David not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 27/07/1870 - GOLDBERG
ГОЛДБЕРГ Feiga- Hanna Faibush not stated not stated Riga KUN КУН Jetta not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 28/07/1870 not stated SHWARTZHAHN
ШВАРЦГАН Unnamed Joseph not stated not stated Kurshan( Kuršenai, Lithuania) Not stated - Beila Elias not stated - -
Riga 1870 30/07/1870 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Hirsh Meier not stated not stated Vobolnik( Vabalninkas, Lithuania) Not stated - Tzivia Mozes not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 31/07/1870 not stated ARONSHTAM
АРОНШТАМ Hirsh Ruben not stated not stated Mitau LEVI ЛЕВИ Freude not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
31 125
Riga 1870 31/07/1870 not stated RABINOVICH
РОБИНОВИЧ Michel- Salomon Zalman- Behr not stated not stated Luski
TAVION(?) - Leska not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 1/08/1870 not stated PUMPIANSKI
ПУМПЯНСКИЙ Hirsh Behr not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rachel Joseph not stated Zalman RAPOPORT and Jakov MAIZEL from Boshenkowitz -
Riga 1870 3/08/1870 - KARABELNIK
КАРАБЕЛЬНИК Unnamed. Stillborn Tzemach not stated not stated Sidlewa( Šiluva, Lithuania) Not stated - Feiga Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1870 4/08/1870 - SHETZ
ШЕЦ Mina- Esther Abraham- Isac not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) NUROCK НУРОК Risha not stated not stated - -
32 85
Riga 1870 4/08/1870 - LEIBOVICH
ЛЕЙБОВИЧ Deborah- Rachel Khaim not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Sarah Mozes not stated - -
Riga 1870 10/08/1870 not stated BLOCH
БЛОХ Simon- Behr Ezriel not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Sarah Abraham not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 12/08/1870 - HAITKIN
ХАЙТКИН Rosa Joseph not stated not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Esther Leib not stated - -
Riga 1870 13/08/1870 not stated MORDCHELOVICH
МОРДХЕЛОВИЧ Neshanel Simon not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Beila- Braina Pinkhus not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 16/08/1870 not stated RUTENBERG
РУТЕНБЕРГ Elias- Israel Nissen not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Khaya- Sarah Israel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 17/08/1870 - JOSEPH
ИОЗЕФ Rachel- Malka Meier not stated not stated Sklow, Belarus RAFELOVICH РАФЕЛОВИЧ Gitel not stated not stated - -
33 130
Riga 1870 17/08/1870 not stated CHARASIN
ХАРАЗИН Jesae Sanwil- Elias not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Khaya- Sarah Jesae not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 19/08/1870 not stated SEEMAN
СЕЕМАН Eliashe Hirsh not stated not stated Berlin Not stated - Gissa Abraham not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rosieny -
Riga 1870 22/08/1870 - PUTSHINSKI
ПУЧИНСКИЙ Bluma Jakov not stated Soldier not stated STALAROVSKI СТАЛЕРОВСКИЙ Rebecca not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 23/08/1870 - BRIEF
БРИФ Sarah- Beila Hirsh not stated not stated Plungian( Plungé, Lithuania) Not stated - Khaya- Lea Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1870 24/08/1870 not stated PEITELBAUM
ПЕЙТЕЛЬБАУМ Unnamed. Stillborn Mozes- David not stated not stated Polotzk Not stated - Sarah Zalman not stated - -
Riga 1870 25/08/1870 not stated KAPLAN
КАПЛАН Bentzion- Joseph Leib- David not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) GLAZER ГЛАЗЕР Etta not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
34 90
Riga 1870 27/08/1870 - EFRAIM
ЕФРАЙМ Rachel Jude not stated Trader Bassin LEIENSOHN ЛЕЙЕНСОН Sheina- Mina not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 29/08/1870 not stated MEILACH
МЕЙЛАХ Unnamed. Stillborn Nochum not stated not stated Trentelberg( Gostiņi, Latvia) Not stated - Hinda- Lea Jakov not stated - -
Riga 1870 29/08/1870 not stated ROSMARIN
РОЗМАРИН Israel- Pinkhus Samuel not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Chassa- Musha Ahron not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 29/08/1870 not stated MAKLAN
МАКЛАН Tubias Mozes not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Lea Salomon not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 30/08/1870 not stated GORDON
ГОРДОН Unnamed. Stillborn Isac not stated not stated Dunaburg RIVLIN РИВЛИН Rebecca not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 30/08/1870 - GRINFELD
ГРИНБЕРГ Sheina Jakov not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Sarah Leib not stated - -
Riga 1870 31/08/1870 not stated GOLDBERG
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ Zelik Michel not stated not stated Keidan( Kėdainiai, Lithuania) Not stated - Rachel- Feiga Hirsh not stated Salomon RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
35 92
Riga 1870 16/02/1870 - MUZIKANT
МУЗЫКАНТ Liebe Michel not stated Under officer not stated MUZIKANT МУЗЫКАНТ Etta not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 2/09/1870 - SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Rachel- Roza Aizik not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Mariasha Ahron not stated - -
Riga 1870 3/09/1870 not stated MARKUZE
МАРКУЗЕ Unnamed. Stillborn Mozes not stated not stated Goldingen( Kuldiga, Latvia) DACH ДАХ Mathilde not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 3/09/1870 not stated HEIMAN
ГЕЙМАН Unnamed. Stillborn Salomon not stated not stated Plungian( Plungé, Lithuania) Not stated - Sheina Volf not stated - -
36 141
Riga 1870 3/09/1870 not stated DORN
ДОРН Michel- Ahron Behr not stated not stated Tukkum JAKOBI ЯКОБИ Khaya not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 5/09/1870 not stated GRINBLATT
ГРИНБЛАТ Rafael Shabsa not stated not stated Popelian Not stated - Sarah Meier not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 6/09/1870 not stated SHINDER
ШИНДЕР Lea Joseph- Elias not stated Soldier not stated WIDES ВИДЕС Slassa not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 6/09/1870 not stated DIETRICH
ДИТРИХ Jakov Levi not stated not stated Kopist, may be Kupishki Not stated - Sarah- Feiga Lazer not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 8/09/1870 not stated KAHN
КАН Kalman Khaim not stated not stated Goldingen LIPSHOVICH ЛИПШОВИЧ Khana not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 8/09/1870 not stated TOMSON
ТОМСОН Isaac Jakob not stated not stated Mitau TOMSON ТОМСОН Miriam not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 9/09/1870 not stated BORUCHOVICH
БОРУХОВИЧ Israel Lazer not stated not stated Bauska KRETZER КРЕЦЕР Lea not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
37 148
Riga 1870 11/09/1870 not stated PRUSAK
ПРУСАК Joseph Benjamin not stated Soldier not stated MILNER МИЛЬНЕР Zelda not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 12/09/1870 - SANDLER
САНДЛЕР The twin Mina Leib not stated not stated Varna( Varniai, Lithuania) Not stated - Gita Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1870 12/09/1870 - SANDLER
САНДЛЕР The twin Lieba- Lea Leib not stated not stated Varna( Varniai, Lithuania) Not stated - Gita Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1870 12/09/1870 not stated SHOLNIKOV
ШОЛЬНИКОВ Victor- Mendel Abraham not stated not stated Kreutzburg( Krustpils, Latvia) Not stated - Rebecca Elias not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 14/09/1870 not stated MOVSHOVICH
МОВШОВИЧ Ahron- Elias Abraham not stated not stated Eragolen(Eglaine, Latvia) Not stated - Lea- Tzivia Lazer not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 14/09/1870 not stated SHERMAN
ШЕРМАН Markus- Ruben Abraham not stated not stated Friedrichstadt DINA ДИНА Khaya not stated not stated Isaac SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 14/09/1870 not stated SALMANOVICH
ЗАЛМАНОВИЧ Mendel Behr not stated not stated Shad( Seda, Lithuania) Not stated - Roza Leib not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 16/09/1870 - FEIGUS
ФЕЙГУС Miriam Aizik not stated not stated Kovno( Kaunas, Lithuania) Not stated - Sheina Jaune not stated - -
38 97
Riga 1870 16/09/1870 - ROZENBERG
РОЗЕНБЕРГ Hinda- Raina Hirsh not stated not stated Shad( Seda, Lithuania) Not stated - Rebecca Behr not stated - -
Riga 1870 16/09/1870 not stated SHMERELOVICH
ШМЕРЕЛОВИЧ Leib Zelig not stated not stated Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) Not stated - Elka- Freuda Leib not stated Isaac SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 18/09/1870 - POGOVICH
ПОГОВИЧ The twin Malka Lazer not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Gissa Elias not stated - -
Riga 1870 18/09/1870 - POGOVICH
ПОГОВИЧ The twin Tzipa Lazer not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Gissa Elias not stated - -
Riga 1870 18/09/1870 not stated HIRSHBERG
ГИРШБЕРГ Leib Markus- Vulf not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Feiga- Vichna Meier not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 18/09/1870 - LEIBOVICH
ЛЕЙБОВИЧ Etta Nachman not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Fruma Ahron not stated - -
Riga 1870 20/09/1870 - BLOCH
БЛОХ Jache Iser not stated not stated Plungian( Plungé, Lithuania)
KLAUN КЛАУН Sarah not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 20/09/1870 not stated FRANK
ФРАНК Mathis Isaac not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Miriam Menachem not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
39 102
Riga 1870 20/09/1870 - KATZIN
КАЦИН Golde- Beila Isaac not stated not stated New Zhagore(  Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Sarah- Lea Hirsh not stated - -
Riga 1870 20/09/1870 - LEZEROVICH
ЛЕЗЕРОВИЧ Khaya- Shima David not stated not stated Riga CHIRUBIN ШИРУБИН Liebe not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 20/09/1870 not stated LEVI
ЛЕВИ Abraham Izrael not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Pessa Meier not stated Hosias RZABI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 20/09/1870 not stated KATZENELENBOGEN
КАЦЕНЕЛЕНБОГЕН Samuel Mozes- Markus not stated not stated Lubawitz Not stated - Meite Samuel not stated Isaac SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 20/09/1870 not stated ATLAS
АТЛАС Mendel Elias not stated not stated Kreutzburg( Krustpils, Latvia) Not stated - Taube- Miriam Abraham not stated Isaac SHVERDLIN and Zal RAPOPORT -
Riga 1870 23/09/1870 not stated KUSHELOVICH
КУШЕЛОВИЧ Khaim- Isaac Behr not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Khaya Zelik not stated Hosias RZABI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 24/09/1870 - JABLONSKI
ЯБЛОНСКИЙ Etta Selig not stated not stated Krok Not stated - Sheina Jocheved not stated - -
Riga 1870 24/09/1870 not stated BLIDIN
БЛИДИН Ahron- Isaac Abram not stated not stated Linkovo LAHR ЛАР Rachel not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
40 105
Riga 1870 25/09/1870 - LICHTENSHTEIN
ЛИХТЕНШТЕЙН Gitel Salomon not stated not stated Piltene LEVI ЛЕВИ Khaya- Risha not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 25/09/1870 not stated BEHR
БЕР Hirsh Mozes not stated not stated Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) LEVENSOHN ЛЕВЕНСОН Rachel not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 27/09/1870 not stated SOSNITZKI
СОСНИЦКИЙ Markus Joseph not stated Soldier not stated LANG ЛАНГ Hinda- Rebecca not stated not stated Isaac SHVERDLIN and Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1870 1/10/1870 not stated ABRAM
АБРАМ Israel- Khaim Pinkhus not stated not stated Mitau SHLOCKER ШЛОКЕР Jette- Golde not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 1/10/1870 - HAMBURGER
ГАМБУРГЕР Jache Lazer not stated not stated Tukkum Not stated - Sheina- Rachel Shlome not stated - -
41 164
Riga 1870 2/10/1870 not stated JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Behr Isak not stated not stated Riga KRETZER КРЕЦЕР Sarah not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 5/10/1870 not stated FRIED
ФРИД David Salomon not stated not stated Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) Not stated - Miriam Jesae not stated Abram JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 6/10/1870 not stated ZELIKOVICH
ЗЕЛИКОВИЧ Unnamed. Stillborn Ezechel not stated not stated Shad( Seda, Lithuania) Not stated - Glle Markus not stated - -
Riga 1870 7/10/1870 not stated JAVION(?)
- Israel Raphael not stated not stated Druya Not stated - Esther Jakob not stated Isaac SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 7/10/1870 - BORDOVITZ
БОРДОВИЦ Rachel Salomon not stated not stated Krok( Krakes, Lithuania) Not stated - Khassa Elias not stated - -
Riga 1870 7/10/1870 - GORDON
ГОРДОН Lieba- Bassa Abram not stated not stated Ligum( Lygumai, Lithuania) Not stated - Ewa- Esther Leib not stated - -
Riga 1870 9/10/1870 not stated ISRAELOVICH
ИЗРАЕЛОВИЧ Faibush Zelig not stated not stated Plungian( Plungé, Lithuania) Not stated - Etta Khaim not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
42 169
Riga 1870 11/10/1870 not stated TRAUGOTT
ТРАУГОТ Isai- Judrus/ Isaak- Theodore Jakob not stated Doctor not stated SHEINESOHN ШЕЙНЕСОН Freude not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 13/10/1870 not stated BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Abram Israel- Isak not stated Cap maker Mitau
Not stated - Zelda Nathan not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rosieny -
Riga 1870 13/10/1870 not stated MÜTZENMACHER МИЦЕНМАХЕР Samuel- Mozes Zelig not stated Soldier not stated
JURKOVITZ ЮРКОВИЧ Anna not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 13/10/1870 not stated MAGRITT
МАГРИТ Hirsh- Jesaie Gedalje not stated Tailor Old Zhagore(  Žagarė, Lithuania) KAHN КАН Golde not stated not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 13/10/1870 not stated BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Mozes- Khaim Markus not stated Trader Riga Not stated - Sarah- Noima Mozes not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 14/10/1870 not stated SHTEIN
ШТЕЙН Mozes- Meier Zalman not stated not stated Birzhi Not stated - Reiza Hirsh not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 14/10/1870 not stated BESHKIN
БЕШКИН Elias- Isaac Jude not stated not stated Byeshankovichy, Belarus HOLMAN ГОЛЬМАН Sarah- Rachel not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik and Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik -
43 176
Riga 1870 15/10/1870 not stated CHANIN/ HANIN
ХАНИН Zalman- Mozes Israel not stated not stated Dunaburg Not stated - Khaya- Gita Mendel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT and Hosias RAZBI  from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 16/10/1870 not stated LIEBEDOV
ЛЕБЕДОВ Leib Hirsh- Abraham not stated not stated Mitau KAHN КАН Beila not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 18/10/1870 - SHAPIRO
ШАПИРО Anna- Pessa Joel not stated not stated Datnowe( Dotnuva, Lithuania) Not stated - Esther Bentzion not stated - -
Riga 1870 18/10/1870 - JOSSELOVICH
ИОССЕЛОВИЧ Anna- Freuda Jesaie not stated Under officer not stated Not stated - Khaya Jakov not stated - -
Riga 1870 20/10/1870 not stated STALOVICH
СТАЛОВИЧ Khaim- Jude Markus not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Feiga- Roze Markus not stated Hosias RAZBI  from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 21/10/1870 not stated SHMULOVICH
ШМУЛОВИЧ Unnamed. Stillborn Ahron not stated Soldier not stated
Not stated - Anna Faibush not stated - -
Riga 1870 21/10/1870 not stated TIGER
ТИГЕР Mozes Gershon not stated not stated New Zhagore(  Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Frume- Ette Mozes not stated Hosias RAZBI  from Tshashnik -
44 181
Riga 1870 23/10/1870 not stated KAHN
КАН Sholom- Ruben Elias not stated not stated Riga ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Zlata not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 23/10/1870 - PINKINSKI
ПИНКИНСКИЙ Hanna- Elka David not stated Soldier not stated JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Glika not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 24/10/1870 - FACKLER
ФАКЛЕР Unnamed. Stillborn Jakob not stated not stated Tukkum Not stated - Sarah Leib not stated - -
Riga 1870 25/10/1870 not stated SHERMAN
ШЕРМАН Salman- Benjamin Jakob not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Sarah Isaac not stated Isak SHVERLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 25/10/1870 not stated FURMAN
ФУРМАН Salomon Noach- David not stated not stated Vobolnik( Vabalninkas, Lithuania) Not stated - Sarah Salomon not stated Sender- Leib FEIGELSOHN from Zarzi -
Riga 1870 31/10/1870 - ROSENOV
РОЗЕНОВ Rebecca Meier not stated not stated Vitebsk Not stated - Lipa Simon not stated - -
45 184
Riga 1870 31/10/1870 not stated KAHN
КАН Samuel Israel not stated not stated Tukkum SONNENSTRAHL ЗОННЕНСТРАЛ Hana not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 4/11/1870 not stated GOLDWASSER
ГОЛДВАССЕР Lazer Joseph not stated not stated Janishki( Joniškis, Lithuania) FRUS(?) - Pessa not stated not stated Isak SHVERLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 5/11/1870 - BESSER
БЕССЕР Khaya- Pessa Samuel not stated Soldier not stated SHMUELOVICH ШМУЕЛОВИЧ Beila not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 5/11/1870 not stated LAZAVNIK
ЛАЗАВНИК Mozes Markus not stated not stated Old Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Niche Mozes not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
46 187
Riga 1870 9/11/1870 not stated MARKUSHEVICH
МАРКУШЕВИЧ Mozes Abraham not stated Tailor Janishki( Joniškis, Lithuania) Not stated - Rebecca Mozes not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 11/11/1870 - PERL
ПЕРЛ Pera Jakob not stated Soldier Old Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Esther Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1870 11/11/1870 - SHLOMINSKI
ШЛОМИНСКИЙ Sarah- Rebecca Leib not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Lea Salomon not stated - -
Riga 1870 11/11/1870 - KARTEW
КАРТЕВ Malka/ Malla Isai not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) LURJE Khaya not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 11/11/1870 not stated GUT
ГУТ Ahron Markus not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Frume Abraham not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 11/11/1870 not stated MAHLER
МАЛЕР Leib Joseph not stated Glazier Old Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) LANG - Bassa not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
47 118
Riga 1870 12/11/1870 - BUKOVITZ
БУКОВИЦ Rebecca Samarius not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Jocheved Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1870 13/11/1870 not stated SCHEER/ SHER
ШЕР Hersh- Mozes Hesher not stated not stated Plungian( Plungé, Lithuania) KOVNER - Malka not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 15/11/1870 - SHPRINGENFELD
ШПРИНГЕНФЕЛД Deborah- Braina Leib not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Frome Samuel not stated - -
Riga 1870 16/11/1870 not stated BLEICH
БЛЕЙХ Meier- Gutman Hirsh- Israel not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Sarah Gutman
not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 17/11/1870 not stated BLANKENSHTEIN
БЛАНКЕНШТЕЙН Ahron- Hirsh Abraham- Jude not stated not stated Riga ABRAMSOHN - Khana- Pessa not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 19/11/1870 - MARKOVITZ
МАРКОВИЦ Judith Hosias- Khaim not stated not stated Vitebsk Not stated - Tauba- Itta Mozes not stated - -
48 193
Riga 1870 19/11/1870 not stated FAIENSHTEIN
ФАЙЕНШТЕЙН Mozes- Behr Jude- Leib not stated not stated Polangen( Palanga, Lithuania) KRAMER КРАМЕР Sarah not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 20/11/1870 not stated GOLDBERG
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ Michel Jude not stated Trader Riga FROMHOLD ФРОМГОЛД Feiga not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik and Isaac SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 20/11/1870 not stated FRIEDLENDER
ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Nekhemia Boruch not stated not stated Janishki( Joniškis, Lithuania) BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Khaya- Lea not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik and Isaac SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1870 23/11/1870 - LIEBERMAN
ЛИБЕРМАН Nechama Joseph not stated not stated Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) Not stated - Beila Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1870 23/11/1870 not stated KAHN
КАН Nochum- Salomon Hirsh not stated not stated Zarsi KAHN КАН Rebecca not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 24/11/1870 not stated VISOTZKI
ВИСОЦКИЙ Jakov Kalman- Mozes not stated not stated Riga MAIRIM МАЙРИМ Sarah not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1870 25/11/1870 - NESSELSTRAUSS
НЕССЕЛШТРАУС Rachel- Rebecca Lazer not stated Soldier not stated ARONSOHN АРОНСОН Golda not stated not stated - -
49 198
Riga 1870 25/11/1870 not stated KAHN
КАН Khaim Nissen not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Roza Falk not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rosieny -
Riga 1870 27/11/1870 not stated SHNEIDERMAN
ШНЕЙДЕРМАН Isrel Isai not stated not stated Klikol( Klykoliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Sarah Gedalje not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 28/11/1870 not stated BEHRMAN
БЕРМАН Mozes- Bentzion Khaim- Jakov not stated not stated Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) Not stated - Ida Shrage not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 29/11/1870 - NANKE
НАНКЕ Khassa Lipa not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Sarah Markel not stated - -
Riga 1870 30/11/1870 not stated PERACH
ПЕРАХ Khaim- Isai Jude- Leib not stated not stated Rosieny( Raseiniai, Lithuania) Not stated - Hanna- Deborah Markel not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 4/10/1870 8/11/1870 KALMAN
КАЛМАН Hirsh- Urin Mozes not stated not stated New Zhagore(  Žagarė, Lithuania) LIPOSHUTZ ЛИПОШУЦ Rahla not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
50 124
Riga 1870 1/12/1870 not stated MARKUZE
МАРКУЗЕ Beila/ Betty Mozes not stated not stated Goldingen VOSS ВОСС Mathilde not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 1/12/1870 not stated BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Unnamed. Stillborn Shabsa not stated not stated Riga FRIEDMAN ФРИДМАН Rebecca not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 2/12/1870 not stated NACHMANOVICH
НАХМАНОВИЧ Khaya- Pessa Kadish not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Frume Leib not stated - -
Riga 1870 2/12/1870 not stated HAUSMAN
ГАУСМАН Joseph David not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Golda Meier not stated Mozes WULF from Klikol -
Riga 1870 2/12/1870 not stated SHEIN
ШЕЙН Lazer Samuel not stated not stated Kelme Not stated - Rosa Shabsa not stated Sender FEIGELSOHN from Zarsi -
Riga 1870 3/12/1870 not stated BIRMAN
БИРМАН Unnamed. Stillborn Tzemach not stated not stated Wi... Not stated - Taube- Beila Jakov not stated - -
Riga 1870 3/12/1870 not stated HIRSHOVICH
ГИРШОВИЧ Elias Israel- Meier not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rachel Shachna not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Bauska -
Riga 1870 5/12/1870 not stated LEVENBERG
ЛЕВЕНБЕРГ Simon- Behr David- Jakov not stated not stated Friedrichstadt BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Ida- Pessa not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 4/12/1870 not stated BAUM
БАУМ Etta Rafael not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rachel- Lea Jakob not stated - -
Riga 1870 4/12/1870 not stated SALOMON
САЛОМОН Khassa Hirsh- Bentzion not stated not stated Salant Not stated - Pessa Jakob not stated - -
Riga 1870 4/12/1870 not stated RUDES
РУДЕС Isaac- Jakov Markus not stated Soldier not stated
Not stated - Shifra Gershon not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
51 128
Riga 1870 6/12/1870 not stated BORUCHOVICH
БОРУХОВИЧ Sarah- Lea Volf not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Roza Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1870 8/12/1870 not stated ROSENFELD
РОЗЕНФЕЛД Elias Vulf not stated not stated Janishki
Not stated - Hana Hertz not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 9/12/1870 not stated MASELSKI
МАСЕЛЬСКИЙ Frome Samuel not stated Soldier not stated STAMLER СТАМЛЕР Freude not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 13/12/1870 not stated NUROCK
НУРОК Joseph- Elias Nachman not stated not stated Shaulen Not stated - Sheina Zalman not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 /12/1870 not stated BRISK
БРИСК Bentzion Jakov not stated not stated Zhagoren
Not stated - Mariasha Abel not stated Sender FEIGELSOHN from Zarsi -
Riga 1870 14/12/1870 not stated KRUTISHINSKI
КРУТИШИНСКИЙ Elka Zalman not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Khana Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1870 14/12/1870 not stated BEFENKOVICH
БЕФЕНКОВИЧ Khaim- Leib Joseph not stated not stated Byeshankovichy, Belarus GURVICH ГУРВИЧ Khana not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 15/12/1870 not stated SHERMAN
ШЕРМАН Abraham- Samuel Hirsh not stated not stated Friedrichstadt Not stated - Sarah- Esther Samuel not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1870 18/12/1870 not stated LIPSHITZ
ЛИПШИЦ Mendel Mozes not stated not stated Byeshankovichy, Belarus Not stated - Esther Mendel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
52 131
Riga 1870 7/12/1870 not stated SAMUELOV
САМУЕЛОВ Khaya Leib not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rebecca Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1870 19/12/1870 not stated SALMOVITZ
САЛМОВИЦ Arje Boruch- Abel not stated not stated Janishki( Joniškis, Lithuania) Not stated - Simkha David not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
Riga 1870 19/12/1870 not stated ROZENBERG
РОЗЕНБЕРГ Isaac Lazer not stated not stated Riga GLASBERG ГЛАСБЕРГ Mariasha not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 19/12/1870 - KASDAN
КАЗДАН Rachel Henoch- Jakov not stated not stated Barysaw, Belarus RUBINSOHN РУБИНСОН Feiga not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 19/12/1870 - KASDAN
КАЗДАН Tauba Henoch- Jakov not stated not stated Barysaw, Belarus RUBINSOHN РУБИНСОН Feiga not stated not stated - -
Riga 1870 21/12/1870 - GRINFELD
ГРИНФЕЛД Freude Israel not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Mina Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1870 22/12/1870 - LAZER
ЛАЗЕР Feiga Abraham- Behr not stated Cap maker Kros( Kražiai, Lithuania) Not stated - Mina Gershon not stated - -
Riga 1870 22/12/1870 not stated STEIN/ SHTEIN
ШТЕЙН Leib Meier not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rebecca Leib not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1870 22/12/1870 not stated SHEER/ SHER
ШЕР Benjamin Getzel not stated not stated Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) Not stated - Etta Vulf not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1870 24/12/1870 - TUBIAS
ТУБЯС Anna Daniel not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Rasha Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1870 25/12/1870 not stated GLICKMAN
ГЛИКМАН Moze Hirsh- Zelig not stated not stated Old Zhagoren(  Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Jenta Abraham not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -

All the records