Page | Record N° Female |
Record N° Male |
XX |
Year | Date of birth | Date of circumcision xxxxxx |
Surname | Surname in cyrillic |
Given name
xxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Father's name | Father's patronymic | Occupation
of the father xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Father's place of registration xxxxXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxX |
Mother's surname |
Surname in cyrillic | Mother's first name |
Mother's patronymic |
Mother's place of registration xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Officiant xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Comments |
4 | 1 | Riga | 1874 | 1/01/1874 | - | KATZ |
КАЦ | Ita- Riva* | Jankel- Josel | Leib | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Gnendel | Hirsh | not stated | - |
Ita- Rivka KATZ died of convulsions on 6/07/1874 | |
2 | Riga | 1874 | 3/01/1874 | - | VOLPERT |
ВОЛПЕРТ | Esther | Simon | Aizik | Cleaner | Linkovo | HIRSHBERG | ГИРШБЕРГ | Mera | Eizer | not stated | - |
- | ||
3 | Riga | 1874 | 5/01/1874 | - | KURS |
КУРС | Eta- Buna | Daniel | Lipman | Shoemaker | Illok | BLUM | БЛУМ | Lesha | Khaim | not stated | - |
- | ||
4 | Riga | 1874 | 5/01/1874 | - | VELSH |
ВЕЛШ | Lea | Peisakh- Gershon | Noah | Tinsmith | Linkovo | not stated | - | Tzivia | Eliash | not stated | - |
- | ||
1 |
Riga | 1874 | 1/01/1874 | 8/01/1874 | ELKHONOVICH |
ЕЛХОНОВИЧ | Mordkhel | Josel | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sheina | Leib | not stated | Ovsei
- | ||
2 |
Riga | 1874 | 1/01/1874 | 8/01/1874 | GERBER |
ГЕРБЕР | David- Vulf | Bentzel- Behr | not stated | Ritual slaughterer | Drobian | not stated | - | Feiga | Abram | not stated | Movsha
BAG from Klikol |
- | ||
3 |
Riga | 1874 | 1/01/1874 | 8/01/1874 | RABINOVICH |
РАБИНОВИЧ | Khaikel* | Faivish | Borukh | Shoemaker | Beisagol | not stated | - | Sheina | Berel | not stated | David-
Judel LIPSHITZ from Utiany |
Khaikel RABINOVICH died of convulsions on 15/06/1874 | ||
5 | 5 | Riga | 1874 | 6/01/1874 | - | JUDELSOHN |
ЮДЕЛЬСОН | Hana- Lea | Vigdor | Judel | Shop assistant | Zhagore | FRIEDMAN | ФРИДМАН | Khaya- Lea | not stated | not stated | - |
- | |
6 | Riga | 1874 | 7/01/1874 | - | SHIF | ШИФ | Sarah- Dveira | Movsha | Jankel | Shop assistant | Vekshne | not stated | - | Bluma | Rubin | not stated | - |
- | ||
7 | Riga | 1874 | 7/01/1874 | - | SHERMAN |
ШЕРМАН | Feiga | Josel | Shulem | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Menucha | Mendel | not stated | - |
- | ||
8 | Riga | 1874 | 7/01/1874 | - | SHTEIN |
ШТЕЙН | Lea | Zalman | Vulf | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Raitza | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
9 | Riga | 1874 | 8/01/1874 | - | ZELMANOVICH/ ZALMANOVICH |
ЗЕЛМАНОВИЧ | Riva- Dveira | Jankel | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Eta | Aron | not stated | - |
- | ||
4 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/01/1874 | 10/01/1874 | FINKELSHTEIN |
ФИНКЕЛШТЕЙН | Faive- Behr* | Jankel | Shmuel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Jenta | Abram- Itzik | not stated | Hilel
ZHIV from Rosieny |
Faive- Behr FINKELSHTEIN died of croup on 4/11/1874 | ||
6 | 5 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/01/1874 | 10/01/1874 | LAT |
ЛАТ | Jakob- Isaac | Eliash | Hirsh | Baker | Trentelberg( Gostiņi, Latvia) | not stated | - | Hana | Khatzkiel | not stated | Abram-
Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik |
- | |
6 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/01/1874 | 11/01/1874 | ULLER |
УЛЛЕР | Mendel- Josif | Movsha- Behr | Judel | Shop assistant | Shklow | DUSHKIN | ДУШКИН | Basha | Mendel | not stated | Abram- Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik | - | ||
7 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/01/1874 | 11/01/1874 | SHAVLOV |
ШАВЛОВ | Jedudja- Lipman | Shabsel | Mordkhel | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Roza | Abram- Lipman | not stated | Jankel
ZHIV from Rosieny |
- | ||
10 | Riga | 1874 | 10/01/1874 | - | TSHERNIK |
ЧЕРНИК | Ita | Lazar | Israel | Tinsmith and son of a soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Eta- Elka | David | not stated | - |
- | ||
11 | Riga | 1874 | 12/01/1874 | - | FRIEDMAN |
ФРИДМАН | Reiza | David | Vulf | Retired soldier | Riga | ARONSHTAM | АРОНШТАМ | Hana | Leizer | Mitau |
- |
- | ||
12 | Riga | 1874 | 12/01/1874 | - | SHECHTER |
ШЕХТЕР | Tzizha | Shmuel- Khaim | Abram- Hirsh | 2d guild trader | Vindava | LEVI | ЛЕВИ | Jenta- Dina | Zalman | Mitau |
- |
- | ||
7 | 8 |
Riga | 1874 | 5/01/1874 | 12/01/1874 | SNITZ |
СНИЦ | Khatzkiel- Zelik | Israel- Leizer | not stated | Bucher | Varna | SHANDLER( SANDLER) | ШАНДЛЕР | Braina | Orel | not stated | David
LIPSHITZ from Utiany |
- | |
9 |
Riga | 1874 | 5/01/1874 | 12/01/1874 | LATER |
ЛАТЕР | Khatzkiel | David | Berel | Tailor | Telshi | KUMING | КУМИНГ | Mariana | David | Mitau |
JAKOBSOHN from Bauska |
- | ||
13 | Riga | 1874 | 15/01/1874 | - | VATNER |
ВАТНЕР | Liba* | Movsha | Hirsh | Hairdresser | Keidan | not stated | - | Hana | Leib | not stated | - |
Liba VATNER died of croup on 19/05/1874 | ||
14 | Riga | 1874 | 15/01/1874 | - | ZAK |
ЗАК | Khaya- Sarah | Israel | Sanel | Shop assistant | Riga | not stated | - | Rivka | Shabsa | not stated | - |
- | ||
10 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/01/1874 | 15/01/1874 | GORDAN |
ГОРДАН | Jeruchim- Fishel | Mordkhel | Berel | Trader | Linkovo | not stated | - | Mera | Leib | not stated | Hilel
ZHIV from Rosieny |
- | ||
11 |
Riga | 1874 | 9/01/1874 | 16/01/1874 | GURVICH |
ГУРВИЧ | Simon- David | Movsha | Bentzel | Shopkeeper | Kreslava | not stated | - | Hena | Borukh | not stated | Leib
AVERBUCH from Ludzin |
- | ||
15 | Riga | 1874 | 17/01/1874 | - | LEGAK |
ЛЕГАК | Beila- Liba | Simkha | Movsha | Faience maker( Костяных дел мастер) | Shmilian | not stated | - | Mera | Jankel | not stated | - |
- | ||
8 | 16 | Riga | 1874 | 20/01/1874 | - | KIMELMAN |
КИМЕЛЬМАН | Jenta | Moisey | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya- Esther | not stated | not stated | - |
- | |
17 | Riga | 1874 | 22/01/1874 | - | SHVEINIK |
ШВЕЙНИК | Sora- Rivka | Jankel | Josel | Shoemaker | Keidan | not stated | - | Sheina | Nisen | not stated | - |
- | ||
12 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/01/1874 | 24/01/1874 | PERLMAN |
ПЕРЛМАН | Avraham | Itzik | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Lea | Shmuel | not stated | Moisey
FEIGELSOHN from Gluboko |
- | ||
13 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/01/1874 | 25/01/1874 | MEDENISHEK |
МЕДЕНИШЕК | Getzel | Khaim | Simson | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Riva | Israel | not stated | David
- | ||
18 | Riga | 1874 | 24/01/1874 | - | NURICK |
НУРИК | Hana- Rokha | Abram | Itzik | Baker | Shavli | not stated | - | Fruma- Lea | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | ||
14 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/01/1874 | 26/01/1874 | GUTMAN |
ГУТМАН | Hirsh |
Leizer | Mordkhel | not stated | Vilkomir | not stated | - | Lea | Zavel | not stated | Hilel
- | ||
15 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/01/1874 | 27/01/1874 | TZALO | ЦАЛО | Jakob- Kopel | Ilko | not stated | Soldier | not stated | FISHKIN |
ФИШКИН | Esther | not stated | not stated | Ovsei
- | ||
9 | 16 | Riga | 1874 | 22/01/1874 | 29/01/1874 | HEIMANSOHN |
ГЕЙМАНСОН | Khaim- Judel | Borukh | Hirsh | Shoemaker | Goldingen | not stated | - | Roza | Isaac | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | |
19 | Riga | 1874 | 29/01/1874 | - | VARTELSKI |
ВАРТЕЛЬСКИЙ | Eta- Freida | Orka | Vulf | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah- Liba | Sharia | not stated | - |
- | ||
17 |
Riga | 1874 | 30/01/1874 | 6/02/1874 | DVORETZKI |
ДВОРЕЦКИЙ | Ruvin | Israel | Abram | Wool maker (yarn maker?) | Vilna | BIRSHTEIN |
БИРШТЕЙН | Golda- Mira | Khaim | not stated | Movsha
BAG from Klikol |
- | ||
10 | 20 | Riga | 1874 | 1/02/1874 | - | GOTLIEB |
ГОТЛИБ | Nessa | Jankel | Vulf | Shopkeeper | Riga | not stated | - | Mila | Morkhel | Shavlov | - |
- | |
21 | Riga | 1874 | 2/02/1874 | - | FRIED |
ФРИД | Sarah- Mira* | Behr | Mordkhel | Tailor | Shadova | LEVENBERG | ЛЕВЕНБЕРГ | Hana | not stated | not stated | - |
Sarah- Mira FRIED died of erysipelas on 29/05/1874 | ||
22 | Riga | 1874 | 2/02/1874 | - | KIRSHNER |
КИРШНЕР | Rasha | Shmuel | Israel | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Malka | Josel | not stated | - |
- | ||
23 | Riga | 1874 | 4/02/1874 | - | KOLTUN |
КОЛТУН | Nessel | Ovsei | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Pesa | Abraham | not stated | - |
- | ||
24 | Riga | 1874 | 4/02/1874 | - | JAKOBI |
ЯКОБИ | Zelma | Jakov | Shmerel | 1st guild trader | Riga | FRIEDLIB | ФРИДЛИБ | Adolgeida/ Adele | not stated | not stated | - |
- | ||
18 |
Riga | 1874 | 1/02/1874 | 8/02/1874 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Borukh- Itzik | Meier | Jankel | Tailor | Zheimel | not stated | - | Elka | Leib | not stated | Leib
AVERBUCH from Ludzin |
- | ||
25 | Riga | 1874 | 7/02/1874 | - | VEBER |
ВЕБЕР | Nechama | Vulf | Itzik | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Hiena- Mikhla | not stated | Rosieny |
- |
- | ||
11 | 26 | Riga | 1874 | 8/02/1874 | - | FOGEIBLIN |
ФОГЕЙБЛИН | Rokhel- Lea | Leizer | Leib | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Menucha | Josel | not stated | - |
- | |
27 | Riga | 1874 | 8/02/1874 | - | SHUSTER |
ШУСТЕР | Reizel | Vulf | Meier | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sheina | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | ||
19 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/02/1874 | 10/02/1874 | RUBINSHTEIN |
РУБИНШТЕЙН | Jekel | Israel | not stated | Shop assistant | Goldingen | IMMERMAN |
ИММЕРМАН | Betty | Gershon | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | ||
20 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/02/1874 | 10/02/1874 | LION |
ЛИОН | Abram- Borukh | Khaim- Behr | not stated | not stated | Vobolnik | not stated | - | Dobra- Dveira | Jankel | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | ||
28 | Riga | 1874 | 9/02/1874 | - | GURVICH |
ГУРВИЧ | Finkel | Josel | Eliash | Contractor | Malat | not stated | - | Sarah | Mordkhel | not stated | - |
- | ||
21 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/02/1874 | 11/02/1874 | KAUFMAN |
КАУФМАН | Nochim | Jakov- Shaya | Khatzkiel | Shoemaker | Mitau | not stated | - | Zlata | not stated | not stated | Movsha
BAG from Klikol |
- | ||
22 |
Riga | 1874 | 6/02/1874 | 13/02/1874 | DUBOVICH |
ДУБОВИЧ | Shmuel- Leib | Todres | Aizik | Tailor | Janishki | not stated | - | Beila- Zlata | Orel | not stated | Leib
SHULMAN from Zhagore |
- | ||
11 | 29 | Riga | 1874 | 11/02/1874 | - | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Feiga | Aron | Judel | Tailor | Jurburg | not stated | - | Rasha | Abram | not stated | - |
- | |
30 | Riga | 1874 | 12/02/1874 | - | SHOFAR/ SHOFER |
Lea* | Movsha- David | not stated | Tailor | Vilna | PINSKER | ПИНСКЕР | Rivka | Gedaja | not stated | - |
Lea SHOFER died of weakness on 20/02/1874 | ||
31 | Riga | 1874 | 12/02/1874 | - | RUBETZKI |
РУБЕЦКИЙ | Dveira- Rasha | Josel | Movsha | ? | Kretingen | not stated | - | Pesa | Abram | not stated | - |
- | ||
32 | Riga | 1874 | 13/02/1874 | - | HAUSMAN |
ГАУСМАН | Tauba | David | Josel | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Golda | Josel | not stated | - |
- | ||
33 | Riga | 1874 | 15/02/1874 | - | PREIS |
ПРЕЙС | Sarah- Riva | Aron- Movsha | Jankel | Shopkeeper | Riga | not stated | - | Bluma | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
23 |
Riga | 1874 | 9/02/1874 | 16/02/1874 | KRINKIN |
КРИНКИН | Aron | Vulf | Abram | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Merka- Dveira | not stated | not stated | Zalman
RAPOPORT from Tshashnik |
- | ||
24 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/02/1874 | 16/02/1874 | SHNEIDER |
ШНЕЙДЕР | Khaim- Leizer* | Itzko | Leib | Soldier | not stated | GOLDFUS | ГОЛДФУС | Mira- Rivka | not stated | not stated | Leib
AVERBUCH from Ludzin |
Khaim- Leizer SHNEIDERR died of inflammation of the throat on 23/08/1874 | ||
13 | 25 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/02/1874 | 17/02/1874 | SIROTKIN |
СИРОТКИН | Shliomo | Ruvin | Osher | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Tzirla | David | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik | - | |
26 | Riga | 1874 | 10/02/1874 | 17/02/1874 | STRASH |
СТРАШ | Meier | Itzik | Berel | Tailor | Ligum | SHPRINGENFELD |
ШПРИНГЕНФЕЛД | Braina | Michel | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | ||
34 | Riga | 1874 | 17/02/1874 | - | FLEISHMAN |
ФЛЕЙШМАН | Freida | Orel | Abram | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Hinda- Elka | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | ||
27 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/02/1874 | 18/02/1874 | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Abram | Aron | Judel | Tailor | Jurburg | not stated | - | Rasha | Abram | not stated | Movsha
BAG from Klikol |
- | ||
28 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/02/1874 | 18/02/1874 | KRIEGER |
КРИГЕР | Behr | Shliomo | Abel | Tailor | Posvol | not stated | - | Khaya | Abram | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik | - | ||
29 |
Riga | 1874 | 12/02/1874 | 19/02/1874 | JOELSOHN |
ИОЕЛЬСОН | Khaim- Moisey | Lazar | Khaim | Shoemaker | Mitau | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Sarah | Movsha | not stated | Aron
JAKOBSOHN from Bauska |
- | ||
14 | 30 |
Riga | 1874 | 12/02/1874 | 19/02/1874 | ABRAMOVICH |
АБРАМОВИЧ | Leizer- Itzik | Shmuel | Josel | Retired soldier | Kelme | not stated | - | Slova | Rafael | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT from Tshashnik | - | |
35 | Riga | 1874 | 19/02/1874 | - | ABRAMOVICH |
АБРАМОВИЧ | Esther- Jacha | Khaim | Josel | Tailor | Uzventis | not stated | - | Shima | Khaim | not stated | - |
- | ||
36 | Riga | 1874 | 20/02/1874 | - | ABELSOHN |
АБЕЛЬСОН | Khana- Pera | Kalman | Josel | Soldier | not stated | FREID( FRIED?) |
ФРЕЙД | Pesha | not stated | not stated | - |
- | ||
37 | Riga | 1874 | 20/02/1874 | - | BORUCHOVICH |
БОРУХОВИЧ | Sora- Mina | Israel | Berel | Tailor | Zhagore | not stated | - | Hana- Ita | Berel | not stated | - |
- | ||
31 |
Riga | 1874 | 14/02/1874 | 21/02/1874 | HIRSHMAN |
ГИРШМАН | Khaim- Matis | Zalman | Mendel | Tinsmith | Mitau | NOMIS(?) |
НОМИС | Rasha | Mordkhel | not stated | Aron
TZITRON from Rosieny |
- | ||
32 |
Riga | 1874 | 14/02/1874 | 21/02/1874 | ZELIKOVICH |
ЗЕЛИКОВИЧ | Khaim- Arja | Khatzkiel | Eliash | Umbrella maker | Siad | not stated | - | Gela | Eizer | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | ||
15 | 38 | Riga | 1874 | 21/02/1874 | - | ANS |
АНС | Rasha | Faivish | Ovsei | Tinsmith | Dunaburg | not stated | - | Sarah | Leib | not stated | - |
- | |
33 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/02/1874 | 23/02/1874 | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Behr- Hirsh | Khatzkiel | Eliash | Retired soldier and tailor | not stated | not stated | - | Rokha | Eliash | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | ||
39 | Riga | 1874 | 23/02/1874 | - | GESHELBERG/ HESSELBERG |
ГЕССЕЛЬБЕРГ | Ella | Geshel | not stated | 2d guild trader | Riga | DAVIDOV | ДАВИДОВ | Sarah | Leib | Vindava |
- |
- | ||
40 | Riga | 1874 | 23/02/1874 | - | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Dina | Jankel | Josel | Shoemaker | Shavel | not stated | - | Rivka | Khonel- Berel | not stated | - |
- | ||
41 | Riga | 1874 | 26/02/1874 | - | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Rokha* | Mendel | Urje | Shopkeeper | Piltene | not stated | - | Feiga | Jankel- Eliash | not stated | - |
Rokha KAGAN died of vomiting on 2/10/1874 | ||
42 | Riga | 1874 | 27/02/1874 | - | JAGODNIK |
ЯГОЛНИК | Sarah- Rivka | Meier | Mordkhel | Tinsmith | Ostrov | not stated | - | Pesa- Reiza | Sender | not stated | - |
- | ||
43 | Riga | 1874 | 28/02/1874 | - | LURJE |
ЛУРЬЕ | Brokha | Sholom | Abram | Ritual slaughterer | Riga | SHLOSSBERG | ШЛОСБЕРГ | Khaya- Tamara | Arja- Berel | not stated | - |
- | ||
16 | 34 |
Riga | 1874 | 23/02/1874 | 2/03/1874 | ITZIKOVICH |
ИЦИКОВИЧ | Shmuel- Judel | Leib | Shmuel | Dyer | Novo- Mesta | VAINIK |
ВАЙНИК | Jenta- Riva | Israel | not stated | David
- | |
35 |
Riga | 1874 | 23/02/1874 | 2/03/1874 | PAROGOVD |
ПАРОГОВД | David | Rafail | Salomon | Retired sergeant | not stated | not stated | - | Pesha- Riva | Leib | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
36 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/02/1874 | 3/03/1874 | HIRSHOVICH |
ГИРШОВИЧ | Isaac | Israel | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Rokha | Shachno | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
37 |
Riga | 1874 | 25/02/1874 | 4/03/1874 | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Mendel | Michel | Shmerel | Merchant | Riga | ELIASHEV | ЕЛЯШЕВ | Sheina- Gitel | Borukh | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
38 |
Riga | 1874 | 25/02/1874 | 4/03/1874 | ELKAN |
ЕЛЬКАН | Alexander- Zisel | Gershon | Hirsh | Butcher | Zhagore | HEIDEMAN | ГЕЙДЕМАН | Pesha | Nisen | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
39 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/02/1874 | 6/03/1874 | ORKIN |
ОРКИН | Josif- Leib | Jankel | Zalman | Tailor | Zhagore | NATANSOHN | НАТАНСОН | Sarah- Riva | Aron | Mitau |
Aron JAKOBSOHN | - | ||
17 | 40 |
Riga | 1874 | 28/02/1874 | 7/03/1874 | FRIEDMAN |
ФРИДМАН | Naftali | Itzik | Leib | Tailor | Shavel | SPERLING/ SHPERLING | СПЕРЛИНГ | Ita | Naftali | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | |
18 | 44 | Riga | 1874 | 5/03/1874 | - | FIRKSER |
ФИРКСЕР | Shima- Nechama | Shaya | Levin | Shopkeeper | Riga | not stated | - | Feiga | Abraham | not stated | - |
- | |
45 | Riga | 1874 | 4/03/1874 | - | LAN |
ЛАН | Sarah- Rokha | Mendel | Abram | Shingles maker | Klikol | not stated | - | Hena | Ovsei | not stated | - |
- | ||
41 |
Riga | 1874 | 2/03/1874 | 9/03/1874 | KREUTZMAN |
КРЕЙЦМАН | Mendel- Hirsh | Khaim- Itzik | Abram | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Hiena- Vikhna | Shmuel | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
42 |
Riga | 1874 | 2/03/1874 | 9/03/1874 | FISH |
ФИШ | Leib | Movsha | Faivish | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Jenta | Israel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
43 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/03/1874 | 10/03/1874 | PEL |
ПЕЛ | Mordkhel- Abram | Meier- Idel | Josel | Shoemaker | Telshi | not stated | - | Sheina- Mira | Judel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
44 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/03/1874 | 10/03/1874 | VANGE/ WANGE |
ВАНГЕ | Khonon | Pinkhus | Hirsh | not stated | Warsaw | FRUMET |
ФРУМЕТ | Liba | Ismail | not stated | Abram-
Itzik PAS from Linkovo |
- | ||
19 | 45 |
Riga | 1874 | 6/03/1874 | 13/03/1874 | KANTOR |
КАНТОР | Mordkhel | Khaim | Jankel | Joiner | Zhagore | not stated | - | Gita- Michla | David | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | |
46 | Riga | 1874 | 12/03/1874 | - | ENGELBERG |
ЭНГЕЛЬБЕРГ | Roza | Israel | Markus | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Fanny/ Feiga | Volf | not stated | - |
- | ||
46 |
Riga | 1874 | 7/03/1874 | 14/03/1874 | SHMUELOVICH |
ШМУЕЛОВИЧ | Shliomo- Leib | Shimon | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Esther- Beila | not stated | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
47 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/03/1874 | 15/03/1874 | SHACHT |
ШАХТ | Gutman | Leizer | Gutman | Shoemaker | Illok | not stated | - | Hana- Tauba | Leizer | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
48 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/03/1874 | 15/03/1874 | SHPILG |
ШПИЛГ | Hirsh- Arja | Shmuel | Josel | Shingles maker | Telshi | not stated | - | Rokha- Lea | Hertz | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
49 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/03/1874 | 15/03/1874 | ZEILIN |
ЗЕЙЛИН | Hirsh- Meier | Josel | Hirsh | Tailor | Zhagore | not stated | - | Gitel | Meier | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
20 | 47 | Riga | 1874 | 8/03/1874 | - | ROSENGARTEN |
РОЗЕНГАРДЕН | Sarah | Borukh | Fishel | Florist | Klikol | not stated | - | Fruma- Raikhel | Lazar | not stated | - |
- | |
50 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/03/1874 | 17/03/1874 | BABIN |
БАБИН | Khaim | Leizer | Khaim | Tailor | Ponevesh | not stated | - | Tauba | Hirsh | not stated | Movsha
FEIGELSOHN from Gluboko |
- | ||
51 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/03/1874 | 17/03/1874 | ARON |
АРОН | Mordkhel- Leizer | Behr | Josel | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Liba | Hirsh | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
52 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/03/1874 | 17/03/1874 | HAMBURG |
ГАМБУРГ | Abel- David | Itzik | Leib | Baker | Novo- Alexandrovsk | not stated | - | Khaya- Sheina | Tevel | not stated | Leib
AVERBUCH from Ludzin |
- | ||
48 | Riga | 1874 | 14/03/1874 | - | BACHER |
БАХЕР | Brokha- Freida | Hirsh | Fishel | Bookbinder | Birzhi | not stated | - | Khaya- Mera | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
53 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/03/1874 | 18/03/1874 | FAIN |
ФАЙН | Abram- Movsha | Itzik | Hirsh | Shoemaker | Veger | not stated | - | Hana | Faivish | not stated | Aron
TZITRON from Rosieny |
- | ||
21 | 49 | Riga | 1874 | 17/03/1874 | - | BINDER |
БИНДЕР | The twin Hana- Eta | Tzalel/ Itzik | Meier | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Tauba | Orel | not stated | - |
- | |
50 | Riga | 1874 | 17/03/1874 | - | BINDER |
БИНДЕР | The twin Mira- Sarah | Tzalel/ Itzik | Meier | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Tauba | Orel | not stated | - |
- | ||
51 | Riga | 1874 | 18/03/1874 | - | NATANSOHN |
НАТАНСОН | Sarah | Abraham | Urje | Tailor | Girtigol | not stated | - | Glika | Shachno | not stated | - |
- | ||
52 | Riga | 1874 | 19/03/1874 | - | JOSSEM |
ИОССЕМ | Khaya | Meier | Nachman- Moisey | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Raitza | Ruvin | not stated | - |
- | ||
53 | Riga | 1874 | 20/03/1874 | - | SHWARTZ |
ШВАРЦ | Rasha* | Aizik | Hirsh | Glove maker | Ponevesh | not stated | - | Gitel | Eliash | not stated | - |
Rasha SHWARTZ died of vomiting on 9/05/1874 | ||
54 | Riga | 1874 | 22/03/1874 | - | HEIVETZ |
ХЕЙФЕЦ | Rokha* | Heives | Jankel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Fruma- Khaya | Josel | not stated | - | Rokha HEIVETZ died of convulsions on 20/07/1874 | ||
55 | Riga | 1874 | 22/03/1874 | - | SHNEIDER |
ШНЕЙДЕР | Liba* | Aizik | Itzik | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Mariasha | Aron | not stated | - |
Liba SHNEIDER died of inflammation of the throat on 8/10/1874 | ||
22 | 54 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/03/1874 | 25/03/1874 | SHNAIDER/ SHNEIDER |
ШНАЙДЕР | Lipman* | Jankel- Aron | Leib | Tailor | Zheimel | not stated | - | Reiza | Jokhel | not stated | Movsha
Lipman SHNEIDER died of eclampsia on 14/05/1874 | |
55 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/03/1874 | 26/03/1874 | ESHKIN |
ЕШКИН | Kalman | Zalman- Behr | Kalman | Baker | Tshashnik | not stated | - | Rokha | Leib | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
56 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/03/1874 | 27/03/1874 | DZIVAK |
ДЗИВАК | Berel* | Leizer | Khaim | Furnace maker | not stated | not stated | - | Doba | Josel | not stated | Movsha BAG | Berel TZIVAK died of diarrhea on 18/05/1874 | ||
57 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/03/1874 | 27/03/1874 | GOLSHTEIN |
ГОЛДШТЕЙН | Nokhim- Khatzkiel | Bentzel | Zavel | Tailor | Siad, Telshi uyezd | not stated | - | Tzesna | Efroim | not stated | David
- | ||
58 |
Riga | 1874 | 22/03/1874 | 29/03/1874 | LEITZ |
ЛЕЙЦ | Izrael- Henoch | Leizer | Michell | Tailor | Lukink | not stated | - | Hana | Eliash | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
59 |
Riga | 1874 | 22/03/1874 | 29/03/1874 | ZELIKSOHN |
ЗЕЛИКСОН | Abram | Benjamin- Zelik | Leizer | Trader | Vitebsk | not stated | - | Khaya- Feiga | Berel | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
23 | 60 |
Riga | 1874 | 23/03/1874 | 30/03/1874 | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Shneier | Gabriel | Mark | Baker | Telshi | not stated | - | Dina- Riva | Jankel | not stated | Aron
- | |
61 |
Riga | 1874 | 23/03/1874 | 30/03/1874 | GURVICH |
ГУРВИЧ | Volf* | Lazar | Josel | Tailor | Mitava | not stated | - | Hinda | Ovsei | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | Volf GURVICH died of meningitis on 28/10/1874 | ||
62 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/03/1874 | 31/03/1874 | REIS |
РЕЙС | Rafail- Hirsh | Michel | Shebsel | Tailor | Ponevesh | not stated | - | Eiga | Movsha | not stated | Hilel
- | ||
56 | Riga | 1874 | 30/03/1874 | - | DAVIDSOHN | ДАВИДСОН | Sarah- Golda | Khaim | Berel | Tailor | Tshashnik | not stated | - | Hena | Eliash- Volf | not stated | - |
- | ||
57 | Riga | 1874 | 27/03/1874 | - | GOLDBERG | ГОЛЬДБЕРГ | Sheina | Judel | Movsha | Tailor | Riga | not stated | - | Feiga | Isak | not stated | - |
- | ||
63 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/03/1874 | 2/04/1874 | RIVLIN |
РИВЛИН | Shliomo- Zalman | Itzik- Hirsh | Benjamin | Merchant | Talitshin | not stated | - | Esther- Rokhel | Simen | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
24 | 64 | Riga | 1874 | 26/03/1874 | 2/04/1874 | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Kusel | Abram | Shmerel | Tailor | Kelme | not stated | - | Esther | Eber | not stated | Hilel
- | |
65 | Riga | 1874 | 28/03/1874 | 4/04/1874 | BAS |
БАС | Meier | Jankel | Berel | Candle maker | Shavel | not stated | - | Rokha- Lea | Borukh | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
58 | Riga | 1874 | 29/03/1874 | - | HAN |
ГАН | Hena | Israel | Samuel | Tailor | Libau | not stated | - | Hana | David | not stated | - |
- | ||
59 | Riga | 1874 | 31/03/1874 | - | LURJE |
ЛУРЬЕ | Sarah- Malka | Helman | Nachman | Tinsmith | Bauska | not stated | - | Mariasha | Josel | not stated | - |
- | ||
66 | Riga | 1874 | 30/03/1874 | 6/04/1874 | LIDSKI |
ЛИДСКИЙ | Benjamin- Abram | Jankel | David | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya- Sarah | Movsha | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
67 | Riga | 1874 | 31/03/1874 | 7/04/1874 | ABRAMOVICH |
АБРАМОВИЧ | Josel- Shmerel | Ovsei | Shmerko | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Feiga | Abram | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
25 | 68 | Riga | 1874 | 1/04/1874 | 8/04/1874 | BLECH |
БЛЕХ | Ezekiel | Hirsh- Israel | Meier | Shoemaker | Mitava | not stated | - | Khaya- Sora | Gutman | not stated | David
- | |
69 | Riga | 1874 | 1/04/1874 | 8/04/1874 | KARABUZ |
КАРАБУЗ | Israel | Jankel | Josel | Baker | Kamai | not stated | - | Nechama | Leib | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
70 |
Riga | 1874 | 2/04/1874 | 9/04/1874 | MINKOVICH |
МИНКОВИЧ | Hirsh | Michel | Hirsh | Hosier | Polotzk | not stated | - | Basha | Genekh | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
71 |
Riga | 1874 | 2/04/1874 | 9/04/1874 | RIVLIN |
РИВЛИН | Moisey- Isak | Hilel- Shmerel | Jankel- Eliash | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Rokhel | Gershon | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
72 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/03/1874 | 23/03/1874 | STENDER/ SHTENDER |
СТЕНДЕР | Eliash | Josel | Eliash | Ritual slaughterer | Riga | not stated | - | Rasha | Movsha | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
60 | Riga | 1874 | 7/04/1874 | - | ZABMAN |
ЗАБМАН | Eida- Riva | Elkhon | Aizik | Ritual slaughterer | Ponevesh | not stated | - | Rokha- Lea | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- | ||
26 | 73 |
Riga | 1874 | 5/04/1874 | 12/04/1874 | GOLDBERG |
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ | David- Hirsh | Vulf | Nison | Tailor | Vidukle, Lithuania | not stated | - | Mina | Shliomo | not stated | Hilel
- | |
61 | Riga | 1874 | 8/04/1874 | - | ZLOTKIN |
ЗЛОТКИН | Zelda- Bunia | Abram | Mendel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Rivka | Josel | not stated | - |
- | ||
62 | Riga | 1874 | 11/04/1874 | - | SHEIN |
ШЕЙН | Eta | Faivish | Mendel | Trader | Shavel | not stated | - | Mariasha | David | not stated | - |
- | ||
74 |
Riga | 1874 | 6/04/1874 | 13/04/1874 | KURAMINSKI |
КУРАМИНСКИЙ | Eliezer- Josif | Ovsei | Hirsh | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Lea | Josel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
75 |
Riga | 1874 | 7/04/1874 | 14/04/1874 | KAPLUN( KAPLAN) |
КАПЛУН | Genekh | Khatzkiel | Genekh | Furniture trader | Riga | not stated | - | Mala | Movsha | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
63 | Riga | 1874 | 14/04/1874 | - | BARANIN |
БАРАБИН | Ita- Beila | Hirsh | Vulf | Goldsmith | Vidzi | not stated | - | Tauba | Mordkhel- Jankel | not stated | - |
- | ||
27 | 76 | Riga | 1874 | 8/04/1874 | 15/04/1874 | ROMBRO |
РОМБРО | Jakov | Noah | Jankel | Baker | Vilna | not stated | - | Tzipa | Sholom | not stated | Hilel
- | |
77 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/04/1874 | 17/04/1874 | KANTER/ KANTOR |
КАНТОР | Shmuel- Leib | Movsha- Hish | Itzik | Contractor | Zhagore | not stated | - | Rivka | Zalman | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
78 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/04/1874 | 17/04/1874 | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Moisey | Abram | Shliomo | Butcher | Telshi | not stated | - | Sheina | Josel | not stated | David
- | ||
64 | Riga | 1874 | 11/04/1874 | - | GUTERMAN |
ГУТЕРМАН | Dveira* | Khaim- Shmuel | Berel | Shop assistant | Talatshin | not stated | - | Bluma | Levin | not stated | - |
Dveira GUTERMAN died of cholerine on 3/07/1874 | ||
65 | Riga | 1874 | 16/04/1874 | - | KATZ |
КАЦ | Eta- Pera | Abram | Sino | Tailor | Zheimel | not stated | - | Sarah | Leizer | not stated | - |
- | ||
66 | Riga | 1874 | 17/04/1874 | - | FIN( FEIN?) |
ФИН/ ФЕЙН | Miriam | Borukh | Vulf | Shop assistant | Ponedeli | not stated | - | Basheva | Zalman | not stated | - |
- | ||
28 | 67 | Riga | 1874 | 16/04/1874 | - | ZADOV |
ЗАДОВ | Shprintza | Zalman | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Esther | David | not stated | - |
- | |
68 | Riga | 1874 | 17/04/1874 | - | FRIEDMAN |
ФРИДМАН | Rasha- Lea | Abram | David | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Hoda- Fruma | not stated | not stated | - |
- | ||
69 | Riga | 1874 | 17/04/1874 | - | LEVI |
ЛЕВИ | Gissa | Zundel | Faivish | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Hoda | Lazer | not stated | - |
- | ||
70 | Riga | 1874 | 19/04/1874 | - | GILEVICH/ HILEVICH |
ГИЛЕВИЧ | Hvales | Jankel | Movsha | Baker | Drissa | not stated | - | Lote | Jerukhim | not stated | - |
- | ||
79 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/04/1874 | 20/04/1874 | BLANKENSHTEIN |
БЛАНКЕНШТЕЙН | Khaim | Leiba | Berel | 2d guild trader | Riga | not stated | - | Khana | Abram | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
80 |
Riga | 1874 | 15/04/1874 | 22/04/1874 | SMOLENSKI |
СМОЛЕНСКИЙ | Hirsh | Shliomo | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Raikhel | David | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
29 | 81 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/04/1874 | 23/04/1874* | GUTERMAN |
ГУТЕРМАН | Eliash* | Khaim- Shmuel | Berel | Shop assistant | Talotshin( Talachyn, Belarus) | not stated | - | Khana- Bluma | Levin | not stated | Zalman
Due to illness, he was circumcised later and he died of diarrhea on 30/06/1874 | |
82 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/04/1874 | 26/04/1874 | GILEVICH/ HILEVICH |
ГИЛЕВИЧ | Shliomo | Josel | Aizik | Hosier | Disna | not stated | - | Michla | Aron | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
83 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/04/1874 | 27/04/1874 | HIRSHOVICH |
ГИРШОВИЧ | Abram | Vulf | Hirsh | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sheina | Abram | not stated | Movsha
FEIGELSOHN from Gluboko |
- | ||
84 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/04/1874 | 27/04/1874 | GINTZBURG |
ГИНЦБУРГ | Borukh | Abram- Movsha | Itzik | Umbrella maker | Posvol | not stated | - | Malka | David | not stated | David
- | ||
85 |
Riga | 1874 | 21/04/1874 | 28/04/1874 | ROM |
РОМ | Itzik | Meier | Zusman | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Khana | Itzik | not stated | Aron
- | ||
86 | Riga | 1874 | 21/04/1874 | 28/04/1874 | LEVENSOHN |
ЛЕВЕНСОН | Gershon | Matis | Itzik | Trader | Mitau | not stated | - | Liba- Dina | Gutman | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
30 | 71 | Riga | 1874 | 21/04/1874 | - | TAUROG |
ТАУРОГ | Tzipa | Josel | Movsha | Baker | Shavel | not stated | - | Lea | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | |
87 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/04/1874 | 1/05/1874 | GUDELSKI |
ГУДЕЛЬСКИЙ | David* | Abram | David | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Beila | Josel | not stated | Movsha FEIGELSOHN from Gluboko | David GUDELSKI died of croup on 2/09/1874 | ||
72 | Riga | 1874 | 27/04/1874 | - | GELANTER |
ГЕЛАНТЕР | Sora | Shliomo | Zundel | Shoemaker | Klikol | not stated | - | Feiga | Khatzkiel | not stated | - |
- | ||
73 | Riga | 1874 | 29/04/1874 | - | BLUMBERG |
БЛЮМБЕРГ | Tzipa( Sophia) | Isak | Faivish | Shoemaker | Riga | not stated | - | Dveira/ Dora | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
74 | Riga | 1874 | 29/04/1874 | - | SEGALIN |
СЕГАЛИН | Sheina- Lea | Khaim- Volf | Jankel- Abel | Candle maker | Zheimel | not stated | - | Jokheved | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | ||
88 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/04/1874 | 3/05/1874 | KOENIGFEST |
КЕНИГФЕСТ | Josif | Jankel | Eliash | Tailor | Mitava | not stated | - | Basha | David | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
31 | 89 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/04/1874 | 3/05/1874 | KHAIT/ HAIT |
ХАЙТ | Shalom- Movsha | Zelik | Leizer | Baker | Birzhi | not stated | - | Mera | Menke | not stated | Leib
AVERBUCH from Ludzin |
- | |
75 | Riga | 1874 | 29/04/1874 | - | KUSHEL |
КУШЕЛ | Hena | Ruvel | Eliash- Lazar | Shoemaker | Kelme | not stated | - | Slova- Buna | Shliomo | not stated | - |
- | ||
90 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/04/1874 | 4/05/1874 | GURVICH |
ГУРВИЧ | Khatzkiel | Markus | Josel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Malka | Khatzkiel | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
91 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/04/1874 | 6/05/1874 | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Eliash | Shmuel | Movsha | Bookbinder | Piltene | not stated | - | Rivka | Kivel | not stated | Aron
- | ||
92 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/04/1874 | 6/05/1874 | BALKIN |
БАЛКИН | Movsha- Jankel | Leizer | Itzik | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Reiza | Josel | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
32 | 93 |
Riga | 1874 | 30/04/1874 | 7/05/1874 | MEIERSOHN |
МЕЙЕРСОН | Kalman | Israel | Josel | Mason | Goldingen | not stated | - | Gita | Ruvin | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | |
94 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/04/1874 | 8/05/1874* | TZESLER/ ZESLER* |
ЦЕСЛЕР | Gedalja | Abram | Itzik | Tailor | Betygala, Lithuania | not stated | - | Glika* | Mendel | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | Due to illness, he was circumcised later. His mother Glika TZESLER died of Puerperal fever on May 3, 1874 | ||
33 | 76 | Riga | 1874 | 1/05/1874 | - | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Hana | Hilel | Meier | Umbrella maker | Birzhi | not stated | - | Lea | Gershon | not stated | - |
- | |
77 | Riga | 1874 | 2/05/1874 | - | SEGAL |
СЕГАЛ | Basha | Srol | Itzik | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya- ora | Itzik | not stated | - |
- | ||
78 | Riga | 1874 | 3/05/1874 | - | KRAVETZ/ KRAVITZ |
КРАВЕЦ | Nechama | Meier | Itzik | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Riva | Josel | not stated | - |
- | ||
79 | Riga | 1874 | 3/05/1874 | - | FURMAN/ FUHRMAN |
ФУРМАН | Sheina- Ita | Peisakh | Leizer | Tinsmith | Vobolnik | not stated | - | Liba | Levin | not stated | - |
- | ||
80 | Riga | 1874 | 5/05/1874 | - | DEMBO |
ДЕМБО | Eida- Musha | Daniel | Jankel | Baker | Kelme | not stated | - | Khaya | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- | ||
95 |
Riga | 1874 | 1/05/1874 | 8/05/1874 | GLAZER |
ГЛАЗЕР | Jokhel- Nokhem | Movsha | David | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Sima- Reiza | Zusman | not stated | Movsha
BAG from Klikol |
- | ||
34 | 81 | Riga | 1874 | 6/05/1874 | - | DICKMAN |
ДИКМАН | Fruma | Israel | not stated | Under officer | not stated | not stated | - | Liba | Mendel | not stated | - |
- | |
82 | Riga | 1874 | 6/05/1874 | - | GOTZ/ HOTZ |
ГОЦ | Hena- Basha | Abram | Shmuel | Trader | Shavel | not stated | - | Khaya | Abel | not stated | - |
- | ||
96 | Riga | 1874 | 2/05/1874 | 9/05/1874 | NAINKIN |
НАЙНКИН | Sholom | Lipke/ Lipman | Movsha | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Sarah | Mordkhe | not stated | David LIPSHITZ from Utiany | - | ||
97 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/05/1874 | 10/05/1874 | KRAVETZ/ KRAVITZ |
КРАВЕЦ | Hirsh | Meier | Itzik | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Riva | Josel | not stated | David
LIPSHITZ from Utiany |
- | ||
83 | Riga | 1874 | 9/05/1874 | - | TORB |
ТОРБ | Sarah- Esther | Lemech | Israel | Tailor | Linkovo | not stated | - | Hinda | Meier | not stated | - |
- | ||
84 | Riga | 1874 | 9/05/1874 | - | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Beila | Beines | Nosel | Tailor | Posvol | not stated | - | Feiga | Abel | not stated | - |
- | ||
35 | 98 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/05/1874 | 11/05/1874 | GOLDHAR |
ГОЛЬДГАР | David | Meier- Leibus | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Lina | Leib | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | |
99 |
Riga | 1874 | 5/05/1874 | 12/05/1874 | VARSHAVSKI |
ВАРШАВСКИЙ | Ruvin- Hirsh* | Shmuel | Hirsh | Tailor | Druya | not stated | - | Risa | Jankel | not stated | David LIPSHITZ from Utiany | Ruvin- Hirsh VARSHAVSKI died of diarrhea on 11/10/1874 | ||
100 |
Riga | 1874 | 6/05/1874 | 13/05/1874 | DROZNIKOV |
ДРОЗНИКОВ | Bentzel | Khaim | Leib | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khana- Shifra | Ovsei | not stated | Movsha
BAG from Klikol |
- | ||
85 | Riga | 1874 | 10/05/1874 | - | TOBIAS |
ТОБЯС | Tauba- Shifra* | Abram | Jankel | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Dveira | Abram | not stated | - |
Tauba- Shifra died of a tumor on 5/12/1874 | ||
86 | Riga | 1874 | 11/05/1874 | - | TAGER |
ТАГЕР | Khaya- Freida | Kalman | David | Baker | Rizhitz | not stated | - | Roza | Mordkhel | not stated | - |
- | ||
87 | Riga | 1874 | 10/05/1874 | - | SHNAIDER/ SHNEIDER |
ШНАЙДЕР | Khana | Mordkhel | Kivel | Tailor | Piltene | not stated | - | Khaya- Sarah | Eliash | not stated | - |
- | ||
36 | 101 |
Riga | 1874 | 7/05/1874 | 14/05/1874 | LEVENSOHN |
ЛЕВЕНСОН | Abram | Ovsei | Ruvin | 2d guild merchant | Goldingen | not stated | - | Lea | Mordkhel | not stated | Aron
JAKOBSOHN from Bauska |
- | |
102 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/05/1874 | 15/05/1874 | GRUFELKA |
ГРУФЕЛЬКА | Leiba | Abram- Itzik | Jankel | Son of a retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Ita | Shmuel | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | ||
103 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/05/1874 | 15/05/1874 | LEFKA |
ЛЕФКА | Zorach | Salomon | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Lea | Zorach | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | ||
104 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/05/1874 | 15/05/1874 | SHULMAN |
ШУЛЬМАН | David- Hirsh | Orel- Lazer | Pinkhus | Joiner/ Carpenter | not stated | not stated | - | Tzivia | Leib | not stated | Leib
SHULMAN from Zhagore |
- | ||
88 | Riga | 1874 | 8/05/1874 | - | LEFKA |
ЛЕФКА | Golda | Salomon | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Lea | Zorach | not stated | - |
- | ||
89 | Riga | 1874 | 13/05/1874 | - | WASSERMAN |
ВАССЕРМАН | Sarah | Vulf | Bentzel | Shop assistant | Friedrichstadt | not stated | - | Eta | Khatzkiel | not stated | - |
- | ||
37 | 90 | Riga | 1874 | 15/05/1874 | - | KARP |
КАРП | Risa | Movsha | Benjamin | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Esther- Malka | Osher | not stated | - |
- | |
91 | Riga | 1874 | 15/05/1874 | - | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Zlata/ Charlotta | Israil | Shmerel | 2d guild trader | Kretingen | not stated | - | Rokhel | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
92 | Riga | 1874 | 16/05/1874 | - | ARONOVICH |
АРОНОВИЧ | Tauba- Feiga | Ovsei | not stated | Soldier drummer | not stated | not stated | - | Rivka | Jone | not stated | - |
- | ||
93 | Riga | 1874 | 16/05/1874 | - | KRETZER |
КРЕЦЕР | Roza | Behr | Judel | Ritual slaughterer | Mitava | not stated | - | Tzipa | Judel | not stated | - |
- | ||
105 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/05/1874 | 18/05/1874 | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Behr- Hirsh | Gutman | Lazar | Shoemaker | Polangen | not stated | - | Sarah | Abram | not stated | Aron
JAKOBSOHN from Bauska |
- | ||
106 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/05/1874 | 18/05/1874 | NOTARIUS |
НОТАРЮС | Rafael* | Sholom | Rafail | Butcher | Tshashnik | not stated | - | Malka | Movsha | not stated | Movsha
FEIGELSOHN from Gluboko |
Rafael NOTARIUS died of oedema on 2/10/1874 | ||
38 | 107 |
Riga | 1874 | 12/05/1874 | 19/05/1874 | BERG |
БЕРГ | Zalman | Khone | Hirsh | Tailor | Tukkum | not stated | - | Buna | Zalman | not stated | David
LIPSHITZ from Utiany |
- | |
108 |
Riga | 1874 | 12/05/1874 | 19/05/1874 | REZNIKOVICH |
РЕЗНИКОВИЧ | Naftali | Leib | Beines | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Eta | Naftali | not stated | Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska | - | ||
109 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/05/1874 | 20/05/1874 | GEIMAN/ HEIMAN |
ГЕЙМАН | Simon- Zisel | Borukh | Judel | Tailor | Khveidan | not stated | - | Beila- Eta | Khatzkiel | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
110 |
Riga | 1874 | 14/05/1874 | 21/05/1874 | SHNEIDER |
ШНЕЙДЕР | Israel- Movsha | David | Kivel | Tailor | Riga | not stated | - | Rokha- Riva | Leizer | not stated | Aron JAKOBSOHN from Bauska | - | ||
94 | Riga | 1874 | 15/05/1874 | - | Unknown father |
- | Eta- Fradel | unknown | unknown | unknown | Unknon | MICHELSOHN | МИХЕЛЬСОН | Eta | Peisakh- Michel | Mitau |
- |
- | ||
95 | Riga | 1874 | 24/05/1874 | - | ROZENBERG |
РОЗЕНБЕРГ | Minda | Leizer | Shmerel | Shop assistant | Riga | not stated | - | Mariasha | Notel | not stated | - |
- | ||
39 | 111 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/05/1874 | 25/05/1874 | JUNGMAN |
ЮНГМАН | Aron | Leiba | Abram | Shoemaker | Fridrichstadt | not stated | - | Khana | Mendel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
112 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/05/1874 | 25/05/1874 | SHLOCKER |
ШЛОКЕР | Movsha | Markus | Israel | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Mina | Abram | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
113 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/05/1874 | 26/05/1874 | OLSHVANG/ ALSHVANG |
АЛШВАНГ | Ruven- Mordkhel | Movsha- Jankel | Hirsh | Dyer | Staro Zhagore | not stated | - | Sarah- Gisa | Zelig | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
114 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/05/1874 | 26/05/1874 | NATANSOHN |
НАТАНСОН | Hirsh | Eliash | Hirsh | Inspector of hides | Rosieny | not stated | - | Sarah- Eida | Abram | not stated | Hilel
- | ||
96 | Riga | 1874 | 25/05/1874 | - | HALDI |
ХАЛДИЙ | Buna | Zelig | Abram | Janitor | Klimovichi | not stated | - | Pera | Benjamin | not stated | - |
- | ||
40 | 115 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/05/1874 | 27/05/1874 | RAGE/ RAGGE |
РАГЕ | Khaim- Leib* | Faivish | Itzik | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Gitel | Movsha | not stated | David
Khaim- Leib RABBE was a merchant and married to Lea, née GALANT on 3/07/1887. Both killed in 1941 | |
116 | Riga | 1874 | 21/05/1874 | 28/05/1874 | FROMGOLD |
ФРОМГОЛД | Zelik | Jeruchim | Isak | 2d guild trader | Riga | not stated | - | Eta/ Henriette | Lipman | not stated | Aron JAKOBSOHN | - | ||
117 |
Riga | 1874 | 21/05/1874 | 28/05/1874 | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Ruvin* | Movsha | not stated | Sailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Zisla | not stated | not stated | Aron
Ruvin KAPLAN died of liver disease on 16/06/1874 | ||
97 | Riga | 1874 | 26/05/1874 | - | VAINER |
ВАЙНЕР | Bluma* | Leizer | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Beila | Orel | not stated | - |
Bluma VAINER died of convulsions on 5/08/1874 | ||
98 | Riga | 1874 | 26/05/1874 | - | LEVINOVICH |
ЛЕВИНОВИЧ | Mera | Khaim- Leib | Abram | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Keila | Nechem | not stated | - |
- | ||
118 |
Riga | 1874 | 23/05/1874 | 30/05/1874 | SHTELWAGEN |
ШТЕЛЬВАГЕН | Itzik- Borukh | Mordkhel | Borukh | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Mina | Itzik | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
41 | 119 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/05/1874 | 31/05/1874 | JUDELOVICH |
ЮДЕЛОВИЧ | Peisakh | Nosen | Peisakh | Tailor | Bauska | not stated | - | Mariana | Bentzel | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | |
99 | Riga | 1874 | 27/05/1874 | - | ZAKS |
ЗАКС | Rebecca | Isaac | Jakov | 2d guild trader | Riga | not stated | - | Gela | Aron | not stated | - |
- | ||
120 |
Riga | 1874 | 22/05/1874 | 29/06/1874 | KATZ |
КАЦ | Meier | Mordkhel | Ruvin | Shoemaker | Pokroi | not stated | - | Sora | Abram | not stated | Leib
SHULMAN from Zhagore |
- | ||
100 | Riga | 1874 | 30/05/1874 | - | ZISMAN |
ЗИСМАН | Menucha- Sheina | Nochim | David | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Dveira- Hena | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
121 |
Riga | 1874 | 28/05/1874 | 4/06/1874 | DAVIDOV |
ДАВИДОВ | Bentzel | Movsha | Leib- David | Tinsmith | Kamai | not stated | - | Dina | Shabsa | not stated | David
- | ||
122 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/05/1874 | 5/06/1874 | ZAGORSKI |
ЗАГОРСКИЙ | Meier- David | Israel- Shmuel | Vulf | Watchmaker | Zhagore | not stated | - | Feiga- Hana | Abram- Khaim | not stated | Aron JAKOBSOHN | - | ||
42 | 123 |
Riga | 1874 | 30/05/1874 | 6/06/1874 | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Shmuel- Behr | Pinkhes | Eliash | Tailor | Staro Zhagore | not stated | - | Esther- Malka | Eliash | not stated | Aron JAKOBSOHN | - | |
124 |
Riga | 1874 | 30/05/1874 | 6/06/1874 | JABLONSKI |
ЯБЛОНСКИЙ | Itzik | Eliash- Nokhim | Hirsh | Tailor | Krok | not stated | - | Lea | Josel | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
101 | Riga | 1874 | 30/05/1874 | - | SHAPIRO |
ШАПИРО | Hena | Josel | Shliomo | Shop assistant | Kurshan | not stated | - | Hoda- Lea | Shaya- Berel | not stated | - |
- | ||
43 | 102 | Riga | 1874 | 2/06/1874 | - | JACHES |
ЯХЕС | Sora- Hena | Genekh | Hirsh | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Beila | Zelig | not stated | - |
- | |
103 | Riga | 1874 | 2/06/1874 | - | GUT |
ГУТ | Eta | Mordkhel | Aron | Tailor | Shadov | not stated | - | Dobra | Josel | not stated | - |
- | ||
104 | Riga | 1874 | 4/06/1874 | - | BAIER |
БАЙЕР | Khaya- Eta | Itzik- Nosen | Hirsh- David | Shoemaker | Mitau | not stated | - | Sarah- Riva | Vulf | not stated | - |
- | ||
105 | Riga | 1874 | 4/06/1874 | - | KULMAN |
КУЛМАН | Dina | Abram | Feivish | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Shifra | Israel | not stated | - |
- | ||
106 | Riga | 1874 | 5/06/1874 | - | GOTZ/ HOTZ |
ГОЦ | Tzila | Jankel | Khaim | Shoemaker | Shavel | not stated | - | Feiga | Movsha- Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
107 | Riga | 1874 | 5/06/1874 | - | KOTEVIANSKI |
КОТЕВЯНСКИЙ | Esther | Itzik | David | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Khaya | Khatzkiel | not stated | - |
- | ||
44 | 108 | Riga | 1874 | 6/06/1874 | - | BUTEL |
БУТЕЛ | Pera | Movsha | Itzik | Baker | Vekshne | not stated | - | Rokha- Lea | Nokhum | not stated | - |
- | |
109 | Riga | 1874 | 7/06/1874 | - | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Khaya | Zalkind | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Liba | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
125 |
Riga | 1874 | 1/06/1874 | 8/06/1874 | KLAVANSKI |
КЛАВАНСКИЙ | Ovsei | Leib | Movsha | Ritual slaughterer | Pokroi | not stated | - | Tzipa | Faivish | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
110 | Riga | 1874 | 9/06/1874 | - | ABRAMSOHN |
АБРАМСОН | Lea | Abram- Jankel | Hilel | Tailor | Bauska | not stated | - | Hana | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
111 | Riga | 1874 | 9/06/1874 | - | NACHMANOVICH |
НАХМАНОВИЧ | Sarah | Kadish | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Fruma | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
126 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/06/1874 | 10/06/1874 | BEHR |
БЕР | Sholom* | Shmuel- Itzik | Khaim | Tailor | Ponevesh | not stated | - | Golda | Shaya | not stated | Aron
Sholom BEHR died of tooth disease on 30/08/1874 | ||
45 | 127 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/06/1874 | 10/06/1874 | KUSHNER |
КУШНЕР | Mordkhel | Hirsh | Ziskind | Shoemaker | Kroz | not stated | - | Jacha- Freida | David | not stated | Movsha
- | |
128 |
Riga | 1874 | 5/06/1874 | 12/06/1874 | LIPSHITZ |
ЛИПШИЦ | Vulf- Michel | Mordkhel | Efroim | Cantor | Novo Mesta | not stated | - | Hana | Vulf | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
112 | Riga | 1874 | 9/06/1874 | - | TZVILING |
ЦВИЛИНГ | Nechama- Roza* | Leiba | Eliash | Trader | Bauska | not stated | - | Khaya | Itzik | not stated | - |
Nekhama- Reiza TZVILING died of convulsions on 29/06/1874 | ||
113 | Riga | 1874 | 10/06/1874 | - | REDL |
РЕДЛ | Mera- Lea | Peisakh | Faivish | Braid maker | Vilna | not stated | - | Hinda | Itzik | not stated | - |
- | ||
129 |
Riga | 1874 | 7/06/1874 | 14/06/1874 | FAINGOLD |
ФАЙНГОЛД | Jankel | Iser | Abram | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Judith | Meier | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
46 | 130 |
Riga | 1874 | 5/06/1874 | 14/06/1874 | KATZINOV |
КАЦИНОВ | Leizer | Khaim | not stated | Soldier | not stated | MARKOVICH |
МАРКОВИЧ | Sheina- Freida | Faivish | Mitau | Itzik
MINSKER from Kreutzburg |
- | |
114 | Riga | 1874 | 12/06/1874 | - | BORUCHOVICH |
БОРУХОВИЧ | Ita- Sora | Itzik | Jankel | Tailor | Bauska | not stated | - | Rokha- Lea | Jankel | not stated | - |
- | ||
115 | Riga | 1874 | 9/06/1874 | - | MINSKER |
МИНСКЕР | Riva | Shmuel- Mendel | Berel | Trader | Kreutzburg | not stated | - | Hinda- Rokha | Keife | not stated | - |
- | ||
131 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/06/1874 | 15/06/1874 | JOKELSOHN |
ИОКЕЛЬСОН | Zusman | Abel | Zusman | Tailor | Staro Zhagore | not stated | - | Sora- Raika | Shliomo- Judel | not stated | David
- | ||
132 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/06/1874 | 15/06/1874 | MACHMONIK |
МАХМОНИК | Jeruchim | Mordkhel | Zalman | Tailor | Janishki | not stated | - | Feiga | Leizer | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
47 | 116 | Riga | 1874 | 15/06/1874 | - | GINTZBURG |
ГИНЦБУРГ | Rivka | Leib | Zalman | Distiller | Vidzi | not stated | - | Beila | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | |
117 | Riga | 1874 | 15/06/1874 | - | ZALMANOVICH |
ЗАЛЬМАНОВИЧ | Asna- Roda | Leib | Shmuel | Shoemaker | Grobina | not stated | - | Liba- Lea | Osher | not stated | - |
- | ||
133 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/06/1874 | 17/06/1874 | JANKOVICH |
ЯНКОВИЧ | Eliokim | Levin | Abram | Shoemaker | Riga | not stated | - | Rokha | Elkhon | not stated | Ovsei
- | ||
134 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/06/1874 | 17/06/1874 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Josif | Markus | Israel | Shopkeeper | Riga | not stated | - | Tzisa | Israel | not stated | Aron
- | ||
135 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/06/1874 | 17/06/1874 | METER |
МЕТЕР | Michel- Meier | Itzik- Leib | Simen | Tailor | Lukinka | not stated | - | Resel | Meier | not stated | Hilel
- | ||
136 | Riga | 1874 | 11/06/1874 | 18/06/1874 | GLAZER |
ГЛАЗЕР | Abram- Leib | Hirsh | Judel | Brewer | Goldingen | not stated | - | Sarah- Reiza | Abram- Itzik | not stated | Hilel ZHIV | - | ||
48 | 137 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/06/1874 | 18/06/1874 | RITOV |
РИТОВ | Eliash | Idel | Ovsei | Glazier | Novo Zhagore | not stated | - | Hinda | Bentzel | not stated | Movsha
- | |
138 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/06/1874 | 18/06/1874 | BERKOVICH |
БЕРКОВИЧ | Ekel- Mat... | Shakhno | Kalman | Shop assistant | Riga | not stated | - | Hana- Lea | Berel | not stated | Ovsei RAZBI | - | ||
139 |
Riga | 1874 | 12/06/1874 | 19/06/1874 | SHMULITSHANSKI | ШМУЛИЧАНСКИЙ | The twin Shmuel* | Leizer | Vulf | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sheina | Berel | not stated | Movsha BAG | Shmuel/ Shmerel SHMULITSHANSKI died of convulsions on 22/07/1874 | ||
140 |
Riga | 1874 | 12/06/1874 | 19/06/1874 | SHMULITSHANSKI |
ШМУЛИЧАНСКИЙ | The twin Vulf | Leizer | Vulf | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sheina | Berel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
141 |
Riga | 1874 | 12/06/1874 | 19/06/1874 | SEGALIN |
СЕГАЛИН | Movsha- Jokhel | Jankel | Hirsh | Glazier | Zheimel | not stated | - | Frada | Shliomo | not stated | David
- | ||
118 | Riga | 1874 | 15/06/1874 | - | BLUM |
БЛУМ | Basia- Eta | David- Genekh | Shmuil | Tailor | Shadov | not stated | - | Malka | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
49 | 119 | Riga | 1874 | 15/06/1874 | - | SLONIMSKI |
СЛОНИМСКИЙ | Lea | Zalman | Abram- Leizer | Shoemaker | Ligum | not stated | - | Beila | David | not stated | - |
- | |
120 | Riga | 1874 | 18/06/1874 | - | GRUSHKO |
ГРУШКО | Feiga | Josel | Shabsa | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Kreina- Rivka | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
142 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/06/1874 | 20/06/1874 | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Bentzel | Khaim | Benjamn | Tailor | Goldingen | not stated | - | Hana | Abram | not stated | Aron
JAKOBSOHN from Bauska |
- | ||
143 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/06/1874 | 20/06/1874 | GOTLIEB |
ГОТЛИБ | Pinkhes | Leizer | Kasriel | Sailor | Pushelat( Pušalotas, Lithuania) | not stated | - | Liba- Zisa | It(zik | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | ||
144 |
Riga | 1874 | 14/06/1874 | 21/06/1874 | FAIVISHEVICH |
ФАЙВИШЕВИЧ | Bentzel- Faivish* | Aron | Shmuil | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Hana | Faitel | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | Bentzel- Faivish FAIVISHEVICH died of diarrhea on 13/07/1874 | ||
50 | 121 | Riga | 1874 | 21/06/1874 | - | LEVITAN |
ЛЕВИТАН | Khaya- Sarah | Hirsh | Abram | Baker | Shavel | not stated | - | Beila | Josel | not stated | - |
- | |
122 | Riga | 1874 | 19/06/1874 | - | BARDOVICH |
БАРДОВИЧ | Rivka | Matis | not stated | Tailor | Krok | not stated | - | Gold | Arja | not stated | - |
- | ||
123 | Riga | 1874 | 22/06/1874 | - | KUZNETZKI |
КУЗНЕЦКИЙ | Basa- Sheva | Mordkhel | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Eta | Jankel | not stated | - |
- | ||
124 | Riga | 1874 | 22/06/1874 | - | KAUFMAN |
КАУФМАН | Reiza* | Efroim- Leib | not stated | Tailor | Rossieny | not stated | - | Sheina | Jankel | not stated | - |
Reiza KAUFMAN died of diarrhea on 8/07/1874 | ||
125 | Riga | 1874 | 23/06/1874 | - | NEIMAN/ NEUMAN |
НЕЙМАН | Feiga | Movsha- Vulf | not stated | Tinsmith | Tukkum | not stated | - | Zisla | Khaikel | not stated | - |
- | ||
145 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/06/1874 | 23/06/1874 | ZOL |
ЗОЛ | Mikhel- Zalman | Leib- Borukh | not stated | Trader | Linkovo | not stated | - | Rokhel | Itzik | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
146 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/06/1874 | 23/06/1874 | MAZE |
МАЗЕ | Leib | Israel- Eliash | not stated | Trader | Polotzk | not stated | - | Lea | Meier- Shliomo | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
51 | 147 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/06/1874 | 23/06/1874 | MICHELSOHN |
МИХЕЛЬСОН | Isaac* | Shaya- Behr | not stated | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Sora- Rivka | Shmuel | not stated | Movsha
Isaac MICHELSOHN died of meningitis on 29/08/1874 | |
126 | Riga | 1874 | 24/06/1874 | - | POTZULEVSKI |
ПОЦУЛЕВСКИЙ | Sarah- Rivka | Menache | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Esther | Abram | not stated | - |
- | ||
148 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/06/1874 | 25/06/1874 | NEIMARK |
НЕЙМАРК | Todres | Vulf | Shevel | Trader | Telshi | not stated | - | Mindel | Todres | not stated | Hilel
- | ||
149 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/06/1874 | 25/06/1874 | SHNAIDER/ SHNEIDER |
ШНАЙДЕР | Shmuel | Abram | Leib | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Fruma | Shmuel | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
150 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/06/1874 | 26/06/1874 | REITBRAT |
РЕЙТБРАТ | Israel | David | Abram | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah | Abram | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
151 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/06/1874 | 26/06/1874 | LEFKIN |
ЛЕФКИН | Movsha- Meier | Efroim | not stated | Baker | Shmilian | not stated | - | Esther- Lea | Vulf | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
52 | 152 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/06/1874 | 27/06/1874 | GRINFELD |
ГРИНФЕЛД | Kivel | Borukh | not stated | Shoemaker | Mitau | not stated | - | Hana | Kivel | not stated | Aron
- | |
153 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/06/1874 | 27/06/1874 | GINTZBURG |
ГИНЦБУРГ | Ziskind | Behr | Kalman | Tailor | Gorki | not stated | - | Ita- Khasha | Movsha | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
154 |
Riga | 1874 | 21/06/1874 | 28/06/1874 | ABRAMOVICH |
АБРАМОВИЧ | Khatzkiel | Abel | Vigder | Sailor | Krozh | not stated | - | Golda | Nechem | not stated | Leib
- | ||
127 | Riga | 1874 | 26/06/1874 | - | REZNIK |
РЫЗНИК | Mera | Hirsh | Shliomo | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Hinda- Lasha | Khaim | not stated | - |
- | ||
128 | Riga | 1874 | 25/06/1874 | - | SHERESHEVSKI |
ШЕРЕШЕВСКИЙ | Lea | Josel | Gershel | Joiner/ Carpenter | Taurogen | not stated | - | Sheva | Israel | not stated | - |
- | ||
129 | Riga | 1874 | 25/06/1874 | - | AUKSTOLKER |
АУКСТОЛЬКЕР | Beila- Mikhla* | Arja | Orel | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Khaya- Dina | Leib | not stated | - |
Beila- Michla AUKSTOLKER died of croup on 17/10/1874 | ||
53 | 155 |
Riga | 1874 | 22/06/1874 | 29/06/1874 | KHAIT/ HAIT |
ХАЙТ | Abram- Abel | Behr | Israel | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Pesa- Rivka | Aron | not stated | David
- | |
156 | Riga | 1874 | 22/06/1874 | 29/06/1874 | DORFMAN |
ДОРФМАН | Abram- Judel | Movsha | not stated | Birzhi | Birzhi | not stated | - | Pesha- Rivka | Israel | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
157 |
Riga | 1874 | 23/06/1874 | 30/06/1874 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Movsha- Lemekh | Isrel | not stated | Bauska | Bauska | not stated | - | Shifra | Elkhon | not stated | Aron
- | ||
130 | Riga | 1874 | 29/06/1874 | - | MARKLOVSKI |
МАРКЛОВСКИЙ | Rokhel | Benjamin | not stated | Tailor | Rossieny | not stated | - | Khaya | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | ||
158 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/06/1874 | 3/07/1874 | VALENSHTEIN |
ВАЛЕНШТЕЙН | Shaya | Abram | Aron | Tailor | Kurshan | not stated | - | Eta | Hirsh | not stated | Leib
- | ||
159 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/06/1874 | 4/07/1874 | LEVI |
ЛЕВИ | Jakob | Eliash | Itzik | Shopkeeper | Riga | not stated | - | Rala | Movsha | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
54 | 160 | Riga | 1874 | 27/06/1874 | 4/07/1874 | MORAT |
МОРАТ | Mendel- Rakhmiel | Josel | not stated | Tailor | Kreutzburg | not stated | - | Sheina- Golda | Mordkhel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | |
161 | Riga | 1874 | 27/06/1874 | 4/07/1874 | GOLSHTEIN |
ГОЛШТЕЙН | Movsha | Hirsh | not stated | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Hana- Sora | Khone | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
162 | Riga | 1874 | 29/06/1874 | 6/07/1874 | BANKT |
БАНКТ | Isaac | Leiba | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khasha- Lea | Zalman | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
163 | Riga | 1874 | 30/06/1874 | 7/07/1874 | RUDASH |
РУДАШ | Ovsei | Mordkhel- Hirsh | Zelik | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Shifra | Gershon | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
47 | 116 | Riga | 1874 | 15/06/1874 | - | GINTZBURG |
ГИНЦБУРГ | Rivka | Leib | Zalman | Distiller | Vidzi | not stated | - | Beila | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | |
117 | Riga | 1874 | 15/06/1874 | - | ZALMANOVICH |
ЗАЛЬМАНОВИЧ | Asna- Roda | Leib | Shmuel | Shoemaker | Grobina | not stated | - | Liba- Lea | Osher | not stated | - |
- | ||
133 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/06/1874 | 17/06/1874 | JANKOVICH |
ЯНКОВИЧ | Eliokim | Levin | Abram | Shoemaker | Riga | not stated | - | Rokha | Elkhon | not stated | Ovsei
- | ||
134 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/06/1874 | 17/06/1874 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Josif | Markus | Israel | Shopkeeper | Riga | not stated | - | Tzisa | Israel | not stated | Aron
- | ||
135 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/06/1874 | 17/06/1874 | METER |
МЕТЕР | Michel- Meier | Itzik- Leib | Simen | Tailor | Lukinka | not stated | - | Resel | Meier | not stated | Hilel
- | ||
136 | Riga | 1874 | 11/06/1874 | 18/06/1874 | GLAZER |
ГЛАЗЕР | Abram- Leib | Hirsh | Judel | Brewer | Goldingen | not stated | - | Sarah- Reiza | Abram- Itzik | not stated | Hilel ZHIV | - | ||
48 | 137 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/06/1874 | 18/06/1874 | RITOV |
РИТОВ | Eliash | Idel | Ovsei | Glazier | Novo Zhagore | not stated | - | Hinda | Bentzel | not stated | Movsha
- | |
138 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/06/1874 | 18/06/1874 | BERKOVICH |
БЕРКОВИЧ | Ekel- Mat... | Shakhno | Kalman | Shop assistant | Riga | not stated | - | Hana- Lea | Berel | not stated | Ovsei RAZBI | - | ||
139 |
Riga | 1874 | 12/06/1874 | 19/06/1874 | SHMULITSHANSKI | ШМУЛИЧАНСКИЙ | The twin Shmuel | Leizer | Vulf | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sheina | Berel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
140 |
Riga | 1874 | 12/06/1874 | 19/06/1874 | SHMULITSHANSKI |
ШМУЛИЧАНСКИЙ | The twin Vulf | Leizer | Vulf | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sheina | Berel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
141 |
Riga | 1874 | 12/06/1874 | 19/06/1874 | SEGALIN |
СЕГАЛИН | Movsha- Jokhel | Jankel | Hirsh | Glazier | Zheimel | not stated | - | Frada | Shliomo | not stated | David
- | ||
118 | Riga | 1874 | 15/06/1874 | - | BLUM |
БЛУМ | Basia- Eta | David- Genekh | Shmuil | Tailor | Shadov | not stated | - | Malka | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
49 | 119 | Riga | 1874 | 15/06/1874 | - | SLONIMSKI |
СЛОНИМСКИЙ | Lea | Zalman | Abram- Leizer | Shoemaker | Ligum | not stated | - | Beila | David | not stated | - |
- | |
120 | Riga | 1874 | 18/06/1874 | - | GRUSHKO |
ГРУШКО | Feiga | Josel | Shabsa | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Kreina- Rivka | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
142 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/06/1874 | 20/06/1874 | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Bentzel | Khaim | Benjamn | Tailor | Goldingen | not stated | - | Hana | Abram | not stated | Aron
JAKOBSOHN from Bauska |
- | ||
143 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/06/1874 | 20/06/1874 | GOTLIEB |
ГОТЛИБ | Pinkhes | Leizer | Kasriel | Sailor | Pushelat( Pušalotas, Lithuania) | not stated | - | Liba- Zisa | It(zik | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | ||
144 |
Riga | 1874 | 14/06/1874 | 21/06/1874 | FAIVISHEVICH |
ФАЙВИШЕВИЧ | Bentzel- Faivish | Aron | Shmuil | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Hana | Faitel | not stated | Movsha BAG from Klikol | - | ||
50 | 121 | Riga | 1874 | 21/06/1874 | - | LEVITAN |
ЛЕВИТАН | Khaya- Sarah | Hirsh | Abram | Baker | Shavel | not stated | - | Beila | Josel | not stated | - |
- | |
122 | Riga | 1874 | 19/06/1874 | - | BARDOVICH |
БАРДОВИЧ | Rivka | Matis | not stated | Tailor | Krok | not stated | - | Gold | Arja | not stated | - |
- | ||
123 | Riga | 1874 | 22/06/1874 | - | KUZNETZKI |
КУЗНЕЦКИЙ | Basa- Sheva | Mordkhel | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Eta | Jankel | not stated | - |
- | ||
124 | Riga | 1874 | 22/06/1874 | - | KAUFMAN |
КАУФМАН | Reiza | Efroim- Leib | not stated | Tailor | Rossieny | not stated | - | Sheina | Jankel | not stated | - |
- | ||
125 | Riga | 1874 | 23/06/1874 | - | NEIMAN/ NEUMAN |
НЕЙМАН | Feiga | Movsha- Vulf | not stated | Tinsmith | Tukkum | not stated | - | Zisla | Khaikel | not stated | - |
- | ||
145 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/06/1874 | 23/06/1874 | ZOL |
ЗОЛ | Mikhel- Zalman | Leib- Borukh | not stated | Trader | Linkovo | not stated | - | Rokhel | Itzik | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
146 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/06/1874 | 23/06/1874 | MAZE |
МАЗЕ | Leib | Israel- Eliash | not stated | Trader | Polotzk | not stated | - | Lea | Meier- Shliomo | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
51 | 147 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/06/1874 | 23/06/1874 | MICHELSOHN |
МИХЕЛЬСОН | Isaac | Shaya- Behr | not stated | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Sora- Rivka | Shmuel | not stated | Movsha
- | |
126 | Riga | 1874 | 24/06/1874 | - | POTZULEVSKI |
ПОЦУЛЕВСКИЙ | Sarah- Rivka | Menache | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Esther | Abram | not stated | - |
- | ||
148 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/06/1874 | 25/06/1874 | NEIMARK |
НЕЙМАРК | Todres | Vulf | Shevel | Trader | Telshi | not stated | - | Mindel | Todres | not stated | Hilel
- | ||
149 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/06/1874 | 25/06/1874 | SHNAIDER/ SHNEIDER |
ШНАЙДЕР | Shmuel | Abram | Leib | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Fruma | Shmuel | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
150 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/06/1874 | 26/06/1874 | REITBRAT |
РЕЙТБРАТ | Israel | David | Abram | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah | Abram | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
151 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/06/1874 | 26/06/1874 | LEFKIN |
ЛЕФКИН | Movsha- Meier | Efroim | not stated | Baker | Shmilian | not stated | - | Esther- Lea | Vulf | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
52 | 152 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/06/1874 | 27/06/1874 | GRINFELD |
ГРИНФЕЛД | Kivel | Borukh | not stated | Shoemaker | Mitau | not stated | - | Hana | Kivel | not stated | Aron
- | |
153 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/06/1874 | 27/06/1874 | GINTZBURG |
ГИНЦБУРГ | Ziskind | Behr | Kalman | Tailor | Gorki | not stated | - | Ita- Khasha | Movsha | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
154 |
Riga | 1874 | 21/06/1874 | 28/06/1874 | ABRAMOVICH |
АБРАМОВИЧ | Khatzkiel | Abel | Vigder | Sailor | Krozh | not stated | - | Golda | Nechem | not stated | Leib
- | ||
127 | Riga | 1874 | 26/06/1874 | - | REZNIK |
РЫЗНИК | Mera | Hirsh | Shliomo | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Hinda- Lasha | Khaim | not stated | - |
- | ||
128 | Riga | 1874 | 25/06/1874 | - | SHERESHEVSKI |
ШЕРЕШЕВСКИЙ | Lea | Josel | Gershel | Joiner/ Carpenter | Taurogen | not stated | - | Sheva | Israel | not stated | - |
- | ||
129 | Riga | 1874 | 25/06/1874 | - | AUKSTOLKER |
АУКСТОЛЬКЕР | Beila- Mikhla | Arja | Orel | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Khaya- Dina | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
53 | 155 |
Riga | 1874 | 22/06/1874 | 29/06/1874 | KHAIT/ HAIT |
ХАЙТ | Abram- Abel | Behr | Israel | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Pesa- Rivka | Aron | not stated | David
- | |
156 | Riga | 1874 | 22/06/1874 | 29/06/1874 | DORFMAN |
ДОРФМАН | Abram- Judel | Movsha | not stated | Birzhi | Birzhi | not stated | - | Pesha- Rivka | Israel | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
157 |
Riga | 1874 | 23/06/1874 | 30/06/1874 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Movsha- Lemekh | Isrel | not stated | Bauska | Bauska | not stated | - | Shifra | Elkhon | not stated | Aron
- | ||
130 | Riga | 1874 | 29/06/1874 | - | MARKLOVSKI |
МАРКЛОВСКИЙ | Rokhel | Benjamin | not stated | Tailor | Rossieny | not stated | - | Khaya | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | ||
158 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/06/1874 | 3/07/1874 | VALENSHTEIN |
ВАЛЕНШТЕЙН | Shaya | Abram | Aron | Tailor | Kurshan | not stated | - | Eta | Hirsh | not stated | Leib
- | ||
159 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/06/1874 | 4/07/1874 | LEVI |
ЛЕВИ | Jakob | Eliash | Itzik | Shopkeeper | Riga | not stated | - | Rala | Movsha | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
54 | 160 | Riga | 1874 | 27/06/1874 | 4/07/1874 | MORAT |
МОРАТ | Mendel- Rakhmiel | Josel | not stated | Tailor | Kreutzburg | not stated | - | Sheina- Golda | Mordkhel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | |
161 | Riga | 1874 | 27/06/1874 | 4/07/1874 | GOLSHTEIN |
ГОЛШТЕЙН | Movsha | Hirsh | not stated | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Hana- Sora | Khone | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
162 | Riga | 1874 | 29/06/1874 | 6/07/1874 | BANKT |
БАНКТ | Isaac | Leiba | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khasha- Lea | Zalman | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
163 | Riga | 1874 | 30/06/1874 | 7/07/1874 | RUDASH |
РУДАШ | Ovsei | Mordkhel- Hirsh | Zelik | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Shifra | Gershon | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
55 | 131 | Riga | 1874 | 2/07/1874 | - | SHMULOV |
ШМУЛОВ | Tzirla | Hirsh- Movsha | not stated | Hairdresser | Beisagol | not stated | - | Khaya- Mina | Berel | not stated | - |
- | |
132 | Riga | 1874 | 6/07/1874 | - | BARAININ |
БАРАЙНИН | Masha | Mendel/ Menchel | not stated | Son of a merchant | Riga | not stated | - | Elka | not stated | - |
- | |||
133 | Riga | 1874 | 6/07/1874 | - | GOLDBERG |
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ | Lea- Gitel | Michel | not stated | Tailor | Krok | not stated | - | Rokhel- Feiga | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
164 | Riga | 1874 | 3/07/1874 | 10/07/1874 | IZAK |
ИЗАК | Ovsei- Mendel* | Kalman- Meier | Ovsei | Turner/ son of a retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Nekhama | Movsha- Mendel | not stated | Leib
Ovsei- Mendel IZAK died of syphilis on 12/10/1874 | ||
134 | Riga | 1874 | 8/07/1874 | - | LURJE |
ЛУРЬЕ | Sheina | Leizer | Leib | Saddler | Mitau | not stated | - | Eta | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
135 | Riga | 1874 | 8/07/1874 | - | MAGORIL/ MAGARIL |
МАГОРИЛ | Basia- Freida | Abel | not stated | Joiner/ Carpenter | Zhagore | not stated | - | Eta- Gita | Simeon | not stated | - |
- | ||
56 | 136 | Riga | 1874 | 10/07/1874 | - | VACHMAN |
ВАХМАН | Sarah | Movsha- Pinkhes | not stated | Tailor | Keidan | not stated | - | Basheva | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | |
137 | Riga | 1874 | 10/07/1874 | - | PERLMAN |
ПЕРЛМАН | Esther- Malka | Khaim- Sharius | not stated | Tinsmith | Tukkum | not stated | - | Rokhel | Gedalje | not stated | - |
- | ||
165 |
Riga | 1874 | 5/07/1874 | 12/07/1874 | KHAIT/ HAIT |
ХАЙТ | Abel- Simon | Eliash | not stated | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Gita | Leib | not stated | David
- | ||
166 |
Riga | 1874 | 6/07/1874 | 13/07/1874 | TEITELBAUM |
ТЕЙТЕЛЬБАУМ | Movsha- David | Mordkhel | not stated | not stated | Polotzk | not stated | - | Mala- Musha | Shliomo | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
167 | Riga | 1874 | 8/07/1874 | 15/07/1874 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Rafael | Jankel | not stated | Shoemaker | Tukkum | not stated | - | Hena | Rafael | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
168 | Riga | 1874 | 8/07/1874 | 15/07/1874 | SEGAL |
СЕГАЛ | Israel | Khaim- Zorakh | not stated | not stated | Keidan | not stated | - | Esther- Rivka | not stated | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
57 | 138 | Riga | 1874 | 17/07/1874 | - | KATZ |
КАЦ | Lea | Movsha | Peisakh | Tailor | Zheimel | not stated | - | Golda- Gita | Judel | not stated | - |
- | |
139 | Riga | 1874 | 17/07/1874 | - | NETLER |
НЕТЛЕР | Khaya | Shmuel | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Rivka | Shliomo | not stated | - |
- | ||
169 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/07/1874 | 18/07/1874 | BLOCH |
БЛОХ | Moisey* | Zundel- Khaim | Leib | not stated | Plungian | not stated | - | Sarah | Hirsh | not stated | Movsha BAG | Moisey BLOCH died of inflammation of the throat on 4/08/1874 | ||
170 |
Riga | 1874 | 12/07/1874 | 19/07/1874 | BRUKARTSHUK |
БРУКАРЧУК | Jokhel | Abram- Josek( Josel) | Itzik | Soldier | not stated | BLONDOV |
БЛОНДОВ | Peshka | Jeremia | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
140 | Riga | 1874 | 19/07/1874 | - | ROZMARIN/ ROSMARIN |
РОЗМАРИН | Liba | Shmuel | not stated | Parchment maker | Birzhi | not stated | - | Musha- Khasia | Abram | not stated | - |
- | ||
141 | Riga | 1874 | 20/07/1874 | - | ZAGORSKI |
ЗАГОРСКИЙ | Lea | Vulf | not stated | Trader | Zheimel | not stated | - | Jenta | Abram | not stated | - |
- | ||
58 | 171 |
Riga | 1874 | 14/07/1874 | 21/07/1874 | MATSHUNSKI |
МАЧУНСКИЙ | The twin Abram- Khaim* | Sholom | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Freida | Rafael | not stated | Leib
172 |
Riga | 1874 | 14/07/1874 | 21/07/1874 | MATSHUNSKI |
МАЧУНСКИЙ | The twin Jankel- Eliash* | Sholom | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Freida | Rafael | not stated | Leib SHULMAN | Abram- Khaim MATSHUNSKI died of diarrhea on 22/08/1874 | ||
142 | Riga | 1874 | 21/07/1874 | - | ELIASHEV |
ЕЛЬЯШЕВ | Shifra | Simkha | not stated | Carton maker | Zhagore | not stated | - | Khaya | Itzik- Movsha | not stated | - |
Jankel- Eliash MATSHUNSKI died of diarrhea on 20/08/1874 | ||
173 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/07/1874 | 23/07/1874 | LEIB |
ЛЕЙБ | Hertz- Leib | Hertz | not stated | not stated | Drissa | not stated | - | Khaya | Berel- Anshel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
174 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/07/1874 | 24/07/1874 | ZALTZMAN |
ЗАЛЬЦМАН | Tzalel | Hirsh | Shmuel | Mason | Tukian | not stated | - | Khana | Mendel | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
175 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/07/1874 | 25/07/1874 | SHLOMOV |
ШЛОМОВ | Zalman | Kasriel | Meier | Tailor | Shavlian | not stated | - | Gita | Jankel | not stated | David
- | ||
60 | 176 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/07/1874 | 26/07/1874 | KLAF |
КЛАФ | Ovsei- Movsha | Beines | not stated | Trader | Shavel | not stated | - | Fruma | Vulf | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | |
143 | Riga | 1874 | 26/07/1874 | - | LEVINTHAL |
ЛЕВИНТАЛ | Sheina- Ita | Itzik | not stated | not stated | Shavel | not stated | - | Khaya | Josel | not stated | - |
- | ||
177 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/07/1874 | 27/07/1874 | GLEZER |
ГЛЕЗЕР | Itzik- Leib | Khaim | Hirsh | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Mera | Tevel | not stated | Ovsei
- | ||
178 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/07/1874 | 27/07/1874 | HIRSHON |
ГИРШОН | Shabsa- Meier | Vulf | not stated | Trader | Janishki | not stated | - | Elka | Shliomo | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
179 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/07/1874 | 27/07/1874 | FUR |
ФУР | David- Daniel | Leib | not stated | Shoemaker | Ligum | not stated | - | Ita | Sher | not stated | Aron
- | ||
144 | Riga | 1874 | 26/07/1874 | - | SOSLOVICH |
СОСЛОВИЧ | Fruma- Gnesa | Borukh | not stated | Trader | Disna | not stated | - | Khaya | Jankel | not stated | - |
- | ||
180 |
Riga | 1874 | 22/07/1874 | 29/07/1874 | HAMBURGER |
ГАМБУРГЕР | Noah- Leizer | Kivel | not stated | not stated | Tukkum | not stated | - | Basia- Reiza | Bentzel | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
61 | 181 |
Riga | 1874 | 22/07/1874 | 29/07/1874 | GARFINKEL |
ГАРФИНКЕЛ | Borukh- Meier | Josel | not stated | not stated | Rossieny | not stated | - | Braina- Gitel | Abram- Itzik | not stated | Abram-
Itzik PAS from Linkovo |
- | |
145 | Riga | 1874 | 28/07/1874 | - | ARONSHTAM |
АРОНШТАМ | Rivka | Benjamin | not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Rokhel | Abram | not stated | - |
- | ||
146 | Riga | 1874 | 30/07/1874 | - | VAIN |
ВАЙН | Sora- Rivka | Meier | not stated | Trader | Plungian | not stated | - | not stated | Peisakh | not stated | - |
- | ||
147 | Riga | 1874 | 30/07/1874 | - | KAMIN |
КАМИН | Rokhel | Leizer | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah | Abram | not stated | - |
- | ||
148 | Riga | 1874 | 31/07/1874 | - | JUDELSOHN |
ЮДЕЛЬСОН | Khana- Braina | Hirsh | not stated | not stated | Fridrichstadt | not stated | - | Eta | Berel | not stated | - |
- | ||
182 |
Riga | 1874 | 25/07/1874 | 1/08/1874 | HIRSHOVICH |
ГИРШОВИЧ | Khaim- Jankel | Hirsh | not stated | Shoemaker | Mitau | not stated | - | Rokhel | Khaim- Jankel | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
62 | 183 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/07/1874 | 2/08/1874 | KRON |
КРОН | Israel | Movsha- Meier | not stated | Merchant | Riga | SHULMAN | ШУЛЬМАН | Sheina | not stated | not stated | Movsha
- | |
149 | Riga | 1874 | 25/07/1874 | - | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Basia | Leib | not stated | not stated | Zhagore | not stated | - | Jacha | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
184 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/07/1874 | 5/08/1874 | HEIMANSOHN |
ГЕЙМАНОН | Zalkind | Josel | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya | Noah | not stated | Borukh
NISSE from Friedrichstadt |
- | ||
185 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/07/1874 | 5/08/1874 | PRUZHANSKI |
ПРУЖАНСКИЙ | Israel | Aron | not stated | not stated | Velizh | not stated | - | Rasha- Khaya | Josel | not stated | Aron
- | ||
186 |
Riga | 1874 | 30/07/1874 | 6/08/1874 | TREGER |
ТРЕГЕР | Judel- Leib | Aron | not stated | not stated | Mitau | not stated | - | Elka- Mina | Josel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
63 | 150 | Riga | 1874 | 1/08/1874 | - | SLUZHEVICH |
СЛУЖЕВИЧ | Feiga | Vulf | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Eta | Vulf | not stated | - |
- | |
151 | Riga | 1874 | 1/08/1874 | - | SLUZHEVICH |
СЛУЖЕВИЧ | Sheina | Vulf | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Eta | Vulf | not stated | - |
- | ||
152 | Riga | 1874 | 1/08/1874 | - | HIRSHFELD |
ГИРШФЕЛД | Feiga- Gisa | Sholom | Markus | Tinsmith | Riga | not stated | - | Khana | Itzik | not stated | - |
- | ||
153 | Riga | 1874 | 3/08/1874 | - | ROG |
РОГ | Khaya | Meier- Genokh | Abram | Joiner/ Carpenter | Vidzi | not stated | - | Dina | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
154 | Riga | 1874 | 4/08/1874 | - | KRISTAL |
КРИСТАЛ | Miriam | Aron | not stated | Baker | Zhagore | not stated | - | Hoda | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | ||
187 |
Riga | 1874 | 1/08/1874 | 8/08/1874 | GEIMAN/ HEIMAN |
ГЕЙМАН | Simon | Shmuel | not stated | Shoemaker | Plungian | not stated | - | Slova | Berel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
188 |
Riga | 1874 | 1/08/1874 | 8/08/1874 | SLONIMSKI |
СЛОНИМСКИЙ | Jakob- Samuel | Leib | not stated | Soldier | not stated | ARONSOHN | АРОНСОН | Tzerna | not stated | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
64 | 155 | Riga | 1874 | 6/08/1874 | - | MAKLAN |
МАКЛАН | Hena- Riva | Movsha | Berel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Rokha- Lea | Shliomo | not stated | - |
- | |
156 | Riga | 1874 | 7/08/1874 | - | BERKOVICH |
БЕРКОВИЧ | Nekhama | Alexander | Khatzkiel | Merchant | Riga | not stated | - | Rivka | Israel | not stated | - |
- | ||
157 | Riga | 1874 | 8/08/1874 | - | VILENTSHIK |
ВИЛЕНИК | Khasa- Malka | Movsha | Abram | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Esther | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- | ||
158 | Riga | 1874 | 9/08/1874 | - | VOLFSOHN/ VULSOHN |
ВОЛФСОН | Ida | Abram | not stated | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Roza/ Rozalia | Vigder | not stated | - |
- | ||
159 | Riga | 1874 | 8/08/1874 | - | SALOMONSOHN |
ЗАЛОМОНОВИЧ | Sheina- Rokhel | Leizer | not stated | Merchant | Riga | KLEMPNER |
КЛЕМПНЕР | Sarah | Shliomo | not stated | - |
- | ||
189 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/08/1874 | 10/08/1874 | PRELOVICH |
ПРЕЛОВИЧ | Nison | Abel | not stated | Mason | Ponevesh | not stated | - | Rokhel- Rivka | Israel | not stated | not
stated |
- | ||
65 | 190 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/08/1874 | 10/08/1874 | ROG |
РОГ | Khaim | Meier- Genekh | Abram | Watchman | Vidzi | not stated | - | Dina | Leib | not stated | Zalman
- | |
191 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/08/1874 | 11/08/1874 | ALBRECHT |
АЛЬБРЕХТ | Mordkhel | Leib | not stated | Goldsmith | Riga | not stated | - | Sarah | Samuel | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
192 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/08/1874 | 11/08/1874 | BOM |
БОМ | Itzik- Leib | Faivish | not stated | Tailor | Ponevesh | not stated | - | Khaya- Beila | Nosen | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
193 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/08/1874 | 11/08/1874 | HIRSHBERG |
ГИРШБЕРГ | Jakob | Abram | Khaim | Merchant | Riga | KOENIGFEST | КЕНИГФЕСТ | Reiza/ Rozalia | not stated | not stated | David
- | ||
194 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/08/1874 | 11/08/1874 | SHTEINBERG |
ШТЕЙНБЕРГ | Eliash | Joel- Azreil | Israel | Merchant | Riga | not stated | - | Jenta | Eliash | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
66 | 195 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/08/1874 | 11/08/1874 | ROZEN/ ROSEN |
РОЗЕН | Shliomo | Behr | Shaya | Tailor | Kupishki | not stated | - | Khaya | Karpel | not stated | Aron
- | |
160 | Riga | 1874 | 10/08/1874 | - | KRON |
КРОН | Gitel | Eliash- Markus | not stated | Merchant | Riga | not stated | - | Lea | Shliomo | not stated | - |
- | ||
196 |
Riga | 1874 | 6/08/1874 | 13/08/1874 | ROZENBERG |
РОЗЕНБЕРГ | Abram | Movsha | Israel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Ita- Mariasha | Josel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
197 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/08/1874 | 15/08/1874 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Shmuel | Zelik | Leib | Brewer | Bauska | not stated | - | Pesa | Gutman | not stated | Aron JAKOBSOHN | - | ||
161 | Riga | 1874 | 5/08/1874 | - | TENENBAUM |
ТЕНЕНБАУМ | Dveira | Mendel | not stated | Soldier | not stated | BERSHTRAT |
БЕРШТРАТ | Perla | not stated | not stated | - |
- | ||
67 | 162 | Riga | 1874 | 12/08/1874 | - | SORESMAN |
СОРЕСМАН | Miriam- Mina | Khaim | not stated | Tailor | Kurshan | KAGAN |
- | Khaya- Sheina | not stated | not stated | - |
- | |
163 | Riga | 1874 | 10/08/1874 | - | LEGAK |
ЛЕГАК | Lea- Sima | Israel- Osher | Nokhum | Trader | Orsha | not stated | - | Feiga | Vulf | not stated | - |
- | ||
198 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/08/1874 | 17/08/1874 | BLUMENTHAL |
БЛУМЕНТАЛ | Leib- Hirsh | Rafael | Vulf | Tailor | Goldingen | not stated | - | Tauba- Hoda | Gilel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
199 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/08/1874 | 20/08/1874 | MARTINSOHN |
МАРТИНСОН | Juli/ Julius | Mordkhel/ Martin | not stated | 2d guild trader | Mitau | not stated | - | Eta | Eliash | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
200 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/08/1874 | 20/08/1874 | LEVINSKI |
ЛЕВИНСКИЙ | Rafael | Shmerel | Hirsh | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Liba | Mendel | not stated | David
- | ||
records are at Raduraksti |
5 | 164 | Riga | 1874 | 16/08/1874 | - | ROZENBERG |
РОЗЕНБЕРГ | Reiza | Hirsh | Tzemach | Trader | Shat( Siad) | not stated | - | Hena | Berel | not stated | - |
- | |
165 | Riga | 1874 | 18/08/1874 | - | NEIBERG/ NEUBERG |
НЕЙБЕРГ | Lea/ Lina | Jankel- Abram | not stated | Shopkeeper | Riga | not stated | - | Eta | Zusman | not stated | - |
- | ||
201 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/08/1874 | 23/08/1874 | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Eliash- Jankel | Mordkhel | Jankel | Braid maker | Libau | not stated | - | Roza | Aizik | not stated | Aron
- | ||
166 | Riga | 1874 | 21/08/1874 | - | MARKUSEVICH |
МАРКУСЕВИЧ | Eida | Peretz | Abram | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Braina | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
202 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/08/1874 | 25/08/1874 | HOLLENDER |
ГОЛЛЕНДЕР | Ezdra/ Evgenie | Aron/ Alexander | not
stated, but the merchant Naftali |
2d guild trader | Mitau | not
stated, but KEILMAN |
КЕЙЛМАН | Caroline | The
doctor, Itzik, also Philipp |
not stated | Movsha
- | ||
6 | 203 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/08/1874 | 25/08/1874 | BODIN |
БОЛИН | Sholom | Idel | Matis | Tailor | Drissa | not stated | - | Bassa- Risa | Berel | not stated | Zalman
- | |
167 | Riga | 1874 | 25/08/1874 | - | ZANDER/ SANDER |
ЗАНДЕР | Rasha | Markus- Moisey | Leizer | Tailor | Tukkum | not stated | - | Revecca | Abram | not stated | - |
- | ||
204 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/08/1874 | 27/08/1874 | FLEISHER |
ФЛЕЙШЕР | Itzik- Behr* | Zalman | Peretz | Tinsmith | Vitebsk | not stated | - | Sora- Beila | Itzik- Berel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | Itzik FLEISHER died of liver disease on 18/09/1874 | ||
168 | Riga | 1874 | 27/08/1874 | - | STOLOVICH |
СТОЛОВИЧ | Rivka* | Mordkhel | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Feiga- Pesha | Mordkhel | not stated | - |
Rivka STOLOVICH died of convulsions on 2/09/1874 | ||
205 |
Riga | 1874 | 23/08/1874 | 30/08/1874 | ROZENBERG |
РОЗЕНБЕРГ | Genekh/ Heinrich | Hirsh/ Herman | Shmerel | Shop assistant | Riga | not stated | - | Masha | David | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
7 | 169 | Riga | 1874 | 29/08/1874 | - | KRUNIK |
КРУНИК | Ita | Shliomo | Judel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Keila | Mendel | not stated | - |
- | |
206 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/08/1874 | 31/08/1874 | SHINDLER |
ШИНДЛЕР | Judel | Bentzel | Judel | Trader | Salant | not stated | - | Dina | Itzik | not stated | Aron
- | ||
207 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/08/1874 | 2/09/1874 | MEDALJE |
МЕДАЛЬЕ | Zusman- Eliash | Hirsh | Zusman | Tailor | Okmian | not stated | - | Malka | Eliash | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
208 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/08/1874 | 3/09/1874 | MANDROVICH |
МАНДРОВИЧ | Aron- Vulf | Josil | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya- Feiga | Itzik | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
209 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/08/1874 | 3/09/1874 | IVANTER |
ИВАНТЕР | Abel- Movsha | Avraham | Zalman | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Eta- Liba | not stated | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
8 | 210 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/08/1874 | 5/09/1874 | LACHMANJE |
ЛАХМАНЬЕ | Khaim | Hirsh | Idel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Lea | Leib | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
211 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/08/1874 | 5/09/1874 | KLUTSHINSKI |
КЛУЧИНСКИЙ | Itzik | Zalman | Jankel | Glove maker | Eisishki | not stated | - | Khana | Abram | not stated | Aron JAKOBSOHN | - | ||
212 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/08/1874 | 5/09/1874 | GEIMAN/ HEIMAN |
ГЕЙМАН | Efroim- Hirsh | Markus | Naftali | Son of a merchant | Friedrichstadt | not stated | - | Eta- Rivka | Efroim- Hirsh | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
213 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/08/1874 | 5/09/1874 | RUBINSHTEIN |
РУБИНШТЕЙН | Abram | Jakob | Levin | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Rozalia | Markus | not stated | Itzik
MINSKER from Kreutzburg |
- | ||
9 | 214 |
Riga | 1874 | 30/08/1874 | 6/09/1874 | ROZENTHAL |
РОЗЕНТАЛ | Abram | Nokhum | Khaim- Shmuil | Shoemaker | Tukkum | not stated | - | Guta | Khatzkiel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
215 |
Riga | 1874 | 31/08/1874 | 7/09/1874 | GLICKMAN |
ГЛИКМАН | Movsha- Aron | David | Movsha | Tinsmith | not stated | not stated | - | Hana | David | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
216 |
Riga | 1874 | 31/08/1874 | 7/09/1874 | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Israel- Leib | Hirsh- Nachman | Israel | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Khaya- Rokhel | Leib | not stated | Aron JAKOBSOHN | - | ||
10 | 170 | Riga | 1874 | 1/09/1874 | - | HIRSHFELD |
ГИРШФЕЛД | Freida- Lea* | Eliash | Shmuel | Tailor | Bauska | not stated | - | Eta | Naftali | not stated | - |
Freida- Lea HIRSHFELD died of meningitis on 4/12/1874 | |
171 | Riga | 1874 | 2/09/1874 | - | SALIARZH(?) |
- | Beila | Leizer- Itzko | Faivish | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sheina- Rivka | not stated | not stated | - |
- | ||
172 | Riga | 1874 | 5/09/1874 | - | HAZANOVSKI |
ХАЗАНОВСКИЙ | Shterna | Zalman | Movsha | Rag sorter | Gorodki | not stated | - | Hiena | Berel | not stated | - |
- | ||
217 |
Riga | 1874 | 1/09/1874 | 8/09/1874 | POMERANTZEV |
ПОМЕРАНЦЕВ | Nokhim- David | Ruven | not stated | Under officer | not stated | not stated | - | Mera- Dveira | Itzik | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
173 | Riga | 1874 | 1/09/1874 | - | KUBLIN |
КУБЛИН | Gita- Feiga | Itzik | Judel | Tinsmith | Birzhi | not stated | - | Sarah | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | ||
11 | 218 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/09/1874 | 11/09/1874 | BUNIN | БУНИН | Itzik- Hertz | Lipman | Itzik | Tailor | Shmilian | not stated | - | Sarah | Hertz | not stated | Zalman
- | |
174 | Riga | 1874 | 7/09/1874 | - | ROGOLSKI |
РОГОЛЬСКИЙ | Khasha | Shmuel- Hirsh | Sholom | Sailor | Disna | not stated | - | Bluma | Mendel | not stated | - |
- | ||
175 | Riga | 1874 | 9/09/1874 | - | JABLONSKI | ЯБЛОНСКИЙ | Malka | Zelik | Eliash | Tailor | Krok | not stated | - | Sheina | Abram | not stated | - |
- | ||
176 | Riga | 1874 | 11/09/1874 | - | FRANK | ФРАНК | Basha | Nachman | Itzik | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Sarah | Abram | not stated | - |
- | ||
177 | Riga | 1874 | 11/09/1874 | - | BRIN | БРИН | Raikha- Musha | Behr | Faivish | Trader | Ponedeli | not stated | - | Sarah- Dina | Zalman | not stated | - |
- | ||
12 | 178 | Riga | 1874 | 12/09/1874 | - | BORUCHOVICH |
БОРУХОВИЧ | Hena | Lazer | Itzik | Florist | Bauska | not stated | - | Lina | Aron | not stated | David
- | |
219 |
Riga | 1874 | 7/09/1874 | 14/09/1874 | ZEIGERMAN |
ЗЕЙГЕРМАН | Movsha | Faivel | Movsha | Watchmaker | Krozh | not stated | - | Sarah | Itzik | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
220 |
Riga | 1874 | 7/09/1874 | 14/09/1874 | HIRSHBERG |
ГИРШБЕРГ | Judel- Leib | Simen | Eizer | Trader | Tukkum | not stated | - | Sarah | Zalman | not stated | - |
- | ||
179 | Riga | 1874 | 14/09/1874 | - | VEISSAGER/ WEISSAGER |
ВЕЙСЗАГЕР | Gela- Gita | Khaim | Meier | Watchmaker | Shavel | not stated | - | Hiena | Vulf | not stated | - |
- | ||
221 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/09/1874 | 17/09/1874 | VEISSAGER/ WEISSAGER | ВЕЙСЗАГЕР | Nosen- Shaya | Jankel | Itzik | Goldsmith | Shavel | not stated | - | Zisla | Tevel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
13 | 222 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/09/1874 | 17/09/1874 | SHTERN |
ШТЕРН | Nokhim/ Nikolai | Khaim | Mordkhel | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Khaya- Feiga | Hirsh | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
223 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/09/1874 | 17/09/1874 | GRUDMAN |
ГРУДМАН | Shliomo- Leizer | Shmuel | Hirsh | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Rokha | Efroim | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
180 | Riga | 1874 | 14/09/1874 | - | ALK |
АЛК | Sarah- Eta | Vulf | Leib | Shoemaker | Plungian | not stated | - | Raitza- Hana | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
224 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/09/1874 | 18/09/1874 | KASSEL |
КАССЕЛ | Josel | Khaim | Josel | Tailor | Riga | not stated | - | Mina | Josel | not stated | David
- | ||
181 | Riga | 1874 | 18/09/1874 | - | SHOLEMOV |
ШОЛЕМОВ | Esther | Movsha | Leizer | Tailor | Riga | not stated | - | Basia | Itzik | not stated | - |
- | ||
225 |
Riga | 1874 | 15/09/1874 | 22/09/1874 | FREIMAN |
ФРЕЙМАН | Abram- Shevel | Hirsh | Jonel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Rokha- Riva | Jokhel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
14 | 182 | Riga | 1874 | 19/09/1874 | - | BRAUDO |
БРАУДО | Feiga | Zundel | Leizer | Contractor | Riga | not stated | - | Sarah | Mordukh | not stated | - |
- | |
226 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/09/1874 | 24/09/1874 | PIEN/ PEN |
ПЕН | David- Leib | Simon | Abram | Tailor | Novo- Alexandrovsk | not stated | - | Rokhel | Leib | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
183 | Riga | 1874 | 22/09/1874 | - | ZELIKOVICH |
ЗАЛИКОВИЧ | Khaya- Ita | Nochim- Tzodek | Itzik | Tailor | Shad( Seda, Lithuania) | not stated | - | Sarah | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | ||
184 | Riga | 1874 | 23/09/1874 | - | LIPSHITZ |
ЛИПШИЦ | Tzirla | Movsha | Abram | Baker | Beshenkovichi | not stated | - | Sarah | Mendel | not stated | - |
- | ||
185 | Riga | 1874 | 23/09/1874 | - | JUDELOVICH |
ЮДЕЛОВИЧ | Braina | Mendel | Leib | Watchmaker | Bauska | not stated | - | Feiga | Arje- Berel | not stated | - |
- | ||
227 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/09/1874 | 26/09/1874 | BERKOVICH |
БЕРКОВИЧ | Jokhel | Abe | Kalman | Trader | Riga | BLUMENFELD |
БЛУМЕНФЕЛД | Roza | not stated | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
15 | 186 | Riga | 1874 | 24/09/1874 | - | KALME |
КАЛЬМЕ | Sora- Rasha | Abe | Ruvel | Glazier | Vekshne | not stated | - | Tzivia | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | |
187 | Riga | 1874 | 27/09/1874 | - | KATZ |
КАЦ | Brokha | Jankel | Mendel | Tailor | Kupishki | not stated | - | Ita | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
228 |
Riga | 1874 | 21/09/1874 | 28/09/1874 | EFEL/ EFFEL |
ЕФЕЛ | Nakhman | Jankel | Shliomo | Under officer | not stated | BAIER | БАЙЕР | Dvora | not stated | not stated | Aron
- | ||
229 |
Riga | 1874 | 21/09/1874 | 28/09/1874 | NICHATKIN |
НИХАТКИН | David- Gershon | Abram | David | Soldier | not stated | BRENER | БРЕНЕР | Khaya- Lea | not stated | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
230 |
Riga | 1874 | 21/09/1874 | 28/09/1874 | JUDEIKEN |
ЮДЕЙКЕН | Ovsei | Efroim | Josel | Tailor | Zhagore | not stated | - | Gela | Shliomo | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
16 | 231 |
Riga | 1874 | 21/09/1874 | 28/09/1874 | RAFAELSOHN |
РАФАЕЛЬСОН | Borukh | Leib | Judel | Traider | Tshashnik | not stated | - | Esther | David | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | |
232 |
Riga | 1874 | 21/09/1874 | 28/09/1874 | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Abel | Abel | not stated | Sailor | Vindava | not stated | - | Pera | Jankel | not stated | David
- | ||
188 | Riga | 1874 | 29/09/1874 | - | ZEGOR |
ЗЕГОР | Gela | Shliomo | David | Tailor | Laizeve | not stated | - | Lea | Shliomo | not stated | - |
- | ||
233 |
Riga | 1874 | 22/09/1874 | 29/09/1874 | MORDUCHOVICH |
МОРДУХОВИЧ | Mordkhel/ Markus | Abram | Shmuel | Shop assistant | Mitau | not stated | - | Lea | Shmuel | not stated | Itzik
- | ||
234 |
Riga | 1874 | 22/09/1874 | 29/09/1874 | RAKSHTEIN |
РАКШТЕЙН | Ovsei | Israel/ Srol- Getzel | Ovsei | House painter | Vekhne | not stated | - | Lea | not stated | not stated | Hilel
- | ||
17 | 235 |
Riga | 1874 | 22/09/1874 | 29/09/1874 | SHINDER |
ШИНДЕР | Hilel- Judel | Leib | Hilel | Tailor | Okmian | not stated | - | Liba | Movsha- Jonel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
236 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/09/1874 | 1/10/1874 | BLUMENAU |
БЛУМЕНАУ | Movsha- Itzik | Leib | Shmuel | Cколяк(?) | Goldingen | not stated | - | Pesha | Shmuel | not stated | Aron
- | ||
237 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/09/1874 | 1/10/1874 | RIBOVSKI |
РИБОВСКИЙ | David | Abram | Itzik | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah | David | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
238 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/09/1874 | 1/10/1874 | DAVIDSOHN |
ДАВИДСОН | Hirsh- Eliash | Shmuel | Judel | Shoemaker | Pokroi | not stated | - | Pesha | Peisakh | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
239 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/09/1874 | 3/10/1874 | GUMEL |
ГУМЕЛ | Behr | Levin( Leib) | Beines | Shoemaker | Tukkum | not stated | - | Eta | Judel | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
18 | 240 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/09/1874 | 6/10/1874 | VORHAFTINGER |
ВОРГАФТИНГЕР | Jankel- Gavriel* | Leib | Jankel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Judel | Mordkhel | not stated | Movsha BAG | Jankel- Gavriel WORHAFTINGER married Khaya- Frada GLAS, born on 12/10/1876 | |
19 | 189 | Riga | 1874 | 4/10/1874 | - | ARONSOHN |
АРОНСОН | Pesha- Riva | Judel | Vulf | Shoemaker | Bauska | not stated | - | Hena | Vulf | not stated | - |
- | |
190 | Riga | 1874 | 5/10/1874 | - | NURICK |
НУРИК | Hena- Hoda | Nachman | Khatzkiel | Baker | Shavel | not stated | - | Sheina | Zalman | not stated | - |
- | ||
241 |
Riga | 1874 | 1/10/1874 | 8/10/1874 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Mendel | Aron | Abram | House painter | Mitau | not stated | - | Mera | Bentzel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
191 | Riga | 1874 | 4/10/1874 | - | TODES |
ТОДЕС | Gitel | Mordkhel | Arje | Trader | Pokroi | not stated | - | Rokhel | Mendel | not stated | - |
- | ||
192 | Riga | 1874 | 8/10/1874 | - | SHER |
ШЕР | Basha- Sheva | Hirsh- Meier | Khaim- Shliomo | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Mikhla | Leizer | not stated | - |
- | ||
20 | 242 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/10/1874 | 8/10/1874 | EVELSOHN |
ЕВЕЛЬСОН | Zisel | Shalom- Israel | Movsha | Vinager maker | Dunaburg | not stated | - | Khaya- Musha | Faivish | not stated | Zalman
- | |
193 | Riga | 1874 | 910/1874 | - | RAUDBERD |
РАУДБЕРД | Khaya- Stirel | Shachno | Abram | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah- Riva | David | not stated | - |
- | ||
194 | Riga | 1874 | 10/10/1874 | - | SHNAIDER/ SHNEIDER |
ШНАЙДЕР | Khaya- Ita | Josel | Movsha | Tailor | Kupishki | not stated | - | Sarah- Lea | Abram | not stated | - |
- | ||
195 | Riga | 1874 | 10/10/1874 | - | SHEINBERG |
ШЕЙНБЕРГ | Sarah* | Leizer | Shmuel | Tailor | Bauska | not stated | - | Esther- Malka | Leizer | not stated | - |
Sarah SHEINBERG died of convulsions on 23/11/1874 | ||
21 | 196 | Riga | 1874 | 10/10/1874 | - | SHER |
ШЕР | Sarah | Sholom | Meier | Tinsmith | Ligum | not stated | - | Tzipa | Abram | not stated | - |
- | |
243 |
Riga | 1874 | 5/10/1874 | 12/10/1874 | MACHTIS |
МАХТИС | Judel | Movsha- Kivel | not stated | Shoemaker | Pokroi | not stated | - | Reizel | Leizer | not stated | Aron
- | ||
244 |
Riga | 1874 | 6/10/1874 | 13/10/1874 | HOSIAS |
ГОЗЯС | Zavel | Nakhman | Movsha | Saddler | Mitau | not stated | - | Rivka | Isak | not stated | David
- | ||
245 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/10/1874 | 15/10/1874 | GILERSOHN/ HILERSOHN |
ГИЛЕРСОН | Leib | Itzik | Hilel | Shop assistant | Ushatz( Ushachy, Belarus) | not stated | - | Mina | Leib | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
246 |
Riga | 1874 | 9/10/1874 | 16/10/1874 | GLEZER |
ГЛЕЗЕР | Itzik | Zundel | Abram | Shoemaker | Posvol | not stated | - | Mariana | Itzik | not stated | Aron
- | ||
22 | 197 | Riga | 1874 | 11/10/1874 | - | VAIME |
ВАЙМЕ | Rokha | Peisakh- Leib | Efroim | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Esther | Kalman | not stated | - |
- | |
198 | Riga | 1874 | 12/10/1874 | - | BUIKO |
БУЙКО | Gesa | Meier | Jnakel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya | Jankel | not stated | - |
- | ||
199 | Riga | 1874 | 13/10/1874 | - | GRINTUCH |
ГРИНТУХ | Ita | Faivish | Vulf | Trader | Novo Zhagore | not stated | - | Liba | Meier | not stated | - |
- | ||
200 | Riga | 1874 | 14/10/1874 | - | PER |
ПЕР | Hiena | Movsha | Hirsh | Tinsmith | Linkov | not stated | - | Rala | Shaya | not stated | - |
- | ||
247 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/10/1874 | 17/10/1874 | KHAITIN/ HAITIN |
ХАЙТИН | The twin Shoel- Itzik | Abram | not stated | Under officer | not stated | not stated | - | Zelda | Shevel- Leib | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
248 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/10/1874 | 17/10/1874 | KHAITIN/ HAITIN | ХАЙТИН | The twin Shmerel | Abram | not stated | Under officer | not stated | not stated | - | Zelda | Shevel- Leib | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
23 | 249 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/10/1874 | 17/10/1874 | NEIBERG/ NEUBERG |
НЕЙБЕРГ | Leib- Abram | Hirsh | Sheftel | Tinsmith | Riga | not stated | - | Sheina- Gisa | Judel | not stated | Movsha
- | |
250 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/10/1874 | 17/10/1874 | RIVKIND |
РИВКИНД | Rafael | Kadish | Elishelech | Tailor | Grodno | not stated | - | Sora- Lea | Noah | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
251 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/10/1874 | 18/10/1874 | GEL/ HEL |
ГЕЛ | Volf | Hirsh | Movsha | Shoemaker | Zheimel | not stated | - | Dveira | Shmuel | not stated | David
- | ||
252 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/10/1874 | 18/10/1874 | ISRAELOVICH |
ИЗРАЕЛОВИЧ | Khaim- Sharia | Itzik | Leib | Tailor | Bauska | not stated | - | Lea | Eliash | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
201 | Riga | 1874 | 18/10/1874 | - | KAPKEVICH |
КАПКЕВИЧ | Tauba- Feiga | Mordkhel | Shliomo | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Rasha | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | ||
24 | 202 | Riga | 1874 | 18/10/1874 | - | KLING |
КЛИНГ | Sarah | Nachman | Josel | Tailor | Popelian | not stated | - | Eta | Mones | not stated | - |
- | |
253 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/10/1874 | 20/10/1874 | SHEPSEL |
ШЕПСЕЛ | Israel- Khaim | Iser | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sora | Itzik | not stated | Aron
- | ||
254 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/10/1874 | 20/10/1874 | GOLDSHMIDT |
ГОЛДШМИДТ | Zusman- Vulf | Faivish- Nisen | Itzik | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Ita- Nechama | Eliash | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
203 | Riga | 1874 | 14/10/1874 | - | BLECHMAN |
БЛЕХМАН | Sheina- Basheva | Shepsel | Jankel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Tzipa | Ovsei | not stated | - |
- | ||
204 | Riga | 1874 | 19/10/1874 | - | RUBINSHTEIN |
РУБИНШТЕЙН | Esther- Hana | Abram | Hirsh | Tailor | Riga | not stated | - | Liba | David- Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
25 | 255 |
Riga | 1874 | 14/10/1874 | 21/10/1874 | SHLOSSBERG |
ШЛОСБЕРГ | Tzemakh- Aron | Leizer | Khatzkiel | Butcher | Riga | not stated | - | Sheina | Mordkhel | not stated | Aron JAKOBSOHN | - | |
256 |
Riga | 1874 | 15/10/1874 | 22/10/1874 | MOZIAS |
МОЗЯС | Sholom | Borukh | Movsha | Tinsmith | Mitau | not stated | - | Elka | Leib | not stated | Mordkhel
LIPSHITZ from Zhagore |
- | ||
205 | Riga | 1874 | 22/10/1874 | - | KLEIN |
КЛЕЙН | Khaya- Sora | Borukh | Israel | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Mariana | Borukh | not stated | - |
- | ||
206 | Riga | 1874 | 23/10/1874 | - | LEVITAN |
ЛЕВИТАН | Sheina- Rokha | Shmuel | Levik | Tailor | Jurburg | not stated | - | Zelda | Shaya | not stated | - |
- | ||
257 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/10/1874 | 24/10/1874 | KHAIT/ HAIT |
ХАЙТ | Abram- Judel | Hirsh | Josel | Tailor | Riga | not stated | - | Asna- Jenta | Gutman | not stated | Aron JAKOBSOHN | - | ||
26 | 258 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/10/1874 | 24/10/1874 | KITAI |
КИТАЙ | Bentzel | Ruven | Abram | Distiller | Shavel | not stated | - | Sarah | Abram | not stated | Movsha
- | |
259 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/10/1874 | 25/10/1874 | SHWARTZ |
ШВАРЦ | The twin Mordkhel- Aron | Israel | Movsha | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Lea | Khaim | not stated | David
- | ||
207 | Riga | 1874 | 18/10/1874 | - | SHWARTZ |
ШВАРЦ | The twin Hena | Israel | Movsha | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Lea | Khaim | not stated | - |
- | ||
208 | Riga | 1874 | 25/10/1874 | - | SANDLER |
ЗАНДЛЕР | Khaya- Hena | Lipman- Lozer | not stated | Retired soldier | Riga | not stated | - | Golda- Reiza | Abram- Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
209 | Riga | 1874 | 23/10/1874 | - | MENDELOVICH |
МЕНДЕЛОВИЧ | Sora- Ita | Mende | Jankel | Shoemaker | Salant | not stated | - | Rokha- Lea | Bentzel | not stated | - |
- | ||
210 | Riga | 1874 | 27/10/1874 | - | SHERMAN |
ШЕРМАН | Mariasha | Shmuel | Aron | Tailor | Ponevesh | not stated | - | Menucha- Riva | Gershon | not stated | - |
- | ||
27 | 211 | Riga | 1874 | 27/10/1874 | - | GOLDBLATT |
ГОЛЬДБЛАТ | Eida/ Adelina | Jankel- Josel | Abram | Watchmaker | Riga | not stated | - | Zlata/ Lota | not stated | not stated | - |
- | |
260 |
Riga | 1874 | 23/10/1874 | 29/10/1874 | SHINDER |
ШИНДЕР | Mendel | Josel | Eliash- Urja | Retired soldie | not stated | not stated | - | Slova- Esther | Volf | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
212 | Riga | 1874 | 28/10/1874 | - | KORDOVER |
КОРДОВЕР | Lea- Golda | Abram- Itzik | Leib | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Khaya | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- | ||
261 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/10/1874 | 31/11/1874 | KHAVIZON/ HAVISON |
ХАВИЗОН | Mendel | Abel | Hirsh | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Rasha | Jankel | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
213 | Riga | 1874 | 22/03/1874 | Reg Oct 30 | RADUMINSKI |
РАДУМИНСКИЙ | Hena | Khaim | Movsha | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Mira | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
214 | Riga | 1874 | 27/10/1874 | - | SHNEIDEMAN |
ШНЕЙДЕМАН | Rasha | Israel | Jankel | Tailor | Klikol | not stated | - | Hinda- Gita | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
28 | 262 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/10/1874 | 2/11/1874 | OSHEROVICH |
ОШЕРОВИЧ | Osher | Hirsh | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Fruma | Leib | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
263 |
Riga | 1874 | 28/10/1874 | 4/11/1874 | GLAUBERSOHN |
ГЛАУБЕРСОН | Khaikel | Itzko | Mordkhel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Toiba- Eta | Khaikel | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
264 |
Riga | 1874 | 28/10/1874 | 4/11/1874 | BALKIN |
БАЛЬКИН | Leib- Judel | Movsha | Leib | Sailor | Kurshan | not stated | - | Hana | Abram | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
265 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/10/1874 | 5/11/1874 | SHLOCKER |
ШЛОКЕР | Shmerel | Israel | Shmerel | Tinsmith | Riga | not stated | - | Rokha- Tzipa | Shmuel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
266 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/10/1874 | 5/11/1874 | ARGUZ |
АРГУЗ | Hirsh- Leib | Movsha | not stated | Music pupil in the army | not stated | not stated | - | Liba | Leib | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
29 | 267 |
Riga | 1874 | 29/10/1874 | 5/11/1874 | PIKEL |
ПИКЕЛ | Movsha | Abram | Hirsh | Tinsmith | Telshi | not stated | - | Khaya- Mariana | Movsha | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
268 |
Riga | 1874 | 30/10/1874 | 6/11/1874 | BRITSH |
БРИЧ | David | Hirsh | Itzik | Hairdresser | Plungian | not stated | - | Khaya- Lea | Leizer | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
30 | 215 | Riga | 1874 | 2/11/1874 | - | ARKLIS |
АРКЛИС | Dina- Riva | Shliomo- Jankel | Itzik | Glazier | Vidzi | not stated | - | Khaya- Beila | Abram | not stated | - |
- | |
269 |
Riga | 1874 | 2/11/1874 | 9/11/1874 | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Shevel | Leib | Daniel | Saddler | Kupishki | not stated | - | Feiga | Sima | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
270 |
Riga | 1874 | 2/11/1874 | 9/11/1874 | BEIGEL |
БЕЙГЕЛ | Shaya- Movsha | Shliomo | Jankel | Tailor | Pokroi | not stated | - | Lea | Michel | not stated | David
- | ||
216 | Riga | 1874 | 6/11/1874 | - | JOSEM |
ИОСЕМ | Fruma- Rasha | Leib- Shalom | Berel | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Feiga | Jankel | not stated | - |
- | ||
271 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/11/1874 | 10/11/1874 | LEIBOVICH |
ЛЕЙБОВИЧ | David | Nachman | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Fruma | Josel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
31 | 272 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/11/1874 | 10/11/1874 | MOVSHOVICH |
МОВШОВИЧ | Hirsh | Abram | Abram | Tailor | Posvol | not stated | - | Ita- Lea | Mordkhel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
217 | Riga | 1874 | 28/02/1874 | Reg Oct 11 | Unknown father |
- | Mina | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | KAGANOVICH | КАГАНОВИЧ | Roza | Nokhum | Pokroi |
- |
- | ||
218 | Riga | 1874 | 10/11/1874 | - | BERNSHTAM |
БЕРНШТАМ | Jacha/ Jakobina | Israel- Hirsh | Peisakh | Watchmaker | Riga | not stated | - | Basia- Eida/ Bertha | Rafael | not stated | - |
- | ||
273 |
Riga | 1874 | 5/11/1874 | 12/11/1874 | LIPKIN, also LITMAN |
ЛИПКИН/ ЛИТМАН | Vulf | Lipman | Aizik | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Malka- Riva | Mordukh | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
32 | 219 | Riga | 1874 | 9/11/1874 | - | FEIGUS |
ФЕЙГУС | Tauba | Aizik | Khatzkiel | Shoemaker | Vilna | not stated | - | Sheina | Jone | not stated | - |
- | |
220 | Riga | 1874 | 10/11/1874 | - | JANKELOVICH |
ЯНКЕЛОВИЧ | Eida- Sarah | Zalman | not stated | Baker | Janishki | not stated | - | Mera | Judel | not stated | - |
- | ||
274 |
Riga | 1874 | 7/11/1874 | 14/11/1874 | SHVEINIK |
ШВЕЙНИК | Borukh | Fishel | Josel | Shoemaker | Keidan | not stated | - | Khaya- Lea | Mendel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
221 | Riga | 1874 | 7/11/1874 | - | SONIK |
СОНИК | Khana- Riva | Josel | Leizer | Shoemaker | Luknik | not stated | - | Khaya | Vulf | not stated | - |
- | ||
275 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/11/1874 | 15/11/1874 | PANSON |
ПАНСОН | Josel | Aron | Itzik | Baker | Tshashnik | not stated | - | Lea | Zalman- Leib | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
33 | 222 | Riga | 1874 | 11/11/1874 | - | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Tzerna | Behr | Pinkhus | Tinsmith | Riga | not stated | - | Rebecca | Judel | not stated | - |
- | |
276 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/11/1874 | 17/11/1874 | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Movsha- Khaim | Hirsh | Khatzkiel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Gitla- Maiana | Naftali | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
277 |
Riga | 1874 | 10/11/1874 | 17/11/1874 | KLAVANSKI |
КЛАВАНСКИЙ | Jeruchim- Zusel | Gershon- Leib | Jedida | Shoemaker | Pokroi | not stated | - | Jenta | Itzik | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
223 | Riga | 1874 | 15/11/1874 | - | TZINEMAN |
ЦИНЕМАН | Mera- Gita | Khaim | Orel | Tailor | Beisagol | not stated | - | Hana | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- | ||
224 | Riga | 1874 | 16/11/1874 | - | DELSKI |
ДЕЛЬСКИЙ | Riva- Khiesa | Hirsh | Josel | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Khana- Basia | Josel | not stated | - |
- | ||
34 | 225 | Riga | 1874 | 17/11/1874 | - | LICHTENSHTEIN |
ЛИХТЕНШТЕЙН | Rokha | Movsha | Rakhmiel | Tailor | Vilkomir | not stated | - | Khava | Leizer | not stated | - |
- | |
278 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/11/1874 | 18/11/1874 | VOLKOMIRSKI |
ВОЛКОМИРСКИЙ | Meier- Mates | Movsha | Leib | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Liba | Leib | not stated | David
- | ||
279 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/11/1874 | 18/11/1874 | GLOSMAN |
ГЛОСМАН | Jankel | Movsha | Jankel | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Braina | Hirsh | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
226 | Riga | 1874 | 17/11/1874 | - | KESLER |
КЕСЛЕР | Hana- Liba | Josel | Eliash | Tailor | Uzvent | not stated | - | Hana- Hiena | Shliomo | not stated | - |
- | ||
280 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/11/1874 | 20/11/1874 | BALZER |
БАЛЬЗЕР | Mendel- Movsha | Shraya( Sharia- Peisakh) | Abram | Shoemaker | Pokroi | not stated | - | Mera- Dveira | Faivish | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
35 | 227 | Riga | 1874 | 16/11/1874 | - | BORMIN( BORMAN?) |
БОРМИН | Sora | Khaim | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Roza | Izrael | not stated | - |
- | |
281 |
Riga | 1874 | 15/11/1874 | 22/11/1874 | KLEIN |
КЛЕЙН | Jakob- Elkhon | Gershon- Eliash | Zorach | Butcher | Zhagore | not stated | - | Hoda- Reiza | Hirsh | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
282 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/11/1874 | 23/11/1874 | GOLDBLATT |
ГОЛДБЛАТ | Shliomo | Abel | Simen | Baker | Klikol | not stated | - | Rokha- Lea | Shliomo | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
283 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/11/1874 | 23/11/1874 | GAMSTER/ HAMSTER |
ГАМСТЕР | Zalman- Movsha | Movsha | Itzik | Tailor | Tukkum | not stated | - | Ida | Zalman | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
284 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/11/1874 | 23/11/1874 | MAGRIL |
МАГРИЛ | Vulf | Behr | Shliomo | Trader | Staro Zhagore | not stated | - | Rokhel | Khatzkiel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
36 | 228 | Riga | 1874 | 21/11/1874 | - | TZESLER |
ЦЕСЛЕР | Sheina | Abram- Movsha | Hirsh | Watchmaker | Vilna | not stated | - | Dveira- Lea | Daniel | not stated | - |
- | |
229 | Riga | 1874 | 21/11/1874 | - | VEINBERG |
ВЕЙНБЕРГ | Tzirel | Leizer | Bentzel | 2d guild trader | Riga | not stated | - | Esther- Pesa( Jeta) | David | not stated | - |
- | ||
285 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/11/1874 | 24/11/1874 | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | David- Juda | Mordkhel | David | Baker | Janishki | not stated | - | Malka | Josel | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
286 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/11/1874 | 24/11/1874 | VULFSOHN |
ВУЛФСОН | Samuel | Isak- Hilel | Nisen | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Dina | Josel | not stated | Aron
- | ||
287 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/11/1874 | 24/11/1874 | HIRSH |
ГИРШ | Vulf | Abram | Leizer | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Fruma- Ita | Peisakh | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
37 | 288 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/11/1874 | 24/11/1874 | BAUMAN |
БАУМАН | Vulf | Mozes | Hertz | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya- Leizer | Leizer | not stated | Zalman
- | |
230 | Riga | 1874 | 19/11/1874 | - | TZIMBEL |
ЦИМБЕЛ | Liba | Mozes- Hirsh | Jeruchim | Shoemaker | Tukkum | not stated | - | Sarah- Pesa | Nochum | not stated | - |
- | ||
289 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/11/1874 | 26/11/1874 | FISHMAN |
ФИШМАН | Israel | Khaim | Movsha | Barber | Vilna | not stated | - | Sarah | Israel | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
290 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/11/1874 | 26/11/1874 | ABRAMOVICH |
АБРАМОВИЧ | Abram- Itzik | Jankel | Man | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Lea- Zlata | Meier | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
231 | Riga | 1874 | 21/11/1874 | - | WALDMAN |
ВАЛЬДМАН | Pesa | Binel | Leizer | Tailor | Pompian | not stated | - | Tauba | Nisel | not stated | - |
- | ||
38 | 232 | Riga | 1874 | 22/11/1874 | - | GRINBLATT |
ГРИНБЛАТ | Jenta- Basheva | Leib | Movsha | Shoemaker | Popelian | not stated | - | Reiza | Shabsa | not stated | - |
- | |
233 | Riga | 1874 | 27/11/1874 | - | ROZENBERG |
РОЗЕНБЕРГ | Ita | Abram | Movsha | Shoemaker | Linkovo | not stated | - | Zelda | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
234 | Riga | 1874 | 27/11/1874 | - | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Nechama | Bentzion- Zalman | Meier | Hosier | Sena | not stated | - | Malka | Movsha- Aron | not stated | - |
- | ||
235 | Riga | 1874 | 27/11/1874 | - | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Klara | Idel/ Julius | Pinkhus | Tinsmith | Riga | not stated | - | Rala | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
236 | Riga | 1874 | 28/11/1874 | - | BOLSER |
БОЛЬСЕР | Sheina- Dveira | Leib | Meier | Tailor | Pokroi | not stated | - | Khaya- Riva | Simen- Zorakh | not stated | - |
- | ||
39 | 237 | Riga | 1874 | 28/11/1874 | - | BUNKIN |
БУНКИН | Khasha | Leib | Abram | Distiller | Disna | not stated | - | Esther | Shaya | not stated | - |
- | |
291 |
Riga | 1874 | 23/11/1874 | 30/11/1874 | VEINBERG |
ВЕЙНБЕРГ | Leizer | Hershko | Borukh | Soldier | not stated | ROITBART |
РОЙТБАРТ | Dveira | not stated | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
292 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/11/1874 | 1/12/1874 | KAGANOVICH |
КАГАНОВИЧ | Abram | Khaim- Arja | Abram | Tailor | Krok | not stated | - | Bluma | Hirsh | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
293 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/11/1874 | 1/12/1874 | SHEVTZ |
ШЕВЦ | Eliash- Movsha | Benjamin | Movsha | Tailor | Vobolnik | not stated | - | Freida- Liba | David | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
294 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/11/1874 | 1/12/1874 | KIMCHE |
КИМХЕ | David | Zalkind | David | Goldsmith | Novo Zhagore | not stated | - | Raina | Abram | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
40 | 295 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/11/1874 | 3/12/1874 | DISLER |
ДИСЛЕР | Khatzkiel | Hirsh | Eliash | Trader | Vekshne | not stated | - | Lea | Michel- Abel | not stated | Ovsei
- | |
296 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/11/1874 | 3/12/1874 | BERGEL |
БЕРГЕЛ | Eliash- Ovsei | Abram- Movsha | Eliash | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Sheina- Khaya | Shaya | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
297 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/11/1874 | 3/12/1874 | SHNEIDEMAN |
ШНЕЙДЕМАН | Abram | Itzik | Zalman | Tailor | Klikol | not stated | - | Khaya- Sora | Arja | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
298 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/11/1874 | 4/12/1874 | KREMER |
КРЕМЕР | Eliash- Bentzel | Khaim- Abel | Shliomo | Tailor | Pokroi | not stated | - | Mera- Gitel | Mordukh | not stated | David
- | ||
299 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/11/1874 | 4/12/1874 | ESTERMAN |
ЕСТЕРМАН | Hirsh- Jekel | Gavriel | Jankel | Bookbinder | Skud | not stated | - | Sarah | Abram | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
41 | 300 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/11/1874 | 4/12/1874 | TZIMKIN |
ЦИМКИН | Leib | Jankel | Movsha | Trader | Tshashnik | not stated | - | Ita | Shliomo | not stated | Zalman
- | |
301 |
Riga | 1874 | 30/11/1874 | 7/12/1874 | KRAMER |
КРАМЕР | Jankel- Hirsh | Meier | not stated | Under officer | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah- Feiga | Josel | not stated | not
stated |
- | ||
302 |
Riga | 1874 | 30/11/1874 | 7/12/1874 | MUZIKANTOV |
МУЗЫКАНТОВ | Alexander | Michel | not stated | Under officer | not stated | not stated | - | Betty | Aron | not stated | Leib
- | ||
303 |
Riga | 1874 | 30/11/1874 | 7/12/1874 | ISRAELITAN |
ИЗРАЕЛИТАН | Kalman | Vulf | Shmuel | 2d guild trader | Druya | not stated | - | Hena- Tzerna | Simen | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
42 | 238 | Riga | 1874 | 1/12/1874 | - | MOZIAS |
МОЗЯС | Feiga/ Frederika | Shliomo | Moisey | Tinsmith | Mitau | not stated | - | Sora- Basha | Moisey | not stated | - |
- | |
239 | Riga | 1874 | 2/12/1874 | - | KUSHELEVICH |
КУШЕЛЕВИЧ | Sheina | Berko | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya | Zelik | not stated | - |
- | ||
240 | Riga | 1874 | 4/12/1874 | - | GANS |
ГАНС | Khaya- Pessa | Abel | Zusman | Tailor | Varna | not stated | - | Mera- Lea | Judel | not stated | - |
- | ||
241 | Riga | 1874 | 4/12/1874 | - | MENDELSOHN |
МЕНДЕЛЬСОН | Mina | Hirsh | Jokhel | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Feiga- Basha | Peisakh | not stated | - |
- | ||
242 | Riga | 1874 | 2/12/1874 | - | SOTNIKOV, also SOTNIK |
СОТНИКОВ/ СОТНИК | Khaya- Rokha | Movsha | Mikhel- Gershon | House painter | Riga | not stated | - | Khana | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- | ||
43 | 304 |
Riga | 1874 | 1/12/1874 | 8/12/1874 | GLICKMAN |
ГЛИКМАН | Movsha | Itzik | Aron | Shop assistant | Tukkum | not stated | - | Esther | Leib | not stated | Movsha
- | |
243 | Riga | 1874 | 5/12/1874 | - | AIZIKOVICH |
АЙЗИКОВИЧ | Riva- Lea | Hirsh | Zelik | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Menucha | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
244 | Riga | 1874 | 7/12/1874 | - | MALKIN |
МАЛЬКИН | Khaya Frada | Leizer | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Beila | Khaim | not stated | - |
- | ||
305 |
Riga | 1874 | 2/12/1874 | 9/12/1874 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Josel- Khatzkiel | Jankel | Itzik | Sorter | Tukkum | not stated | - | Braina | Benjamin | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
306 |
Riga | 1874 | 2/12/1874 | 9/12/1874 | EPSHTEIN |
ЕПШТЕЙН | Zusman | Aron- Leib | Zelik | Baker | Tshashnik | not stated | - | Gita | Zusman | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
44 | 307 |
Riga | 1874 | 3/12/1874 | 10/12/1874 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Khaim- Sharia | Juda- Eliash | Movsha | not stated | Bauska | not stated | - | Betty | Faivish | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
308 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/12/1874 | 11/12/1874 | BLOCH |
БЛОХ | Itzik | David | Itzik | Shoemaker | Shadlov | not stated | - | Hana | David | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
309 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/12/1874 | 11/12/1874 | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Faivish | Itzik | Kivel | Sailor | Shadlov | not stated | - | Rokha- Hana | Aron | not stated | Sender
- | ||
310 |
Riga | 1874 | 4/12/1874 | 11/12/1874 | KARLIN |
КАРЛИН | Michel | Shliomo | Khatzkiel | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Hoga- Dobra | Michel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
245 | Riga | 1874 | 9/12/1874 | - | VOLKOV |
ВОЛКОВ | Sheina | Jankel | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Eta | Jankel | not stated | - |
- | ||
45 | 246 | Riga | 1874 | 9/12/1874 | - | POTURSKI |
ПОТУРСКИЙ | Elka | Jankel | Shebsel | Tailor | Vilna gub | not stated | - | Dvosia | Leib | not stated | - |
- | |
247 | Riga | 1874 | 11/12/1874 | - | KHAIT/ HAIT |
ХАЙТ | Reiza- Rasha | Vulf | Borukh | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Rivka | David | not stated | - |
- | ||
311 |
Riga | 1874 | 7/12/1874 | 14/12/1874 | EVELSOHN |
ЕВЕЛЬСОН | Behr | Sholom | Man | Baker | Dunaburg | not stated | - | Golda | Israel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
248 | Riga | 1874 | 12/12/1874 | - | KLEIN |
КЛЕЙН | Hana- Reiza | Itzik | Notel | Bookbinder | Posvol | not stated | - | Ita- Khaya | Vulf | not stated | - |
- | ||
312 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/12/1874 | 15/12/1874 | SROLOVICH |
СРОЛОВИЧ | Simon | Israel | Michel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Fruma | Lipman | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
46 | 313 |
Riga | 1874 | 8/12/1874 | 15/12/1874 | PRES |
ПРЕС | Itzik- Leib | Abram | Faivish | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Gita | Shliomo | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
249 | Riga | 1874 | 14/12/1874 | - | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Shosa | Judel | Shliomo | Butcher | Telshi | not stated | - | Rokha | Heshel | not stated | - |
- | ||
314 |
Riga | 1874 | 9/12/1874 | 16/12/1874 | KANTOR |
КАНТОР | Israel | Jankel | Josel | Tailor | Riga | not stated | - | Lea/ Lina | Israel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
315 |
Riga | 1874 | 11/12/1874 | 18/12/1874 | BERGMAN |
БЕРГМАН | Behr | Meier | Shmuel | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Bluma | Jankel- Josel | not stated | David
- | ||
250 | Riga | 1874 | 16/12/1874 | - | LIPSHITZ |
ЛИПШИЦ | Gusha | Abram | Movsha | Baker | Beshenkovichi | not stated | - | Basha | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
47 | 316 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/12/1874 | 20/12/1874 | VISHNEVSKI |
ВИШНЕВСКИЙ | Orel- Jankel | Eliash | Orel | Tailor | Rogol | not stated | - | Sheina | Leib | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | |
317 |
Riga | 1874 | 13/12/1874 | 20/12/1874 | KORN |
КОРН | Abe- Jankel | Tzodek | Hirsh | Expeditor | Riga | not stated | - | Basia | Movsha | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
251 | Riga | 1874 | 14/12/1874 | - | GERR/ HERR |
ГЕРР | Feiga | Behr | Judel | House painter | Ligum | not stated | - | Roka | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | ||
252 | Riga | 1874 | 15/12/1874 | - | LURJE |
ЛУРЬЕ | Nechame/ Anna | Abram | Zundel | Teacher at the Jewish school | not stated | not stated | - | Revecca | Berko | not stated | - |
- | ||
253 | Riga | 1874 | 15/12/1874 | - | ROSTOVSKI |
РОСТОВСКИЙ | Hinda- Reshel | Israel | not stated | Trader | Plungian | not stated | - | Hena | Leib | not stated | - |
- | ||
48 | 254 | Riga | 1874 | 16/12/1874 | - | GOTZ/ HOTZ |
ГОЦ | Hena- Risa | Movsha | Shmuel | Glazier | Shavel | not stated | - | Khaya- Sora | Ruvin | not stated | - |
- | |
255 | Riga | 1874 | 17/12/1874 | - | KANTER/ KANTOR |
КАНТЕР | Eida | Pinkhes | Shliomo | Baker | Illok | not stated | - | Sheina | David | not stated | - |
- | ||
256 | Riga | 1874 | 18/12/1874 | - | ISRAELOVICH |
ИЗРАЕЛЕВИЧ | Riba- Basha | Itzik | not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Tzivia- Dobra | not stated | not stated | - |
- | ||
257 | Riga | 1874 | 18/12/1874 | - | LAK |
ЛАК | Rokha- Tzifra | Jankel | Orel | Shoemaker | Plungian | not stated | - | Khana- Basha | Leizer | not stated | - |
- | ||
318 |
Riga | 1874 | 14/12/1874 | 21/12/1874 | TROJAK |
ТРОЯК | Mendel | Movsha | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Rivka- Rokhel | Gershon- Genekh | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
49 | 319 |
Riga | 1874 | 15/12/1874 | 22/12/1874 | MELAMED |
МЕЛАМЕД | David- Arja | Shliomo | Israel | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Lea | Aizik | not stated | David
- | |
320 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/12/1874 | 23/12/1874 | VRUBEL |
ВРУБЕЛ | Ruvin | Abram | Srol- Jankel | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Dveira | Peisakh | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
321 |
Riga | 1874 | 16/12/1874 | 23/12/1874 | LEIZER |
ЛЕЙЗЕР | Behr | Judel | Shmuel- Mikhel | Tailor | Veger | not stated | - | Esther- Golda | Itzik | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
322 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/12/1874 | 24/12/1874 | STOLOV |
СТОЛОВ | Naftali- Hertz | Daniel | not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Riva | not stated | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
50 | 323 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/12/1874 | 24/12/1874 | KIRSHBAUM |
КИРШБАУМ | Heshel- Leib | Hirsh- Abram | Aron | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Zelda | Itzik | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
324 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/12/1874 | 24/12/1874 | KHAET/ KHAIT/ HAIT |
ХАЕТ | Hirsh | David- Gavriel | Jankel | Glove maker | Birzhi | not stated | - | Khana | Abram | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - | ||
325 |
Riga | 1874 | 17/12/1874 | 24/12/1874 | HAMBURGER |
ГАМБУРГЕР | Movsha- Aron | Leizer | Shmuel | Tailor | Tukkum | not stated | - | Sheina- Rokha | Hlaum- Lozer | not stated | Aron
- | ||
326 |
Riga | 1874 | 18/12/1874 | 25/12/1874 | SHOSHEN |
ШОШЕН | Judel- Jankel | Eliash | Judel | Butcher | Telshi | not stated | - | Elka | Leib | not stated | Leib
- | ||
258 | Riga | 1874 | 22/12/1874 | - | RAIKIN |
РАЙКИН | Feiga | David | Abram | Son of a trader | Polotzk | not stated | - | Eidlia | Jankel | not stated | - |
- | ||
51 | 259 | Riga | 1874 | 22/12/1874 | - | REZNIK |
РЫЗНИК | Doba | Itzik | Zelik | Hosier | Smolian | not stated | - | Shosa- Riva | Movsha | not stated | - |
- | |
260 | Riga | 1874 | 24/12/1874 | - | KAGANOVICH |
КАГАНОВИЧ | Mina | Jankel | Shakhno | Watchmaker | Shadlov | not stated | - | Hoda- Gita | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- | ||
261 | Riga | 1874 | 24/12/1874 | - | RAPOPORT |
РАПОПОРТ | Esther | Zalman | Leib | Trader | Tshashnik | not stated | - | Basha | Nokhem | not stated | - |
- | ||
327 |
Riga | 1874 | 19/12/1874 | 26/12/1874 | KHAITKIN/ HAITKIN |
ХАЙТКИН | David- Aizik | Movsha | Shimkha | Shoemaker | Novo Zhagore | not stated | - | Khana | Eliash | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
328 |
Riga | 1874 | 20/12/1874 | 27/12/1874 | JOFFE |
ИОФФЕ | Leib- Itzik | Khaim- Zalman | Kivel | Tailor | Kupishki | not stated | - | Liba | Benjamin | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
52 | 262 | Riga | 1874 | 23/12/1874 | - | APFELBAUM |
АПФЕЛЬБАУМ | Elka | Lipman | Lazer | Tailor | Tukkum | not stated | - | Khaya- Feiga | Khaim- Berel | not stated | - |
- | |
329 |
Riga | 1874 | 21/12/1874 | 28/12/1874 | LAZER |
ЛАЗЕР | Leizer | Israel- Leib | Simon | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Dveira/ Dora | Leizer | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
330 |
Riga | 1874 | 21/12/1874 | 28/12/1874 | VEINSHTEIN |
ВЕЙНШТЕЙН | Behr- Juda | Meier- Zelik | Movsha | Son of a trader | Riga | not stated | - | Sarah- Liba | Josel | not stated | Zalman
- | ||
331 |
Riga | 1874 | 22/12/1874 | 29/12/1874 | SERESIN |
СЕРЕЗИН | Josel | Israel | Josel | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Jenta | Meier | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
263 | Riga | 1874 | 28/12/1874 | - | SOSNITZKI |
СОСНИЦКИЙ | Tauba- Rokha | Josif | Markus | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Hinda | Josif | not stated | - |
- | ||
53 | 264 | Riga | 1874 | 29/12/1874 | - | GERBER |
ГЕРБЕР | Khana- Tzipa | Josel- Vulf | Shliomo | Baker | Shavel | not stated | - | Sarah | Josel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | |
332 |
Riga | 1874 | 23/12/1874 | 30/12/1874 | RUBOVICH |
РУБОВИЧ | Isaac | Mendel | Isak | House painter | Mitau | not stated | - | Jeta/ Eta | Mozes | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
333 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/12/1874 | 31/12/1874 | JOSELOVICH |
ИОСЕЛОВИЧ | Efroim- Judel | Leib | Josel | Bookbinder | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Feiga | Hirsh- Berel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
334 |
Riga | 1874 | 24/12/1874 | 31/12/1874 | RAKSHIN |
РАКШИН | Movsha- Aizik | Abram | Hirsh | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah- Mera | Mordkhel- Joel | not stated | Hilel
- | ||
335 | Riga | 1874 | 24/12/1874 | 31/12/1874 | KRON |
КРОН | Khaim- Bentzel | Shachar- Hirsh | Nisel- Jankel | Baker | Rogovo | not stated | - | Khaya- Hinda | Judel | not stated | - |
- | ||
54 | 336 |
Riga | 1874 | 25/12/1874 | 1/01/1875 | SHERMAN |
ШЕРМАН | Leiba | Abram | Markus | Tailor | Friedrichstadt | not stated | - | Khaya | Judel | not stated | David
- | |
337 |
Riga | 1874 | 26/12/1874 | 2/01/1875 | BORKUM |
БОРКУМ | Movsha | Shenider- Zalman | Movsha | Umbrella maker | Birzhi | not stated | - | Elka | Israel | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
338 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/12/1874 | 3/01/1875 | FRIEDMAN |
ФРИДМАН | Shulem | Eliash | Lazer | Shoemaker | Mitau | not stated | - | Mnukha | Shulem | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
339 |
Riga | 1874 | 27/12/1874 | 3/01/1875 | BERKOVICH |
БЕРКОВИЧ | Shmuel- Hirsh | Mozes | Josel | Tailor | Riga | not stated | - | Malka | Shliomo | not stated | Movsha
- | ||
340 |
Riga | 1874 | 28/12/1874 | 4/01/1875 | ZAKS |
ЗАКС | Movsha- Nokhem | Itzik- Abel | Berel | not stated | Popelian | not stated | - | Feiga | Vulf | not stated | Movsha BAG | - | ||
341 |
Riga | 1874 | 30/12/1874 | 6/01/1875 | MURNIK |
МУРНИК | Khaim | Sholem- Leib | Bentzel | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Gita | Khaim- Leib | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
342 |
Riga | 1874 | 31/12/1874 | 7/01/1875 | BLUM |
БЛЮМ | Shmuel | Jankel- Itzik | Nokhem | Tailor | Upik | not stated | - | Nekhama- Reiza | Israel | not stated | David LIPSHITZ | - | ||
55 | 265 | Riga | 1874 | 4/06/1874 | - | REIMAN |
РЕЙМАН | Sophia | Rubin | Aizik | not stated | Riga | VULFSOHN |
- | Charlotte | Efroim | not stated | - |
- |