Page | Record N° Female |
Record N° Male |
XX |
Year | Date of birth | Date of circumcision xxxxxx |
Surname | Surname in cyrillic |
Given name
xxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Father's name | Father's patronymic | Occupation
of the father xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Father's place of registration xxxxXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxX |
Mother's surname |
Surname in cyrillic | Mother's first name |
Mother's patronymic |
Mother's place of registration xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Officiant xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Comments |
5 | 1 | Riga | 1876 | 3/01/1876 | - | WAGENHEIM |
ВАГЕНГЕЙМ | The twin Dora- Khaya | Arja |
not stated | Sorter | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Dobra | Josel | not stated | - |
- |
2 | Riga | 1876 | 3/01/1876 | - | WAGENHEIM |
ВАГЕНГЕЙМ | The twin Golda | Arja |
not stated | Sorter | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Dobra | Josel | not stated | - |
- |
3 | Riga | 1876 | 3/01/1876 | - | GERR/ HERR |
ГЕРР | Hanna- Gita | Ovsei |
not stated | Glazier | Zheimel | not stated | - | Sora- Riva | Mikhel- Faivel | not stated | - |
- |
4 | Riga | 1876 | 3/01/1876 | - | SHVEINIK |
ШВЕЙНИК | Riva- Lea | Jankel |
not stated | Shoemaker | Keidan | not stated | - | Sheina | Nison | not stated | - |
- |
5 | Riga | 1876 | 4/01/1876 | - | KHITRIK/ HITRIK |
ХИТРИК | Esther- Rokhel | Levik |
Jankel | Baker | Mogilev | not stated | - | Sarah- Feiga | Leizer | not stated | - |
- |
6 | Nordekshof | 1876 | 2/01/1876 | - | TANFER or TANPER | ТАНФЕР/ ТАНПЕР | Malka- Gita | Shliomo |
not stated | Joiner | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Reiza | Shliomo | not stated | - |
- |
6 | 7 | Riga | 1876 | 4/01/1876 | - | FRIEDMAN |
ФРИДМАН | Feiga- Dina | Eliash |
not stated | Shoemaker | Tukkum | not stated | - | Rokha | David | not stated | - |
- |
8 | Riga | 1876 | 4/01/1876 | - | PEISACHSOHN |
ПЕЙСАХСОН | Khana- Shera | Mendel |
not stated | Hosier | Gorki | not stated | - | Khiena- Lea | Levin | not stated | - |
- |
9 | Riga | 1876 | 4/01/1876 | - | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Rokhe- Sarah | Leib |
not stated | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Eta | Judel | not stated | - |
- |
10 | Riga | 1876 | 6/01/1876 | - | BLUM |
БЛУМ | Dobra | Abel |
not stated | Tinsmith | Shavel | not stated | - | Rokhel | Hirsh- Zelik | not stated | - |
- |
1 |
Riga | 1876 | 1/01/1876 | 8/01/1876 | ANTZEL |
АНЦЕЛ | Vulf | David-
Abel |
not stated | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Dveira- Lea | Shmuel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
2 |
Riga | 1876 | 1/01/1876 | 8/01/1876 | MILLER |
МИЛЛЕР | Itzik- Movsha | Bentzel |
not stated but Abram | Watchmaker | Shavel | not
stated, but PAZERSHTEIN(?) |
- | Feiga | Hirsh | not stated | Movsha
- |
7 | 3 |
Riga | 1876 | 2/01/1876 | 9/01/1876 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Levin/ Leib | Aron-
David |
not stated | Tinsmith | Piltene | not stated | - | Khasia- Lea | Meier | not stated | Movsha
- |
4 |
Riga | 1876 | 2/01/1876 | 9/01/1876 | ZUSKIN |
ЗУКИН | Joel | Leib |
not stated | Tailor | Ponevesh | not stated | - | Mera | Jankel | not stated | Abram-
Itzik PAS |
- |
11 | Riga | 1876 | 3/01/1876 | - | GOLIANT/ GOLAND |
ГОЛЯНТ | Khava | Leizer |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Khana | Leib | not stated | - |
12 | Riga | 1876 | 5/01/1876 | - | HIRSHMAN |
ГИРШМАН | Jeta | Josif |
not stated | Trader | Goldingen | not stated | - | Basha | Khaim | not stated | - |
5 |
Riga | 1876 | 3/01/1876 | 10/01/1876 | KLAF |
КЛАФ | Jakov | Hirsh |
not stated | Tailor | Kelme | not stated | - | Khaya- Sora | Shimrel- Zalman | not stated | Zalman
- |
6 |
Riga | 1876 | 3/01/1876 | 10/01/1876 | SHAPIRO |
ШАПИРО | Isaia- Behr | Josel |
not stated | Trader | Lukinki | not stated | - | Lina | Shaya- Berel | not stated | Markus
- |
8 | 13 | Riga | 1876 | 7/01/1876 | - | LIFSHITZ/ LIPSHITZ |
ЛИПШИЦ | Nekhama- Hinda | Lipman |
not stated | Attorney | Mogilev | not stated | - | Gruna | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- |
14 | Riga | 1876 | 9/01/1876 | - | GRINFELD |
ГРИНФЕЛД | Judith | Israel |
not stated | Florist | Mitau | not stated | - | Mina | Leizer | not stated | - |
- |
7 |
Riga | 1876 | 5/01/1876 | 12/01/1876 | GALANTER |
ГАЛАНТЕР | Iassac | Tamkhel |
not stated | Shoemaker | Klikol | not stated | - | Feiga | Khatzkiel | not stated | Movsha
- |
8 |
Riga | 1876 | 5/01/1876 | 12/01/1876 | OSHEROVICH |
ОШЕРОВИЧ | Jakov- Leizer | Hirsh |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Fruma | Leib | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
9 |
Riga | 1876 | 6/01/1876 | 13/01/1876 | DAVIDOV |
ДАВИДОВ | Meier | Movsha |
not stated | Tinsmith | Kamai | not stated | - | Dina | Shabsa | not stated | Movsha
- |
10 |
Riga | 1876 | 6/01/1876 | 13/01/1876 | GERR/ HERR |
ГЕРР | Josif | Behr |
Judel | Butcher | Ligum | not stated | - | Rokha | Movsha | not stated | Abram- Itzik PAS | - |
9 | 11 |
Riga | 1876 | 6/01/1876 | 13/01/1876 | JOELSOHN |
ИОЕЛЬСОН | Jacov | Lazar |
not stated | Shoemaker | Mitau | not stated | - | Sarah- Rokha | Mozes | not stated | Aron
- |
12 |
Riga | 1876 | 7/01/1876 | 14/01/1876 | JOKELSOHN |
ИОКЕЛЬСОН | Israel | Abel |
not stated | Tailor | Staro- Zhagore | not stated | - | Sarah- Raina | Sholom- Judel | not stated | Leib
- |
15 | Riga | 1876 | 11/01/1876 | - | GELL/ HELL |
ГЕЛЛ | Ita | Itzik |
not stated | Shoemaker | Zheimel | not stated | - | Khana | Zundel | not stated | - |
- |
16 | Riga | 1876 | 12/01/1876 | - | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Malka | Berel |
not stated | Tailor | Rossieny | not stated | - | Esther | Gershon | not stated | - |
- |
17 | Riga | 1876 | 12/01/1876 | - | TOBIAS |
ТОБЯС | The twin Khava | Abram |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Dvora | Abram | not stated | - |
- |
18 | Riga | 1876 | 12/01/1876 | - | TOBIAS |
ТОБЯС | The twin Sarah- Gita* | Abram |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Dvora | Abram | not stated | - |
Sora- Gita TOBIAS died of weakness on 19/01/1876 |
19 | Riga | 1876 | 13/01/1876 | - | LEVINSKI |
ЛЕВИНСКИЙ | Lea | Shmerel |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Liba | Mendel | not stated | - |
- |
10 | 20 | Riga | 1876 | 13/01/1876 | - | MARKUS |
МАРКУС | The twin Basheva* | Hirsh |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Esther- Feiga | Khatzkiel | not stated | - |
Basheva MARKUS died of cough on 17/02/1876 |
21 | Riga | 1876 | 13/01/1876 | - | MARKUS |
МАРКУС | The twin Sheina- Beila | Hirsh |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Esther- Feiga | Khatzkiel | not stated | - |
- |
13 |
Riga | 1876 | 9/01/1876 | 16/01/1876 | NATHAN |
НАТАН | Fabian | Sholom |
not stated | Baker | Plungian | not stated | - | Malka | Faivush | not stated | Markus
- |
14 |
Riga | 1876 | 9/01/1876 | 16/01/1876 | GOLDBERG |
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ | Khaikel- David | Mikhel |
not stated | Tailor | Krok | not stated | - | Tzirla | Hirsh | not stated | Movsha
- |
22 | Riga | 1876 | 11/01/1876 | - | ZELKINOVICH |
ЗЕЛЬНИКОВИЧ | Sheina- Gita | Shmuel |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Esther | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- |
23 | Riga | 1876 | 15/01/1876 | - | SHALNIKOV |
ШАЛЬНИКОВ | Bluma | Meier |
not stated | Hosier | Dunaburg | not stated | - | Golda | Khaim | not stated | - |
- |
12 | 24 | Riga | 1876 | 15/01/1876 | - | RUBINSHTEIN |
РУБИНШТЕЙН | Mira- Raitza | Movsha |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah | Mozes | not stated | - |
- |
15 |
Riga | 1876 | 10/01/1876 | 17/01/1876 | BERKOVICH |
БЕРКОВИЧ | Ilya/ Elkhon | Hirsh |
not stated | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Friderika | Elkhon | not stated | Leib
- |
16 |
Riga | 1876 | 10/01/1876 | 17/01/1876 | PETUCHOVICH |
ПЫТУХОВИЧ | Zelik | Ovsei |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Rivka- Lea | not stated | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
17 |
Riga | 1876 | 11/01/1876 | 18/01/1876 | BERLIN |
БЕРЛИН | Samuel | Beines |
not stated | Tailor | Posvol | not stated | - | Feiga | Abel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
18 |
Riga | 1876 | 12/01/1876 | 19/01/1876 | TAL/ THAL/ TAHL |
ТАЛ | Avraham- Isaac | Leiba |
not stated | Butcher | Tukkum | not stated | - | Sora- Eta | Shmuel | not stated | Leib AVERBUCH | - |
19 |
Riga | 1876 | 12/01/1876 | 19/01/1876 | ILION |
ИЛЬОН | Avraham- Markus | Itzik |
not stated | Florist | Shavel | not stated | - | Rivka | Mordkhel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
13 | 20 |
Riga | 1876 | 13/01/1876 | 20/01/1876 | FLEISHMAN |
ФЛЕЙШМАН | Josif | Orel |
Abram | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Hinda- Elka | Movsha | not stated | Leib
- |
21 |
Riga | 1876 | 13/01/1876 | 20/01/1876 | KOTLER |
КОТЛЕР | Vulf* | Itzik-
Faivish |
not stated | Bookbinder | Birzhi | not stated | - | Feiga | not stated | not stated | Zalman
Vulf KOTLER died of pneumonia on 10/03/1876 |
25 | Riga | 1876 | 17/01/1876 | - | SROLOVICH |
СРОЛОВИЧ | Khaya | Zelik |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Eta | Faivish | not stated | - |
- |
26 | Riga | 1876 | 20/01/1876 | - | AKSELROD |
АКСЕЛЬРОД | Khaya- Sora | Mendel-
Shabsel |
not stated | - | Utiany | not stated | - | Zelda | Jankel | not stated | - |
- |
27 | Riga | 1876 | 21/01/1876 | - | LESTNER |
ЛЕСТНЕР | Tzipa- Reiza* | Victor |
not stated | Shoemaker | Mitau | not stated | - | Feiga | Leizer | not stated | - |
Tzipa- Reiza LESTNER died of intestines disease on 19/02/1876 | ||
28 | Riga | 1876 | 19/01/1876 | - | JAVICH |
ЯВИЧ | Elka | Itzik |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Tzirla | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- |
14 | 22 |
Riga | 1876 | 17/01/1876 | 24/01/1876 | SHERMAN |
ШЕРМАН | Ovsei | Josel |
not stated | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Menucha | Mendel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
23 |
Riga | 1876 | 17/01/1876 | 24/01/1876 | MINTZKER/ MINSKER |
МИНЦКЕР | Gershon | Shmuel-
Mendel |
not stated | Teacher | Kreutzburg | not stated | - | Hinda- Rokhel | Keife | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
29 | Riga | 1876 | 20/01/1876 | - | TZAPIN |
ЦАПИН | Feiga | Jankel |
not stated | Tailor | Staro- Zhagore | not stated | - | Khaya | Idel | not stated | - |
- |
30 | Riga | 1876 | 20/01/1876 | - | MARGOLIS |
МАРГОЛИС | Fruma- Esther | Hirsh |
not stated | Tailor | Pompian | not stated | - | Rokhel- Beila | Shneier | not stated | - |
- |
31 | Riga | 1876 | 21/01/1876 | - | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Sarah- Hinda | Leib |
not stated | Weaver | Janishki | not stated | - | Dveira | Abel | not stated | - |
- |
32 | Riga | 1876 | 21/01/1876 | - | BLUMENAU |
БЛУМЕНАУ | Roza | Levin |
not stated | Master of the manufacture and repair of fur and leather | Goldingen | not stated | - | Pessa | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- |
15 | 24 |
Riga | 1876 | 18/01/1876 | 25/01/1876 | KRISTAL |
КРИСТАЛ | Shaya- Juda | Josel |
not stated | Dyer | Shavel | not stated | - | Khava | Shaya | not stated | Movsha
- |
33 | Riga | 1876 | 23/01/1876 | - | KASHEL/ KASSEL |
КАШЕЛ | Nekhama- Gissa | Hirsh |
not stated | Tailor | Keidan | not stated | - | Rasha | Shaya | not stated | - |
- |
34 | Riga | 1876 | 24/01/1876 | - | JUDELOVICH |
ЮДЕЛОВИЧ | Riva- Sheina* | Nosen | not stated | Tailor | Bauska | not stated | - | Miriana | Bentzel | not stated | - |
Riva- Sheina JUDELOVICH died of pneumonia on 3/02 1876 |
25 |
Riga | 1876 | 21/01/1876 | 28/01/1876 | GOLPER |
ГОЛПЕР | David- Eliash | Itzko |
not stated | Goldsmith | Trok | not stated | - | Raikhel | Eliash | not stated | Movsha
- |
35 | Riga | 1876 | 25/01/1876 | - | KLEIN |
КЛЕЙН | Gita- Feiga | Khone |
not stated | Shoemaker | Skodvil | not stated | - | Rokha- Lea | Shliomo | not stated | - |
- |
36 | Riga | 1876 | 26/01/1876 | - | REISNER |
РЕЙСНЕР | Khana- Zisa | Mozes |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Tauba | Meier | not stated | - |
- |
16 | 37 | Riga | 1876 | 27/01/1876 | - | GOLDBERG |
ГОЛДБЕРГ | Friederika | Judel |
not stated | Merchant | Riga | not stated | - | Tzira- Feiga | Isac | not stated | - |
- |
38 | Riga | 1876 | 27/01/1876 | - | SHAPIRO |
ШАПИРО | Tzipa | Jovel |
not stated | Tailor | Datnov | not stated | - | Esther | Bentzel | not stated | - |
- |
26 |
Riga | 1876 | 22/01/1876 | 29/01/1876 | LURJE |
ЛУРБЕ | Kusiel | Mordkhel |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Tema | Eber | not stated | Markus
- |
27 |
Riga | 1876 | 22/01/1876 | 29/01/1876 | SEGALIN |
СЕГАЛИН | Vigdor- Josif | Khaim-
Volf |
not stated | Baker | Zheimel | not stated | - | Jokheved | Movsha | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
28 |
Riga | 1876 | 23/01/1876 | 30/01/1876 | KANTOR |
КАНТОР | Meier- Leib | Shlom |
not stated | Bookbinder | Zhagore | not stated | - | Etel | Benjamin | not stated | Hilel
- |
29 |
Riga | 1876 | 24/01/1876 | 31/01/1876 | TRUBIK |
ТРУБИК | Jakov | Meier |
not stated | Glazier | Staro- Zhagore | not stated | - | Hinda | Hirsh | not stated | Hilel
- |
17 | 30 |
Riga | 1876 | 24/01/1876 | 31/01/1876 | RUFMAN |
РУФМАН | David | Abram |
not stated | Dyer | Lepeln | not stated | - | Rokhel | Josel | not stated | Zalman
- |
39 | Riga | 1876 | 20/01/1876 | - | LEIBOVICH |
ЛЕЙБОВИЧ | Sora- Riva | Leizer |
not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sheina | Leizer | not stated | - |
- |
31 |
Riga | 1876 | 25/01/1876 | 1/02/1876 | ELKON/ ELKAN |
ЕЛЬКОН | Rafael- Hirsh | Mikhel-
Zelik |
not stated | Glazier | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Nekhama | Leib | not stated | Movsha
- |
40 | Riga | 1876 | 30/01/1876 | - | TANKEL |
ТАНКЕЛ | Khaya | Hirsh |
not stated | Tinsmith | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Khiena | Leizer | not stated | - |
- |
32 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/01/1876 | 2/02/1876 | BAS |
БАС | Leib* | Efroim |
not stated | Glazier | Ligum | not stated | - | Esther- Lea | Vulf | not stated | Sender-
Leib BAS died of stomach disease on 31/03/1876 |
33 |
Riga | 1876 | 28/01/1876 | 4/02/1876 | FRIEDMAN |
ФРИДМАН | Ruvin | Israel |
not stated | Brush maker | Grobin | not stated | - | Khanna/ Anna | Kalman | not stated | Itzik
- |
18 | 41 | Riga | 1876 | 25/01/1876 | - | HIRSHFELD |
ГИРШФЕЛД | Ernestina ![]() |
![]() |
not stated | Manufacturer | Riga | KEILMAN | КЕЙЛМАН | Alexandra ![]() |
Izak ![]() |
not stated | - |
- |
42 | Riga | 1876 | 30/01/1876 | - | GLOZMAN/ GLAZMAN |
ГЛОЗМАН | Feiga | Movsha |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Braina | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- |
34 |
Riga | 1876 | 29/01/1876 | 5/02/1876 | SHERMAN |
ШЕРМАН | Isak- Ilya | Zelik |
Itzik |
Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Ita- Rasha | Judel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
35 |
Riga | 1876 | 30/01/1876 | 6/02/1876 | LEENSOHN |
ЛЕЕНСОН | Josif | Zalman |
not stated | Tailor | Vitebsk | not stated | - | Ita | Meier | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
36 |
Riga | 1876 | 31/01/1876 | 7/02/1876 | KRIEGER |
КРИГЕР | Khaim | Shliomo |
not stated | Tailor | Posvol | not stated | - | Khaya | Khaim | not stated | not
stated |
- |
19 | 37 |
Riga | 1876 | 31/01/1876 | 7/02/1876 | FISHEL |
ФИШЕЛ | Hirsh | Movsha |
not stated | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Jenta | Israel | not stated | Sender- Leib FEIGELSOHN | - |
20 | 43 | Riga | 1876 | 1/02/1876 | - | ZELMANOVICH/ ZALMANOVICH |
ЗЕЛМАНОВИЧ | Khana- Rikla | Jankel-
Behr |
not stated | not stated | Johanishkel( Joniškelis, Lithuania) | not stated | - | Reiza- Rokhel | Josel | not stated | - |
- |
44 | Riga | 1876 | 3/02/1876 | - | PITZELEVSKI |
ПИЦЕЛЕВСКИЙ | Basha | Menashe |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Esther | Abram | not stated | - |
- |
45 | Riga | 1876 | 3/02/1876 | - | FRIED |
ФРИД | Sora | Behr |
not stated | Tailor | Shadov | not stated | - | Khana | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- |
46 | Riga | 1876 | 4/02/1876 | - | LEIZER |
ЛЕЙЗЕР | Slova- Reiza | Judel |
Shmuel | Tailor | Veger | not stated | - | Esther- Golda | Itzik | not stated | - |
- |
47 | Riga | 1876 | 4/02/1876 | - | ZEIMAN |
ЗЕЙМАН | Liba | Mozes |
not stated | Tailor | Tukkum | not stated | - | Mariana | Khaikel | not stated | - |
- |
48 | Riga | 1876 | 67/02/1876 | - | RAKUZIN |
РАКУЖИН | Esther- Rokha | Hirsh
Leib |
not stated | Tailor | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Mariana | Itzik | not stated | - |
- |
22 | 38 |
Riga | 1876 | 1/02/1876 | 8/02/1876 | FLAKS |
ФЛАКС | Khaim- Mones | Borukh-
Bendet |
not stated | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Ita | Kivel | not stated | Movsha
- |
49 | Riga | 1876 | 8/02/1876 | - | KIT |
КИТ | Khaya- Liba | Abram |
Hirsh | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Sora | Khaim | not stated | - |
- |
50 | Riga | 1876 | 9/02/1876 | - | FRIEDMAN |
ФРИДМАН | Hinda | Leib |
not stated | Distiller | Rogovo | not stated | - | Dina | Itzik | not stated | - |
- |
51 | Riga | 1876 | 9/02/1876 | - | HAMBURGER |
ГАМБУРГЕР | Riva* | Leizer |
not stated | Tailor | Tukkum | not stated | - | Sheina- Roza | Khlaum | not stated | - |
Riva HAMBURGER died of brain oedema on 17/06/1876 |
39 |
Riga | 1876 | 5/02/1876 | 12/02/1876 | MINKOVICH |
МИНКОВИЧ | Moisey | Mikhel |
not stated | Hosier | Polotzk | not stated | - | Basha | Genekh | not stated | Zalman
- |
40 |
Riga | 1876 | 6/02/1876 | 13/02/1876 | NEIBERG( NEUBURG?) |
НЕЙБЕРГ | Kalman- Jakov | Hirsh |
not stated | Tinsmith | Riga | not stated | - | Sheina- Gissa | Judel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
23 | 52 | Riga | 1876 | 3/02/1876 | - | BERNER |
БЕРНЕР | Lili/ Lea | Bernard/
Bentzion |
not stated | Shop- assistant | Libau | SHTALBERG | ШТАЛЬБЕРГ | Rebecca/ Betty) | Markus | not stated | - |
- |
53 | Riga | 1876 | 8/02/1876 | - | SHUSTER |
ШУСТЕР | Dveira- Godissa | Himpel |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Etel | Leizer | not stated | - |
- |
54 | Riga | 1876 | 11/02/1876 | - | SERGUEI |
СЕРГЕЙ | Sheina- Rokhel | Abram |
not stated | Umbrella maker | Kretingen | not stated | - | Khana | Eliash | not stated | - |
- |
55 | Riga | 1876 | 12/02/1876 | - | KIRSHBAUM |
КИРШБАУМ | Feiga- Jenta | Hirsh-
Abram |
not stated | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Zelda | Itzik | not stated | - |
- |
41 |
Riga | 1876 | 7/02/1876 | 14/02/1876 | ZALKIND |
ЗАЛЬКИНД | Alexander/ Sender | Itzik-
Jankel |
not stated | Tailor | Kamai | not stated | - | Elka | Nokhum | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
56 | Riga | 1876 | 13/02/1876 | - | SHEINESOHN |
ШЕЙНЕСОН | Maria | Herman |
not stated | Merchant | Riga | FRIEDLENDER | ФРИДЛЕНДЕР | Sarah | not stated | not stated | - |
- |
24 | 42 |
Riga | 1876 | 8/02/1876 | 15/02/1876 | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Sholom | Abram |
not stated | Butcher | Telshi | not stated | - | Sheina | Josel | not stated | Markus
- |
57 | Riga | 1876 | 12/02/1876 | - | KERBEL |
КЕРБЕЛ | Rokhel- Beila* | Abram-
Shalom |
not stated | Tailor | Janishki | not stated | - | Riva | Abram | not stated | - |
Rokhel- Beila KERBEL died of exhaustion on 22/02/1876 |
58 | Riga | 1876 | 14/02/1876 | - | ZULMAN |
ЗУЛЬМАН | Brokha | Bentzel-
Hirsh |
not stated | Tailor | Telshi | not stated | - | Pessa | Jankel | not stated | - |
- |
43 |
Riga | 1876 | 9/02/1876 | 16/02/1876 | DZIVIK |
ДЗИВИК | Jakov | Leizer |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Doba | Josel | not stated | Leib
- |
44 |
Riga | 1876 | 9/02/1876 | 16/02/1876 | ZILBERMAN |
ЗИЛЬБЕРМАН | Moisey- Meier | Shevach |
not stated | Son of a soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khana | Khaim- Leib | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
45 |
Riga | 1876 | 10/02/1876 | 17/02/1876 | ZEILIN |
ЗЕЙЛИН | Khaim- Gershon | Josel |
not stated | Tailor | Novo- Zhagore | KANTOR/ KANTER | КАНТОР | Gita | not stated | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
25 | 59 | Riga | 1876 | 15/02/1876 | - | PREIS |
ПРЕЙС | Nessa | Khatzkiel |
not stated | Miror maker | Riga | not stated | - | Rivka | Sholom | not stated | - |
- |
46 |
Riga | 1876 | 12/02/1876 | 19/02/1876 | STOLOVSKI |
СТОЛОВСКИЙ | Moisey- Zelman | Shmuil |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Zisla | Zelman | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
47 |
Riga | 1876 | 12/02/1876 | 19/02/1876 | GRINFELD |
ГРИНФЕЛД | Khaim* | Abram-
Itzik |
not stated | Turner | Shiulov | not stated | - | Sheina- Ita | Jankel | not stated | Movsha BAG | Khaim GRINFELD died of diarrhea on 27/066/1876 |
60 | Riga | 1876 | 17/02/1876 | - | MAGARIL |
МАГАРИЛ | Esther- Khaya | Gedalja |
not stated | Tailor | Staro- Zhagore | not stated | - | Golda | Aron | not stated | - |
- |
61 | Riga | 1876 | 21/02/1876 | - | GILEVICH/ HILEVICH |
ГИЛЕВИЧ | Dveira- Musha | Josel |
not stated | Hosier | Luzhka | not stated | - | Mikhla | Aron | not stated | - |
- |
48 |
Riga | 1876 | 16/02/1876 | 23/02/1876 | SVIDIRACHIN |
СВИДИРАХИН | Behr- Leib | Jankel |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Rivka | Faitel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
26 | 49 |
Riga | 1876 | 17/02/1876 | 24/02/1876 | SHEIFERT |
ШЕЙФЕРТ | Isaac | Movsha |
not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya- Fruma | Heshel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
50 |
Riga | 1876 | 17/02/1876 | 24/02/1876 | KOPELOVICH |
КОПЕЛОВИЧ | Volf- Azriel | Khaim |
not stated | Bookbinder | Trok | not stated | - | Rala | Mikhel | not stated | Sender-
- |
51 |
Riga | 1876 | 13/02/1876 | 25/02/1876 | GRUTD |
ГРУТД | Israel | Judel |
not stated | Shoemaker | Staro- Zhagore | not stated | - | Freida | Mendel | not stated | Movsha
- |
62 | Riga | 1876 | 21/02/1876 | - | BENTZEL |
БЕНЦЕЛ | Tzipa- Sarah | Khaim-
Ruvel |
not stated | not stated | not stated | not stated | - | Menucha- Braina | Leizer- Movsha | not stated | - |
- |
63 | Riga | 1876 | 23/02/1876 | - | TZIG or TZIL |
ЦИГ/ ЦИЛ | Hena | Leizer |
not stated | Tailor | Lukinko | not stated | - | Khana | Eliash | not stated | - |
- |
52 |
Riga | 1876 | 19/02/1876 | 26/02/1876 | SLONIMSKI |
СЛОМИНСКИЙ | Idel | Eliash-
Getzel |
not stated | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Sarah | Shaya | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
27 | 64 | Riga | 1876 | 25/02/1876 | - | LAGAK |
ЛАГАК | Rokhel | Shimkha |
not stated | Turner | Shmilian | not stated | - | Mera | Jankel | not stated | - |
- |
65 | Riga | 1876 | 23/02/1876 | - | TAUDELER |
ТАУДЕЛЕР | Sora | Khlaume |
not stated | Shingles maker | Shilem | not stated | - | Liba- Jenta | Borukh | not stated | - |
- |
66 | Riga | 1876 | 26/02/1876 | - | NOCHIMSOHN |
НОХИМОВИЧ | Dobra | Zalman/
Simson |
not stated | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Roza | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- |
53 |
Riga | 1876 | 21/02/1876 | 28/02/1876 | FEIGUS |
ФЕЙГУС | Leizer- Noah | Aizik |
not stated | Shoemaker | Vilna | not stated | - | Sheina | Jonel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
54 |
Riga | 1876 | 25/02/1876 | 3/03/1876 | ARON |
АРОН | Salomon- Jakov | Behr |
Josel | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Liba | Hirsh | not stated | Zalman
- |
55 |
Riga | 1876 | 25/02/1876 | 3/03/1876 | RUBOVICH |
РУБОВИЧ | Isaac- Jakov | Mendel |
not stated | Dyer | Mitau | not stated | - | Jeta | Mozes | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
28 | 56 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/02/1876 | 4/03/1876 | Unknown father |
- | The illegitimate son Abram- Hirsh | unknown |
not stated | unknown | unknown | not stated | - | Khana/ Hana | Hirsh | Linkovo |
- |
57 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/02/1876 | 4/03/1876 | VALPERT/ VOLPERT |
ВОЛПЕРТ | Moisey | Shimel |
not stated | Cleaner of flax seeds | Linkovo | not stated | - | Mira | Eizer | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
67 | Riga | 1876 | 29/02/1876 | - |
ШМУКЛЕР | Dveira | Itzik |
not stated | Tinsmith | Birzhi | not stated | - | Sora | Movsha | not stated | - |
- |
58 |
Riga | 1876 | 27/02/1876 | 5/03/1876 | POPLANSKI |
ПОПЛАНСКИЙ | Ruvin- Hirsh | Borukh/
Behr |
not stated | Retired under officer | not stated | not stated | - | Rokha | Hirsh | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
59 |
Riga | 1876 | 27/02/1876 | 5/03/1876 | ARONSHTAM |
АРОНШТАМ | Avraham | Ruvin |
not stated | Trader | Mitau | not stated | - | Freida | Benjamin | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
60 |
Riga | 1876 | 27/02/1876 | 5/03/1876 | STUPKE/ SHTUPKE |
СТУПКЕ | Shaya | Hirsh |
not stated | Glazier | Okmian | not stated | - | Khava | Itzik | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
29 | 61 |
Riga | 1876 | 27/02/1876 | 5/03/1876 | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Nokhum- David | Aizik |
not stated | Tailor | Staro- Zhagore | not stated | - | Freida | Berel | not stated | Markus
- |
62 |
Riga | 1876 | 27/02/1876 | 5/03/1876 | KLEIMAN |
КЛЕЙМАН | Samuel- Abe | Itzik |
not stated | Umbrella maker | Posvol | not stated | - | Ita | Vulf | not stated | Leib
- |
68 | Riga | 1876 | 28/02/1876 | - |
ГУРВИЧ | Lea | Behr-
Judel |
not stated | Shop- assistant | Gluboko | not stated | - | Badana | Abram | not stated | - |
- |
63 |
Riga | 1876 | 29/02/1876 | 7/03/1876 | HOLLENDER |
ГОЛЛЕНДЕР | Konstantin/ Khaim | Martin/ Markus | not stated | Merchant | Mitau | not stated | - | Anna | Zalman | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
30 | 69 | Riga | 1876 | 2/03/1876 | - | GRUSHKA |
ГРУШКА | Khava- Dina | Josel |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Kreina | Shimen | not stated | - |
- |
70 | Riga | 1876 | 2/03/1876 | - | DIMENSHTEIN/ DIMANSHTEIN |
ДИМЕНШТЕЙН | Malka- Musha | Nachman |
not stated | Hosier | Polotzk | not stated | - | Rokha | Berel | not stated | - |
- |
71 | Riga | 1876 | 2/03/1876 | - | RAM |
РАМ | Tauba- Sarah | David |
not stated | Shop- assistant | Vitebsk | not stated | - | Judith | Ovsei | not stated | - |
- |
72 | Riga | 1876 | 3/03/1876 | - | PATSHIRSHTERER |
ПАТЧИРШТЕРЕР | Khaya | Itzik-
Movsha |
not stated | Goldsmith | Shavel | not stated | - | Rasha | Movsha | not stated | - |
- |
73 | Riga | 1876 | 3/03/1876 | - | GOLDBERG |
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ | Esther- Beila | Vulf |
not stated | Tailor | Vidukli | not stated | - | Lina- Reiza | Shliomo | not stated | - |
- |
74 | Riga | 1876 | 4/03/1876 | - | EDELSHTEIN |
ЕДЕЛЬШТЕЙН | The twin Mariasha | Jankel |
not stated | Tailor | Goldingen | not stated | - | Hana- Sarah | Shaya | not stated | - |
- |
75 | Riga | 1876 | 4/03/1876 | - | EDELSHTEIN |
ЕДЕЛЬШТЕЙН | The twin Rokhel* | Jankel |
not stated | Tailor | Goldingen | not stated | - | Hana- Sarah | Shaya | not stated | - |
Rokhel EDELSHTEIN died of pneumonia on 13/04/1876 |
31 | 76 | Riga | 1876 | 4/03/1876 | - | ZADOV |
ЗАДОВ | Malka | Meier |
Itzik | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Esther | David | not stated | - |
- |
77 | Riga | 1876 | 5/03/1876 | - | GOLDRING |
ГОЛДРИНГ | Guta- Reiza | Jankel |
not stated | Timber broker | Lepeln | not stated | - | Livsha | Leib | not stated | - |
- |
78 | Riga | 1876 | 6/03/1876 | - | ZAKS |
ЗАКС | Esther | Isaac |
not stated | Merchant | Riga | LEVINSOHN | ЛЕВИНСОН | Jetta | not stated | not stated | - |
- |
79 | Riga | 1876 | 6/03/1876 | - | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Lea | Israel |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Zelda | Aron | not stated | - |
- |
64 | Riga | 1876 | 7/02/1876 | 9/03/1876* | SHNEIDEMAN |
ШНЕЙДЕМАН | Zalman | Israil |
not stated | Tailor | Klikol | not stated | - | Hinda- Gita | Leib | not stated | Movsha
later because of a disease. |
65 |
Riga | 1876 | 3/03/1876 | 10/03/1876 | KREITZMAN/ KREUTZMAN |
КРЕЙЦМАН | Abram | Itzik |
not stated | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Vichna | Shmuel | not stated | David
- |
32 | 66 |
Riga | 1876 | 3/03/1876 | 10/03/1876 | SHEINKER |
ШЕЙНКЕРГР | Avraham- Isaac | Jude-
Leib |
not stated | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Rasha | Eliash | not stated | Hilel
- |
80 | Riga | 1876 | 8/03/1876 | - | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Sarah/ Sophia | Markus |
not stated | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Tzira | Israel | not stated | - |
- |
67 |
Riga | 1876 | 4/03/1876 | 11/03/1876 | REDALJE |
РЕДАЛЬЕ | Moisey- Helman | Itzik |
not stated | Glazier | Veger | not stated | - | Dina | Itzik | not stated | Movsha
- |
81 | Riga | 1876 | 5/03/1876 | - | HIRSHBERG |
ГИРШБЕРГ | Fruma- Dina | Abram |
not stated | Merchant | Riga | not stated | - | Rosalia | Markus | not stated | - |
- |
82 | Riga | 1876 | 11/03/1876 | - | GUTERMAN |
ГУТЕРМАН | Hinda- Reiza | Khaim-
Shmuel |
not stated | Hosier | Novo- Talatshin | not stated | - | Khana- Bluma | Levik | not stated | - |
- |
83 | Riga | 1876 | 12/03/1876 | - | ZEIL/ SEIL |
ЗЕЙЛ | Rala | Itzik |
not stated | Glazier | Windau | not stated | - | Keila | Abram | not stated | - |
- |
33 | 84 | Riga | 1876 | 12/03/1876 | - | SHEITELBAUM |
ШЕЙТЕЛЬБАУМ | Paya | Mordkhel |
not stated | Baker | Polotzk | not stated | - | Mala- Musha | Shliomo | not stated | - |
- |
68 |
Riga | 1876 | 7/03/1876 | 14/03/1876 | ZELMAN |
ЗЕЛЬМАН | Leizer | Bentze-
Kasriel |
not stated | Tailor | Shavlian | not stated | - | Gita | Jankel | not stated | Markus
- |
69 |
Riga | 1876 | 7/03/1876 | 14/03/1876 | LIDSKI |
ЛИДСКИЙ | Mendel | Jankel |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya- Sora | Movsha | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
85 | Riga | 1876 | 13/03/1876 | - | KHAITIN/ HAITIN |
ХАЙТИН | Gita | Abram |
not stated | Under- officer | not stated | not stated | - | Zelda | Shevel- Leib | not stated | - |
- |
86 | Riga | 1876 | 8/03/1876 | - | GOLDBERG |
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ | Khiena | David |
not stated | Butcher | Okmiany | not stated | - | Sora | Geshel | not stated | - |
- |
70 |
Riga | 1876 | 10/03/1876 | 17/03/1876 | MISHKINSKI |
МЫШКИНСКИЙ | Efroim | Meier |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Feiga | not stated | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
87 | Riga | 1876 | 14/03/1876 | - | JANKOVICH |
ЯНКОВИЧ | Jokheved | Levin |
not stated | Son of a retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Rokha | Elkon | not stated | - |
- |
34 | 88 | Riga | 1876 | 16/03/1876 | - | RASKIN |
РАСКИН | Hana | Benjamin |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Riva | Zorakh | not stated | - |
- |
71 |
Riga | 1876 | 12/03/1876 | 19/03/1876 | JAKUSOK |
ЯКУСОК | Josif- Leib | Meier |
not stated | Tailor | Zheimel | not stated | - | Elka- Malka | Leib | not stated | Zalman
- |
72 |
Riga | 1876 | 12/03/1876 | 19/03/1876 | BEHRMAN |
БЕРМАН | Shliomo | Movsha |
not stated | Glazier | Ligum | not stated | - | Sora- Rivka | Itzik | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
89 | Riga | 1876 | 17/03/1876 | - | SHNILG |
ШНИЛГ | Hoda- Dina | Shmuel |
not stated | Shingle maker | Zhidek | not stated | - | Rokha- Lea | Hertz | not stated | - |
- |
73 |
Riga | 1876 | 13/03/1876 | 20/03/1876 | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Aron | Behr |
not stated | Tinsmith | Riga | not stated | - | Rebecca | Judel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
90 | Riga | 1876 | 14/03/1876 | - | Dr TRAUGOT |
ТРАУГОТ | Zhenny | Jakob(
born ca 1836) |
not stated, but Nachman | Doctor | not stated, but Riga | SHEINESOHN | ШЕЙНЕСОН | Fanny/ Freida(born ca 1841 | not stated, but the 3d guild merchantLouis/ Lazar | not stated,but Riga | - |
- |
35 | 74 |
Riga | 1876 | 14/03/1876 | 21/03/1876 | SROLOVICH |
СРОЛОВИЧ | Monas | Khaim-
Itzik |
not stated | Ink maker | Krozh | not stated | - | Khana/ Anna | Shliomo | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
75 |
Riga | 1876 | 15/03/1876 | 22/03/1876 | ZANDER/ SANDER |
ЗАНДЕР | Hirsh- Josif | Markus |
not stated | Tailor | Tukkum | not stated | - | Rebecca | Abram | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
91 | Riga | 1876 | 20/03/1876 | - | DIKMAN |
ДИКМАН | Khana- Mina | Israel |
not stated | Under officer | not stated | not stated | - | Liba | Mendel | not stated | - |
- |
76 |
Riga | 1876 | 15/03/1876 | 22/03/1876 | Unknown father |
- | The illegitimate Avraham | Unknown |
not stated | unknown | unknown | SLADKOV |
СЛАДКОВ | Shera | Zalman | Vitebsk |
Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
77 |
Riga | 1876 | 16/03/1876 | 23/03/1876 | JOCHMAN |
ИОХМАН | Jakov | Jokhel |
not stated | Baker | Pokroi | not stated | - | Pesha | Lazar | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
92 | Riga | 1876 | 22/03/1876 | - | KHEIFETZ/ HEIFETZ |
ХЕЙФЕЦ | Rivka | Geivus |
not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Pera | Vulf | not stated | - |
- |
36 | 93 | Riga | 1876 | 24/03/1876 | - | PAENSOHN |
ПАЕНСОН | Khaya- Roza | Aron |
not stated | Baker | Tshashnik | not stated | - | Fruma- Lea | Zalman- Leib | not stated | - |
- |
78 |
Riga | 1876 | 18/03/1876 | 25/03/1876 | GOLDSHTEIN |
ГОЛЬДШТЕЙН | Smauel | Movsha-
Bentzel |
not stated | Tailor | Siad | not stated | - | Tzesna | Efroim | not stated | Hilel
- |
79 |
Riga | 1876 | 19/03/1876 | 26/03/1876 | KATZ |
КАЦ | Nokhum | Shleima-
Idel |
not stated | Tinsmith | Friedrichstadt | not stated | - | Ida | Shmuel | not stated | Hilel ZHIV | - |
80 |
Riga | 1876 | 19/03/1876 | 26/03/1876 | FAIN |
ФАЙН | Efroim- Leib | Itzik |
not stated | Shoemaker | Veger | not stated | - | Khana | Feivish | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
94 | Riga | 1876 | 28/03/1876 | - | KRAMER |
КРАМЕР | Lea- Jenta | Meier |
not stated | Under- officer | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah- Feiga | Josel | not stated | - |
- |
95 | Riga | 1876 | 25/03/1876 | - | GLAZER |
ГЛАЗЕР | Khana | Israel |
not stated | Glazier | Shavel | not stated | - | Khaya- Riva | Kasriel | not stated | - |
- |
37 | 96 | Riga | 1876 | 24/03/1876 | - | SHERMAN |
ШЕРМАН | Mera | Movsha |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Guta | Markus | not stated | - |
- |
97 | Riga | 1876 | 27/03/1876 | - | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Rivka | Abram-
Eliash |
not stated | Shoemaker | Ligum | not stated | - | Sarah- Feiga | Jedudje | not stated | - |
- |
81 |
Riga | 1876 | 24/03/1876 | 31/03/1876 | SHNAIDER/ SHNEIDER |
ШНАЙДЕР | Hirsh- Behr | Abram |
not stated | Shoemaker | Kurshan | not stated | - | Dina | Shmuel | not stated | Zalman
- |
82 |
Riga | 1876 | 24/03/1876 | 31/03/1876 | LEVINSOHN |
ЛЕВИНСОН | Salomon | Ovsei |
not stated | Son of a merchant | Goldingen | not stated | - | Lea- Miriam | Markus | not stated | Aron
- |
98 | Riga | 1876 | 31/03/1876 | - | NURICK |
НУРИК | Khaya | Nachman |
not stated | Baker | Shavel | not stated | - | Sheina | Zalman | not stated | - |
- |
83 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/03/1876 | 2/04/1876 | ZALMANOVICH |
ЗАЛМАНОВИЧ | Josif- Meier | Lazar |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Eta- Elka | David | not stated | Movsha
- |
38 | 84 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/03/1876 | 2/04/1876 | SAPUGO |
САПУГО | Ovsei | Abel-
Mordkhel |
not stated | Umbrella maker | Posval | not stated | - | Reiza | Shmuel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
85 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/03/1876 | 2/04/1876 | BELENKI |
БЫЛЕНКИЙ | Hertz- Zalman | Jankel |
not stated | Vinager maker | Vitebsk | not stated | - | Sarah | Ovsei | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
86 |
Riga | 1876 | 27/03/1876 | 3/04/1876 | KAPLAN |
КАПЛАН | Khonel- Behr | David-
Jankel |
not stated | Shoemaker | Shavel | not stated | - | Rivka | Khone- Berel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
87 |
Riga | 1876 | 28/03/1876 | 4/04/1876 | VILENTSHIK |
ВИЛЕНЧИК | Isaac- Vulf | Eizer-
Movsha |
not stated | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Nessa | Jankel- Heshel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
88 |
Riga | 1876 | 30/03/1876 | 6/04/1876 | FRIEDMAN |
ФРИДМАН | Nokhem | Shliomo |
not stated | Shop- assistant | Grobin | not stated | - | Dveira | Zalman | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
39 | 89 |
Riga | 1876 | 31/03/1876 | 7/04/1876 | REINER |
РЕЙНЕР | Rafael | Vulf |
not stated | Watchmaker | Dunaburg | not stated | - | Nekhama | Abel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
40 | 99 | Riga | 1876 | 1/04/1876 | - | SVIETGAL |
СВЕТГАЛ | Fruma- Jenta | Abram |
not stated | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Tamara | Eliash | not stated | - |
- |
100 | Riga | 1876 | 6/04/1876 | - | BIRER |
БИРЕР | Riva | Eliash |
not stated | Bookbinder | Keidan | not stated | - | Khaya- Rokha | Eliash | not stated | - |
- |
101 | Riga | 1876 | 7/04/1876 | - | GOTZ/ HOTZ |
ГОЦ | Khaya- Rokha | Jankel-
Lazer |
not stated | Shoemaker | Shavel | not stated | - | Feiga | Movsha | not stated | - |
- |
90 |
Riga | 1876 | 1/04/1876 | 8/04/1876 | PINTEL |
ПИНТЕЛ | Avraham- Isaac | Jakov |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Ita- Braina | Mendel | not stated | Movsha
- |
91 |
Riga | 1876 | 1/04/1876 | 8/04/1876 | SLUTZKI |
СЛУЦКИЙ | Benjamin | Peisach |
not stated | Baker | Molostolk | not stated | - | Pera | Benjamin | not stated | Zalman
- |
92 |
Riga | 1876 | 2/04/1876 | 9/04/1876 | SHAPIRO |
ШАПИРО | Ovsei | Shmerel |
not stated | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Gita | Shalom | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
93 |
Riga | 1876 | 2/04/1876 | 9/04/1876 | TZUCKERMAN/ ZUCKERMAN |
ЦУКЕРМАН | Salomon | Tzemach |
not stated | Hairdresser | Vilna | not stated | - | Reiza | Leizer | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
41 | 102 | Riga | 1876 | 8/04/1876 | - | GLICKMAN |
ГЛИКМАН | Meitza | Itzik |
not stated | Shoemaker | Tukkum | not stated | - | Esther | Leib | not stated | - |
- |
94 |
Riga | 1876 | 4/04/1876 | 11/04/1876 | MER |
МЕР | Aron | Eliash |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Riva- Khana | Zchare | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
95 |
Riga | 1876 | 4/04/1876 | 11/04/1876 | MULER/ MULLER |
МУЛЕР | Azriel- Eizer | Orel |
not stated | Shoemaker | Jurburg | not stated | - | Khaya | Eiler | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
96 |
Riga | 1876 | 4/04/1876 | 11/04/1876 | ORELOVICH |
ОРЕЛОВИЧ | Leib | Nathan |
not stated | Shoemaker | Bauska | not stated | - | Feiga | Mikhel | not stated | Markus
- |
103 | Riga | 1876 | 9/04/1876 | - | JOSELOVICH |
ИОСЕЛОВИЧ | Mariasha- Esther | Sholom-
Efroim |
not stated | Baker | Jurburg | not stated | - | Khana- Hinda | Shmerel | not stated | - |
- |
97 |
Riga | 1876 | 5/04/1876 | 12/04/1876 | PLOTKE |
ПЛОТКЕ | Markus- Leib | Itzik-
Israel |
not stated | Glazier | Shavel | not stated | - | Mikhla | Movsha | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
42 | 98 |
Riga | 1876 | 5/04/1876 | 12/04/1876 | ZELMANOVICH/ ZALMANOVICH |
ЗЕЛЬМАНОВИЧ | Markus | Jankel |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Eta | Aron | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
104 | Riga | 1876 | 11/04/1876 | - | EZIN |
ЕЗИН | Ita- Lea | Zalman-
Berko |
not stated | Baker | Lepeln | not stated | - | Rokha | Leib | not stated | - |
- |
99 |
Riga | 1876 | 6/04/1876 | 13/04/1876 | RAKUZHIN/ RAKUZIN |
РАКУЖИН | Tzalel- Azriel | Israel |
not stated | Tailor | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Rokha | Shimon | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
105 | Riga | 1876 | 12/04/1876 | - | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Liba | Abel |
not stated | Mason | Beisagol | not stated | - | Malka | Aizik | not stated | - |
- |
100 |
Riga | 1876 | 8/04/1876 | 15/04/1876 | GROLMAN |
ГРОЛМАН | Samuil | Faivel |
not stated | Dyer | Pokroi | not stated | - | Khaya | Mordkhel | not stated | Hilel
- |
101 |
Riga | 1876 | 8/04/1876 | 15/04/1876 | PLOTKE |
ПЛОТКЕ | Isaac | David |
not stated | Glazier | Shavel | not stated | - | Traina | Simon | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
43 | 106 | Riga | 1876 | 13/04/1876 | - | LUMBIANSKI |
ЛУМБЯНСКИЙ | Khana- Basha | Leib |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Rivka | Josel | not stated | - |
- |
107 | Riga | 1876 | 14/04/1876 | - | JOSEM |
ИОСЕМ | Roza- Elka | Meier-
Nachman |
not stated | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Rala | Rubin | not stated | - |
- |
102 |
Riga | 1876 | 10/04/1876 | 17/04/1876 | PILMER |
ПИЛЬМЕР | Notel | Nosel |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Khana | Gdalia | not stated | David
- |
103 |
Riga | 1876 | 11/04/1876 | 18/04/1876 | ZARCH |
ЗАРХ | Zelik | Nison |
not stated | Watchman | Velizh | not stated | - | Dveira | Gershon | not stated | Zalman
- |
104 |
Riga | 1876 | 13/04/1876 | 20/04/1876 | LEVENSOHN |
ЛЕВЕНСОН | Jakov | Hirsh |
not stated | Tinsmith | Bauska | not stated | - | Sheina | Abram | not stated | Movsha
- |
105 |
Riga | 1876 | 14/04/1876 | 21/04/1876 | KANTOROVICH/ KANTEROVICH |
КАНТЕРОВИЧ | Israel- Zorach | Shmuel |
not stated | Bookbinder | Keidan | not stated | - | Khaya | Meier | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
44 | 106 |
Riga | 1876 | 14/04/1876 | 21/04/1876 | KLAVANSKI |
КЛАВАНСКИЙ | Meier- Vulf | Gershon-
Leib |
not stated | Shoemaker | Pokroi | not stated | - | Jenta | Itzik | not stated | Zalman
- |
107 |
Strasenhof | 1876 | 14/04/1876 | 21/04/1876 | JANKELOVICH |
ЯНКЕЛОВИЧ | Vulf | Abel |
not stated | Tilor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Pesha | Aizik | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
108 |
Riga | 1876 | 16/04/1876 | 23/04/1876 | MUSHAT |
МУШАТ | Moisey- Behr | Josel |
not stated | Tinsmith | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Shifra | Mikhel | not stated | David
- |
108 | Riga | 1876 | 22/04/1876 | - | SEGAL |
СЕГАЛ | Mera | Srol |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sora | Itzik | not stated | - |
- |
109 | Riga | 1876 | 18/04/1876 | - | KIRENER |
КИРЕНЕР | The twin Shula- Bluma | Shmuil |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya- Hela | Josel | not stated | - |
- |
109 |
Riga | 1876 | 18/04/1876 | 25/04/1876 | KIRENER |
КИРЕНЕР | The twin Khaim- Leizer | Shmuil |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya- Hela | Josel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
110 |
Riga | 1876 | 18/04/1876 | 25/04/1876 | REZHIKOV |
РЕЖНИКОВ | Zalkind | Itziko |
not stated | Hosier | Shmiliam | not stated | - | Lea | Itzik | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
45 | 111 |
Riga | 1876 | 19/04/1876 | 26/04/1876 | SHEINESOHN |
ШЕЙНЕСОН | Shaya- Nosen/ Nikolai | Abram-
Hirsh |
not stated | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Feiga/ Fanny | Gershon | not stated | Movsha
- |
110 | Riga | 1876 | 23/04/1876 | - | KRAVETZ/ KRAVITZ |
КРАВЕЦ | Zlata | Meier |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Riva | Josel | not stated | - |
- |
111 | Riga | 1876 | 24/04/1876 | - | RADOVICH |
РАДОВИЧ | Khana | Israel-
Leizer |
not stated | Glazier | Kupishki | not stated | - | Sheina | Tevel | not stated | - |
- |
112 |
Riga | 1876 | 20/04/1876 | 27/04/1876 | FRIEDMAN |
ФРИДМАН | Abram- Leib | Movsha |
not stated | Baker | Ligum | not stated | - | Sora- Lote | Abel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
113 |
Strasenhof | 1876 | 21/04/1876 | 28/04/1876 | SHERMAN |
ШЕРМАН | Aizik | Khonel |
not stated | Tailor | Lukinki | not stated | - | Tauba | Faivish | not stated | Sender-
- |
112 | Riga | 1876 | 26/04/1876 | - | KAPLUN |
КАПЛУН | Mera- Judith | Khatzkiel |
not stated | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Mala | Movsha | not stated | - |
- |
114 |
Riga | 1876 | 22/04/1876 | 29/04/1876 | BERKOVICH |
БЕРКОВИЧ | Moisey- Vulf/ Wilhem | Abel |
not stated | Trader | Riga | not stated | - | Rosalia | not stated | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
47 | 113 | Riga | 1876 | 28/04/1876 | - | SHECHTER/ SHACHTER |
ШЕХТЕР | Rebecca | Samuel |
not stated | Shoemaker | Goldingen | not stated | - | Jetta | Zalman | not stated | - |
- |
114 | Riga | 1876 | 28/04/1876 | - | GURVICH |
ГУРВИЧ | Hinda- Jente | Movsha |
not stated | Watchmaker | Ligum | not stated | - | Esther | Jankel | not stated | - |
- |
115 |
Riga | 1876 | 24/04/1876 | 1/05/1876 | MEIEROVICH |
МЕЙЕРОВИЧ | Simon- Josif | Ezrel |
not stated | Baker | Jacobstadt | not stated | - | Sarah- Esther | Falk | not stated | Zalman
- |
115 | Riga | 1876 | 30/04/1876 | - | GOLDBERG |
ГОЛЬДБЕРГ | Freida | The
late Faivish |
not stated | not stated | Riga | not stated | - | Jeta | Jankel | not stated | - |
- |
116 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/04/1876 | 3/05/1876 | KORDOVER |
КОРДОВЕР | Hirsh | Mates |
not stated | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Zelda | Shliomo | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
117 |
Riga | 1876 | 28/04/1876 | 5/05/1876 | POMOTSHNIK |
ПОМОЧНИК | Ilya | Shmuel |
not stated | Tinsmith | Staro- Zhagore | not stated | - | Rokha | Benjamin | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
47 | 118 |
Riga | 1876 | 29/04/1876 | 6/05/1876 | SHMUELSOHN |
ШМУЕЛЬСОН | Mordkhel- Vigdor | Iser |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Riva | Zisel | not stated | Zalman
- |
119 |
Riga | 1876 | 30/04/1876 | 7/05/1876 | ARONSOHN |
АРОНСОН | Mikhel* | Khatzkel |
not stated | Tinsmith | Mitau | not stated | - | Hana | Zalman | not stated | Movsha
Mikhail ARONSOHN died of an unknown disease on 22/05 1876 |
120 |
Riga | 1876 | 30/04/1876 | 7/05/1876 | KLEIN |
КЛЕЙН | Ilya- Josif | Getzel |
not stated | Shoemaker | Veger | not stated | - | Freida- Rivka | Leib | not stated | David
- |
48 | 116 | Riga | 1876 | 4/05/1876 | - | SHULMAN |
ШУЛЬМАН | Khaya- Rasha | Lazar |
not stated | Joiner/ Carpenter | Staro- Zhagore | not stated | - | Tzivia | Leib | not stated | - |
- |
117 | Riga | 1876 | 6/05/1876 | - | MARKUSHEVICH |
МАРКУШЕВИЧ | Dobra- Ita | Meier |
not stated | Shoemaker | Mitau | not stated | - | Jeta | Simen | not stated | - |
- |
118 | Riga | 1876 | 8/05/1876 | - | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Zlata | Hirsh |
not stated | Shop- assistant | Mitau | not stated | - | Betty | Lazar | not stated | - |
- |
119 | Riga | 1876 | 9/05/1876 | - | KANTOR/ KANTER |
КАНТОР | Feiga | Movsha |
not stated | Tailor | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Rivka | Zalman | not stated | - |
- |
121 |
Riga | 1876 | 5/05/1876 | 12/05/1876 | VILENTSHIK |
ВИЛЕНЧИК | Isaac | Behr-
Zorakh |
not stated | Tinsmith | Birzhi | not stated | - | Basha | Khonel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
120 | Riga | 1876 | 9/05/1876 | - | IDELZAK/ IDELSACK |
ИДЕЛЬЗАК | Sarah- Malka | David |
not stated | Mirror maker | Linkovo | not stated | - | Rokha | Volf | not stated | - |
- |
49 | 121 | Riga | 1876 | 11/05/1876 | - | VAINSHTEIN/ WEINSHTEIN |
ВАЙНШТЕЙН | Reiza* | Meier |
not stated | Merchant | Riga | not stated | - | Sarah- Liba | Josel | not stated | - |
Reiza VAINSHTEIN died of exhaustion on 17/06/1876 |
122 |
Riga | 1876 | 6/05/1876 | 13/05/1876 | LIEBERMAN |
ЛИБЕРМАН | Khaim* | Shmuel-
Vulf |
not stated | Timber broker | Lepeln | not stated | - | Elka | Izrael | not stated | Zalman
Khaim LIEBERMAN died of brain oedema on 13/06/1876 |
122 | Riga | 1876 | 13/05/1876 | - | SHAPIRO |
ШАПИРО | Tzilia/ Tzivia | Hirsh |
not stated | Merchant | Riga | not stated | - | Braindel | Itzik | not stated | - |
- |
123 | Riga | 1876 | 13/05/1876 | - | GDALIOVICH |
ГДАЛИОВИЧ | Golda- Lea | Abel-
Itzik |
not stated | Tailor | Shmulov | not stated | - | Rokha | Movsha | not stated | - |
- |
123 |
Riga | 1876 | 8/05/1876 | 15/05/1876 | SHAIEVICH |
ШАЕВИЧ | Samuel | Meier |
not stated | Shoemaker | Shavlian | not stated | - | Hena | Shmuel | not stated | Leib
- |
124 | Riga | 1876 | 15/05/1876 | - | PUN |
ПУН | Sheina- Judith | Hirsh |
not stated | Tailor | Williampol | not stated | - | Liba- Mera | Berel | not stated | - |
- |
50 | 124 |
Riga | 1876 | 10/05/1876 | 17/05/1876 | EFEL |
ЕФЕЛ | Ovsei- Efroim | Jankel |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Fruma- Dveira | Hirsh | not stated | Aron
- |
125 |
Riga | 1876 | 10/05/1876 | 17/05/1876 | LICHTMAN |
ЛИХТМАН | Hirsh | Jankel |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya | Judel | not stated | Movsha
- |
126 |
Riga | 1876 | 13/05/1876 | 20/05/1876 | JOCHELMAN |
ИОХЕЛЬСОН | Behr- Isaac | Ikhiel |
not stated | Reseller | Vidzi | not stated | - | Esther | Simen | not stated | Sender-
- |
125 | Riga | 1876 | 19/05/1876 | - | BLIDEN/ BLIEDEN |
БЛИДЕН | Rakhil | Judel |
not stated | Watchmaker | Staro- Zhagore | not stated | - | Feiga- Malka | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- |
126 | Riga | 1876 | 19/05/1876 | - | KHAIT/ HAIT |
ХАЙТ | Hana | Leizer |
not stated | Florist | Riga | LURJE | ЛУРЬЕ | Sarah- Lea | not stated | not stated | - |
- |
127 | Riga | 1876 | 21/05/1876 | - | VAINER/ WEINER |
ВАЙНЕР | Khana- Lea | Josel |
not stated | Dyer | Veger | not stated | - | Visha | Movsha | not stated | - |
- |
51 | 127a |
Riga | 1876 | 15/05/1876 | 22/05/1876 | TZVILLING |
ЦВИЛЛИНГ | Meier | Leib |
not stated | Shop- assistant | Bauska | not stated | - | Khaya | Itzik | not stated | not
stated |
- |
127b |
Riga | 1876 | 16/05/1876 | 23/05/1876 | SHNEIDER |
ШНЕЙДЕР | Mordkhel | Behr |
not stated | Tailor | Kelme | not stated | - | Lea | Mordkhel | not stated | Movsha
- |
128 |
Riga | 1876 | 16/05/1876 | 23/05/1876 | ELKAN |
ЭЛЬКАН | Jakob | Gershon |
not stated | Butcher | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Pessa | Nison | not stated | Leib
- |
129 |
Strasenhof | 1876 | 16/05/1876 | 23/05/1876 | BALKIN |
БАЛЬКИН | Simon- Avigdor | Movsha |
not stated | Trader | Kurshan | not stated | - | Khasha | Abram | not stated | Movsha
- |
130 |
Riga | 1876 | 17/05/1876 | 24/05/1876 | VOLFSOHN/ VULFSOHN |
ВОЛФСОН | Ovsei- Hirsh | Josel |
not stated | Tailor | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Nekhama- Lea | Nekhemja | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
131 |
Riga | 1876 | 19/05/1876 | 26/05/1876 | RAIKIN |
РАЙКИН | Josif- Leib | David |
not stated | Son of a merchant | Polotzk | not stated | - | Eidlia | Jankel | not stated | Zalman
- |
52 | 129 | Riga | 1876 | 22/05/1876 | - | LEIBOVICH | ЛЕЙБОВИЧ | Feiga- Malka | Itzik |
not stated | Tailor | Krozh | not stated | - | Raina- Mikha | Movsha- Itzik | not stated | - |
- |
130 | Riga | 1876 | 21/05/1876 | - | SHER |
ШЕР | Tishka/ Tekla | Heshel |
not stated | Tailor | Plungian | not stated | - | Malka | Leib | not stated | - |
- |
131 | Riga | 1876 | 24/05/1876 | - | DOMELIN/ DOMILJAN | ДОМИЛЬЯН | Gita | Khaim-
Hirsh |
not stated | Son of a soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sora | Khatzkiel | not stated | - |
- |
132 | Riga | 1876 | 26/05/1876 | - | SLONIMSKI | СЛОНИМСКИЙ | Basha- Eta | Zalman |
not stated | Shoemaker | Ligum | not stated | - | Beila | David | not stated | - |
- |
132 |
Riga | 1876 | 22/05/1876 | 29/05/1876 | GARBER | ГАРБЕР | Mendel | Kopel,
also Khaim |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Elka | Shmuel | not stated | Movsha
- |
133 |
Riga | 1876 | 22/05/1876 | 29/05/1876 | DUBOVICH | ДУБОВИЧ | Samuel- Meier | Todres |
not stated | Tailor | Janishki | not stated | - | Beila- Zlata | Aron | not stated | Leib
- |
53 | 134 |
Riga | 1876 | 24/05/1876 | 31/05/1876 | LAZAR |
ЛАЗАР | Shevel | Leib |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khava | Leib | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
133 | Riga | 1876 | /2605/1876 | - | JOSELOVICH |
ИОСЕЛОВИЧ | The twin Rokha- Lea | Jankel |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya- Feiga | Movsha | not stated | - |
- |
135 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/05/1876 | 2/06/1876 | JOSELOVICH |
ИОСЕЛОВИЧ | The twin Isaac | Jankel |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaya- Feiga | Movsha | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
134 | Riga | 1876 | 26/05/1876 | - | GAL |
ГАЛ | Raitza | Israel |
not stated | Tailor | Libau | not stated | - | Hana | David | not stated | - |
- |
136 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/05/1876 | 2/06/1876 | KATZ |
КАЦ | Zelik | Israel-
Osher |
not stated | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Riva- Lea | Mozes | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
137 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/05/1876 | 2/06/1876 | SHER |
ШЕР | Meier | Josel |
not stated | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Beila | Aron | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
54 | 138 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/05/1876 | 2/06/1876 | ROZEN |
РОЗЕН | Meier | Behr |
not stated | Tailor | Janishki | not stated | - | Khaya | Kasriel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
140 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/05/1876 | 2/06/1876 | SHERESHEVSKI |
ШЕРЕШЕВСКИЙ | Shliomo- Hirsh | Josel |
not stated | Joiner/ Carpenter | Taurogen | not stated | - | Basia- Sheva | Israel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
141 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/05/1876 | 2/06/1876 | SHER |
ШЕР | David | Bene |
not stated | Tailor | Shavel | not stated | - | Lane | Josel | not stated | Leib
- |
142 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/05/1876 | 2/06/1876 | JOSELOVICH |
ИОСЕЛОВИЧ | Samuel- Josif | Abram |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Rivka | Jankel | not stated | Hilel
- |
143 |
Riga | 1876 | 28/05/1876 | 4/06/1876 | FUR |
ФУР | Salomon | Leib |
not stated | Shoemaker | Ligum | not stated | - | Ita | Isaac | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
135 | Riga | 1876 | 28/05/1876 | - |
ШМИДТ | Khane | Mozes-
Vulf |
not stated | Tailor | Plungian | not stated | - | Rokha- Freida | Sholom | not stated | - |
- |
55 | 136 | Riga | 1876 | 31/05/1876 | - | GOLDBLATT |
ГОЛЬДБЛАТ | Roza | Jakov-
Josel |
not stated, but Abram | Watchmaker | Riga | not stated | - | Sarah- Lota | Simen | not stated | - |
- |
144 |
Riga | 1876 | 29/05/1876 | 5/06/1876 | KATZEV |
КАЦЕВ | Zavel | Simel |
not stated | Tailor | Po... | not stated | - | Rokha | Jankel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
145 |
Riga | 1876 | 317/05/1876 | /06/1876 | KRЕTZER |
КРЕЦЕР | Avraham | Behr |
not stated | Ritual slaughterer | Mitau | not stated | - | Tzipa | Judel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
146 |
Riga | 1876 | 31/05/1876 | 7/06/1876 | BIRMAN |
БИРМАН | Eliash- Shliomo | Hirsh |
not stated | Flax cleaner | Vidzi | not stated | - | Tauba- Beila | Jankel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
56 | 137 | Riga | 1876 | 2/06/1876 | - | KLAUZ |
КЛАУЗ | Matla | Itzik |
not stated | Baker | Bauska | not stated | - | Khaya | Nekhemja | not stated | - |
- |
138 | Riga | 1876 | 2/06/1876 | - | DROZHNIKOV |
ДРОЖНИКОВ | Eta- Liba | Khaim |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Khaika | Karpel | not stated | - |
- |
139 | Riga | 1876 | /06/1876 | - | LEVIN |
ЛЕВИН | Deborah | Josel |
not stated | Timber broker | Berezin | not stated | - | Tauba | Aron | not stated | - |
- |
147 |
Riga | 1876 | 1/06/1876 | 8/06/1876 | SHMERLING |
ШМЕРЛИНГ | Naftali | Josel |
not stated | Butcher | Riga | not stated | - | Hana | Sharia | not stated | Movsha
- |
140 | Riga | 1876 | 5/06/1876 | - | KANTOR/ KANTER |
КАНТОР | Deborah | Khaim |
not stated | Joiner/ Carpenter | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Mikhla | David | not stated | - |
- |
141 | Riga | 1876 | 7/06/1876 | - | BERKOVICH |
БЕРКОВИЧ | Khaya | Israel-
Itzik |
not stated | Shoemaker | Mitau | not stated | - | Zelda | Abram | not stated | - |
- |
57 | 148 |
Riga | 1876 | 3/06/1876 | 10/06/1876 | LIFSHITZ/ LIPSHITZ |
ЛИПШИЦ | Moisey- Leib | Abram-
Hirsh |
not stated | Son of a merchant | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Rokhel | Simon or Salomon | not stated | Zalman
- |
142 | Riga | 1876 | 9/06/1876 | - | GINTZBURG |
ГИНЦБУРГ | Sora- Riva | Evel |
not stated | Shop- assistant | Rogachev | not stated | - | Tzipa- Reiza | Nokhum | not stated | - |
- |
143 | Riga | 1876 | 9/06/1876 | - | SHLOCKER |
ШЛОКЕР | Guta- Lea | Israel |
not stated | Tinsmith | Riga | not stated | - | Rokha- Tzipa | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- |
144 | Riga | 1876 | 10/06/1876 | - | ZABLUDOVSKI |
ЗАБЛУДОВСКИЙ | Khiena- Rokhel | Daniel |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Jeta | Josel | not stated | - |
- |
145 | Riga | 1876 | 9/06/1876 | - | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Elka | Leizer-
Josel |
not stated | Tinsmith | Mitau | not stated | - | Sheina- Esther | Itzik | not stated | - |
- |
149 |
Riga | 1876 | 5/06/1876 | 12/06/1876 | LEVENTAHL/ LEVENTHAL/ LEVENTAL |
ЛЕВЕНТАЛ | Isaac | Shmuel |
not stated | Tailor | Jurburg | not stated | - | Zelda | Shaya | not stated | Movsha
- |
58 | 150 |
Riga | 1876 | 7/06/1876 | 14/06/1876 | JOSEPH |
ИОХЕФ | Zalman | Aron |
not stated | Timber broker | Polangen | not stated | - | Roza | Itzik | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
151 |
Riga | 1876 | 7/06/1876 | 14/06/1876 | GEIMANSOHN/ HEIMANSOHN |
ГЕЙМАНСОН | Aba | Mendel |
not stated | Shoemaker | Goldingen | not stated | - | Rasha | Itzik | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
152 |
Riga | 1876 | 9/06/1876 | 16/06/1876 | SHEIN |
ШЕЙН | David- Mendel | Faivel |
not stated | Sorter | Trishek | not stated | - | Mariasha | David | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
153 |
Riga | 1876 | 9/06/1876 | 16/06/1876 | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Moisey- Benjamin | Josel |
not stated | Under officer | not stated | not stated | - | Hena | Leib | not stated | Movsha
- |
154 |
Riga | 1876 | 9/06/1876 | 16/06/1876 | GOLDSHTEIN |
ГОЛЬДШТЕЙН | Simon | Shmerel |
not stated | not stated | Orsha | not stated | - | Gitel | Pinkhes | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
146 | Riga | 1876 | 12/06/1876 | - | TZETSHIN |
ЦЕЧИН | Tzirla | Abram-
Shmuel |
not stated | Tailor | Friedrichstadt | not stated | - | Shera- Kreidel | Hirsh | not stated | - |
- |
59 | 155 |
Riga | 1876 | 10/06/1876 | 17/06/1876 | GUTMAN |
ГУТМАН | Jakov | Abram |
not stated | Trader | Friedrichstadt | not stated | - | Khaya- Sarah | Zalman | not stated | Judel
- |
156 |
Riga | 1876 | 12/06/1876 | 19/06/1876 | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Borukh | Movsha |
not stated | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Mina | Ovsei | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
147 | Riga | 1876 | 14/06/1876 | - | KHANIN/ HANIN |
ХАНИН | Saah- Rivka | Josel |
not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Liba | Movsha | not stated | - |
- |
157 |
Riga | 1876 | 12/06/1876 | 19/06/1876 | VEINER |
ВЕЙНЕР | Israel | Ovsei-
Jankel |
not stated | Baker | Veger | not stated | - | Gita | Abram | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
148 | Riga | 1876 | 14/06/1876 | - | JAKOBSOHN |
ЯКОБСОН | Eida | Sharia |
not stated | Watchmaker | Riga | KRETZER | КРЕЦЕР | Mariasha | not stated | not stated | - |
- |
149 | Riga | 1876 | 15/06/1876 | - | KRAUT |
КРАУТ | Gitel- Golda | Zalman |
not stated | Baker | Gluboko | not stated | - | Sora- Miriam | Movsha- Israel | not stated | - |
- |
60 | 150 | Riga | 1876 | 15/06/1876 | - | FROMER |
ФРОМЕР | Malka | Josel-
Mordkhel |
not stated | Tailor | Pompian | not stated | - | Basia | Berel | not stated | - |
- |
151a | Riga | 1876 | 17/06/1876 | - | LIFSHITZ/ LIPSHITZ |
ЛИФШИЦ | Dvora | Movsha |
not stated | Baker | Bishenkovichi | not stated | - | Sarah- Esther | Mendel | not stated | - |
- |
151b | Riga | 1876 | 17/06/1876 | - | PRUSAK |
ПРУСАК | Khana | Benjamin |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Zelda | Josel | not stated | - |
- |
158 |
Riga | 1876 | 13/06/1876 | 20/06/1876 | LAN |
ЛАН | Aron | Mendel |
not stated | Shingle maker | Klikol | not stated | - | Hena | Ovsei | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
159 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/05/1876 | 20/06/1876 | VEINBERG |
ВЕЙНБЕРГ | Behr* | Mendel |
not stated | Trader | Tukkum | not stated | - | Beila | Abram | not stated | Volf
REZNIK from Tukkum |
VEINBERG wa born in Tukkum and circumcised in Dubeln |
160 |
Riga | 1876 | 14/06/1876 | 21/06/1876 | EIZENBERG |
ЕЙЗЕНБЕРГ | Ovsei- Abram | Khaim |
not stated | Sergeant-major | not stated | not stated | - | Khana- Rasha | Ovsei- Abram | not stated | Hilel
- |
61 | 152 | Riga | 1876 | 17/06/1876 | - | PERELMAN |
ПЕРЕЛМАН | Gita | Khaim |
not stated | Tinsmith | Tukkum | not stated | - | Braina- Rokhel | Gdalja | not stated | - |
- |
161 |
Riga | 1876 | 15/06/1876 | 22/06/1876 | KORDOVER |
КОРДОВЕР | Aron- Khatzkiel | Abram-
Itzik |
not stated | Tailor | Mitau | not stated | - | Khaya | Shmuel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
153 | Riga | 1876 | 20/06/1876 | - | KAUFMAN- RIBAK |
КАУФМАН- РЫБАК | Roza- Hinda | Jakov |
not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sheina- Sora | Berel | not stated | - |
- |
154 | Riga | 1876 | 23/06/1876 | - | LESHKA |
ЛЕШКА | Dvora | Meier-
Leizer |
not stated | Joiner/ Carpenter | Plungian | not stated | - | Pesha- Freida | Shlomo | not stated | - |
- |
162 |
Riga | 1876 | 16/06/1876 | 23/06/1876 | SHNAIDER/ SHNEIDER |
ШНАЙДЕР | Samuil- Akiva | Mordkhel |
not stated | Tailor | Piltene | not stated | - | Sarah | Eliash | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
155 | Riga | 1876 | 21/06/1876 | - | SLUTZKI |
СЛУЦКИЙ | Paya- Khana | Aron |
not stated | Soldier | not stated | MANKOVICH | МАНКОВИЧ | Gita- Braina | The
retired soldier Abram- Itzik |
not stated | - |
- |
62 | 156 | Riga | 1876 | 21/06/1876 | - | SHVECH |
ШВЕХ | Sarah | Behr |
not stated | Tailor | Ponedeli | not stated | - | Dveira | Berel | not stated | - |
- |
163 |
Riga | 1876 | 18/06/1876 | 25/06/1876 | KHAIT/ HAIT |
ХАЙТ | Idel | Hirsh |
not stated | Tailor | Birzhi | not stated | - | Sherel | Vulf | not stated | Markus
- |
164 |
Riga | 1876 | 19/06/1876 | 26/06/1876 | KAGAN |
КАГАН | Jakov | Abram-
Zelik |
not stated | Butcher | Pompian | not stated | - | Sora | Jankel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
165 |
Riga | 1876 | 19/06/1876 | 26/06/1876 | GIBERT |
ГИБЕРТ | Behr | Faibish |
not stated | Козырочник( ?) | Libau | SHTEMBER | ШТЕМБЕР | Miriam | not stated | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
166 |
Riga | 1876 | 19/06/1876 | 26/06/1876 | TZAL |
ЦАЛ | Isaia | Hilel |
not stated | Soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Esther- Dvosha | not stated | not stated | Leib
- |
157 | Riga | 1876 | 23/06/1876 | - | SHILEKTOR( may be SPEKTOR) |
ШИЛЕКТОР | Sasha- Sheina | Shmuel |
not stated | Shingle maker | Dubrovik | not stated | - | Tzipa- Esther | Movsha- Itzik | not stated | - |
- |
63 | 158 | Riga | 1876 | 24/06/1876 | - | BRITZKE |
БРИЦКЕ | Judith | Leiba |
not stated | Bookbinder | Keidan | not stated | - | Golda | Shmuel | not stated | - |
- |
159 | Riga | 1876 | 25/06/1876 | - | GOLANT/ GOLAND |
ГОЛАНТ | Gita | Aba |
not stated | Reservist | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah- Lea | Zalman | not stated | - |
- |
167 |
Riga | 1876 | 21/06/1876 | 28/06/1876 | MORAT |
МОРАТ | Hirsh- Jakov | Josel |
not stated | Tailor | Kreutzburg | not stated | - | Sheina- Golda | Mordkhel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
160 | Riga | 1876 | 27/06/1876 | - | KRIEGER |
КРИГЕР | Sarah- Lea | Abram-
Itzik |
not stated | Tailor | Keidan | not stated | - | Rivka | Gershon | not stated | - |
- |
168 |
Riga | 1876 | 24/06/1876 | 1/07/1876 | KULMAN |
КУЛЬМАН | Aria- Leib | Abram |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Shifra | Israel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
169 |
Ilgishim | 1876 | 9/06/1876 | 1/07/1876 | RAGE |
РАГЕ | Aron | Faivish |
not stated | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Gitel | Movsha | not stated | Zalman
- |
64 | 170 |
Riga | 1876 | 24/06/1876 | 1/07/1876 | MENDELOVICH |
МЕНДЕЛОВИЧ | Isaac- Lazar | Mendel |
not stated | Shoemaker | Salant | not stated | - | Khana | Abram | not stated | Mordkhel
RAIKEL from Disna |
- |
171 |
Riga | 1876 | 24/06/1876 | 1/07/1876 | EPSHTEIN | ЕПШТЕЙН | Khaim | Meier |
not stated | Head feldsher | not stated | SHTREICHER | ШТРЕЙХЕР | Gita | not
stated, but the under- officer Meier/ Meika |
not stated | Zalman
- |
172 |
Riga | 1876 | 24/06/1876 | 1/07/1876 | HIRSH | ГИРШ | The twin Nachman | Josel |
Leizer |
Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Mariasha | Jankel | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
161 | Riga | 1876 | 24/06/1876 | - | HIRSH | ГИРШ | The twin Freida | Josel |
Leizer | Tailor | Ligum | not stated | - | Mariasha | Jankel | not stated | - |
- |
162 | Riga | 1876 | 27/06/1876 | - | VAINER/ WEINER | ВАЙНЕР | Ita- Lea | Behr |
not stated | Shoemaker | Novo- Zhagore | not stated | - | Sarah- Mikhla | Gavriel | not stated | - |
- |
163 | Riga | 1876 | 28/06/1876 | - | GRINTUCH | ГРИНТУХ | Meier- Leib | Aba |
not stated | Retired soldier | not stated | not stated | - | Sarah | Abram | not stated | - |
- |
173 |
Riga | 1876 | 25/06/1876 | 2/07/1876 | GOLDBLATT | ГОЛЬДБЛАТ | Aizik- Abram | Zacharia |
not stated | Baker | Klikol | not stated | - | Rokhel- Lea | Shlemo | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
65 | 174 |
Riga | 1876 | 25/06/1876 | 2/07/1876 | VEINBERG |
ВЕЙНБЕРГ | Avraham | Leib |
not stated | Flax cleaner | Golingen | not stated | - | Ida | Gutman | not stated | Markus
- |
175 |
Riga | 1876 | 25/06/1876 | 2/07/1876 | SANDLER |
САНДЛЕР | Moisey | Elkon |
not stated | Shoemaker | Varna | not stated | - | Gita | Leizer | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
176 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/06/1876 | 3/07/1876 | ZABLUN |
ЗАБЛЮН | Ovsei- Moisey | Elkon |
not stated | Ritual slaughterer | Ponevesh | not stated | - | Rokhel- Lea | Shmuel | not stated | Zalman RAPOPORT | - |
177 |
Riga | 1876 | 26/06/1876 | 3/07/1876 | KATZ |
КАЦ | Ovsei- Moisey | Abram |
not stated | Baker | Zheimel | not stated | - | Sora | Leizer | not stated | Movsha-
- |
178 |
Riga | 1876 | 29/06/1876 | 6/07/1876 | BUTSHINSKI |
БУЧИНСКИЙ | Borukh | Itzik-
Gad |
not stated | Tailor | Pokroi | not stated | - | Eta | Hirsh | not stated | Movsha BAG | - |
66 | 179 |
Riga | 1876 | 30/06/1876 | 7/07/1876 | SHEINESOHN |
ШЕЙНЕСОН | Avraham- Man | Shmuel-
Mordkhel |
not stated | Tailor | Zhagore | not stated | - | Goda- Gitel | Genekh | not stated | Movsha
- |