О родившихся в Рига в 1872 г.
Births in Riga in 1872.
Naissances a Riga de

from this site Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin
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All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Riga. Coachman at the trading house" J. Redlich", founded in 1857 and 11th November quay. Click to enlarge

Rabbi : Dr.Abraham Neumann (director of the first Jewish school in Riga). He was born in Geroldshausen, Germany in 1809 and died in St Petersburg in 1875. His wife Mina, born Getz died on 22/01/1860 at the age of  45.
The records are in German.
Page Record


Year Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname Surname
Given name Father's name Father's patronymic Occupation  of the father
Father's place
of registration
Surname in cyrillic Mother's
first name
Mother's place
of registration
4 1
Riga 1872 1/01/1872 - PLOTKIN
ПЛОТКИН Rode- Etta* Behr not stated not stated Schaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) KAPLAN КАПЛАН Traine not stated not stated -
Rode- Etta died on 7/01/1872
Riga 1872 1/01/1872 - SCHÖNBERG/
ШЕНБЕРГ Sheina- Musha Leizer not stated not stated Bauska not stated - Esther Simon not stated - -
Riga 1872 1/01/1872 - BOCHER
БОХЕР Malka Hirsh not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) not stated - Miriam Leib not stated - -
Riga 1872 2/01/1872 - LEVI
ЛЕВИ Mindel Zundel not stated not stated Mitau HURWITZ/
ГУРВИЧ Hode- Ettel not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 2/01/1872 not stated SHEER
ШЕЕР Rafael Hirsh- Meier not stated not stated Schaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) SANDER САНДЕР Michla not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 5/01/1872 - KVIN
КВИН Khaya Leib- Sholom not stated not stated Dunaburg not stated - Sarah- Rebecca Leib not stated - -
5 2
Riga 1872 5/01/1872 not stated GRINHOLTZ
ГРИНГОЛЦ Samuel- Jakov Mozes- Behr not stated not stated Riga not stated - Anna Jakob not stated - -
Riga 1872 5/01/1872 not stated ZIMKIN
ЗИМКИН Isaac Simon- Joseph not stated not stated Tshashnik( Chashniki, Belarus) not stated - Etta Mozes not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 6/01/1872 not stated SHOTKIN
ШОТКИН Ahron Michel not stated not stated Riga not stated - Bassa Abraham not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 9/01/1872 - ALLINIK
АЛЛИКИН Unnamed( stillborn) Ahron- Markus not stated not stated Shmilian( Smolyany, Belarus) not stated - Khaya- Sarah Joseph
not stated - -
Riga 1872 8/01/1872 not stated LEVENSOHN
ЛЕВЕНСОН Benjamin- Mozes Abraham- Behr not stated not stated Riga VIGDORSKI ВИГДОРСКИЙ Eidel not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 10/01/1872 - LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Freude- Lieba* Mendel not stated not stated Ligum( Lygumai, Lithuania) not stated - Rachel- Lea Leib
not stated - Freude- Liba LEVIN died on 25/02/1872
Riga 1872 10/01/1872 - PREUSS( PREISS?)
ПРЕЙС Etta- Sheva Ahron not stated not stated Riga not stated - Blume Leib
not stated - -
6 6
Riga 1872 13/01/1872 not stated ALPERT
АЛЬПЕРТ Jesae Joseph- Isaac not stated Soldier not stated
not stated - Raine Jakov not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 13/01/1872 not stated WASSERMAN
ВАССЕРМАН Hirsh Vulf not stated not stated Friedrichstadt not stated - Itta- Tauba Hirsh not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 15/01/1872 - KIMELMAN
КИМЕЛЬМАН Tzerna Mozes not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Esther Leib not stated - -
Riga 1872 17/01/1872 not stated KANTER
КАНТЕР David- Mozes Khaim not stated not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) not stated - Guta- Michla David not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 17/01/1872 not stated SCHÜNDLER/ SHINDLER ШИНДЛЕР Fiel Bentzion- Leib not stated not stated Shalant not stated - Dina Isaac not stated Isak MINSKER from Kreutzburg -
Riga 1872 19/01/1872 not stated LEIB
ЛЕЙБ Tzemach Isak not stated Glazier
Windau not stated - Keila Abram not stated Isak MINSKER from Kreutzburg -
Riga 1872 20/01/1872 not stated SHLOMOVICH
ШЛОМОВИЧ Markus Khaim- Abe not stated not stated Pokroi( Pakruojis, Lithuania) not stated - Miriam Markus not stated Mozes- Ahron ZITRON from Shaulen -
7 12
Riga 1872 21/01/1872 not stated KOLTUN
КОЛТУН Lazer Israel- Hirsh not stated not stated Vilkomir SHAPIRO ШАПИРО Rasha not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 23/01/1872 - BIERMAN/ BIRMAN
БИРМАН Hinda- Raichel Shevach not stated not stated Wids( Vidzi) not stated Tauba- Beila Jakob
not stated - -
Riga 1872 23/01/1872 - HAUSMAN
ГАУСМАН Khaya- Rachel David not stated not stated not stated not stated Golda Meier
not stated - -
Riga 1872 23/01/1872 - LEVENSOHN
ЛЕВЕНСОН Bassa Meier- Mozes not stated not stated Riga PULDIN ПУЛДИН Pessa not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 24/01/1872 - LURJE
ЛУРЬЕ Guta Abraham not stated not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) not stated - Rebecca Behr not stated - -
Riga 1872 24/01/1872 not stated SANDLER
САНДЛЕР Abraham Leib not stated not stated Vorna( Varniai, Lithuania)
not stated - Gute Lazer not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
8 14
Riga 1872 24/01/1872 not stated KOPELOVICH
КОПЕЛОВИЧ Michel- Vulf Khaim- David not stated not stated Vilna not stated - Rachel Michel not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 24/01/1872 not stated BROIDE
БРОЙДЕ Lazer- Kalman Zundel not stated not stated Riga ELIASHTAM ЕЛЯШТАМ Sarah- Deborah not stated not stated Leib AVERBUCH from Ludzin -
Riga 1872 24/01/1872 not stated BIRMAN
БИРМАН Ruben Isaac not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah Ruben not stated Zalman RAPEPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 25/01/1872 not stated SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Jerachmiel Aizik not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Mariasha Ahron not stated Zalman RAPEPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 26/01/1872 -
ГЛАЗЕР Zelda Simon- Juda not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Tzira Khaim not stated - -
Riga 1872 26/01/1872 not stated LEHAK
ЛЕГАК Zalman Simkha not stated not stated Shmilian( Smolyany, Belarus) not stated - Khaya- Miriam Jakob not stated Zalman RAPEPORT from Tshashnik -
9 19
Riga 1872 26/01/1872 not stated FAINGOLD
ФАЙНГОЛД Gershen Joser not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Judith Meier not stated Zalman RAPEPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 27/01/1872 not stated STENDER/ SHTENDER
СТЕНДЕР Isak- Hosias Joseph- Mozes not stated not stated Riga not stated - Rachel Salomon not stated Zalman RAPEPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 27/01/1872 - REI (?)
- Anna- Mashka Leib not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Malka Sholom not stated - -
10 21
Riga 1872 11/12/1871 not stated KAHN
КАН Notte Ahron not stated not stated Telshi FRIEDLENDER ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Gute not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Utiany -
Riga 1872 18/12/1871 not stated FRIEDMAN
ФРИДМАН Freude Abraham not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Esther Zundel not stated - -
Riga 1872 1/02/1872 not stated KONIOVITZ
КОНИОВИЦ Jekhiel Salmon- Hirsh not stated not stated Shmilian not stated - Jenta Kusiel not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1872 1/02/1872 not stated KHAIET/ HAIET
ХАЙЕТ Unnamed twin( stillborn) Peisakh not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Miriam Menachem not stated - -
Riga 1872 1/02/1872 not stated KHAIET/ HAIET ХАЙЕТ The twin Rafael Peisakh not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Miriam Menachem not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 2/02/1872 not stated GURVICH
ГУРВИЧ Jude- Jakov Peisakh not stated not stated Vilkomir REDMAN РЕДМАН Frume not stated not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 3/02/1872 not stated FRANK
ФРАНК Bentzion- Mozes Hosias- Hirsh not stated not stated Vilkomir not stated - Miriam Mendel not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 3/02/1872 - BALTERSHANSKI
БАЛТЕРШАНСКИЙ Feiga Isak not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Menucha Tzemach not stated - -
11 18
Riga 1872 3/02/1872 - JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Khiena/ Clara Hirsh not stated not stated Riga HIRSHSOHN ГИРШСОН Helena not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 4/02/1872 not stated NEDENITSHIK
НЕДЕНИЧКИЙ Eser Khaim not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Rebecca Israel not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 7/02/1872 not stated ULER
УЛЕР Jude- Leib Behr not stated not stated Sklow not stated - Pessa- Deborah Mendel not stated Zalman RAPEPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 7/02/1872 - FRIED
ФРИД Pessa Behr not stated not stated Shadova not stated - Khana Hirsh not stated - -
Riga 1872 7/02/1872 - KLEIN
КЛЕЙН Khaya Elkhonon not stated not stated Skudwil(  Skaudvilė, Lithuania) not stated - Rachel- Lea Salomon not stated - -
Riga 1872 7/02/1872 - HIRSHFELD
ГИРШФЕЛД Unnamed( stillborn) Elie not stated not stated Bauska not stated - Judith Naftali not stated - -
Riga 1872 7/02/1872 not stated KRAVITZ
КРАВИЦ Lipman Meier not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rebecca Joseph not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
12 22
Riga 1872 7/02/1872 - LURJE
ЛУРЬЕ Ette Sholem not stated not stated Birzhi SHLOSSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ Khaya not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 8/02/1872 not stated HIRSHBAUM
ГИРШБАУМ Ahron- Mozes Hirsh- Abram not stated not stated Riga LEVI ЛЕВИ Zelda not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 9/02/1872 not stated KRIEGER
КРИГЕР Israel Israel not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Hanna Vulf not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 10/02/1872 not stated GIBURT
ГИБУРТ Gershon Faivush not stated not stated Libau STEMBER СТЕМБЕР Khassa- Miriam not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 11/02/1872 not stated SALMANOVICH
ЗАЛМАНОВИЧ Ahron- Hosias Jakov- Leib not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Jette Ahron not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 13/02/1872 - GOLANSKI
ГОЛАНСКИЙ Unnamed( stillborn) Jekhiel not stated not stated Telshi not stated - Jente Abe not stated - -
Riga 1872 13/02/1872 not stated MARKUS
МАРКУС Abraham Mozes- David not stated not stated Beisagole not stated - Tzira- Malka David not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
13 35
Riga 1872 15/02/1872 not stated MATISOHN
МАТИСОН David Henoch not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Lea Khaim not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 16/02/1872 not stated WEITZMAN
ВЕЙЦМАН David Samuel not stated not stated Ligum BLUM БЛУМ Sheina not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 16/02/1872 not stated BAGS
БАГС Jesher- Zalkind Lazer not stated not stated Klikol ZALKIND ЗАЛЬКИНД Menucha not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 17/02/1872 - DAVIDOVICH
ДАВИДОВИЧ Rose Ezechiel- Jakov not stated not stated Kelme not stated - Tauba Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1872 17/02/1872 not stated ROZENBERG
РОЗЕНБЕРГ Hirsh/ Herman Lazer not stated not stated Riga GLAZER ГЛАЗЕР Miriam not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rossieny -
Riga 1872 18/02/1872 not stated VULFSOHN
ВУЛЬФМАН David Ezekiel not stated not stated Libau not stated - Esther Samuel not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rossieny -
14 40
Riga 1872 18/02/1872 not stated DAVIDSOHN
ДАВИДСОН Peisakh Samuel not stated not stated Pokroi not stated - Pessa Samuel not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 18/02/1872 - ZOLL
ЗОЛ Zelda- Shifra Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Esther Fishel not stated - -
Riga 1872 19/02/1872 not stated KATZ
КАЦ Faivush Leib not stated not stated Pokroi not stated - Shifra Faibush
not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 19/02/1872 not stated TOMKIN
ТОМКИН Abram Behr not stated not stated Linkovo
not stated - Liba Vulf not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 23/02/1872 - KOLTUN
КОЛТУН Rachel Hosias not stated Soldier not stated KURTZ КУРЦ Pessa not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 25/02/1872 - KASSEL
КАССЕЛ Frume- Tauba Mendel not stated not stated Riga not stated - Esther Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1872 25/02/1872 not stated KHAIET/ HAIET
ХАЕТ Rachmiel Hirsh not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Sarah- Anna Markus not stated Leib AVERBUCH from Ludzin -
15 28
Riga 1872 28/02/1872 not stated KIRSHNER
КИРШНЕР Sarah- Raine Rakhmiel not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Freude Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1872 28/02/1872 not stated KURTOVISHKI(?)
- Unnamed( stillborn) Isak not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Sheina Peisakh not stated - -
Riga 1872 28/02/1872 not stated MENDELSOHN
МЕНДЕЛСОН Khaim- Isak Mozes- Hirsh not stated not stated Bauska not stated - Khaya- Deborah Leib
not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
16 29
Riga 1872 1/03/1872 not stated OSHEROVICH
ОШЕРОВИЧ Feiga- Rasha Abraham not stated not stated Rossieny not stated - Esther Eber not stated - -
Riga 1872 2/03/1872 not stated ROCHEW
РОШЕВ Unnamed( stillborn) Nochum not stated not stated Roshov not stated - Khaya Samuel not stated - -
Riga 1872 3/03/1872 not stated SHLOKER
ШЛОКЕР Feiga Markus not stated not stated Riga not stated - Lea- Bluma Abraham
not stated - -
Riga 1872 3/03/1872 not stated HIRSHOVICH
ГИРШОВИЧ Leah- Etta Israel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rachel Sachne
not stated - -
Riga 1872 3/03/1872 not stated SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Zalman Jakov not stated not stated Klikol not stated - Sarah Salomon not stated Zalman PAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 4/03/1872 not stated RUBINSHTEIN
РУБИНШТЕЙН Mine- Ette Israel not stated not stated Goldingen IMERMAN
ИМЕРМАН Beila- Jenta not stated not stated - -
17 49
Riga 1872 4/03/1872 not stated HOLLSHTEIN
ГОЛШТЕЙН Feivush- Isak Bentzion not stated not stated Shad not stated - Zesna Mozes
not stated David Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 4/03/1872 not stated ROSENGARTEN
РОЗЕНГАРТЕН Fishel- David Boruch- Markus not stated not stated Klikol SHILDILER ШИЛДИЛЕР Fruma not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 4/03/1872 not stated JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Bentzion Jakov not stated not stated Tukkum HEIDENREICH ГЕЙДЕНРЕЙХ Hanna not stated not stated David Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 6/03/1872 not stated KAUFMAN
КАУФМАН Unnamed( stillborn) Zusman not stated not stated Kovno not stated - Khaya Jakob not stated - -
Riga 1872 6/03/1872 not stated Unknown father
- Abraham Unknown not stated not stated unknown not stated - Anna Abraham Bauska Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1872 7/03/1872 not stated ASNES(?)
- Mozes Abraham not stated not stated Vilkomir not stated - Tauba- Keila Jude not stated Abram ? from Vilkomir -
18 33
Riga 1872 8/03/1872 not stated LIVEROVITZ
ЛИВЕРОВИЧ Tzira David not stated not stated Riga not stated - Liebe Abe not stated - -
Riga 1872 8/03/1872 not stated GOLDHAAR
ГОЛДГАР Elka Meier not stated not stated not stated not stated - Asna David not stated - -
Riga 1872 9/03/1872 not stated GINTZBURG
ГИНЦБУРГ Khaim- Leib Markus not stated not stated Siena not stated - Rache Mozes not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1872 9/03/1872 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Pinkhus Behr not stated not stated Riga KRETZER КРЕЦЕР Rebecca not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 11/03/1872 not stated MIR
МИР Unnamed( stillborn) Israel- Mozes not stated not stated Ragowen not stated - Sheina Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1872 12/03/1872 not stated LICHTENSHTEIN
ЛИХТЕНШТЕЙН Bentzion- Markus Salomon not stated not stated Piltene LEVI ЛЕВИ Khaya- Risha not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 13/03/1872 - KAHN
КАН Deborah Israel not stated not stated Libau SONENSHTRAHL ЗОННЕНШТРАЛ Hana not stated not stated - -
19 59
Riga 1872 13/03/1872 not stated WALK/ VALK
ВАЛК The twin Elias- Meier Isaac not stated Under officer not stated not stated - Tzipa Lazer not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 13/03/1872 - WALK/ VALK ВАЛК The twin Khaya- Rachel Isaac not stated Under officer not stated not stated - Tzipa Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1872 13/03/1872 not stated SEELEM
СЕЕЛЕМ Isak- Abe Joseph not stated not stated New Zhagore not stated - Guta Meier
not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 14/03/1872 not stated TROSAK
ТРОЗАК The twin Pinkhus Jakov not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Lea Abraham
not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 14/03/1872 - TROSAK
ТРОЗАК The twin Hanna Jakov not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Lea Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1872 16/03/1872 not stated FELDMAN
ФЕЛЬДМАН Joseph- Vulf Saul not stated not stated Ponevesh SINAI СИНАЙ Golda not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 18/03/1872 not stated JOSELOVICH
ИОСЕЛОВИ Bentzion Jakob not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Feiga Mozes not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 18/03/1872 not stated ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Israel Israel not stated not stated Jacobstadt VOLPERT ВОЛПЕРТ Zesna not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 18/03/1872 not stated VOLPERT
ВОЛПЕРТ Abraham Simon not stated not stated Linkovo HIRSHBERG ГИРШБЕРГ Miriam not stated not stated Zusman JAWEZ from Warsaw -
20 66
Riga 1872 18/03/1872 not stated SHLOMOV
ШЛОМОВ Jakov Israel not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Gute Jakov not stated David Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 20/03/1872 not stated KLAF
КЛАФ Joseph- Gutman Mozes not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Etta Ahron not stated David Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 15/03/1872 not stated KLINK
КЛИНК Benjamin Hirsh- Nachman not stated not stated Popelian not stated - Etta Mones not stated Isaac MINSKER from Kreutzburg -
Riga 1872 16/03/1872 not stated MOSIAS
МОЗЯС Unnamed( stillborn) Salomon not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Etta Mozes not stated - -
Riga 1872 23/03/1872 not stated JOSSEM
ИОССЕМ Behr Leib not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Feiga Jakov not stated David Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 24/03/1872 not stated SHWEINIG
ШВЕЙНИГ Fishel- Idel Jakov not stated Hosier
Keidan not stated - Sheina Nissen not stated David Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 26/03/1872 not stated POTSHINSKI
ПОЧИНСКИЙ Osher Isaac not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Jente Abraham not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
21 38
Riga 1872 26/03/1872 - BENJAMINOVICH
БЕНЯМИНОВИЧ Freuda Behr not stated not stated Kelme not stated - Roza Joseph not stated - -
Riga 1872 27/03/1872 - LEVENSOHN
ЛЕВЕНСОН Unnamed( stillborn) Isaac not stated not stated Riga ISRAELSOHN ИЗРАЕЛЬСОН Sarah not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 28/03/1872 - REIMAN
РЕЙМАН Sheina- Beila Behr not stated not stated Ponevesh BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Eida not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 28/03/1872 not stated BAUM
БАУМ Israel Rafael not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rachel- Lea Jakov not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 28/03/1872 not stated FRIEDMAN
ФРИДМАН Jedidia- Elias Lazer- Abram not stated not stated Kros not stated - Itta Abraham not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rossieny -
Riga 1872 29/03/1872 - Dr STUART
СТЮАРТ Lea- Rebecca Isak- Israel not stated Doctor London, England GOSFELN(?) - Jocheved not stated not stated - -
22 75
Riga 1872 29/03/1872 not stated NEUBERG
НЕЙБЕРГ Daniel Jakob not stated not stated Riga not stated - Etta Zusman not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 30/03/1872 - LOTZ
ЛОЦ Masha- Liba Jakob- Lazer not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Feiga- Shova Mozes- Leib not stated - -
Riga 1872 31/03/1872 - GLICKMAN
ГЛИКМАН Khaya- Lea Hersh- Hosias not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Jetta Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1872 31/03/1872 not stated SHEFTELOVICH
ШЕФТЕЛОВИЧ Elias Fishel not stated not stated Bauska KAHN КАН Eva not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 4/03/1872 - JOCHOVITZ
ИОХОВИЦ Pessa Salomon not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Zisla Peisakh not stated - -
23 45
Riga 1872 1/04/1872 - FAINBERG
ФАЙНБЕРГ Carla- Gnesse Hosias not stated not stated Tshashnik not stated - Deborah Hertz not stated - -
Riga 1872 1/04/1872 - HELLMAN
ГЕЛМАН Sophie Elias not stated not stated not stated REDLER РЕДЛЕР Rosalie not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 1/04/1872 - KATZEN
КАЦЕН Khaya- Lea Mozes not stated not stated Riga JOCKE ИОКЕ Mina not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 2/04/1872 not stated SAMONOVICH
САМОНОВИЧ Abe David not stated not stated Shad not stated - Roza Leib not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 3/04/1872 not stated SHUSTER
ШУСТЕР Ahron Vulf not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sheina Mozes not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 3/04/1872 not stated BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Unnamed( stillborn) Isac not stated Merchant Riga MANDELSHTAM
МАНДЕЛШТАМ Fanny not stated not stated - -
24 80
Riga 1872 3/04/1872 not stated KHAIET/ HAIET
ХАЙЕТ Hirsh Elias not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Gita Leib not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 4/04/1872 - KUSHELOVICH
КУШЕЛОВИЧ Sarah- Rebecca Saul- Abraham not stated not stated Linkovo JOCHNEN ИОХНЕН Sheina- Khaya not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 7/04/1872 not stated HAIKELSOHN
ХАЙКЕЛСОН Elias- Vulf Tubias not stated not stated Pumpian MENDELSOHN МЕНДЕЛСОН Roza not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 7/04/1872 - FELDMAN
ФЕЛДМАН Liba Vulf not stated not stated Riga LEVENSOHN ЛЕВЕНСОН Sarah- Zlata not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 9/04/1872 not stated ESTERSOHN
ЕСТЕРСОН Unnamed( stillborn) Behr not stated not stated Polotzk ZEIF ЗЕЙФ Khaya not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 10/04/1872 not stated JOSELOVICH
ИОСЕЛОВИЧ Joseph Leib not stated not stated Old Zhagore not stated - Feiga Hirsh
not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
25 50
Riga 1872 4/04/1872 - KATZ
КАЦ Khaya- Anna Mozes not stated not stated Shaulen
GATZ/ GUTZ/ GITZ - Golda not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 11/04/1872 - VULFSOHN
ВУЛФСОН Tzipa Abraham not stated not stated Riga not stated - Kushka(?) Victor not stated - -
Riga 1872 11/04/1872 not stated PINKENSKI
ПИНКЕНСКИЙ Hirsh- Elias David not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Khaya- Glika Shachna
not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 16/04/1872 not stated BONEL
БОНЕЛ Osher- Samuel Borukh- Juda not stated not stated Keidan not stated - Beila Osher
not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 17/04/1872 not stated EDELBERG
ЕДЕЛБЕРГ David Israel not stated not stated Mitau FRIEDMAN ФРИДМАН Feiga not stated not stated Markus LIPSHITZ from Veger -
Riga 1872 16/04/1872 not stated MARTINSOHN
МАРТИНСОН Lapides Jakob not stated not stated Mitau HOLLENDER ГОЛЛЕНДЕР Tzira not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
26 88
Riga 1872 19/04/1872 not stated BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Ezriel Mozes not stated not stated Riga LEVI
ЛЕВИ Matla not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 19/04/1872 not stated GLICKMAN
ГЛИКМАН Jesaie- Behr Isak not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Esther Leib
not stated David- Juda LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 19/04/1872 - HIRSHBERG
ГИРШБЕРГ Unnamed( stillborn) Hirsh not stated not stated Grobin DAVIDOV ДАВИДОВ Sarah not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 22/04/1872 not stated KRIEGER
КРИГЕР Hirsh Salomon not stated not stated Posvol VAINBERG ВАЙНБЕРГ Khaya- Sarah not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 22/04/1872 not stated HAKKIN
ХАККИН Salomon Isac not stated not stated Sadova not stated - Sarah Isak not stated David- Juda LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 23/04/1872 not stated LEIBOVICH
ЛЕЙБОВИЧ Tubias- Zalman Faibush not stated not stated Ligum not stated - Jenta Israel not stated David- Juda LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
27 53
Riga 1872 23/04/1872 - RAKSHAN
РАКШАН Elka- Matla Abraham not stated not stated Kreutzburg not stated - Sarah- Miriam Markus not stated - -
Riga 1872 25/04/1872 not stated HAASE
ГААЗЕ Lazer- Ruben Behr not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Liba Ruben not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 26/04/1872 - STALOVITZ
СТАЛОВИЧ Sarah Markus not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Feiga- Pessa Markus not stated - -
Riga 1872 26/04/1872 - FREIMAN
ФРЕЙМАН Liba Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated FAINSHTEIN ФАЙНШТЕЙН Rachel- Rebecca not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 26/04/1872 not stated SISSLE
ЗИССЛЕ Isaak- Leib Mozes- Borukh not stated Son of a trader
SHLESSINGER ШЛЕССИНГЕР Rachel not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 24/04/1872 not stated SEID
СЕЙД Israel Zalman- Meier not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Esther David not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
28 96
Riga 1872 27/04/1872 not stated AROLOVICH
АРОЛОВИЧ Zalman Note not stated not stated Bauska SHWARTZ ШВАРЦ Taube- Feiga not stated not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 29/04/1872 not stated MULLER/ MILLER
МИЛЛЕР Abram- Meier Bentzion not stated not stated Kelme not stated - Feiga Hirsh not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 29/04/1872 not stated MAGRIL
МАГРИЛ Lazer Gedalje not stated not stated Old Zhagore not stated - Golda Ahron not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 29/04/1872 not stated BERSOHN
БЕРСОН Lazer Joseph not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Lea Israel not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
29 56
Riga 1872 2/05/1872 - NEUMAN
НЕЙМАН Mariasha Tobias not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Khana Kalman not stated - -
Riga 1872 3/05/1872 not stated BLUMBERG
БЛУМБЕРГ Ruven Eizik not stated not stated Riga not stated - Deborah Leib
not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 4/05/1872 not stated ADELSOHN
АДЕЛЬСОН Elkhonon Kalman not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Freida Isak not stated Leib AVERBUCH from Ludzin -
Riga 1872 6/05/1872 - GUTTERMAN
ГУТТЕРМАН Gita Khaim- Samuel not stated not stated Talazein( may be Talsi, Latvia) GEMSOHN
ГЕМСОН Khana not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 6/05/1872 not stated FISH
ФИШ Khaim Markus not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Bassa Hirsh not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 6/05/1872 not stated KUSHELEVICH
КУШЕЛЕВИЧ Unnamed( stillborn) Feivush not stated not stated Georgenburg( also Jurburg. Jurbarkas, Lithuania) not stated - Judith Vulf not stated - -
Riga 1872 11/05/1872 - PREUSS/ PREIS(?)
ПРЕЙС Mera Jakob- Hillel not stated Tailor Shmilian not stated - Sheina- Ida Khaim not stated - -
30 104
Riga 1872 28/04/1872 not stated LEIBOVICH
ЛЕЙБОВИЧ Leib- Markus Leib not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Bassa Markus not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rossieny -
Riga 1872 10/05/1872 not stated ROSENBERG
РОЗЕНБЕРГ Mozes Hirsh not stated not stated Riga not stated - Sheina- Bassa Vulf not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rossieny -
Riga 1872 4/05/1872 not stated PICKEL
ПИКЕЛ Zalman- Markus Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rachel Lazer not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 12/05/1872 not stated SHLOMOVICH
ШЛОМОВИЧ Ahron Eliokum not stated not stated Mitau GURVICH ГУРВИЧ Hinda not stated not stated Markus LIPSHITZ from Veger -
Riga 1872 14/05/1872 not stated SHLOMOVICH
ШЛОМОВИЧ Unnamed( premature) Peisakh- Zundel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rachel Shmuel not stated - -
Riga 1872 13/05/1872 not stated JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Hertz Markus not stated not stated Riga JAMAIKA
ЯМАЙКА Zesa not stated not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 13/05/1872 not stated HEIDEREICH
ГЕЙДЕРЕЙХ Zalman- Jeshaya Efraim not stated Soldier not stated LEVENSOHN ЛЕВЕНСОН Khana not stated not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
31 59
Riga 1872 14/05/1872 not stated RUBOVICH
РУБОВИЧ Gita- Lea Abraham not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Gute Peisach not stated - -
Riga 1872 18/05/1872 not stated RUM
РУМ Rachel Meier not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Khana Isak not stated - -
Riga 1872 16/05/1872 not stated VULF
ВУЛФ Nechemia Joseph not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Nechame- Lea Jakob not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 17/05/1872 not stated HILLERSOHN
ГИЛЛЕРСОН Zalman Isak not stated not stated Lepel not stated - Mina Leib not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 14/05/1872 not stated GUTMAN
ГУТМАН Pera- Malka Jude not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah Leib not stated - -
Riga 1872 21/05/1872 not stated SAGORSKI
ЗАГОРСКИЙ Unnamed( stillborn) Israel not stated not stated Lemlin SCHUCHART ШУХАРТ Feiga- Hana not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 21/05/1872 not stated VARSHANSKI
ВАРШАНСКИЙ Unnamed( stillborn) Abraham not stated not stated Ponevesh not stated - - - not stated - -
Riga 1872 24/05/1872 not stated BAN
БАН Abram- Josel Isak not stated not stated not stated not stated - Khaya- Beila Leib not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 25/05/1872 not stated MULLER/ MILLER
МИЛЛЕР Israel Vulf not stated not stated Bauska not stated - Sarah- Rivka Israel not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
32 116
Riga 1872 /05/1872 not stated SIMSOHN
ЗИМСОН Behr Zalman not stated not stated Goldingen RUBINSHTEIN РУБИНШТЕЙН Sarah- Lea not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rossieny -
Riga 1872 /05/1872 not stated ROZENBERG
РОЗЕНБЕРГ Liba Abraham not stated not stated Linkovo not stated - Zelda(?) Leib not stated - -
Riga 1872 /05/1872 not stated SHERMAN
ШЕРМАН Shima- Lea Lazer not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Glika Behr not stated - -
Riga 1872 23/05/1872 not stated VIGDERSOHN
ВИГДЕРСОН The twin Nechama- Pessa Abe not stated not stated Kros not stated - Nechemia not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 23/05/1872 not stated VIGDERSOHN
ВИГДЕРСОН The twin Jakob- Vigder Abe not stated not stated Kros not stated - Nechemia not stated not stated Leib SHALMAN from Zhagore -
Riga 1872 23/05/1872 not stated VEINBERG
ВЕЙНБЕРГ Hirsh Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated ROTHBORD РОТБОРД Deborah not stated not stated Mozes- Ahron ZITRON fom Rossieny -
Riga 1872 22/05/1872 not stated ROTHBORD
РОТБОРД Pera David not stated Soldier not stated BEHRSOHN БЕРСОН Sarah not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 20/05/1872 not stated SCHELIN
ШЕЛИН Minna Elias not stated not stated New Zhagore not stated - Rebecca Leib not stated - -
Riga 1872 27/05/1872 not stated JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Salomon Hirsh not stated not stated Riga not stated - Khiena Behr not stated - -
33 120
Riga 1872 29/05/1872 not stated SEGAL
СЕГАЛ Jankel- Lipman Israel- Uri not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Itta Lipman
not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 29/05/1872 not stated BLUM
БЛУМ Israel- Abbe Izchok not stated not stated Upina( Upyna, Lithuania) not stated - Khana- Rosa Israel not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 31/05/1872 not stated Rabbi PIESKER
Рабби ПИСКЕР Vulf Israel not stated Rabbi Vilkomir( Ukmergė, Lithuania) TRACHTENBERG ТРАХТЕНБЕРГ Golda not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rossieny -
Riga 1872 26/05/1872 not stated BEHRMAN
БЕРМАН Esther- Perl Khaim not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rosa Israel not stated - -
34 71
Riga 1872 13/06/1872 - SHNODOVICH
ШНОДОВИЧ The twin Rose Meier not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah Isak not stated - -
Riga 1872 13/06/1872 - SHNODOVICH
ШНОДОВИЧ The twin Tzirla Meier not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah Isak not stated - -
Riga 1872 13/06/1872 - DYMAN
ДИМАН Sheina Mozes not stated not stated Minsk not stated - Tzerna Ahron not stated - -
Riga 1872 12/06/1872 not stated BLECH
БЛЕХ Leib Hirsh not stated Tailor Mitau
not stated - Khaya
not stated
Hillel ZHIV from Rossieny -
Riga 1872 8/06/1872 not stated Unknown father
- Salomon Unknown not stated not stated Unknown BADER БАДЕР Esther Salomon Piltene Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1872 13/06/1872 not stated GOLDWASSER
ГОЛДВАССЕР Predel Jakob not stated not stated Janishki not stated - Pera Vulf not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 14/06/1872 not stated GERSHANSKI
ГЕРШАНСКИЙ Pinkhus- Michel Benjamin- Vulf not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Lea Arje not stated Mozes ZITRON from Rossieny -
Riga 1872 14/06/1872 not stated GRINSPAN
ГРИНСПАН Ruven Shabsa not stated not stated Bauska not stated - Itta Osher not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1872 15/06/1872 not stated PERLMAN
ПЕРЛМАН Bentzion Leizer not stated not stated Hasenpoth GORDON ГОРДОН Feiga not stated not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 17/06/1872 - LANDSMAN
ЛАНДСМАН Grune Hirsh not stated not stated Bauska not stated - Sarah Gavriel not stated - -
35 129
Riga 1872 17/06/1872 not stated BAITLER
БАЙТЛЕР Joseph- Salomon Hosias not stated Soldier not stated ZELIKSOHN ЗЕЛИКСОН Rebecca not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 17/06/1872 - HEINRICHSOHN
ГЕЙНРИХСОН Elishe Otto not stated Trader Swerjen Mecklenburg not stated - Betty not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 18/06/1872 - WEISSMAN
ВЕЙССМАН Unnamed( stillborn) Sender not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rebecca Nachman not stated - -
Riga 1872 19/06/1872 not stated DIMENSHTEIN
ДИМЕНШТЕЙН Unnamed( stillborn) Nachman not stated not stated Polotzk not stated - Rachel Behr not stated - -
Riga 1872 19/06/1872 not stated JABLONSKI
ЯБЛОНСКИЙ Leib Nochum not stated not stated Krok( Krakes, Lithuania) not stated - Lea Joseph not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ from Utiany -
Riga 1872 21/06/1872 - NACHMEINOVICH/
НАХМАНОВИЧ Matla- Sheina Kadish not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Fruma Leib
not stated - -
Riga 1872 21/06/1872 - HALSBAND
ГАЛСБАНД Unnamed( stillborn) Simon not stated not stated Riga not stated - Beila Jakob not stated - -
Riga 1872 22/06/1872 not stated PERLMAN
ПЕРЛМАН Nochim- Hessel Khaim not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Braina Gedalje not stated Mozes ZITRON from Rossieny -
36 133
Riga 1872 21/06/1872 not stated MARKOVICH
МАРКОВИЧ Ahron Hosias- Khaim not stated not stated Vitebsk not stated - Itta Mozes not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 23/06/1872 - JOELSOHN
ИОЕЛСОН Shasha- Rokhel Shalom- Israel not stated not stated Dunaburg not stated - Khaya- Musha Feibush not stated - -
Riga 1872 24/06/1872 - KRAM
КРАМ Gitta- Rosa Sawel not stated not stated Riga SEGAL СЕГАЛ Khaya not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 24/06/1872 not stated JOCHEL
ИОХЕЛ Markus Lazer- Hirsh not stated not stated Raguva, Lithuania not stated - Khava Lazer
not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 24/06/1872 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Behr Isak not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah Samuel not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 25/06/1872 - RUBINSHTEIN
РУБИНШТЕЙН Shora Rafael not stated not stated Riga not stated - Ita Ruven not stated - -
Riga 1872 28/06/1872 not stated HERTZFELD
ГЕРЦФЕЛД Osher/ Oscar- Emanuel Joseph not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Keila/ Karoline not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 28/06/1872 not stated SHLOMOVICH
ШЛОМОВИЧ Vulf- Jeshua Shmuil not stated Tailor Kolim( may be Kelme) not stated - Bassa Leib not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
37 82
Riga 1872 29/06/1872 - KUTZGAL
КУЦГАЛ Dobra Isak not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - not stated not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 1/07/1872 - SIWALK
СИВАЛК Beila Lazer not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Dobra Joseph not stated - -
Riga 1872 2/07/1872 - MENDELSOHN
МЕНДЕЛСОН Liba Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated BERNSHTEIN БЕРНШТЕЙН Feiga- Bassa not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 3/07/1872 - GOLDBURG/
ГОЛДБЕРГ Shora- Lea Vulf not stated Tailor Rossieny not stated - Mina Salomon not stated - -
Riga 1872 4/07/1872 - BAUMAN
БАУМАН Hena Mozes not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Khaya(?) Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1872 5/07/1872 - HATZKELOVICH
ХАЦКЕЛОВИЧ Khassa- Michla Leib not stated Tailor Riga not stated - Mina Isak- Jakov not stated - -
38 88
Riga 1872 11/07/1872 - FIRST
ФИРСТ Etta Mozes not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah Jakob not stated - -
Riga 1872 11/07/1872 - HOCHMAN
ГОХМАН Sarah- Bassa Jochel not stated not stated Pokroi FELDMAN ФЕЛЬДМАН Pessa not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 11/07/1872 not stated PREZVANIJE
ПРЕЗВАНИЕ Markus Efraim not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Lea Leib not stated Izak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1872 13/07/1872 not stated SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Mendel- David Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rochel- Lea Abraham not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 14/07/1872 - LAZER
ЛАЗЕР Gitta David not stated not stated Telshi not stated - Meri David not stated - -
Riga 1872 14/07/1872 not stated BEHR
БЕР Zundel Mozes not stated not stated Linkovo not stated - Rachel Jesaia not stated David LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1872 14/07/1872 not stated SHVEINIG
ШВЕЙНИГ Isak Fishel not stated not stated Keidan not stated - Khaya- Lea Mendel not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 16/07/1872 not stated LAZEROV
ЛАЗЕРОВ Shachna Mozes not stated not stated ? not stated - Rachel- Roza Hirsh- Leib not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
39 143
Riga 1872 13/07/1872 not stated ZALKIND
ЗАЛЬКИНД Markus Elias not stated not stated Dunaburg GINTZBURG ГИНЦБУРГ Miriam not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 13/07/1872 - SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Deborah David not stated not stated Riga FELDMAN ФЕЛДМАН Rachel- Rivka not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 11/07/1872 not stated GOLSOHN/ JOLSOHN
ГОЛСОН Ahron Jankel not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Sarah- Miriam Arja not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 13/07/1872 not stated KAHN
КАН Unnamed( stillborn) Arje not stated not stated Piltene SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Rebecca not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 13/07/1872 - RUBIN
РУБИН Musha Zalman not stated not stated ? not stated - Etta Tzodik
not stated - -
Riga 1872 14/07/1872 - SAGORSKI
ЗАГОРСКИЙ Freida Vulf not stated not stated Semlen(  Žeimelis, Lithuania) not stated - Gute Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1872 15/07/1872 - MELNIK
МЕЛЬНИК Miriam- Esther Itzik not stated Soldier not stated SISKIND ЗИСКИНД Lea not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 16/07/1872 not stated GRUBIL
ГРУБИЛ Peisakh Abram- Isak not stated Soldier not stated GRINBAUM ГРИНБАУМ Deborah not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
40 95
Riga 1872 20/07/1872 - NATIN
НАТИН Liba Ahron not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Lea Leib not stated - -
Riga 1872 21/07/1872 - LEVI
ЛЕВИН Golda Leib not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Khasa- Lea Zalman
not stated - -
Riga 1872 21/07/1872 not stated JOSUM
ИОСУМ Ahron Khaim not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rachel- Beil Michel not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ  -
Riga 1872 21/07/1872 not stated DEUTSCH
ДЕЙЧ Isac Michel not stated not stated Shad not stated - Feiga Isak
not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 21/07/1872 not stated BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Joseph Alexander not stated Trader
Riga WALLENBERG ВАЛЕНБЕРГ Rivka not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 21/07/1872 not stated SPEVAK
СПЕВАК Henoch- Benjamin Abram not stated Shoemaker New Zhagore not stated - Lea Shrage
not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 22/07/1872 - JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Mariasha Eizik not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Khana Michel not stated - -
41 151
Riga 1872 25/07/1872 not stated BLOCH
БЛОХ Feivish Iser not stated not stated Plungian not stated - Sarah Jakob not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 26/07/1872 not stated NOCHUMSOHN
НОХУМСОН Joseph- Leib Samson not stated Tailor
Mitau not stated - Roza Samuel
not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 27/07/1872 - LEVENBERG
ЛЕВЕНБЕРГ Gitta Isak not stated Soldier not stated
not stated - Mina Michel not stated - -
Riga 1872 27/07/1872 not stated SINLBERG
ЗИНЛБЕРГ Israel Abram- Isak not stated not stated Jacobstadt not stated - Itta- Beila Jude
not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 25/07/1872 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Hirsh- Joseph Markus not stated not stated Janishki not stated - Liba- Malka ? not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1872 29/07/1872 not stated MORGEN
МОРГЕН Leib Jude- Mendel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Beila Joseph
not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 30/07/1872 not stated HERR
ГЕРР Ahron- Isac Lipman not stated not stated Shad( Seda, Lithuania) not stated - Glika Joseph not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
42 99
Riga 1872 15/07/1872 -
БРЕЗНИКОВИЧ Bune- Sarah Leib not stated not stated Skopishki( Skapiškis, Lithuania) not stated - Roza Isac
not stated - -
Riga 1872 31/07/1872 not stated BACHMAN
БАХМАН Aizer- Samuel Hirsh- Jude not stated not stated ? FEITELSOHN
ФЕЙТЕЛЬСОН Khaya- Roza not stated not stated Nisen HEIMAN from Piltene -
Riga 1872 5/08/1872 not stated ZOTZKI/ SOTSKI
ЗОЦКИЙ Unnamed Samuel not stated not stated Pokroi not stated - Rasha Leib not stated - -
Riga 1872 1/08/1872 not stated STENDER
СТЕНДЕР Isak- Nochum Ruvin not stated not stated Riga not stated - Khaya- Rasha Markus not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
43 100
Riga 1872 4/08/1872 - Illegible
- The twin Tauba Behr not stated not stated Kelme, Lithuania not stated - Rebecca Bentzion not stated - -
Riga 1872 4/08/1872 - Illegible
- The twin Pesha Behr not stated not stated Kelme, Lithuania not stated - Rebecca Bentzion not stated - -
Riga 1872 4/08/1872 not stated GOTH
ГОТ Hirsh Markus not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Dobra Joseph not stated David LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1872 7/08/1872 not stated FRIEDMAN
ФРИДМАН Khatzkiel- Meier Mozes not stated not stated Windau not stated - Sarah Benjamin not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 7/08/1872 - ROSOVSKI
РОЗОВСКИЙ Gruna- Gita Borukh not stated Cantor Halmbeck ROSOVSKI РОЗОВСКИЙ Rasha not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 7/08/1872 not stated KAMERAZ
КАМЕРАЗ Feibus Elias not stated not stated Mitau LEVI
ЛЕВИ Zelda  not stated
not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 7/08/1872 not stated KAMERAZ
КАМЕРАЗ Israel Elias not stated not stated Mitau LEVI ЛЕВИ Zelda not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 11/08/1872 - BALLIN
БАЛЛИН Rebecca- Beila Khatzkiel not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Gita Khaikel not stated - -
Riga 1872 12/08/1872 - FLEISHMAN
ФЛЕЙШМАН Khaya- Tzira Ahron not stated not stated Ligum not stated - ? Mozes not stated - -
Riga 1872 9/08/1872 not stated BORK
БОРК Leib Abbe not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Tzira Jacob not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
44 165
Riga 1872 13/08/1872 not stated KARABELNIK
КАРАБЕЛЬНИК Markus Abraham not stated not stated Rossieny not stated - Feiga- Lea Jone not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 13/08/1872 - LEVENSOHN
ЛЕВЕНСОН Deborah Hosias not stated Trader Goldingen ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Lea- Miriam not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 13/08/1872 - LEMER(?)
- Unnamed( stillborn) Abraham not stated not stated Linkovo not stated - Khana- Gitel Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1872 14/08/1872 not stated ISAKSON
ИЗАКСОН Tzalel Isac not stated Carver Mitau FROMHOLD ФРОМГОЛД Michla not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 14/08/1872 not stated WOLPART
ВОЛПАРТ Jude Mozes not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Khaya Mozes not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 15/08/1872 not stated BAIROD
БАЙРОД Rafael- Noah Meier- Joseph not stated not stated Riga GRINWALD ГРИНВАЛД Frida not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 15/08/1872 - LEVINSKI
ЛЕВИНСКИЙ Khaya Samarius not stated Soldier not stated KURTZ КУРЦ Liba not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 18/08/1872 not stated HURR
ГУРР Abraham Lazer not stated Tailor Sklow not stated - Hinda Hosias not stated Hillel ZHIV -
45 170
Riga 1872 22/08/1872 not stated KAPOLOVICH
КАПОЛОВИЧ Ahron- Feibush Itzak not stated not stated Pokroi not stated - Rose Samuel not stated Isak SHVERDLIN -
Riga 1872 25/08/1872 - KUZNETZKI
КУЗНЕЦКИЙ Shifra- Rosa Markus not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Etta Jakob not stated - -
Riga 1872 22/08/1872 not stated LOCHOVICH
ЛОХОВИЧ Khaim- Lazer Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Shifra Lazer not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 26/08/1872 not stated TZINEMAN
ЦИНЕМАН Peisakh- Mendel Khaim not stated not stated Beisagol
not stated - Khana Samuel not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 21/08/1872 not stated KAHN
КАН Zelig Mendel not stated not stated Piltene RIVLIN РИВЛИН Hena not stated not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
Riga 1872 24/08/1872 - BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Feiga Behr not stated Tailor Mitau not stated - Freide Hosias not stated - -
Riga 1872 29/08/1872 not stated MENDELSOHN
МЕНДЕЛЬСОН Lazer Hirsh not stated not stated Riga not stated - Eida Lazer not stated Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik -
Riga 1872 28/08/1872 - HOSIAS
ГОЗЯС Sheina- Mina Borukh not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Etta Leib not stated - -
46 175
Riga 1872 24/08/1872 not stated KATZENOVICH
КАЦЕНОВИЧ Isac- Jone Jakob not stated not stated Mitau SKUDES СКУДЕС Hinda- Lea not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 24/08/1872 - RUTTENBERG
РУТТЕНБЕРГ Shifra Nissen not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Khaya- Sarah Israel
not stated - -
Riga 1872 24/08/1872 not stated STILLBACH
СТИЛБАХ Zelig David not stated Trader
Mitau RAKAISER РАКАЙЗЕР Rosette not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 30/08/1872 not stated MALKIN
МАЛЬКИН Israel Lazer not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Beila Khaim
not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 28/08/1872 - VULFSOHN
ВУЛЬФСОН Khaya- Tzipora David not stated not stated Riga EDELSOHN ЕДЕЛЬСОН Eida not stated not stated - -
47 113
Riga 1872 1/09/1872 - LEVINOVICH
ЛЕВИНОВИЧ Unnamed( stillborn) Lazer not stated not stated Riga not stated - Anna Mozes not stated - -
Riga 1872 5/09/1872 - KATZ
КАЦ Michla Simon not stated not stated Pokroi not stated - Rachel Zusman not stated - -
Riga 1872 5/09/1872 not stated BALACK
БАЛАК Hirsh Jesaie not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Freida(?) Jakov not stated Abraham Isac PASS from Linkovo -
Riga 1872 6/09/1872 not stated LURJE
ЛУРЬЕ Hosias- Leib Hellman not stated not stated Bauska not stated - Mariasha Joseph
not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 1/09/1872 not stated SAL
САЛ Isak Leib not stated not stated Linkovo not stated - Sarah Isac not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1872 2/09/1872 - KAHN
КАН Pesha Khaim not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Khana Lipman not stated - -
Riga 1872 6/09/1872 not stated RUDESH
РУДЕШ David- Shmuel Markus- Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated RUVMAN РУВМАН Shifra not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 10/09/1872 not stated SHLOCKER
ШЛОКЕР Israel- Jezechiel Merkel not stated not stated Riga SHLOKER ШЛОКЕР Sheina not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 11/09/1872 not stated RABINOVICH
РАБИНОВИЧ Isak- Vulf Shrage not stated not stated Beisagol not stated - Sheina Behr
not stated Mozes BAG -
48 184
Riga 1872 15/09/1872 not stated MICHELOVICH
МИХЕЛОВИЧ Isak Lazer not stated not stated Janishki not stated - Liba- Lisa Isak not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 14/09/1872 not stated BLIDIN
БЛИДИН Shmuel Nachman not stated not stated Old Zhagore
not stated - Sarah Zalman not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1872 18/09/1872 - SHERMAN
ШЕРМАН Tzivia Shrage- Isak not stated not stated Riga not stated - Rivka Hirsh not stated - -
Riga 1872 19/09/1872 not stated HIRSHOVICH
ГИРШОВИЧ Israel David not stated Tailor Mitau
not stated - Lea Meier not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 20/09/1872 not stated KAHN
КАН Lazer Michel not stated Trader Riga not stated - Sheina- Gittel Mozes not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 20/09/1872 not stated WEINSHTEIN
ВЕЙНШТЕЙН Bentzion Meier- Zelik not stated Trader Riga not stated - Sarah Joseph not stated Hosias RAZBI -
Riga 1872 21/09/1872 not stated BILLITZ
БИЛИЦ Ahron- Isak Israel- Hirsh not stated not stated Odessa not stated - Khana Isc not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 24/09/1872 not stated KAGAN
КАГАН Markus- Itzik Zalman not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rasha Markus not stated Hosias RAZBI -
Riga 1872 24/09/1872 not stated SHEINE
ШЕЙНЕ Shimel- Ahron Leib not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Rivka Aizik not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN -
49 192
Riga 1872 23/09/1872 not stated KAHN
КАН Unnamed( stillborn) Elias not stated not stated Riga BERNSHTEIN БЕРНШТЕЙН Golda- Feiga not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 27/09/1872 not stated JANKELEVICH
ЯНКЕЛЕВИЧ Michel Vulf- Joseph not stated not stated Bauska not stated - Dina Joseph not stated Hosias RAZBI -
Riga 1872 29/09/1872 - STEMBER
СТЕМБЛЕР Rosa Hugo not stated Trader
Riga JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Wilhemine not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 30/09/1872 - ZIMBLER
ЦИМБЛЕР Unnamed( stillborn) Abraham not stated not stated Kovno not stated - Blume Hosias not stated - -
50 194
Riga 1872 1/10/1872 not stated BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Kalman Abe not stated not stated Riga SHINFELD ШИНФЕЛД Khana- Lea not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI -
Riga 1872 2/10/1872 - KRINKE
КРИНКЕ Feiga- Rivka Vulf not stated not stated Kovno not stated - Deborah Efroim
not stated - -
Riga 1872 2/10/1872 not stated BLECHSHTEIN
БЛЕХШТЕЙН Hirsh Abraham not stated not stated Riga not stated - Freida Benjamin not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 1/10/1872 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Israel Mozes not stated not stated Riga not stated - Feiga Fishel not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 5/10/1872 not stated MUSHKIN
МУШКИН Kheske Sheier(?) not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Freida Jesajus
not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 6/10/1872 not stated SHMUCKLER
ШМУКЛЕР David Mozes not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Zisla Leib not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 7/10/1872 - KATZ
КАЦ Liba Mozes not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Lea Borukh not stated - -
Riga 1872 9/10/1872 not stated SEGOR
СЕГОР Abram- Isak Zalman not stated not stated Leizewe(?) not stated - Shora- Lea Borukh not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 10/10/1872 not stated KURTZ
КУРЦ Lipman Daniel not stated Shoemaker Jalpeck(?) BLUM БЛУМ Leshe not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
The next 1872 Birth records are at Raduraksti
5 121
Riga 1872 11/10/1872 - SOTNIKOV
СОТНИКОВ Khaya Jankel- David not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Frume Samuel not stated - -
Riga 1872 11/10/1872 - BALAIKIN
БАЛАЙКИН Khaya- Miriam Salman not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Hode Zalman not stated - -
Riga 1872 11/10/1872 not stated KOENIGFEST
КЕНИГФЕСТ Elias Jankel not stated not stated Mitau FELDMAN ФЕЛЬДМАН Bassa not stated not stated David Jude LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1872 10/10/1872 not stated FRIEDMAN
ФРИДМАН Nissen/ Nikolai David not stated Trader
Riga not stated - Khaya Abraham not stated David Jude LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1872 15/10/1872 not stated GELL
ГЕЛ Hosias- Getzel Hirsh not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Beila- Deborah Samuel not stated RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 13/10/1872 not stated KAHN
КАН David Gutman not stated not stated Polangen BLECHSHTEIN БЛЕХШТЕЙН Sarah not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 14/10/1872 not stated SHUSTER
ШУСТЕР Behr Leib not stated not stated Kovno not stated - Jetta not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 15/10/1872 not stated ZELIKSOHN
ЗЕЛИКСОН Israel Falk not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Khana Isak not stated Mozes BAG -
6 123
Riga 1872 14/10/1872 - SOSNITZKI
СОСНИЦКИЙ Khiena- Golda Joseph not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Hinda- Rebecca Joseph not stated - -
Riga 1872 15/10/1872 not stated FISHER
ФИШЕР Mozes- Isak Khaim not stated Glazier Goldingen not stated - Tzivia Behr not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 18/10/1872 - HAMBURG
ГАМБУРГ The twin( stillborn) Lazer not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Sheina- Rachel Shlaume not stated - -
Riga 1872 18/10/1872 - HAMBURG
ГАМБУРГ The twin Sima Lazer not stated not stated Tukkhum not stated - Sheina- Rachel Shlaume not stated - -
Riga 1872 18/10/1872 not stated BALKIN
БАЛЬКИН Isak- Khaim Lazer not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Rosa Joseph not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 18/10/1872 - ...TALGER
- Etta- Bassa Ahron not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Khaya- Dina Juda not stated - -
Riga 1872 18/10/1872 - GOLDFAHRT(?)
- Unnamed( stillborn) Hosias not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Jente Behr not stated - -
7 128
Riga 1872 20/10/1872 - JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Rachel Benjamin not stated not stated Piltene KAHN КАН Ita not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 19/10/1872 - ZAK/ SACK
ЗАК Sheina- Liba Jakob not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Deborah Leib not stated - -
Riga 1872 19/10/1872 not stated MILVIDSKI
МИЛЬВИДСКИЙ Jakov Abraham- Jude not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Shifra Ruben not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 23/10/1872 not stated BUNKIN
БУНКИН Jakov Leib not stated not stated Gluboko not stated - Etta Elias not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 23/10/1872 not stated RUBIN
РУБИН Jude- Hillel Isak- Jude not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Sarah Mozes not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 27/10/1872 not stated ELIEVITZ
ЕЛЕВИЦ The twin Aizik Ahron not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Kreina Aizik not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 27/10/1872 - ELIEVITZ
ЕЛЕВИЦ The twin Elka Ahron not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Kreina Aizik not stated - -
8 213
Riga 1872 26/10/1872 not stated KAPLAN
КАПЛАН Khaim- Simon David- Salomon not stated not stated Bauska not stated - Anna Isak not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 26/10/1872 not stated MEIERSOHN
МЕЙЕРСОН Joseph- Faivush Israel not stated not stated Goldingen not stated - Gute Ruben not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 26/10/1872 not stated GRIN...?
- Israel Leib not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Rosa Samuel not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 1/10/1872 - ATLAS
АТЛАС Fruma- Eiga Salomon- Jakob not stated Glazier Vidzi not stated - Khaya- Beila Abraham not stated - -
9 216
Riga 1872 1/11/1872 not stated LICHTMAN
ЛИХТМАН Unnamed( stillborn) Jakov not stated Soldier not stated RIERMAN РИЕРМАН Khaya not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 1/11/1872 not stated KRON
КРОН Tzalel Mozes- Meier not stated not stated Mitau SHULMAN ШУЛЬМАН Sheina- Feiga not stated not stated Mozes ZHIV -
Riga 1872 3/11/1872 not stated IZRAELOVICH
ИЗРАЕЛОВИЧ Aizik Zelig not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Etta Faivush
not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 3/11/1872 not stated AIZIKOVICH
АЙЗИКОВИЧ Mozes- Leib Hirsh not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Menucha Leib not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1872 4/11/1872 not stated SHNEIDEMAN
ШНЕЙДЕМАН Zalman Isaac not stated not stated Klikol not stated - Khaya- Sarah Arje not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 4/11/1872 not stated ABRAMOVITZ/
АБРАМОВИЧ Behr Faibush not stated not stated Shaulen BLANKENSHTEIN БЛАНКЕНШТЕЙН Bassa not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
10 222
Riga 1872 4/11/1872 not stated ALBRECHT
АЛБРЕХТ Abraham Leib not stated not stated Riga ALBRECHT АЛБРЕХТ Sarah not stated not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 4/11/1872 not stated FARBMAN
ФАРБМАН Aizik Noah not stated not stated Vobolnik not stated - Khaya- Sarah Salomon not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 4/11/1872 - STEINBERG
СТЕЙНБЕРГ Golda Jude- Ezriel not stated not stated Riga WILNER/ VILNER
ВИЛЬНЕР Jenta not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 5/11/1872 - KAHN
КАН Miriam- Doba Zalkind not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Liba Hirsh not stated - -
Riga 1872 5/11/1872 - POZIR...?
- Sarah- Lea Isaac not stated not stated Shaulen JOSSEM ИОССЕМ Rasha not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 5/11/1872 - HAIET
ХАЕТ Sheina- Etta Ahron not stated not stated Riga LICHEDOV ЛИХЕДОВ Jenta not stated not stated - -
11 136
Riga 1872 6/11/1872 - MUSHAT
МУШАТ Unnamed( stillborn) Meier not stated not stated Zhagore
not stated - Sheina Leib not stated - -
Riga 1872 6/11/1872 - ROMBRO
РОМБРО Khaya- Sarah Noah not stated not stated Vilna not stated - Tzipa Sholem not stated - -
Riga 1872 6/11/1872 not stated BALSHA
БАЛША Hirsh- Gutman Abraham- Ahron not stated not stated Pokroi not stated - Deborah Faibush
not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 6/11/1872 not stated SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Jekhiel- Leib Ahron not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Rosa Jekhiel not stated Ahron LIPSHITZ
Riga 1872 8/11/1872 not stated KORDOWER
КОРДОВЕР Samuel- Leib Isak not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Khaya Samuel not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 8/11/1872 not stated ZELIKOVICH
ЗЕЛИКОВИЧ Isaac Peisakh not stated not stated hidden ABRAMOVICH АБРАМОВИЧ Sarah Abram
Shaulen Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 8/11/1872 not stated PRUSINSKI
ПРУСИНСКИЙ Mendel Ahron not stated not stated ? ZELIKSOHN ЗЕЛИКСОН Rasha- Khaya not stated not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 10/11/1872 - ...ROK
- Feiga- Ita Jakob- Hessel not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Sheina Volf not stated - -
Riga 1872 12/11/1872 - FELLER
ФЕЛЛЕР Deborah Abe not stated not stated Pumpian not stated - Sarah- Itta Lazer not stated - -
Riga 1872 12/11/1872 - ESSENSOHN
ЕССЕНСОН Ida Abraham not stated not stated Keidan not stated - Khiena Jude not stated - -
Riga 1872 12/11/1872 not stated PRIK...
- Zalman- Leib Ahron not stated not stated Shashnik not stated - Fruma- Lea Elias
not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 12/11/1872 not stated MAKLAN
МАКЛАН Markus- Fishel Meier not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rachel- Lea Salomon
not stated Mozes- Ahron ZITRON -
12 231
Riga 1872 12/11/1872 not stated GOLDE
ГОЛДЕ Nisson Mozes not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Esther Jesaie not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 14/11/1872 not stated SENDER
СЕНДЕР Abraham- David Joseph- Elias not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Slova- Esther Vulf not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 15/11/1872 - ROSENFELD
РОЗЕНФЕЛД Mushka Mozes- Isak not stated not stated Tshashnik not stated - Anna- Rebecca Zalman not stated - -
Riga 1872 19/11/1872 - TUV
ТУВ Sheina- Rebecca Izak not stated not stated Rezise LEVI ЛЕВИ Zelda not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 19/11/1872 - JOSSELOVICH
ИОСЕЛОВИЧ Braina Jeasae not stated Under officer not stated not stated - Khaya Jakov not stated - -
Riga 1872 20/11/1872 - IZRAELSOHN
ИЗРАЕЛЬСОН Nechama- Freida Salomon- David not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Shprintze Hirsh not stated - -
Riga 1872 21/11/1872 not stated GOTTLIEB
ГОТЛИБ Leib Zalman not stated not stated Riga STEMBER СТЕМБЕР Guta- Esther not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 22/11/1872 - RUSHBERG(?)
- Rebecca- Deborah Mozes not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Ita- Mariasha Abraham
not stated - -
Riga 1872 22/11/1872 not stated BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Shachne Abraham- Abe not stated not stated Riga BLUMFELD
БЛУМФЕЛД Rosa not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 24/11/1872 not stated PEREGOVICH ПЕРЕГОВИЧ Isak Rafael not stated Soldier not stated ISAKOVICH ИЗАКОВИЧ Pessa- Rebecca not stated not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 26/11/1872 not stated JABLONSKI ЯБЛОНСКИЙ Elias Zelik not stated not stated Krok SHERMAN ШЕРМАН Sheina not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 28/11/1872 - DEVJATKIN ДЕВЯТКИН Brocha Gabriel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Deborah Abraham
not stated - -
13 237
Riga 1872 27/11/1872 not stated KIRSHNER
КИРШНЕР Abraham- Joseph Samuel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Malka Joseph
not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 28/11/1872 not stated WIEDERMAN
ВИДЕРМАН Khaya- Liba Ahron not stated not stated Kros not stated - Bluma- Hinda Abraham
not stated - -
Riga 1872 28/11/1872 not stated RAPOPORT
РАПОПОРТ Khaim- Behr Hillel not stated not stated Riga not stated - Miriam Zalman not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 28/11/1872 not stated MUZIKANT
МУЗЫКАНТ Jakov Michel not stated Soldier not stated SACHS/ ZAKS ЗАКС Etta not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 28/11/1872 - GOLDBERG
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ Esther Juda not stated not stated Riga FROMHOLD ФРОМГОЛД Zisa- Feiga not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 29/11/1872 - LIPOVICH
ЛИПОВИЧ The twin Jenta Vulf not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sheina Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1872 29/11/1872 - LIPOVICH
ЛИПОВИЧ The twin Golda Vulf not stated Soldier
not stated not stated - Sheina Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1872 30/11/1872 - RADOLJE
РАДОЛЬЕ Unnamed( stillborn) Leib not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Rebecca Vulf
not stated - -
Riga 1872 27/11/1872 - HIRSHBERG
ГИРШБЕРГ Rachel Isak not stated not stated Zhagore
not stated - Rivka- Frome not stated not stated - -
14 240
Riga 1872 1/12/1872 not stated VILKOMIRSKI
ВИЛКОМИРСКИЙ Leib Mozes not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Liba
not stated David- Jude LIPSHITZ -
Riga 1872 3/12/1872 - ARONSOHN
АРОНСОН Leib- Abe Mozes- David not stated not stated Bauska SHPRINGENFELD ШПРИНГЕНФЕЛД Beila or Keila not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 4/12/1872 not stated KAPLAN
КАПЛАН Rachel- Feiga Jakob not stated not stated Shaulen STAMBE СТАМБЕ Rebecca-Braina
not stated - -
Riga 1872 4/12/1872 not stated SHLOMINSKI
ШЛОМИНСКИЙ Abram- Faibush Elias not stated not stated Ligum not stated - Khaya- Sarah Jesae not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 4/12/1872 not stated SHEER
ШЕР The twin Joseph Gotze- Zelik not stated not stated Ponevesh not stated - Etta Vulf not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 4/12/1872 not stated SHEER
ШЕР The twin Meier Gotze- Zelik not stated not stated Ponevesh not stated - Etta Vulf not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 5/12/1872 not stated ABRAMSOHN
АБРАМСОН Abraham Pinkhus not stated not stated Mitau SHLOCKER ШЛОКЕР Etta not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 6/12/1872 - MENDELOVICH
МЕНДЕЛОВИЧ Beila- Rebecca Mendel not stated not stated Salant not stated - Rachel- Lea Leib not stated - -
Riga 1872 6/12/1872 - FEIGUS
ФЕЙГУС Jemma Aizik not stated not stated Vilna not stated - Sheina Jaune
not stated - -
Riga 1872 6/12/1872 not stated PUMPIANSKI
ПУМПЯНСКИЙ Mozes- Leib Behr not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rachel Behr not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 6/12/1872 not stated GERBER
ГЕРБЕР Israel- Getze Hirsh not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Roza Bentzion
not stated Mozes HATZKELEVICH from Okmian -
Riga 1872 7/12/1872 not stated KUSHELEVICH
КУШЕЛЕВИЧ Abraham- Shabsa Behr not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Khaya Zelig not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 8/12/1872 not stated JOFFE
ИОФФЕ Hirsh- David Jakob not stated not stated Polotzk BAIER БАЕР Deborah not stated not stated David JAKOBSOHN -
15 156
Riga 1872 10/12/1872 - JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Tzipa- Esther Jakob not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Sheina- Mina Hosias
not stated - -
Riga 1872 8/12/1872 not stated SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Hirsh Joseph not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Sarah- Lea Abraham not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rossieny -
Riga 1872 11/12/1872 - BLOCH
БЛОХ Braina Kalman not stated not stated Rossieny not stated - Feiga Mozes not stated - -
Riga 1872 11/12/1872 - BINDER
БИНДЕР Miriam- Sarah Behr not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Bluma Gabriel not stated - -
Riga 1872 12/12/1872 - KAPLAN
КАПЛАН Freida Efraim- Leib not stated not stated Rossieny not stated - Sheina- Mina Jakob
not stated - -
Riga 1872 12/12/1872 not stated BADOV
БАДОВ Samuel- Leib Ezechiel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Tzerna- Mariasha Leib not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1872 13/12/1872 not stated VISSOTZKI
ВИСОЦКИЙ The triplet( stillborn) Jakob not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Raina Ezriel not stated - -
Riga 1872 13/12/1872 - VISSOTZKI ВИСОЦКИЙ The triplet Khaya Jakob not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Raina Ezriel not stated - -
Riga 1872 13/12/1872 - VISSOTZKI ВИСОЦКИЙ The triplet Sarah Jakob not stated not stated Mitau
not stated - Raina Ezriel not stated - -
Riga 1872 13/12/1872 not stated TZUCKERMAN
ЦУКЕРМАН Lazer Simcha not stated Soldier not stated GRINBLATT ГРИНБЛАТ Pessa not stated not stated Mozes- Ahron ZITRON from Rossieny -
Riga 1872 13/12/1872 - PANKOVSKI
ПАНКОВСКИЙ Sarah- Rebecca Gottlieb not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Feiga- Roza Rafael
not stated - -
Riga 1872 14/12/1872 not stated SESNOVIK
СЕСНОВИК Israel- Abraham Borukh- Samuel not stated not stated Disna not stated - Khaya Jakob not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1872 14/12/1872 - KOTTER
КОТТЕР Frome- Eva Isak not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Feiga Abraham not stated - -
16 164
Riga 1872 16/12/1872 not stated AROLOVICH
АРОЛОВИЧ Rachel- Lea Vulf not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Vitta Jeske
not stated - -
Riga 1872 17/12/1872 not stated LACHMONIN
ЛАХМОНИН Idel Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Lea Leib not stated Isak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
Riga 1872 9/12/1872 not stated HASKEL
ГАСКЕЛ Isak- Faivish Behr- Joseph not stated not stated Tukkum not stated - Itta Jankel
not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 16/12/1872 not stated GOLDSHMIDT
ГОЛДШМИДТ Samuel- Osher Faibush- Nisson not stated not stated Birzhi not stated - Itta- Nechama Osher
not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 19/12/1872 not stated FRIEDMAN
ФРИДМАН Simcha Abraham not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Hode- Fruma Simcha
not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN -
Riga 1872 20/12/1872 not stated ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Abraham Israel not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Khaya- Sarah Mozes not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
17 165
Riga 1872 21/12/1872 - TSHESLER
ЧЕСЛЕР Sarah- Rebecca Vulf- David not stated not stated Vilna not stated - Deborah- Lea Daniel not stated - -
Riga 1872 22/12/1872 - MINKOVICH
МИНКОВИЧ Unnamed( stillborn) Michel not stated not stated Polotzk MINKOVICH МИНКОВИЧ Bassa not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 23/12/1872 not stated WAINER/ VAINER
ВАЙНЕР Joseph- Meier Jakob not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Sarah Mozes not stated Mozes- Aron ZITRON from Rossieny -
Riga 1872 6/12/1872 - CHITRIN/ HITRIN
ХИТРИН Rachel- Malka Markus not stated not stated Kopest( Kopys, Belarus) not stated - Khaya Michel not stated - -
Riga 1872 24/12/1872 - BIELIN
БИЕЛИН Rebecca- Esther Khaim not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Pessa- Rachel Abraham not stated Mozes BAG from Klikol -
18 261
Riga 1872 23/12/1872 not stated RUBINSHTEIN
РУБИНШТЕЙН Israel Hirsh- Jude not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rachel Abraham not stated - -
Riga 1872 28/12/1872 - KAPLAN
КАПЛАН Khaya- Rebecca Leib- David not stated not stated Shaulen not stated - Etta Jude not stated - -
Riga 1872 23/12/1872 not stated GRUDIN
ГРУДИН Mozes Jude not stated not stated Zhagore not stated - Freude Menachem not stated Isak SHVERDLIN -
Riga 1872 28/12/1872 not stated RABOVSKI
РАБОВСКИЙ Samuel- Jona Abram- Meier not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Sarah- Rebecca David
not stated Zalman RAPOPORT -
Riga 1872 27/12/1872 - LIDSKI
ЛИДСКИЙ Ita- Rosa Kiva- Jakob not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Khaya- Sarah Joseph not stated - -
19 171
Riga 1872 28/12/1872 - CHEIFEZ/ HEIFETZ
ХЕЙФЕЦ Unnamed( stillborn) Hewish not stated not stated Minsk BENTSH БЕНЧ Fruma not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 29/12/1872 - HAITKIN
ХАЙТКИН Glika Bentzion not stated not stated Zhagore
not stated - Anna Gutman
not stated - -
Riga 1872 29/12/1872 - VISNOVSKI
ВИСНОВСКИЙ Zelda- Liba Elias not stated not stated Eiragolen not stated - Sheina- Shtirna Vulf not stated - -
Riga 1872 29/12/1872 not stated PAGOVICH
ПАГОВИЧ Mozes Lazer not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Guta Eliash not stated Mozes BAG -
Riga 1872 31/12/1872 - WAHRHAFT
ВАРГАФТ Frume Leib not stated Soldier not stated KUZNETZKI
КУЗНЕЦКИЙ Judith not stated not stated - -
20 175
Riga 1872 31/12/1872 - KAUFMAN
КАУФМАН Deborah Leib not stated Soldier not stated not stated - Rebecca Markus not stated - -
Riga 1872 8/07/1872 not stated SALMANSOHN
ЗАЛМАНСОН Bentzion Lazer not stated not stated Riga not stated - Sarah not stated not stated Hirsh KAPLAN from Klikol -
Riga 1872 18/02/1871 - MASHKENSKI(?)
- Sarah Meier not stated Soldier not stated ALTMAN
АЛТМАН Feiga not stated not stated - -
Riga 1872 9/12/1872 not stated SHAVLOV
ШАВЛОВ Markus Shabsha not stated not stated Riga LIPMANOVICH ЛИПМАНОВИЧ Rosa not stated not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
Riga 1872 31/12/1872 not stated ARONSHTAM
АРОНШТАМ Mozes Ruben not stated not stated Mitau not stated - Feiga Benjamin not stated - -


All the records