О родившихся в Риге в 1854 г.
Births in Riga in 1854.
Naissances a Riga en 1854.

from this site Translitteration and translation made by Christine Usdin
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Go to the bottom of the page for the births records,that I have translated.

All the dates are from the Julian calendar.Add 12 days to find the date on the Gregorian calendar(Western calendar)

Riga. The Great Choral Synagogue
The construction of the building was started in 1868 and finished in 1871.The opening ceremony in August 1871 was guided by the Chief Rabbi Pucher of Jelgava.
Many Jews perished in the burning Synagogue and that they were mainly from Siauliai, Lithuania.

Rabbi : Dr.Abraham Neumann (director of the first Jewish school in Riga)
These birth records were written in German.
Page Record


Place Year Date of birth Date of circumcision Surname Surname
Given name Father's name Father's patronymic Occupation    of the father Father's place
of registration
Surname in cyrillic Mother's
first name
Mother's place
of registration

6 1 Riga 1854 12/01/1853 TISHLER ТИШЛЕР Hirsh-Meyer Elias-Ezekhiel not stated not stated Veshne, Kovno gub. HIRSH
ГИРШ Sara -
not stated Abel USCHISKIN from Vitebsk
1 Riga 1854 7/01/1854 BRAININ БРАЙНИН Moses Moses-Hirsh not stated Merchant Riga KLATSHKO КЛАЧКО Deborah not stated not stated Abel USCHISKIN from Vitebsk
2 Riga 1854 21/01/1854 WEINER ВЕЙНЕР Behr Marham Berko not stated - GORDОN ГОРДОН Deborah/ Dorothea not stated not stated Abel USCHISKIN from Vitebsk
7 2 Riga 1854 29/01/1854 - BERKOVICH БЕРКОВИЧ Asna Alexander-Ezeihiel not stated Merchant Riga GUMING ГУМИНГ Taube not stated not stated -
3 Riga 1854 4/02/1854 GORDON ГОРДОН Michel Jacob-Hirsh not stated Clerk Riga NURIK НУРИК Hinda/Henriette not stated not stated Marius-Izrael YOFFE Salesman from Vilkomir
3 Riga 1854 7/02/1854 - GOLDBLATT ГОЛДБЛАТ Rosa Abraham-Jacob not stated not stated - not stated - Tradel not stated not stated -
8 4 Riga 1854 13/02/1854 - BADIN БАДИН Margolie Mathias Naftal not stated Froski, Vitebsk gub. BEHR БЕР Nekhama not stated not stated -
4 Riga 1854 16/02/1854 LEVENSTEIN ЛЕВЕНШТЕЙН Feidel Isae-Jacob not stated not stated Hasen ABRAMOVICH АБРАМОВИЧ Liebe not stated not stated -
5 Riga 1854 23/02/1854 - VESCHESKI ВЕШЕСКИ Mina-Liebe Kalman-Mozes not stated not stated Zhagoren WITMETZ ВИТМЕЦ Emilie not stated not stated -
9 6 Riga 1854 27/02/1854 - HEIDEMANN ГЕЙДЕМАН Golda Isai-Marcus not stated not stated Mitava VULF
ВУЛФ Scheina not stated not stated -
7 Riga 1854 4/03/1854 BERENSTAM БЕРЕНШТАМ Joshua( twin) Samuel-Lafer not stated not stated Mitava MIRLIN МИРЛИН Chaja-Lea not stated not stated -
5 Riga 1854 4/03/1854 - BERENSTAM БЕРЕНШТАМ Dusha- Dora( twin)
Samuel-Lafer not stated not stated Mitava MIRLIN МИРЛИН Chaja-Lea not stated not stated -

8 Riga 1854 4/03/1854 - RIVLIN РИВЛИН Therese
Jankel-Elias Morah-Harach not stated Slow SCMARJAH СМАРЬЯ Chaja not stated not stated Abel USCHISKIN from Vitebsk Twins
10 6 Riga 1854 27/03/1854 NEUBERG НЕЙБЕРГ Kalman-Wolf Scheftel-Jacob not stated not stated Mitava VULF
ВУЛФ Scheina-Chasja not stated not stated Abel USCHISKIN from Vitebsk
7 Riga 1854 1/04/1854 KARLIN КАРЛИН Simon-Mordechai-Marius Ezechiel-Salomon not stated not stated Birzen MARKUS МАРКУС Hinda not stated not stated Abel USCHISKIN from Vitebsk
8 Riga 1854 17/04/1854 ARONSBERG АРОНСБЕРГ Ephraim Lafer-Neum not stated not stated Goldinegn LEVENSTEIN ЛЕВЕНШТЕЙН Deborah not stated not stated Kalman-Nekhemia BERKOWITZ from RIGA
11 9 Riga 1854 18/04/1854 GOLDBLATT ГОЛДБЛАТ Moses-Elhan Sundel-Jankel not stated not stated Riga LIFSNER ЛИФСНЕР Chaya not stated not stated Abel USCHISKIN from Vitebsk
9 Riga 1854 18/04/1854 - DAVIDOV ДАВИДОВ Pauline Sandel-Neyum not stated Clerk Polangen BERENSTAM БЕРЕНШТЕЙН Guta-Hena Salesclerk not stated -
10 Riga 1854 23/04/1854 - FELDHUHN ФЕЛДГУН Golda Heyum-Ahron not stated not stated Vilna JOEL ИОЕЛ Raina not stated not stated -
12 11 Riga 1854 26/04/1854 - HIRSCHFELD ГИРШФЕЛД Rahel Michael-Marius not stated not stated Riga HESSEL ГЕССЕЛ Fega not stated not stated -
10 Riga 1854 27/04/1854 BERENSTEIN БЕРЕНШТЕЙН Israel Abraham-Peisah not stated not stated Riga LEVENSHTEIN ЛЕВЕНШТЕЙН Jenta/Anette not stated not stated Abel USCHISKIN from Vitebsk
11 Riga 1854 29/04/1854 ABRAMSOHN АБРАМСОН Moses-Ahron Isae-Ezechiel not stated not stated Riga JOSEPH ИОЗЕФ Rahle not stated not stated Abel USCHISKIN from Vitebsk
13 12 Riga 1854 19/05/1854 - FELDMAN ФЕЛДМАН Liebe Lafer-Samuel not stated not stated Fisne, Vilna gub. LAZARUS ЛАЗАРУС Saraf-Bassa not stated not stated Abel USCHISKIN from Vitebsk
13 Riga 1854 21/05/1854 - FEISAK ФЕЙЗАК Bela/Bertha Salman-Isai not stated not stated Jakobstadt JUDELOVICH ЮДЕЛОВИЧ Fruma/Fanny not stated not stated Abel USCHISKIN from Vitebsk
12 Riga 1854 29/05/1854 DANENHIRSCH ДАНЕНГИРШ Heyum-Simeho Isai-Taiob not stated not stated Bauska SCHMULOVICH ШМУЛОВИЧ Fega-Freide not stated not stated Kalman-Nekhemia BERKOWITZ from RIGA
14 14 Riga 1854 31/05/1854 - NACHMAN НАХМАН Rose Israel-Julius not stated not stated Riga NACHMAN НАХМАН Regine/Rahel not stated not stated -
13 Riga 1854 9/06/1854 LEVI ЛЕВИ Sinztel/Jeannot David-Joel not stated not stated Riga FELDMANN ФЕЛДМАН Hoda not stated not stated Salman RIBKIN from Beschen Komitz.Witebsk
14 Riga 1854 14/07/1854 BRAININ БРАЙНИН Simon-Michel Mendel/Maximilian not stated not stated - SACK ЗАК Elka not stated not stated Salman RIBKIN from Besehen,Komitz.Witebsk
15 15 Riga 1854 17/07/1854 - VULFSOHN ВУЛФСОН Blume Hirsch not stated not stated Riga BLUMENBERG БЛУМЕНБЕРГ Eda not stated not stated -
15 Riga 1854 7/08/1854 BERKOWITZ БЕРКОВИЧ Morde-Ihai Gubje Moses.M not stated not stated Riga MANDELSHTAM МАНДЕЛШТАМ Rahel not stated not stated Elias-Gerschon MASE from Minsk, Marius KLEBANOW from Bari, Mendel RAPOPORT from Szasch
16 Riga 1854 12/09/1854 LEVENSOHN ЛЕВЕНСОН Mordechai-Marius Moses-Sundel not stated not stated Riga SCHAVLOW ШАВЛОВ Ester not stated not stated -
16 16 Riga 1854 23/09/1854 - RUBINSTEIN РУБИНШТЕЙН Tamara-Jacha Elias-Marcus not stated not stated Meitan SCHLOSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ Pessa not stated not stated -
17 Riga 1854 27/09/1854 - LEVIN ЛЕВИН Hana-Freude Jacob not stated not stated Riga IZRAEL ИЗРАЕЛ Tamara not stated not stated -
18 Riga 1854 3/10/1854 - SCHEINES ШЕЙНЕС Mirjam/Marie Lazer-Mozez not stated not stated Riga TRAUGOT ТРАУГОТ Betty not stated not stated -
17 17 Riga 1854 3/10/1854 CHANIKOV ХАНИКОВ Pinchos Ber not stated not stated - GRINBERG ГРИНБЕРГ Sara-Rone not stated Suvalki -
There is a long info about him but it is in old German and difficult to read.
18 19 Riga 1854 10/10/1854 - SCHLOSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ Lea Ezehiel-Barnik not stated not stated Riga LIBSHITZ
ЛИБШИЦ Blume-Golda not stated not stated -
20 Riga 1854 10/10/1854 - BLANKENSHTEIN БЛАНКЕНШТЕЙН Bazsja Ber-Ahron not stated not stated Riga VESCHOSKY ВЕШОВСКИ Chaje-Sarah not stated not stated -
18 Riga 1854 14/10/1854 GOLDINGER ГОЛДИНГЕР Nathan Ephraim not stated not stated Riga LIZSNER ЛИСНЕР Scheina-Liebe not stated not stated -
19 19 Riga 1854 22/10/1854 LEVI ЛЕВИ Moses-Hirsch Abraham-Salomon not stated not stated Libava KIRSHBAUM КИРШБАУМ Jitte not stated not stated Salman RIBKIN from Beschen Komitz gvt.Witebsk
20 Riga 1854 23/10/1854 CANTOR КАНТЕР Heyum-Isae Juda-Arye not stated not stated Riga BEHRMAN БЕРМАН Hana not stated not stated Salman RIBKIN from Beschen Komitz gvt.Witebsk
21 Riga 1854 23/10/1854 EDELMAN ЕДЕЛМАН Sheftel Israel-Ber not stated not stated New Zhagoren WEITSLER ВЕЙТСЛЕР Rebeka not stated not stated Mendel RAPOPORT from Szaschnek
20 22 Riga 1854 24/10/1854 BERKOWITZ БЕРКОВИЧ Abraham-Gutel Peisah-Moses not stated not stated Vitebsk GUMING ГУМИНГ Mirjam/Mariama not stated not stated Mendel RAPOPORT from Szaschnek
21 Riga 1854 11/11/1854 - KAPLAN КАПЛАН Lea/Leonora Wolf not stated not stated Riga SCHLOSBERG ШЛОСБЕРГ Rone/Regine not stated not stated -
22 Riga 1854 20/11/1854 - EDELSOHN ЕДЕЛСОН Sara Hirsch-Isae not stated not stated Rogon, Vilkomir gub. SERZIN СЕРЗИН Mirjam/Mariana not stated not stated -
21 23 Riga 1854 1/12/1854 BLIEDEN БЛИДЕН Abraham-Ahron Salomo-Abraham not stated not stated Zhagoren AHRON АРОН Hana not stated not stated Salman RIBKIN from Beschen Komitz gvt.Witebsk
24 Riga 1854 5/12/1854 APFELBAUM АПФЕЛБАУМ Elias Laser-Moses not stated not stated Tukkum LIEBERMAN ЛИБЕРМАН Lea not stated not stated Salman RIBKIN from Beschen Kowitz gvt.Witebsk
23 Riga 1854 9/12/1854 - MACHMANIK МАХМАНИК Friedereke/Feiga Hittel-Salomo not stated not stated Janishki NURIK ГУРИК Rahel not stated not stated -
22 25 Riga 1854 10/12/1854 VULF
ВУЛФ Benjamin David-Hirsch-Wulf not stated not stated Riga SEGALIN СЕГАЛИН Fanny/Chaje-Fega not stated not stated Kalman-Neihemia BERKOWITZ from Riga
26 Riga 1854 11/12/1854 GRAVITZ ГРАВИЦ Ahron Joel-Moses not stated not stated Birzen ABRAM АБРАМ Hinda not stated not stated Salman RIBKIN from Beschen Kowitz gvt.Witebsk
27 Riga 1854 19/12/1854 ZIRK ЗИРК Abraham Jesaias-David not stated not stated Zhagoren FRIEDMAN ФРИДМАН Rahel-Hinda not stated not stated Salman RIBKIN from Beschen Kowitz gvt.Witebsk
23 28 Riga 1854 21/12/1854 HIRSHHORN ГИРШГОРН Elkhon
Isak-Hirsch not stated not stated Riga SECHARIESEN(?) - Rosa-Bela not stated not stated Kalman-Neihemia BERKOWITZ from Riga, Mendel RAPOPORT from Szasehnek, Salman RIBKIN from Beschen Kowitz gvt.Witebsk
29 Riga 1854 31/12/1854 LEVI ЛЕВИ Juda/Julius Benjamin-Juda not stated not stated Riga KAHN КАН Jenta/Julie not stated not stated Salman RIBKIN from Beschen Kowitz gvt.Witebsk
24 30 Riga 1854 13/04/1854 SHEFTELSOHN
ШЕФТЕЛСОН Febus/Feibius.Michel Hosias not stated not stated Bauska FEBUS ФЕБЮС Chana-Golda not stated not stated Kalman-Neihemia BERKOWITZ from Riga

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