Here lies the important woman
Hege or Chene/Hene , daughter
of Chaim.( wife). Died 2 Kislev 5655 (Friday. November 30, 1894)
or 20 Kislev 5655 (Tuesday. December 18, 1894)
(concerning the year the translator, Sara, is not sure)

Here lies our beloved father Moshe
son of Nissan. Died 5 Sivan 5669
( Tuesday. May 25, 1909) |

Zvi son of Eliezer. Died 11 Tishrei 5689 ( Tuesday. September 25, 1928)
May he rest in peace. |

Here lies our beloved mother Ester- Mere daughter of Reb Avraham. Died 4 Shevat 5673 (Sunday, January 12, 1913)
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.

Here lies the young man Yitzchak son of Reb David HaCohen
died on 8 to the
month of Sivan in the year 5681 [14 June 1921]
May his soul be bound in the
bond of eternal life.
Dans le Maguen David : Ici repose
Le jeune homme
Isaac fils de Reb David Hacohen
Décédé le huitième jour
dans le mois de Sivan
de l'année 681 (= mardi 14 juin 1921).
Que son âme soit liée au faisceau de la Vie
(translation in French by Avraam Malthete)

Here lies Ms. Rachel Rivka
daughter of Reb Yitzchak
who died on 8 Nisan in
year 5679 [8 April
May her soul be bound in
the bond of eternal life.

A double burial. The stone is divided
by a thin line.
The first 3 rows and the left section:
Here lies the man our teacher the rabbi Nate son of Reb Yakov who
passed away on the16th and 19th
[Friday 24 and Monday 27 January 1913] days in the month of Shevat in
the year 5673.
On the right side: And the man our
teacher the rabbi Yehudah son of Reb Zev.

Here lies Sarah, daughter of Tzvi. Died 11 Adar 5670 ( Sunday February 20, 1910)

A marker to a beloved soul, here was
buried my beloved mother
Mrs. Beila Ete daughter of Moshe Aharon
died 21 days to the month of First Adar 5668 [23 February
May her soul be bound in the bond of
eternal life.

Commemoration to a dear soul on our mother's grave
Nese, the daughter of Shraga. Died on 13 Shevet 5669.
( Thursday. February 4, 1909)
Land of life and went up to heaven.

Here lies a young woman (unmarried)
Raiza Miriam daughter of Yakov. Died 20 Av 5655 [21 August
May her soul be bound in the bond of
eternal life

….. our father Tuvya son of Aharon
died 4 Heshvan 5668 [12 October 1907]

Here lies the woman Gita Breina
daughter of Zev, died on 21
Heshvan 5662 [3 November 1901]
May her soul be bound in the
bond of
eternal life.

Here lies R’ Moshe Yitzchak son of R’
Yakov Katz died on the 6th day of
Heshvan 5661 [29 October 1900]
May his soul be bound in the bond of
eternal life.

Here lies a man upright and honest….
died on ? Shevat ?....

Here lies the important woman Mina
daughter of Reb MenachemKatz died on 23 Adar 5652 [Tuesday 22
March 1892]
May her soul be bound in the bond of
eternal life.

Here lies Reb Yisrael Michel son
of Reb
Zev who died on 15
Menachem Av in the year 5650
[Friday 1 August 1890]
the abbreviated era.
May his soul be bound in the
bond of
eternal life.

Here lies the young man Reb Tzvi Meir
son of Reb Yehudah
died on 23 Iyar in the year 5645
[Friday 8 May 1885]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life

Here lies Reb Yakov Yitzchak son of Reb
? ? ? died on 13 Mar Heshvan 5650 [Thursday 7
November 1889]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life.

The unmarried woman Mere- Freida, daughter of Asher Ze'ev, who passed away 7 Elul 5646 (Tuesday. September 7, 1886)

Here lies Menucha Breina daughter of Reb Sheraga,
died on 9 Tevet 5659 [Thursday 22 December 1898]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life.

Here lies Reb Chaim son of Reb Alexander, died on 2 Adar in the year 5652 [Tuesday 1 March 1892].
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies the modest woman Ms. Frieda daughter of Reb Aharon, died on
the 16th day of Second Adar in the year 5649 [Tuesday 5 March 1889].
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies the modest woman Golde Smire daughter of Yoel died on the
12th day of Iyar 5650 [Friday 2 May 1890] May her soul be
bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies the modest woman Ms. Frieda daughter of Reb Aharon, died on
the 16th day of Second Adar in the year 5649 [Tuesday 5 March 1889].
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life |

Here lies the modest woman Golde Smire daughter of Yoel, died on the
12th day of Iyar 5650 [Friday 2 May 1890] May her soul be
bound in the bond of eternal life |

Here lies the young man Avraham Lev son of Reb Yisrael Katz |

Here lies Yakov Yona son of Reb Meir died on the eve of the Holy Sabbath 3 Shevat 5650 [Friday 24 January 1890]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies the woman Sara daughter of Reb Eliezer, died on 21 Tevet 5653 [Monday 9 January 1893]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies Reb Yakov Shalom son of Reb Efraim Meir died on 10 Sivan 5650 [Thursday 29 May 1890]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies the woman Chava Shula daughter of Reb Tzvi died on 22 Sivan 5656 [Wednesday 3 June 1896]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life |

Here lies the righteous woman Ms. Sprintze Rashe daughter of Hanoch Katz died on 2 Mar Heshvan 5651 [16 October 1890]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life |

Here lies the virgin Ita daughter of Reb Binyamin Katz died on 28 Adar 5637 [Tuesday 13 March 1877]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life |

Here lies the woman Zelde daughter of Zalman died 1 Iyar 5640 [Monday 12 April 1880] |

Here lies the virgin Rzviya daughter of Moshe Eliyahu died 22 Sivan 5642 [Wednesday 27 June 1883] |

Here lies my father Yosef Yitzchak son of Reb Zev died on the 25th day
of the month of Menachem Av in the year 5642 [Thursday 10 August 1882]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies Reb Shimon son of Reb Yosef died 19 Shevat 5644 [Friday 15
February 1884] May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life.

Illegible tombstone |

Here lies Reb
Menachem Man son of Reb Tzvi died 26 Menachem Av in the year 5645
[Friday 7 August 1885]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal

Here lies the woman Mere…..daughter of Avraham? died on ? ?
in the year 564? |

Here lies. The lovely and pleasant in their lives and in their death they were not divided. The woman
? daughter of Eliyahu……and ? daughter of R’ Moshe…..
……son of R’ Yosef…..? Tevet in the year… |

Here lies Reb Zev Tuvya son of Reb Yehudah Leib
who died on 28 Shevat 5643 [5 February 1883]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life.

Here lies the modest woman ? daughter of Reb Yehudah
Leib….. |

Here lies the woman Pere daughter of
Yehudah died on 4 Elul 5642 [Saturday 19 August 1882]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies the woman Ester daughter of Sheraga
died on 12 Iyar in the year 5641 [Wednesday 11 May 1881]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies Yehoav? son of Reb ? Segel died on ? to the month of
Shevat in the year 5620 by the abbreviated era [Jan/Feb 1860]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life.

Here lies the woman Dreiza daughter of our teacher Meir
died on the 18th day of the month of Second Adar in the year 5632
[Tuesday 27 February 1872] |

Here was dug the grave of Reb Avraham
Dov son of Reb Yosef
died 23 Shevat 5635 [Friday 29 January
May his soul be bound in the bond of
eternal life.

Here lies the woman Ester daughter of Sheraga
died on 12 Iyar in the year 5641 [Wednesday 11 May 1881]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies the modest woman Pese daughter of Reb Eliezer
died on 19 Tevet in the year 5640 [Saturday 3 January 1880]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies the modest woman Beila Malka daughter of RebEliezer died 25 Kislev 5640 [10 December 1879] |

Here lies the young man Tzvi son of Reb Moshe
died 17 Nisan 5629 [Monday 29 March 1869]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies Reb Avraham Yitzchak son of Reb Rafael
died 25 Nisan 5624 [Sunday 1 May 1864]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies Reb Yekutiel son of Reb Shmaryaho
died 19 Iyar 5635 [Monday 24 May 1875]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life.

…..who died on the second day of Av in the year 5631… |

Here lies Reb Yitzchak son of Reb Yakov Katz who died on 29 Elul 5638 [Friday 27 September 1878]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life.

Here lies R’ Yitzchak son of Reb Nachum Segel died on 26 Shevat 5627 [Friday 1 February 1867]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies the woman Shifra daughter of Reb Yosef died on 16 Adar in the year 5628 [Tuesday 10 March 1868]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies R’ Yehudah Ajdel son of Reb Yitzchak Ajzik ? died on 19 Kislev…. |

Here lies the woman Rachel daughter of Reb Chaim died on 19 Shevat in the year 5611 [Tuesday 14 January 1851]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies Reb Yitzchak son of Reb Yehudah died on 25 Mar Heshvan in the year 5624 [Wednesday 4 November 1863]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

A marker to the soul of a beloved modest woman Ms. Ester daughter of
HaRav Yakov ? died 10 Menachem Av 5608 [Wednesday 9 August 1848]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life |

Here lies our father R’ Eliyakim son of Yehiel Michel died on 1 Menachem Av in the year 5629 [Friday 9 July 1859]
May his soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

Here lies the woman Tzena daughter of Reb Zalman died on 15 of the month of Nisan 5622 [Tuesday 15 April 1862]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life |

Here lies ? daughter of Reb died ? Sivan 5645 [May/June 1885]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |

…..from my eyes ….on the 12th of the month of ? 5629…. |

Here lies the woman Ms. Dvora daughter of our teacher and rabbi Yosef
died in the month of the 8th day of Heshvan in the year 5596 by the
abbreviated era [Saturday 31 October 1835] |

Here lies the woman Muse daughter of Reb Eliezer died 19 Nisan 5643 [Thursday 26 April 1883]
May her soul be bound in the bond of eternal life. |