О родившихся в Рига в 1869г.
Births in Riga in 1869.
Naissances a Riga de

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All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

The Russian Imperial Census of 1897 Commission.In St Petersburg and in Khabarovsk district
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List of names. Inhabitants of Riga from 1854 to 1909.

Page Record


Year Date of birth Date of circumcision
Surname Surname
Given name Father's name Father's patronymic Occupation  of the father
Father's place
of registration
Surname in cyrillic Mother's
first name
Mother's place
of registration
4 1
Riga 1869 1/01/1869 not stated HIRSHMAN
ГИРШМАН Khaim- Leib Aron not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Elka Isak not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
1 Riga 1869 2/01/1869 - SACHS/ ZAKS
ЗАКС Etta- Deborah Izak Jakov not stated New- Zhagore(  Žagarė, Lithuania)
Not stated - Gela Jacob not stated - -
2 Riga 1869 2/01/1869 - JOSSEM
ИОССЕМ Deborah- Lea Khaim Aron not stated Shaki(  Šakiai, Lithuania) Not stated - Rachel- Beila Michel not stated - -
2 Riga 1869 2/01/1869 not stated ZHAGORSKI
ЖАГОРСКИЙ Abraham- Isak Mozes Juda not stated Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) Not stated - Tzivia Nokhum not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
3 Riga 1869 11/01/1869 not stated KAHN/ CAHN
КАН Samuel Khaim Benjamin not stated Goldingen( Kuldiga, Latvia) Not stated - Khana Lipman not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
4 Riga 1869 13/01/1869 not stated MATISOHN
МАТИСОН Noah- Naftali Lazer Markus not stated Mitau Not stated - Hena- Rosa Bentzion not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
5 5 Riga 1869 15/01/1869 not stated KAHN
КАН The twin Ruben Leib- Note Ruben
not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) HIRSHOVICH ГИРШОВИЧ Rachel not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
6 Riga 1869 15/01/1869 not stated KAHN
КАН The twin Mendel Leib- Note Ruben not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) HIRSHOVICH ГИРШОВИЧ Rachel not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
7 Riga 1869 16/01/1869 not stated FRIEDMAN
ФРИДМАН Daniel David Vulf not stated Riga ARENSHTAM АРЕНШТАМ Khaya not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
8 Riga 1869 19/01/1869 not stated MASHEVICH
МАШЕВИЧ Peisakh- Idel Bentzion Judel Trader Bauska BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Jache not stated not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
9 Riga 1869 19/01/1869 not stated PINKENISKI
ПИНКЕНИСКИЙ Peisakh- Shakhne David Jakov Soldier not stated JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Khaya- Glika not stated not stated Joseph Leib MICHELSOHN from Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) -
10 Riga 1869 19/01/1869 not stated SHWARTZ
ШВАРЦ Kusiel Jakov- Heschel Hersh not stated Mitau GOTTLIEB ГОТЛИБ Sheina not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
6 11 Riga 1869 23/01/1869 not stated GRUNDE
ГРУНДЕ Vulf Khaim- Joseph Vulf not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Tauba- Rasha Isak not stated Joseph Leib MICHELSOHN from Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) -
3 Riga 1869 24/01/1869 -
ТУБЯС Rebecca Daniel Pinkhus not stated Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) MENDELSOHN МЕНДЕЛЬСОН Rasha not stated not stated - -
12 Riga 1869 24/01/1869 not stated SHERMAN
ШЕРМАН Zundel Gedalja not stated not stated not stated
Not stated - Lea Abraham not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
13 Riga 1869 25/01/1869 not stated BLECHSTEIN
БЛЕХСТЕЙН Aron Abram Leib not stated Mitau Not stated - Miriam Hirsh not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
14 Riga 1869 28/01/1869 not stated LEVENBERG
ЛЕВЕНБЕРГ Joseph- Viktor David Jakov not stated Friedrichstadt BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Eida not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
15 Riga 1869 30/01/1869 not stated GUTERMAN
ГУТЕРМАН Meier- Michel Khaim- Samuel Behr not stated Talachyn, Belarus SHEIN ШЕЙН Khana- Blume not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
7 16 Riga 1869 30/01/1869 not stated BRUSOVSKI
БРУСОВСКИЙ Nachman- Jakov Shimshe Kadish Soldier not stated Not stated - Frume Leib not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
17 Riga 1869 31/01/1869 not stated KHOS
ХОС Joseph- Leib Shaul- Mozes Joseph
not stated Vilna
Not stated - Beila Salomon not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
18 Riga 1869 1/02/1869 not stated HIRSHOVICH
ГИРШОВИЧ Hirsh- Markus Hirsh Markus
Soldier not stated Not stated - Rachel Samuel not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
4 Riga 1869 1/02/1869 -
ХАЙМОВИЧ Khaya- Sarah Mozes Tankhum
Soldier not stated Not stated - Traine Victor not stated - -
8 5 Riga 1869 2/02/1869 - SHACHTER
ШАХТЕР Zerna Samuel Khaim not stated Windau( Ventspils, Latvia) LEVI ЛЕВИ Jente not stated not stated - -
6 Riga 1869 5/02/1869 - MARKLOVSKI
МАРКЛОВСКИЙ Esther Benjamin David not stated Rassein( Raseiniai, Lithuania) LEVENSOHN ЛЕВЕНСОН Khaya not stated not stated - -
19 Riga 1869 5/02/1869 not stated ENGELBERG
ЭНГЕЛЬБЕРГ David Izrael Markus not stated Mitau FRIEDMAN ФРИДМАН Freude not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
7 Riga 1869 5/02/1869 - HERTZ
ГЕРЦ Bassa- Rebecca Mozes not stated Blacksmith Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Khaya- Sarah not stated not stated - -
20 Riga 1869 5/02/1869 not stated FRIEDBLATT
ФРИДБЛАТТ Elias- Behr Joseph Behr Worker Keidan( Kėdainiai, Lithuania) Not stated - Gute Elias not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
8 Riga 1869 5/02/1869 - KAHN/ CAHN
КАН Zelda Nissen not stated Trader Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) FALK ФАЛК Rosa not stated not stated - -
9 21 Riga 1869 6/02/1869 not stated JOSELOVICH
ИОСЕЛОВИЧ Joseph Jesias Joseph Soldier not stated Not stated - Khaya Jakob not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
22 Riga 1869 7/02/1869 not stated ARON
АРОН Kalman Leib Abram not stated Eragolen(Eglaine, Latvia) GURVICH ГУРВИЧ Jente not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
23 Riga 1869 8/02/1869 not stated SHAPIRO
ШАПИРО Ruben- Hirsh Khatzkiel Behr not stated Eragolen(Eglaine, Latvia) GRINFELD ГРИНФЕЛД Taube not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
24 Riga 1869 11/02/1869 not stated GRINBERG
ГРИНБЕРГ Samuel- Josel Hosias Markus Soldier not stated KANOBKI КАНОБКИ Khaya not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
25 Riga 1869 12/02/1869 not stated LIDSKI
ЛИДКИЙ Abram- Sholem Ekive Jakob Soldier not stated GLICKMAN ГЛИКМАН Khaya- Sarah not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
9 Riga 1869 12/02/1869 -
МЕЛЬНИК Malka- Esther Isak Abraham Soldier not stated
Not stated - Lea Ziskind not stated - -
10 10 Riga 1869 12/02/1869 - TUBIAS
ТУБЯС Khaya- Sheina Abraham Jakob Soldier not stated FELDMAN ФЕЛДМАН Deborah not stated not stated - -
11 Riga 1869 13/02/1869 - SHPRINGENFELD
ШПРИНГЕНФЕЛД Khana Sholem not stated not stated Riga KAHN/ COHN КАН Glika not stated not stated - -
26 Riga 1869 14/02/1869 not stated GUTMAN
ГУТМАН Jaune- Meier Izak not stated Soldier not stated DEBALKAN ДЕБАЛКАН Matla not stated not stated - -
27 Riga 1869 15/02/1869 not stated DAMELIN
ДАМЕЛИН Izak Jakov not stated Soldier not stated BRAUN БРАУН Mera not stated not stated - -
28 Riga 1869 18/02/1869 not stated KAHN
КАН Izrael- Tzemach Vulf not stated not stated Riga MANDELSHTAM МАНДЕЛШТАМ Nechama not stated not stated - -
29 Riga 1869 20/02/1869 not stated KANARSKI
КАНАРСКИЙ Mozes- Nokhum Jakov not stated Officer not stated Not stated - Taube Efraim not stated - -
11 30 Riga 1869 20/02/1869 not stated BORUCHOVICH
БОРУХОВИ Genoch Lazer not stated not stated Bauska KRATZER КРАЦЕР Lea not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
31 Riga 1869 20/02/1869 not stated SHMUCKLER
ШМУКЛЕР Mozes Samarius not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Elka Menachem not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
32 Riga 1869 20/02/1869 not stated IDELSACK
ИДЕЛЬСАК Leib David Hirsh
not stated Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) Not stated - Rachel Vulf not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
33 Riga 1869 20/02/1869 not stated EDELSHTEIN
ЕДЕЛЬШТЕЙН Meier- Markus Jakov not stated not stated Sebilen( Sabile, Latvia or  Izabelin, Belarus) SHERMAN ШЕРМАН Freude not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
34 Riga 1869 20/02/1869 not stated KRAMER
КРАМЕР Getzel Gavriel not stated not stated Pokroi( Pakruojis, Lithuania) Not stated - Sheina Peisakh not stated Joseph FRIEDLAND from Dunaburg -
35 Riga 1869 21/02/1869 not stated BEHRMAN
БЕРМАН Isak Khaim Jakov
not stated Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) SHRAGE ШРАГЕ Eida not stated not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
12 36 Riga 1869 22/02/1869 not stated SHIROTKIN
ШИРОТКИН Isaac- Arja Ruben not stated Soldier Riga Not stated - Michla David not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
12 Riga 1869 23/02/1869 not stated HIRSHSOHN
ГИРШСОН Deborah- Bassa Vulf not stated not stated Yanishok, Janishki( Joniškis, Lithuania)
Not stated - Elka Shlome not stated - -
37 Riga 1869 24/02/1869 not stated TANKEL
ТАНКЕЛ Abraham Jeruchim Jakob
not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) FEINBERG ФЕЙНБЕРГ Khassa not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
38 Riga 1869 27/02/1869 not stated LEHAK
ЛЕХАК Mendel Salomon not stated Worker Shmilian( Smolyany, Belarus) Not stated - Shime Tankhum not stated Nochum David RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) and Izak SHVERDLIN from Druya -
39 Riga 1869 27/02/1869 not stated WOLLMAN
ВОЛМАН Hirsh- Jakob Genoch not stated not stated Eragolen(Eglaine, Latvia) Not stated - Feiga Mann not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
13 40 Riga 1869 1/03/1869 not stated IDELSOHN
ИДЕЛЬСОН Hirsh- Shachne/ Herman Victor not stated not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) FRIEDMAN ФРИДМАН Michla not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
13 Riga 1869 1/03/1869 - KRAMER
КРАМЕР Liba- Khaya Meier not stated Under officer not stated JOSELOVICH ИОСЕЛОВИЧ Sarah- Feiga not stated not stated - -
41 Riga 1869 11/03/1869 not stated SHOTNIKEN
ШОТНИКЕН Jekhiel- Gershon Mozes not stated Glazier New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Khana not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
42 Riga 1869 16/03/1869 not stated BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Ezekiel Behr not stated not stated Mitau SHIRN ШИРН Freude not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
43 Riga 1869 17/03/1869 not stated KAHN
КАН Markus Hosias not stated not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) SHTERN ШТЕРН Bassa not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
14 Riga 1869 18/03/1869 - PERLMAN
ПЕРЛМАН Feiga Behr not stated not stated Tukkum DAVIDSOHN ДАВИДСОН Etta not stated not stated - -
14 44 Riga 1869 19/03/1869 not stated BESPROZVANI
БЕЗПРОЗВАНИ Abram- Samuel Michle not stated not stated not stated GUTMAN ГУТМАН Mina not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
15 Riga 1869 23/03/1869 - NEUBERG
НЕЙБЕРГ Unnamed( stillborn) Ruben not stated not stated not stated Not stated - Asna- Jette not stated not stated - -
16 Riga 1869 25/03/1869 - SINENBERG
СИНЕНБЕРГ Khaya- Rebecca Abram Isak not stated Jakobstadt
BAUMGARTEN БАУМГАРТЕН Itte- Beila not stated not stated - -
45 Riga 1869 26/03/1869 not stated LOPATNIKOV
ЛОПАТНИКОВ Behr Ahron not stated not stated Janishki( Joniškis, Lithuania) LEVIN ЛЕВИН Tzerna not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rasehein -
46 Riga 1869 27/03/1869 not stated ROSENOW
РОЗЕНОВ Unnamed( stillborn) David not stated not stated Vitebsk BORKUM БОРКУМ Tauba not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rasehein -
47 Riga 1869 27/03/1869 not stated RUBINSHTEIN
РУБИНШТЕЙН Hirsh- David Rafael not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Itta Rubin not stated Josel Leib MICHELSOHN from Birzhi -
15 17 Riga 1869 30/03/1869 - ZEITLIN
ЗЕЙТЛИН Rebecca Jakob not stated not stated Mogilev
BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Rachel not stated not stated - -
18 Riga 1869 2/04/1869 - MARKUZE
МАРКУЗЕ Hode Mozes not stated Trader Goldingen Not stated - Mathilde Volf not stated - -
19 Riga 1869 3/04/1869 - PIESKIN
ПЬЕСКИН Beila/ Bertha Israel not stated not stated Vilna TRACHTENBERG ТРАХТЕНБЕРГ Golda not stated not stated - -
20 Riga 1869 3/04/1869 - CHASINOVICH/
ХАСИНОВИЧ Liebe Osher not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Sarah Izak not stated - -
16 48 Riga 1869 4/04/1869 not stated KIRSHNER
КИРШНЕР Khaim Jerachmiel not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) NEUMAN НЕЙМАН Freude not stated not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
49 Riga 1869 4/04/1869 not stated REINERT
РЕЙНЕРТ Faibush Nachman not stated Soldier not stated SHTEINFELD ШТЕЙНФЕЛД Miriam not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
50 Riga 1869 5/04/1869 not stated SHTREICHER
ШТРЕЙХЕР Izrael- Jude Meier not stated Soldier not stated RIGERMAN РИГЕРМАН Bassia not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
51 Riga 1869 5/04/1869 not stated BLUMENTHAL
БЛУМЕНТАЛ Markus Hirsh not stated not stated Piltene
KAHN КАН Diane not stated not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
52 Riga 1869 6/04/1869 not stated KAPLAN
КАПЛАН Genoch- Mendel Jaune not stated not stated Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) KAPLUN КАПЛУН Sarah- Golda not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
53 Riga 1869 10/04/1869 not stated KHAITKIN/
ХАЙТКИН Zelik Bentzion not stated not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) GUTMAN ГУТМАН Khane not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
17 54 Riga 1869 11/04/1869 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Levik- Markus Samuel not stated not stated Johrenberg SHERMAN ШЕРМАН Zelda not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
21 Riga 1869 12/04/1869 - KAPLUN/ KAPLAN
КАПЛУН Golda Aron not stated not stated Johrenberg ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Rassia not stated not stated - -
22 Riga 1869 15/04/1869 - RUDES
РУДЕС Beila- Basheva Markus Hirsh
Soldier not stated GRUDMAN ГРУДМАН Shifra not stated not stated - -
23 Riga 1869 15/04/1869 - BAUM
БАУМ Khaya- Beila Rafael not stated Soldier not stated JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Lea not stated not stated - -
24 Riga 1869 16/04/1869 - ZALMANOVICH
ЗАЛМАНОВИЧ Khaya Joseph not stated not stated Mitau LOCHOVITZ ЛОХОВИЦ Eida not stated not stated - -
25 Riga 1869 17/04/1869 - POZISKI
ПОЗИСКИЙ Zlata Jakob not stated Soldier not stated STALORENSKI СТАЛОРЕНСКИЙ Rebecca not stated not stated - -
18 55 Riga 1869 17/04/1869 not stated KRON
КРОН Rafael Mozes Meier not stated Mitau SHULMAN ШУЛЬМАН Sheina- Feiga not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rassein and David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
56 Riga 1869 17/04/1869 not stated BESSER
БЕССЕР Mozes- David Samuel not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Beila Samuel not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
57 Riga 1869 17/04/1869 not stated JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Lazer Jude Elias not stated Bauska SHRAGE ШРАГЕ Bluma not stated not stated Joseph FRIEDLAND from Dunaburg -
58 Riga 1869 17/04/1869 not stated ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Elias Samuel not stated Soldier not stated RUBINSHTEIN РУБИНШТЕЙН Slava not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
59 Riga 1869 18/04/1869 not stated SCHLUSEVICH
ШЛУСЕВИЧ Samuel Vulf not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Etka Vulf not stated Joseph FRIEDLAND from Dunaburg -
60 Riga 1869 22/04/1869 not stated SHER
ШЕР Unnamed Eber not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Lane Joseph not stated Joseph FRIEDLAND from Dunaburg -
19 26 Riga 1869 23/04/1869 BLUMBERG
БЛУМБЕРГ Sarah- Kende Nochum Elias not stated Vilna Not stated - Braina Izak not stated - -
61 Riga 1869 23/04/1869 not stated KREZER
КРЕЗЕР Juda Behr not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Tzipa Juda not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
62 Riga 1869 23/04/1869 not stated KHAIET/ HAIET
ХАЕТ Hirsh Salomon not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Zelda Tanchum not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
27 Riga 1869 24/04/1869 SHMULIZANSKI
ШМУЛИЗАНСКИЙ Miriam Lazer not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Sheina- Deborah Behr not stated - -
28 Riga 1869 24/04/1869 NADOL/ NADEL
НАДЕЛ Esther- Ette Khaim Tzalel
Under officer not stated ITZIKSOHN ИЦИКСОН Mina not stated not stated - -
63 Riga 1869 25/04/1869 not stated SHIMES
ШИМЕС Mendel* Vulf not stated not stated Shmilian( Smolyany, Belarus) Not stated - Khana Izrael not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya, Belarus Died on  8/05/1869
20 64 Riga 1869 28/04/1869 not stated DORFMAN
ДОРФМАН Khaim- Abe Mozes not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Rebecca Izrael not stated Nochum David RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
29 Riga 1869 29/04/1869 - GRUSCHKE
ГРУШКЕ Margilis Aron Joseph
Soldier not stated
Not stated - Pessa Zelik not stated - -
30 Riga 1869 30/04/1869 - HIRSHOVICH
ГИРШОВИЧ Unnamed Jakob not stated not stated Kreutzburg Not stated - Tauba Ezekhiel not stated - -
65 Riga 1869 30/04/1869 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Juda Hirsh not stated not stated Popelian( Papile, Lithuania) Not stated - Tzivia Juda not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya, Belarus -
21 31 Riga 1869 1/05/1869 - GARDOVER
ГАРДОВЕР Beila Abram Izak not stated Mitau HIRSHOVICH ГИРШОВИЧ Khaya- Sarah not stated not stated - -
66 Riga 1869 1/05/1869 not stated FISHEL
ФИШЕЛ Abraham Fishel not stated not stated Tukkum IZRAELOVICH ИЗРАЕЛОВИЧ Tauba not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
32 Riga 1869 2/05/1869 - SHEFTELOVICH
ШЕФТЕЛОВИЧ Khaya Hosias Fishel not stated Bauska KAHN КАН Eva not stated not stated - -
67 Riga 1869 3/05/1869 not stated SHVER
ШВЕР Borukh Behr not stated not stated Ponedeli( Pandelys, Lithuania)
ROZENFELD РОЗЕНФЕЛД Deborah not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
68 Riga 1869 3/05/1869 not stated KLUGMAN
КЛУГМАН Jakob Joseph not stated not stated Kelme, Lithuania KRETZER КРЕЦЕР Sarah not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
69 Riga 1869 3/05/1869 not stated KAHN
КАН Jekhiel- Michel Ahron not stated not stated Shad FRIEDLENDER ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Gittel not stated not stated Hillel SIN, from Rassein -
22 33 Riga 1869 8/05/1869 - SKLAVIN
СКЛАВИН Unnamed Hirsh not stated not stated Kelme Not stated - Khaya- Sarah Salomon not stated - -
70 Riga 1869 9/05/1869 not stated ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Jakob Hirsh not stated not stated Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) Not stated - Khana Salomon not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya, Belarus -
71 Riga 1869 9/05/1869 not stated JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Jerakhmiel Mozes not stated not stated Mitau SHEFTELSOHN ШЕФТЕЛСОН Mina not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya, Belarus -
72 Riga 1869 9/05/1869 not stated SHTEIMAN
ШТЕЙМАН Jude- Leib Hirsh not stated not stated Dunaburg Not stated - Rebecca Leib not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya, Belarus -
73 Riga 1869 10/05/1869 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Pinkhos- Ahron Mozes David not stated Riga HIRSHBAUM ГИРШБАУМ Khana- Sarah not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
23 74 Riga 1869 10/05/1869 not stated SIMAN
СИМАН Simon Hirsh not stated not stated Berlin, Germany HOCH ГОХ Gittel not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rassein -
34 Riga 1869 11/05/1869 - WEISAGER
ВЕЙСАГЕР Rasha Khaim not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) MILNER МИЛЬНЕР Khiena not stated not stated - -
75 Riga 1869 14/05/1869 not stated BERSOHN
БЕРСОН Izrael Joseph not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Lea Volf not stated Osher BEHR from Werbalen -
76 Riga 1869 15/05/1869 not stated SHTERN
ШТЕРН Markus Khaim not stated not stated Friedrichstadt
IMMERMAN ИММЕРМАН Khaya- Feiga not stated not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
35 Riga 1869 18/05/1869 - ELIASHTAM
ЕЛЯШТАМ Roze Elias not stated not stated Mitau GOTTLIEB ГОТЛИБ Leile not stated not stated - -
77 Riga 1869 26/05/1869 not stated WIKEL
ВИКЕЛ Izrael- Leib Hillel not stated not stated Luboki Not stated - Elka Bendet not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya, Belarus -
24 78 Riga 1869 30/05/1869 not stated BORDE
БОРДЕ Hosias- Michel Khaim not stated not stated Jacobstadt
SANVIL САНВИЛ Sheina not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya, Belarus -
36 Riga 1869 31/05/1869 -
ГОЛДБЕРГ Therese Jude not stated not stated Riga FROMHOLD ФРОМГОЛД Sophie/ Sheva not stated not stated - -
79 Riga 1869 1/06/1869 not stated SHALNIKOV
ШАЛЬНИКОВ Mendel- Isac Meier Ezekiel
not stated Kreutzburg
GOLDSHMIDT ГОЛЬДШМИДТ Golde not stated not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
25 80 Riga 1869 3/06/1869 not stated VULFSOHN
ВУЛФСОН Hosias- Zelik David not stated not stated Riga EDELSOHN ЕДЕЛЬСОН Eida not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
81 Riga 1869 4/06/1869 not stated FRIEDLENDER
ФРИДЛЕНДЕР Jude- Leib Borukh not stated not stated Eragolen(Eglaine, Latvia) BERKOVITZ/
БЕРКОВИЦ Khaya- Lea not stated Salomon RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
37 Riga 1869 4/06/1869 - MARKOVITZ
МАРКОВИЦ Liba Markus not stated not stated Vitebsk MIRKIN МИРКИН Stissa not stated - -
82 Riga 1869 5/06/1869 not stated BLOCH
БЛОХ The unnamed twin Essniel not stated Trader Riga Not stated - Rachel Abraham not stated - -
38 Riga 1869 5/06/1869 - BLOCH
БЛОХ The twin Khana- Jocheved Essniel not stated Trader Riga Not stated - Rachel Abraham not stated - -
39 Riga 1869 8/06/1869 - JOELEVITZ/
ИОЕЛЕВИЧ Taube Ahron not stated Soldier not stated GOLDBERG ГОЛДБЕРГ Liba- Braina not stated not stated - -
26 83 Riga 1869 8/06/1869 not stated ROTKIN
РОТКИН Abraham- Meier Lazer not stated Musician/ Soldier not stated Not stated - Eska Khaim not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
40 Riga 1869 10/06/1869 - BERGMAN
БЕРГМАН Ida- Gitel Jakov not stated Soldier not stated MAIRIN МАЙРИН Taube not stated not stated - -
41 Riga 1869 11/06/1869 - BRASIN
БРАСИН Noime Sholom not stated not stated Shlutzk
BAUMSHLAG БАУМШЛАГ Khaya- Sarah not stated not stated - -
42 Riga 1869 12/06/1869 - MARCOS/ MARKUS
МАРКУС Sarah- Rebecca Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated MEDNIKOV МЕДНИКОВ Feiga not stated not stated - -
84 Riga 1869 12/06/1869 not stated VOLESAMSKI
ВОЛЕСАМСКИЙ Urje Mozes not stated not stated Kovno
JERUSALIM ЕРУСАЛИМ Sheina not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rassein -
85 Riga 1869 12/06/1869 not stated ARONSHTAM
АРОНШТАМ Hosias/ Heinrich Shabsa not stated Trader Riga STAHLBERG СТАЛБЕРГ Tzerna/ Ernestine not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
27 43 Riga 1869 13/06/1869 - KORN
КОРН Sarah Tzodek not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Feiga- Lea Samuel not stated - -
44 Riga 1869 21/06/1869 - FEIGELSOHN
ФЕЙГЕЛСОН Roze Simon not stated Soldier Krok( Krakes, Lithuania) KATZ КАЦ Rebecca not stated not stated - -
86 Riga 1869 21/06/1869 not stated SHWARTZ
ШВАРЦ Hirsh Israel not stated Soldier at the Riga hospital not stated SHLUSEVICH ШЛУСЕВИЧ Lea not stated not stated Joseph FRIEDLAND from Dunaburg -
45 Riga 1869 23/06/1869 - LEVENSOHN
ЛЕВЕНСОН Roze Hosias not stated Trader Goldingen( Kuldiga, Latvia) ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Miriam not stated not stated - -
87 Riga 1869 23/06/1869 not stated KATZ
КАЦ Markus Shlome Idel
not stated Friedrichstadt ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Eida not stated not stated Leib NEUMAN from Mitau -
28 88 Riga 1869 27/06/1869 not stated IZRAELSOHN
ИЗРАЕЛЬСОН Hirsh Shlome David not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Shprintze Hirsh not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
89 Riga 1869 28/06/1869 not stated HOLLENDER
ГОЛЛЕНДЕР Izrael- Shlome Jude Heshel
not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Eida Joseph not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
90 Riga 1869 30/06/1869 not stated SHER
ШЕР Jesias- Leib Bentzion not stated not stated Shadova( Šeduva, Lithuania)
LEVENSHTEIN ЛЕВЕНШТЕЙН Ida not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
91 Riga 1869 30/06/1869 not stated BALTRESHANSKI
БАЛТРЕШАНСКИЙ Henoch Mozes not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Menucha Shevach not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
29 46 Riga 1869 1/07/1869 - SAMUELSOHN
САМУЕЛЬСОН Unnamed Izrael not stated not stated Bauska Not stated - Miriam Jone not stated - -
47 Riga 1869 1/07/1869 - SHUR
ШУР Eida Hillel not stated not stated Shalok( Salakas, Lithuania) Not stated - Golda Joseph not stated - -
48 Riga 1869 2/07/1869 - LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Sheina- Freida Fishel not stated not stated Yanishok, Janishki( Joniškis, Lithuania) Not stated - Mariasha Meier not stated - -
92 Riga 1869 2/07/1869 not stated RAZBI
РАЗБИ Ezechel- Leib Hosias not stated not stated Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) BERLIN БЕРЛИН Khaya- Khana not stated not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
93 Riga 1869 3/07/1869 not stated KASSEL
КАССЕЛ Jecke- Mattes Khaim not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Mina Joseph not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
30 94 Riga 1869 3/07/1869 not stated GRINTUCH
ГРИНТУХ Vulf Faibush Jacob
not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) KAHN КАН Liba not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
95 Riga 1869 3/07/1869 not stated KUGEL
КУГЕЛ Idel David not stated not stated Vilna LESKIN or
ЛЕСКИН или СЕСКИН Taube not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
96 Riga 1869 5/07/1869 not stated LEVITAN
ЛЕВИТАН Hirsh- Ezekhiel Izrael Behr not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) EDELSOHN ЕДЕЛЬСОН Khaya- Pessa not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
97 Riga 1869 5/07/1869 not stated MARKUSHEVICH
МАРКУШЕВИЧ Abraham Vulf not stated Soldier not stated SHONE ШОНЕ Tauba not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
49 Riga 1869 6/07/1869 - GOLDE
ГОЛДЕ Miriam Mozes not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Esther Jesaia not stated - -
50 Riga 1869 7/07/1869 - LURJE
ЛУРЬЕ Hinda- Judes Abel not stated not stated Wids( Vidzy, Belarus)
Not stated - Beila- Taube Tanchum not stated - -
31 98 Riga 1869 7/07/1869 not stated Unknown father
- Jude- Markus Unknown not stated not stated - GODES ГОДЕС Tzerna Aizik Švenčionys, Lithuania Gershon Leib PLATKON from Shaulen -
51 Riga 1869 7/07/1869 - HIRSHOVITZ/
ГИРШОВИЧ Rachel- Rebecca Tubias not stated not stated Neustadt
Not stated - Sarah Salomon not stated - -
99 Riga 1869 7/07/1869 not stated BEHR
БЕР Noach Leib not stated not stated Rashein( Raseiniai, Lithuania)
KUMING КУМИНГ Tzivia not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
100 Riga 1869 8/07/1869 not stated KAPLAN
КАПЛАН Elias- Mendel Jakov Bine
not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) DAVIDSOHN ДАВИДСОН Deborah- Elka not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
101 Riga 1869 8/07/1869 not stated KLUTZINSKI
КЛУЦИНСКИЙ Mozes- Gutman Salomon not stated not stated Vilna
KANTER КАНТЕР Khana not stated Mozes Jakob SWADJA from Shaulen -
32 52 Riga 1869 10/07/1869 - SHER
ШЕР Feiga- Frome Hirsh Meier
not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Michla Lazer not stated - -
102 Riga 1869 11/07/1869 not stated MINKER
МИНКЕР Hertz Naftali Hertz
not stated Okmian( Akmenė, Lithuania)
Not stated - Rachel- Michla Noach not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
103 Riga 1869 12/07/1869 not stated DRASNIKOV
ДРАСНИКОВ Leib Khaim not stated Soldier not stated KAPELOV КАПЕЛОВ Khana not stated not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
104 Riga 1869 12/07/1869 not stated BLIDIN
БЛИДИН Samuel- Joel Salomon Jude
not stated Old Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Khana Aron not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
53 Riga 1869 15/07/1869 - FELDMAN
ФЕЛЬДМАН Rebecca Joseph Elias
2d guild trader not stated KRETZER КРЕЦЕР Hode not stated not stated - -
54 Riga 1869 15/07/1869 - STUKATUN
СТУКАТУН Hanne Joseph not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rebecca Jacob not stated - -
33 55 Riga 1869 17/07/1869 - HAIET
ХАЕТ Unnamed Abel Hirsh
not stated Ligum( Lygumai, Lithuania) Not stated - Frome Meier not stated - -
105 Riga 1869 18/07/1869 not stated GURVICH
ГУРВИЧ Mendel Bezabel not stated not stated Polotzk( Polatsk, Belarus) Not stated - Khana Gabriel not stated Jakov MAIZEL from Polotzk(  Polatsk, Belarus) and Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
106 Riga 1869 19/07/1869 not stated KLAS
КЛАС Lazer Mozes not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) GRIN ГРИН Ite not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
107 Riga 1869 21/07/1869 not stated MONSHOVICH
МОНШОВИЧ Jude- Leib Abraham not stated not stated Posvol( Pasvalys, Lithuania)
KAHN КАН Ite- Lea not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
108 Riga 1869 22/07/1869 not stated WAGENHEIM
ВАГЕНГЕЙМ Mairim- Echeichel Leib Markus
not stated Bauska
KREUTZ КРЕЙЦ Dobre not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
34 56 Riga 1869 23/07/1869 -
БЛУМБЕРГ Deborah Behr not stated not stated Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Nessa Mozes not stated - -
109 Riga 1869 24/07/1869 not stated KAHN
КАН Isaac Zundel not stated not stated Pokroi( Pakruojis, Lithuania) JAKOBSOHN ЯКОБСОН Fanny not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rashein -
110 Riga 1869 24/07/1869 not stated KITAI
КИТАЙ Markus- Beinus Ruben not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Sarah Abram not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
111 Riga 1869 25/07/1869 not stated HILLEL
ГИЛЛЕЛ Samuel Abe not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Pessa Isac not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
112 Riga 1869 28/07/1869 not stated PREISS
ПРЕЙС Faitel- Osher Ahron not stated not stated Shad( Seda, Lithuania)
FIRCHS/ FIRKS ФИРКС Blume not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
35 57 Riga 1869 28/07/1869 -
ЯВЕЦ Khassa Izak not stated not stated not stated Not stated - Tzirla Samuel not stated - -
58 Riga 1869 1/08/1869 -
ПИНКЕВИЦ Unnamed Gershon not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Miriam Izak not stated - -
113 Riga 1869 1/08/1869 not stated KAHN
КАН Rafael Hirsh not stated not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) VEINBERG ВЕЙНБЕРГ Miriam not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
114 Riga 1869 1/08/1869 not stated MUSHKINSKI
МУШКИНСКИЙ Salomon Meier not stated Soldier not stated ALSMAN АЛСМАН Feiga not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
36 59 Riga 1869 10/08/1869 - LAZER
ЛАЗЕР Esther- Sarah Mozes Khaim
not stated not stated Not stated - Rachel- Therese Hirsh not stated - -
60 Riga 1869 12/08/1869 - JOFFE
ИОФФЕ Unnamed Elias not stated not stated Kupishki(  Kupiškis, Lithuania)
Not stated - Khasa Hertz not stated - -
61 Riga 1869 13/08/1869 - KARABELNIK
КАРАБЕЛЬНИК Unnamed Tzemach not stated not stated Sidlawe( Šiluva, Lithuania)
Not stated - Feiga- Freuda Salomon not stated - -
62 Riga 1869 14/08/1869 - ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Anne Izrael not stated not stated Jacobstadt VULFSOHN ВУЛЬФСОН Sheina not stated not stated - -
115 Riga 1869 18/08/1869 not stated HILLELOVICH
ГИЛЕЛОВИЧ Tubias Jakob not stated not stated Drissa Not stated - Lotte Jeruchem not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
37 116 Riga 1869 19/08/1869 not stated SHOFER
ШОФЕР Mendel Mozes not stated not stated Vilna
Not stated - Blume Mendel not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus -
117 Riga 1869 23/08/1869 not stated IZRAELOVITZ/
ИЗРАЕЛОВИЧ Joseph Izrael not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Frome Lipa not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
118 Riga 1869 23/08/1869 not stated GINTZBURG
ГИНЦБУРГ Aisik Markus not stated not stated Sena Not stated - Freude- Rachel Mozes not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
119 Riga 1869 24/08/1869 not stated GRINWALD
ГРИНВАЛД Abram/ Arthur Mozes not stated Trader Riga KALMEYER КАЛМЕЙЕР Hinda not stated not stated Hillel ZHIV from Rashein -
120 Riga 1869 26/08/1869 not stated GLICKMAN
ГЛИКМАН Ahron Izak not stated not stated Tukkum BERES БЕРЕС Esther not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
38 121 Riga 1869 27/08/1869 not stated KARTUN
КАРТУН Salomon Jakov not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) BLAUM БЛАУМ Sarah- Hinda not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
63 Riga 1869 30/08/1869 -
ПЕРЛМАН Miriam Victor not stated not stated Eragolen(Eglaine, Latvia) Not stated - Jocheved Hirsh not stated - -
122 Riga 1869 31/08/1869 not stated BACK
БАК Samuel Abel not stated Soldier Riga Not stated - Tzira Jakov not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
123 Riga 1869 1/09/1869 not stated PACK
ПАК Jakov Simkha not stated not stated Popelian( Papile, Lithuania) Not stated - Freude Hirsh not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
39 64 Riga 1869 1/09/1869 - KOENIGFEST
КЕНИГФЕСТ Rasha Jakov not stated not stated Mitau FELDMAN ФЕЛЬДМАН Bassa not stated not stated - -
124 Riga 1869 3/09/1869 not stated ARONSHTAM
АРОНШТАМ Bentzion Mozes not stated not stated Mitau GOTZEL ГОЦЕЛ Hena not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI and Salomon RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
125 Riga 1869 4/09/1869 not stated DIVAK
ДИВАК Markus Lazer not stated Soldier not stated PRIBONER ПРИБОНЕР Dobra not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
126 Riga 1869 4/09/1869 not stated LEBEDOV
ЛЕБЕДОВ Izrael Hirsh not stated not stated Mitau
KAHN КАН Beila not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
65 Riga 1869 7/09/1869 - MITSHUM
МИЧУН Khaya- Lea Sholum not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Freuda Rafael not stated - -
66 Riga 1869 9/09/1869 - HURVITZ/ GURVICH
ГУРВИЧ Unnamed Urje not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Miriam Abraham not stated - -
67 Riga 1869 9/09/1869 - HURVITZ/ GURVICH
ГУРВИЧ Rebecca Hosias not stated not stated Vilkomir Not stated - Frome Hosias not stated - -
40 127 Riga 1869 10/09/1869 not stated ZELMAN
ЗЕЛМАН Vulf Jokhiel not stated not stated Telshi( Telšiai, Lithuania) Not stated - Jenta Abel not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya and Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
128 Riga 1869 12/09/1869 not stated VEINBERG
ВЕЙНБЕРГ Abraham- Alexander Jesaie not stated not stated Tukkum LEVENSOHN ЛЕВЕНСОН Khaya not stated not stated Hillel HIRSH from Reshein -
129 Riga 1869 14/09/1869 not stated JUDELOVITZ/
ЮДЕЛОВИЦ Leib Abraham not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Hode Lazer not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
130 Riga 1869 14/09/1869 not stated LEIBOVITZ/
ЛЕЙБОВИЦ Izrael- Khaim Shrage not stated not stated Ligum( Lygumai, Lithuania) Not stated - Jente Israel not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
131 Riga 1869 14/09/1869 not stated JANKELOVITZ/
ЯНКЕЛОВИЦ Elias Vulf Joseph not stated Bauska Not stated - Anna- Dina Joseph not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
132 Riga 1869 14/09/1869 not stated GOLDBERG
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ Samuel- David Lazer not stated not stated Sliten(? Not stated - Feiga Joseph not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
41 133 Riga 1869 17/09/1869 not stated BERKOVITZ
БЕРКОВИЦ Behr Alexander not stated not stated Riga WALDENBERG ВАЛДЕНБЕРГ Rebecca not stated not stated - -
68 Riga 1869 22/09/1869 - GOLDBLATT
ГОЛДБЛАТТ Pessa- Nekhama Zundel not stated not stated Riga LISNER ЛИСНЕР Khaya not stated not stated - -
134 Riga 1869 22/09/1869 not stated SHNEIDER
ШНЕЙДЕР Mozes Aizik not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Mariasha Ahron not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
69 Riga 1869 22/09/1869 - MAGRIL
МАГРИЛ Shprintze Behr not stated not stated Old Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Rachel Ezechel not stated - -
135 Riga 1869 24/09/1869 not stated BENJAMINOVITZ
БЕНЬАМИНОВИЦ Salomon Behr not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Roze Nochum not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
70 Riga 1869 25/09/1869 - SHAPIRO
ШАПИРО Freude Abraham not stated not stated Telshi Not stated - Jente Behr not stated - -
71 Riga 1869 25/09/1869 - SIMSON
СИМСОН Roze Salomon not stated not stated Goldingen Not stated - Sarah- Lea Jakov not stated - -
42 72 Riga 1869 26/09/1869 - SHALOVITZ
ШАЛОВИЧ Rebecca Samarius not stated Soldier not stated KRAMM КРАММ Khiena not stated not stated - -
136 Riga 1869 27/09/1869 not stated LEVENSOHN
ЛЕВЕНСОН Mozes Michel not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Kreine- Gnendel Meier not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
137 Riga 1869 28/09/1869 not stated TISHLER
ТИШЛЕР Abraham- Nochum Elias not stated not stated Veshni
Not stated - Kune- Roze Abraham not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
138 Riga 1869 30/09/1869 not stated NEUMAN
НЕЙМАН Jakob Tubias not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Sora- Khana Kalman not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN rom Bauska -
139 Riga 1869 30/09/1869 not stated KANTEROVITZ
КАНТЕРОВИЦ Jakob- Samarius Izak- Khaim not stated not stated Keidan( Kėdainiai, Lithuania) CHABASH ХАБАШ Kreina- Lea not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
140 Riga 1869 30/09/1869 not stated JACHER
ЯХЕР Mozes Genoch not stated not stated Riga BALTENER БАЛТЕНЕР Khaya- Beila not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
43 73 Riga 1869 20/08/1869 - FELDMAN
ФЕЛЬДМАН Beila Vulf not stated Trader Riga LEVENSOHN ЛЕВЕНСОН Zlata not stated not stated - -
74 Riga 1869 1/10/1869 - GOLDINGER
ГОЛДИНГЕР Miriam Abraham not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Sarah Mozes not stated - -
141 Riga 1869 2/10/1869 not stated BRODE
БРОДЕ Hirsh Zundel not stated not stated New Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) ELIASHTAM ЕЛЯШТАМ Deborah not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
75 Riga 1869 3/10/1869 - TABAK
ТАБАК Jache Mozes Izak
not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) SHMUCKLER ШМУКЛЕР Sarah- Rachel not stated not stated - -
76 Riga 1869 5/10/1869 - SEREBRENIK
СЕРЕБРЕНИК Rebecca Mozes not stated Soldier Riga Not stated - Deborah Abraham not stated - -
77 Riga 1869 8/10/1869 - ULLER
УЛЛЕР Miriam Behr not stated not stated Shklow, Belarus
DINKIN ДИНКИН Bassa not stated not stated - -
44 142 Riga 1869 8/10/1869 not stated WEINER
ВЕЙНЕР Mozes Zalman not stated not stated Old Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Sarah Hirsh not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
143 Riga 1869 10/10/1869 not stated LURJE
ЛУРЬЕ Vulf Izrael Behr
not stated Jellok Not stated - Khaya Abraham not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
144 Riga 1869 11/10/1869 not stated MACHMONIK
МАХМОНИК Meier- Nachman Markus not stated not stated Yanishok, Janishki( Joniškis, Lithuania) SANDER САНДЕР Feiga not stated not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
145 Riga 1869 11/10/1869 not stated LIPMANOVICH
ЛИПМАНОВИЧ Hirsh- Hosias Abraham not stated not stated Bauska BERKOVITZ БЕРКОВИЦ Sarah not stated not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
78 Riga 1869 15/10/1869 not stated KRIEGER
КРИГЕР Beila Salomon not stated not stated Posvol( Pasvalys, Lithuania) Not stated - Khaya Abraham not stated - -
146 Riga 1869 15/10/1869 not stated BERLIN
БЕРЛИН Izrael- Leib Beines not stated not stated Posvol( Pasvalys, Lithuania) SHERMAN ШЕРМАН Feiga not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
79 Riga 1869 16/10/1869 not stated SHLOSSBERG
ШЛОСБЕРГ Tzivia Hirsh not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Roza Jakob not stated - -
45 147 Riga 1869 17/10/1869 not stated LEVI
ЛЕВИ Benjamin- Meier Mozes not stated not stated Riga BERSHTAM БЕРШТАМ Freude not stated not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
80 Riga 1869 17/10/1869 -
АБРАМОВИЧ Tzipa- Zelda Leib not stated not stated Novo- Alexandrovsk
Not stated - Dina Zelig not stated - -
148 Riga 1869 19/10/1869 not stated GOLDSHMIDT
ГОЛДШМИДТ Ezechel Hosias not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Jente Izrael not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
149 Riga 1869 19/10/1869 not stated SACHS/ ZAKS
ЗАКС Unnamed. Stillborn Leib not stated not stated Zhagore( Žagarė, Lithuania) SAKOWSKE САКОВСКЕ Khana not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
150 Riga 1869 19/10/1869 not stated HERR
ГЕР Izak- Alter Meie not stated not stated Pokroi( Pakruojis, Lithuania) Not stated - Michla Izak not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
151 Riga 1869 19/10/1869 not stated SILBEK
СИЛБЕК Abram- Note Jude not stated not stated Malat( Moletai, Lithuania) Not stated - Sarah- Rebecca Note not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
152 Riga 1869 19/10/1869 not stated GORDON
ГОРДОН Unnamed. Stillborn Abraham not stated not stated Ligum( Lygumai, Lithuania) Not stated - Eva- Esther Leib not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
46 81 Riga 1869 20/10/1869 - WEINBERG
ВЕЙНБЕРГ Sarah- Ida Lakr not stated not stated Piltene, Latvia
DAVIDMAN ДАВИДМАН Esther- Pessa not stated not stated - -
82 Riga 1869 20/10/1869 - KUGEL
КУГЕЛ Unnamed. Stillborn Hirsh Behr not stated Jacobstadt Not stated - Elka Meier not stated - -
153 Riga 1869 21/10/1869 not stated LAT
ЛАТ Salomon- Hirsh Elias not stated not stated Trentelberg( Gostiņi, Latvia)
Not stated - Rebecca Ezechel not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
154 Riga 1869 21/10/1869 not stated LATTER
ЛАТТЕР Abraham- Mozes David not stated not stated Telshi( Telšiai, Lithuania)
Not stated - Miriam David not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
83 Riga 1869 22/10/1869 - HIRSHFELD
ГИРШФЕЛД Gite/ Auguste Khonem not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Sarah Izak not stated - -
155 Riga 1869 24/10/1869 not stated FEIGELSOHN
ФЕЙГЕЛЬСОН Simon- Izak Abel not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Zisla Salomon not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya and Salomon RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
84 Riga 1869 25/10/1869 - BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Lea Abel not stated not stated Riga MAIRIM МАЙРИМ Roze not stated not stated - -
85 Riga 1869 28/10/1869 - JOSSELEVICH
ИОССЕЛЕВИЧ Sarah- Sheina Jakov not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Khaya- Feiga Mozes not stated - -
47 156 Riga 1869 28/10/1869 not stated RAMM
РАМ Tzalel Lazer Behr
not stated Ponevesh( Panevežys, Lithuania) Not stated - Lane Behr not stated Salomon RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
157 Riga 1869 29/10/1869 not stated LES
ЛЕС Salomon Abraham not stated not stated Mitau Not stated - Sarah Markus not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
158 Riga 1869 16/02/1869 not stated GUREVICH
ГУРЕВИЧ Izrael- Izak Salomon not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rebecca- Braina not stated not stated Ezechel Hirsh GLAZER from Perna -
159 Riga 1869 1/11/1869 not stated ROTHBRAD
РОТБРАД Joel David not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Sarah Abraham not stated Salomon RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
86 Riga 1869 2/11/1869 -
ГЕЙНРИХСОН Selma Michel/ Otto not stated not stated Shwerin, Germany
KALLVER КАЛВЕР Badana- Bertha not stated not stated - -
48 160 Riga 1869 3/11/1869 not stated LEVITAN
ЛЕВИТАН Aizik Izak not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Faya Joseph not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
87 Riga 1869 3/11/1869 - KUZNETZKI
КУЗНЕЦКИЙ Rachel Markus not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Eta Jakov not stated - -
88 Riga 1869 5/11/1869 - KOZEN
КОЗЕН Sarah- Rebecca Mozes not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) JOKE ИОКЕ Minna not stated not stated - -
161 Riga 1869 7/11/1869 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Khaim- Mozes Izrael not stated not stated Telshi( Telšiai, Lithuania) Not stated - Feiga Hirsh not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
162 Riga 1869 10/11/1869 not stated SAVITKAL
САВИТКАЛ Izak Abraham not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) STENDER СТЕНДЕР Tamara not stated not stated Zalman RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
163 Riga 1869 10/11/1869 not stated RUDEVITZ
РУДЕВИЦ Jude- Leib Jesaia not stated not stated Bobruisk, Belarus
Not stated - Zlata Hirsh not stated Joseph SHAPIRO from Shlutzk -
164 Riga 1869 10/11/1869 not stated KAHN
КАН Victor Mendel not stated not stated Piltene, Latvia RIVLIN РИВЛИН Hana- Feiga not stated not stated Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
49 165 Riga 1869 10/11/1869 not stated STAHLMACHER
СТАЛМАХЕР Elkhonon- Tzalel Tzalel not stated not stated Kros( Kražiai, Lithuania)
CHONEN ХОНЕН Hode not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
166 Riga 1869 11/11/1869 not stated ROZENBERG
РОЗЕНБЕРГ David Hirsh not stated not stated Mitau
Not stated - Sheina Vulf not stated Leib NEUMAN from Mitau -
167 Riga 1869 11/11/1869 not stated VISSOTZKI
ВИСОЦИЙ Michel- David Kalman Hirsh not stated Riga BLUMBERG БЛУМБЕРГ Sarah not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
89 Riga 1869 13/11/1869 - SHERMAN
ШЕРМАН Esther Mozes not stated Soldier Riga ROZENBERG РОЗЕНБЕРГ Gute not stated not stated - -
168 Riga 1869 13/11/1869 not stated BLOND
БЛОНД Leib Hirsh not stated not stated Okmian( Akmenė, Lithuania) TREUNUS ТРЕЙНУС Rachel not stated not stated Zalman RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
169 Riga 1869 17/11/1869 not stated FREUDES
ФРЕЙДЕС Elias Victor not stated not stated Old Zhagore(  Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Zisla Zalman not stated Zalman RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
50 90 Riga 1869 18/11/1869 - HIRSHOVICH
ГИРШОВИЧ Unnamed. Stillborn Hirsh not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Sarah- Rebecca Hirsh not stated - -
91 Riga 1869 18/11/1869 - ABRAMOVICH
АБРАМОВИЧ Miriam Jakov not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Lea- Zlata Meier not stated - -
92 Riga 1869 1/11/1869 - SEEMAN
ЗЕЕМАН Esther Abram Mozes not stated Tukkum Not stated - Deborah Khaikel not stated - -
170 Riga 1869 22/11/1869 not stated KLINK
КЛИНК Joseph Hirsh not stated not stated Popelian( Papile, Lithuania) Not stated - Eta Monas not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
171 Riga 1869 22/11/1869 not stated FREIMAN
ФРЕЙМАН Gershon Hirsh not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Rachel- Rebecca Abraham not stated Salomon RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
172 Riga 1869 22/11/1869 not stated KARAB
КАРАБ Mendel Jakob not stated not stated Kamai( Kamajai, Lithuania) Not stated - Hanna- Etta Leib not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya and Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
51 93 Riga 1869 25/11/1869 - ROZENBERG
РОЗЕНБЕРГ Tzirla Lazer not stated not stated Mitau GLASBERG ГЛАСБЕРГ Mariasha not stated not stated - -
94 Riga 1869 25/11/1869 - FAINGOLD
ФАЙНГОЛД Lea Isser not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Judith Meier not stated - -
95 Riga 1869 25/11/1869 - BLANKENSHTEIN
БЛАНКЕНШТЕЙН Sheina- Khaya Leib not stated not stated Ligum( Lygumai, Lithuania) Not stated - Khana Abraham not stated - -
173 Riga 1869 30/11/1869 not stated VINETZKI
ВИНЕЦКИЙ Abraham Pinkhus not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Eida Jakov not stated Abraham JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -
174 Riga 1869 30/06/1868 not stated LESSER
ЛЕССЕР Heinrich Julius not stated not stated Berlin, Germany Not stated - Helene Treitel not stated Doctor KEILMAN -
96 Riga 1869 25/09/1869 -
ЛЕССЕР Roze Julius not stated not stated Berlin, Germany Not stated - Helene Treitel not stated - -
52 175 Riga 1869 1/12/1869 not stated KAZERMOVSKI
КАЗЕРМОВСКИЙ Abraham Mendel not stated not stated Kamai( Kamajai, Lithuania) AVERBUCH АВЕРБУХ Lipsha not stated Zalman RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
176 Riga 1869 1/121869 not stated DAVIDOV
ДАВИДОВ Unnamed. Stillborn Mozes not stated not stated Zhagore(  Žagarė, Lithuania) Not stated - Dina Samuel not stated - -
177 Riga 1869 14/12/1869 not stated Unknown father
- Zalkind Unkown not stated not stated Mitau HERTZBERG ГЕРЦБЕРГ Michla Behr Simonovich Mitau
Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
97 Riga 1869 14/12/1869 not stated SCHEVITZ
ШЕВИЦ Feiga Izak not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Fruma Jakov not stated - -
98 Riga 1869 3/12/1869 not stated LEVIN
ЛЕВИН Sarah Behr not stated not stated Riga KRETZER КРЕЦЕР Rebecca not stated not stated - -
178 Riga 1869 4/121869 not stated MAN
МАН Unnamed. Stillborn Mozes not stated not stated Birzhi( Biržai, Lithuania) Not stated - Hana Khaim not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
99 Riga 1869 4/12/1869 not stated JAKOBSOHN
ЯКОБСОН Glika Khaim Hirsh
not stated Mitau
Not stated - Rebecca Lazer not stated - -
100 Riga 1869 4/12/1869 not stated NEUBERG
НЕЙБЕРГ Jokheved Jakov not stated not stated Riga Not stated - Eta Zusman not stated - -
179 Riga 1869 5/12/1869 not stated VULFSOHN
ВУЛФСОН Faibush Leib not stated not stated Riga ROZE РОЗЕ Khaya- Sarah not stated not stated Hosias RASBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
101 Riga 1869 5/121869 not stated LURJE
ЛУРЬЕ Rachel- Jokheved Abraham not stated not stated New Zhagore
VULFSOHN ВУЛФСОН Rebecca not stated not stated - -
102 Riga 1869 8/12/1869 not stated ZALMANOVICH
ЗАЛМАНОВИЧ Khaya Leib not stated not stated Riga KRETZER КРЕЦЕР Rachel not stated not stated - -
53 180 Riga 1869 9/12/1869 not stated KLAVITZ
КЛАВИЦ Unnamed. Stillborn Izak not stated not stated Kovno
Not stated - Rasha Salomon not stated - -
103 Riga 1869 11/12/1869 not stated LEIBOVICH
ЛЕЙБОВИЧ Beila- Srah Nachman not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Fruma Ahron not stated - -
104 Riga 1869 12/121869 not stated SHMUSHKOVICH
ШМУШКОВИЧ Asna Salomon Izak
not stated Riga BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Ita not stated not stated - -
181 Riga 1869 12/12/1869 not stated JOFFE
ИОФФЕ Elias- Jakov Leib not stated not stated Pokroi( Pakruojis, Lithuania) Not stated - Tzipa Feibush not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
182 Riga 1869 12/12/1869 not stated ABEL
АБЕЛ Simson Saul not stated not stated Tukkum
Not stated - Esther Samson not stated Hillel ZHIV from Raschein -
183 Riga 1869 12/12/1869 not stated ITZKOVICH
ИЦКОВИЧ Samarius- David Izrael not stated not stated Kelme, Lithuania
DAVIDSOHN ДАВИДСОН Sarah not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) and Salomon RAPEPORT -
184 Riga 1869 12/121869 not stated VINEVITZ
ВИНЕВИЦ Mozes Salomon not stated Soldier not stated SHLOMINSKI ШЛОМИНСКИЙ Rebecca- Lea not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
185 Riga 1869 13/12/1869 not stated SHLOMSOHN
ШЛОМСОН Mozes Salomon not stated Soldier not stated LIEBERMAN ЛИБЕРМАН Rachel- Lea not stated not stated Hosias RAZBI from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
186 Riga 1869 15/12/1869 not stated TSHESLER
ЧЕСЛЕР Simon- Izak David not stated not stated Vilna
Not stated - Deborah- Lea Daniel not stated Zalman RAPEPORT and Izak MINSKER from Kreutzburg -
187 Riga 1869 17/12/1869 not stated SHAVESOHN
ХАВЕСОН Aizik Abel not stated Soldier not stated CHANESOHN ХАНЕСОН Rasha not stated not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
188 Riga 1869 18/121869 not stated SHER
ШЕР Nahman- Isak Joseph not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) KAPLAN КАПЛАН Beila not stated not stated Izak SVERDLIN from Druya -
189 Riga 1869 19/12/1869 not stated LIPOVICH
ЛИПОВИЧ Hirsh Vulf not stated Soldier not stated Not stated - Sheina Abraham not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
54 190 Riga 1869 21/12/1869 not stated SHAPIRO
ШАПИРО Leib Samarius not stated not stated Shaulen( Šiauliai, Lithuania) Not stated - Gute Sholom not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
191 Riga 1869 21/12/1869 not stated HIRSHOVICH
ГИРШОВИЧ Salomon David not stated not stated Mitau KAHN КАН Lea not stated David- Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
105 Riga 1869 26/121869 - KVIN
КВИН Khana- Rachel Sholom not stated not stated Dunaburg Not stated - Rebecca Leib not stated - -
106 Riga 1869 26/12/1869 - WILPART
ВИЛПАРТ Gita- Judith Mozes not stated Glazier Tukkum REDNER РЕДНЕР Khaya not stated - -
192 Riga 1869 24/12/1869 not stated BERKOVICH
БЕРКОВИЧ Meier- Nachman Behr not stated not stated Riga  Not stated - Sterna Meir not stated Salomon RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
193 Riga 1869 25/12/1869 not stated ROZENBERG
РОЗЕНБЕРГ Mozes- Zelik Abraham not stated not stated Linkovo( Linkuva, Lithuania) Not stated - Golda Leib not stated Salomon RAPEPORT from Tshashniki( Chashniki, Belarus) -
107 Riga 1869 26/121869 - KAZERNOVSKI
КАЗЕРНОВСКИЙ Roze Nochum not stated not stated Shad( Seda, Lithuania) Not stated - Sarah Markus not stated - -
108 Riga 1869 29/12/1869 - KRAVITZ
КРАВИЦ Gita- Lea Ezechel not stated Soldier Riga ZAHN ЗАН Esther- Ita not stated - -
109 Riga 1869 29/12/1869 - FRIEDMAN
ФРИДМАН Sarah Abraham not stated not stated Mitau
ФРИДМАН Esther not stated - -
110 Riga 1869 29/12/1869 not stated WAZMAN
ВАЗМАН Sarah Samuel not stated not stated Ligum( Lygumai, Lithuania) Not stated - Khaya Abraham not stated - -
194 Riga 1869 27/121869 not stated LEIZENSHTEIN
ЛЕЙЗЕНШТЕЙН Samuel- Abraham Lazer not stated not stated Kupishki(  Kupiškis, Lithuania) Not stated - Sarah Abraham not stated David Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiani( Utena, Lithuania) -
195 Riga 1869 30/12/1869 not stated MINSKER
МИНСКЕР Hirsh Shulem not stated not stated Not stated
Not stated - Deborah- Miriam Jakov not stated Ahron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska -

All the records