Page | Record N° Female |
Record N° Male |
Year | Date | Place | Surname of the Deceased |
in cyrillic |
Given name of the Deceased |
Father of the Deceased |
Patronymic of the father ЫЫЫЫЫUUD |
DDDDDЫЫЫGGGGGGor occupation of the father |
Wife of |
Age of the Deceased |
Cause of the death |
Place of origin of the Deceased |
Comments fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff |
5 | 1 |
1876 | 1/01/1876 | Riga | GRIBESHIK |
ГРИБЕШИК | Borukh |
Mendel | not stated | not stated | - | 54 | Brain inflammation | Riga | - |
2 |
1876 | 2/01/1876 | Riga | NALITZKI |
НАЛИЦКИЙ | Movsha |
not stated | not stated | Retired soldie | - | 50 | Thyphoid | not stated | - |
3 |
1876 | 2/01/1876 | Riga | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Azriel |
Zelik | not stated | not stated | - | 17 | Typhoid | Krok | - |
4 |
1876 | 3/01/1876 | Riga | VEINER |
ВЕЙНЕР | not stated | Leizer | not stated | Reservist | - | Stillborn | - | not stated | - |
5 |
1876 | 6/01/1876 | Riga | KOGEN |
КОГЕН | Eliash |
Lazer | not stated | not stated | - | 41 | Stomach cancer | Riga | - |
1876 | 9/01/1876 | Nordekhof | GOLANDT |
ГОЛАНДТ | Abel |
not stated | not stated | Reservist | - | 41 | Tuberculosis | not stated | - |
7 |
1876 | 10/01/1876 | Riga | ISRAELSOHN( mother) |
ИЗРАЕЛЬСОН | Unnamed |
Feiga( mother) | Vulf | not stated | - | 14 days | Pneumonia | Bauska | - |
1 | 1876 | 11/01/1876 | Riga | VALENSHTEIN, born KRETSHMAN |
married woman Mathilda |
not stated | not stated | Wife of a dentis |
The dentist Bernard | 36 | Difficult delivery | not stated | - |
6 | 2 | 1876 | 10/01/1876 | Riga | KREMER |
КРЕМЕР | The married woman Sara | not stated | not stated | not stated | Shliomo | 60 | Tuberculosis | Pokroi | - |
3 | 1876 | 12/01/1876 | Riga | MARKLOVSKI |
Bunem | not stated | not stated | - | 1 1/2 | Convulsions | Rosieny | - |
4 | 1876 | 12/01/1876 | Riga | SHIFMAN |
ШИФМАН | Sora-
Ita |
not stated | not stated | not stated | The soldier Faibish | 25 | Lungs inflammation | not stated | - |
5 | 1876 | 14/01/1876 | Riga | MOZEIS |
МОЗЕЙС | Sheina |
Shliom- Aron | not stated | not stated | - | 2 3/4 | Croup | Mitau | - |
6 | 1876 | 15/01/1876 | Riga | BRIL |
БРИЛ | Sora-
Basia |
Srol- Leizer | not stated | not stated | - | 3 weeks | Convulsions | Varna | - |
8 |
1876 | 15/01/1876 | Riga | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Benjamin |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 11 days | Exhastion | Shavel | - |
9 |
1876 | 17/01/1876 | Riga | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Moisey-
Juda |
Hirsh- Nokhum | not stated | not stated | - | 10 months | Tuberculosis | Vobolnik | - |
10 |
1876 | 17/01/1876 | Riga | ARONSHTAM |
АРОНШТАМ | Benjamin |
Josel | not stated | not stated | - | 3 weeks | Erysipelas | Ponevesh | - |
7 | 11 |
1876 | 17/01/1876 | Riga | NISSELSOHN |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 40 | Liver disease | Friedrichstadt | - |
7 | 1876 | 19/01/1876 | Riga | TOBIAS/ TOBIASH | ТОБЯС | Sora-
Gita |
Abram | not stated | Retired soldier |
- | 7 days | Weakness | not stated | - |
12 |
1876 | 19/01/1876 | Riga | KRETSHMAN |
КРЕЧМАН | Benjamin |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 76 | Oedema | Mitau | - |
13 |
1876 | 20/01/1876 | Riga | FRIEDMAN |
ФРИДМАН | Simkha/
Simon |
Abram | not stated | not stated | - | 3 1/2 | Convulsions | Tukkum | - |
8 | 1876 | 20/01/1876 | Riga | BLINDER, also BLINDEN | БЛИНДЕР/ БЛИНДЕН | Jeta |
Leib | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 11 months | Tuberculosis | not stated | - |
14 |
1876 | 21/01/1876 | Riga | SHMUSHKIN |
ШМУШКИН | Shmuel- Meier |
Khaim | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 8 months | Convulsions | not stated | - |
15 |
1876 | 21/01/1876 | Riga | LEIBOVICH |
ЛЕЙБОВИЧ | Abram |
David | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 23 | Pneumonia | not stated | - |
9 | 1876 | 23/01/1876 | Riga | SHER |
ШЕР | Roza |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 3 months | Stomach disease | Shvlian | - |
8 | 10 | 1876 | 23/01/1876 | Riga | BERG |
БЕРГ | Feiga |
Leizer | not stated | not stated | - | 5 1/2 | Meningitis | Tukum | - |
16 |
1876 | 23/01/1876 | Riga | ILION |
ИЛЬОН | Nekhemia |
not stated | not stated | Ritual slaughterer | - | 56 | Oedema | Novo- Zhagore | - |
11 | 1876 | 25/01/1876 | Riga | RABIN |
РАБИН | Sarah-
Sheina |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 11 months | Lungs inflammation | Veger | - |
17 |
1876 | 25/01/1876 | Riga | KATZ |
КАЦ | Beines |
Jankel- Josel | not stated | not stated | - | 9 months | Tuberculosis | Birzhi | - |
18 |
1876 | 26/01/1876 | Riga | BORKUM |
БОРКУМ | Meier |
Faivush | not stated | not stated | - | 48 | Breast disease | Riga | - |
19 |
1876 | 27/01/1876 | Riga | GIDALKE |
ГИДАЛЬКЕ | Movsha |
Abram | not stated | not stated | - | 54 | Cancer | Staro- Zhagore | - |
20 |
1876 | 30/01/1876 | Riga | SHLIAK |
ШЛЯК | Movsha/
Khaikel |
Kopel | not stated | not stated | - | 49 | Brain disease | Staro- Zhagore | - |
21 |
1876 | 31/01/1876 | Riga | RAPOPORT |
РАПОПОРТ | Zalman |
Khaim | not stated | not stated | - | 60 | Pneumonia | Tshashnik | - |
9 | 22 |
1876 | 31/01/1876 | Riga | NOVGROD/ NOVGOROD |
Hirsh |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 30 | Tumor | Staro- Zhagore | - |
23 |
1876 | 31/01/1876 | Riga | TITER,also TIMAN |
ТИТЕР/ ТИМАН | Jankel |
Itzik | not stated | Retired drummer |
- | 56 | - | not stated | - |
10 | 24 |
1876 | 1/02/1876 | Riga | KERBEL |
КЕРБЕЛ | Hirsh |
Movsha | not stated | not stated | - | 2 | Croup | Janishki | - |
25 |
1876 | 2/02/1876 | Riga | TORB |
ТОРБ | Leib |
Hilel | not stated | not stated | - | 7 weeks | Convulsions | Linkovo | - |
26 |
1876 | 2/02/1876 | Riga | ISRAELOVICH |
ИЗРАЕЛОВИЧ | Unnamed |
Itzik | not stated | Retired soldier | - | Stillborn | - | not stated | - |
27 |
1876 | 2/02/1876 | Riga | PRESS |
ПРЕСС | Unnamed |
Abram | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | Shavel | - |
12 | 1876 | 2/02/1876 | Riga | TAUROG |
ТАУРОГ | Tzipa |
Josel | not stated | not stated | - | 1 1/2 | Pneumonia | Shavel | - |
13 | 1876 | 3/02/1876 | Riga | JUDELOVICH |
Sheina |
Nosen | not stated | not stated | - | 11 days | Pneumonia | Bauska | - |
14 | 1876 | 6/02/1876 | Riga | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Malka |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 3 | Meningitis | Novo- Zhagore | - |
12 | 28 |
1876 | 6/02/1876 | Riga | GORDON |
ГОРДОН | Isaac-
Leib |
Abram | not stated | not stated | - | 7 weeks | Convulsions | Ligum | - |
15 | 1876 | 7/02/1876 | Riga | SHILOV |
married woman Sarah |
not stated | not stated | Wife of a reservist |
Leib | 21 | Blood disease | not stated | - |
16 | 1876 | 8/02/1876 | Riga | LEINHOF |
ЛЕЙНГОФ | Rebecca |
Eliash | not stated | not stated | - | 65 | Lungs inflammation | Libau | - |
29 |
1876 | 8/02/1876 | Riga | DACH |
ДАХ | Nokhum |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 53 | Pneumonia | Staro- Zhagore | - |
30 |
1876 | 12/02/1876 | Riga | IDELSOHN |
ИДЕЛСОН | Eliash-
Hirsh |
Josel | not stated | not stated | - | 2 1/2 | Croup | Novo- Zhagore | - |
17 | 1876 | 12/02/1876 | Riga | JANKELOV |
ЯНКЕЛОВ | Unnamed |
Kasriel- Eliash | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | Shavlian | - |
31 |
1876 | 13/02/1876 | Riga | SHPRINGENFELD |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 36 | Oedema | Riga | - |
13 | 32 |
1876 | 14/02/1876 | Riga | SHWARTZ |
ШВАРЦ | Hirsh |
Ovsei | not stated | not stated | - | 66 | Lungs inflammation | Ponevesh | - |
33 |
1876 | 14/02/1876 | Riga | HIRSHFELD |
ГРШФЕЛЬД | Sholom |
Mikhel- Markus | not stated | not stated | - | 26 | Tuberculosis | Riga | - |
18 | 1876 | 16/02/1876 | Riga | GILIS( mother) |
ГИЛИС | Braina(
mother) |
Shliomo | not stated | not stated | - | 8 months | Tuberculosis | Kretingen | - |
34 |
1876 | 16/02/1876 | Riga | VITERT |
ВИТЕРТ | Zundel |
Mov | not stated | not stated | - | 52 | Exhaustion | Posvol | - |
19 | 1876 | 17/02/1876 | Riga | MARKUS |
МАРКУС | Basheva |
Hirsh | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 1 month | Cough | not stated | - |
20 | 1876 | 18/02/1876 | Riga | NATHANSOHN |
Mozes- Behr | not stated | not stated | - | 9 months | Measles | Mitau | - |
35 |
1876 | 18/02/1876 | Riga | KUGEL |
КУГЕЛ | Abram |
David | not stated | not stated | - | 5 | Thyphoid | Vilna | - |
14 | 21 | 1876 | 19/02/1876 | Riga | LESTNER |
ЛЕСТНЕР | Tzipa-
Reiza |
Victor | not stated | not stated | - | 4 weeks | Intestines disease | Mitau | - |
36 |
1876 | 20/02/1876 | Riga | KANTER/ KANTOR |
КАНТЕР | Israel |
Jankel | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | Meningitis | Riga | - |
22 | 1876 | 22/02/1876 | Riga | KERBEL |
КЕРБЕЛ | Rokhel-
Beila |
Abram | not stated | not stated | - | 11 days | Exhaustion | Janishki | - |
37 |
1876 | 23/02/1876 | Riga | LEVI |
ЛЕВИ | Samuel |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 65 | Tuberculosis | Mitau | - |
38 |
1876 | 23/02/1876 | Riga | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Sholom |
Abel | not stated | Reservist |
- | 23 | Thyphoid | not stated | - |
39 |
1876 | 26/02/1876 | Riga | GELD |
ГЕЛД | Mikhail |
not stated | not stated | Prisoner in jail |
- | 46 | Lungs disease | Shavel | - |
40 |
1876 | 26/02/1876 | Riga | GOLDBERG |
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ | Faivush/
Friedrich |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 39 | Lungs inflammation | Riga | - |
41 |
1876 | 27/02/1876 | Riga | NEIBERG/ NEUBERG |
НЕЙБЕРГ | Abram |
Hirsh | not stated | not stated | - | 1 yr 4 mths | Oedema | Riga | - |
15 | 42 |
1876 | 27/02/1876 | Lemburg | DONITZ |
ДОНИЦ | Abram |
Josel | not stated | not stated | - | 21 | Thyphoid | Popelian | - |
16 | 43 |
1876 | 1/03/1876 | Riga | KOTLER |
КОТЛЕР | Vulf |
Itzik Faivish | not stated | not stated | - | 7 weeks | Pneumonia | Birzhi | - |
23 | 1876 | 2/03/1876 | Riga | JOSELOVICH |
ИОСЕЛОВИЧ | Braina |
Shaya | not stated | Under officer |
- | 2 1/2 | Croup | not stated | - |
24 | 1876 | 3/03/1876 | Riga | TZERNESH |
ЦЕРНЕШ | Feiga |
Leib- Shliomo | not stated | not stated | - | 5 | Oedema | Posvol | - |
25 | 1876 | 5/03/1876 | Riga | NEIMAN/ NEUMAN |
НЕЙМАН | Mera |
Tevje | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 9 | Throat inflammation | not stated | - |
44 |
1876 | 7/03/1876 | Riga | SHLOSSBERG |
ШЛОСБЕРГ | Benjamin |
Leizer | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | Weakness | Riga | - |
45 |
1876 | 8/03/1876 | Riga | GEIMAN/ HEIMAN |
ГЕЙМАН | Abram-
Isaac |
Markus | not stated | not stated | - | 6 weeks | Pneumonia | Friedrichstadt | - |
46 |
1876 | 9/03/1876 | Riga | TZERVEI |
ЦЕРВЕЙ | Mordkhel |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 54 | Stomah disease | Kovno | - |
17 | 47 |
1876 | 13/03/1876 | Riga | ROZENBERG |
Movsha | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 1 1/2 | Scarlet fever | not stated | - |
48 |
1876 | 14/03/1876 | Riga | SHTEINBERG |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 27 | Stomach disease | Riga | - |
26 | 1876 | 16/03/1876 | Riga | SHMUCKLER |
ШМУКЛЕР | Dveira |
Itzik | not stated | not stated | - | 18 days | Lungs inflammation | Birzhi | - |
27 | 1876 | 19/03/1876 | Riga | JAKOBSOHN |
widow Gnendel |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 78 | Tuberculosis | Mitau | - |
28 | 1876 | 20/03/1876 | Riga | BASSOV |
БАССОВ | Esther |
Abram | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 10 months | Pneumonia | not stated | - |
29 | 1876 | 22/03/1876 | Riga | SOSNOVITZ |
СОНОВИЦ | Fruma-
Gissa |
Borukh | not stated | not stated | - | 1 1/2 | Scarlet fever | Disna | - |
30 | 1876 | 22/03/1876 | Riga | BERKOVICH |
БЕРКОВИЧ | Jokheved |
Levin | not stated | Son of a soldier | - | 8 days | Weakness | not stated | - |
49 |
1876 | 22/03/1876 | Riga | BLUM |
БЛЮМ | Abram |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 9 months | Oedema | Ligum | - |
31 | 1876 | 23/03/1876 | Riga | DROZNIKOV |
ДРОЗНИКОВ | Drozna |
Khaim | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 4 1/3 | Throat inflammation | not stated | - |
18 | 50 |
1876 | 24/03/1876 | Riga | KOZANOVSKI |
Movsha |
Mendel | not stated | not stated | - | 5 | Apoplexy | Lad | - |
32 | 1876 | 25/03/1876 | Riga | ROZANSKI |
widow Rivka |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 85 | Senility | Rosieny | - |
51 |
1876 | 25/03/1876 | Riga | GINTZBURG |
ГИНЦБВУРГ | Eliash |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 85 | Senility | Kones | - |
52 |
1876 | 26/03/1876 | Riga | SIDELSKI |
Vulf | not stated | not stated | - | 13 months | Intestine disease | Rosieny | - |
53 |
1876 | 28/03/1876 | Riga | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Josif-
Leib |
Meier | not stated | not stated | - | 16 days | Intestine disease | Zheimel | - |
33 | 1876 | 29/03/1876 | Riga | TRACHTENBERG |
Jankel | not stated | Soldier | - | 14 days | Ehaustion | not stated | - |
34 | 1876 | 29/03/1876 | Riga | SHMILGE/ SHMILGA |
married woman Riva |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Azriel | 41 | Pneumonia | Ponevesh | - |
54 |
1876 | 31/03/1876 | Riga | BAS |
БАС | Leib |
Efroim | not stated | not stated | - | 2 months | Stomach disease | Ligum | - |
19 | 35 | 1876 | 2/04/1876 | Riga | NACHMANOVICH |
Kadish | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 17 months | Pneumonia | not stated | - |
55 |
1876 | 6/04/1876 | Riga | ABRAMOVICH |
not stated | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 55 | Tuberculosis | not stated | - |
56 |
1876 | 6/04/1876 | Riga | NAIDICH |
НАЙДИЧ | David |
not stated | not stated | Prisoner | - | 30 | Pneumonia | Riga | - |
36 | 1876 | 8/04/1876 | Riga | WAGENHEIM |
Arje | not stated | not stated | - | 14 weeks | Exhaustion | Novo- Zhagore | - |
37 | 1876 | 11/04/1876 | Riga | ROZOVSKI |
Borukh- Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | Bloody diarrhea | Nalibke | - |
38 | 1876 | 11/04/1876 | Riga | JANKOVICH |
ЯНКОВИЧ | Keila |
Abram | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 6 | Oedema | not stated | - |
39 | 1876 | 11/04/1876 | Riga | SHNEIDEMAN |
married woman Hinda Gita |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Israel | 25 | Pneumonia | Shavel | - |
40 | 1876 | 12/04/1876 | Riga | AIZENBERG |
Movsha Judel | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 16 | Stomach inflammation | not stated | - |
20 | 57 |
1876 | 13/04/1876 | Riga | VULFSOHN |
ВУЛЬФСОН | Josif |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 59 | Tuberculosis | Riga | - |
41 | 1876 | 13/04/1876 | Riga | EDELSHTEIN |
twin Rokhel |
Jankel | not stated | not stated | - | 6 weeks | Pneumonia | Goldingen | - |
58 |
1876 | 14/04/1876 | Riga | BUNIN |
БУНИН | Leizer |
Lipman | not stated | not stated | - | 6 months | Diarrhea | Shmilian | - |
42 | 1876 | 16/04/1876 | Riga | ISRAELSOHN |
Shmuel- Mordkhel | not stated | not stated | - | 5 | Oedema | not stated | - |
59 |
1876 | 16/04/1876 | Riga | TZUCKERMAN |
Shliomo | not stated | Soldier |
- | 6 months | Convulsions | not stated | - |
43 | 1876 | 16/04/1876 | Riga | ARONSOHN |
Kopel | not stated | not stated | - | 1 1/4 | Convulsions | Mitau | - |
60 |
1876 | 17/04/1876 | Riga | ZEILIN |
ЗЕЙЛИН | Hirsh |
Josel | not stated | not stated | - | 2 yrs 6 mths | Scrofula( tuberculosis) | Novo Zhagore | - |
61 |
1876 | 19/04/1876 | Riga | RAKISHIN |
РАКИШИН | Idel |
Movsha | not stated | not stated | - | 11 | Heart attack | Novo Zhagore | - |
62 |
1876 | 24/04/1876 | Riga | GOLDBERG |
Mozes |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 80 | Lungs inflammation | Mitau | - |
21 | 63 |
1876 | 25/04/1876 | Riga | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Unnamed |
Hirsh | not stated | not stated | - | 7 days | Stomach convulsions | Ligum | - |
64 |
1876 | 25/04/1876 | Riga | ROLOV |
РОЛОВ | Josel |
David | not stated | Soldier |
- | 1 | Convulsions | not stated | - |
65 |
1876 | 28/04/1876 | Riga | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Khaim |
Zalman | not stated | not stated | - | 11 | Meningitis | Mogilev | - |
66 | 1876 | 30/04/1876 | Riga | TRACHTENBERG |
Shliomo | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | not stated | - |
22 | 44 | 1876 | 1/05/1876 | Riga | MATLIN |
widow Hinda |
Hirsh | not stated | not stated | - | 58 | Oedema | Talatshin | - |
67 |
1876 | 2/05/1876 | Riga | NIDERMAN |
НИДЕРМАН | Unnamed |
Meier- Aron | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | Shavel | - |
68 |
1876 | 3/05/1876 | Riga | ZANDER/ SANDER |
ЗАНДЕР | Juda |
Lipman | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 5 months | Meningitis | not stated | - |
69 |
1876 | 3/05/1876 | Riga | WASSERMAN |
Aron | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 4 | Throat inflammation | not stated | - |
70 |
1876 | 5/05/1876 | Riga | JOFFE |
ИОФФЕ | Aron |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 55 | Oedema | Drissa | - |
45 | 1876 | 6/05/1876 | Riga | HOFMAN |
ГОФМАН | Khvoles |
Leizer | not stated | not stated | - | 8 months | Oedema | Drissa | - |
71 |
1876 | 6/05/1876 | Riga | SIDELSKI |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 41 | Tuberculosis | Rosieny | - |
72 |
1876 | 9/05/1876 | Riga | ARONSHTAM |
АРОНШТАМ | Avraham |
Rubin | not stated | not stated | - | 2 1/2 | Exhaustion | Mitau | - |
46 | 1876 | 9/05/1876 | Riga | LIDSKI |
Reiza |
Jankel | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 3 1/2 | Meningitis | not stated | - |
23 | 73 |
1876 | 9/05/1876 | Riga | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Avraham |
Jankel | not stated | not stated | - | 6 months | Convulsions | Windau | - |
74 |
1876 | 12/05/1876 | Riga | HIRSHOVICH |
Hirsh |
David | not stated | not stated | - | 7 months | Tuberculosis | Mitau | - |
75 |
1876 | 15/05/1876 | Riga | KUSHNER |
КУШНЕР | Unnamed |
Israel | not stated | not stated | - | 4 days | Weakness | Krozh | - |
76 |
1876 | 19/05/1876 | Riga | KREMER |
КРЕМЕР | Eliash-
Shlomo |
Nokhum | not stated | not stated | - | 59 | Pneumonia | Jacobstadt | - |
77 |
1876 | 19/05/1876 | Riga | VULFSOHN |
ВУЛЬФСОН | Levin |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 38 | Lungs disease | Riga | - |
78 |
1876 | 22/05/1876 | Riga | ARONSOHN |
АРОНСОН | Mikhel |
Khatzkiel | not stated | not stated | - | 3 weeks | Unknown disease | Mitau | - |
47 | 1876 | 22/05/1876 | Riga | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Rakhil |
Abram- Kalman | not stated | not stated | - | 17 | Pneumonia | Riga | - |
48 | 1876 | 22/05/1876 | Riga | FROMIN |
ФРОМИН | Lea |
Shmerel | not stated | not stated | - | 50 | Pneumonia | Gluboko | - |
24 | 49 | 1876 | 29/05/1876 | Riga | GRINGOLTZ |
Malka |
Movsha- Behr | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | Meningitis | Riga | - |
79 |
1876 | 29/05/1876 | Riga | ABRAMOVICH |
Hirsh | not stated | not stated | - | 2 1/2 | Meningitis | Ponevesh | - |
80 |
1876 | 29/05/1876 | Riga | LIFSHITZ/ LIPSHITZ |
ЛИПШИЦ | Zalman-
Mordkhel |
Ovsei | not stated | not stated | - | 6 months | Measles | Velion | - |
25 | 50 | 1876 | 12/06/1876 | Bolder | ABRAMOVICH |
Lote |
Joel | not stated | Soldier | - | 1 | Convulsions | not stated | - |
81 |
1876 | 13/06/1876 | Riga | LIEBERMAN |
ЛИБЕРМАН | Khaim |
Shmuel- Vulf | not stated | not stated | - | 1 month | Brain oedema | Lepel | - |
82 |
1876 | 13/06/1876 | Riga | ZAKS |
ЗАКС | Vulf |
Itzik- Abel | not stated | not stated | - | 4 | Meningitis | Popelian | - |
83 |
1876 | 16/06/1876 | Riga | SHWARTZ |
ШВАРЦ | Unnamed |
Aizik | not stated | not stated | - | 2 days | - | Ponevesh | - |
84 |
1876 | 16/06/1876 | Riga | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Eliash-
Shliomo |
Shevakh | not stated | not stated | - | 16 days | Diarrhea | Vidzi | - |
51 | 1876 | 16/06/1876 | Riga | SIROTKIN |
СИРОТКИН | Unnamed |
Ruvin | not stated | Retired soldier | - | Stillborn | - | not stated | - |
52 | 1876 | 17/06/1876 | Riga | VAINSHTEIN/ VEINSHTEIN |
Meier | not stated | not stated | - | 6 weeks | Ehaustion | Riga | - |
53 | 1876 | 17/06/1876 | Riga | HAMBURGER |
Bertha |
Leizer | not stated | not stated | - | 2 months | Brain oedema | Tukkum | - |
26 | 85 |
1876 | 20/06/1876 | Riga | RASHKIN |
РАШКИН | Unnamed |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 14 days | Fever | Shmilian | - |
54 | 1876 | 20/06/1876 | Riga | HIRSHBERG |
Mordkhel | not stated | not stated | - | 1/2 | Convulsions | Mitau | - |
55 | 1876 | 24/06/1876 | Dubeln | PLIS |
ПЛИ | The
married woman Sarah |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Itzik | 31 | Nerves inflammation | Dunaburg | - |
86 |
1876 | 26/06/1876 | Riga | BRAUER |
БРАУЕР | Khaikel |
Leib | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 1 1/2 | Brain inflammation | not stated | - |
56 | 1876 | 26/06/1876 | Riga | GOLDBERG |
Judel | not stated | not stated | - | 5 months | Intestine disease | Riga | - |
57 | 1876 | 26/06/1876 | Riga | ABRAMSOHN |
АБРАМСОН | Esther-
Khaya |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 40 | Tuberculosis | Disna | - |
87 |
1876 | 26/06/1876 | Riga | KUSHEL |
КУШЕЛ | Abram-
Behr |
Heshel | not stated | not stated | - | 62 | Tuberculosis | Kelme | - |
58 | 1876 | 27/06/1876 | Riga | SHWARTZ |
ШВАРЦ | Dveira-
Shprintza |
Lieberman | not stated | not stated | - | 19 | Oedema | Keidan | - |
27 | 88 |
1876 | 27/06/1876 | Riga | JOELSOHN |
ИОЕЛЬСОН | Jakov |
Lazer | not stated | not stated | - | 7 months | Diarrhea | Mitau | - |
89 |
1876 | 27/06/1876 | Riga | GRINFELD |
David |
Abram- Itzik | not stated | not stated | - | 5 months | Diarrhea | Shidlov | - |
90 |
1876 | 27/06/1876 | Riga | GALASHKER |
ГАЛАШКЕР | Shmuel |
not stated | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 55 | Tuberculosis | not stated | - |
59 | 1876 | 29/06/1876 | Riga | KATZ |
КАЦ | Tauba |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 39 | Tuberculosis | Birzhi | - |
60 | 1876 | 29/06/1876 | Riga | KERSHON |
married woman Rokhel |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Khaim- Mordkhel | 40 | Lungs disease | Ligum | - |
91 |
1876 | 30/06/1876 | Riga | SHUR |
ШУР | Shmuel-
Eliokim- |
Hilel | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | Brain oedema | Novo- Alexandrovsk | - |
28 | 61 | 1876 | 2/07/1876 | Dubeln | LOZERMAN/ LEIZERMAN |
Itzik | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | Conulsions | Mitau | - |
92 |
1876 | 2/07/1876 | Riga | HOLLENDER |
Israel | not stated | not stated | - | 55 | Exhaustion | Shavel | - |
62 | 1876 | 2/07/1876 | Riga | ZELDMAN |
Abram | not stated | not stated | - | 5 months | Stomach disease | Tukkum | - |
63 | 1876 | 3/07/1876 | Riga | ISRAELIT |
married woman Khaya- Hena- Tzerna |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Vulf | 35 | Difficult delivery | Druya | - |
64 | 1876 | 3/07/1876 | Riga | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Tona |
Behr | not stated | not stated | - | 3 months | Bloody diarrhea | Riga | - |
93 |
1876 | 3/07/1876 | Dubeln | KRETZER |
КРЕЦЕР | Mozes |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 77 | Lungs disease | Mitau | - |
65 | 1876 | 5/07/1876 | Riga | LEVSHTEIN |
married woman Gitel |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Zalman | 40 | Worms in intestines | Dunaburg | - |
66 | 1876 | 5/07/1876 | Riga | KIT( may be KISH) |
КИТ/ КИШ | Khaya-
Liba |
Abram | not stated | Soldier | - | 5 months | Meningitis | not stated | - |
94 |
1876 | 6/07/1876 | Riga | SHAPIRO |
ШАПИРО | Unnamed |
Zalman | not stated | Retired soldier | - | Stillborn | - | not stated | - |
29 | 67 | 1876 | 7/07/1876 | Riga | GALANT |
ГАЛАНТ | Gita-
Lea |
Aba | not stated | Reservist | - | 12 days | Exhaustion | not stated | - |
95 |
1876 | 7/07/1876 | Riga | NECHAMKIN |
НЕХАМКИН | Gershon-
David |
Abram | not stated | Soldier | - | 1 | Bloody diarrhea | not stated | - |
68 | 1876 | 8/07/1876 | Riga | JOMIN | ИОМИН | Zlata |
Bendet | not stated | not stated | - | 10 months | Diarrhea | Disna | - |
69 | 1876 | 9/07/1876 | Riga | LEVENSOHN | ЛЕВЕНСОН | The married woman Sarah | not stated | not stated | not stated | Shaya | 27 | Paralisy | Riga | - |
96 |
1876 | 10/07/1876 | Riga | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Behr-
Leizer |
Israel | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | Bloody diarrha | Zhagore | - |
97 |
1876 | 10/07/1876 | Riga | BLUMSOHN |
БЛЮМСОН | Mikhel-
Hesel |
Vulf |
not stated | not stated | - | 10 days | Convulsions | Mitau | - |
98 |
1876 | 11/07/1876 | Riga | ISRAELIT |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 8 days | Weakness | Druya | - |
99 |
1876 | 11/07/1876 | Riga | VOLFOVICH |
ВОЛФОВИЧ | Borukh |
Vulf | not stated | not stated | - | 56 | Exhaustion | Posvol | - |
70 | 1876 | 12/07/1876 | Riga | JOSELOVICH | ИОСЕЛОВИЧ | Rokhel |
Jankel | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 7 weeks | Pneumonia | not stated | - |
30 | 100 |
1876 | 12/07/1876 | Riga | BEKER |
БЕКЕР | Leib |
Meier | not stated | not stated | - | 9 months | Stomach inflammation | Sveshne | - |
101 |
1876 | 15/07/1876 | Riga | PADOVICH |
ПАДОВИЧ | Hirsh |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 76 | Paralisy | Kupishki | - |
71 | 1876 | 17/07/1876 | Riga | SHATKUN |
ШАТКИН | Feiga-
Ita |
Jokhel | not stated | not stated | - | 13 | Thyphoid | Riga | - |
102 |
1876 | 17/07/1876 | Riga | RIVLIN |
РИВЛИН | Leib |
Hilel | not stated | not stated | - | 11 months | Bloody diarrhea | Riga | - |
103 |
1876 | 17/07/1876 | Riga | BASSOV |
БАССОВ | Leib-
Ruvin |
Abram | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 17 days | Convulsions | not stated | - |
72 | 1876 | 18/07/1876 | Riga | GARFUNKEL |
ГАФУНКЕЛ | Sheina- Eta |
Josel | not stated | not stated | - | 7 months | Liver inflammation | Rosieny | - |
104 |
1876 | 20/07/1876 | Riga | HOCHMAN |
ГОХМАН | Jankel |
Jokhel | not stated | not stated | - | 3 months | Diarrhea | Pokroi | - |
105 |
1876 | 20/07/1876 | Riga | BARKAN |
БАРКАН | Shoel |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 67 | Bloody diarrhea | Polotzk | - |
73 | 1876 | 20/07/1876 | Riga | ROZENBERG |
Leizer | not stated | not stated | - | 2 | Croup | Riga | - |
106 |
1876 | 21/07/1876 | Riga | GELT/ GELD |
ГЕЛТ | David |
Bentzion | not stated | not stated | - | 19 | Tuberculosis | Tshashnik | - |
107 |
1876 | 22/07/1876 | Riga | RINER |
РИНЕР | Rafael |
Vulf | not stated | not stated | - | 6 months | Diarrhea | Dunaburg | - |
31 | 108 |
1876 | 22/07/1876 | Magorenhof | SHTALBERG |
ШТАЛЬБЕРГ | Markus |
not stated | not stated | Merchant | - | 76 | Urine disease | Riga | - |
74 | 1876 | 22/07/1876 | Riga | KERBEL |
КЕРБЕЛ | Dina |
Abram | not stated | not stated | - | 3 | Bloody diarrhea | Shavel | - |
109 |
1876 | 23/07/1876 | Riga | VEINBERG |
Meier |
Leizer | not stated | not stated | - | 11 days | Convulsions | Trishki | - |
110 |
1876 | 25/07/1876 | Riga | SEGAL |
СЕГАЛ | Abram-
Itzik |
Judel- Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 16 months | Meningitis | Linkovo | - |
75 | 1876 | 25/07/1876 | Riga | JANKELOVICH |
married woman Sora- Gita |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Khaim- Itzik | 46 | Tuberculosis | Bauska | - |
76 | 1876 | 25/07/1876 | Riga | ORELOVICH |
ОРЕЛОВИЧ | Dvora |
Nosen | not stated | not stated | - | 15 | Bloody diarrhea | Bauska | - |
77 | 1876 | 25/07/1876 | Riga | SAMOV |
widow Khana |
not stated | not stated | Widow of a soldier | - | 70 | Old age exhaustion | not stated | - |
78 | 1876 | 26/07/1876 | Riga | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБОН | Sora |
Mordkhel/ Markus | not stated | not stated | - | 4 months | Pneumonia | Riga | - |
79 | 1876 | 26/07/1876 | Riga | SHAPIRO |
ШАПИРО | Beila |
Hirsh | not stated | not stated | - | 1 1/2 | Diarrhea | Vitebsk | - |
111 |
1876 | 26/07/1876 | Dubeln* | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Josif |
Mikhel | not stated | not stated | - | 19 | Tuberculosis | Riga | Dobele, Latvia | ||
32 | 112 |
1876 | 27/07/1876 | Riga | KHAIT/ HAIT |
ХАЙТ | Abram-
Juda |
Hirsh | not stated | not stated | - | 2 | Croup | Riga | - |
113 |
1876 | 28/07/1876 | Riga | PERL |
ПЕРЛ | Mordkhel/
Max |
Iser | not stated | not stated | - | 11 months | Bloody diarrhea | Memel( Tallin, Estonia) | - |
80 | 1876 | 29/07/1876 | Riga | JASNOVSKI |
ЯСНОВСКИЙ | Unnamed |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 5 days | Weakness | not stated | - |
81 | 1876 | 29/07/1876 | Riga | KLAVANSKI |
Movsha- Itzik | not stated | not stated | - | 15 months | Intestine disease | Pokroi | - |
33 | 114 |
1876 | 1/08/1876 | Riga | JASNOVSKI |
ЯСНОВСКИЙ | Unnamed |
Leib | not stated | Soldier |
- | 7 days | Exhaustion | not stated | - |
115 |
1876 | 1/08/1876 | Riga | KLEIN |
КЛЕЙН | Josif |
Getzel | not stated | not stated | - | 13 weeks | Meningitis | Veger | - |
116 |
1876 | 1/08/1876 | Riga | RAKSOHN |
РАКСОН | Aizik |
Abram | not stated | Soldier | - | 1 1/2 | Brain oedema | not stated | - |
82 | 1876 | 5/08/1876 | Riga | MEIER/ MEYER |
МЕЙЕР | Khana-
Sarah |
Kalman | not stated | not stated | - | 3 days | Exhaustion | Goldingen | - |
83 | 1876 | 6/08/1876 | Riga | KAUFMAN |
КАУФМАН | Shifra |
Efroim | not stated | not stated | - | 4 months | Brain oedema | Rosieny | - |
117 |
1876 | 6/08/1876 | Riga | HERTZFELD |
ГЕРЦФЕЛД | Itzik |
Jokhen | not stated | not stated | - | 6 | Bloody diarrhea | Bauska | - |
84 | 1876 | 6/08/1876 | Riga | SHER |
ШЕР | Sarah |
Getzel | not stated | not stated | - | 11 months | Brain oedema | Ponevesh | - |
118 |
1876 | 8/08/1876 | Riga | ROSTOVSKI |
Movsha |
Shlomo | not stated | not stated | - | 60 | Pneumonia | Plungian | - |
85 | 1876 | 9/08/1876 | Riga | RUBINSHTEIN |
Lea |
Faivish | not stated | not stated | - | 15 months | Lungs inflammation | Riga | - |
119 |
1876 | 9/08/1876 | Riga | LEVIN( mother) |
ЛЕВИН | Hirsh |
Khana | not stated | not stated | - | 6 months | Tuberculosis | Linkovo | - |
34 | 86 | 1876 | 11/08/1876 | Riga | HERTZFELD |
ГЕРЦФЕЛД | Masha |
Jokhen | not stated | not stated | - | 4 | Bloody diarrhea | Bauska | - |
120 |
1876 | 13/08/1876 | Riga | SLOMINSKI |
Idel |
Eliash | not stated | not stated | - | 6 months | Variola | Ligum | - |
87 | 1876 | 13/08/1876 | Riga | LEVINSOHN |
Shmerel | not stated | Retired soldier |
- | 7 months | Intestine disease | not stated | - |
88 | 1876 | 13/08/1876 | Riga | GERBER |
ГЕРБЕР | Reiza-
Nekhama |
Khatzkiel | not stated | not stated | - | 6 days | Convulsions | Zhagore | - |
121 |
1876 | 13/08/1876 | Riga | BORUCHOVICH |
Abram- Simkha | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | English disease | Zhemel | - |
122 |
1876 | 15/08/1876 | Riga | GLAZER |
ГЛАЗЕР | Unnamed |
Khaim | not stated | not stated | - | 3 days | Exhaustion | Birzhi | - |
89 | 1876 | 17/08/1876 | Riga | KHAIT/ HAIT |
ХАЙТ | Unnamed |
Peisekh | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | Birzhi | - |
90 | 1876 | 18/08/1876 | Riga | KIRSHNER |
КИРШНЕР | Esther-
Ita |
Nachman | not stated | not stated | - | 10 months | Apoplexy | Rezekne | - |
91 | 1876 | 19/08/1876 | Riga | ZABLUDOVSKI |
Rokhel |
Daniel | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 10 weeks | Diarrhea | not stated | - |
92 | 1876 | 20/08/1876 | Riga | FURMAN |
ФУРМАН | Lea |
Peisakh | not stated | not stated | - | 9 | Bloody diarrhea | Vobolnik | - |
35 | 123 |
1876 | 21/08/1876 | Riga | JOSELOVICH |
Khonon |
Ovsei | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | Intestine disease | not stated | - |
93 | 1876 | 22/08/1876 | Riga | MENDELSOHN |
Khlavin | not stated | not stated | - | 6 weeks | Diarrhea | Zhagore | - |
124 |
1876 | 22/08/1876 | Riga | MULER |
МУЛЕР | Benjamin-
Jankel |
Leizer | not stated | not stated | - | 15 | Bronchitis | Keidan | - |
94 | 1876 | 22/08/1876 | Riga | VEINER |
Lea |
Berel | not stated | not stated | - | 8 weeks | Convulsions | Zhagore | - |
95 | 1876 | 23/08/1876 | Riga | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Sarah-
Rokhel |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 9 months | Pneumonia | Shavel | - |
125 |
1876 | 24/08/1876 | Riga | KLUTSHINSKI |
Zalman | not stated | not stated | - | 10 months | Diarrhea | Eisishek | - |
126 |
1876 | 25/08/1876 | Riga | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Behr |
Leizer | not stated | not stated | - | 1 1/2 | Stomach inflammation | Riga | - |
96 | 1876 | 27/08/1876 | Riga | LEVENSHTEIN |
Movsha | not stated | not stated | - | 1 3/4 | Diarrhea | Mitau | - |
127 |
1876 | 27/08/1876 | Riga | VOLFSOHN/ VULFSOHN |
Hirsh |
Hirsh | not stated | not stated | - | 3 months | Whooping cough | Zhagore | - |
97 | 1876 | 28/08/1876 | Riga | FRIEDMAN |
married woman Basa |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Abram | 74 | Lungs disease | Riga | - |
36 | 128 |
1876 | 29/08/1876 | Riga | PIEN/ PEN |
ПЕН | David-
Levi |
Simon | not stated | not stated | - | 2 | Croup | Novo- Alexandrovsk | - |
129 |
1876 | 31/08/1876 | Riga | SHER |
ШЕР | Meier |
Josel | not stated | not stated | - | 4 months | Convulsions | Shavel | - |
37 | 98 | 1876 | 2/09/1876 | Riga | KARTUN |
КАРТУН | Elka-
Tzipora |
Israel | not stated | not stated | - | 10 days | Weakness | Shavel | - |
99 | 1876 | 4/09/1876 | Riga | FALK |
ФАЛК | Unnamed |
Vulf | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | Plungian | - |
100 | 1876 | 4/09/1876 | Riga | BAS |
БАС | Khana |
Jankel- Movsha | not stated | not stated | - | 17 months | Diarrhea | Shavel | - |
101 | 1876 | 7/09/1876 | Riga | ROTBARD |
РОТБАРД | Khaya-
Shtirla |
Shakhno | not stated | Soldier | - | 1 1/2 | Exhaustion | not stated | - |
130 |
1876 | 7/09/1876 | Riga | NOZHNITZKI |
НОЖНИЦКИЙ | Benjamin-
Jokhel |
Hirsh | not stated | Retired under officer |
- | 1 | Croup | not stated | - |
102 | 1876 | 7/09/1876 | Riga | SLUZHEVICH |
widow Sarah |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Khaim | 86 | Old age exhaustion | Lomza | - |
103 | 1876 | 9/09/1876 | Riga | KATZEN |
КАЦЕН | Unnamed |
Movsha | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | Riga | - |
104 | 1876 | 9/09/1876 | Riga | LESHKIN |
ЛЕШКИН | Golda-
Deborah |
Meier- Leizer | not stated | not stated | - | 3 months | Cerebral oedema | Plungian | - |
131 |
1876 | 9/09/1876 | Riga | VULFSOHN |
ВУЛФСОН | Isak |
David | not stated | not stated | - | 9 months | Exhaustion | Riga | - |
132 |
1876 | 9/09/1876 | Riga | LEZHAVNIK |
ЛЕЖАВНИК | Pinkhus |
Modkhel | not stated | not stated | - | 10 months | Croup | Staro- Zhagore | - |
38 | 105 | 1876 | 11/09/1876 | Riga | GEL |
ГЕЛ | Ita |
Itzik | not stated | not stated | - | 8 months | Bloody diarrhea | Zheimel | - |
133 |
1876 | 12/09/1876 | Riga | VILENTSHIK |
Eizer | not stated | not stated | - | 66 months | Bloody diarrhea | Birzhi | - |
106 | 1876 | 12/09/1876 | Riga | ILION |
ИЛЬОН | Unnamed |
Dobra | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | Telshi | - |
134 |
1876 | 1/09/1876 | Riga | SANDLER |
САНДЛЕР | Abram |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 3 months | Bloody diarrhea | Varna | - |
135 |
1876 | 15/09/1876 | Riga | JOFFE |
ИОФФЕ | Vulf |
Abel | not stated | not stated | - | 1 yr 3 mths | Stomach inflammation | Ligum | - |
136 |
1876 | 16/09/1876 | Riga | POMERANTZEV |
Samuel |
Rubin- Itzik | not stated | Retired under officer | - | 9 days | Convulsions | not stated | - |
137 |
1876 | 17/09/1876 | Riga | SHMUCKLER |
ШМУКЛЕР | Itzik |
Zalman | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 10 months | Intestines disease | not stated | - |
138 |
1876 | 17/09/1876 | Riga | LAT |
ЛАТ | Moisey-
Benjamin |
Eliash | not stated | not stated | - | 1 yr 3 mths | Diarrhea | Kreutzburg | - |
107 | 1876 | 19/09/1876 | Riga | BLANKENSHTEIN |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | Croup | Riga | - |
139 |
1876 | 21/09/1876 | Riga | PERELMAN |
ПЕРЕЛМАН | Benjamin |
Aaron | not stated | not stated | - | 1 yr 10 weeks | Oedema | Beisagol | - |
39 | 108 | 1876 | 21/09/1876 | Riga | BERKOVICH |
БЕРКОВИЧ | Jenta |
Abram | not stated | not stated | - | 2 | Diarrhea | Friedrichstadt | - |
140 |
1876 | 21/09/1876 | Riga | KITAI |
КИТАЙ | Benjamin |
David | not stated | not stated | - | 1 1/2 | Scrofula( tuberculosis) | Shavel | - |
109 | 1876 | 21/09/1876 | Riga | TZUCKERMAN |
Lea |
Khaim | not stated | Soldier |
- | 1 | Diarrhea | not- stated | - |
141 |
1876 | 21/09/1876 | Riga | MULER |
МУЛЕР | Azriel-
Eize |
Orel | not stated | not stated | - | 6 months | Bloody diarrhea | Jurburg | - |
110 | 1876 | 22/09/1876 | Riga | JOFFE |
ИОФФЕ | Sheina-
Pessa |
A-bel | not stated | not stated | - | 7 days | Weakness | Ligum | - |
142 |
1876 | 25/09/1876 | Riga | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Eizik |
Markus | not stated | not stated | - | 9 1/2 | Liver disease | Libau | - |
111 | 1876 | 26/09/1876 | Riga | BLUMENAU |
БЛУМЕНАУ | Unnamed |
Mikhel- Jankel | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | Tukkum | - |
112 | 1876 | 27/09/1876 | Riga | GOLDBLATT |
widow Annette |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 65 | Blood disease | Mit-au | - |
143 |
1876 | 27/09/1876 | Riga | ORKIN |
ОРКИН | Josif-
Leib |
Jankel | not stated | not stated | - | 2 1/2 | Convulsions | Zhagore | - |
113 | 1876 | 30/09/1876 | Riga | REDALJE |
РЕДАЛЬЕ | Hanna |
Itzik | not stated | not stated | - | 2 12 | Lungs inflammation | Veger | - |
40 | 114 | 1876 | 30/09/1876 | Riga | MARKIS( MARKUS?) |
widow Lea |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 75 | Pneumonia | Varshaw | - |
41 | 115 | 1876 | 2/10/1876 | Riga | KRUNIK |
КРУНИК | Khaya |
Shlomo | not stated | Retired soldier |
- | 6 days | Convulsions | not stated | - |
144 |
1876 | 2/10/1876 | Riga | SEGAL...? |
СЕГАЛ...? | Abram-
Meier |
Khaim- Vulf | not stated | not stated | - | 5 | Croup | Zeimel | - |
145 |
1876 | 7/10/1876 | Riga | ARONSOHN | АРОНСОН | Israel |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 70 | Pneumonia | Riga | - |
146 |
1876 | 8/10/1876 | Riga | MAZELSKI | МАЗЕЛЬСКИЙ | Abram-
Zalman |
Shmuel | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 1 1/2 | Lungs disease | not stated | - |
116 | 1876 | 12/10/1876 | Riga | SEGAL |
СЕГАЛ | Dina |
Meier | not stated | not stated | - | 14 | Tuberculosis | Vekshne | - |
117 | 1876 | 15/10/1876 | Riga | VISHEVICH |
ВИШЕВИЧ | Khana |
Shleimo | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 2 | Oedema | not stated | - |
118 | 1876 | 16/10/1876 | Riga | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Sarah |
Jankel | not stated | Retired soldier | - | 1 yr 3 mths | - | not stated | - |
119 | 1876 | 17/10/1876 | Riga | RUBINSHTEIN |
Mozes | not stated | not stated | - | 9 months | Convulsions | Tukkum | - |
120 | 1876 | 18/10/1876 | Riga | GARFUNKEL |
married woman Braina- Gitel |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Josel | 26 | Tuberculosis | Rosieny | - |
147 |
1876 | 19/10/1876 | Riga | GITELMAN |
ГИТЕЛЬМАН | Nachman |
Nekhemja | not stated | Soldier | - | 5 | Cerebral oedema | not stated | - |
148 |
1876 | 24/10/1876 | Riga | SHAIEVICH |
ШАЕВИЧ | Zalman-
Samuil |
Shaya | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | Exhaustion | Shavlian | - |
42 | 149 |
1876 | 28/10/1876 | Riga | SHOCHET |
ШОХЕТ | Isak |
Jankel | not stated | not stated | - | 1 1/2 | Meningitis | Zhagore | - |
121 | 1876 | 28/10/1876 | Riga | JANKELOVICH |
Ita |
Meier | not stated | not stated | - | 5 days | Weakness | Birzhi | - |
122 | 1876 | 28/10/1876 | Riga | SHAEVICH |
ШАЕВИЧ | Zelda |
Aaron | not stated | not stated | - | 3 | Lungs disease | Shavlian | - |
150 |
1876 | 28/10/1876 | Riga | RASHKES |
РАШКЕС | Unnamed |
Movsha | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | Zhuprach | - |
123 | 1876 | 30/10/1876 | Riga | ZAGORSKI |
ЗАГОРСКИЙ | Malka- Mera |
Israel | not stated | not stated | - | 26 days | Cough | Zheimel | - |
151 |
1876 | 30/10/1876 | Riga | SHEINIGSOHN |
ШЕЙНИГСОН | Benjamin |
Judel | not stated | not stated | - | 10 months | Meningitis | Staro- Zhagore | - |
152 |
1876 | 31/10/1876 | Riga | MEIEROVICH |
МЕЙЕРОВИЧ | Israel |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 45 | Pneumonia | Bauska | - |
43 | 124 | 1876 | 2/11/1876 | Riga | SKLIAR/ SKLAR |
maried woman Esther |
not stated | not stated | Wife of a soldier | Abel | 23 | Liver inflammation | not stated | - |
153 |
1876 | 3/11/1876 | Riga | KAZENETZ |
КАЗЕНЕЦ | Faivish |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 8 | Thyphoid | Vilkomir | - |
125 | 1876 | 3/11/1876 | Riga | BLUMENTAHL |
Lea |
Rafael | not stated | not stated | - | 9 months | Convulsions | Goldingen | - |
126 | 1876 | 3/11/1876 | Riga | SHIREN |
married woman Bertha/ Braina |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Julius | 24 | Liver inflammation | Riga | - |
154 |
1876 | 8/11/1876 | Riga | HIRSH |
ГИРШ | Nachman |
Josel | not stated | not stated | - | 6 months | Pneumonia | Ligum | - |
127 | 1876 | 8/11/1876 | Riga | BLOCH |
БЛОХ | Sarah |
Khaim | not stated | not stated | - | 1 1/2 | Oedema | Plungian | - |
155 |
1876 | 12/11/1876 | Riga | DAVIDSOHN |
ДАВИДСОН | Eliash |
Shmuel | not stated | not stated | - | 2 | Croup | Pokroi | - |
128 | 1876 | 15/11/1876 | Dunamunde | KRASINSKI |
Ovsei | not stated | Retired under officer | - | 1 | Meningitis | not stated | - |
129 | 1876 | 15/11/1876 | Riga | SANDROVICH |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 4 | Croup | Shavel | - |
156 |
1876 | 17/11/1876 | Riga | SHTERN |
ШТЕРН | Aizik/
Oscar |
Khaim | not stated | not stated | - | 13 | Dog bite | Riga | - |
44 | 130 | 1876 | 17/11/1876 | Riga | KRAMER |
Jenta |
Meier | not stated | Retired under officer | - | 10 months | Croup | not stated | - |
157 |
1876 | 18/11/1876 | Riga | VELSH |
ВЕЛШ | Israel |
Peisakh- Gershon | not stated | not stated | - | 5 months | Tuberculosis | Linkovo | - |
131 | 1876 | 18/11/1876 | Dunamunde | KALNER |
КАЛНЕР | Raitza |
David | not stated | not stated | - | 1 | Cerebral oedema | Taurogen | - |
132 | 1876 | 19/11/1876 | Genzelhof | GOLDBERG |
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ | Benjamin |
Behr | not stated | not stated | - | 3 weeks | Weakness | Sassmacken | - |
158 |
1876 | 24/11/1876 | Riga | RABINOVICH |
РАБИНОВИЧ | Unnamed |
Behr | not stated | not stated | - | 9 days | Weakness | Ponedeli | - |
133 | 1876 | 24/11/1876 | Riga | VEINER |
ВЕЙНЕР | Beila-
Rokhel |
Ruvin | not stated | Retired soldier |
- | 4 months | Convulsions | not stated | - |
159 |
1876 | 28/11/1876 | Riga | SIMSON/ SIMSOHN |
СИМСОН | Vulf |
not stated | not stated | Watchmaker | - | 86 | Senility | Mitau | - |
134 | 1876 | 29/11/1876 | Riga | RASHKIN |
РАШКИН | Khana |
Benjamin | not stated | not stated | - | 8 months | Small pox | not stated | - |
45 | 160 |
1876 | 29/11/1876 | Riga | SVIDACHIN |
СВИДАХИН | Behr- Leib |
Jankel | not stated | Retired soldier |
- | 9 months | Croup | not stated | - |
161 |
1876 | 30/11/1876 | Riga | RUBIN |
РУБИН | Leib |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 70 | Senility | Zhavineski, Vilna gub | - |
47 | 162 |
1876 | 1/12/1876 | Riga | LACHMAN |
ЛАХМАН | Efroim-
Aaron |
Hirsh | not stated | not stated | - | 4 months | Oedema | Bauska | - |
135 | 1876 | 3/12/1876 | Riga | SHLOSSBERG |
Rivka |
Mikhel | not stated | not stated | - | 2 | Small pox | Dunaburg | - |
136 | 1876 | 4/12/1876 | Riga | HIRSHFELD |
Riva |
Khaim | not stated | not stated | - | 4 months | Convulsions | Riga | - |
163 |
1876 | 5/12/1876 | Riga | GOLDBERG |
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ | Benjamin-
Aizik |
Ovsei | not stated | not stated | - | 1 1/3 | Scarlet fever | Venzelgol | - |
137 | 1876 | 6/12/1876 | Riga | GLICKSBERG |
Pera |
David | not stated | Reservist |
- | 1 month | Pneumonia | not stated | - |
164 |
1876 | 6/12/1876 | Riga | MEIEROVICH/ MEYEROVICH |
Josif |
Ezriel | not stated | not stated | - | 8 months | Pneumonia | Jacobstadt | - |
138 | 1876 | 7/12/1876 | Riga | KLAF |
КЛАФ | Esther |
Beines | not stated | not stated | - | 4 weeks | Pneumonia | Shavel | - |
165 |
1876 | 7/12/1876 | Riga | BERG |
БЕРГ | Leizer-
Pinkhas |
Khona- Hirsh | not stated | not stated | - | 12 days | Convulsions | Tukkum | - |
139 | 1876 | 8/12/1876 | Riga | REZINKOVICH |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 8 days | Convulsions | Riga | - |
140 | 1876 | 10/12/1876 | Riga | FRIEDMAN |
ФРИДМАН | Hinda |
Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 3/4 | Small pox | Rogovo | - |
47 | 141 | 1876 | 14/12/1876 | Riga | KAGAN |
widow Jenta |
not stated | not stated | not stated | Vulf | 85 | Lungs disease | Posvol | - |
166 |
1876 | 15/12/1876 | Riga | VULFSOHN |
ВУЛФСОН | Aron |
Itzik- Hilel | not stated | not stated | - | 5 | Croup | Riga | - |
142 | 1876 | 17/12/1876 | Riga | LEVENSHTEIN |
Reiza |
Benjamin | not stated | not stated | - | 2 weeks | Weakness | Mitau | - |
167 |
1876 | 18/12/1876 | Riga | PETSHIRSHTECHER |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 72 | Tumor | Shavel | - |
168 |
1876 | 23/12/1876 | Riga | SANDER |
ЗАНДЕР | Lazer-
Mozes |
not stated | not stated | not stated | - | 68 | Senility | Tukkum | - |
169 |
1876 | 24/12/1876 | Riga | SHUR |
ГУР | Mendel-
Leib |
Hilel | not stated | not stated | - | 13 weeks | Convulsions | Soloki | - |
170 |
1876 | 2424/12/1876 | Riga | GILMAN/ HILMAN |
ГИЛЬМАН | Unnamed |
Munia | not stated | not stated | - | 7 days | Weakness | Tshashnik | - |
171 |
1876 | 25/12/1876 | Riga | POMOTSHNIK |
Shmuel | not stated | not stated | - | 9 months | Convulsions | Staro Zhagore | - |
143 | 1876 | 27/12/1876 | Riga | AIZENBLATT | АЙЗЕНБЛАТ | Freida |
Hirsh- Leib | not stated | not stated | - | 13 months | Tuberculosis | Varshaw | - |
172 |
1876 | 27/12/1876 | Riga | JUDELOVICH |
ЮДЕЛОВИЧ | Markus-
Behr |
Benjamin | not stated | not stated | - | 1 months | Tumor | Bauska | - |
173 |
1876 | 27/12/1876 | Riga | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Shliomo |
Movsha | not stated | not stated | - | 9 months | Small pox | Ligum | - |
48 | 174 |
1876 | 30/12/1876 | Riga | BEKER |
БЕКЕР | Unnamed |
Jankel | not stated | not stated | - | 8 days | Convulsions | Vekshne | - |
175 |
1876 | 31/12/1876 | Riga | BRIN |
БРИН | Unnamed |
Behr | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | Ponedeli | - |
176 |
1876 | 31/12/1876 | Riga | BRIN |
БРИН | Unnamed |
Behr | not stated | not stated | - | Stillborn | - | Ponedeli | - |