The Jewish cemetery of Livani
Еврейское кладбище Ливани
Le cimetiere Juif de Livani

Livani cemetery

On September 2, 2009, as I was staying in my ancestors "shtetl", Vishki, I decided to drive to Livani and try to find the Jewish cemetery. I had heard, that it had been restored by the German Priest Klaus Peter Rex, who, then, restored the cemetery of Vishki.
The cemetery was quite easy to find on the left, when you enter the town... but the problem was that the gate was closed, so impossible to enter the cemetery. I walked around and saw an hole in the wall and jumped into this  beautiful cemetery....

Livani Jewish cemetery. September 2009          Livani Jewish cemetery. September 2009         Livani Jewish cemetery. September 2009
                  The entrance( ugly) of the Livani cemetery                                        The wall around the cemetery                                  The hole!

The Livani cemetery is very small but so pretty, a litthe hilly, only pine trees...So moving, though I have no ancestors there.
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Translations of the Raduraksti Latvia Vital Records

Translation: Sara Mages
The Livani Jewish cemetery. Latvia. September 2009 The Livani Jewish cemetery. Latvia. September 2009 The Livani Jewish cemetery. Latvia. September 2009
The Livani Jewish cemetery. Latvia. September 2009 The Livani Jewish cemetery. Latvia. September 2009

The oak of weeping [lamentation]
The modest woman Ms. Hesa/Chesa Miriam
daughter of R’Yosef of blessed memory, Baradin
…..died on the first day of Elul in the year ?,

May her soul be bound in the bond of life.

The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009

Here lies the virgin Rivka daughter of R’ ? Onik/Unik
May his light shine, died 20 Tevet in the year 5674 [18 January 1914]

May her soul be bound in the bond of life

The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009

Here lies the woman Michle Malka daughter of Leib, died 2 ? 5669 [1908/9]

May her soul be bound in the bond of life.

The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a man upright and honest, our teacher and rabbi
Chaim Yosef son of Reb Aharon Yehudah Rochman/Rachman,
died 3 Kislev in the year 5674 [2 December 1913],

May his soul be bound in the bond of life
The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a man upright and honest Reb Tzvi Hirsh
son of R’ Eliezer Blechman,
died 13 Iyar 5672 [30 April 1912],

May his soul be bound in the bond of life
The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies the deceased Chaim Baruch son of Reb Simcha Aharon Haberman/Heberman,
died 3 Iyar in the year 5671 [1 May 1911],

May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a man upright and honest
Reb Dov Ber son of R’ Akivah of blessed memory,
died 25 Adar in the year 5674 [23 March 1914]
by the abbreviated era,

May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies the virgin Sara Recha
daughter of Reb Yitzchak Aedelson/Edelson
Died 20 Second Adar in the year….
The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies the modest woman, my mother my teacher,
Ester Resize daughter of R’ Michael
who died on 2 Shevat 5693 [29 January 1933],

May her soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a respected woman Ms. Feiga Pesa/Pese
daughter of Reb Zerach Moshe.
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.
Died on Tuesday 16 Shevat in the year 5665
[7 February 1928]
The  Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a modest woman Ms. Isha  ?
daughter of Reb Avraham…
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
…..the young man Yitzchak son of Reb Chaim Zev,
died 27 Shevat in the year 567?
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a man upright and honest
Reb Elhanan Leib son of Reb
Yosef of blessed memory,
died 12 Kislev in the year 5669
[6 December 1908] by the abbreviated era,

May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a man upright and honest
Reb David Meir son of Reb Yitzchak of blessed memory,
died 5 Nisan in the year  ?,

May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies an honest man our teacher and rabbi
Zuchman son of Reb Tzvi,
passed away with a good name 2 to the month of
Heshvan in the year 5665 [11 October 1904]
by the abbreviated era,

May his soul be bound in the bond of life
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Zalman son of Gedalia
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
A marker for a tender soul.
Here lies a God-fearing honest man,
Eliezer son of HaRav Eliya Mordechai HaCohen,
died at the prime of his life
at the age of 38 years……
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009

Here lies a righteous man Aharon Feibush
son of Reb Yitzchak ? who died in the year 5662

26 Tevet [5 January 1902]

May his soul be bound in the bond of life

The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009

Here lies a righteous manAharon Feibush
son of Reb Yitzchak ? who died in the year 5662
26 Tevet [5 January 1902]

May his soul be bound in the bond of life

The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009

A marker on the grave of a modest righteous woman,Ms. Necha Miriam Draziz daughter of RebYeshaya of blessed memory, passed away and diedwith a good name on 2 Sivan in the year 5664[16 May 1904]

May her soul be bound in the bond of life.

The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a man upright and honest our teacher
Tzvi Shmuel son of Reb Yosef of blessed memory,
died 23 Nisan in the year 5670 [2 May 1910]
by the abbreviated era,
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies Reb Yehudah Leib son of Reb
Zenvil, died on the 6th day of Chanukah
in the year 5671 [30 Kislev – 31 December 1910]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies the important woman….
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
…..the woman….Sheine Rachel daughter of Zev ?
his memory will live in the next world,
died 8 Nisan in the year 5668 [9 April 1908]
by the abbreviated era
your offspring cry for you and
will remember the beauty of your name
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
A respected old man, beloved and honest,
our teacher and rabbi Yehudah son of  Reb Naftali
HaLevi  Godelman? …
died 1 or 11 Menachem Av 5676 [31 July or 10 Aug. 1916]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies the young man, a man beloved and honest who
followed the righteous path, Elhanan son of
Reb Aba…..
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies Reb Tzvi son of Reb Moshe ?
died  27 ? 5680  [1919/20]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a modest woman ? ?
daughter of Reb Yehudah Leib,
died 4 Nisan in the year  ? …
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies the modest woman Ms.
Chana Sara daughter of Shmuel Liwen?
who left the land of the living and died
with a good name 23 days of the month of
Mar Heshvan in the year 5667 [11 November 1906]
by the abbreviated era
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies an important man, righteous and honest
Moshe son of Reb Yitzchak Wassermann ....
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies the elderly Mr. Shlomo ? son of
Yehazkel Schich……
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies the important woman Ms. Michle/Michla
Dvora daughter of Reb Eliyahu of blessed memory…
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a modest respected woman, our merciful mother
Mrs. Nechama daughter of Reb Yisrael Feibush of blessed memory
Kablenin, left the land of the living and died with a good name on
The first day to the month of Tevet in the year 5671[1 January 1911] by the abbreviated era
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.  
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a modest important woman
Ms. Hesa Rachel daughter of
Reb Yakov Porat, died on the 4th day of Adar in the year 5665
[9 February 1905]
May her soul be bound in the bond of life
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a modest woman Ms. Dina Rachel
daughter of Reb Yerachmiel Liwen? of blessed memory,
died on 3 Sivan in the year 5679 [1 June 1919]
May her soul be bound in the bond of life
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies Reb Eliezer Zev, was righteous and charitable, son of
Reb Yosef Wiseman died on the eve of the month of Nisan in the year
5674 [29 Adar - 27 March 1914]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a modest important woman
Ms. Beila Geishlash, daughter of Reb
Tzvi Hirsh, died on Sunday
29 Sivan 5668 [28 June 1908]
May her soul be bound in the bond of life
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies an important woman ? Rivka
daughter of HaRav Shemaria…
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a modest woman Ester daughter of
Dov wife of Trainin/ Trenin, who passed away on
26 Shevat 5663 [23 February 1903]
 by the abbreviated era
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies an honorable man, excellent in his good qualities, was righteous and
performed many deeds, his memory will be remembered for eternity, Reb
Mordechai Yehudah Leib son of Reb Gershon Treinin, died at the age of 58…..
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies the important woman Sheina Sara daughter of
Reb Avraham HaLevi Ravohin/Rabohin who died with a
good name on the eve of Yom Kippur….
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a woman important and respected, of great value,
Mrs. Ester Tzvia daughter of Reb Chaim Yitzchak
wife of Akivah Yosef, died 22 Sivan in the year 5671
[18 June 1911] by the abbreviated,
your offspring will carry in lamentation
in memory of the beauty of your name
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a man upright and honest our teacher and rabbi
Asher Zev, ritual slaughterer…..
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a respected man, God-fearing, Gabriel Zalman son of
Reb Shlomo ? ? died with a good name on
2 Iyar in the year 5682 [17 March 1926]
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies our beloved mother ? Pesawke?
daughter of HaRav Rafael of blessed memory…
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies our beloved mother Ita/Eta Leah Pesawke?
daughter of Reb Eliezer Yitzchak,
died 25  Nisan 5685 [19 April 1925] 
May her soul be bound in the bond of life
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies the elderly Reb Yissachar Rober/Ruber
 on of Reb Yehudah Kriger
who passed away 6 Tamuz in the year
5563 [1 July 1903] by the abbreviated era
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies a man upright and honest
Reb Yehudah ? son of Reb
Mordechai ? Bankev?, died 8  First Adar 5681
[16 February 1921]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies Reb Moshe son of Reb Eliyahu HaCohen
who died on Tuesday 16 Shevat in the year 5688
[7 February 1928]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
….Chaya Rachel daughter of Menashe Kadishewitz
died with a good name 20 Nisan 5695 [23 April 1935]
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
….Chaya Rachel daughter of Menashe Kadishewitz
died with a good name 20 Nisan 5695 [23 April 1935]
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009

Sheva- Raikha
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009 The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Here lies the elderly Reb Yehezkel son of Reb Nisan
of blessed memory, died 22 Adar…..
The Jewish cemetery of Livani. Latvia. September 2009
Other Jewish cemeteries in Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraina

- The  Jewish cemetery of Vishki ( Latvia)
- The  Jewish cemetery of Daugavpils ( Latvia)
- The  Jewish cemetery of Dagda ( Latvia)
- The  Jewish cemetery of  Livani ( Latvia)
- The  Jewish cemetery of Preili ( Latvia)
- The  Jewish cemetery of Kraslava ( Latvia)
- The Jewish cemetery of Rezekne (Latvia)
- The Jewish cemetery of Ludza (Latvia).Edited and scanned by Zeeva Levy and Chaim Freedman.
- The Jewish cemetery of  Gostini
(Latvia). New
- The Jewish cemetery of Talsi (Latvia)New
- The  Jewish cemetery of Kelme ( Lithuania)
- The  Jewish cemetery of Seduva ( Lithuania)
- The Jewish cemetery of Siauliai (Lithuania)
- The Ternivka mass grave site and the little cemetery (Ukraina)

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