Here lies Beila daughter of Reb
Avraham died on ? Elul
in the year
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.

Here lies Beila daughter of Reb
Avraham died on ? Elul
in the year 569?
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.
motif of a broken branch or tree
stump signifies someone who died young.)

A memorial to the martyrs of
Kelme who were murdered at the end of
the month of
Menachem Av 5701 (1941)
the Lord avenge their blood.

A memorial to the martyrs of
Kelme who were murdered at the end of
the month of
Menachem Av 5701 (1941)
the Lord avenge their blood.

Here lies our beloved father, a
trustworthy upright honest man, enjoyed the labor of his hands, Mr.
Yehudah Lieb son of
Reb Binyamin
Beinush Meirowitch. Died with a good name on 5 Tamuz
[the year is not listed]
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.

Here lies our beloved father, a
trustworthy upright honest man, enjoyed the labor of his hands, Mr.
Yehudah Lieb son of
Reb Binyamin
Beinush Meirowitch. Died with a good name on 5 Tamuz
[the year is not
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.

Here lies our beloved father,
upright and honest,
enjoyed the labor
of his hands,
Mr. Zevolon son of
Shlomo? HaLevi Egnal
died on 26 Tamuz
[the year is not listed]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.

Here lies our beloved mother Mrs.
daughter of Reb
Moshe Aharon…..
died 8 days to the
month of ? in the year 5686?
May his soul be
bound in the bond of life.

Here lies our beloved mother Mrs.
daughter of Reb
Moshe Aharon…..
died 8 days to the
month of ? in the year 5686?
May his soul be
bound in the bond of life.

Here lies a man upright, honest
and God-fearing, sought righteousness and benevolence, our beloved
father Eliezer son
of Reb Mordechai Weiner
died on the third
day of Hanukah 5696
Kislev –23 December 1935]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.

Here ? ? Our beloved
father a man upright and honest, the respected and excellent,
our teacher and
rabbi R’ Kalman Kalonymus son of Reb Yehudah Leib
Died with a good
name on ? Elul 5694 [Aug/Sep 1934]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.

Here ? ? Our beloved
father a man upright and honest, the respected and excellent,
our teacher and
rabbi R’ Kalman Kalonymus son of Reb Yehudah Leib
Died with a good
name on ? Elul 5694 [Aug/Sep 1934]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.

Illegible stone

Here lies. Our crisis is
great…we mourn the death of our beloved son,
the young man Zev
son of Reb Yitzchak Borbaitki/Borvaitki
on 22 Elul 5694 [2 September 1934]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.

Here lies our beloved martyr
brother, the young man Simcha Zisel
son of Reb Rafael
Karchman. Was killed at the age of 29 years on 6
to the month of
Menachem Av 5694 [Wednesday 18 July 1934]
May his soul be
bound in the bond of life

motif of a broken branch or tree
stump signifies someone who died young.

A double stone for
father and son: On the
right – Here lies Reb Dov Ber
son of Reb Chaim
Yitzchak died 9 Sivan 5699 [Saturday 29 May 1909].
On the left - Here
lies Reb Shmuel Shaye son of Reb Dov Ber died on
29 Iyar 5693
[Thursday 25 May 1933].
May their souls be bound in the bond of life.

marker for a beloved soul. Here lies
a young man, prominent in the Torah and virtues, our teacher Yitzchak
son of Reb Mordechai Lechil? who was plucked in his prime and was
buried on the second day of the month of Adar in the year 5691
[Wednesday 18 February 1931]
May his soul be bound in the bond of

Here lies a righteous, respected,
honorable old man, was charitable at all time, gave from
his wealth to small
orphans, was upright, honest and God-fearing.
Our teacher and
rabbi Avraham son of Reb Aharon Scheinak
died 13 Tishrei
5694 [Thursday 3 October 1933].
May his soul be
bound in the bond of life.

lies our beloved father Reb
Yitzchak son of Reb Eliyahu Buinicki.
Died on 27 Shevat 5692 [Thursday 4
February 1932]
his soul be bound in the bond of life.

lies our beloved father Reb
Yitzchak son of Reb Eliyahu Buinicki.
Died on 27 Shevat 5692 [Thursday 4
February 1932]
his soul be bound in the bond of life.

Here lies a beloved modest old
woman Ms. Malka daughter of Reb Aharon
Shanascewitz. Died
on the eve of Rosh Hashanah 5695 [29 Elul 5694-9 Sep.1934]
May her soul be bound in the bond of life

Here lies my beloved mother Mrs.
Eta Beila Wolpert
daughter of Reb Dov
HaLevi of blessed memory.
Died on the first
day of Rosh Hashanah 5694 [Thursday 21 September 1933]
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.

acrostic poem spelling the name of
the deceased Feiga.
is buried our beloved mother
….great is our sorrow…. an important charitable
woman the glory
of her sons. Mrs. Chaya Feiga daughter of Yitzchak ? ? Yefet.
Died with a good name on 2 Shevat 5691
[Tuesday 20 January 1931]
her soul be bound in the bond of life.

An acrostic poem
spelling the name of the deceased Sara Chana.
A marker for the
excellent……Mrs. Sara Chana daughter of Reb
Yitzchak Meir
HaCohen, wife of HaRav Yosef Eliezer ? May his soul rest in
heaven. From Vilna.
Died on Sunday 20
Tevet 5694 [7 January 1934].
Her memory will be blessed for eternity…..

Illegible headstone

Here lies the modest woman
Buna-Burana Zeltzer
Daughter of Reb
Hillel Mordechai Yafe.
Died 9 Shevat 5690
[Friday 7 February 1930]
her soul be bound in the bond of life.

Here lies the modest woman
Buna-Burana Zeltzer
Daughter of Reb
Hillel Mordechai Yafe.
Died 9 Shevat 5690
[Friday 7 February 1930]
her soul be bound in the bond of life.

……daughter of Reb Dov HaCohen died
25 Kislev in the year 5621 or 5681

Illegible stone

Illegible stone

Woe my brother!
Our beloved brother a lovely man,
crowned with good qualities and
good manners, good to the heavens and
good to people. Reb Chaim son of Reb David Abramowitch. A Doctor of
Medicine. Was plucked at the prime of his life.
Was born in ? 5644 [1883/84], died on
Great Shabbat 5681 [the Sabbath before Passover – 8 Nisan
– 16
April 1921].
pure soul will be bound in the bond
of everlasting life and his memory will last for eternity.

marker to the soul of our beloved
father Zev son of Reb Reuven Gelprt…died 25 Adar 5682
[Saturday 25
March 1922]
his soul be bound in the bond of

lies our beloved father, our
teacher and rabbi Avraham Meine,
son of Reb Moshe Zilberg died ? ? in
the year 5681 [1920/21]
his soul be bound in the bond of

lies Reb Eliyahu Yanower/Yanover
son of HaRav R’ Pesach Yitzchak. Died on the seventh day of
Passover 5682 [21 Nisan – 19 April 1922]
his soul be bound in the bond of life.

detail of the one
to its left

lies the important modest woman,
Shifra Rivka daughter of Reb Yehezkel
died 23 Kislev 56?? at the age of 25 years.
May her soul be
bound in the bond of life.

Witness is his mound,
witness is this
stone to the heart of a man upright and honest…

lies a man upright and
honest…..Chaim Yitzchak son of Reb Avraham…

is this mound and this
stone…a woman of valor, the housewife, of many
qualities…. Ms.
Rachel daughter of Reb Moshe…

found…the modest kind-hearted
woman who turned from evil Ms.? Leah daughter of Shalom died 19
Tishrei 5650 [Monday 14 October 1889]
May her soul be bound in the
bond of life.

Here lies the modest woman Ms. ? daughter of Reb ? HaLevi ? died on
15 Adar in the year ? by the abbreviated era.
May her soul be bound
in the bond of life.

Here lies the modest woman Ms. Freida
daughter of Yakov…

An acrostic poem spelling the name of the deceased Yitzchak....

Here lies the prominent R’ Yisrael
son of Yitzchak…

Here lies the modest woman, died in her youth, Sara Chaya daughter of Reb Yehezkel

Here lies the woman Ms. Chaya daughter of the great rabbi Moshe. Died on 10 Shevat in the year ?.

Here lies the prominent rabbi, learned in G-d’s piety,
our teacher and rabbi Bezalel son of our teacher Moshe of
blessed memory, died on 4 Iyar 563?

Here lies Reb Yosef Hillel son of Reb Mordechai, died 25 Heshvan in the
year 5633 [Tuesday 26 November 1872] by the abbreviated era.

Here lies a generous upright man Reb Yehonatan son of Reb Arye Broda,
9 Nisan in the year 5629 [Sunday 21 March 1869] by the abbreviated era.

Here lies a man upright and honest Alexander son of our teacher and rabbi ?
Died on the ? day to the month of ? in the year 5629 [1868/69]

Here lies the important woman Miriam daughter of Reb Arye Leib.
Died on 12 Nisan in the year 5629 [Wednesday 24 March 1869]
by the abbreviated era.
From Tryškiai [Trishik in Yiddish]

Here lies Reb Efraim Aba son of Reb Yakov HaLevi died 21
Heshvan in the year 5635 [Sunday 1 November 1874]
by the abbreviated era.

A grave for a mother and her son.
Here lies Leah Dvora daughter of Reb Yitzchak,
4 Tevet in the year 5631 [Wednesday 28 December 1870] by the abbreviated era,
and her son Yitzchak Eliya, died on 8 Tamuz [Tuesday 27 June 1871]

Here lies the woman Ms. Rivka daughter of Reb Yehudah Leib.
Died 24 Kislev in the year 5632 [Thursday 7 December 1871]
by the abbreviated era

Here lies a man upright and honest, our teacher the rabbi Shlomo son of
Reb Avraham. Died on the 12th day to the month of Elul in the year 5632 [Sunday 15 September 1872] by the abbreviated era.
It is the wish that his soul will be bound in the bond of everlasting life. Amen

Here lies the woman Rivka daughter of our teacher Yakov.
Died on 6 Mar Heshvan in the year 5615 [Saturday 28October 1854]
by the abbreviated era.

Here lies Reb Yitzchak son of Reb Yehoshua died on 21 Iyar 5629
[Sunday 2 May 1869]
by the abbreviated era

Here lies the modest woman Sara Beila daughter of Reb Avraham Katz.
Died 11 Sivan in the year 5626 [Friday 25 May 1866]

Here lies the woman Ms. Shechana? Daughter of Reb Yakov ?
Died o 28 Elul ?

Here lies the important woman Nechama Daughter of HaRav
Avraham died…

Here lies our teacher Yitzchak Zelig son of Reb Issachar.
Died 13 ?

Here lies Mr. Shmuel son of…

Here lies the woman Bluma daughter of our teacher Yakov died 22…

Here lies the important woman Freida daughter of our teacher Yitzchak died
19 Kislev 5618 [Sunday 6 December 1857]
by the abbreviated era.

Here lies the important woman Rivka daughter of our teacher Ajzik
Died at the age of 22 years on 22 Second Adar 5619 [Monday 28 March 1859]
by the abbreviated era.

Here lies the scholar Yitzchak son of Reb Baruch died on the first day
of Passover 5619 [15 Nisan – 19 April 1859]
by the abbreviated era

For eternal memory. For here lies a man upright, honest and virtues.
Reb Yitzchak son of Reb Zelig of blessed memory, died on 28 Iyar ?

Here lies the young man…

Here lies the important woman Sheite daughter of our teacher
Heshil died 5 Second Adar 5612
[5612 was not a leap year. Wednesday 3 March 1852]
by the abbreviated era.

Here lies a man our teacher and rabbi Efraim son of Reb Yitzchak Ajzik
died 22 Sivan in the year 5632 [Thursday 1 February 1872]
by the abbreviated era.

The stone in back.
Here lies the beloved our
teacher the rabbi Mordechai son of our teacher the rabbi Nachman of
blessed memory. Died and was buried on 1 Av 5624 [Wednesday 3 August

lies the beloved our teacher the rabbi Mordechai son of our teacher the
rabbi Nachman of blessed memory. Died and was buried on 1 Av 5624
[Wednesday 3 August 1864]

Here lies the important woman Ms. Bat-Sheva daughter of our teacher
Mordechai died on 15 Menachem Av in the year 5608 [Monday 14 August 1848]
by the abbreviated era.

Here lies our teacher the rabbi David son of our teacher Shimon Shema. Died on 25
Iyar in the year 5606 [Thursday 21 May 1846]
by the abbreviated era.

[Duplicate of the last stone}
Here lies our
teacher the rabbi David son of our teacher Shimon Shema. His soul left
on 25 by Iyar in the year 5606 [Thursday 21 May 1846]
by the
abbreviated era.

Here lies the scholar our teacher Yakov son of our teacher Reuven.
Died on the second day of… |

The stone on the right.
……..Aharon ? son of HaRav Mordechai died on the first day of the holiday of
Sukkoth in the year 5599 [15 Tishrei – 4 October 1838]
by the abbreviated era.

Here lies Reb Ben-Zion son of Reb Yakov HaCohen.
Died on 9 Kislev in the year 5601 [Friday 4 December 1840]

Here lies HaRav Chaim son of Reb Yakov died on 27 to the month of
Menachem Av in the year ?

Here lies our teacher and rabbi Chaim son of
our teacher and rabbi Shimon? Ajzik. Died on
9 to the month of Sivan in the year 5597
[Monday 12 June 1837]
by the abbreviated era

The tombstone on the left.
Here lies Ms. Feika daughter of our teacher Arye.
Was buried on 28 Tamuz in the year 5598
[Saturday 21 July 1838]
by the abbreviated era.

Here lies Ms. Feika daughter of our teacher Arye.
Was buried on 28 Tamuz in the year 5598
[Saturday 21 July 1838]
by the abbreviated era.

A marker to a beloved soul.
Here lies the modest woman Ms. Leah daughter of our teacher and rabbi
R’ Aba Meir died on Wednesday morning 9 Nisan in the year 5652 [6 April 1892]
by the abbreviated era.
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.

Here lies the woman ….


Here lies Reb Binyamin son of HaRav Yakov, 20 Second Adar 5546
[Monday 20 March 1786]

Here lies…Eliezer …

Here lies the woman Dvora daughter of ? of blessed memory.
Died 14 Adar in the year 5595? by the abbreviated era.


Here lies the woman Dina daughter of our teacher Arye Leib… |

Here lies David son of Reb Yakov…….died in the year 5594 [1833/34]

Here lies the important woman Ms. Rivka daughter of our teacher
Akivah. Died 6 Shevat In the year ?
by the abbreviated era. |

Here lies the woman Zipora daughter of our teacher the rabbi David
Died on the first day of Iyar in the year 5620 [Wednesday 2 May 1860]
by the abbreviated era.

Here lies Reb Yehudah Leib son of HaRav Yakov died on 25 Second Adar in the year
5603 [Monday 27 March 1843] by the abbreviated era.

Here lies our teacher David son of the honorable teacher Yitzchak
Died 11 Second Adar 5600 [Monday 16 March 1840]
by the abbreviated era

….Rachel daughter of our teacher Mordechai died on 15 Tevet 56??
by the abbreviated era

Here lies our teacher Shmuel…..


Here lies the prominent rabbi, educated in G-d’s piety,
our teacher and rabbi Bezalel son of our teacher and rabbi
Moshe of blessed memory died 4 Elul 56??

The stone on the right.
Her lies the woman Ms. Chaya daughter of Dov died on 12
Shevat in the year ?

For eternal memory. For here lies a man upright, honest and virtues.
Reb Yitzchak son of Reb Zelig of blessed memory, died on 28 Iyar ?

For eternal memory. For here lies a man upright, honest and virtues.
Reb Yitzchak son of Reb Zelig of blessed memory, died on 28 Iyar ?

Here lies the scholar Yitzchak son of Reb Baruch died on the first day
of Passover 5619 [15 Nisan – 19 April 1859] by the abbreviated era

Here lies Reb Yitzchak son of Reb Yehoshua died 21 Iyar
in the year 5624 [Friday 27 May 1864]
by the abbreviated era

Here lies the woman Ms. Rivka daughter of our teacher Yakov.
Died on 6 Mar Heshvan 5626 [Thursday 26 October 1865]
by the abbreviated era

Here lies a man upright and honest, our teacher the rabbi Shlomo son of
Reb Avraham. Died on the 12th day to the month of Elul in the year 5632 [Sunday 15 September 1872]
by the abbreviated era.
It is the wish that his soul will be bound in the bond of everlasting life. Amen

Here lies the woman Ms. Rivka daughter of Reb Yehudah Leib.
Died 24 Kislev in the year 5632 [Thursday 7 December 1871]
by the abbreviated era

A grave for a mother and her son.
Here lies Leah Dvora daughter of Reb Yitzchak,
4 Tevet in the year 5631 [Wednesday 28 December 1870] by the abbreviated era,
and her son Yitzchak Eliya, died on 8 Tamuz [Tuesday 27 June 1871]


Here will rest a man upright and honest, God-fearing,
our teacher and rabbi R’ Yakov Yekil son of Rabbi
Yehoshua, May the memory of the righteous be of a blessing.
Died on 12 to the month of Iyar in the year 5621 [Monday 22 April 1861]
by the abbreviated era.

Here will rest a man upright and honest, God-fearing,
our teacher and rabbi R’ Yakov Yekil son of Rabbi
Yehoshua, May the memory of the righteous be of a blessing.
Died on 12 to the month of Iyar in the year 5621 [Monday 22 April 1861]
by the abbreviated era.

Here found rest Sheina daughter of Reb Avraham…

Here found rest….Sheina Shiva…

Here lies Yitzchak son or Reb Shmuel died 16 Shevat 5645
[Sunday 1 February 1885]
by the abbreviated era

Here lies a man upright and honest Yehudah Leib son of
Reb Yosef, died ? ? ?
May his soul be bound in the bond of life


Here lies HaRav Sender Eliya son of Reb Dov Tuvia died
22 Elul 56??
by the abbreviated era.

Here lies the modest. Passed away Sara Beila daughter of Reb Avraham Katz
Died ? Sivan in the year 5626 [May/June 5626]

Here lies the woman Nechama daughter of Reb Yitzchak
Died ? Kislev in the year 5620 [Nov/Dec 1859]
by the abbreviated era

Here lies Reb Moshe son of Reb Yakov ? Tishrei 5608 [Sep/Oct 1847]

Here lies Reb Yehoshua son of Reb…

Here lies Reb Yakov son of Reb Yehudah Leib died
on the second day of Sukkoth 5613 [16 Tishrei-29 September 1852]
by the abbreviated era.

Here lies the important …

Here lies Reb Yakov son of Reb Yehudah Leib died
on the second day of Sukkoth 5613 [16 Tishrei-29 September 1852]
by the abbreviated era.

The stone in back.
Here lies our teacher the rabbi Elhanan son of Reb Moshe.
Died on the eve of the month of Tevet 5647 [30 Kislev-27 December 1886]
by the abbreviated era.

Here lies our teacher the rabbi Elhanan son of Reb Moshe.
Died on the eve of the month of Tevet 5647 [30 Kislev-27 December 1886]
by the abbreviated era. |

Here lies our teacher Yakov son of Reb Yitzchak died 18 Iyar
5623 [Thursday 7 May 1863] |

Here lies Reb Moshe son of Reb Haim died 13 Adar………

Here lies the woman Cheina daughter of our teacher Shimon Katz…

Here lies Reb……….died 15 Tamuz…

Here lies our teacher Alexander son of Reb Avraham.
Died ? Menachem Av 5607 [July/August 1847]
by the abbreviated era.

…Chana daughter of Kalman died 13 Elul 5607 [Sunday 27 June 1847]

? son of Elhanan…

…Chana daughter of Kalman died 13 Elul 5607 [Sunday 27 June 1847]

? son of Elhanan…

…Avraham? son of RebYosef died 2 to the month of Tevet 5601
[Saturday 26 December 1840] by the abbreviated era.
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.