О родившихся в Рига в 1873 г.
Births in Riga in 1873.
Naissances a Riga de

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All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)
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Coachmen in Rezekne in front of a dish shop and in Riga. Click to enlarge

Rabbi : Dr.Abraham Neumann (director of the first Jewish school in Riga). He was born in Geroldshausen, Germany in 1809 and died in St Petersburg in 1875. His wife Mina, born Getz died on 22/01/1860 at the age of  45.
Page Record


Year Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname Surname
Given name Father's name Father's patronymic Occupation  of the father
Father's place
of registration
Surname in cyrillic Mother's
first name
Mother's place
of registration
4 1
Riga 1873 2/01/1873 not stated GARBATZKI
ГАРБАЦКИЙ Vulf- Leib Aizik not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Pessa David not stated Salomon RAPOPORT from Tshashnik
Riga 1873 4/01/1873 - LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Khaya David not stated Plumber Riga KIRSHBAUM КИРШБАУМ Sarah not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 4/01/1873 - ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Rachel- Risha* Khaim not stated Tailor Uzhventy( Užventis, Lithuania) not stated - Shima Khaim not stated -
Rachel- Risha ABRAMOVICH died of  pneumonia on 25/04/1873  
Riga 1873 5/01/1873 - BEHRMAN
БЕРМАН Miriam Jakob not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Tauba Mairim not stated -
Riga 1873 6/01/1873 not stated SELDIN/ ZELDIN
ЗЕЛДИН Elias Behr not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Lea Noah not stated Salomon RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1873 6/01/1873 - ROSENBERG
РОЗЕНБЕРГ Khaya- Zlata Hirsh not stated not stated Sath(  Šeta, Lithuania) not stated - Hena not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 7/01/1873 not stated SHMUSHKIN
ШМУШКИН Leib Khaim not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Esther- Lea Mozes not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol
5 5
Riga 1873 7/01/1873 not stated KRIEGER
КРИГЕР Hiena- Lea Markus- Benjamin not stated not stated illegible not stated - Rachel Jona not stated -
Riga 1873 6/01/1873 not stated KATZ
КАЦ Rafael- Abo Jakob not stated not stated Posvol not stated - Lea Markus not stated David- Juda LIPSHITZ from Utiany
Riga 1873 7/01/1873 - LACHBAR
ЛАХБАР Sheina- Esther Peisakh not stated not stated Kovno not stated - Miriam not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 8/01/1873 not stated SHNEER
ШНЕЕР Sheftel Mozes not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Jenta Ahron not stated SHVERDLIN from Druya
Riga 1873 9/01/1873 - HOTZ/ GOTZ
ГОЦ Sheina- Rachel Mozes not stated not stated Shaulen HOTZ/ GOTZ ГОЦ Khaya- Sarah not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 10/01/1873 - SHIMENSKI
ШИМАНСКИЙ Rebecca Salomon not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Roza Juda not stated -
Riga 1873 10/01/1873 - SHERMAN
ШЕРМАН Rachel Joseph not stated not stated Ligum not stated - Menucha Mendel not stated -
Riga 1873 10/01/1873 not stated VARSHAVSKI
ВАРШАВСКИЙ Hirsh* Samuel- Zelig not stated not stated Dunaburg not stated - Rasha- Deborah Jakob not stated David- Juda LIPSHITZ from Utiany Hirsh VARSHAVSKI died on 11/03/1873
Riga 1873 10/01/1873 not stated HEIMAN/ GEIMAN
ГЕЙМАН Benjamin- Samuel Markus not stated not stated Friedrichstadt VULFSOHN ВКЛФСОН Etta- Rebecca not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rossieny
6 10
Riga 1873 11/01/1873 - WOLLMAN
ВОЛМАН Leib- Niro Genoch not stated not stated Ragala( Ariogala, Lithuania) WOLLMAN ВОЛМАН Feiga not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 12/01/1873 not stated GRINBERG
ГРИНБЕРГ Unnamed( stillborn) Markus not stated not stated Ligum GRINBERG ГРИНБЕРГ Rachel not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 12/01/1873 not stated NOVEGROD
НОВЕГРОД Abraham- Ruben Khaim- Hirsh not stated not stated Old Zhagore SHER ШЕР Risha not stated not stated David- Juda LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1873 12/01/1873 not stated SHER
ШЕР Notte- Salomon Sholom not stated Plumber
Shaulen not stated - Tzipa Abraham not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1873 12/01/1873 not stated SHAPIRO
ШАПИРО Mozes- Markus Joel not stated Tailor Dotnuva, Lithuania not stated - Esther Bentzion not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik
Riga 1873 12/01/1873 not stated VULFSOHN
ВУЛФСОН Shabsa- Ruben Jakob not stated not stated Kros not stated - Nechama Nachman not stated SHVERDLIN from Druya
Riga 1873 13/01/1873 - MEIEROVICH
МАЙЕРОВИЧ Khaya Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Hana Khaim not stated -
Riga 1873 13/01/1873 not stated DIVOVSKI(?)
- Samuel Zalman not stated not stated Aleksot( Aleksotas, Lithuania) not stated - Freida Hirsh not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol
7 14
Riga 1873 14/01/1873 not stated GRIN
ГРИН Hillel- Meier amuel not stated Tailor Bisagolen not stated - Hinda Vulf not stated SHVERDLIN from Druya
Riga 1873 15/01/1873 not stated JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Israel- Benjamin Jakob not stated Tailor Grobina ...SHICHMAN - Rachel not stated not stated Simon- Jakob SHWEIN from Grobina
Riga 1873 15/01/1873 not stated JANEWER
ЯНЕВЕР Isak- Lazer David not stated Tailor Pokroi not stated - Golda Samuel not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1873 15/01/1873 not stated SERGUEI
СЕРГЕЙ Mikhail Mozes not stated not stated Kretingen not stated - Pessa Abram not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1873 15/01/1873 not stated ARKIN or ORKIN
АРКИН/ ОРКИН Israel- Zalman Jakob- Behr not stated Tailor not stated not stated - Rebecca Ahron not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1873 15/01/1873 not stated AVERBUCH
АВЕРБУХ Samuel- Jakob Lazer
not stated not stated Shadov not stated - Hiena Mozes not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1873 17/01/1873 - MICHELSOHN
МИХЕЛСОН Mindel/ Mina* Jesaus- Behr not stated not stated Riga not stated - Lea Gotlieb
not stated -
Mina MICHELSOHN died of cholerine on 13/08/1873
Riga 1873 18/01/1873 - PACK
ПАК Hena- Rachel* Nochum not stated not stated Popelian not stated - Miriam Joseph not stated -
Hena- Rachel PACK died on 24/01/1873  
Riga 1873 19/01/1873 - HOTZ/ GOTZ
ГОЦ Etta- Miriam Ruben not stated not stated Zheimel not stated - Malka Mozes not stated -
Riga 1873 19/01/1873 - KUGEL
КУГЕЛ Beila David not stated not stated Vilna not stated - Tauba Samuel
not stated -
8 20
Riga 1873 21/01/1873 not stated STOLIER
СТОЛЕР Ruben Abraham not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Malka Abraham not stated -
Riga 1873 22/01/1873 - KURTOWIANSKI(?)
- Liba- Tzipa Isak not stated not stated Shaulen LURJE ЛУРЬЕ Shima not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 22/01/1873 - BOROCHOVICH
БОРОХОВИ Mushle Vulf not stated not stated Birzhi BOROCHOVICH БОРОХОВИЧ Lea not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 23/01/1873 - KRETZMAN
КРЕЦМАН Unnamed( stillborn) Isak not stated not stated Birzhi KRON КРОН Lea not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 23/01/1873 - GANTZ
ГАНЦ Zelda David not stated not stated Goldingen BELKIN БЕЛЬКИН Rebecca not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 24/01/1873 not stated STERNBERG
СТЕРНБЕРГ Markus- Jakob Leib not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Malka Jakob
not stated -
Riga 1873 26/01/1873 - LEVINBERG
ЛЕВИНБЕРГ Asna David- Jakob not stated not stated Friedrichstadt BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Pessa not stated not stated Salomon RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1873 17/01/1873 - KAGAN
КАГАН Gita- Freida Elias not stated not stated Riga ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Zlata not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 27/01/1873 - SEGAL
СЕГАЛ The twin Mina- Lea Israel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah Isak not stated -
Riga 1873 27/01/1873 not stated SEGAL
СЕГАЛ The twin Joseph Israel not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Sarah Isak not stated David- Juda LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1873 28/01/1873 not stated NANKEN
НАНКЕН Meier- Markus Lipman not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Sarah Marens not stated David- Juda LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
9 23
Riga 1873 27/01/1873 - LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Feiga Isak not stated not stated Telshi not stated - Malka Markus not stated -
Riga 1873 28/01/1873 - MARKLOVSKI
МАРКЛОВСКИЙ Mina David not stated not stated Rosieny LEVI ЛЕВИ Khaya not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 28/01/1873 - SIMKIN
СИМКИН Khaya- Zelda Jankel not stated not stated Tshashnik not stated - Itta Samuel
not stated -
Riga 1873 29/01/1873 not stated HAIT/ KHAIT
ХАЙТ Shapsa- Vulf David not stated not stated Birzhi LEVIN ЛЕВИН Hana not stated not stated SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1873 30/01/1873 - KLEMPNER
КЛЕМПНЕР Tzipa Hirsh not stated not stated Kandava, Latvia  not stated - Sheina Sholom
not stated -
Riga 1873 1/02/1873 - ALINIK
АЛИНИК Miriam Ahron- Markus not stated not stated Shmilian not stated - Khaya- Sarah Joseph
not stated -
Riga 1873 1/02/1873 not stated SACHS/ ZAKS
ЗАКС Vulf- Michel Isak- Abo not stated not stated Kogolan(?) PFANENSHTIL - Feiga not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol
Riga 1873 3/02/1873 - PRUSAK
ПРУСАК Tzipora Benjamin not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Zelda Joseph
not stated -
10 26
Riga 1873 4/02/1873 not stated MOSELSKI
МОЗЕЛЬСКИЙ Khonon- Leer Samuel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Tauba Jomtov
not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol
Riga 1873 4/02/1873 not stated LEVINSOHN
ЛЕВИНСОН Ahron- Markus Abram- Behr not stated not stated Riga VIGDERSOHN ВИГДЕРСОН Lida not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 1/02/1873 - OGUS
ОГУС Sarah- Ettel Jakob not stated not stated Rogovo not stated - Itta Simon
not stated -
Riga 1873 11/02/1873 - SARISOHN
САРИСОН Rebecca Israel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Jenta Meier not stated -
Riga 1873 3/02/1873 not stated RATZEN
РАЦЕН Idel- Ahron Jomtov not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Tzirza Joseph not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 8/02/1873 not stated KREUTZER
КРЕЙЦЕР Markus Meier not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Hoda Mendel not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1873 10/02/1873 - KLINANSKI
КЛИНАНСКИЙ Feiga- Mindel Gershon not stated not stated Pokroi not stated - Jenta Isak not stated -
Riga 1873 9/02/1873 not stated WALK/ VALK
ВАЛК Rafael- Salomon Isak not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Tzivia Lazer not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ -
11 31
Riga 1873 2/02/1873 not stated WEINBERG
ВЕЙНБЕРГ Abraham- Behr Vulf not stated not stated Luknik(  Luokė, Lithuania) not stated - Hiena Nochum
not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1873 9/02/1873 not stated BLIDIN
БЛИДИН Elias- Hertz Abraham not stated not stated Linkovo not stated - Brocha Lazer
not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol
Riga 1873 9/02/1873 not stated ROSENFELD
РОЗЕНФЕЛД Unnamed( stillborn) Vulf not stated Tailor Janishki not stated - Hena Naftali
not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 11/02/1873 - SACHS/ ZAKS
ЗАКС Sarah Isak not stated Watchmaker Riga NEIBERG/ NEUBERG НЕЙБЕРГ Ela not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 13/02/1873 not stated NEIBERG/NEUBERG
НЕЙБЕРГ Jochiel Hirsh not stated Plumber Riga not stated - Sheina- Gissa Jude
not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1873 14/02/1873 - LEVI
ЛЕВИ Zelda- Hode/ Elisa- Hednig Khatzkiel not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Amalia not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 13/02/1873 - BERKO(?)
- Eva Hirsh not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Dina not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 17/02/1873 not stated HALASKER
ГАЛАСКЕР Israel Samuel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Mina Joseph not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
12 35
Riga 1873 23/02/1873 - SHIMBURGER
ШИМБУРГЕР Lea Lazer not stated not stated Shimburg( Skaistkalne, Latvia) not stated - Malka Simon not stated -
Riga 1873 23/02/1873 not stated FAINSHTEIN
ФАЙНШТЕЙН Simon Leib not stated not stated Polangen( Palanga, Lithuania) not stated - Sarah Isser not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1873 23/02/1873 not stated FRIED
ФРИД Abram- Hirsh Leib not stated Merchant
Riga BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Zlata not stated not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1873 24/02/1873 not stated RIF
РИФ Unnamed( stillborn) Abrham not stated not stated Kelem( Kelme, Lithuania) MATLIN МАТЛИН Hiena not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 24/02/1873 - LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Malka Zundel not stated not stated Popelian( Papilė, Lithuania) not stated - Khana Hirsh not stated -
Riga 1873 23/02/1873 not stated SILBERMAN
ЗИЛЬБЕРМАН Benjamin- Leib Shevach not stated Soldier not stated not stated - not stated not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol
Riga 1873 24/02/1873 not stated FRIEDLENDER
ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Faivush- Michel Israel not stated Glazier Beisagol( Baisogala, Lithuania) not stated - Lea Jakob not stated Abraham- Isak PASS from Linkovo
Riga 1873 25/02/1873 not stated SALMANOVICH
ЗАЛЬМАНОВИЧ Joseph- Isaac Behr not stated not stated Shvekshne( Švėkšna, Lithuania) not stated - Sarah- Rebecca Ahron not stated Mozes HATZKELOVICH from Zhagore
13 42
Riga 1873 26/02/1873 not stated JANKOVICH
ЯНКОВИЧ Salomon Abram- Isaac not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah- Rasha Elias not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1873 26/02/1873 not stated KORDOVER
КОРДОВЕР Shneier Matis not stated not stated Mitau FIRST ФИРТ Zelda not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1873 28/02/1873 - RAIKIN
РАЙКИН Esther Behr not stated not stated Polotzk not stated - Eidel Mozes- Jakob not stated -
Riga 1873 28/02/1873 not stated ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Unnamed( stillborn) Hosias not stated Soldier not stated ABRAMOVICH АБРАМОВИЧ Feiga not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 27/02/1873 - SHOCHAT
ШОХАТ Esther- Hiena Jakob not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Eida- Miriam Zalman not stated -
Riga 1873 29/02/1873 not stated BERKIN(?)
- Khaim- Bentzion Kopel not stated Soldier not stated BERKOV БЕРКОВ Gita not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
14 39
Riga 1873 1/03/1873 - PIZISKI
ПИЗИСКИЙ Esther Jakob not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rebecca Ahron not stated -
Riga 1873 1/03/1873 - VULFSOHN
ВУЛФСОН Malka Abel not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Elka Simson not stated -
Riga 1873 2/03/1873 not stated SHEF
ШЕФ Jude- Salomon Abram- Isak not stated not stated Shaulen NUROCK - Rishe not stated not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany
Riga 1873 3/03/1873 not stated KRAVITZ
КРАВИЦ Samuel- Kusiel Ezechiel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Esther- Ita Vulf not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1873 3/03/1873 not stated MELAMED
МЕЛАМЕД Behr- Leib* Salomon not stated Tailor Birzhi not stated - Lea Aizik not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rosieny
Behr Lein MELAMED died of convulsions on 27/04/1873
Riga 1873 3/03/1873 not stated BEHRMAN
БЕРМАН Zalman Mendel not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Etta Zalman not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
15 50
Riga 1873 3/03/1873 not stated ATLAS
АТЛАС Leib- Daniel Abram- Isak not stated not stated Kreutzburg FEINBERG ФЕЙНБЕРГ Rachel- Shprintze not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol
Riga 1873 6/03/1873 - MORET(?)
- Itta Joseph not stated not stated Kreutzburg not stated - Sheina- Golda Markus not stated -
Riga 1873 7/03/1873 not stated DANILER
ДАНИЛЕР Abraham* Ezer not stated Tailor Zhagore not stated - Rachel Jude not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol Abraham DANILER died of  tooth disease on  10/11/1873
Riga 1873 9/03/1873 - WAINER
ВАЙНЕР Sarah- Rebecca Ruben not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Hode Jakob not stated -
Riga 1873 10/03/1873 - ...POVSKI
- Khaya- Necha Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah Lazer not stated -
16 52
Daugagriva 1873 12/03/1873 not stated ROCHEV
РОЧЕВ Abraham- Mozes Nachman not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Khaya Hirsh not stated SHVERDLIN from Druya
Daugagriva 1873 12/03/1873 not stated JUDELOVICH
ЮДЕЛОВИЧ Lazer Abraham not stated Soldier not stated ABRAMOVICH АБРАМОВИЧ Hode not stated not stated SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1873 8/03/1873 not stated KVIN
КВИН Isaac* Sholom not stated not stated Dunaburg not stated - Rebecca Jude
not stated Leib AVERBUCH from Lutzin
Isak KVIN died on 16/03/1873
Riga 1873 14/03/1873 not stated KANTER
КАНТЕР Abraham- Jakov Pinkhus not stated not stated Illok not stated - Sheina David not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany
Riga 1873 16/03/1873 - SEGAL
СЕГАЛ Zlata Shabsa not stated Tailor Ponedeli not stated - Anna- Lea Mozes not stated -
17 56
Riga 1873 22/03/1873 not stated ISRAELOVICH
ИЗРАЕЛОВИЧ Jude Israel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Fruma- Gissa Faivush not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Linkovo
Riga 1873 21/03/1873 not stated FRIEDLENDER
ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Simon/ Max Abraham- Isaac not stated Son of a merchant Mitau NEUMAN НЕЙМАН Sophie not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rosieny
Riga 1873 20/03/1873 not stated RIVLIN
РИВЛИН Victor- Salomon Samarius- Hillel not stated not stated Riga ALEXANDROVICH АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧ Rosalie not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1873 21/03/1873 - BEHRMAN
БЕРМАН Anna* Markus not stated not stated Vilna MICHELSOHN МИХЕЛЬСОН Rosa not stated not stated -
Anna BEHRMAN died of cholera on 17/09/1873
Riga 1873 22/03/1873 not stated MARKUS
МАРКУС Tzalel Hirsh not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Feiga Ezekiel not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol
18 46
Riga 1873 23/03/1873 - SOLOT
СОЛОТ Lib- Gita Ahron- Meier not stated not stated Telshi LEVI Freida not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 25/03/1873 - GRUSKI
ГРУСКИЙ Ida* Ahron- Joseph not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Kreina Zelig not stated -
Ida GRUSHKI or GRUSHKO died of  diarrhea on 8/11/1873
Riga 1873 25/03/1873 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Pinkhus Idel not stated not stated Riga VIGDERSOHN ВИГДЕРСОН Rachel not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska
Riga 1873 25/03/1873 not stated KAHN
КАН David Vulf not stated not stated Riga MANDELSHTAM МАНДЕЛШТАМ Nechama not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1873 26/03/1873 not stated BLUMENTAHL
БЛУМЕНТАЛ Vulf- Jakob Rafael not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Tauba Hillel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Linkovo -
19 48
Riga 1873 27/03/1873 - PAPKON( may be
ПАПКОН Khaya Joseph not stated not stated Tshashnik not stated - Shime Israel not stated -
Riga 1873 27/03/1873 not stated BALKIN
БАЛЬКИН Joseph- Isak Jona- Kalman not stated Tailor Kurshan not stated - Freida Abraham not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashnik
Riga 1873 28/03/1873 - KAPLAN
КАПЛАН Brocha Jona not stated not stated Ponevesh KAPLAN КАПЛАН Sarah- Golda not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 27/03/1873 not stated FRIEDMAN
ФРИДМАН Itzik Vulf not stated not stated Libau LIPERT ЛИПЕРТ Mina- Khaya not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska
20 50
Riga 1873 1/04/1873 not stated ARONSHTAM
АРОНШТАМ Basha Movsha not stated Retired soldier not stated not stated - Hana not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 1/04/1873 8/04/1873 FISHER ФИШЕР Nechemia Behr not stated Trader Telshi not stated - Vichna not stated not stated Khatzkiel GLAZER
Riga 1873 1/04/1873 8/04/1873 OBELER ОБЕЛЕР Tovia Jankel Gershon not stated Dunaburg not stated - Beila Hirsh not stated Zelman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 1/04/1873 8/04/1873 KRINTSHITZKI КРИНЧИЦКИЙ Faivish Behr not stated Retired soldier not stated BASH БАШ Tzivia- Hinda Faivish not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 3/04/1873 10/04/1873 JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Zavel Jankel Movsha Shoemaker Mitava FELDMAN ФЕЛЬДМАН Beila Leizer Riga Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 7/04/1873 - BUNIN
БУНИН Henna- Tirtza Lipman Itzik Tailor Smolensk, Mogilev gub KIRKELOVICH КИРКЕЛОВИЧ Sarah Hertz not stated -
Riga 1873 7/04/1873 - ROSENGARTEN
РОЗЕНГАРТЕН Pesa* Borukh Fishel not stated Klikol SHULDENER ШУЛЬДЕНЕР Fruma- Raicha Leizer not stated -
Pesa ROZENGARTEN died of tuberculosis on 26/05/1873
Riga 1873 9/04/1873 - NOTARIUS
НОТАРЮС Rosa* Sholom Rafael not stated Tshashnik not stated - Malka Lozer not stated -
Rosa NOTARIUS died of fever on 10/07/1873
Riga 1873 10/04/1873 - EPSHTEIN
ЭПШТЕЙН Elka Meier Aron Sorter Zhagore LIPSHITZ
ЛИПШИЦ Ita Moisey
not stated -
21 55
Riga 1873 12/04/1873 - PEISACHOVICH
ПЕЙСАХОВИЧ Jachna Mendel Zalman not stated Gorki not stated - Hiena- Lea Levi- Itzik not stated -
Riga 1873 12/04/1873 - NEIMISH( may be
- Feiga Behr Itzik not stated Zhagore LUGMAN(?) - Khaya Abel Shavel -
Riga 1873 14/04/1873 - BERGMAN
БЕРГМАН Revecca Eliash- Behr Shmuel Bricks trader Riga NIBURG НИБУРГ Hena Naftali Mitava -
Riga 1873 16/04/1873 - BUTEL
БУТЕЛ Deborah Movsha Itzik not stated Vekshne LESK ЛЕСК Rokhel Nochum not stated -
Riga 1873 9/04/1873 16/04/1873 LEVENSOHN
ЛЕВЕНСОН Movsha- Nosel Michel Movsha not stated not stated GENEDTZ/ HENEDTZ ГЕНЕДЦ Kreina Josel not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 10/04/1873 17/04/1873 BEITZ
БЕЙЦ Ilya Hirsh Itzik Hairdresser Plungian NEUSFOVICH(?) - Khaya- Lea not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 10/04/1873 17/04/1873 SHWARTZ
ШВАРЦ Avraham Movsha Hirsh Tailor not stated OBERLENDER
ОБЕРЛЕНДЕР Raina Jankel not stated Zalamn RAPOPORT
Abraham SHWARTZ died of bronchitis on 20/06/1873
22 59
Riga 1873 17/04/1873 - MAGARIL
МАГАРИЛ Khaya- Hinda Behr not stated Trader not stated not stated - Rochel Hatzkiel not stated -
Riga 1873 17/04/1873 - JOCHELMAN
ИИОХЕЛЬСОН Nechama Jochel Itzik not stated Vidzi not stated - Esther Simel not stated -
Riga 1873 11/04/1873 18/04/1873 KAGAN
КАГАН Faivish Hirsh Efroim Tailor Zhagore WEINBERG/
ВЕЙНБЕРГ Mariana Tzalel Mitava Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 12/04/1873 19/04/1873 LIBERMAN
ЛИБЕРМАН Tzodek Hirsh Efroim Shoemaker Kelme, Lithuania not stated - Sarah- Riva Leib not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 14/04/1873 21/04/1873 ZALMANOVICH
ЗАЛМАНОВИЧ Vulf Josif Shliomo Merchant Riga LOCHVITZ ЛОХВИЦ Ralgeida not stated Mitava Hillel ZHIV -
Riga 1873 21/04/1873 - ISRAELOVICH
ИЗРАЕЛОВИЧ Rasha- Malka Itzik not stated Retired soldier not stated not stated - Tzivia- Dobra not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 15/04/1873 22/04/1873 REIMAN
РЕЙМАН David Ruvin ? Watchmaker
Ponevesh VULFSOHN ВУЛФСОН Charlotte not stated Riga Hillel ZHIV
Riga 1873 17/04/1873 24/04/1873 KRAVETZ/ KRAVITZ
КРАВЕЦ Jakob* Meier Aron not stated Shavel not stated - Rochel Leib not stated Leib SHULMAN
Jakob KRAVETZ died of oedema on 30/10/1873
Riga 1873 24/04/1873 - ATLAS
АТЛАС Esther Eliash Leib not stated Novo- Alexandrovsk not stated - Tauba- Mira not stated not stated -
23 63
Riga 1873 25/04/1873 - FUHRMAN
ФУРМАН Mariasha* Peisakh Sholom not stated Vobolnik not stated - Liba not stated not stated -
Mariasha FUHRMAN died of  smallpox on11/06/1873
Riga 1873 19/04/1873 26/04/1873 FROMGOLD
ФРОМГОЛД Faivel Jeruchim not stated 2d guild trader not stated not stated - Henriette Judel not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 26/04/1873 - SHMUCKLER
ШМУКЛЕР Risa( Rosa) Zalman Itzik Retired soldier not stated not stated - Rocha- Basha not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 22/04/1873 29/04/1873 DAVIDSOHN
ДАВИДСОН Eliash- Vulf Khaim Berko Tailor Vitebsk MICHELSOHN МИХЕЛЬСОН Emma not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 23/04/1873 30/04/1873 JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Leizer Rubin Abraham Baker Zhagore not stated - Hena Hirsh not stated Hillel ZHIV
Riga 1873 24/04/1873 1/05/1873 KATZ
КАЦ Ruvin Mortkhel Ruvel Shoemaker Pokroi not stated - Sarah Abraham not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 24/04/1873 1/05/1873 SHTRAUSS
ШТРАУС Osher- Eliash Leizer Nesel not stated Mitava ARONSOHN АРОНСОН Golda Elya not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 27/04/1873 4/05/1873 GRINFELD
ГРИНФЕЛД Mortkhel Israel Faivish Florist not stated ZANDER/ SANDER ЗАНДЕР Mina not stated not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 28/04/1873 5/05/1873 AIK
АЙК Eizer- Tevel Vulf not stated not stated Plungian JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Raitza not stated not stated David LIPSHITZ
24 65
Riga 1873 2/05/1873 - SHWARTZ
ШВАРЦ Hana Josel Hirsh Retired soldier not stated TRAUGOT ТРАУГОТ Jeta not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 4/05/1873 - ZAKS
ЗАКС Rokhel* Eliash Shliomo Baker Vekshne SHAPIRO ШАПИРО Jenta not stated not stated -
Rochel ZAKS died of  diarrhea on 18/08/1873
Riga 1873 2/05/1873 9/05/1873 RЕZNIKOVICH
РЕЗНИКОВИЧ Beines Shmuel Beines Shop assistant Skupishki not stated - Riva Itzik not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 3/05/1873 10/05/1873 JAKUBSOHN/
ЯКУБСОН Benjamin Hirsh Ovsei not stated Riga not stated - Khana not stated not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 3/05/1873 10/05/1873 KANARSKI
КАНАРСКИЙ Meier Jakub not stated Warden at the engineer house not stated not stated - Tauba not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 6/05/1873 - SHMUCKLER
ШМУКЛЕР Riva* Behr not stated Coachman Janishki not stated - Rocha Movsha not stated -
Riva SHMUCKLER died of convulsions on 31/08/1873
Riga 1873 7/05/1873 - MATZENMACHER
МАЦЕНМАХЕР Reina- Hena Zelik not stated Reservist
Riga not stated - Khana Jurka not stated -
Riga 1873 7/05/1873 - BESSER
БЕССЕР Rocha- Ita Shmuel Michel Retired soldier not stated not stated - Beila Shmuel not stated -
Riga 1873 11/05/1873 - BLOCH
БЛОХ Basheva Josel Itzig Shoemaker Telshi not stated - Khaya- Riva Shepsel not stated -
Riga 1873 8/05/1873 15/05/1873 ZAK
ЗАК Nechemia Itzik Jankel not stated Shadov not stated - Sora Itzik not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 8/05/1873 15/05/1873 SHAPIRO
ШАПИРО Vulf- Behr Abram Vulf not stated Telshi VAINBERG ВАЙНБЕРГ Jenta Berel not stated David LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1873 12/05/1873 - BODIN
БОДИН Betta( Betty) Idel Matis Tailor Drissa GOTTLIEB ГОТЛИБ Masha not stated Mitava -
25 72
Riga 1873 12/05/1873 - BLECHER, also
Reiza- Zelda Abraham- Behr not stated not stated not stated not stated - Riva not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 12/05/1873 - PERL
ПЕРЛ Fruma- Tzipa Shimel Berel Sorter Riga not stated - Khaya Eizer not stated -
Riga 1873 14/05/1873 - LEVINSOHN
ЛЕВИНСОН Sheina Moisey Shmuel not stated Riga FELDMAN
ФЕЛЬДМАН Paulina not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 13/05/1873 20/05/1873 LIPSHITZ
ЛИПШИЦ Israel- Isaac Ovsei Israel Tailor not stated ZISKIND ЗИСКИНД Raina Judel Rossieny David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 13/05/1873 20/05/1873 SHLIOMSOHN
ШЛОМСОН Honel- Hirsh Shliomo Itzik Retired soldier not stated not stated - Rokha- Lea Lipman not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 13/05/1873 20/05/1873 BAUMAN
БАУМАН Efroim Mordkhel Hertz Tinsmith Tukkum not stated - Guta Jankel not stated Ovsei RABZI
Riga 1873 17/05/1873 - LEVINSOHN
ЛЕВИНСОН Rebecca Alexander Moisey Watchmaker not stated IZRAELSOHN ИЗРАЕЛЬСОН Sarah not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 15/05/1873 22/05/1873 MATISOHN
МАТИСОН Jakov- Tevel Lazar Jankel Shoemaker Mitava not stated - Rosalia Khaikel not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 23/05/1873 - ELIASHEV
ЕЛЯШЕВ Tzipa- Mera/ Sophia- Maria Movsha Vulf Merchant Zhagore not stated - Sarah Abraham not stated -
Riga 1873 23/05/1873 - LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Eida Israel Meier Retired soldier not stated not stated - Pesha- Rosa not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 19/05/1873 26/05/1873 KANTOROVICH
КАНТОРОВИЧ Hirsh- Daniel Itzik Mendel Bookbinder Keidan not stated - Kreina- Lea not stated not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 20/05/1873 27/05/1873 RABIN
РАБИН Israel- Tevel Leib Tevel not stated Shavli not stated - Rokha Abram not stated -
26 95
Riga 1873 20/05/1873 27/05/1873 MILEVITZKI МИЛЕВИЦКИЙ Abraham- Moisey Josel not stated Tailor Janishki not stated - Hinda- Rokhel not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 27/05/1873 - WEISS ВЕЙС Hinda- Rokha Khaim Meier Goldsmith Shavel not stated - Hiena Velvel not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 22/05/1873 29/05/1873 GELMAN/ HELMAN ГЕЛЬМАН Vulf Jokhel Arja Tailor Telshi not stated - Menucha Aron not stated -
Riga 1873 27/05/1873 - MELLER МЕЛЛЕР Tzipa Josel David Glazier not stated not stated - Basha Leib not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 24/05/1873 1/05/1873 BEHR БЕР Abraham- Nachman Itzik Khaim Tailor Ponevesh not stated - Golda Shaya not stated -
Riga 1873 26/05/1873 3/05/1873 PODBARSKI ПОДБАРСКИЙ Abraham* David Abraham Retired soldier not stated not stated - Tauba not stated not stated David LIPSHITZ
Abraham PODBARSKI died of exhaustion on 23/06/1873
Riga 1873 25/05/1873 5/06/1873 PINTZOV ПИНЦОВ Itzik- Behr Leib not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah- Dveira not stated not stated Ovsei RAZBI
Riga 1873 29/05/1873 6/06/1873 LEIBOVICH ЛЕЙБОВИЧ Khaim- Leib Shliomo Khaim Trader Zhagore MARKUZE МАРКУЗЕ Reiza Shliomo Goldingen
Riga 1873 30/05/1873 7/06/1873 JOFFE
ИОФФЕ Mordkhel Borukh Itzik Ritual slaughterer Plungian not stated - Rokhel Khatzkiel not stated Eliash KUSHMAN
27 80
Riga 1873 3/06/1873 - SHAPIRO
ШАПИРО Dveira- Riva Abraham Khaim Baker Shavli not stated - Tzirla not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 1/06/1873 8/06/1873 LEIZEROVICH
ЛЕЙЗЕРОВИЧ Leizer- Jankel Ilya Meier Ritual slaughterer Veger not stated - Malka Khaim not stated Leib- David SHULMAN
Riga 1873 4/06/1873 - ZAK
ЗАК Reizel Jokel Izrael Sorter Gorzd GURVICH
ГУРВИЧ Eta Shevel not stated -
Riga 1873 4/06/1873 - EDELBERG
ЕДЕЛБЕРГ Eida Urja Shliomo Watchmaker Hasenpoth not stated - Ida Shliomo not stated -
Riga 1873 5/06/1873 - GLAZER
ГЛАЗЕР The twin Sheina- Gita Israel Judel Glazier Shavli not stated - Khaya- Riva Kasriel not stated -
Riga 1873 5/06/1873 - GLAZER
ГЛАЗЕР The twin Sarah- Lea Israel Judel Glazier Shavli not stated - Khaya- Riva Kasriel not stated -
Riga 1873 1/06/1873 8/06/1873 LIPMAN
ЛИПМАН Isaac Lieberman Josel Trader Shavli not stated - Feiga Jankel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 9/06/1873 - BERELOVICH
БЕРЕЛОВИЧ Anna Abraham- Hirsh Shaya not stated not stated ALEXANDROVICH АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧ Fana Gershon not stated -
Riga 1873 3/06/1873 10/06/1873 SHER
ШЕР Mordkhel Hirsh Khaim Tailor Shavli not stated - Mikhla Leizer not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1873 3/06/1873 10/06/1873 BRES
БРЕС Borukh Abraham Faivish Tailor Shavli not stated - Gitta not stated not stated Ovsei RAZBI -
28 86
Riga 1873 12/06/1873 - KAUFMAN
КАУФМАН Pesa Leizer Movsha Baker not stated not stated - Menucha Zalkind not stated -
Riga 1873 6/06/1873 13/06/1873 JAVICH/ JAVITZ
ЯВИЦ Josel- Mendel Itzko Srol Soldier
not stated not stated - Tzirla not stated not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 7/06/1873 14/06/1873 KAPLAN
КАПЛАН Beinesh Israel Abram Shopkeeper Riga not stated - Hiena not stated not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 7/06/1873 14/06/1873 WEISS
ВЕЙС Aizik Movsha- Nachman Mordkhe not stated Bishenkovitshi not stated - Rivka Aizik not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 15/06/1873 - FELDMAN
ФЕЛЬДМАН Sheina- Tauba Leib Itzik Tailor Kupishki not stated - Michla Vulf not stated -
Riga 1873 9/06/1873 16/06/1873 NODEL
НОДЕЛ Tevel Abraham Jankel Tailor Kupishki not stated - Tzivia Vulf not stated Itzik SHVERDLIN
Riga 1873 9/06/1873 16/06/1873 GILELOVICH/
ГИЛЕЛОВИЧ Lipman Abram- Abel not stated Tenant/ Renter Birzhi not stated - Pessa Aizik not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 10/06/1873 17/06/1873 KIRSHBAUM
КИРШБАУМ Benkel- Zelik Hirsh- Abraham Ahron Trader Riga not stated - Zelda Lei not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 10/06/1873 17/06/1873 PRESS
ПРЕС Simon- Faivish Jankel Faivish Tailor Shavli not stated - Mera Markus not stated Ovsei RAZBI
Riga 1873 10/06/1873 17/06/1873 GLAS
ГЛАС Shmuel Samuel Nison Tailor Ponedeli ZHEIMECH ЖЕЙМЕХ Slova- Keila Israel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 10/06/1873 17/06/1873 BROIDO
БРОЙДО Lev Zundel Leizer Accountant Vitebsk not stated - Sarah Boruch not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
29 88
Riga 1873 17/06/1873 - HAIMOVICH
ХАЙМОВИЧ Reiza* Motka Tankhel Soldier Warsaw not stated - Treina not stated not stated -
Reiza KHAIMOVICH died of  croup on 8/10/1873
Riga 1873 17/06/1873 - BUDOV
БУДОВ Basha Khatzkiel Shmuel Soldier not stated not stated - Tzesla- Mariana not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 11/06/1873 18/06/1873 SEREBRENIK
СЕРЕБРЕНИК Isaac Movsha Gershon Soldier not stated not stated - Dveira Abraham not stated Ovsei RAZBI
Riga 1873 12/06/1873 19/06/1873 MATSHUNSKI
МАЧУНСКИЙ Movsha- Meier* Sholom Shlemo Soldier not stated RUBINSHTEIN РУБИНШТЕЙН Freida not stated not stated Leib SHULMAN
Movsha- Meier  MATSHUNSKI died of  convulsions on  15/11/1873
Riga 1873 12/06/1873 19/06/1873 GOLDBLATT
ГОЛЬДБЛАТ Urja Vulf Jankel Shop assistant Mitava not stated - Eida- Khaya Movsha not stated Hillel ZHIV
Riga 1873 16/06/1873 23/06/1873 HATRIK
ХАТРИК Ruvin Leivik Movsha Shopkeeper Vitebsk not stated - Sarah Aizik not stated David LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1873 16/06/1873 23/06/1873 SHMUELSOHN
ШМУЕЛЬСОН Abraham- Shmuel Isser- Leib not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Riva Abraham not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 16/06/1873 23/06/1873 ELKAN
ЕЛКАН Isaac- Abel Mikhel not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Nechama Leizer not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 17/06/1873 24/06/1873 UREVICH
УРЕВИЧ Joel Urja Urja Soldier not stated not stated - Mera Abraham not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 20/06/1873 27/06/1873 NATANSOHN
НАТАНСОН Hirsh Movsha- Behr Aron Shoemaker Mitava not stated - Rivka- Zisla Meier not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
30 123
Riga 1873 20/06/1873 27/06/1873 KREMER
КРЕМЕР Samuel- Borukh Abraham Meier not stated Riga not stated - Jacha Shmuel not stated Leib AVERBUCH
Riga 1873 27/06/1873 -
ФРИДЛАНД Gita/ Margarita Borukh Movsha not stated Ligum BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Khaya- Lea Peisakh not stated -
Riga 1873 21/06/1873 28/06/1873 GOLDSHMIDT
ГОЛДШМИДТ Shevel- Hirsh Shmuel Itzik Accountant Riga not stated - Malka Leib not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 21/06/1873 28/06/1873 SHER
ШЕР The twin Faivish Bekel Hirsh not stated Birzhi not stated - Lana Josel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 21/06/1873 28/06/1873 SHER
ШЕР The twin Ruvin Bekel Hirsh Tailor Shavli not stated - Lana Josel not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 22/06/1873 29/06/1873 SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Khim Mendel Mendel Tailor Shavli not stated - Pera David not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 22/06/1873 29/06/1873 RUBINSHTEIN
РУБИНШТЕЙН Levin Jakob Levin Tailor Ligum SHABLOV
ШАБЛОВ Rosalia not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 29/06/1873 - BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Kreina Israel Ovsei Tailor Mitava not stated - Zelda Abraham not stated -
Riga 1873 23/06/1873 -
ФЕЛЬДМАН Masha Vulf Leizer Son of a merchant Mitava LEVINSOHN
ЛЕВИНСОН Charlotte/ Sarah not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 23/06/1873 30/06/1873 ROTHBART
РОТБАРТ Mendel- Zelik Shaya not stated Goldsmith Shadlov not stated - Sheina- Rokhel Movsha not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 24/06/1873 1/07/1873 ABRAMSOHN
АБРАСОН David* Abraham- Jankel not stated Tailor Bauska not stated - Hana Hirsh not stated Markus LIPSHITZ
David ABRAMSOHN died of weakness on 15/07/1873
Riga 1873 26/06/1873 9/07/1873 HIRSHBERG
ГИРШБЕРГ Arja- Leib Abraham Khaim 2d guild merchant not stated KOENIGFEST
КЕНИГФЕСТ Rosalia not stated not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 29/06/1873 6/07/1873 SHTUCKLER
ШТУКЛЕР Judel Shmerel Jude Tailor Birzhi not stated - Elka Mones not stated -
31 93
Riga 1873 1/07/1873 - KASSEL
КАССЕЛ Rokhel- Fruma Mendel not stated Tailor
Riga not stated - Khana- Esther Abraham not stated -
Riga 1873 3/07/1873 - ZAK
ЗАК Mnukha Jankel Itzik Soldier not stated not stated - Hena- Dveira not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 3/07/1873 - BEKKER
БЕККЕР Riva- Eiga Movsha Vulf Tailor
not stated - Gita Shmuel not stated -
Riga 1873 5/07/1873 - ROSINOV
РОЗИНОВ Rokhel- Zelda Meier not stated Tailor Vitebsk not stated - Lipka not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 4/07/1873 11/07/1873 OKMIAN
ОКМЯН Moisey- Behr Leizer not stated not stated not stated not stated - Esther- Pera not stated not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 9/07/1873 - BENJAMINSOHN
БЕНЯМИНОВИЧ Khaya- Mina Urel Joel Dyer Bauska not stated - Matla Notel not stated -
Riga 1873 9/07/1873 - RABINOVICH
РАБИНОВИЧ Shera Kalman- Itzik not stated not stated Mogilev not stated - Eida- Lea not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 10/07/1873 - BERNER
БЕРНЕР Esther/ Jetta Bentzel/ Bernard not stated Shop assistant Libava SHTAHLBERG ШТАЛЬБЕРГ Bertha Markus not stated -
Riga 1873 11/07/1873 - KLAVANSKI
КЛАВАНСКИЙ Sarah- Feiga Movsha Judel Shoemaker not stated not stated - Khaya- Tauba not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 11/07/1873 - RAM
РАМ Khana/ Anna Leizer- Behr Leib Tailor not stated not stated - Lana David not stated -
Riga 1873 5/07/1873 12/07/1873 OSIAS/ HOSIAS
ОЗЯС Ilya- Moisey Arja Movsha Tinsmith Mitava ARONSOHN
АРОНСОН Rivka Eliash not stated Judel LIPSHITZ
32 102
Riga 1873 11/07/1873 - ZALMANOVICH
ЗАЛМАНОВИЧ Khasa Hirsh Shmuel Mason Shavli not stated - Khana Mendel not stated -
Riga 1873 13/07/1873 - NOVGORODSKI
НОВОГОРОДСКИЙ Lea Josel not stated Resrvist not stated not stated - Sarah Josel not stated -
Riga 1873 13/07/1873 - NOTARIUS
НОТАРЮС Braina- Feiga Simen not stated not stated Tshashnik not stated - Hoda Shevel not stated -
Riga 1873 14/07/1873 - GILKOVICH
ГИЛЬКОВИЧ Sheina- Freida Benjamin- Nison not stated not stated Zhagore LEVIN ЛЕВИН Esther- Rivka not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 8/07/1873 15/07/1873 KLUPT
КЛУПТ Josel Khatzkiel- Movsha Zalman Tailor Disna not stated - Tauba Orel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 9/07/1873 16/07/1873 SHEFER
ШЕФЕР Bentzel Movsha Leib Reservist not stated not stated - Khaya- Fruma not stated not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 17/07/1873 - JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Mera- Basha Michel Israel
not stated Riga not stated - Tzesna Israel not stated -
Riga 1873 17/07/1873 - ATLAS
АТЛАС Braina Shmerel not stated not stated Kreutzburg not stated - Elka not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 10/07/1873 17/07/1873 PLOTKIN
ПЛОТКИН Nochim- Leib David not stated not stated Shavel not stated - Traina Simen not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 18/07/1873 - KLETZKI
КЛЕЦКИЙ Sarah Shaya not stated Reservist
not stated not stated - Feiga- Beila Leizer not stated -
Riga 1873 18/07/1873 - SHAPIRO
ШАПИРО Dina Abraham- Shevel not stated Tailor Janishki not stated - Rivka Abraham not stated -
Riga 1873 14/07/1873 21/07/1873 ELIASHTAM
ЕЛЯШТАМ Khonel* Eliash- Zalman Shliomo Trader Mitava not stated - Beila Zavel Mitava
Movsha BAG Khonel ELIASHTAM died of  pneumonia on 26/11/1873
33 139
Riga 1873 14/07/1873 21/07/1873 FEIGELSHTEIN
ФЕЙГЕЛШЕЙН Nokhim Abel not stated not stated Borisov not stated - Zisla Shliomo not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 14/07/1873 21/07/1873 BENDER
БЕНДЕР Itzik Mordkhel not stated Reservist
not stated not stated - Rivka Naftali not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 17/07/1873 24/07/1873 LEVINSHTAM
ЛЕВИНШТАМ Itzik Mordkhel not stated not stated Bauska not stated - Esther- Miriam not stated not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 17/07/1873 24/07/1873 GLAZMAN
ГЛАЗМАН Jankel/ Jakob Abraham- Movsha not stated not stated not stated not stated - Braina Hirsh not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 24/07/1873 - LEINTZIGER
ЛЕЙНЦИГЕР Simkha Shliomo- Mordkhel not stated Joiner not stated not stated - Neska Movsha not stated -
Riga 1873 24/07/1873 - KANTOR
КАНТОР Shifra Jankel Josel not stated not stated not stated - Lea not stated Mitava
Riga 1873 24/07/1873 - JOFFE
ИОФФЕ Freida Abel Israel Shopkeeper Ligum not stated - Nessa Leizer not stated -
Riga 1873 24/07/1873 - ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Rasha* Jankel Mendel Retired soldier not stated not stated - Lea Meier not stated -
Rasha ABRAMOVICH died of pneumonia on 10/01/1874
Riga 1873 18/07/1873 25/07/1873 LESH
ЛЕШ Jakob- Leizer Mordkhel- Zalman Jankel not stated Partzov( Parczew, Poland) not stated - Esther not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV
Riga 1873 26/07/1873 - MIL
МИЛ Feiga- Mariasha Israel- Movsha not stated Bookbinder
Rogovo not stated - Sheina- Ida Leizer not stated -
Riga 1873 20/07/1873 27/07/1873 SERGUEI
СЕРГЕЙ Sholom- Isaac Abram Khaim Trader Krotingen(  Kretinga, Lithuania) not stated - Khana Vulf not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 20/07/1873 27/07/1873 MATENSOHN
МАТЕНСОН Nochim- David Itzik not stated not stated Friedrichstadt MAZANTER
МАЗАНТЕР Michla not stated not stated David LIPSHITZ
34 146
Riga 1873 21/07/1873 28/07/1873 JOFFE
ИОФФЕ Isaak Israel Itzik not stated Vekshne BROIDO
БРОЙДО Raika Aron not stated David LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1873 21/07/1873 28/07/1873 ZLOT
ЗЛОТ Abraham- Mordkhel Lipman not stated Tailor not stated not stated - Zisla Mordukh not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 21/07/1873 28/07/1873 SHEINKER
ШЕЙНКЕР Isak Abraham not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Khana Mordukh not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1873 22/07/1873 29/07/1873 MARKOVICH
МАРКОВИЧ Abraham- Isak Khaim- Ovsei not stated not stated Vitebsk not stated - Tauba- Ita Movsha not stated Leib AVERBUCH
Riga 1873 23/07/1873 30/07/1873 ZAROVSKI
ЗАРОВСКИЙ Shliomo/ Salomon Benjamin not stated not stated Jurburg not stated - Khaya Vulf not stated Hillel ZHIV
Riga 1873 27/07/1873 3/08/1873 GERSHONOVICH
ГЕРШОНОВИЧ Salomon Gibert- Fabian Gershon Manufacturer not stated SHTEMBER ШТЕМБЕР Maria not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 28/07/1873 4/08/1873 MOREIN
МОРЕЙН Khaim- Shaya/ Isai Abraham Zundel Teacher not stated not stated - Rebecca Borukh not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1873 30/07/1873 6/08/1873 BLUMENTHAL
БЛУМЕНТАЛ Aron- David Joel- Behr not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Rivka not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV -
Riga 1873 30/07/1873 6/08/1873 BLANKENSHTEIN
БЛАНКЕНШТЕЙН Aron- Israel Abraham- Judel not stated not stated not stated not stated - Pesa Hirsh not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN -
35 115
Riga 1873 3/08/1873 - REIMAN
РЕЙМАН Sora- Eta David not stated not stated Ponevesh BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Ida not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 5/08/1873 - BLANKENBERG
БЛАНКЕНБЕРГ Lea Pinkhus not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Rivka Shmuel not stated -
Riga 1873 1/08/1873 8/08/1873 SEGAL
СЕГАЛ Mordkhel- Daniel Movsha- Borukh Leib not stated Zhagore not stated - Khaya- Ita Movsha not stated Leib SHULMAN
Riga 1873 8/08/1873 - SHEINKER
ШЕЙНКЕР Rokha Benjamin Shepshel Tailor
ЛИПШИЦ Musha Meier not stated -
Riga 1873 9/08/1873 - GLICKSMAN(?)
- Sarah- Reiza Hirsh- Ovsei not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Jenta Abraham not stated -
Riga 1873 4/08/1873 11/08/1873 ELIASHEV
ЕЛЯШЕВ Abraham- Aizik Josel Leib Shopkeeper
not stated not stated - Ida Movsha not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1873 11/08/1873 - LEIBOVICH
ЛЕЙБОВИЧ Rivka Nachman Judel Shoemaker
not stated not stated - Fruma Josel not stated -
Riga 1873 12/08/1873 - KORIN
КОРИН Dobra Abraham not stated not stated Riga not stated - Braina Itzik not stated -
Riga 1873 13/08/1873 - RIVKIND
РИВКИНД Roza Kadesh not stated not stated Grodno not stated - Sarah Noah not stated -
Riga 1873 14/08/1873 - KLUPT
КЛУПТ Nekhama Jankel Zalman Tailor
Disna not stated - Lina Eliash not stated -
Riga 1873 8/08/1873 15/08/1873 KALNER
КАЛНЕР Leizer- Vulf David not stated Ritual slaughterer Dunamunde KAGAN
КАГАН Basha Rubin not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 10/08/1873 17/08/1873 KLUGMAN
КЛУГМАН Abel Josel Jankel Shoemaker Rosieny KRETZER
КРЕЦЕР Sarah not stated not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
36 159
Riga 1873 11/08/1873 18/08/1873 JANKELOV
ЯНКЕЛОВ David- Behr Kasriel Eliash Tailor not stated not stated - Beila Ovsei not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 11/08/1873 18/08/1873 LEIZEROVICH
ЛЕЙЗЕРОВИЧ Judel- Hirsh Faivish Judel Bookbinder not stated not stated - Lea Leizer not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 11/08/1873 - LEIZEROVICH
ЛЕЙЗЕРОВИЧ Liba- Rasha Faaivish Judel Book binder not stated not stated - Lea Leizer not stated -
Riga 1873 19/08/1873 - STANOTZKI
СТАНОЦКИЙ Gnesa Abraham Josel Under officer not stated SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Rokha Shmuel not stated -
Riga 1873 14/08/1873 21/08/1873 MACHOPIS
МАХОПИС Jakob Movsha- Kivel Hirsh Shoemaker
Pokroi FELDMAN ФЕЛЬДМАН Roza Leizer not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 21/08/1873 - GLAZER
ГЛАЗЕР Fruma Hirsh Levin Distiller Goldingen HIRSHOVICH ГИРШОВИЧ Sora- Reiza Abram not stated -
Riga 1873 16/08/1873 23/08/1873 DAVIDOVICH
ДАВИДОВИЧ Abraham- David Khatzkiel Abraham Tailor
not stated not stated - Glika Faivel not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 23/08/1873 - VULFSOHN
ВУЛЬФСОН Eida- Mera Josel Nekhemia Tailor not stated not stated - Lea Jankel not stated -
Riga 1873 19/08/1873 26/08/1873 GASAVELSKI
ГАСАВЕЛЬСКИЙ Shmuel/ Samuel Peisakh Shmuel Tailor not stated not stated - Zlata Hirsh not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 19/08/1873 26/08/1873 BLIDEN/ BLIEDEN
БЛИДЕН Isaac- Samuel Nachman Shmuel Trader not stated not stated - Sarah not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV
Riga 1873 26/08/1873 - MULER
МУЛЕР Deborah Orel Leizer Shoemaker
not stated not stated - Khaya Eizer not stated -
37 165
Riga 1873 21/08/1873 28/08/1873 LEVINSOHN
ЛЕВИНСОН Moisey- Isaac Moisey Shmuel Expeditor not stated SHLOCKER ШЛОКЕР Mina not stated not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 21/08/1873 28/08/1873 TEPER
ТЕПЕР Khaim- Leib Itzik- Meier not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Sarah- Khana Jankel- Mordkhel not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1873 22/08/1873 29/08/1873 LEVI
ЛЕВИ Kopel- Zelik Urja Itzik Tinsmith not stated not stated - Ita Berel not stated Hillel ZHIV
Riga 1873 25/08/1873 1/09/1873 ARON
АРОН Ovsei Leib Abraham Tailor
not stated GURVICH ГУРВИЧ Jenta not stated not stated Ovsei RAZBI
Riga 1873 28/08/1873 4/09/1873 BAK
БАК Jakov Khaim Josel Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah Judel not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 30/08/1873 6/09/1873 FAKTOR
ФАКТОР Israel Jankel Nochim Shoemaker not stated not stated - Rocha Movsha not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 30/08/1873 6/09/1873 JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Isaac- Moisey Israel- Jankel Shliomo Tailor
not stated not stated - Hoda Israel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 31/08/1873 7/09/1873 JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Ovsei Abraham- Movsha Ovsei Trader Bauska not stated - Nekha Berel not stated Faivish- Leib KAPLAN
38 128
Riga 1873 2/09/1873 - GAZE
ГАЗЕ The twin Khaya Behr Leizer Trader Janishki not stated - Liba Rubin not stated -
Riga 1873 2/09/1873 - GAZE
ГАЗЕ The twin Mera Behr Leizer Trader Janishki not stated - Liba Rubin not stated -
Riga 1873 7/09/1873 - LANE
ЛАНЕ Feiga- Liba Jankel Aron Trader Klikol not stated - Riva Shabsha not stated -
Riga 1873 8/09/1873 - ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Tauba- Liba Meier Abraham not stated Riga not stated - Dina Leib not stated -
Riga 1873 5/09/1873 12/09/1873 ARONSOHN
АРОНСОН Khaim/ Heinrich Khatzkiel Hirsh not stated Mitava not stated - Hanna not stated not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 5/09/1873 12/09/1873 AIZENBERG/
АЙЗЕНБЕРГ Moisey Jankel Idel Glazier Mitava not stated - Ita- Riva Jankel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 14/09/1873 - BESPROZVANI
БЕЗПРОЗВАНИ Khaya Pinkhes Shliomo Soldier not stated not stated - Fruma not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 7/09/1873 14/09/1873 LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Shmuel- Josif Nokhim not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Eshka not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 10/09/1873 - HIRSHFELD
ГИРШФЕЛД Mathilda/ Malka Elkhon/ Nikolai Aron Manufacturer not stated KАLMAN КАЛМАН Sasha not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 9/09/1873 16/09/1873 SHER
ШЕР Isaac- Khonel Heshel Hirsh Tailor Plungian not stated - Malka Leib not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 16/09/1873 - SEGAL
ШЕР Etta Abraham Jossel Tailor not stated not stated - Sarah Mordkhel not stated -
Riga 1873 10/09/1873 17/09/1873 KUN
КУН Shliomo/ Salomon Michel Meier Watchmaker
not stated not stated - Jetta Mordkhel not stated Mordkhe LIPSHITZ
39 135
Riga 1873 18/09/1873 /09/1873 SHIREN
ШИРЕН Feiga/ Frederika Israel Ovsei Tinsmith Riga not stated - Braina Jakob not stated -
Riga 1873 12/09/1873 19/09/1873 SHER
ШЕР The twin Israel* Josel Judel Tailor Shavli not stated - Beila Aron not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN Israel SHER died of  tooth disease on 17/03/1874
Riga 1873 12/09/1873 - SHER
ШЕР The twin Esther Josel Judel Tailor Shavli not stated - Beila Aron not stated -
Riga 1873 12/09/1873 19/09/1873 PERGENOK(?)
- Shmuel- Judel Abraham not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sora- Lipsha not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 14/09/1873 21/09/1873 VOLPERT
ВОЛПЕРТ David Israel- Aizik Zalkind not stated Kelme not stated - Sarah David not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 15/09/1873 22/09/1873 KATZ
КАЦ Leizer- Mordkhel Zalman Daniel Shoemaker not stated not stated - Sarah Leize not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 15/09/1873 22/09/1873 JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Maria Isaac Josel Watchmaker
not stated KRETZER КРЕЦЕР Sarah not stated not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1873 16/09/1873 23/09/1873 KUSHELEVICH
КУШЕЛОВИЧ David- Vulf Faivish David Tailor Jurburg not stated - Khasa- Judith Vulf not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 25/09/1873 - LOPATNIKOV
ЛОПИТНИКОВ Pesa- Rivka Aron Hirsh Tailor Janishki not stated - Tzerna Pinkhus not stated -
Riga 1873 18/09/1873 25/09/1873 FEINBERG
ФЕЙНБЕРГ Hirsh Abel Movsha Taner
not stated - Hena Leib not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 19/09/1873 26/09/1873 LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Abraham Behr Pinkhus Tinsmith not stated KRETZER КРЕЦЕР Rebecca not stated not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
40 186
Riga 1873 20/09/1873 27/09/1873 MALAVIALKER
МАЛАВЯЛКЕР David- Leib Meier not stated Tailor Shavli not stated - Rivka- Rokhel David not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 22/09/1873 29/09/1873 BEHRMAN
БЕРМАН Josel Israel not stated Reservist not stated not stated - Zelda Orel not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 22/09/1873 29/09/1873 SAKRAN
САКРАН Jokhel- Mikhel Aizik Meier Trader Birzhi not stated - Khaya Itzik not stated David LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1873 22/09/1873 29/09/1873 BLUM
БЛУМ Hirsh Itzik Nochum Tailor Rosieny not stated - Khava- Reiza Israel not stated David LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1873 23/09/1873 30/09/1873 FERKES
ФЕРКЕС Shliomo- Vulf Perel not stated not stated Shavli not stated - Sheina Ovsei not stated Itzik SHVERDLIN -
Riga 1873 2/09/1873 1/10/1873 ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Khaim- Rafael Hirsh Abraham not stated Ponevesh not stated - Khana Zalman not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 26/09/1873 3/10/1873 KAGAN
КАГАН Itzik- Meier Leib not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Zelda Itzik not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 26/09/1873 3/10/1873 HIRSHFELD
ГИРШФЕЛД Hillel Khaim not stated not stated Riga BORSHTEIN/
- Elka not stated not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 29/09/1873 6/10/1873 HIRSHOVICH
ГИРШОВИЧ Hirsh Israel- Jankel not stated Baker not stated not stated - Freida David not stated Ovsei RAZBI
Riga 1873 29/09/1873 6/10/1873 KALMAN
КАЛМАН Hirsh- Jakob Movsha Hirsh Ritual slaughterer
not stated not stated - Rasha David not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 29/09/1873 6/10/1873 LIPMAN
ЛИПМАН Eliash Vulf- Jehuda not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Rivka Eliash not stated Itzik SHVERDLIN
Riga 1873 29/09/1873 6/10/1873 KATZEN
КАЦЕН Abraham- Judel Israel not stated Reservist not stated not stated - Liba Movsha not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 30/09/1873 7/10/1873 KLEIN
КЛЕЙН Mendel Borukh not stated Tailor Mitava GRIBISHOK
- Mira not stated not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
41 199
Riga 1873 30/09/1873 7/10/1873 HIRSHBERG
ГИРШБЕРГ Hirsh* Markus Leib Tailor Mitava MEIER/ MEYER МЕЙЕР Malvina Beines not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Hirsh HIRSHBERG died of bronchitis on 3/01/1874
Riga 1873 30/09/1873 7/10/1873 NUROCK
НУРОК Isaac Nachman Khatzkiel Trader Shavel not stated - Sheina Zalman not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 1/10/1873 - ROZOVSKI
РОЗОВСКИЙ Sarah- Rivka Borukh- Arja not stated Cantor Riga not stated - Khasa Mordkhel not stated -
Riga 1873 2/10/1873 - GLAZER
ГЛАЗЕР Sarah- Rivka Judel not stated not stated Shadov not stated - Tzira Judel not stated -
Riga 1873 4/10/1873 - JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Judith Ovsei not stated not stated Jakobstadt not stated - Khaya not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 4/10/1873 - APFELBAUM
АПФЕЛЬБАУМ Zisa- Gita* Lipman Lazer Tailor Tukkum not stated - Friderika Abraham not stated -
Zisa- Gita APFELBAUM died of pneumonia on 13/01/1874
Riga 1873 6/10/1873 - ZVIDKAL/ SWIDGALL
ЗВИДКАЛ Khaya- Elka Abraham Tailor not stated Birzhi SHTENDER ШТЕНДЕР Talshra(?) not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 6/10/1873 - GOLDINGER
ГОЛДИНГЕР Rokhel Abraham Nekhom Tailor Mitava TRAUGOT ТРАУГОТ Tauba Movsha not stated -
Riga 1873 1/10/1873 8/10/1873 Unknown father
- Abram Unknown Unknown not stated Beisagol ARKOVICH АРКОВИЧ The widow Rokhlia Mikhel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
42 144
Riga 1873 8/10/1873 - FRIEDLENDER
ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Eta Zalman Itzik Tailor not stated not stated - Fana Judel not stated -
Riga 1873 9/10/1873 - SHVORIN
ШВОРИН Khaya- Hinda Vulf Abraham Trader not stated not stated - Beila- Reiza Khaim not stated -
Riga 1873 3/10/1873 10/10/1873 SHAIEVICH
ШАЕВИЧ Hirsh- Leib Meier Hirsh Shoemaker not stated not stated - Pera- Hena Shmuel not stated Ovsei RAZBI
Riga 1873 5/10/1873 12/10/1873 MARKUSHEVICH
МАРКУШЕВИЧ Faivish- Josif Meier Mordkhel not stated not stated LESNER ЛЕСНЕР Eta- Lea Shimel not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 12/10/1873 - GOLDBERG
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ Rosa Movsha- Hirsh Jankel Tailor not stated not stated - Sheina- Mina not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 12/10/1873 - ...VICH
- Zelda Ahron Nochum Tailor not stated not stated - Slova Khaim not stated -
Riga 1873 13/10/1873 - RABINOVICH
РАБИНОВИЧ Khana- Beila Abraham Shmuel Umbrella maker not stated not stated - Sora- Riva Eliash not stated -
Riga 1873 15/10/1873 - GLICKSMAN
ГЛИКСМАН Judith Tzalel Berel Retired soldier
not stated not stated - Sarah Movsha not stated -
Riga 1873 15/10/1873 - KLEIN
КЛЕЙН Dina- Riva Khonel Mordkhel Shoemaker not stated not stated - Rokha- Lea Shliomo not stated -
Riga 1873 10/10/1873 17/10/1873 DIMENSHTEIN
ДИМЕНШТЕЙН Noah Nachman Movsha- Abraham Shop assistant not stated not stated - Rokhel Sholom not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1873 17/10/1873 - SIMSOHN
СИМСОН Sheina Salomon- Zelig not stated Saddler not stated RUBINSHTEIN РУБИНШТЕЙН Sora- Lea not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 13/10/1873 20/10/1873 SHPRINGENFELD
ШПРИНГЕНФЕЛД Bentzion* Levin Arja Shoemaker not stated not stated - Fruma Shmuel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Bentzion SHPRINGENFELD died of convulsions on 20/01/1874
Riga 1873 20/10/1873 - SHAFIR
ШАФИР Mikhla Zalman Hirsh Soldier
not stated not stated - Beila- Nokha not stated not stated -
43 153
Riga 1873 21/10/1873 - PALITZ
ПАЛИЦ Kuna Itzik Leib Trader not stated not stated - Braina Abraham not stated -
Riga 1873 22/10/1873 - EDELSHTEIN
ЭДЕЛЬШТЕЙН Braina Jankel Hirsh Tailor not stated not stated - Hana Shaya not stated -
Riga 1873 23/10/1873 - TREJAK
ТРЕЯК Hena- Lea Motel Faivel Soldier not stated not stated - Rivka- Rokhel not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 17/10/1873 24/10/1873 ORELOVICH
ОРЕЛОВИЧ Abram- Vulf Shliomo Orel Soldier not stated not stated - Rokha- Lea Khaim not stated -
Riga 1873 17/10/1873 24/10/1873 KOGEN
КОГЕН Jakob Eliash Leizer Shopkeeper not stated not stated - Golda- Feiga Mordkhel not stated -
Riga 1873 18/10/1873 25/10/1873 KLINK
КЛИНК Sanel Hirsh Nachman Tailor not stated not stated - Etta not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 18/10/1873 25/10/1873 GOLDSHMIDT
ГОЛДШМИДТ Behr Judel Aron Tinsmith not stated not stated - Dina not stated not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 19/10/1873 26/10/1873 SHVETE
ШВЕТЕ Berel- Jankel Leib Josel Baker not stated not stated - Esther Khatzkiel- Borukh not stated Itzik MINSKER
Riga 1873 19/10/1873 26/10/1873 DUNJE
ДУНЬЕ Jakob- Hirsh Leib Zalman Trader not stated not stated - Dveira Abel not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 19/10/1873 26/10/1873 GOLDBERG
ГОЛДБЕРГ Abram- Sholom/ Adolf Faivish Abraham Shopkeeper not stated not stated - Jeta Jakov not stated Leiba SHULMAN
Riga 1873 19/10/1873 26/10/1873 SHALNIKOV
ШАЛНИКОВ Josif Meier- Khatzkiel not stated Trader not stated not stated - Golda Khaim not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 20/10/1873 27/10/1873 SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Moisey- Khonel Aron Kivel Tailor not stated JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Beila not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 23/10/1873 30/10/1873 HAMBURGER
ГАМБУРГЕР Khaim- Shmuel Leizer Shmuel Tailor not stated not stated - Sheina- Rokhel not stated not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 24/10/1873 31/10/1873 MILNER
МИЛЬНЕР Israel Zalman Khaim Tailor not stated not stated - Ita Movsha not stated Leib AVERBUCH
Riga 1873 25/10/1873 1/11/1873 WALK
ВАЛК Leib- Behr Hirsh Judel Tailor not stated not stated - Bluma Jankel not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 25/10/1873 1/11/1873 HOFMAN
ГОФМАН Jakob Leizer Eizer Tailor not stated not stated - Hena- Khaya Itzik not stated Movsha BAG
44 219
Riga 1873 25/10/1873 /11/1873 HATZKIELOVICH
ХАЦКЕЛОВИЧ Shliomo Shliomo - Shoemaker not stated not stated - Mira David not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 31/10/1873 - MIKHALISKI
МИХАЛИСКИЙ Riva- Lea Benjamin Jankel Under officer not stated not stated - Sarah not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 26/10/1873 2/11/1873 MARTINSOHN
МАРТИНСОН Ezdra/ Eduard Jakob Khaim 2d guild merchant not stated HOLLANDER ГОЛАНДЕР Tzipa/ Cecilia not stated not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 28/10/1873 4/11/1873 ISRAELSOHN
ИЗРАЕЛЬСОН Leib- Vulf Abram Nisel Under officer
not stated KAHN КАН Gesa Ovsei not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 31/10/1873 7/11/1873 HILELOVICH
ГИЛЕЛОВИЧ Isaac Meier- Eliash Hilel not stated not stated not stated - Khaya- Reiza Shevel not stated Hilel ZHIV
Riga 1873 31/10/1873 7/11/1873 DRABKIN
ДРАБКИН Israel- Salomon Joel- Meier Itzik Merchant not stated not stated - Sima Osher- Anshel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 1/11/1873 - LURJE
ЛУРЬЕ Hava- Dveira Israel Leib Shoemaker Riga not stated - Rokha Shliomo not stated -
Riga 1873 1/11/1873 - LEVINOVICH
ЛЕВИНОВИЧ Sarah David Abraham not stated Riga not stated - Liba Abel not stated -
Riga 1873 1/11/1873 - MECHANIK
МЕХАНИК Bluma Mordkhel not stated Tailor not stated not stated - Khaya- Beila not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 2/11/1873 - SHLIOMOVICH
ШЛОМОВИЧ Sheina- Basia* Zundel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rokha- Sarah Shmuel- Borukh not stated -
Sheina- Basia SHLOMOVICH died of convulsions on  10/11/1873
45 161
Riga 1873 4/11/1873 - KARABELNIK
КАРАБЕЛЬНИК Gita- Rokha Tzemach Mordkhel Tailor not stated not stated - Feiga- Lea Jona not stated -
Riga 1873 4/11/1873 11/11/1873 MARKUZE
МАРКУЗЕ Nachman Hirsh- Markus not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah not stated not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 4/11/1873 11/11/1873 BERKMAN
БЕРКМАН Simen- Khaim Jankel Samuel Soldier not stated not stated - Tauba not stated not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 4/11/1873 11/11/1873 WEISS
ВЕЙС Unnmed( died) Josel Movsha Trader not stated not stated - Khasa Movsha not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 7/11/1873 - KLEINMAN
КЛЕЙНМАН Kreina- Sima
Itzik Motel Umbrella maker not stated not stated - Ita- Khaya Vulf not stated -
Riga 1873 7/11/1873 - FIRKSER
ФИРКСЕР Elka Zundel not stated Trader not stated not stated - Mariana not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 9/11/1873 - ABEL
АБЕЛ Khaya Saul Hirsh Tailor not stated MIRKSOHN МИРКСОН Jenta not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 9/11/1873 - BALKIN
БАЛКИН Pera- Liba Movsha not stated Under officer not stated GRAKAT or
ГРАКАТ или ГРАНАТ Basha not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 8/11/1873 15/11/1873 KAGAN
КАГАН Alexander Ahron Shmerko Manufacturer not stated FRIEDLENDER ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Gitel not stated not stated Hilel ZHIV
Riga 1873 8/11/1873 15/11/1873 MICHELOVICH
МИХЕЛОВИЧ Kushel Leib Faivish Movsha Tailor not stated not stated - Esther- Sora Rafael not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 9/11/1873 16/11/1873 LIACHOVICH/
ЛЯХОВИЧ Khaim- Leib Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Khasa- Shifra not stated not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 10/11/1873 - GOLDBLATT
ГОЛДБЛАТ Khaya/ Anna Jakob not stated not stated not stated not stated - Rasha- Rivka Kushel not stated -
Riga 1873 13/11/1873 - VULFSOHN
ВУЛЬФСОН Khaya Moisey Nisel not stated Riga GOTTLIEB ГОТЛИБ Risa Nekhem not stated -
Riga 1873 14/11/1873 - SHER
ШЕР Lea Hirsh Jankel Tailor not stated not stated - Pesa Jankel not stated -
46 230
Riga 1873 10/11/1873 17/11/1873 IDELSOHN
ИДЕЛЬСОН Eliash- Hirsh Josel Movsha not stated Riga PERL ПЕРЛ Khaya- Tauba Josel not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 10/11/1873 17/11/1873 BORUCHOVICH
БОРУХОВИЧ Behr Abraham Vulf not stated Riga not stated - Rokha Aron not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 11/11/1873 18/11/1873 KATZIN
КАЦИН Mendel Movsha Abraham not stated Riga not stated - Mina Jankel not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 18/11/1873 - FRIEDMAN
ФРИДМАН Freida Beinesh Judel not stated Riga not stated - Sheina- Lea Volf not stated -
Riga 1873 18/11/1873 - MUSHAT
МУШАТ Mina Sholom Eliash not stated Riga MORI
МОРИ Sheina- Esther not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 12/11/1873 19/11/1873 KAGAN
КАГАН Eliash- Abraham* Kusiel Khatzkiel not stated Riga not stated - Charlotte Hirsh Borukh not stated Movsha BAG Eliash- Abram KAGAN died of pneumonia on  7/03/1874
Riga 1873 13/11/1873 20/11/1873 LANDE
ЛАНДЕ Gavriel Hirsh not stated not stated Riga not stated - Sarah Gabriel not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 15/11/1873 22/11/1873 KANTOR
КАНТОР Benjamin Eliash Josel not stated Bauska KAGAN КАГАН Sheina Efroim not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 16/11/1873 23/11/1873 BAM
БАМ Shimel- Borukh Rafael Borukh Tailor not stated not stated - Rokhel- Lea Jankel not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 17/11/1873 24/11/1873 ZEEMAN/ SEEMAN
Gershon Abram- Movsha Marim Soldier not stated FONAROV ФОНАРОВ Mera- Dveira not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 18/11/1873 25/11/1873 LOGAK
ЛОГАК Zalman- David Josel Zalman Tailor not stated not stated - Mariasha Hirsh not stated Ovsei RAZBI
Riga 1873 18/11/1873 25/11/1873 KHUSIN/ HUSIN
ХУСИН Zalman- Behr Hirsh Josel not stated not stated not stated - Khaya- Sora not stated not stated Ovsei RAZBI -
Riga 1873 23/11/1873 -
ФРИДМАН Dina Eliash David Shoemaker Tukkum not stated - Rokhel David not stated -
47 172
Riga 1873 24/11/1873 - FRIEDMAN
ФРИДМАН Mindel Abraham Lazar Tailor not stated ZUNDELEVICH
ЗУНДЕЛЕВИЧ Esther not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 19/11/1873 26/11/1873 LEVIN
ЛЕВИН David Israel not stated Ritual slaughterer not stated not stated - Feiga Hirsh not stated David LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 21/11/1873 28/11/1873 MEIER/ MEYER
МЕЙЕР Movsha- Jankel Elya Movsha Soldier not stated not stated - Rivka- Khana Zochar not stated Movsha BAG -
Riga 1873 21/11/1873 28/11/1873 HIRSHOVICH
ГИРШОВИЧ Mordkhel David Zalman Tailor not stated KAGAN
КАГАН Lina Meier not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 24/11/1873 - RAPOPORT
РАПОПОРТ Khana Hilel David Merchant not stated not stated - Sora Zalman not stated -
Riga 1873 27/11/1873 - STENDER
СТЕНДЕР Rokhel- Lea Leizer- Jankel Movsha Tailor not stated not stated - Hoda- Beila not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 28/11/1873 - KAPLAN
КАПЛАН Lea Vigder Abraham Shop assistant not stated BENJAMINOVICH
БЕНЯМИНОВИЧ Eta not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 30/11/1873 - ALPERT
АЛЬПЕРТ Slava Itzko Shaya Soldier not stated not stated - Raina Jankel not stated -
Riga 1873 29/11/1873 - BABUS
БАБУС Rivka Mordkhel Abraham Жилочник
not stated not stated - Sheina- Bluma David not stated -
Riga 1873 29/11/1873 - JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Mina Lazar- Benjamin Markus Teacher not stated KOGEN
КОГЕН Ida Berel not stated -
Riga 1873 30/11/1873 - VEINSHTEIN
ВЕЙНШТЕЙН Rivka- Rokhel Meier- Zelig not stated Merchant not stated not stated - Sora- Liba Josel not stated -
Riga 1873 24/11/1873 1/12/1873 LIPSKIN
ЛИПСКИН Kusiel Borukh Kusel Mat maker not stated not stated - Eidla Levin not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 24/11/1873 1/12/1873 ABRAMSOHN
АБРАМСОН Moisey Josel Markus Son of a trader not stated KISIN КИСИН Mina Shliomo not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 27/11/1873 4/12/1873 LEIBOVICH
ЛЕЙБОВИЧ Eliash- Behr Itzik Leizer Tailor
not stated not stated - Reiza Zelig not stated Movsha BAG
48 180
Riga 1873 1/12/1873 - MENDELSOHN
МЕНДЕЛСОН Lea Khlauna Khaim Butcher
not stated not stated - Khaya- Sarah Peilet not stated -
Riga 1873 3/12/1873 - HATZKIELSOHN
ХАЦКЕЛОВИЧ Kreina Tevel Judel Tailor not stated MENDELSOHN МЕНДЕЛСОН Reiza Zelig not stated -
Riga 1873 3/12/1873 - ZALMANOVICH
ЗАЛМАНОВИЧ Sarah Hinda Jankel Movsha Tailor not stated not stated - Khaya Idel not stated -
246 Riga 1873 1/12/1873 8/12/1873 SHPRINGENFELD
ШПРИНГЕНФЕЛД Israel Sholom Michel Tailor not stated KOGEN КОГЕН Glika not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 7/12/1873 - FEITELBERG
ФЕЙТЕЛБЕРГ Gisa- Shprintza Nochum Movsha Tailor not stated LANG ЛАНГ Betty Josel not stated -
Riga 1873 9/12/1873 - SHEDZER
ШЕДЗЕР Sheina- Ela Meier Leib Soldier not stated not stated - Rokha- Beila not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 10/12/1873 - ARONSHTAM
АРОНШТАМ Rebecca Samuel- Tzalel Heiman Expeditor not stated not stated - Jeta Gutman not stated -
Riga 1873 3/12/1873 10/12/1873 SHERMAN
ШЕРМАН Judel Movsha Eliash Retired soldier not stated not stated - Guta Markus not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 3/12/1873 10/12/1873 POMOSHNIK
ПОМОШНИК Berel- Leib Shmuel Benjamin Tinsmith not stated not stated - Rokha- Rivka Benjamin not stated Leiba SHULMAN
Riga 1873 4/12/1873 11/12/1873 GRAUDIN
ГРАУДИН Shmuel- Abel Manel- David Orel Baker not stated not stated - Dushka Shmuel not stated Hilel ZHIV
Riga 1873 11/12/1873 - KRETZER
КРЕЦЕР Liba Abram not stated Watchmaker not stated BERNSHTEIN БЕРНШТЕЙН Bertha not stated not stated -
Riga 1873 6/12/1873 13/12/1873 TREI
ТРЕЙ Meier- Matis Abel- Josel Kalman Tailor not stated not stated - Khana Jankel not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ
Riga 1873 14/12/1873 - ZILBERT
ЗИЛЬБЕРТ Rasha Judel Itzik Shipman not stated not stated - Golda David- Leib not stated -
Riga 1873 15/12/1873 - GINTZBURG
ГИНЦБУРГ Basia- Dveira Itzik Shimel Son of a trader not stated RADELOVSKI РАДЕЛОВСКИЙ Rasha Simen not stated -
Riga 1873 15/12/1873 - FIRSOHN
ФИРСОН Sora Jankel Mendel Shoemaker not stated not stated - Lea Hirsh not stated -
Riga 1873 10/12/1873 17/12/1873 HINOVKER
ГИНОВКЕР Mordkhel- Mendel Movsha- Behr Mendel Mat maker not stated not stated - Khana not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 10/12/1873 17/12/1873 GROLMAN
ГРОЛМАН Mordkhel Faivish Movsha Shop assistant
not stated not stated - Khaya Mordkhel not stated Hilel ZHIV
Riga 1873 18/12/1873 - MILLER
МИЛЛЕР Lea Bentzel Hirsh Watchmaker
not stated not stated - Feiga Hirsh not stated -
Riga 1873 19/12/1873 - LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Shima- Dveira Zalman Hilel Baker not stated not stated - Elka Bentzel not stated -
Riga 1873 19/12/1873 - ELIOVICH
ЕЛИОВИЧ Sora- Reiza Aron not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Liba Itzik not stated -
49 253
Riga 1873 12/12/1873 19/12/1873 LICHTENSHTEIN
ЛИХТЕНШТЕЙН Shaya- Simen Shliomo Abraham- Itzik Trader not stated not stated - Khaya- Risa Abraham not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 20/12/1873 - GRINBLATT
ГРИНБЛАТ Riva- Elka Shabsa Rafael Tinsmith not stated not stated - Sarah Meier not stated -
Riga 1873 20/12/1873 - VEINBERG
ВЕЙНБЕРГ Dveira Bentzel Abraham Baker not stated MEIER/ MEYER
МЕЙЕР Pera Vulf not stated -
Riga 1873 20/12/1873 - KABALNIK
КАБАЛЬНИК Rokhel Sender Abel Mat maker not stated not stated - Liba Movsha- Hirsh not stated -
Riga 1873 14/12/1873 21/12/1873 SHVECH
ШВЕХ Orel Berel Aron Tailor not stated not stated - Dveira Berel not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 14/12/1873 21/12/1873 JUDELSACK
ЮДЕЛЗАК Sholom David David Glazier not stated not stated - Rokha Volf not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
256 Riga 1873 14/12/1873 21/12/1873 BLUMBERG
БЛУМБЕРГ Osher Simen Nochum Tinsmith
not stated not stated - Lea Itzik not stated Movsha BAG
Riga 1873 14/12/1873 21/12/1873 SVIDICHIRIN
СВИДИХИРИН Hirsh- Faivish Jankel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Riva Faitel not stated Hilel ZHIV
Riga 1873 15/12/1873 22/12/1873 SHERMAN
ШЕРМАН Ovsei Shmuel Orel Tailor not stated not stated - Menucha Gershon not stated Zalman RAPOPORT
Riga 1873 23/12/1873 - GECHOVICH/
ГЕХОВИЧ Golda Shliomo- Behr Mordkhel Coachman not stated not stated - Zisla Peisakh not stated -
Riga 1873 24/12/1873 - SLOMINSKI
СЛОМИНСКИЙ Esther Eliash Israel Tailor not stated not stated - Khaya- Sora Shaya not stated -
Riga 1873 24/12/1873 - VEITMAN
ВЕЙТМАН Pesha Shmuel Srol Tailor
not stated BLUM БЛЮМ Sheina Khaim not stated -
Riga 1873 25/12/1873 - GORDON
ГОРДОН Sheina Markus Lipman Tailor not stated ELIASHEV ЕЛЯШЕВ Frida Josel not stated -
Riga 1873 26/12/1873 - TZIMBLER/
ЦИМБЛЕР Liba- Golda Abraham Leib Merchant
not stated not stated - Bluma Ovsei not stated -
Riga 1873 21/12/1873 28/12/1873 ESTERMAN
ЕСТЕРМАН Jokel* Gavriel Jokel Tailor not stated not stated - Sora Abraham- Itzik not stated Movsha BAG
Jokel ESTERMAN died of  tuberculosis on 20/01/1874
260 Riga 1873 22/12/1873 29/12/1873 VEINBERG
ВЕЙНБЕРГ Leiba Nachman Leib Bookbinder not stated not stated - Ida Gutman not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
Riga 1873 26/12/1873 - RABINOVICH
РАБИНОВИЧ Keila- Zelda Michel Meier not stated not stated not stated - Khasa Jankel not stated -
Riga 1873 28/12/1873 - GOLDBERG
ГОЛДБЕРГ Eida Faivel Hirsh Shoemaker
not stated GOLDBERG
ГОЛДБЕРГ Khaya not stated not stated -
50 203
Riga 1873 29/12/1873 - HIRSHFELD
ГИРШФЕЛД Raikhel Shmuel Abraham Butcher not stated not stated - Gruna Hirsh not stated -
261 Riga 1873 23/12/1873 30/12/1873 BIRMAN
БИРМАН David- Elimelech Sevach- Hirsh Sholom Trader not stated not stated - Tauba- Beila not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
262 Riga 1873 24/12/1873 31/12/1873 HEIDEMAN
ГЕЙДЕМАН Abraham Moisey Vulf Tailor not stated KHAIT/ HAIT ХАЙТ Mariana Abraham not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ
263 Riga 1873 24/12/1873 31/12/1873 JOSELOVICH
ИОСЕЛОВИЧ Jakob Shaya not stated Under officer not stated not stated - Khaya Jakob not stated Orel JAKOBSOHN
264 Riga 1873 24/12/1873 31/12/1873 SHER
ШЕР Khaim- Josif Bentzel Shliomo Tailor not stated LEVINSHTEIN
ЛЕВИНШТЕЙН Ita not stated not stated Judel LIPSHITZ
265 Riga 1873 25/12/1873 1/01/1874 KATZELOVICH
КАЦЕЛОВИЧ Zalman- Ilya Jakov Itzik Umbrella maker not stated STENDER
СТЕНДЕР Lea Leib not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
266 Riga 1873 28/12/1873 4/01/1874 MEYEROVICH
МЕЙЕРОВИЧ Aron Izrel Ziskind Baker not stated FALKOVICH
ФАЛЬКОВИЧ Sora- Esther not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
267 Riga 1873 30/12/1873 601/1874 LIEBERMAN
ЛИБЕРМАН The twin Hirsh- Judel Aron Abram Tailor not stated not stated - Hinda Abraham not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
268 Riga 1873 30/12/1873 6/01/1874 LIEBERMAN ЛИБЕРМАН The twin Jakob- Josif Aron Abram Tailor not stated not stated - Hinda Abraham not stated Zalman RAPOPORT


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